xt7b5m627w48 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7b5m627w48/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 1914-10-29 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 7, No. 7, October 29, 1914 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 7, No. 7, October 29, 1914 1914 1914-10-29 2015 true xt7b5m627w48 section xt7b5m627w48 rl _
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I H E  
  V()L, VI], LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY, OCTOBER 29, 1914. No, 7,
- I
· f "llll lll l}lllI}IllllllI" "‘”"'"““’" PLAYS 'lllllllll |lllEl||l$ ""m‘°“ °" “°"°" Elllllllll lllllll llllllll
,_ lll SEE tlllll GAME           llllllllll llllllllllt     ...   W .,,..,., .. Bl lHl lllllllill SEIIIIBS
-—--—- —— R I C tl P l d. —;-
_ Wlll Att•mpt to Trlm Local wu lr own. on oro
Wlldcats to Meet the Best Hlgh School. _ MI"     Spra'gu€’ of But-I The election of offlcers for the stu- Kontucky T°am» Composed
Team Ever Turned Out at -— mingham, Makes Val- ldcm scvcmlcs crscnlmlcn will be of Second Team Men,
_ Undnuntnd by theh. dntnnt nt the . held Wednesday at the usual convoca- .
, uable Ex lanatlon. 4 Run U H1 h .
        hands of the heavy muisville Mala p tion hour ln chapel. The meeting   p g  
·——— High Schothl tenth the Lnxtngtnn Hlghl —···—·· be called to order by the vlce-presl- —·-L-
        eleven are coming out to Stoll Field       KY. d€“t· Wayland Rn°°·do“· tho °on“ttt“'    
_ Friday afternoon and attempt to tion of the organization will be read
tame the pNnhm,,u_ The Fhenhmen with a few explanatory remarks fol-
, The wlldcats second hard game of Since what they themselves term umm ln another runaway contest the
S t rd easily defeated the strong Cynthlana their udtsutmus Kenmcy tripu the 8- Wildcat H k d th E h C u
·· t s c e e r
_ the *’°*‘”°'* °°***°” **°"t no ny team tn thnh. Own back yard hut F", Mi tsl t te m h B dom at lot of All students or the university are t f R I t ° “ am ° °o°
  ‘”*""‘ """ ’“°°‘ "‘° °"°“‘ U“""°""" day and consider lcct Frldafs cchtcct " ° °" “ " expected no no mascot and to pmlcl- °“"‘· ° “““° V “°· “*‘"““‘· by “*°
T of (gthcthhtm team at Carson Field gh any- thinking. Eine following ti atsllpplni pate tn the atmtrs of the student gow Score of 81 to 3. The game was fea-
A_ { ¥ f th rmlnhm ay ews,o t dbthhdll f f
tllat city The whole strength of the High School has 8 couple of good mm 8 l K n * nrntng nnnnctnttnn um Y 6 an ng 0 the orward
mighty whdcht machine will bg October 23. ____•_•____ pass by the Wildcats, getting away
players in Robertson, at quarter, and
thrown again the combination that No Rlngara at Kentucky, with nineteen of them to their oppo-
Shouse, at end. The former showed 8. n Ptnntdmt nt Atnmnt I _
Coach George Little has whipped to-] Y ' nents '¤0¤9-
j ~ th t U t it { Ct I tt .¤p cspccinlly well in the Louisville There's always two slacc to every (_ h B
t ge Br n nvm-B Y 0 nc mm ' lgame, making practically all the quG¤ti0¤· I mm mmage used m°St °f ms
The Cinclnnatlans are busily pre- gums for ms team. Couch Stewart, A day or so ago the Sporttng Editor       Second string men in the game and
parlng for the Wildcats, as reports who is hammng the Cuckoo eleven of The News W88 informed, by 0¤6 thad the regular Varslyt lineup bja
from that city show and their team wno vrcbcblv noon not novo tho boot jj used a larger score might have been
