xt7b5m627x12 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7b5m627x12/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1998-12 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, December 1998 text GLSO News, December 1998 1998 1998-12 2019 true xt7b5m627x12 section xt7b5m627x12 I .2
ii men-ms ”fl ‘ ' .
t: est / eJ ,-
Lasers i .. . -_ :
Regatta??? ‘
i'tfigfii wj 3 h
effigw$ yet. is ecem 6? E998 N0. 12
E @‘i/ A publication of the Lexington Gay and Lesbian Service Organization .
$8.00 for students and seniors X/KV/EMK
\‘I ,, E/C\ toitfil,
\Q Q“: r. « Tickets are on sale now at the tit/Q /\
jig/313:7 ,2sz Singietary Center for the Arts Box Office V,”
i y/ {Rig/M 5%???
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c3341 %:§i I Please join us for the continuation of "Leave No Song Unsung" with
i I??? “/7: Guest Artist Margie Adam, April 24 and 25, i999 .

 MISEDUCATION OF THE And don’t be messing around with service. According to my friend the
MELTING GIRL the outside parts a whole lot cause woman was funny because she had
3|: EM“ 7. 90m they will stretch out of shape and no a thang and a you know what. The
Why doesn’t lite include a handy man will want to be with you. Believe children came before she got the
dandy manual that explains the zing it, when the time came, the parts thang. My friend also told me that
that causes your drawers to start would do their part. Everybody knew her moma said that woman was a
skidding during the early teen years? that women had instinctive thrusting ‘hermoreforadyke’ and that's where
It was not easy for me to find gyrations that no man could resist. the word dyke came from. Her
answers about wh at my body was Only a funny woman would let anoth- moma said funny women are some-
doing every time I got a whiff of a cer- er woman work her gyrations up into times called diesel dykes, cause they
t th neighborhood girl. a steamy lather. drive diesel trucks. Diesel dykes got
A concerned family member Funny woman! l knew this was a bigger thang down there because
gave m e a 1930 medical book that not a good thing, but who could tell they tough, they kick ass. Lesbians
explained the male sexual response. me exactly what drove a woman to are the ones who do the nasty thing.
There was nothing in the book about be funny? According to my girlhood What nasty thing?! My friend
females. The local library had books friend, there was no such thing as told me that her mama would not tell
about the menstrual cycle, the sperm funny girls until after a girl had her her what nasty thing lesbians did, it
and egg union, and the joy of being a first period. Cause then you get was too bad of a thing to talk about.
mommy. breast and you have to be able to Her mama was going to tell her when
But there was absolutely nothing hide your breast before you could be she got older and could understand.
that explained how or why my draw— funny. And furthermore, I didn’t have My friend’s moma said some things
ers did the tuck and roll for that sweet a burgundy pinstriped suit, wing were better left unsaid to keep from
smelling girl. Somebody somewhere tipped shoes, and a ‘Feedora' hat jinxing a girl, because once a girl
had to k n ow something about this like that funny woman that floated started her period the hormones
stuff. through the projects late Sunday could get messed up and make her a
Who exactly was i supposed to evenings. My friend said that you lesbian or make the girl’s you know
ask about the melting sensation if all could always tell a woman was funny what start growing a tiny thang.
the books said that this was a man by the way she dressed and by the My friend's misinformation sent
thing for the sake of procreation? My way she hid her breast. me straight to the bathroom to make
young mind concluded that if this I was stunned to find out the pin- sure my you know what had not been
was a normal thing it would be m en- striped woman was funny. The sight joined by a budding thang. Next l
tion ed in the same books that talked of her just made my world come to a went back to the library to find out
about m entolk. Since it wasn‘t, l screeching halt. Everybody in the what a ‘hermoreforadyke' was and
sought the expert opinion of 0| d er projects looked at her with their what nasty thing lesbians did. |
women (older teenagers) who b 0 a st- mouths hung wide open. Everybody found that the word dyke was spelled
ed about their knowledge of the itch except my know it all frienc‘ who d-i—k-e and dikes were really lesbians
and the urge. would never shut up about how much who were really homosexuals who
First I asked for a detailed expla- the funny woman's clothes cost and were mentally ill people.
nation of the physical cause, origin, how her breast never shook under Since most things in books didn’t
and residue of the itch and the urge. the white stlk shirt. My friend even apply to people who lived in the pro-
They all looked at me like I had two swore that she saw a print in the jects, I assumed that the library
heads. The answers to my questions crouch of the professionally pressed books were not referring to the funny
were the simple facts that it does, it and creased pinstriped slacks. women who lived on my side of town.
is, then its done. When I asked what Forget about the clothes, i want— None of these people had been in
all the outside parts were suppose to ed to understand what it was that the nut house. I never heard any-
do, I was told to be quiet and stop made that woman funny. She had body say that they were on the zom-
asking so many dumb questions. children and she said “Hi Baby" just bie drugs. I would come back later to
like those saved sisters at Sunday Continued on the next page

