xt7b5m628076 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7b5m628076/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1971-02-12 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 12, 1971 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 12, 1971 1971 1971-02-12 2020 true xt7b5m628076 section xt7b5m628076 . t
r4”? ”.1174" ‘q
Friday, Feb- 12. 1971 UNIVERSITY OF E ' - , »
K NTUCKY, LEXINGTON \ol. l.\ll. \o, H. . . -
if: f
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m“ x -. .- . . ,WN ‘ 2W ~ , '9- -' f '- 1 -'
s. -7 PM” (a: 5%? it W “Uh it” at .. i v ~' " 3- -' -‘ h
. f “ggfie ~1, it», Hit)! rang ; s a, .' , . g3. 4‘. “
. , ”a...’¢?§rjgt( h . 1-: fiifl?€¥”A . ‘ ’ tlt w rs it Hi lrrrrrr llr" \‘ ‘t 7.: .’. f
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.. v afiéfiwh. 9: ” iner Sltltttrtm lr‘, tlrr a I'm" ‘~ "It. ‘ ‘,-_ j ’i
Contestants in the first round oi Quil Bowl '71 ponder the answer to a question. The: cm... (H A in... ”lurid M ”i. in.” .
are. from left to right, Jel't Lankiord and Tom (Zonyerse ol the Merry Prankster learn. on tiurthcr V “n.1, tn”... ., 4 'r’...’ .'.:\._ l
Mmmmm and Pam Hall, Debbie Fendlty. Kay Domino. and Patty Penis ot' the Zeta Tau Alpha H... ..(........\\..,.. ' -~. ,>
. . . learn. The other two members ot the Pranksters. whith won 220 to lg"). were _lell Boeker ()yer 13o ...,....r,, ,. ., , I _. i
and Brian (lonles. The next rounds ol the Studnt (Ienter Board sponsored ~erics will be Lexington Home lerrirbvp. \ h I“ :9:
held on Feb. l6 IS 23. and ‘25. They will start at 7:00 {b.nt. in the Student (Icnter Thea'rc. .0. mm”. ”MP1”! H” .A,. In N. f . ‘ t U f
a 4 (Kernel photo by Bill (lraig) ”r n..,..,...,_..,r., itir'ia'x 2:: h}... .33.“... ‘ . '
“ 6 . 9 ot persuading the f"!f¥r¥tt,\\'r' \ " ’j
Pollce buffs not to bar; turther \t writ ‘rr 5'37.‘ ‘ 5'. V. '
ons rrr the t‘tt\. ' ‘ 1
. . . :\ splrls’csnrat! in." ”W Q'rr'l; it; f
A uxlllar s uad almost like re l .
y gu a r8 ban would "terrrrnratt- «a st"."li .‘ ~ .
l‘. reduce“ the iol)s of it) tttttt r j“ .' V‘ ' I‘,
By JIM WIGHT L.P.D. badge, and are author- meant that the auxiliary also _\‘(,“-_ ”HM. rrren 1‘“ t}... ...,\,'}.'...-\ isooo workers in it” Lisgzrh it“. ‘ .~ 7'
Kernel Staff Writer ized to carry a concealed wea— attracted . . rcdvrrctks and all h...“- I‘puuhu‘ 11th am} 1},” ton area. ()t' lllt‘M _ .itw‘ritr‘l $1M“ w," H I.
Chances are that there “r" pon. And yes, they have the guys to whom being a police- don‘t 1...“. the mm. to (hum. would he (Uirslt‘tirttrr'r ain‘t,“ w '-
many TCSldE’htS 0f Lexington power to arrest. man means power. It's guys to becoming good. lll'slvclass I)”. he said. if .-" l' f, )v
who have ”9"” heard 0f lh" 1”“ “'h" 1"“ these ”“‘”~ how like this wearing the uniform licemen." \ltta'r-gor said hrs :r'o‘rp -_ I I.
POhCC auxiliary—and probably did they become "para—police- that can give a department a Assistant (ihict Ransdcll cn~ ’lUtHL‘ t0 l'ihttlls't'n‘t hwmtv I 1’ I“ "“1 If ..
they never will. men." hOW hiM‘ they hfl'“ bad name with the people." thusiastically painted an analog“ ‘httti “dill th" (”MPH W“ f," -'
The auxiliary has ”0t drawn trained and “hill are the limits Each applicants, background of the police auxiliary with the NH” {W tht' ”IN-Adst \ Ht a} i. A t
”WCh Phl’h“ notice in its 30 0f th‘h functions? is investigated. according to military reserye, but failed to tit} tIUVt‘I‘Hmt‘Ylt" l:".~ .‘. 1: f 5.'
