xt7b5m627z5z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7b5m627z5z/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1965 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, May 1965 Vol.31 No.8 text The Kentucky Press, May 1965 Vol.31 No.8 1965 1965 2019 true xt7b5m627z5z section xt7b5m627z5z > 7 77 l I ‘ n>h—‘- ‘
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"ublished m the Interest of Community Journalism . . . Of, By, and For Kentucky Newspapers ‘
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The Kentucky Press Association recognizes ‘
the fundamental importance of the implied ,
trust imposed on newspapers and dissemination l; l
of public information. It stands for truth, fair- {
ness, accuracy, and decency in the presentation .3
of news, as set forth in the Canons of Journal- ‘El
ism. It advocates strict ethical standards in its 1
advertising column. It opposes the publication ‘ ll
of propaganda under the guise of news. It af— .l
l' YOU firms the obligation of a newspaper to frank, ‘
honest and fearless editorial expressions. It re- 1'
int ‘ spects equality of opinion and the right of every 5
individual to participation in the Constitutional ll
guarantee of Freedom of the Press. It believes E
in the newspaper as a vital medium for civic, l
economic, social and cultural community de- l,
I velopment and progress. l
e l 1. .
o i
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:| Publication Office: . .. .. i

tput g School of Journalism -2? v, :‘fkflgfw ', / ‘ ' =

entv : Uhlve FSIfy of Kentucky ' %»M%~?K ' ( , ,r:f;://:{ ;

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Volume 31, Number 8 . . ' I ' - ' ;, . . l ‘
All Roads Lead To Beautiful Kentucky State Dam Park _
. for the 96th Annual KPA Mid-Summer Meeting 1, l
l l

 if“ m Hill 1 ‘
1112,11 3‘, iii“
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We'll ill en “E YPress + AS W95
11 111111 11 1 1 1 1 11 111 1 VOIume 3] N W N ee It '1" fultire, unusual warmth ‘
l l :i i ll 1* 1 l mil 1 . umber 8 F e °W Know Ingredient vt'iiuever you” is is tlieetc' This Spedaliti
1 1 1 11 1 1 i 1 . 1 1 _ 1 l n 1 7 One . h
1 1 1 1 1 1 11 11 1 omdul 1 1 or Gogd Col . _ S 111:9 your materi . quallty whi l
1 1 11 11 11 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 KantUCk P Publlcahon umn Wl'll'lng One 61565 It in 1 ‘11 (hflerent th Oh
i i ll ‘ l l i i l l I l “ Y r€55 Associat' Cent {'1 St 1 : V0 ves St I b i an any.
1 11 1 11 1 K lon,|_ Id 095.. ‘ .ye. It _ A Y6 utl.
11 11 11 1 1 11 1 11 1 1 enrucky Press Service nc Often 11 1 “065 of preSS ass . 0 1s empathy with 15 not totally .
1 ll ii i I 1 ‘ i i . I Inc. ISkGCI, Wh ‘ OLIdtlons ’11‘ \ ped by lettl the lead V I
1 11 11 111 1 1 1 1 Vlctor R. Po _ publj1 ,, 916 can I h L t It . ng yOurself o - 61 devel-i
l 1‘ i: ‘ll 1' ‘ 1 l H 1 Perry J Ashle from, Editor te t Sufed and “What ShO kiwi: a Col1111111 mlght be called exp Ht m YOUI' Writing 1‘;
1 11 11 111 1 1 111 1 1 y, Ssociare Ed' 11 S o .1 i ,‘ 11 e tl 7. W" , OSul-e W“ , .
i 1 ; : l 1 l‘ ”or 1 . ‘ COlum _’ . 16 0011— “te t ‘ 1th dls I l
a i Mi l l l Membe filSt 15 “pets 1 n 0111 answers t this som 0 some one ' cretlon. I‘ C
111 111 1 1 1 N r Ol'ldl cont 1 _ 0 the Gone 0 ’ pelSOfl—M i
i 1 .v i i i 1 i ewsPaper Mun YOU mu t ‘ , act with 1 - 01- y u Clout kn ilke ll
1 1 11 11111 1 1 1 1 1 KentuCky Chamggers Association 3 sell them on th pU)lISl1€1‘S._ ‘16 Whether he 1.6.111 0w, who does , w Al
3 i is l ;1 I ‘ 1 l Better Bu ~ er of Commerc on the need.” 6 Content‘ Uncarin ‘ “ ((5 you Or I] m I ]
i 7 :i: ‘1 i l l i i 1 S “"355 Blll'euu Lexin re 01 5 and g Stl‘mger With 111 Ct. Woothli“ Dam
11 1111 1 1 ' . , . A 7 ( v r
1 11 111111 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Nafion‘fi'g‘ggt'giufi’jmber g on threelgdsnsifr to the second q 22:] haVe, so that he’ll le1the hfiart and skill] three
‘ ll ' 1‘ z 1 ‘ l i l A - SSociuti 5 irst, UeStiOn “ e to 0 zVe a 0t ' ll
1 h l 113‘ i l ‘l 1 H i l i i National New:;:;l::ePMGMber on you can find—YOUSEIdyl every COlumn th 1: 8. Chi/30E] I hels HM‘ the l
. 51 i‘ 11 i i 1313 , romot‘ . , ‘ . . 'an ‘ i ‘ ' 0c; , 1 , .
i 1 rilili I} ll 1‘ i l W1 l Publicatio Offlon ASSOCIahon ‘ue (lomg SllCCeSSfllllv e'lrn bydwhat others \Veeklies are ‘llV‘V lgeVlbpipers for Inquets 1‘ Eh; I
11 11 11111 1 1 11 111 11 1 n ice umns es . .; SeCOI1 teri] ‘ z s 00 in ‘ -3l ' ..
