xt7b5m627z6j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7b5m627z6j/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 2005 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, July 2005 Vol.76 No.7 text The Kentucky Press, July 2005 Vol.76 No.7 2005 2005 2019 true xt7b5m627z6j section xt7b5m627z6j 445;; Volume 76, Number 7 U, S‘ Postage
”/ f M a,» , M , . e Kentuc Press Association
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July 2005 - Published by Kentucky Press Association/Kentucky Press Service
____—_____________________.—_ .
SNPA Travelin Cam us comes to UK
g I) , July
Event is Slated for are applicable to both daily-and non- how this can contribute to circulation News & Notes
daily newspapers of all Circulation growth and revenue. Included in this ,
July 27-29, free to sizes. session will be time management, '
All sessions are 0 en to all news- the carrier si n u and the im or— Second Mini boot cam 1
Kentucky newspapers paper departments. Il’articipation in tance to the govergll success ofpthe t f l 28 P ,
T sessions outside your area of respon— district sales manager and how both SBA 01‘ I 1.1 y V
lhe SOUthan . [Newspaper sibility is encouraged to gain a better field personnel and customer service The second 0f the Kentucky
Publishers Assoc1ations traveling understanding of the newspaper representatives must work together PressAssocrationnnmbootcamps
campus W111. make a stop m industry as a whole. to achieve "over the top" customer W111. be ‘ held July 28 m
Lexmgton again thl? year on July 27- Schedule of Programs: service. This is a session for the new Madrsonvxlle at the Country
29. at the Univer51ty Of Kentucky. Wednesday, July 27 manager in home delivery, customer Cupboard Remw‘}? .
XVlth a Pr???” Of events billed as 9:30 am. — 12:30 pm. service or single copy. Veteran man- .The onewday .Imm boot camp
new and improved. . Newspaper circulation - It’s more agers will have the opportunity to W‘waumam‘hmftmomg
b .Th? Traveling Sim}: us 151.21 waypf than just delivering papers (all share with other circulation profes— session . ij (Fourier-Journal V.
.. .7“?ng) no COSt’ .1g qua ‘FY train departments) sionals in the region. Newspaper reporters 3839’? Riley and Laura
lSng h to “SEWER” 1n the - Presented by Phil Hanna, employees outside the circulation DWW‘E'GWWPOLK‘“L%?1&” ~
out eastern ' ' ey are generally Anderson, Randles & Associates, department will also find this 595— orgamzeandexecute mvdepfl’i; 1
marketed tho newspapers “.mhm 100 Newnan, GA. sion to be an excellent View into the repomngofimportantcommmn—
3:11;:- lairarfitirfestsiiggdiitzgll:(521:: This session will cover home inner workings of a circulation :1), 135395;,4913’165 willinclude
and cuttin trgvel ex enses It 0 f fers delivery and single copy basics for department. weepgigfsgomgsémgxig; g
trainin segssion for :11 m ,' _ achieving excellence in those areas of 9:30 am. - 12:30 pm. =135ues'pw experts 1.911..