years of existence. ()rgani'led The Police Auxiliary, as the ”.119. in the same nun...” as if int-ludi- 1}“. {mi um m(.1. mm; \lrtlr-egor said ti ’li «a, it". .I'. "
before \Vorld \Var II by Police name implies, is only a suppor- hp were applying for :r :,.}, as a tary reser\‘ist t‘Xleriences .1“, Continued on page 3. (j... . .r
(:hk’f Austin B- Price. the aux- UV" agent for the POhCC depart- rookie patrolman; . . he has same basic training that regular ~. : “ I: it
ilury has stipplemented the res—z- ment. and the work done by Its to be a reputable, responsible army pvrsonnpl :0 through. '“m"m’""”" ” ' '2 ' 1. " _
“h" Lexington 130““? f0“? pri- members is 0“ a part-time. citizen. naturally." A man is ”The Anny, ‘Nayy, .\larrnc 7 I' ‘1. ' ’
marily in the capacity of traffic strictly volunteer basis for which checked for such things as crim— Corps. (Toast. Guard and Air w eatller ; ~- ' ‘.
control officers. they TCCCiVC‘ "0 compensation. inal record. record of insanity Force all have reserves." Rans- F t f Le ' d .- h r . 1'
These are the bluemcn, whom So, to begin with, these men and quality 0f character. ' (191] said. “And with u... “mi... cigliiecfsClord xintgton. ”(10d "‘ -_j 1.7;";
you assume to be policemen. must be. as Chief E. C. Hale lie“. .00. officer Smith dis- of a pen the President of the Cloutdl. as; 2:“. ”mid :y'
who handle the tremendous How of the Lexington Police De- agreed, stating that he knew of t'nitcd States can activate these nightysnow flmrPelIslgt :0 hfr n: 1- »’. ‘- .
of traffic that has been known partment characterized them. 31 man, a member of the auxil- reserves and we’ve got one hell Saturiia Hi h tlem 2.1:?“ at l . ,.~.
to congest the city from time to . . interested in police work; iary, who had a criminal record. of an arrm. Now the auxiliary day in "Ed 40%. low fem re 0: ‘8 .' ~i I l
- , . . . - . - . . - - . . peraturr .. . _,
trrne. The} wear what appears police butts. you know. they like There is a question about police. on a small scale. is a po- tonight near30- hi htem raturi‘ f.‘ .' ‘. . "V'
to the untrained observer to be police work." . . physical requirements. lice reserve. \Vith the stroke ot Saturday in mid 380's. ngcipita- i‘ I , i _
lilt‘xihiiiiih ‘11::{3'2213-1‘ tylsl'iiiiroih: Smlith iJifithi-iifiieeiioiihine()){fit(lii: it‘ll“. “They re tthe -u.ll.xlh.uryi a hen the thretnof‘Police can tion probabilities today 100 per- ,, _.
~ pretty (lost to our poliu stand d(ll\dl( tltt auxiliary and use cent; 50 percent tonight; 10 per- _ (r . . . .
. ards—they don't have to have them in the same manner that cent tomorrow. ‘ -. I:
D 6 9 . h dd. t the weight or the height—we the President would use the ,a" ;' ’_'. ", I
" rug rap Wit a EC 8 have some that are short by our army reserye." W"""”""’ 1* ’-. '
standards. but generally they ________.__—_————— .4 t i
[an d T d stay pretty close. . . . \Ve do ‘ " _. ‘--:._ 5.4.? r ‘r
P ‘ "8 0r ues ay have a man with one or two ‘ i M s ." .1"
_ fingers oil. but since it didn't r g '. ', . ' .'_:
By MIKE MlLA“ were a prime target for other pose any problem it was all right ‘ . i.- t. i " r - . 2‘
Kernel Stal‘l' “'riter such seminars. with us.” ~ $3; ~ 1‘ *3 t ., " '
A drug seminar, sponsored by Together. “(1" “"d ML'RCV' (‘ity (Torrrrrrissroncr 'l onr l'rr. - ‘ . ,‘A C 4'; 2-3 A . fl 1
the, Clinical Research (jenter and "OMS have been preparing for derwood: “I would s.r\ that - .y ' i ',..€-" . ire ‘ 'i"~ . L - i
hosted h." 59‘9” ““1110” from the program for nearly .3 month many of them could not pass the " " w‘ , h V i 4- -. ‘ ', - V'
that institution, will be held and hem stressed the mformal- same phy sical exam that is i'e- “a t “ ‘
Tuesday in room 206—A of the “Y“Ohthe 59§510n- . (ruin-d oi a police olliccr. \larw - . . . f , I , . .1 ‘ ‘
Student Center. The women are IFS nothing more than a (115‘ of them are probably not within 3:,» .- a " ‘2 ‘ l '3. .. t. ' . .
former drug addicts and will “15510“ on the drug Situation the age that you lane to be to I . - :‘4 I "t .7‘ ,
“rap” on the consequences of Wh'Ch hopefully W1" expose bc a police'rccruit. although ' - ,. , {*2 ii i "' .‘
narcotic abuse. some Of. the usual fallacies that they certainly are within the ,' ‘Tl I , h i " l i r‘ '
Dr. \Villiam T. McReynolds, have arisennwlth the increase 0f age group that is scrying thc .., ~ ‘ I “I ” l , h . ,"r -. '1’ I
coordinator of SIGHT (Self and drug “36’ McReynolds .de— city. a. . ' . . ' ‘ :3" . . ‘ i l ,1 .