will receive some great support from this year. also hu the High Schcol mtemst of Kentucky State at hea"' made Gumbert Clark Birk d
team in charge and claim that they that that school aged ringers, Work Quthngd and Steps. ‘ ’ ' °°
not only the students of the school wut give the State yeuungl the tight Today un tn tntnrmnd by the tncnlt • tJake all handled themselves like vet-
but from the general publlc as well. Ot their uva before the game is Over. president of the Kentucky Alumul,. Takéll L00k1I1g TOW8,l‘d ' orans and gained at will through the
The following despatch from Rhine-; who docs have the bali i¤|Z6!'€¤£ of Publication Hoosler's line. Tuttle and l-lite were
• 1¤¤d ¤hcw¤ hcw wc stand ln the cycsl " `°'*"‘“" nm **°**°°t at **°¤”· out §°**°“°*Y ‘ oclug l-cctocl rot- the culclhoou game
of the football fans there and thel ¤ gtttxinishsfxhiziiz sxxttg scmpu- _ next Saturday, but they were not
strength of their team: I Tun Snnrttng Edttnt. nt qthn News         missed. As usual, Park played a fine
"When Kentucky State meets the bgligvgg ln fglr play, and having given game, making live touchdowns and
University of Cincinnati team at Cin-I     c H S Mr· J· S- C¤¤¤¤¤lm¤¤’S SW6 cf thc. Th dit tl tu tm 191 K kicking nine goals, besides starting
Q ' -
clnnatl lt wlll bump against the finest, ' ' ' Sto"Y· no now "ocoivos °' communica" 8 Ora S B 0 6 O an all the forward passes. The longest
l tion from J. M. Sprague with welcome; tuckian held its flrst meeting Friday
grldlron aggregation that has ever| it . , _ _ ` and the most sensational run of the
t The letter of Mr. Sprague follows. October 23, at 3:30 0'cl°ck tn tht,
represented the black and red. Coach   Outplay   School Bhuntnghntn Atn Ont 22 {J H d t t Th' game was made in the flrst quarter
t · ‘· ‘ ‘ ourna sm e ar men. -
George Little has not only whipped to· _ _ Sporting Editor Birmingham News; Ib t t pm t ff 6 sem when "l·‘ats" Thompson grabbed the
. ers com r n :
gnthnt. 8 nnwnttut uttt.n_nt.gnntzntt0h Boys Bhd Wl!} EZSIIY, Dear Slr; ln Justice to the Kon-'S L its gR fs; ::8 wa:] kick-off from Earlham and copied Jlm
· ¤ . .' . G, Q . , t
nt the dntnnntvn nun nttenntvn htndt Score   to 0 ttuctkh Suztetllhitersltt ands; order tial (mv 6 lori t a tim Zrggn Lei Parks Stunt in the Wilmington game
• . re ar - e or; ~soc , . . -
but has instilled a spirit which has Ipu le ac S 6 me _ 19 p\;_ C it I ab a 9 G Drs by running through the whole Earl-
--——- .i¤s thc cyctcm cf cthlct cs at an- hovltz, lt. s. Ehrlich, Clyde P. Taylor, _
been ¤¤d‘Y locking ln t°rm°r y°°'rB‘ ttucky State I would ask that the fol-; R B t. I tt H N I Ch t tt nom team tor 8 tccchdcwc-
* . .’ayor, ’m. . oe, rs nel
C 'l`ll9 boys ll8.V(-3 C&\1gh[ SOHIG of the       lgwing bg published in rgply to several The \Vi1dCatB Started Scoring right
coacll‘s llre and and ln a gamel questionable statements that have ap· Hopkins' Muguerite S°hw°°rs and
DGP --— t _ off the real. After receiving a kick
they ctc c nyc bunch kidding lthoclt- . ¤¤¤¤*·* *** The News S*¤°¢ the d<="€¤*· “`"’°" D· "’“"“‘“· J““’°’ ""“°’· 0 F rlh .. t t d u u
t b tt d ttm Bach other The brosttmon toom jonrnoyod to of Mississippi A. & M. by the Ken— The meeting was informal and was n ”& ams or y-yar ne an re`
  zziitzlg adnaedze {mi wondrous Cynthiana last Friday and d6f68¢9d tucky team. K given over to a general dlscusslon ofgtilmingltwanfy ya:1dS’ Captain Park
thc nlgh School tooth of that place Tc qucrc Mr <‘<>¤¤cc1mc¤. "¤f cc-; , I t, tu Sm a c¤g crwar pm rc Wright.