 see if there was anything about 'hermcreforadyke’ stuff was extreme- HEWAPHPOD'TES
Black funny women. l was desper- ly serious and secretive, just like
ate to find out what a ‘hermore- whatever it was that made me melt WITH ATTITUDE
foradyke' was and what nasty thing when that girl was around. It was by Mary Crone
lesbians did. best I not tell anybody else about lborrowed the name for this arti-
I spent the entire day in the what I was feeling. I would come cle from a newsletter I received at
library. The word ‘hermoreforadyke’ back to the library and keep looking the American Psychological Society
was not in the dictionary or the ency- for the books that would answer my Annual Convention held in San
clopedia or any of the medical books. questions. I would keep checking Francisco this year. l was glad to
Nor was there anything about the my drawers to make sure no tiny find quite a number of excellent
nasty thing that lesbians did. i was thang was starting to grow down workshops on gay, lesbian, bisexual
not going to ask the librarian about there, l knew i would die if I became and transgender issues.
any of this. Just asking about the a ‘hermoreforadyke’. And no matter I would like to think that within
word homosexual had made her how much time ittook, lwas going to the LBGT community there is now
glasses bounce off her face. find out what nasty thing lesbians enough information available to
She asked me if my parents did. make our childhood confusion about
knew thatlwas reading such mater— lnterculturalLesbians! “Hermoreforadykes"a thing of the
ial. I had to say yes. She kept star- . ‘he‘ ate, istics on sanity arethat one past. But no, its still confusing. For
:19 at m: tgrolugh the Sofiom halff 0C: out-cf every tour Americans are‘isut? this andttuture articles, lThave gotten
er croo e gasses. er magnr re fairing from some form of mental ill- in orma Ion rorn ransgender
eyes looked like they were perched , , Warriors, by Leslie Felnberg and
ness. Think of your three best .
on the very edge of the sockets from 1' ds lf'th' OK th ‘t’ . n from the lntersex Socrety of North
hell. "‘1’”. ' , ,ey ar¢Rit§M§enérzmu continued on page 13, go ahead and
lconcluded that this lesbianand ._ ' , . ' ' , u , ’ turn that manypages, its worth iii!
‘ o o
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l “ -. Mason HmHotelmdomownI-mnston-m
,1 . -. 'playiwill be presented ,inits' «may starting- 1:17:30 l ., l.

' in 'Wihfii“ with Missi-Dfiei’s : Tad-for W .

' ._ foflomsthe ““0115th Wmisfi“

. armamthepresenmm oft-thy? 1 . -

f Fnday. ' December 41:: seal .- :Sattirday I December 55

. performehcéslsttheI-exmsmnl‘ublic Library’fheeterfiill‘

r beataoopmAdmwsmm 57-00, mmds m 119‘ i

l benefit Moveable Feast andthe Pride? Center ofthe};

. :Blusslniiss-fl‘oreservsfickets' Pleased! "2.5545469 creme.“ .