' Interpersonal Growth and Hap- clared. These are seven bright ()tticer Smith: “There are aw ' ' I“. ‘ i' . ' ,_ hr .
piness Training) at the research and intelligent young women quite a few in the auxiliary who .. _ __ r” N i z... " I ‘ ”w " A, ~'
center said that the program who definitely have something couldn't come close to passing ., ._ »_ " = .. g; m -“ 1‘. ii I
hopes to attract people both to say about subcultural types our physical . . . and there arc ;, is m i . xefli ,‘ 7 f ' 7“
with and without a drug prob- "f drug problems. , se\'eral with very bad eyesight." I -8.__ imiw.;‘"” Wm. ~ “3" i ‘ . i 9.
lem. “The girls are a credible The program wont be the Training procedures also make - - u: . ' ’ w , it . V l- u ‘ ‘
source of information since usual type, McReynolds implied. an interesting comparison. — Afi,‘ W M“ . - .~ ' i ,-
much of the material thev will “We are trying to “Did the Th“ l't‘flt'h” 1’01”" "”0““ ”l" m... -. 718W. .. 9 . i ' ‘ . 'i
be talking about contains a. great preacher’s .dilemma, _Wh(’1‘e the dcrgoes lH weeks of intcnsiyc -‘ fig... anew " . ‘ “‘5 p _ . ,1 . ' - > A ‘.
deal of pergmm] experience," be “5113' dont “59 thls or that classroom training, while the ‘ . ‘ "a ‘ . “ Tim ‘ ._ . ' .‘
said. type 0f thing is employed. In- auxiliary member meets once a ‘ ‘° 1.: “ “w? . . ’ -

“The whole PUIPOSG, or at “Hid the girls will be CHEF"?! month with a member ot the ~ *““'s H... “w 9 ~' . i .
last a great deal of SIGHT is ”1“," 0“.“ hws as examples. 1-1).!) “h” “WWW“ him i“ s 's- ,5?" I ‘ . ‘ ‘
to train ex—addicts to become 1}". SIGHT community at lh“ Wm“ t’htN' “l PUhH' l"”““‘h”“ M ‘“ ~' .‘ . U
counselors. then to put these “PM" is an experimental self— S‘HH“ it”t’““"‘”"‘ “' H‘ ., ' I . .
counselors to work. It really can help therapy program for female “”mhwl ”l‘ h‘ “8"” (‘h-Wl” i p. . I . ‘ ‘ ,
be, a fantastic experienee’here ”ddil‘ts' It stressesgmup proc— “I’ll": ”\h "1““ i‘ ”Ml “" . '
at UK," McRevnolds mentioned. (“05‘ sensitiyity training and in- ‘h‘h'l‘l h‘JVP it “"‘ll “Fllhh‘l P” x ‘ .

Dean Robert Elder, assistant terpersonal encounters. The pri- lice force. The police, and we ‘

, dean of students, noted that if mary goal 0f the community, hm'“ "“‘I" t-Wml POhU‘ l" l"'\' Tal' tht t, ‘
Tuesday's program is successful, lrowever,“according t0 MCRGY' ington. in my opinion, haye be— ‘e d o . _
it could be moved to other "Oldsr Is to give the addlCt gOOd (‘OIHL‘ Prt)f('85l()ltalS—tllf’}’ lllth‘ to The snow lingus and turns to slush bill escn slush (an make good
places around campus. [—19 men- therapy 31“! Eff them 01“ to 97" be several things that an ordi» throwing missiles. This was a running battle . . . the protagonists rc
tioned that the residence halls JOY hfe again. nary citizen does not have to be. main unidentified. (Kernel photo In keith \lnsit'l)

 ' .
2-THE KENTUCKY KERNEL, Friday, Feb. 12, 1971 _. _ ,________________
K I ' l ' ' ' ‘ ' I
_ y. egls atlve commissmn l( l I i .