g , a]or news the circulation department. It will wanesrmgmg from A“) 2.21mi
paper departments With topics that also focus on customer service and See SNPA on Pa e 5 immef“ _ ’ ' ’
g Themehouraftemses
’ o sion-mil? be led? byIGe...¥;xzei,
We re looking for ways to cut back a... em
. . triflirthefl‘afly News in; Bowing
Statewide clas- ,4,” Such as the lobby- Looking at one recent financial foxReporters,”lmelwfl1havea
sifieds are our on Second 5 9% ing expenses each statement, I noticed one expense line vanetyefcamerasr WWII?!“
bread and butter. Thought legislative ses- item seemed well out of line. Above mid-shoetaswellasdigltatsm's, :
Because of those, ______ fie sion. budget considerably, above last formehandwntrammgfle
we’re able to fund Conventions year’s same period total. That line Mflaiséhave handomstotake
some 20 intern— B D m) i d T. Thompson ” and contests item, ”Credit card expense,” shows backwwmk. fl:
ships each sum- Kl’A Executive Director bring in a lot of how much we have to pay out to Imetwflcoversevemltopies
mer with KPA " money but those four credit card companies when the baskehotograpbytodxgital
member newspa- are costly. We income areas mentioned are paid for wormeigrtspbotogmphy,
pers. have to pay for speakers and hotel by credit card. More and more, spebmwsandhewtoshoetexmt—
Display advertising sales are $5 meals aren’t cheap.And while we’ve statewides, display ads, conven- mgt‘eaé
million a year and nothing to sneeze saved a little with the new contest tions, contests and even some clues Themstoffiiemmbeotcamp
at. Those sales are important but plaque version, each one still costs are paid by credit card. 13$15perperson’ihatmcludes 3
most of the dollars go to you, our us about $25. To be able to accept payment by Immatmgzstratmnformcanbe
member newspapers. We take part Take out statewides and display credit card has become a necessary fomdatwwwlcypresscom
for our ”commission,” but annually, ad sales, conventions and contests, evil. With them, we get payment a Formoremfemafion, call
92 to 93 percent of the $5 million is _ and you're taking away most all of lot faster on those line items. avidGreeratAat(800)254~
paid tonewspapers. , . . , f our income, at least the major Without them, we’d have to send 572}
Dues bring ' in, a lot and most ‘of sources. _ bills, follow up with phone calls and v,e-gvz
that goes .to cover the many KPA And there’s another .side of the . ' . . ~**SeeNEWSm€Page«12
services offered to you at no charge,. coin —- expenses. See WAYS on Page 8 "is? ' *7 . t 37:23???” ’

 Page 2 — The Kentucky Press, July 2005
K t k 1 ° th
en uc y peop e, papers in e news T]
Donations to a scholarship Heart” Scholarship Endowment at from the endowment fund will be recently promoted graphic designer
endowment in memory of David L. Hopkinsville Community College used each year to provide a scholar- Thomas Bell to production manag- Ke
Riley, an editor, photographer and has received $4,725 in individual ship to a student at HCC. The first er. Bell has been with the Ledger
reporter for the Kentucky New Era gifts since Riley’s death on April 13. scholarship will be awarded in April since August 2004. His job duties Dr_
for 24 years, will exceed $5,000 this The Kentucky New Era will add 2006. The endowment carries the now include designing special publi- _
summer and will eventually grow to $1,000 a year for the next five years name ”Servant’s Heart,” in recogni- cation covers and overseeing the dle
at least $10,000. The ”Servant’s to the endowment. Interest earned tion of Riley’s devotion to numerous newspaper’s FTP site which is an
community projects. integral part of the paper’s job print- . K6
h K k ’ ' Isaiah Super has joined the sports ing. Bell holds a M.S. in mass com— frieni
MT 6 entuc y Prass W department at the Commonwealth- munication from Murray State Pa551
' Journal in Somerset. He is a student University and a BA. in advertising Kenti
The Kentucky Press (Permit it 939) is pub- Journal , , at Lindsey Wilson College where he from Western Kentucky University. ate-fr
fished monthly by the Kentucky Press ' ‘ ' . will graduate in December with a Jenny Blandford has joined The than