_ I t tl0 pan to e o owed in compiling Y
tackles. i i h hy the scorn nt 31 tn 0_ Itufsgl ltttosrelggrtggltlslr i;;m<*g‘0t;°;i>;\;   and publishing the Annual. w ho sgrried the ball over for the flrst
"E t i wn po- — ~ , ' t t * . S tt d Tl
very man s a s ar n s 0 qha [.1-eshmeh Scored in Byery uunr {they probably had Several extsmrst tt Mts decided to meet every twot ouc own co t an lompson
Emo"' with two and mma men ready Far oxoont tno tnn`d· wnon t-no CYn‘ from Michigan and otller Western uni-¥ weeks for a time, with more frequent Scored mlfvhdowns m this quarter'
t to step into BUY One of the eleven D0` thlana team Stl‘8llgth6Il€d Bhd h6ld.tVt.*l`SltlGS lll Ul€il` HU€·UD·n tn it “'n·Y llléelillgs as thg time for publicgtignl both making nice broken Held runS'
hltlons in case the flrst man used does At ho tinle dtd the High School agg,-8, I of explanation would say the old Ken-t upttroacmst 1 Park kicked all three goals.
, tk ll'..·'t*t ·'l` l i* ·.   ..
not play an almost faultless Same. gation threaten to cross States goall t?§tv’;}rSt$:“x:`;d ;:)°;:\ittr::3;rv?:uit tt tu thnuuht thnt the nnxt tnnnttngt l‘»¢\!`llld.lll s only store came in the
"The squad this year is the largest ‘line. mmm in tuutt and the team that dn   uu t.—t.htny_ Ontnhnt. 30, cnn hn held tn thlrd quarter, when after a series or
' that non ovor ronrooontoo U- C- and Grnntoloon RoooS· Brttton and feated Mississippi A. & M. Saturday the IIBW editorial room which is being mug "'"S by Logond and Bono· tno
every man is hustling to hold a job Sturgeon played a star game for the was Kentucky State ljniversity {pre? htthd uu human the hall trntn the former dropped a nice goal over from
pm the flrgt line, The gama that U, Freshmen, while Dix, Rgygr. and Dur- vlous tc won htnto lcllcsc cf t\on't_lhut.uttttStn Department- This room the fifteen-yard line, This was the
(Y. put up against Kenyon made the bln performed best for the Hlgll [ui xvttum Mk the Editor Ut HUH tha uth ht. uuuu hy ntnmhhrn nt the Kt,u_ only lllllé that the Earlhaln team
rooters gasp. Kenyon beat Western School boys. tevtu., mlunm wunru he gets uts m_` tuuhtuu nun IDEA ntnul St*t‘lll€d dangerous. After tllis Park
Rcscrvc and cxpcctcd a picnic with U- Abcur twc huudrcd Suppcricrs and l'()[’lll8,[l0I\ that the l|Ll£‘SKl0Il or l-least A Sll[.{§•3S(l()ll, which will be carried *******8 *“‘° ***0*** *°**<‘**d°W¤S *****1
(‘. but the manner in which the Black the cadet band went over with the college athletics is so little regarded   out nt hut.t,_ uns nttnrnd thut nn An_Ikicked both goals, nlaking the score
and Red backs tore through the Kon- [BSI!] ln their special tralll. Such sup- ct ¤~c¤r¤<·vk moto- As n lnnttor cf; uunt hnx Shuhnt. tn The IDEA hnx lat the end of the half, Kentucky 35,
yon line made the Kenyon motors port ls encouraglng to the teams and t:;:;1b*;:"‘tt;" :1% ost': lA"t‘;"”;sd liu: “.uu_u ts tut__t_t,u ut tue tmtmnw to tue ltarlham 3_
shudder. causes them to work harder than I _ , ,' I, Z. t , . - . _ { tls ttl d t wth].