. l l h . news erne S l
, FRANKFOTKT, Ky (AP)I—A SuchaI plan by President Nix— ficial call has not been issued MENLO PARK, (julifI_T}w earthquake near Los Angeles
proposal Ithatbov. Louie B. \nInn on is before Congress, but ad- ert, the only topic he has men— may have speeded up nature’s time clock for an inevitable
include federal revenue sharing vocatIes are worried that it will tiIoued so far is state reappor- great quake somewhere along California’s restless. 700- ' \
on . the agenda of the special be killed or delayed by key op- tionment. . . mile-long San Andreas fault, said Dr. Jerry pI Eaton, head of T
legislafive session drew no action ponentsI—henceItheI recent move There was no discussion or the National Center for Earthquake Research. II
. 3:13:53effi'ifnilfin”mam 31.355012:Z‘l'fiiltllilé’i'i'ffliii’:‘“t dZEZite Shrilfé’tf'iigaihffli The “”06”“ “t “95““ “Wt“? “b"“t- 2" ““1“ t" ti
. ‘ ‘ “ ' Upton said st; states alread . f0 other matters 1 “ the Pacific Ocean side of the San Andrews, which has been I T
' . However, in aroutinemeeting l‘v" . t 'ed' ‘ 1‘1 _ l )_ " . slipping elowly for unnumbered centuries. ei
, ' of less than an hour, the LRC .14 t applrovI Id 21.10”: IrtesoIIuI New “Kim” “A slow northwestward movement on the ocean side of
I approved the htth‘t-I 0t 3 new “Oh on t e conven loh' was One was approval to hire a the San Andreas has been determined," Eaton said. “It could
. _ . I drafted by the CounCil for State . . . ~. . _ . . . . a1
. stateauditor and referred astudy Governments new auditor for the Legislative be as much as two Inches a year. The resulting strain must is
‘ on a severance tax on minerals ”I .- . f} . . . - Alldit Committee. 5816(3th W85 ultimately be released by a major earthquake.” ‘ t
, , . . . . “Ht“ 0 the iiiiancialdmi- . . ~ C!
to its interimappropriationscour culties confronting so man I ]0_ Thomas E- Truempy, 30, 0t Dan- . ri
- ' mittee. . . ‘_ . ‘ t .. ville. \VASHINCTON—Re ). Ken Hechler said Thursdav he will
.- I . . . calities in our commonwealth, Truemi' will re lace Donald . ~. . II I k l' .1] . .- - 2', f . .1 '
. - The special session addition Upton said in a letter to the H' k' I DI f DP 'ill '1 introduce legislation next “cc to )an a stiip mmmgo coa .
. was proposed by state Sen. governor, “I feel it incumbent at "hi “IO 1 am e’ W 1.0 "t the Umted State“ _ , . . . . . I
A , Charles ['pton. Pi-Williamsburg. upon the General Assembly to rehtghet . recent 3 to enter Pr" His bill would also prohibit deep coal mining in national I _
' '. . . ~ . . . .' vate law practice at Lexington. forest and wilderness areas. . ~
_ He wants the legislature to Whhhh’t d5 quickly ‘45 DU-‘Mhh’ . .. . ~ . _ . . ,. . . .- . - . a:
. .. . ~ \ i . .- ‘ . . . . “ Tht LRC relayed t" tt“ AP The West \irgmia Democrat desciibed as a milk-and: ..
Pt‘tltli’” (“hi-WM h” it tt‘dt‘tul h“ "Km 0t hmh ‘t proposal. propriations Committceanatural ) - ‘. - ~.]‘ - r ' '
. constitutional comcntion allow- Nuuu has summoned the law- II . . "l I 'tt ..1 water approach lIres1dIent Nixons IpioposIa sIon stiIip mining j:
. iug federal rcy cnue sharing with makers into special session be- :Icsources h“Ixohhht ee proIposaI which are contained in the administrations environmental E
I . . . I. . 'Fel). 23 Althourh his of- or aI study of a severance tax packflgp
I ~‘tdt0- hlhhhh‘ t” on minerals. ‘
. t 0 0 C03] tax \VASHINC'I‘OX—d’rcsidcnt Nixon and Soviet Premier Ko- ‘ h
. Re ubllcan dell/188 The two major Democratic sygin joined Thursday in voicing hope that a new treaty 3 a
' ' 1 candidates for governor—former to ban atomic weapons from the ocean floors will be followed f .1
I .- Cov. Bert Combs and Lt. Gov. by progress toward curbing the nuclear arms race. 8
' . ’11 l . Wendell Ford—have come out The seabed treaty is the product of two years of negoti- t; c
. l ega campaign in favor of a tax on coal. ations at the (lent-ya disarmament parlcy. lt docs not prohibit 0
‘ ‘ Nunn has expressed his oppo— nuclear missile-firing submarines. but it does bar the cm-
. \\'.v\5lll.\‘(;'l‘()\{Al’l— House from various special interest SitiOll and Thomas Emberton, placement of stationary mass destruction weapons on the
Republican Leader (ierald li. groups, including stock brokers. the major Republican candidate ocean floor. C
- ' Ford says he stayed within in bankers. doctors. a labor union haS "0t commented on the sub- tt