’ mterbféstem f . j v
About-nee, Inspured abyiae-‘mnsg_mm '" emu
Mefihfidfibmd m???“ We *Stofisfis. Elesieerfessfits I?

, crosses‘e‘citionv offimtétiéhn sééietyj fluted In some why by;

the AIDS was Assisi“ ‘16? 'm’mlosuess puma-ted by ,

“songsgbuilds toan .. Lunfeggettable’, , emotional enmhx

Manx-enema“ «ashram , ’- ~

s; . 7 , A "News ~_ "

m!- h f _ ~ ; 3 Ryanfma..x’ ‘ \E \.__ ’ ji
Thermuuemdwww warm
at the anettei ‘Counftyjy_Hea-lthi 0¢t. jbr :dis‘tw‘ibhtioh 19
children in ‘ fizmhes y amcted~.. by HIV/AIDS

01.80 Page 7

DE ‘ E M BE R 9:00 am WORLD AIDS 6:00 pm Frontrunners 7:00 pm Men’s 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 9:00 am Frontrunners
DAY Conference (Woodland Park) Chorus Rehearsal 8:00 pm Elegies (Arboretum)
(Radisson) 6:00 pm HIV/AIDS (Pride Center) (Downtown Public Library) 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA .
1 9 9 8 5:30 pm Candlelight Support Group 730 pm UK Lambda 8:00 pm Elegies ‘ ' ‘ ' - '_
Vigil (Triangle Park) 7:00 pm MCC Study Grp (Student Center) (Downtown Public Library) “ '/ ‘J'dJ/fl? ' '
8:00 pm Elegies (Radisson) 8:00 pm Dignity Drag ~ 1 I, ,‘ ,
10 pm Out of the Past Show (The Bar) ' 'é ' . ' ,
film (KET) 8:00 pm Gay/Lesbian AA ' ‘
6 SUNDAY 7 MONDAY 8 9 10 11 12
10:45 am UU Church 7:00 pm Women’s 7:30 pm PFLAG Chapel 6:00 pm Frontrunners 7:00 pm Men’s 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 9:00 am Frontnmners
11:30 am LMCC Basketball (Seaton Gym) (Hill Presbyterian Church) (Woodland Park) Chorus Rehearsal (Arboretum)
6:00 pm Dignity (Pride 8:00 pm AA Step Study 6:00 pm HIV/AIDS (Pride Center) 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 6 S t aur ant
Center) Support Group 730 pm UK Lambda 8:00 pm SisterSound ’
6:00 pm SisterSound 7:00 pm MCC Study (Student Center) Concert (Singletery Ctr) .
rehearsal Group 5 5 7 S. leCStOIle
8:00 pm Gay/Lesbian AA .
10:00pm MissMaxy Lexmgton, Ky.
Christmas R.S.I:C:
W 141) 25 3-0014
13 CHANUKAHbegins 14 15 16 17 18 19 f _ h f
10:45 am UU Church 7:00 pm GLSO Board Mtg 6:00 pm Frontrunners 7:00 pm Men’s 7:00 pm LMCC Games 9:00 am Frontrunners u
11:30am LMCC (Pride Center) (Woodland Park) Chorus Rehearsal Night (Arboretum) eaturlng t e amo S
7:00 pm Women’s 6:00 pm HIV/AIDS (Pride Center) 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA ‘x’
Basletball (Seaton Gym) : Support Group 7:30 pm UK Lambda ' 8:00 pm Men’s Choms Alfalfa eekend BIUHCh
8'00 pm AA St Study GLSO NEWS DEADLINE 700 pm MCC Study (Student Center) Concert (Singletery Ctr) '
' ‘3" SUBMIT ADDITIONS Chou SC rv1ng blueberry
FOR NEXT CALENDAR Le}? 5a buckwheat pancakes,
27:“) 6 49 xmgton (Pu eCenter) .
8:00P” GayMSb‘anAA eggs benedlct arnold,
20 21 SOLSTICE 22 23 24 25 CHRISTMAS DAY 26 KWANZAA spanlsh ome l€tt€S
10:45 am UU Church 7:00 pm Women’s 6:00 pm Frontrunners 5:00 pm Christmas Eve 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 9:00 am Frontrunners
11:30 am LMCC Basketball (Seaton Gym) (Woodland Park) Services (UU Church) (Arboretum) gourmet desserts)
12:15 pm Interweave Lunch 8:00 pm AA Step Study Evening: LMCC 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA
6:00 pm Dignity (Pride Christmas Eve Services and mUCh more
3 pm Men’s Chorus
cm“ (mm C“) All of our breads and
27 18 30 31 NEW YEARS EVE desserts are baked daily
10:45 am UU Church 7:00 pm Women’s 6:00 pm Frontrunners . k. t h
11:30 am LMCC Basketball (Seaton Gym) (Woodland Park) In our 1 C en
8:00 pm AA Step Study 6:00 pm HIV/AIDS PLEASE USE DIRECTORY 0“
7:00 pm MCC StudyGroup
8:00 pm Gay/Lesbian AA , .
Free Evenlng Parking