been for sex eral years. llle hdltlil of Mdnl blllldlilkt be D|&0€d Bi 3 LOHSDIC n t t " llnnrtor tin Hits
"'l‘he defeat of ll. (T. by Ohio Wes·l tnoY would kccwlcs tnnt ccbcdv ccrcc "On the Level" l'0ll1llll1 states that, lll nous point to roooivo oontrtbuttoug scored four times. Wright went over
loyall was a fluke, as Wesleyan was wnotno" tnoY Wtn cr not· S|’*’nkn*l·¥ cf Kontn"kY· H; ~ ·· ntwnys from the stlltlollts Any ono having a tvllce on long forward passes and
‘“"“""""’ “'“" '““" °‘°"‘“ "“‘°" U" °‘ TM "”°""” gt`.; KtmlOtt-Syl,.slythmf Qff,,,ig`Q ¤¤····>» l·c<~¤¤·. 1·>k——. cmwlttc ot- coco vnu st-otco the cthc.- th-., .-....,_ t»,,,..k_
, , · s Ul c ·   _
had failed to take along alld flound- *"`*’*n*n*°**· P0¤nt0n¤*· tY**tt*l¤l*¤- anu, nth]., I um`, Mk uuuth, Ot, tuuuni shot wllicll ho thlnks hllght be ugod_ l`larke and \"l`IL!,ll[ went over ln the
cred around on the lnuddy field llke HnYnon --·····--· Ln ····   Hnn°***¤n hurthlu tt, t,,~t,dut~€ tt Singh, (-ust, of hai should place lt lll this box. Snapllust quarter in which the Wildcats
lt llsll out of water. Ht*‘k€*`¤on ········ LT ··········· UU eligibility lll thc Kl'll(lll'k)' State lillc—tshots ttro t·spt·t·ia||y dostrablo used the forward pass to a great ad-
,,,t,utt work ut, Tan ttnnttth tuttbwut Spalding ......... LG ......... Ingles UDL t lk q U tw ti   3|t—_ 5lot·gtth_ tu-t odltoyy has ton orlvalltagc. S[)l`lll'\‘ llllll llotld pulled otY
struck horror in the ranks of Kanyon- lhgnlpsey ,,,.,.... (7 ....   Vanbcrell uhhiigt (t;‘l;;;:·°ll‘i`gh;i::l` in lllzgl?   l t“,.[t-tt tthhtstutttth Tho t·(mU·u(·[ for St)lllt‘ pretty l'IlIlS for the Hoosiers lll
H0 tum tumugu on awry attempt tm, Slnlpson ......... HG .......... Land the uutwrstttt t_nutmt_ttuuy Mk tutttL..t,ht·t,t·;..h has boon hush to the lthlthis pcriod, but at critical ll\\)IIlt‘ll[S
stx yards und mort, U_ (}_ ts not uh. S*""’ot` ···-·—··-·· RT -··· Annnormnn this bt. t,uh|l,.thod_ _dilulzlpolls "Ul'(‘l\ll uf ldngravlng, the \\'ildvuts held tllclll ill chock and
ttnnmttmuttug Knntuhky Stntnt Not StUl`gtlQll ......... IU'} ...-.-   Royer Yours very truly, 1 .—`l\l|()llll('t*|\\€|l[ was made that tlwlUl¢*¥' W¢’i`•* Ulltiblti to l‘0lll¢* ll•*ul' S¢‘0l‘—
lly a jugflll. 'l‘hey have a wholesome R°d°“ ··········· on ····· M"Ut"u*·'·n It M [ Ht t   M‘AS;wtA;'Ut:‘· t"l<" dance brought ln about ono hun- ing.