Association/ Kentucky Press Service, Inc. DiStIiCt 12 «Donna Cannan, Casey double major in communications Springfield Sun as a news reporter. Kenti
waisnggge is paid “£125ng County News and Christian ministry. He also She graduated in May from Eastern ”1‘
ryeaflz’ostma:ter:51:trli?inch:rigesoi agiliess District 13-Don White, Anderson News gelrves as a youth. minister at Kentucky University With .a bache— 1:11;]:
to The Kentucky Press, 101 Consumer Veasant Pomt Baptist Church in lor 5 degree in public relations. She h‘ L
Lane, Frankfort, Kit/10601, (502)228—8821. District 14-TeresaScenters, Berea Citizen ngs Moumam- has had amdes P11thth 1“ the 18,,
A benefit was held June 18 for EKU student newspaper, The I
Officers . . State At-Large David W. Strong, former editor of Eastern Progress. She completed pape
Kentucky Press Association Taylor Hayes, Kentucky New Era The Jackson Times, at the Douthitt public relations internships with the new:
Torn Caudill, Lexington Herald-Leader Park in Jackson. He was diagnosed Foothills Community Action impa
President ” Charlie Portmann, Franklin Willie Sawyers, London Sentinel EChF’ with a brain tumor and has been tak- Partnership, assisting the marketing “1‘
Favorite ' Mark Van Patten, BOWMg Green Daily ing daily trips to Lexington for manager in planning and imple- influ
President—Elect- Alice Rouse, Murray News , . chemotherapy treatments. . menting the 2004 Kentucky Duck 531d-
Ledger andTimes DivisionChaii-man Marilyn Thompson, editor and Derby and the Eastern Kentucky one,
News Editorial Division-MJ-ke Alexieff’ vice-president of the Lexington University Cooperative Education meas
Vice President— Bowljng Green Daily News Herald-Leader, spoke with students Program designing and implement- I
at Alice Lloyd College on April 26. ing an awareness campaign to _g\ Roui
Treasurer- TaylorHayes, Advertising DiViSiOfl- Steve Wheatley, ' The Vine Grove Chamber of increase program exposure, She also: T 1990
V'Ken’t‘ucky New Era Elizabethtown News Enterprise Commerce recognized The N ews- worked as a student television show
Past President-John Nelson, The Circulation Division-Kriss Johnson, Enterprise in Elizabethtown as the producer for Live From Studio B at
Advocate Messenger, Danville Lexington Herald-Leader busmess Of the month m May. EKU‘
Michelle McGufin accepted the Mary Gilliland has joined the
Board OfDirectors , Associates Division,cfiffpemmml award for the newspaper. Editor Central Kentucky News Journal in
Disu'ictl . Loyd Ford, The Lake News, Kentucky Utfljfies , , Warren Wheat was also present. Campbellsville as an advertising
Calvert City ' Karen Roepken has been named sales associate. She is a student at n
I _ JaumalismEducation Representative research director for Landmark Campbellsville University, majoring
DiSFfiCtz‘Jed Dillingham, DaWson ' szHanSen, Eastern KentuCkY University Community Newspapers, Inc. She in communications with a public
Springs Progress ’ , V ' , began her duties June 13. She most relations emphasis and marketing
. . General Counsels-Jon Fleischaker, . . . .
District 3 _ David Dixon, The Henderson Ashley Pack, Dinsmore & Shohl recently worked as a marketing con- minor. She Will complete her studies
Gleaner , ., sultant With a variety of busmesses in December. She was advertismg
. . , . V , Kentucky Press AssociationS’caff from small locally owned restau- manager for the Campus Times, the
DiShict4~IeffJobeButler County Banner David T. Thompson Executive Director rants and regional colleges to university’s student newspaper,
. . . . r :2 , , , Bonnie Howard, Controller accounts as large as Brown-Forman. during the 2004—2005 school year. f .
District54RonFfikins, Kentucky " ' Tw‘Reylefi,,Director Of Sales She was also an independent market She also completed public relations
Standard V I]: V , . , ' DadereerMemberServrces Dim-hr 1 1 research consultant and has worked and mass communications intern-
District 6-1011}: Mara, .. ,; GCOUIIGF: 3:321 ggnfgfgfvmfifcmr , trator . inclonsumer and business marketing ships at WVLC in Carrli‘pbellsville.