 - our conflict was a product of our his- with our friends again recently (now
by:67;g;:£r1;rrmge & Me tories and we knew we wanted two years later) to talk about more “Yo
“You have one more root something different. But how? specutic issues (or maybe, ultimately, mo
thought about money. ..lhaf there’s i remember lwas With a small the same one -trust). pa)
not enough... money is scarce... group of friends and i asked to hear We’d talked With them individu- say
money is never given freeiy...money their experience about how they han— ally over the past two years, but now the
doesn’t grow on trees (when, in fact, died money in their relationships. i it was time to sit down together. Tam
it does)...” from Conversations With heard different ways that worked for had been unemployed since her us
60d. 000* 1 each couple. 1 also heard one graduation from UK in August until It’s
Well, as YOU know, that’s 09" woman talk about how money was sometime in October. This became wh
tainly been my philosophy about more about trust and honesty. prime fodder for my fears. l began to live
money ' that there’s "ht going to be She and her husband had been not trust that she was spending just
enough. i'm "Shatty sitting in the pre- where Tam and l were. The hardest her money as opposed to the fund ani
sent With a little t’tt 0t money trying to transition for her was not changing money. 991
pay all the bills due in the future. how they handled money together, So, we sat again with our friends Shi
' Funny how my mind always but how she changed how she han- and talked intimately about our feel- he!
remembers the fantasy ' that there‘s died her lack oi trust in her partner ings. Something that had worked for on
Mt going to be enough ' instead 0t and in The Universe. them was to sit down together, write
thetruth -that there has always been Tam and I met with them, had out all their expenses and their 5;,
enough. dinner and sat around their kitchen income just to see where they were the
When Tammy, my partner, and t table and talked intimately about our financially instead of relying on their wc
thSt moved in together, we argued feelings and problems with money. fears. i also heard. again, about an
about money a M ' arguments t’Oth We knew that what we‘d been doing trust. Only this time, i didn‘t feel very wr
0t 01" tears. t remember a friend wasn‘t working, so we were willing to different on our way home. ,0,
asking me, "BUt Kelly, hasn’t Tammy at least try something different. About two weeks after our meet-
aiways come up with her half 0t the We agreed to put our income ing, Tarn and i decided to take a cash
expenses?” together and pay our bills from that advance from our VISA to pay some
That's how Tam and t did 0‘" money (fund money). We give our- bills. lcailed our friend to talk to her
money In the beginning. You’d ththk selves spending money each week about this option. She asked if Tam
that 't we were splitting 0‘" bills just like one of our bills. We have our and i had sat down and written out
5950- each paying 0‘" 0W" specific own VlSA‘s and one together. We our expenses and income? She
bills, and Tam always paying her have to agree on mutual purchases - suggested we do that before taking a
part, that there WOUtdh't be anything if we don‘t agree, then the one want- cash advance.
to argue about. Fear hhtts a way. ing the item gets to decide if she So, we sat at our kitchen table
From the very beginning, Tarn wants to spend her own money. We and saw, on paper, our expenses. i
wanted to pool-our money. There considered all bills brought into the knew there was no way i could make
wasn’t any way '" hell t was going to marriage as our bills (medical, loans, that much money every month. But,
do that ’ my fear was too great, my amendments). Any personal debts we wrote down the income any-
ttUSt “’0 little. other than medical acquired inside way,and, with a few adjustments to
NOW» itrusted her enough to fall the marriage is the responsibility of expenses, we saw that, just for that
asleep besrde 0' ht" and t trusted each person. month, with my bit of income and
that she “'OUtdh’t have an affair, W” i remember how close we felt as what Tarn was able to contribute
WOUtd “0t ttUSt her ‘f’tth money ' W'th we drove home. A great weight had (emergency food stamps and house
paper. tttt‘St her “"th my the hm hm been lifted off both of us, and we cleaning money), we could pay our
. wrth paper. . were beginning to learn how to do bills without a cash advance. There
Tarn and “"9“ to' about two money together. was enough. There always had
years to work out our money prob- Was it a perfect solution? it been.
Iems. We knew that a '3th part 0t couldnt be! Tam and i had to meet continued on next Page