. res *ll l·lnll ltllll unlll cn-
rp5|)g·(·[ fur K9||[u(•ky' fulllelllbarillg Ktnno '''' ‘ `'''''   ''''' puludexte. tuvk; Stunt ttufvttrsity `tlrvtt ttttltarst Wl\ll'l1 ls nearly [Wil'? LIS HUIMI, l,()g&ll, 'I`[|()|‘||[t)|| und Spruqg
. llrcbfcldcr ······- Ml ······· M°n"“nn _ ____     _   _ _ t nnuch us has been obtained from this played well for (`()Ll(‘ll \Vhltt·slde's
ttumtututtd on Page Six.) tlirltton .......... FU .......·· Uurbinl ttumttnuuu on page Six.) NUll|'l'\‘ lll prcvlous years. t‘lt‘\`t·)Il, while Morrlsh, thc vlsltor’s
. 4 •

 2 T H E ID E A ‘ • •
·— ——·-—·~v·....~ ..-.T—....-......... 1-r-...-...,.....r`- . A . ..._. ,_, _,_,__,,_ __ ____________ _ A __ _ __> r wr _. A >_—·—____—-_ it',-—* I
Symphomc Orchestra Exclusive Mutual and Universal Program of Moving Pictures Go Where the Go'; Go.
“°°‘ IHE ORPHEUM IHEA I RE "*"""°"°°
Me At Admission 10c
, , • d ann • OPIN 10 A. M. to 11 P. M.
;<·mm·r.· also allow;-:1 up wall. The l •|» O ·|• + O 4 ·I· ·I· •|· 4 4 Q Q ·|• Q O O: Ir. wpgver. I contract and ls dlreetlng the work. g
ivllsltorls center n|sol>¤l1owe¢|k11I» well.  ·|·         +2 *¤ 0¥`d€I` I0 •’l¤¤***Y Y0" m°m*’*’*`***P• The walks were lgld on hy members Q I V
» _ \ _ • · l
A 0 A M   D E I I u oos ilr s (Tac Q` nernnr ml after 1+ Q 0 O Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q O Q   undergraduates will be I‘€q\1|l‘€d to of me (givn Engineering Dppanmem {
I · · · , ' · I T
H Mum mt up draw had the ——--—*- ,***8**** *`**`m*** *`9c°*`**“ *** *1****** and ***° under the supervlslon of Prof. D. I). `
·. , . [ ll
    Iorvmrd pass down as near to perfec-` THE PRINCE OF P|L8EN." idoor events, which wlll be given on Te".(,"_ {
p lion as In- had ever seen hv mw team.   -—- vappllmuon
  , .   ` I _ _ __ ; · · Professor 'Ferrell desires a concrete
The Hmhupz I lhs Prime ol Illsen, the turletuli p_ ii I I
2 NEW SHOWS WEEKLY {K"“'“"*" S‘*"‘“* “"""""‘ I musm (tommy by Hwy and L"d°m’; CONCRETE PAVEMENT lxlzlnlgslizidmzlsrz il?a<;r(;*:at(:frtl‘B[Ll;*|I `
Wright ........,_ 1,;; _________ Bruner *1*** be the v·ttrn<·t1on at the Hen Au_ LAH) N E I *9 **6 B ¤· ‘
  tl . t . l ·
8 -- SIIIIVIS DAILY-- 3 rzrutpllpr ........, rrr ........ Kellseyl **···¤·~· m¤¤¤··¤ ¤··¤ ··¤¤·¤- ¤<»¤¤v·l 0 TH CAMPUS o;`"d°‘;)"__’ °I" f‘t:"‘°"· "° *‘“’“·
S . » It has been the lot of few musical com- Profencr TerrcII’• Squad of Clvlln 'D re y n 9 hands 0* st"`
mlth ........... l.(» ..... lxenneman ` _
mma ___________ (· _________ Moms], "‘***‘* *0 **¤"'**‘€ Nw vicissitudes ot al Lqoklng Mm- gh, lmportlm (****1*** OT the College or uvn Engineer.