11 1111 1 1 1 111 1 s h , p6cmll 7 most CO1- a. Nev . . g for ,
1 11 1111 1111111 1 c ool of Jo . . y in new . . . er mmd g00d m_l h
1 1i . 1 ‘1 m _ H . urnalis And a- . Sp“ 9‘ ‘ ' T ' the ( " a ‘ ten
1 11 1111 1 111111111 1 1 Unwflsity of Kentuly tiOIls.l:]g10VilxleCl by local 56623511513111), fill 3;: into print. Local 1113238 Its a way tol com
1 11111111 1 1 11 1 1 —_— ,(l(’ti- a“ 5' ‘- 0118‘ l 1‘y, H
1 11 11111111 111 11 11 111 1 __ Ke t —_——_-.—— 0n the VVI‘lte1‘}sd’ £1 salable Column] (1613:1111: ‘dl‘e DORE; JttICS> Cellars g111-d:::5()1:1a]mes’ ’ Th
11 11111 11 1 1 1 n u 0w . . (s u e z ‘ 1’ ‘ , 7.? .
i i :l iii ‘ Mli l! 5- l ‘ l M'mric KUCky Press Association Inc The Column h'lsnrilfmenslc ability. Series Of C()liulrli]gleb Whlch Will 5115231 t08’1i “11111
111 1 1 1111 1 111 ‘ . 1 ~ c. L l l , - t t- .
1 ll , llll l i will '3‘ ii l e ' Henry, PreSident I :tlengths Of weekly WW5 been One of the and mail them tgsfl Plepare a few Samnlq I hon ]
1 111 11 1:1 11 1 11 111 L' .. 1 Daily News M' avorite of ours is ‘ThneWSpapei-s and a a personal 0.111 £16 editor, Follow Up 1p1515 11 35.111
1 1111 1 111 111111 1 1111 1 1 my Stone, Vice—P16311121“ , lddlesboro Joyce Ferris qul 16 Ferris Wheel’ bv read them (ft fl tler he has h‘ld ti V1t111 Cl'llldl
‘ ii 1 ll 1 i l w: ‘1‘ I ; We‘ K 1, Wiich . - ’ a 91‘ lis ' -( me u” Past
1 i} : «.1. l ‘ |y1 i 1 Stfield N aPpein-s 11 hour. If publicatlo
1111 1 111 11111 11 1111 1 1 Victor B, Portmmn S Messenger, Central City newspapers (,, Hng) Sepublican and Lathe an univelfgli have something Voiilthqaiehor ‘i assist
1 1 111 1 1111 11 1 1 1 1111 1 PC” J t , ecretary-M El’ 1 , .‘cys ick F-' 61- _ .a appeql . . . 111 MA ofP
1 111 111 11111 11 1 1111 1 1 y _ Ashley As' anager (1t01 & Pul1' lledman i uslng tl c , fly it on . ., a
1 11 111 11 11 11 1 1111 1 l'loridi R 1, SiStlmt Secretar ) when 11 the _ 16 Same nieth a syndicate 3’ O
11 1 1111 1 1 11 1 11 11111 1 - -Carnson A . y-Mafldger Mrs- Sw thln 1 0d- It m . I P
. i g 1‘ x iii i i ; , Smtant T “ an gave F-‘ g tlev ‘dr 1 - fly be “Stth
il ‘ lli i W: ‘1 l ‘ Univ - Tellsurer How t « lledman I ‘ ' J 6 0010119; fO' ] e l mom
: » 1- ; i ii 1 1.1 i ersity of Kentuck L . 0 WI‘lte a col n 18‘ Ideas on 9- Get in q h - 1' l E
ill ‘ l l l" w Ti l l . _ y, ex1ngton creativit r ' mm] as a . rial— ‘ ablt Of 10 I 'xem
l l j ! ‘ill ‘l fili ‘1: i C] District Executive Committee POSsil)le):iii:hlch fCHOWS, and Iiiililulit Of pin-5:661:a Dom pad 'lngkmg f? mate-l Ioum
1 1 11 1 11 11111 11 1 1 1 1 Mhman, Ed 1 11 1 ( Wer to quest‘ 1 e a 1 3 311C coat ‘ 1361101 in all Cat'
l ll 1 l2 fl li ll l Lander , Wards M. Tem 11 Pass along in the 110118 \Vhlch We \vil safe around poekets. NObOdy Sho { 'lqr
1111 1111 111111 1 1 Da 1 ,LLeXmgton (Six'th) F1813 n, Herald- 1t epitom' h futuie. We beli h 1 ‘lbg b h you, When vou c , kuldbe1 P011511
ll All 3, l l‘ l l ‘ V15, yon Count ' i if , William IZGS t e creed eve t at *‘ m t e si ht' . ' ant ta Enotes " Stu
1 1111 111111 111111 1 1 1 1 11 George M. Wilson y:enlz(lld Eddyville; Sewn; kay Writers. Am I 1-1' 1109f Oui- 0Wn Ken- and voices 211~§111151‘1“d SOlmds and smells ‘ amiiy
‘ 1 l] 1 11111111 i i 1‘ i l ghird, A1 1' SChansbereg’aVINWS; Hardinsburgl - f1. Keep a column ili th part Of your $111350 y‘all. They Will become J pm}
I i l l ,lll l l 1 i l fm'flh HOWard 0g]; awe of St. Matthews: 1n (”math/e (and mo t g t'_EVell if it jg able to draw 0 “SCIOUS and you will be
i i ii 13 1 ; 11 l 1 3H i {#31: Frank C.Bell T13; bl;(’u0i'ite, Franklin). maintain an easy ts SILICCBSSfuI Ones (11.6)» Alwavq have tin them When you need them I Pre
  111 1111 1 1 11111 ; a n e D H > . ‘ 0110], If ‘ , .1 c line to 1' "thth.