 I still say things best left unsaid: away and steals my today. asked to be paid early. Even in my
“You'll have to spend your own Fantasy: there's no money in fear, Iknew that/didn’t have tobe
money" and "How are you going to the bank, I won’t ever finda jobl love afraid if I didn't want to-if nothing
pay for that?" And Tam thinks that I and make decent money, there won't else, that’s different. But, I had
say no to mutual purchases more be enough money when we need it begun to notbeafraid (a little) before
than she does - which is true. for bills, a check is going to bounce, the money showed up. I wonder, is
This is just what works best for something horrible is going to hap - this like the fantasy that if / don’t
us for now. it’s not a perfect solution pen. worry, then I must not really care? If
It‘s not the solution. A solution is Fact: we have all our bills paid, I’m not afraid, then money won’t
whatever brings more peace into our we have plenty of food to eat, we show up? My experience, again, is
lives. want for nothing today, I’m doing the that there is always enough.
Today, we have all our bills paid best I can with work, I have a check 7
and $172 dollars in the bank and Tam for $75 coming this week, Tammy Nfiflgfi'mgfigfit“
. gets paid this Friday (she found ajob and I love one another and our ~Mfih¢MMfi
' she really likes). l’m starting to friends, we are loved, we have a W‘WM
: believe that money really does grow warm, wonderful apartment, please, i WMfiaM»flwm
on trees ecu/Ugo on and tmwmtamu
’ P.S. It’s been about a week FEELINGS AREN’T FACTll flmiwafihuflmm
' since I wrote that article and we 're in It’s time for me to call someone M,Wmmc
3 the hole and l’m scared again. I start and talk about these fears instead of wmafimtstmfiw—
r wondering when I’m going to go out just letting them grow and grow “‘8“;me
t and just get a real job and what’s inside of my bodyll i'immmmmm
l wrong with me? This fear takes up a RSS. It's a few days later now. We “adammohltwnm.
lot of space in my life; it pushes Tam have money in the bank because i ' - v ”“511"
1 ' c
r K R I STI N s M IT H
. 294-2523
8 5 Proudl 5 ' K t k ' L b'
te » Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered
,. and Stray’r Communities.
at ’- 7"" it "
, I '
_ 1 1:1:5111951112 ..
'8 ”m‘m'm”m‘ EQUAL HOUSING L
rd 273'7501 OPPORTUNITY
.... _________________________________.__——————————-
GLSO Page 11

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The characters are six inches tall, mounted on a two inch base. The boards are
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