I06 MATIIIEE I00   ............ lm ........ m».,rl *·¤·f ¤<>¤ ·*··   ¤¤¤ ··"¤··» P¤¤<>¤i w¤r·<- ‘“"‘"‘““"‘“"°’““°°"“"“°°‘°""°‘"g
Unc   206 Tnlomlmn ....... n·r ........ semner "* "***"‘“" “"°"‘*‘ *0 8******* *“ ° °*““°§ (, ,'—"‘ gumlshed by the University and com ` ,
Schrader U · · I ' { URN. ' I · · · · Winslow Blom, and its remurrent visits Herve, oncrete pavements are being lald e laid at a cost of six or seven cents p
Park HU··H·U»QlL U U l · l · H Logan to add popularity HS fammar Story   on the campus from the Gymnasium n. Square foot.
Un¤•r EnIIr•Iy Nw I•M¤•m•r•I illumbert ......... l.ll ...... *rn0mmn *‘*‘“ “*“"*y“ “" *‘*' °* *'°"**¤*°”· **¤lm me Main banding to me mar Ml °
*sc0;; pr; B lsomzs are dainty and poetic and {helm? m¤*¤ building and past the old LOST—New Slgmg Nu jgwgllpd fm.
. ............ . ........ owen I
  ,___4___w_ _____ lcmrk   U · I   Bond l4ud€rS music Suggest spontaneity andidormitory to the commons. ternlty pin. Please return to Hilda, 4
W   TOuchdOwnS_Park' 3; wright, 4; mspmmon rather than me mminwl Ehezil walks have long been needed Williams and receive reward. .
· lTh0mp,,0,,_ Scott, Clark (ical from vent pilrermgs or made-no-order com-l ““ “ “‘*‘* “’ ***8 “’““"“* °°'“*°"I ——————— 
V . `T0u(_hd0“_n_Park’ 9. Field G08l__!posltlons. In vocal strength the pres- 0* an as wen as w uw *°°kS °* the W S  
,4 {Logan. Substltutlons—-State; Blrk Gm company is (me of ***8 best Yet carqljsus; W k m i 4000 • •
I , e ew or w c m rse , . I
VW {fm, Clarke; Jake for Gumbert; Clarke heard. John \V. Ransome ls again I t f lk lg: m The S8l11t8l’y GI'0¢€I'
  , , . , seen as "Hans Wn.gner" with "spllnt- Squaw B8 0 wa ’ W C W c°St
I for lllrk, humbert for bchrader, Peak P _
V / lfor Wright; Blrk for Jake; Wright for amd', Speech", Eda von Luke IB the approximately $550. Cor 8 Llmcaggpinzzglr Inla Ava
‘ \ ***9****9 ***€€ for Crutvher; Tuttle for “`*d°“*· ***’*`“******° D9 Rose ih'? Sidonie, Gus M°Gmth’ °f {ms °**Y· has ***9 ' ' 9 · ` { D
_ _ Gumbert; Schrader for Scott; Reed and C. Burke Scott, the lieutenant. W" "— i
I ` for Petrie; Sturgeon for Clarke; Earl-! 8**V-     g
*\ Q , ham—Cpruce for Bond· Mills for Kell-‘ "";—‘ E I l `
I ‘ ’ ' .. . C I18 HI'! R
' `sey; Darnell for Logan; Hutton forl THE G*R*" OF MY DREAM?   n t   Q
lv Hmm R€f€m_H€m_ 0, Kenyoul Dm Mfu]—{1-—i I PI SATURDAY, OCT. 31 , 1 914 I
, l*mpire—Caswell, of Georgetown; g ul ca ay- F O O T B A *· *· G A M E  
Head Linesman—Larson, of Chicago. "lIeflned and charming musical Kentucky Stan Ur;€3·“&`i; L:;&;;r§tyI;f clnclnnau {
T Score by Quarters—State, 21, 14, 16, play," as the (lhica 0 Phlladel hla U   *
;20—81. Earlham—0, 3, 0, 0-3. Time Boston, and New York observers de- ’ °
of quarters, 12% minutes. clare, is "The Girl of My Dre¤,m¤," Special train leaves Lexington 9:00 a. m., October 31. Returning, ` ~
I ,____..,,,;_. which wm be Been here at me Ben Special Train leaves Cincinnati 7:30 p. m., same day.