I» .1 :i. l i ii '1 7 0r Seventh VV'lr , amount B d encyc10ped ‘ ‘ ' p80 16 a ne men to d l
1 1 11 1 11 1 11 1111 1 1 lisle- E' , c ren R. F1511 1 > e - 1C leadm th ) p Want W 1361-8011 flni ea, meet
11 1 1 11 1111111 11 1 ighth Lo 1 er, Mercmy C 2 N g eyll got t t 1 , go on a fi 1d . _, ed by
-1 l 1 ' W 1 i 1% hm 1% 1 News C > 1 ulS DeRosatt Ad - , ar- - ever compl- .V . 0 One, 0 a ly unprod . e tylp, few are l
1 1 1111 11 111,11 1‘ _ > OlUmbk. . > air 0 If a i 1 Olmse wt H . uCtIVe. ‘ Dear
l j 3; lll} l l l lillll ‘l w i In, lndepende (1’ Ninth, James T. Nor .‘mnti/ ‘ St‘l‘Fement is not exact d1}: aCCumCy_ 10' DISCipline . l P”
i} i,= ‘1‘l'lii ‘ = 3 ' ’ an I ’ '3 In 7 sa . e] t — I '
1 1 11 111 111 1 1 1 HOSkm "t AShl d, Tenth r15 Ir someth g else 1 ( ont y it S l lfith M k Vouxself Be conerteIE i less
i i Ei ’ .1 l l‘l‘i l ‘ lli S C 5;; Engrmisa Harlqn- I Si? El springer .VOUI‘ facts . y0u1 are Sure of 01' go eh 3: m'l‘tel'il'il if; 6 your (leadline Copyieqdn ml: demo}
1 111 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 an . L , lie—(11,11; . 7 ' Cc ‘ c . e . ~ ‘( voui‘ ..
1 11 1 11 111 11 uron, St ar e, . 370111 0 , .. ' La
11 1111 111 1 11 1 11 11 1 11 :fiate-at-Lm‘ge, James 110:6 éouinal, Frankfit. sti31' Keep a column hone t T1 the worth of its will: Seveiest cutie as to 1 BY
1 11 1 111 was, 11 e m _ , - c< t .. s_ .. n, i in
111 111 1111 1 111 1111111 1 Courierggfjm’lState‘at'Lmé’e 31:21:71] izbune- thingS r: Vstlalght—forwm-d reading: Inlelans tion'il
i 1‘ i: 13 lu‘ 1}; _ In . . ’ ‘ h 0 L —H( l — c
111 1 11111 1 1 11111111 1 1 1 1 President G a, Loulsvllle; 1m" d‘ rams, you . u. see them. This (1 ‘ 91 111g 9—— l we kl
ll : l‘ i»: i; ii 1 50 > Gorge Joplin III 16 ””3 Past may mahg“ 01' ins 1 065 “0t mean Dr0ps Ad D l l e
11 1 1 11 11 1 11 1111 1 merSEt. 1 commonwealth ly or unCOHStI‘uctivel 111T: 0r criticize unf'u'r eadllnEs v the P
1 _____ ’ bi Y" HS ' ‘ H ‘ J
11 111 1 11 11 11 1 11 ————_— fiefa good reporter. The gooniedm YOU must PUthher Larry H l f the
111 1 1111 1 11111 11 1 11 111 KentUCky Press S 1 : gl‘Ound. c leporter is on (Okla) Republican 1 3111111161., Fairvie“. iaacs
1111 1 1111 111 1111 111 1 George M 1 erVICe, Inc. - Choose - V . . vertising d . < , (eelded to dye ad. M.
ii = .1 i 1 1 - Wllson Pre 'd Colu ‘1 sIE’CCIahZed ‘ l Cfldllnes. A p l
111 11 11 1 1 111111 11 BreCkmfidgé H St ent mns nowdavs qre . field—Most “C Vel-tisers rind . “ memo was sent to. Impol.
iii 1 ii if 1‘ l l Lumlon Wills First Wadi—News: Hardinsburg their fields not :Vl‘twntten by expel‘ts in late ad C0p§/” It has nearly elimimted ‘ Cialize
11 111 111 111 111 1 e— r 1 :1 , ~1€1~s_ . ‘ . > {10- . - ‘ i .