Journal Louis .11} V-VVBufiylsams,'2800kkeeping'Assci:utanm“ts . w1t organizations we as Keebler, Stacy V Ross as joined
»: , a , v. .:.St6phanie:'CQnrad,Resemdi/Markefingf . Sara Lee, United Dairy Industry Landmark 5 Kentucky Regional
Dmmct7-KelleyWam1dQGallaun VV Coordmator 3 j_ _;VV Assoc1ation and Helene Curtis. She Sales group as a sales executive. She
(3033:me ., SueCammackAdnmustrafiveAsswtant is a graduate of the University of previously worked for The Courier-
, 1 RachelMtXZartyAdverusmgAssist-mt .g Illinois with a degree in communica- Journal where she was salesperson
Mmdg-mMm,3a{hcouutyNgwsHofiyWMMANBusmeSSCIerk tions. of the month in October 2004. She is a
Outlook WHenslexTearsheet Clerk if... Jessica West Bratcher has accept- originally from Shelbyville but now
.» ' ..); V a .. 3:1 .1 fl 5 ,3 ed a osition as the new features edi- lives in Bardstown.
$11139dmetta’l’adwthf’mntsmfle Staff Whetsflffieers andDmectors ’9 tor it the News-Enterprise in Angela Medley recently joined
rald. V ’33 u. t . .V f; :mayberead‘tedby 3.31m} 33mgfl‘e..md1., .. . . . .
V , wchiatsfirstxrutzahfulllasttmg Elizabethtown. She Will begin her The Lebanon Enterprise staff as an . V
:IDismctmedmundShetbgBeafiyvfllenamegrkypmssmm “ :V new job July 5. She resigned her advertising representative. She was
Enterprise ,f f I, : j i-:::3:.:.: 4 ”‘1 a ' position as the managing editor/off: aésaéles‘rfiepvfogygfak,m.-Lquisville«V .. _
t ., ' , ‘ ' .~ 1 ' the What} €91,111?! Newssn June/t- .. H. _ --
behalfbmfistevwfixéeyi‘tm. ;. ; ., .. .The. Murray. Ledger, 8:, Times. l"7:3‘ifgfirefififii’iéfitpeifia’fifiét
V V H x- ., .V... , , , . ~ ,, . V . . _ , . . . ~ , . . . ,*"':rfl:::'j:r'.:“(l:’*:°:~:~:¢?r;w:aj ,f-

 S The Kentucky Press, July 2005 - Page 3 I
o o o .
The newspaper Industry lost one of Its best frlends 2
ner ’
ag- . . 1/ notes for well over an hour. Not bad dozens of facts just as easily as he
ger KentUCKy hlStOl‘lan Oh, By 2/ lid/”W. considering he was 100 years old at might have listed what he had for 1
ties , . / the time. Afterwards, someone in breakfast that day. He spelled each 1.
bli- D_r' Thomas Clark The way 2 attendance remarked that she wished and every name without hesitation.
the dled at age 1 02 2‘31““ Clark’s talk had been recorded Only if all interviews were that easy, 3
an By David Greer 3:5” .2ng because it contained so much about that informative, that inspiring and
int- Kentucky newspapers lost a true KPA Member sewices the history of Kentucky newspapers. that much fun. It was one of those “
)rn- friend and admirer with the recent Direcm" That inspired me months later to call occasions where you think to your—
ete passtilrligk of thDr. (Thomas Clark, Mayor David Adkisson and I had Dr. Clark and ask ifIcould interview self ”they actually pay me to have '
mg en c y au or an IS orlan aure— lunch together that day. Between him about the influence of Kentucky this much fun? OK, not every day is
:y, age-fOI-hlie- Elarkh 1021fW£0t€ more Clark’s vast knowledge of Kentucky papers for a story to be published in that way but you know what I mean. '
The t an 30 oo s —t ree o t em about and Adkisson’s impressive accom- the Kentucky Press. That story ran in My two hours spent one-on—one
ter. Kehtucky s newspapers. . . plishments as a young man serving January 2004 . with Dr. Clark is a time I will always '
em I ve always hadta fascmatlon for as mayor of one of Kentucky’s largest He, of course, agreed to be inter- treasure as a journalist and as a
he- newspapers and their development," cities, it was a most interesting 60 viewed without hesitation. I spentta Kentuckian.