' I - ,' law in his handling last fall 0t fund. and an oilman. ject yet. \VASHINCTON—The Nixon administration is assembling a h
311500 in campaign donations The CheCkS were signed CW” The LRC 11150 receiveda staff special squad to watchdog state efforts aimed at spotting ‘ a
', . .. that he failed to report to Con- by Ford to Republican head- report 0“ ”The Preservation 0f misrepresentation or apparent fraud, payment errors and f T
' . gress. quarters here at the same time Land Office Records." Among abuses in welfare programs. 5 D
Ford acknowledged in an in- that the party was plimping the recommendations: A special staff. currently envisioned at about 35 persons. t tt
‘ terview that he SIOt the money roughly the same amount— The state Shhhld hthh a is being created in the Health. Education and \Velfare Dc-
. . ‘ ' $12.233—back to Ford's district program to restore and preserve partment‘s regional offices to monitor a quality control sys— tl
. , to pay 0ft post-election dEhtS~ hthtt grant records and other Old tem required for state welfare agencies to reduce ineligibil- n
_ I It's. defends The Michigan congressman. documents Edge? 1“ the secre- ity and incorrect payments among welfare recipients. . fl
. ' ’ who acts as treasurer of his own tary Qt state S Otflce- A $20,000 ..
. ' v . main campaign committee. did physical plant manned by two \VASHINC'I‘ON—justicc Hugo L. Black. all but bald and P
' [,aOS pOIICy hIOt “St the $11500 th contribu— people could (It) the JOh' going on 85. concluded Thursday the Constitution does not
. t10h5 0" his SWOT“ statement to The restoration shop should give high school boys the right to wear their hair long.
' . - SAKZOK Ml" —L'.5. recon- the ”0““ required under the beIlocatedIin the Kentucky th' All the federal courts. including the Supreme (Iourt. are 6
I finance teams are operating (.orrupt Practices “\Ct- thhhal Shad)" 1h the Old hath- heavily burdened with important cases. the justice wrotc.
. I I .nfi Laos—but only in an in- . Instead. when the post-elec- thl‘ I . . . .I striking down the plea of a Texas schoolboy.
» . teigeirwthering role—and ttIOh money IWOhhd “P "‘I 0th? The socrety thhld hhcmhhh "Surely few policies can he thought of in which states
‘I be. are no American ground l‘ord campaign Ithhds m Ihts 8}“ uecessarydocumentsand store are more capable (than the Federal Covernmentl of decid- -
. combat troops in that country. hometown ht (.rand halhdh he ”“glh‘h‘s 1h a safe place. ing than the length of the hair of schoolbovs." said Black. h
- (ficial sources said Friday. .\lich.. it was reported as a l‘le- ldt‘h R0} CC. who wrote thfi re- ' tl
" . I the officials were askedabout publican dt’h‘tth’h' POI-1h Shhilthaltlhllhhhlshmftlhuthlv’ PARIS—Communist delegates at the Paris peace talks re-
. II 3 news reports that American sol- 'l totd “mt he tttthtid the [fight] ht llhthlrlud. aInt “3ft peatedly accused the t'nitcd States Thursday of invading 1
. . . . (hers had been seen in laos (19- t iecks Iover t0 theIt’(I)t head: {hit (\th .m‘? )caI owecIttIinaIss Laos. The ['nitcd States called the accusations “all non—
. - sizite L .8. claims that no Amen'- qllarters because ne nati reacneu ”It ilihhi ‘Ih “I“ “hm- 3‘0 tar d3 sense w
. .I . I ans would participate in the the legal limit his own campaign rehabilitation is concerned. I ‘ ‘ ' l l
. '. south Vietnamese ground as- committee could get under .\lich- C‘
> . sault. igan law. He said he had no 0 o o . P‘
t ' , The sources said the recon- knowledge 0t hOW or “'h}' the P d t l d ‘ tt‘
I . I. naissance teams had been oper- similar amount was fed back [.681 en la a VISOPS PrOpose it
I . ating in Laos for years and they htt‘; ht: other campaign SHOW". . . “t
' Were continuini their work. ’0“ t‘ sworn report to the '1 t ‘ t f f d l ' ('t
V . , - 'l'he LIN (Ittfmmand declined House ‘1‘le Ht hereby certify 1 es 1 He urlng 0 e era agenCleS
. . .I I m discuss any 011.1I1th)“\ U“ that the following is a correct I ~ 7' gt
‘ . . intelligence-gathering. but a and itemized account of each \\.\.\lll\(,l()\ ‘r\l" - -\ one most likely to cause dis- in recent years that the agen- n.
spokesman said ”gm-"I "There contribution received by me or Presidential advisory group pro- putes. would take most of the cies have slipped from even ac- . N
. I ' ' * '~ ' are no pg ground combat by any person for me with my posed Thursday that federal reg- agencies. technically wards of countability to the public and p.