ll ; f. 1 ‘ ii i i i Willi. MCLean coui‘zdefit Youie also an ex . If, as a writer Pllbllsher. Th COIdmg to the Oklahomni Phasm
11 1 111 11 1 1 1 1 1 Jim T. Davis, Second 1 y 8108, CalhOun Y011>Ve alre 1 p61t 01‘1 somethii ’ a e meno l-ead- 1 the E
l i’ ‘ 3 ‘ l l i ‘ Vi -t Lyon Cmin‘tlzlcgiprefident your foot .acy gOt ‘1 Start on mat 32; else, 1 We printers at the F ' 1‘ Civil
1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 P C or R. Portmann sec J Erald, Eddyville \vfll . In the (ION—IF it , ‘ ellal and 1ave been Catchi dllvle“V Republican 1
ll . 1 l l i ‘ l my I. Ashley Ass,‘ retary'Treasure, 1ntel‘est a lot of IS a field which s11111‘ise too f- mg the ThurSdflY morning What
11 1 11 1 1 11 1 Florida R4 Gar; istant Secretary not already h . people—and IF 't . “ lequently. DI‘eser
i . l i . i l i l ‘ l‘ ‘ sen, Amsmm Treasure, 5. Check Slug Written about. 1 IS - when the P11blicqtjo ' l ”alim-
l l ‘ 1 j 11 Board Of Dir Director 1? dltor 8‘ Publisher, 1t misses Thurgdq n 1S-late commg out, Carb
1 i l l 1 Chairman, M'll‘tln D h ectors Show h y 0 SymhcateCl Colin“ STfnnual Therefore your ‘qd‘y mommg route mail": ele to
1 11 1 1 don‘ hdqufic ‘ ye e, Sentinel E ‘ 0W maDV ’ TlS—— is “I'll up , '~ S aren’t fl" ' C 6|
. i 1 1 , K - ch . . Othe- 1 F ‘ 35 e GCUVG' ‘ I
| l ‘ l ‘ horo; Nile 60K. Henry, Daily New 0’. Lon- COlumns like V0 . 1 p60ple are Wl‘itin ' 111€1late hour is C1 d I A Edltm
11 1 11 1 1 1 1 sprin S . Dlllingham P S, Mlddles_ all-eadv O . 1 1115' Perhaps the fig Subn’llttlng thej‘ (use by advertisers l Th
. '1 i l 3 1h} gs; Thomas L. PreSt’ regress, DaWSOn I n h Velcrowed. Gld ls “W 1 copy on VVednesdav. ‘ 6
11 1   1 1 1 1 “m; Robert Fay Sh on, Democrat C t 6 general coh 1. e appreciate yOu- 1 . ' .. portar
1 1 1 1 1 Offirem Fix-officio » elbi/ News, Sheléyvfi’l‘l— sonal anDquch Th llnn asDiI‘e to the per 1ke to help eVeryO 1 )usmess and we condu
‘ ‘ i - e; most dim ( _ e genel-ql 1 . ' meet t1 me out, but in order to "
1 1 11 1 1 1 1 cult ( CO um“ 1s 1 ie we“. Corn
‘ 1 1 ‘ i haVe s to. handle becmis . the in after T lme payl'Oll—flll ads coming f. 111 e
. ; Ome specnl ‘3 It has to . 1165(13" eVe ' ' 6 cc
1 1 ( appeal Such :15 h $12: per C l J . “mg W111 be Charged ‘ Ken
c umor, - . 011mm InCh. Th - ' l) m
1 1777777 mmnnum Cli'u‘ me Will 63 so be
7m ge of $2.50 on 13161315315." ,

 l '31:;;e‘i:?,e::t .
c. This SPECialitn 1 1 .1 1 1.
me quality which . 1 :- ’
fleeet than any-1 All Roads Lead To Kentuck Da New C°I°I “meme” 1 ' -'
,but is not 1011111 , y m DIMENSIONS IN LIVING, a bold new 3 '
the reader devel1 . concept in gravure-printed newspaper mag— 1 5 is I»
rt in Your wiitin . 1‘ F A l M d _S M ‘ azine supplements, was unveiled this month ‘ f I ,I
_, W, d,,,,,,,,g_1 or n n ua I u m mer eeti ng by publishes Elmer was of Won, 1 ‘. 1.1 ,
ne person—Make 11 Conn. i it 1
now, who doesn’tIl All roads lead to beautiful Kentucky Luncheon will be “on your own” while The new monthly publication, a sample I
or not. Woo this 11 Dam Village State Park, Gilbertsville, for the Executive Committee will hold its most issue 01: WhiCh rolled Off the presses early I
the heart and ski111 three days of business and recreation for important meeting around the luncheon in April, is expected to make a charter I I
we all Others 1131‘ the 96th annual Mid—summer meeting of table. The afternoon is open for recreation issue debut in September. It Wih circulate 1 . :35
11 the Kentucky Press Association on June activities, golf, swimming, boating. A con- approximately 5 million copies exclusively 1 ,
pers for markets— 1 3'5. A record attendance of publishers and ducted tour of Barkley Dam and the within the nation’s highest—income com- ‘1 t ,
ing for good 11111.11 their families is established aS all park 210- “Between-The-Lakes” recreational area will munities through their respective 10031 1 - ‘
ay, it’s a Way tol commodations heVe long since been gone. be held if suflicient interest is evidenced. newspapers. I
ory, personalities,’ The full program or important business The evening festivities will open with a More than 600 local newpapers, whose11 I ITI-
gardens, how-to’s "1 Will open Thursday evening With a recep— reception in the Theater with John Marcum markets boast OHtStahdihg median family 1 1 I
:h will sustain a" tion in Cottage Three With John O’Connor as host. The annual awards buffet dinner income, Will receive a formal offering 0f I t
’e a few samples 1 as host, followed by a Bingo party for will follow with Ice La Core presenting distribution rights to DIMENSIONS IN : 51' I
1r. Follow up with 1 children 015 all ages in the Theater with the awards in the annual newspaper pro- LIVING next week. 1‘ I 1
has had time tot Past President Ice La Gore as major domo duction contests. Dancing will follow. According to Wexler, “DIMENSIONS” 1 ~I
blication date 01-1 assisted by the knights of Columbus Club Saturday morning’s business session with is an imaginative, yet practical, approach I I ZI
mg you think has .1 0f Paducah. Larry Stone presiding will b e d evot’e d t to SBl‘Vlng the needs and interests of news- If' ' 1
it on a syndicate 1‘ Opening the business session Friday the theme of newspapers’ role in the r0 0 papers in upper-income communities; the 1 1 1’ Ie;_L l
t may be just the 1 morning in the Theater, Norman E. Isaacs, ress of building a Greater Kentuck Ppomgi— affluent readers 0t SUCh newspapers; and :I 1. ‘I- w
. ‘ Executive Editor of the Louisville Courier- nent and thoroughly qualified s editers w'll 5616(3th national advertisers. 1 1:3 I
looking for mate-1 Journal and Times, will present for ratifi- include James C Ziinmermari) Exc t-l American Newspaper Representatives; 1 l I =
nd pencil in all , cation the proposed guide for pie-trial re- Director of the Kentucky Chamber of Solve Inc, national sales representative for more 1 1 t ,
\lobody should be 3 porting on which his committee has been merce Hon Edward T Breathitt d m- than 7200 Hometown newspapers, has 1 I 7 :11 .