She Elatk told tme filurlng ap tntzegtigew at minutes. As a lowly newspaper edi- delightful two hours With him at. his Fellow KPA co-worker and KPS
the islllexmgdotrll ome 1111 la) e . tor, I didn’t have much to add to the teitingltortil home 1tolne Cstunny rfnornlérllng. sales ditriectordTeresa Fell/lea had vtol-
The cou ave eas1y een a news- accomplishments of the trio. t in e con se me or A unteere to rive C ar ack to is
ted paperman,” he said that. day. ”The A few years later, I invited Clark Executive Director David Thompson Lexington home after his January
the newspaper had and stlll has an to speak to the January 2003 KPA but that happens frequently anyway 2003 convention appearance. She
ion impact on the Kentucky mind. convention in Louisville. His topic, and by people less than half of Dr. wrote about her delightful time with
ins . ”No one knows just how much ”Kentucky: Where we’ve been and Clark’s age. 80 I certainly couldn’t him in the February 2003 issue of the
319- influence newspapers have, Clark where we’re headed,” lent itself easi- fault him for getting the two Davids Kentucky Press. . .
uck sa1d. . Ellegyonetiays they d0, but no 1y to talking about newspapers _ a a little contflusteld. . . . He told Revlett: There IS nothing
:ky one, mcut ”111g e newspapers, can major statewide force and influence Just as eCIadkm 1Ihoxglisvflle atb our more 11\rtnmortal thfin the cprifnted
ion measure 1 . since the earliest da 5 of statehood. convention, ar ta e to me a out wor . o matter w at you 0 or a
:nt- I first met Clark at a Shakertown Clark’s room was packed with the history of Kentucky newspapers newspaper remember that.”
..t,9 (A. Roundtable session in the early journalists wanting to hear his con- without referring to a single note. He Those are words for us all to
[1'55” 1 19905. . Clark, former Owensboro vention talk. He spoke without listed names, dates, and dozens and remember.
.ow ________._——————————-———-—-——'——'—— I
LOOKING New KPS olic will make checkin
FOR AN our e mai even more im 01' an
y - l p t t
bliE In an effort that emailed note, your email while you are gone or if
:ing C h e c k C ut to better serve Advertising ”$4? please send me a note possible, or you can notify us ahead
lies our newspa- 7% letting me know of time and tell us when to use an
Ling pers and cut Plus , where you would like alternative email address. Then we
the ky p r e S S I c O m back on — i" e%; your insertion orders will choose another representative at
oer expenses, we » sent. You can email your newspaper when you are out.
ear, have decided By T‘f’es“ R9019” " fl _ me at We have already cut out mailing
ons f o r t h e I a t e S t to start e—mail- KPS DI’ECtO’ of Sales 5 trevlett@kypress.com insertion orders to newspapers. That
,rn- ing insertion ' On some of the means in the end we will save a lot of
' orders to returned re uests a mone in osta e. The one thin that
3, Cl y P g g
ned re S u m e s O r newspapers. Instead of you getting a note was attached saying ”please we do not want to do with the new
faxed co and a co of the inser— carbon co ” another address for all s stem is increase the number of
tnal Py PY PY Y
She t t tion order in the mail, very soon all insertion orders. This is a great idea ”did not run” ads in our newspa-
‘ier— O p o s insertion orders will come to you via but not possible with our software. pers. We have worked hard to make
e—mail. When we enerate an insertion sure that eve ad is scheduled and
son ' i ' Al ead the ARK network has order we aregonly allo d t h e the Eli t has orde ed 't
. r y, , we 0 c 005 run as en r 1 .