. . " troops in Laos. There will be knowledge or consent . . . ulatory agencies be made more (Iongress. and place them strict- are actually serving the forces tr
‘ . I ”0 t.» ground combat troops Ford said in the interview ficcountablt‘ '3)’ tthWI'Ulg the!“ ly under the president's thumb. they should be regulating. u
' , q inside Laos." . that he had personally endorsed ”with: areninIof politics. l b Single administrators ap- To remedy this. the council iii
, . I In Washington. “bite House the checks hIis IIl‘ord for (ion- 1’ cgter'ttR‘IUl-ht‘1330et Iythe pointed by the president and recommended single adminis- U
. . I press word?” Ronald 1“ Zie- ilressILommittee funneled to IIIrcsi eInIts : :)yisory .ouncil on sevingat hispleasurewouldover- trators for a revamped system L
. . . ,I “It” said Our policy is and the (.()l headquarters. lie add- .xecuItivIIe I ritamIaatIion. Ithe see all regulated functionsexcept of regulatory agencies. The
‘. wrll continue to be that there edIII . ChImhhShhh" regu dtI'htt theh communications and antitnist Federal Communications Com- b
, . will be no L .8. combat troops 1 W011“ 53% under the m- things as transportation. com- n mission would conti l as a of
I ' or advisers in Laos." terpretation of the law as it has munications and trade would be ma ers. H . , . m e- t
. . . ) .- ~. panel of co—equals but With few- le
, Both ABC and (285 radio net- been Interpreted over the years. replaced by one-man “(hhhhs' lresident Nixon. apparently er members Antitrust re ula- d‘
I . . I. I , workscarried reports that Ameri- that my action was within the trators. anticipatinga hOWI fromCapitol tion would. be handled th a
. . ' , . . can soldiers were seen in Laos. 13W" hht the biggest Shitt‘ and the Hill. released the report without three-man board ‘ Y l1:
’ ~ ' uni orms. A I ' ‘I “Ch-V . I I -
. . said the bodyn 0/; tan afiigicczs; POIlutLOIl 0r PUTlflCdthfl? stop before making any Iiudg- pornted by the president and
. "I soldier dressed in a South \" t- ‘ ' . . , r . . merit. confirmed by the Senate to a]
. . I I "3 LL.\I\(.T()\. ky. (AP) _,\ tests of the water have never . serve at the pleasure 0f the gr
I . namese uniform had been evac- detailed description of howanin- uncovered a pollutant harmful The council 5 chief criticism president. giving them a politi- 51"
- "at?fl fromIl.aos.I dustrial plant purifies its waste to livestock, of the present systen‘ “'35 that cal status quite like that of Cab- 1“
”I '. I' lhe Lh (.ommand said water before returning it to lo- (Iorey. who is responsible for regulatory commissions are "0t inet members. —
. . American crews also are flown cal streams was provided Thurs- treating the plant's industrial sufficiently accountable t” “"5” While this would make them
I, I. Iinto Laos to recover downed hel- day in fe(leml court by a \ortli waste before it is discharged, "he for their “Chm“ and “"9 accountable for their actions in- T
‘ ; icopters bUItI they are protected American Rockwell (Iorp. reprc- described the procedures for therefore out Of Step With the stead 0t hthnil the semijudicial I
by South \ ietnamese troops and sentative. purifying the waste. He pointed times. autonomy they now claim it isnt
' ,’ . are on the ground only 10m: The explanation of purifica- out that in each step of the pro- ”Plural-headed administra- would also mean that an admin- he
. ‘. ' enough toIattach a slim: to the tion procedures came during tcs- cedure samples are taken to th’" is usually characterized by istrator ruling contrary to the It:
. ' downed aircraft t0 hft it Ollt- timony in the 8115.000 suit check for accuracy of the treat- shared powers. shared responsi- wishes of the president in a li- ht
. I lhe spokesman added thatall brought against the corporation Iricntstages. bility. and. for that reason. censing dispute .for example he
. . I I < efforts would be made to rescue by the \elson P. Van Meter After the waste istreatedwith shared ih‘deCt-‘h’h and unaccoun- could be summarily lifted and P‘
. 5:23:22 crewmen shot down family. I I chemicals and filtered. it is re- tability. the report said. _ . replaced With one who would if]
. .. I ”it \an \lcter family con- tained and aerated in holding lhe commissions. he‘hhmhtt follow the partyline
. . I lhe [Jilted Mates has prom- tends Hancock Creek. which ponds before being discharged With the Interstate Commerce Also critici7ing the time the , te
. , I . ised the South \ietnamese full flows through its farm in \\in- intollancockCreek. Commission i“ 1887~ were de- present commissions spend on ' ha‘
i .IS. air support in the Laotian chester. was polluted by the cor- He noted that fish and other libemtely made autonomous h‘ case-by-case adjudication of dis-
dnve. including htthtet'hhmhe” POration. aqatic life live in the holding an effort t0 insure impartial. putes the council recommended
andIhehcopters ItOT KImShiDs, ltockwell's materials engi- ponds. and as long as the fish nonpolitical safeguarding ”t the streamlining which would in- r
medical evacuation and troop neer. John (Zorey of Lexington. are living, "We know we're (lo- public'sinterests. elude creation of an Administra- 5‘
lifts. testifi ed. however. that company ing a good job." ”OWCVU. criticism hit-V arisen the Court of the United States. A

 U ' . o I . '
. ~ ‘ I. . ' .