ru can’t take notes .1 studying with the Louisville Bar Association Coverhor and John VVhisman A; . ynatmic been offered exclusive advertising sales 1 2t fI -,
)unds and smells and the State Bar Association during the the Governor for Area De 1’ srst an 0 rights to DIMENSIONS IN LIVING. 1 i i 5'
[‘hey Will become I past five months. 2' , , .ve opme‘n I_ . Elaborately produced in full color, the 1 I
and you will be President Maurice K. Henry Will preside Ke image/31131:; topic .WIH :6 Buildmg new supplement will offer national adver~ 1
511 you need them. 1 ilt this session which will be formally open— ron r1: fw 1th crap}: as: on t :13 continuing tisers the unique advantage 0f listing local 1 1 :1 I~
1 to an idea, meet} 6d hYIaIl address of welcome by Walter M. pt tg 11:1 0 e . am Fr an _ Its action dealer signatures in each of the prime mar- 1 t
ield trip, few are 1 Dear III, President of the West Kentucky s a e—w1 e committees o prominent bus1- kets in WhiCh it Will circulate. 'I I? '
. 1 , _ . ness men to build a better State in every N bl' h .1 . 1 2-,:,1
1 ' 1Piess Assoc1ation and publisher of the Hen— phase of social economic and c ltu 1 , ewspaper pu ls ers W11 be paid for 1 «11 ..
—Be COnSlStCn'E1111:derson Cleaner—Journal. Vice President . th C . ,. N d’ ’_ “Y u ra distributing “DIMENSIONS” as a supple- 1 1 .
1e. Copyread your 1 Larry Stone will give the response. Iggov: k , ageinm ” 1e Slftoptccl’ 0“ Ahd ment to their regular newspaper editions, 1 . “ifl ‘
verest critic as to 1 Liam Ber in d' f . _ enuc ys uture, 15.56 -ev1 ent and W111 thus sharing in a percentage of all national . 1 ‘ i
. . g e e 1t0r 0 the Cailow Na outline a blueprint for the yeais to come. d ‘t' - .- - h ~ f h 1 1. :til .‘I
i tronillist, Carlow, Ireland, named the best VVhisman’s topic will include an outline of 2121:3212: g appealing m eac issue 0 t e 1 -: 1 f
__ 1 wee y newspaper, will discuss the work of the three im rtant area ‘ I . , 1 '52 ,-
.t the Press Council in Britian. His appraisal augur well f3: Kentucky’gefiiifrlhlnents that VVexler, a reowned .graphic desrgner, 1 1 ,1 1
1 of the work of the Council will parallel Mr. Th K k . . . states that art. and editorial emphaSIS Wlll be 3 1 , _,
.1 lsaacs’ presentation. e entuc yIAssomated Press will hold placed on Vital home, family and com— 1 1 , ,1
miner, Fairview Mr B , 1 a breakfast meeting Saturday morning. The munity topics, as well as other subjects of 1 ' I;
lded to drop ad- im 01 :rglna who also WTl'teS 1301‘ the 1h0$t afternoon is free for recreational activities, constant appeal to upper-income readers. 1 1 ‘
emo was sent 10' -p.1an. Sunday paper In .Dublin, spe- St VOUS V0111“! Thus far only suburban newspapers are 1 1:1 :
. . lCIallzes in international affairs 1th - . - 1 1, I I
nearly eliminated 1 phasis E 1 W em . being consrdered. 1 1 1 ;
to the oklahomi 1 the Eu .011 1110pe. He has been covering —“ — 1 1 ,1 _.
1: 11 Civil VIVOpeandscene ever Slhce the Spanish Internal Revenue Service adopted rules —.____ 1 I, 1
lrview Republican What is alrnan enlis thoroutglhly grounded in implementing the 19132 tax law relating to Some newspapers are making revenue off 1 i I1
Thul'SClflY morning present heciipvisitliigigoplrofeio: 2111:1313: thOur’c Thsmesd ext): 11365: fmthludin% adVertiSingé local service clubs WhiCh normally do very I 1 II
1 nalis , , _ . _ e a por 10h 0 e rues were no little advertising. Each anniversary date is I 1 t I1
ls late coming out 1 Carbrdnfltaalg, of Southern Illin01s UniverSIty, changed from the proposals published last a good time for them to buy an ad to tell 1 1 _t
, - . n all PIOhahlhtY he W111 be Au ust but IRS said this matter is b in ' - ' 1 ' ~’
ning route mall... Elected presid t f h I _ h _ _ g e e g the public the purpose of their group and 1 1. - ,,
as effective. 1 Editors at the 611 01 t e. HS .PI'OVll‘lCIal studied further due to the many protests describe how they serve the community. ‘ 11' 1
ed by “1116111591511 The _ annua meeting thls June. received. The regulations continue the basic Most editors belong to several such groups I 1 , '11 3
. l 1 sessron Will close With the all-im- mles on deductibility of ad costs, including and already have an inside track , . 1 if , 1 , _.’