'12:: aval la b I e lo b 3 put into place an e-mail system for one representative at each paper. We Please do not let this new system
0 the 2X2 network. Statewide classi— cannot carbon co another erson increase our number of DNRs.
fieds have been e-mailed for some for insertion orders. The s stern that Savin sin osta e will not be worth
ned a y 0 U r y g p g
t an 7 time. This has proven to be an effi- we email insertion orders from is not loss revenue at our newspapers.
was cient system and we would like to like a normal email system where If you have any questions about
. move in that direction for the dis la multi 1e reci ients can be Chosen. the emailin of insertion orders
’Lue‘ . I t “)"l) e P y » p p g
$9}: ‘ ' . _ * - . ‘ service ,as well. ' . . _ , 3 That means if you have plans to please give me a call. We are waiting
"' ‘2': ~ . . - . ’Recentl , a not’e‘was sent to all' be On vacation and ou re ularl forafewaddresses to come and then .
:sfidf4 .-‘ .. ' newspapers' asking" for email receivejnsertipn orders, from/KPSL _ the‘plan: is to be :fullyjernajljfig: all j
‘33,“ '7 > .' addresses. If you have not replied to someone will either have to check insertion orders by Aug. 1. '

 Page 4 - The Kentucky Press, July 2005
o . O
Students wm W hen requesting electronlc records .
scholarshi s 9 6 ’ P
1) Don t take no for an answer
at I i KU By ASHLEY C. , public agency ”may prescribe a rea- Remember, however, that a pub- F
PACK i «Q’ks sonable fee for making copies of lic agency is only required to make
WOI‘kShOpS KPA General public records which shall not the material available in the format h
Counsel “m exceed the actual cost of reproduc- that it was collected.
Taking two to four days out of Dinsmore & are 5 tion, including the costs of the SIZE OF DATABASE CON-
their summer to attend a media Shohl ~‘rL3 media and any mechanical process— TAINING ELECTRONIC By
workshop paid Off last week for As public agen- ing cost incurred by the public RECORDS Thr
four Kentucky high school seniors cies increasingly agency, but not including the cost of Often, the database that contains Rel
who received $500 scholarships conduct their business electronical- staff required.” KRS 61.874(3). the public records you are seeking is '
from Western Kentucky 1y, access to electronic records In your open records request, we much larger than what you need. To Gle
. University. becomes important. Despite this, advise that you ask the public pare down the amount of extra work wit
Bethany Truax of Louisville, public agencies often resist opening agency for an itemized estimate of it would take to review and manage fro
Tanner Johnson of Fort Thomas, their computerized records or data- the charges for the data before it the entire database, we recommend ing
Chasidy Warner of Louisville and bases to the public. Don’t take produces the electronic record. that you do not ask the public ent
Kayla Dowdy of Glasgow won ”NO” for an answer. Challenge the Insist that you will pay for repro- agency to provide you everything it
the scholarships during the public agency for what you are enti- duction costs only. has. Instead, tailor your request so dis
Summer High School Media tled to. FORMAT that it is narrow and specific. It may cra
_ Workshops at WKU. Access to electronic records is You must ask the public agency be helpful to first request a list of the Chi
Workshop instructors made clearly within the scope of the Open to produce the records in an elec- agency’s databases and / or record Flc
the awards based on a combina- Records Act. A ”public record” is tronic format. If the agency refuses, layouts for specific databases. You lllt
, tion of actual workshop perform— defined as ”all books, papers, maps, alert them to a Kentucky Attorney will then be able to more accurately rec
ance and a written essay exam on photographs, cards, tapes, discs, General opinion which holds that, pinpoint the records you want.