"t 4 ___._____. THE KENTUCKY KERNEL, Friday, Feb. 12, l97l -—3 ' , V- .
o o . 4
I ‘ Musrc Review ' . ' . j
— “—— I I I.
e 18 a soy, lit 9. auss not good hero-types '
By BILL BUXTON probablytakea motorcycle apart an educational experience— ”I in something— boy falls for girl. if you could ever find out why i , A
Kernel Staff Writer and rebuild it blindfolded. how- can learn a few things from him. girl spurns him for bad boy. Halsey must keep moving. hm V '. '
_. Iliobert liedford is Big Halsey. ever. and Halsey can ride any- and I think 1 can teach him a nice boy leaves and goes home. that is left to the imagination . ', .
\Ilichaelj. l’oltardisLittleFauss. thing with two wheels (or two few. too. Halsey can handle The ending is just as Ipre- .\'ow Little Fauss does slmu , " fl. '
lhIe theater s Iadvertisement legs). It s a natural for them to any other problems by letting dictable—guess who meets in a a little more character depth— , .I . _'
claims that they re not your fa- team up and win everything in everyone see his gleaming teeth big motorcyle race? Guess who he learns to lay'em and [eaye‘en . . I.
ther stype of hero. which is fine. sight. so they do. a few times and tuniing on the gets dumped by the girl? And —but he's still basicallythesann . I- ”I'-
5 lhIey arent my type of hero. There are a few problems to old liedford charisma. for a grand conclusion, gUess As he replies to Halsey. "It i. - . '
eit ier. overcome first though. Halsey tiverything's happy as lied- who wins the big race? how you do" \Vhich gets even- , . '
Little Fauss and Big Halsey is on probation and has to race ford wins the races. lays the so much for the plot. That thing right, since the good an: ' «.I " 'I ' " I‘.
are motorcycle racers. 1 rouble under Little's name. and Little girls. and Little Fauss keeps the leaves us with character devel- wins in the end. _ " _' g . ..
is. Halsey couldnt keep a in~ has never been away from his cycle nmning. Since all of this opment. L'nfortunatelythereisn't l’ollardtn’eshardtogiveLitth .1. it ,- .
' cycle ninning.andLittlecouldn t admiring parents before. Little adds up to a lot ofnothing. the a whole lot of that. either. Big Fauss a little depth. but hi~ . '1. r
' ridea bicycle. Little Pauss could convinces his parents its all just script writers decided to throw Halsey exits the same way he performance is about the onl, TI 2 ' '1
1 came in—a conman who's a loser. redeeming one in the movie. The vtffl “.{i I .‘
’ o . In between. liedford manages rest of it isn't worth seeing un» ‘ ‘ i
Movle Review to show off his suntanned chest. less you like desert scenes with IV '
‘ "__—'-‘——. . gleaming white teeth. and a scar motorcycles racing across it. '. 7 1
f the length of his back. He also "Little FaussandBigllalsey” f ’ if.
3i UnlverSlty symphony nOt outdone gets to utter a lot of banal phi- is playing at the Chevy (Ihase ~I" I '
2% losophy like. ”It s not how you (Iinema for an extended engage- '.
E By BILL BUXTQN his performance and recieved 3 orchestra. and its cleanlinessand .d? “I; wIltieIrerohutve heten. in ment. ~I OI “ j I V .
. I Kernel StaffWriler well deserved standing ovation. orderliness are appeallingto the ma e i. d N 1 "0 " ma 9 _ I, -. . -.