VVedneSC aY- 1 .. portant discussion on legislative matters institutional and good will copy. However, they’ll use it. I 1 11
business and “1:1 EOHClucted by Co-Chairmen Douglas D. “the cost of advertising to promote or 1 1 15:1 I
i, but in order a 1 thornette and S. C. Van Curon which needs defeat legislation or to influence the public w.— 5'1 1 I11
[1-2111 ads $011225 1 K6 concerted action by every publisher in with respect to the desirability or undesir- The worst buy is an alibi. 1 I-I 1
I W111 be ‘th ‘ entuleY- Other committee reports will al— ability of proposed legislation is not de— Take time to laugh—it is the music of 1 , 1
There Will befl 30 he glven. 1 . ,, 1 I ' “1
16 815'" , c uctible. the soul. 1 111 1 ,3:
0 on late 9 1 1 1
i 1 1 I.
1 I 1 2 ":
. 1 1: ..

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11,1111! 111 pers C 555
‘1 1111‘ Sh - an H
1111 111111 Opltin ep To MA
11:1 1111 1 g I St Y 19
1 11 1111 ‘1 1 1 - During th n" [(8 em Bent” Co ‘ I 65
1 1 ‘ 111111, 1 1 ‘1 1 1 new 6 pa n P urler E -
.1 11 11 1» 1 1 1 Spape St few C rom dlt -
1 1 11 11 1 1 1 1 1 ing r5, fOHOW- 1110ch y _ Otes T Orlal
1 :1 1 1 1 1 1 ’ gaVe He mg the . S KentuC e 0X E . 1
1 ‘1 11 11 1 11 “ - shoplifting ws and editotttd‘winter meky 7 Th a The Marshall qUOIIzation ‘
1 1 1 11 11 11 1 11 1 would fOc PrOblem wh'rlal SpaCe to ttltlt- state th ere are hu d K (111-eat edit 1- Collier, B 1
1 , 11 11 1 1 1 1 read _ ‘15 atte . 10h, th e at 10 n redS entuCk , 011211 a enton h 1
1 '1 1 i t viat e131 m their cI-ltlon of mer it, hoped fhoptttters 183 over $5 0000f Stores in th Say is ny‘sischools mpproach to, as taken 1
1 1 ‘11 1 11. 1 e e “Culati C ants ’ Ooses ‘11 in ’ per 6 ‘36 ed 6 mon PtoV'din 11
1 11 1‘1‘11 ' 1 1‘ Dis Problem on ar62:1 and are gre Some st Year f110 neWspa to bl‘in ey the 1 g 1
1 1 1 1 Cussm , - and all 8, Th ater th Ores Sh , In th Per, Pub' g them eduCat
1 ‘ 11 1 111 1 1 1 Execut- g thls pr e- r1 e P011 an Profit Opllftil1 e Kent-u 1lshed 11p to Ors ‘
1 2:1 111‘ 1 ‘ 11 1 1 R . We Vic oblem . (Ware of Ce and C S— g Sh] cky H by th Par- Th 1
1 .11 : 1‘1 , 1 1 etal 6 Pre ‘ Wlth I . th Cum 8 by 0115 e S e ‘-
111 1 - 111111 111111 1655 LfFederatiOn, hzdent 0f the Ean Jett, :Itllophtting afge tremendoklss have become editorialMCCaHUm, :3 0t Repmifaket 0f 1
_ 11 1 11111111 1 1 1 tinnes till publicity gi-Verred that irerntuCky vi::10hants by inare Cooperati IOSSes from Guts! Under the begged the gtltlatives. 1
‘- 1 1 1‘ 1.1 1111111 ‘1 111 th increa . ven, sh .’ egard- 1ODS and Greased 11g With Th' ing A Owing 1
1 ‘ 1 1111.11 1 1 1 at Kentu Se 1n K °P11ftin 9 much h numb the ‘5 Co1111 ’ Matt '
1 1‘1 “11 “ 1 1 11111 1‘ 1‘1 mat 1 ckY mer entuCky g 0011- ’ The g eaVier er of c the st ty’ 310 er 0f
- 1 11 ‘ 1111 1 11 1 11 . 63’ $20 . _ chants ar ’ and Cit are pro reatest d sentenc On‘ t ate of K Hg with 1
t1 :11 1 111 1 1 111 _1 1113 11fters_ mllllon each e 105mg a ed 1'5 SeCution eterl‘ents t 85. ax eQUali - entucky ‘ .many 0th