June 9, the last day of the work— diskettes, recordings, software, or ”We do note that generally speak- If you request a database con- tio
- shops. other documentation regardless of ing, if nonexempt records exist in tained electronic records, you Cit
Students were enrolled in their physical form or characteristics, both standard electronic and stan— should know how many records or is
choice of two-day workshops in which are prepared, owned, used, in dard hard copy formats, the public pieces of information are in the data- sai
‘broadcasting, journalistic writing the possession of or retained by a agency must permit inspection of base to ensure you have the right FI(
and InDesign software instruction public agency.” (emphasis added). and copying in the format requested number of records. Cr
or a four_day workshop in photo- Software is defined as the ”program by the requester.” 99-ORD-12. UPDATE OF RECORDS. inl
journalism. code” but not ”specific addresses of If you need the records in an elec- As public agencies are becoming pli
Truax attends duPont Manual files, passwords, access codes, user tronic format other than ASCII, you more computer-savy, information CO
. High and will be co-editor of the identifications, or any other mecha- must make this part of your request. should be updated on a regular sa:
. yearbook and a member of the nism for controlling the security or While the agency may comply with basis. You should still, however,
school news team this fall. restricting access to public records.” this request, it can charge you for its ask how often the records are updat- th
. Johnson attends Highlands High, KRS 61.870(3)(a). time and expenses. ”If a public ed or synched into the public aC
, and Warner attends Fern Creek To help you in your quest for agency is asked to produce a record agency’s database or system to th
‘ Traditional High. electronic records, we have com- in a nonstandardized format, or to ensure that you are getting the most a
. Dowdy, who attended this piled the following information and tailor the format to meet the request up-to-date records. In
¢ workshop twice before, is enrolled tips. of an individual or a group, the pub- As always, if you have any ques- 0r
. at Barren County High and will be COST lic agency may at its discretion pro— tions, call your hotline attorneys: i0
1 editor of the school’s newspaper. Be aware of what the public vide the requested format and Jon L. Fleischaker: 502-540-2319 W
The scholarships are sponsored agency will charge you for the elec- recover staff costs as well as any R. Kenyon Meyer: 502-540-2325 In
_ by Western’s Division of tronic record. As you know, the actual costs incurred.” § Ashley C. Pack: 502-540-2385
Academic Affairs. Paul Casebolt Open Records Act provides that a 61.874(2)(b). Jeremy S. Rogers: 502-540-2384 ar
Of Western’s admissions office caseworker/aovamrararrwsgomemw pf
~ advisers registered to attend the reassessed #6
- wtfifliifa. included some- easiest“? c
. or‘kaitttiv‘twmate”?WYWV’Z‘”arsNeetesasakktesk
em faculty members Robert 1- atttsanaisearttewsureauir{at t‘
1 Likes and Mark seorsoo- De Pam ass-.@lgreggwma e
., Broadcasters- Jackie Bree was the stafilgfis
3 workshop director . seaatkssrtseaae
» a . - , - - e _. , ' ‘ atefeokt”tattte§tka
. v s-rfi___—___.___—_—-—— —___,, .v’fii, ,. _.

 I . The Kentucky Press, July 2005 - Page 5
" Policin com liance ' '
g p ______————————————————
P bl' d b d d' t d' t I
m 11 1C I'BCOI' S om ll smen me 13 e lSpll BS ;
lake . . V '
0.. between government officmls, public ,
NIC By RYAN LOZAR officials on access disputes but not circumstances, Cooper said. open side,” he said.
The News Media 81; The Law the public. Asking the attorney gen— An audit indicating poor govern— And Landon pointed out that '
:ains Reprinted with permission eral if a government body is wrong ment compliance with access laws even though Virginia has a council,
1g is By the time callers reach Patricia to close a meeting or record, is like motivated the Virginia General the state attorney general — who is
.. To Gleason’s office, they are often at asking a ”lawyer to tell you that his Assembly in 2000 to create the elected — still has a hand in its work
vork wit’s end after being forwarded client violated the law,” said Bob Virginia Freedom of Information as one of its 12 members. The librar— ‘
Jage from bureaucrat to bureaucrat try- Cooper, spokesman for Idaho Advisory Council to answer citi- ian of Virginia, journalists, citizens
iend ing to get what the law says they are Attorney General Lawrence zens’ questions about access dis- and state agency representatives
lbliC entitled to: government records. Wasden. putes. It is patterned after one of the round out the membership, oversee-
ng it In a world of open government In states like Maine where there is first such offices in the country, New ing the work of full-time attorneys
it so disputes between Florida bureau— no ombudsman and the attorney York’s Committee on Open but not collaborating on individual
may crats and citizens, Gleason is the general does not answer the public’s Government. written opinions.