\\ ednesday night the l’itts- The orchestra did an excellent ear. promises. . ——-———————— ' '. i
. burgh Symphony Orchestra gave job of staying with Mr. l’atch In this modern age, when one He 5 Othmlsh' 3 man 0" the KFRNFI CLA‘SlFlFD ADS f I' : it ;
t a concert in I.\lemorial (IZoIliseuni. on a very difficult piece to per- is used to being totally over- goI.I and (tn leaf onu forgetIIit. BRING RESULTS' .,I I I. . I. I .
i lIl‘llll'Sd'dy “lght the L anerSliy form; . . . “Vhehned b} lnllSlC. it is a pleas- JIO nn’l)‘ . has? eeps Irenllnf lng ._——-———_ ‘ I i. . 1‘” V“. I
't Symphony Orchestra gave a con- I ILIniverIsity ()rchestra director ant change to listen to music )011- hl-‘i might be interesting ,I I -,. .
cert in .I lIemIorIial llzill.IaIn(1even._ l hillip Miller deserves particular that asks to be listened to rather : . -‘ 4 ~ I
one sair . So what. praise for welding the soloIiIst and than demands it. A work Of this . I '-_~ . . .
‘ - >-
cracked notes in the horn sec- ‘. ‘ . . (icipine in t e orc estra. am e O S--K k D I ' .I : '
tion. the string section wasn't Patctli: $19.30“? buIt itIsquIlee- the} l\()rIchestraIresponded well. ' ‘ eepsa e ea er \- l V. ' .
nearly as large and didn't get Ten e( l “I 0” su )0“ 111.1 mg lh“ "“‘ltlle inch? 0f the CO"- f } . l 5
. as lush a sound. but so what.“ 1 ' Th . .. “R- _ l' .. . I cert “:35 Akrata by \annis i 3- I
f The L niversity Symphony had ‘t l-elplCQLi I IciPMXIIle,II IlfiIId .\enakis. a thoroughly Iavant- . 'I .~ " ‘ ,_ E
5 plenty of things the l‘ittsburgh Lam dIrt Ihl‘hl )U 1" (frici'leli “I “ garde composer and it is difficult What you ShOllld know about diamonds l. ‘. ‘ .~ '. -
i tooters didn't have. I rdfrIlIIes.I tt is one 0 IMI‘ mdhi to Judge his music since We have Whe yo k .t, f k .; I . - T
"10 5 a er D1900s 3‘" 1‘ "5'“ nothing similar to compare it n u HOW I S 01' ee 5 V. ~ " ‘i
Like \athaniel l‘atch for one as a classical example of the with. Zenakis was trained in P . I '.
thing. l’atch. a member of the theme-and—variation type ofcom- architecture and math and his a“ . .
”“15“ Stuff here. 15‘1"“ a beauti- POSitiO‘L music is built on blockstof sound If l .133 "a, 7’ ‘ l
. ful rendition of Rachmaninoffs The first hem on the concert rather than the melodies and ~48 ’ "I I I \ g ' ‘L '. i ‘
"Hapsodie sur Iin Theme de was ”Sinfonia \0. 8 in D \lit' chords we are used to hearing. a .- .. “-7." . -. 'g ', . V' .
Paganini Up. 43. 90' by l‘ranz Joseph Hayden. llis sounds. seemingly discon- ’ _, -> / . ,. I. Inf.“ * j
He could not be faulted on The composition is for a small nected. are actually put together I ‘ ”M - . U .53 |~. II I '. ‘ ‘
C . 5 mathematically. He is experi- fit _ , " f ‘ it ' -' ~ ' .
o . . . I : ”r.- : , I ‘ . '
0 ‘0' d p meets menting in timbres and colors. \- 3Q», ,- ' . . I. .
IF (Inlc foo grou forcing the instniments to play 3\ f1 {it . ’ v .3 . ,
“Food preservatives added" a group of Lexmgton Citizens in the estreImities of their ranges » . ‘ » .
—'l‘hese words found on many met Thursday night in the (Ilass- and achievmg sounds somewhat . '. -. ’ ’
. . room Building like electronic music. _ Y0" VC dreamed abOUt ‘OUF . ' fl ‘ r.
labels of market-sold food was ' . () be . l . diamond engagement ring a Lfiou- ,. m: :‘.E' ‘ . .
the main topic discussed when Mrs. Joan Hafeez.aLexmKton . Ine "W“ entire y sensual sand times. But now that you '- '.
house'Wife, was one of the or- m llSteIhlhil t0 the piece. and know it's for keeps, it's time to gt ‘7‘) . t. , . V.
I . ganizers of the group concerned every listener s reaction to it is stop dreaming and start learning , \Kyéé ~‘ - ‘ . ’ - 1" .
Builders prOIeSt with what it calls the current probably different. tor me there about [diamonds and thglf value. “NV \;2-:' ~ . ' I ’ . I ‘ ‘
. "wholesome food" problem. was mainly a lo“ feeling—wow are exaiffyusglilig (itselelrimfigsz \z " ‘ ”V” if