1 i1 ’11 1 ‘ 1 111 Ppr0x'_ Consjd . and , 0 Sho 1. , T Zatlon : 15 m 13' ers in 1
1 1‘ 1‘1 11111 1 l1 1 He W Year from 1 th eted a publIcit p 1ft1n 0 ma ' 1re
1 1 1‘1 11 11 1 1‘ 1 1 as ask ‘1 She e hu . Veryl Y- sh . , g d . 11y, th‘ , need f1
1 ‘ 1:! 11 1-1 11 ‘1 1 11 ‘ 1 ‘ especj ed: Wh- P— . ge 111310 ' 0W so - opllftln ub10us ls ls ' 0 1
1 111 t 111 11111 1 111 t 11 1 small aitriictlhose who 1:11: tapes 0t merch 1:111:13 tely Statgltt‘t‘lfit Shopliftgzl Crime ang more tax‘ctlsa’? 0f SaYiIJIZSt“:I11/d indjrect d t
11 1111111! 11! 111 lo >1“ es, SPa _ ant, . aSm 1’ We 1 Ganght- Th' - ' ' e a“
1 111 1 1111 11111 1111111 1 1 trigrspgre chilzrrznsllfferin; :hényl‘lad of thlS Ware krylofpgtatiog wit? let any (1):“ tion» 11:]: not true! Th need to pay '
t1 1 .11 t 11 1t 11 11111; 11 1 1 follnd ’ and “Are tfihe greatest greatest 10 There :11. I d be ruined 1: On Whatans just What '6 term “tax e t
1: 1 t 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 ans In the 10w e shoplift perpen— . a. The re three ty 1 taxes your pro It Says: Y0 qualiZa_
1 1 “ 11 t 11 '11 ' 1 ' 1 ‘ 1 gets were astoest tnCOme erg 11511511137 mg, He alvErOfeSStOHal whpes 0t ShOplif Will on What m petty is Wont}: paytaXSS 1
1 1 1 11 1. 111 1 1 11 3 by ffiordingly to titlidishing‘ groups?» His b. The 32% Sells the 1: steals fer atifs; erty Paytaxes 0n tKeptroperty is w Itllal pay 1
11 1 ‘11 11 11 1 ’1 1 l 1: 1 1 e Fed . 3 rec Some mi'pl'of . erchand_ 1v- rue V 1 Or ; H 1
1: 1 1‘1 11-“ 1 1 ‘11 1 town eratlo - (But 5 One 10 65S10 156. Slm flue 0f ' e t
1 1 111 11‘1‘1 11 11 1 - and/o - n In alm “”61 m d from Cal who “a1 Who - P18? Ye 1118110 1
1 111 ' ‘1 1 1 1111 ‘ 1 1 lug Situ . 1‘ Clty in K 051: Eva _a e u an indiv-d Steals W 13 usuau Our Pres 5’ bUt if - : P-
1 1 1 111 11 1111 1 1: ‘ atlon entu TY leed Se the l ual 0 Wm . y Wh ent ta Its so .
1 1 1 .111 1 11111111111 1 Emphafi S have b Cky, the f be mer0ha . stol-e Or Ore Item 1;, far X StruCtu _ 81111191e Wh .
, 1 1; 1111: 1-11 1 1 1 1111 ho tally an 800m; . 0110w- COme “h ndlse th Stores 5 hOm - examp1 re 1“ Su h, M
‘ i 11 -1’ T111111‘11 1111 1 pe that o Swer our eVldent a IOng 1 tttdened” b emsElves b. They 6 IS Worth 6’ does 0 C a ”1955?
. t 11 11 111111 1 “‘11 SuI‘veyf 11r news question nd Per10d_ y Steal‘ ’ ut hav as anothe $16000 ne man '
1 1 11‘ 11111 1 3 1: 1 to focu or edltOYia] 0 Papers Will 5- We C. The am mg for Such e $5,000? 1‘ man Whos pay the Sam WhOSe 1
1 t ‘11 1 111111 1 1 ,11‘ 1 repr' S greatest at 0mment, and USe this never has m ateur, 01‘ fi a Wh t? 6 home is W e taXes
1 ~ ‘ ‘1 1 1 11 * 1 “‘1 11:53:“ on 111; 11111111 2111: 11: ms; 11:11 :1 Offender 111111111011 n 0111 1
,- 111 1 - probl’ an Web 6111: ’ o - orm- °0ne ‘
111 1 111111111 1 V 93’ ar. em, One - te 0m zat Ont ha
. t 1 11 111 1 1 1111111111 11 need. ery few Shoplifte 6- mOve into Item_ SOOneioul'age t0 tak: store. Woifigt People aieory, to ask f0: tthe guts,
‘ 1 1f 1‘1; i 1 ‘31 ‘ 1‘1 1 111 2_ t5 Steal b 11, the Semi- or later mOre F‘ g0 UP so afraid th ax equali.