fthe chief mediator, helping about 120 questions directly, citizens can go to Forrest ”Frosty” Landon, director
cord Floridians a year challenge alleged a government official and say, ”’This of the Virginia Coalition for Open QUICK AND EASY, BUT IS IT
You illegal closures of government is the issue, can you send a letter to Government, said that early on, EFFECTIVE?
ately records or meetings. the attorney general requesting an Virginia struggled with conflict—of— Creating a division 0f the attor-
Providing an alternative to litiga— opinion?’ and 99 times out of 100 interest concerns. A previous pro- ney general’s office to answer the
con- tion is important because for many they will do it,” said Malcolm Leary, posal to place the ombudsman office public’s questions in Kentucky has
you citizens, filing and fighting lawsuits a print and broadcast journalist with within Virginia’s attorney general’s made fighting for access rights
ls or is too costly and time-consuming, Capital News Service in Augusta. office ”never came out of commit- incredibly easy and fast, Fleischaker
iata- said Gleason, general counsel for In Kentucky, citizens do not have tee” in the General Assembly, he said. He has heard of citizens mak—
right " 'vFlor-ida Attorney General Charlie to find a third party to ask questions said. ”In fact, I’m not even sure it got ing such simple complaints as put—
Crist. A scarcity of lawyers specializ— on their behalf because Attorney a hearing.” The problem was even— ting their written request for a gov- ‘
ing in public records law also com- General Greg Stumbo is legally obli— tually solved by creating the council ernment record in an envelope with
ning plicates citizens’ ability to resort to gated to answer open government as alegislative advisory'board. the government agency’s written
ttion courts to solve access battles, she questions from the public. Stumbo rejection, and mailing it to Stumbo
;ular said. avoids potential conflicts of interest AG’S OFFICE with a note saying, ”I think it’s
ever, Florida is one of about 15 states by keeping lawyers working on COUNCIL OR COMMISSION? wrong. Please take a look.”
)dat- that have some form of public— open government issues Fleischaker prefers Kentucky’s Fleischaker, however, advocates
iblic access ombudsman working out of autonomous, separated from gov- system overacouncil or commission writing a more substantial com-
n to I the state attorney general’s office or ernment lawyers in other divisions because having an elected official plaint.
most a state-organized freedom of infor- who have to defend a government like Stumbo as ombudsman forces The opinions issued by the
' mation council or commission. Some entity’s decision to close records or political accountability that ensures Virginia Freedom of Information
jues- ombudsman offices write legal opin- meetings, said Jon Fleischaker, gen- that open government laws will be Council, done quickly and at zero
s: ions responding to public questions, eral counsel for the Kentucky Press interpreted in the public’s best inter- cost to complainant, don’t have the
319 while others — like Florida’s — offer Association. est, he said. Stumbo’s predecessors force of law, but are ”generally
325 mediation. Some do both. Florida’s Gleason complimented began mediating open records dis— respected by all parties as being
35 The idea is spreading. Arizona Kentucky’s system for defusing the putes in 1975 and open meetings impartial and authoritative,”
.84 and Maine, for instance, have bills conflict of interest that other states skirmishes in 1992. Landon said. The state attorney gen—
pending that would create public use as an excuse for not offering Clifton Leonhardt, director of liti— eral has told the government that
access ombudsmen in those states. A similar programs. ”Kentucky’s sys- gation for the Connecticut Freedom the council’s opinions should be pre-
jy federal ombudsman’s office tackling tem just shows that there’s a com- of Information Commission, howev- sumed to be correct unless there’s
federal Freedom of Information Act mitment there to providing this kind er, disagrees that Election Day pres- clear evidence tat the council
’ issues is called for in a FOI Act of service,” she said. ”If there’s a sure is the only way to ensure absolutely got it wrong, Landon
, reform bill introduced by Sen. John will, there’s a way.” ombudsmen work in the public’s said. ”We hope that eventually,
Cornyn (R-Texas). Cornyn envisions Florida’s attorney general’s office favor, noting that Connecticu