1 11 1 1 111 1 1 Th . 60a . Ke pr f . the . 15 a th at h -
1 1:1 111 1 11‘111‘11‘ 1 1 1 t0 the eere 15 n0 relati USe of 111g law TriltuCky has a0 655101131 Clay W111 130 Sal: Collrt andat 1:116); rerSe tt elf taxes
11 1 111‘ 1111 con . Onsh' . - e - _ 11 e Sse_ a e . _ t on
11‘ 1 1 11111 111 1 1 1 11fact0rs_ 0mm, Social 1p m Shoplif . the mercha C-rune ls 00m Kilellent Sho 5. so this Vltal St 6 State repres rge'the
111 1 11 1 11 11 1 1 11 3. Th 3 age 01‘ . tlng neCeSsa ndlSe is mltted a P11ft- b 7 Who Sufi ep. entatwes
11 :1 11 11:1 1111 1 ‘1 1 Shoplift‘ ere is a tl‘e rtellgious Check oryt for the peCOIlcealed I: Soon as OeCauSe’ until 61's? YOUI‘ Child 1
1-1 1' 1 ‘. 1 1 ‘ 1 . In In ' u r ' ' 1.1 W
.1 1 11 1111 1 111 11 g am . endo . Stand 5011 t 15 n r Sch . e do and m'
1111 1 11111: 1 1 111 11 In order to Ong luVCnfle Us tnCYeaSe . 12 Paren Or be Outs-0 paSs Out 0t ends mOOIS W111 haV get tax equali 1H6, 1
11 1 *1 1 1111 1‘ 11 1‘ 1111 when they d get a thrill 5' Thls may b1“ dren When is ShOuld q lde the 510 the Chan eet- They e to Struggle tum“:
11 't- ‘- 111-3111 11111 ‘ “One Onoth ’ to g 6; th t e ueSti re. - Ce to Will h 0 mak
1 1 11 1. 11.11 a et 1 . ey s V see on th- t Pull 1 ave ‘ t
1111 11 1 it 1 ‘1‘ 11 ‘ tt°m :tfheth: °t°Wd”V::§e m°ney 1:1“? them 2: titty fOUndthfm With 80:11: Chit 11:21:11y1adder42ny further uphfiie 011 no
1‘ f 1111 1‘ 1 11111 r Gen ga' ’ 0 e th t 63’ tr ’ Omeo it13m - 10 n Wh‘ e e Uca-
11 : 1 1111 1111 1‘ 115 in h . tnCrea ' .- 1101, ' ac e” l ls Will W0 States,j .
111 i 1 ‘ 1 1 1 111? :16 Colleges,S $111211“: ands: am‘mg College fittmg byp :tmgh IOSSes :tet' Save tax 6:1? 11"“ taxeS g0 nude”
1 . I 1 11‘11‘De ' Ver e ere I'e ' ai ‘ u ' _
1'1 11 1 ‘ t t t t , t ents ave a 1 there ' ri06$ e a an its re y0ur any’ unless
11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 - Phi-toghe State 1301' Caught 5110p- This; All retai1§:re§0 shoptiviggld be re? ioflle Caséalute’ YOu mete??? at far less
- ‘111 ‘ 1 1 - ,ra h lee are Su Hg 1 0W 7 ax _ O W _
1 1 1 1 1 1 d P s a are not er 5h . _ Oss er th equ 1 . Orry. 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 wizagtments iszfingerprints 211(1):, obtaining fidS-tore' It is Zgfiged in asgtlttmg 1055:: Recenfl taxes. alzatlon would We:
1 1 _ 1 .e of She 1. _entucky of In all Polio 10$, reCor d aZlng how Slze 0r ' Pl'esid Y, Bay M ‘1
1 1 1 1 1 1 Eemg distr'bplftmg and th any One e stolen ann Hers, £00 d 1 many TVtYPe th ent of M ofi81d Assist
1 1 ; = 1 3 ‘ " 1 at d ' is - 0011- 11a - : Coth- Sets at th Hrra ’ ant to th '
1 . 1 1 Ce e Inf , 15 Y 1 1 , e V S 6
1 ‘1‘ 1 ‘ ‘ rs and 1‘etailer State"’t’ide toormatlt’n is red I UnfOTtunaI: KentuCky. ng, etc, are Can do f State Was doi tate Ct’tlege, said
1. 3 1 t 1 1 1 1 a 6' Kentucky 5' peace of. the:Ce their newely’ many ti ment is I? “hook: andng about all that it
1 . ‘1 1 1 1 nnuahv from retaflers 10 i 11 Shopliffin Spaper ad 111-es retailer to the elping to th .the federal gove
‘ ‘ 1 1 t t a" bank Shoplift Se more 5 an attem g1(’SSes b VertISing . S s . 1OCaI ar e 11mit_ “N , _ m- 1
1 1 States robberies - ers than th money dollar of pt to get 6.00me t0 h' When and Tax E 6215 to help th OW It IS up
‘ 1 1 t t ‘ t t m the ent' 8 total of Sales. a higher net 1gh_ This swer here qualization w emseIVBS,” he ‘
I 1‘ 1 t ‘ 1113 United __ Profit Per only fit] 0111c] be the am 1
.1 1 1 1 mainyone Who ._ Citizens, urr0_ugh the eff Ort
1 1 es a small list]: wrapped u _ this vital Sing thair oflficials otf lIidliViduaI -
C age_ p tn himself ax equfilizafipt will Marshall 0 catty Ottt r
D , 0n. COunty 61‘
t Ont inst - g
0 do so .Slt back '
methmg“ YOU 231d Wait for others
0 something,

rial . A + + ' a ' . ‘3' a » : ~
Zutlon , fleet??? 3‘3, . «‘2m”v rug“. ‘ .. -. ;,» 33’ ' i _ i
Benton, has taken l iffiflffice? %‘?€,+v;f~+§“2 "W“! grill}; “an?” ‘2""72 ' J 2" 2i .2 ’3‘“‘1‘:1'235+'45'3’7-»'.+ . + l i
3011 to Providing w 3&3" :5 “' I3! +3”? 1+ " i + . i
mey the educators . +3.23% ’ a...” 3W—f‘? tgll‘vzlt/ .- :3 ..
3m MP to Par. The . igfi%%i§ét* gal” *3 .. {3A ‘9 #433»; :. -. V» . + 3
f the Speaker of ‘ grew fiery!” (3"g' 3,33%. 3+ 2 . i
E RepresentatiVes. i $6233 figfiivfl Q at???» fa 33%??? . 33‘}- i2
ed the following at? aged,” 3; ‘Qfiyfig ‘ ~ «33%. 2* f.~f'