lT§F;’°;>{*;‘:)dY " 9°'"9 *° c""°Y”R°**"d Ali Theatre matinee and night, next! Tlckcn Good and Returning Only on Spcclal Train.
I ' ' Saturday.
.,. .,, ., .,. .,, .,, ., .,. ,, ,,, .,, ,, ,, ,, ,,, , n is mmme they Say, for me ·-ln. For full information. ¤DDlY to nw- * '
¤_ qu j..,   + fectious lift of its melodies and tor   est Ticket Agent,
 V {E;. _ T4, + + + + + + ll, 4, 1., + + + ,., ,·, ,• the especially artistic performance ot O H_ c_ K|NG’ pnungm. and Ticket  
A " `·` I (v — _ I
QR·B.&5.au. 'ountess von Hatzefeldt in the lead ROUTE Agent, 101 E_ Main SL Phone 49. I
J. W. ATKINS HERE. mg feminine role of Lucy Medders Lexington Ky
·—— and Harland Briggs as Harry Swlfton,| ’ I
. Mr. J. \\'. Atkins, '14, a graduate of ,
`   6   1 ’ yl i U d Y t    
    the Mining College, was in town for a I le 0**,,** 10 S ma y 0 qu 5
{few days last week and be good.    
Z _A _ __ _ _ ' _ This delightful musical play has' I     I  
Esptdauy     Blu’ Immediately utter his grad- been enthusiastically received in all To
_ Iuation, accepted a position with the UQ I r t ii 1 I
Find our Styles way above Standard Oil Company A corps of I age eas Bm ctes nc udmg 8* °
I ' successful run at tl e C it rl Th - | t D
the average , , , , , ,4engineers was. to be sent to South tw, New York City? Aiaigeoznd Zip        
;All'18I`lCB and Bill was to be one of the oeuem Supporting Company includes O ‘
Nur!). *9} r€‘]'***€d New Orleanb ;|pving Brooks, Roberta Taylor, Bud  
;···;‘ but irom there were recalled to New _
· ly k I U { L Murray, Marie (menier, Adele Bou-
Fau C]Oth[ng lro *g_;*;mt€_ my mgm wtg; bc thu Ilalse, George Carpenter, John Berk- C C C
ole. .· rn   Y
i I ls p was preven e Y 91 son, and Harry Humphreys, the origl- O •   &  
H outbreak of the European War andwml D0 Luxe pony ballet and a big
ats? lam is Maw ui 'wmk   bSwamS’dKy`   American beauty chorus. advl   {
I e says tlat tlmgs wi e opene up]
.work to be agen taken up in south' . Foot Ball and Gymnasium Su lies ‘
  S America and that ll will go there     pp *
I " , ' L‘ ' . _ __i • , I
g g ___ smc to Hm New Body AHM with Bicycles and Repmrs, Pennants and Posters, *
‘¤~¤ of drills- =»·¤<>¤¤ few Wks. This is 1. National Organ.  
Incorporate?. *“***€** ****3* ****V** *****8 $****-*}****8- ****0 ization, founded at lndlana University I I I *
l ****’ *********5 ***°****’**” *’* *’***”****E· ******   in 1912 and now has fourteen chapters     & M   · l
1 he removal of broken material. ‘· I · ‘
The   C Fellows, Sho ;* lan the larger unlversltles ln the luast
g P Trips of this cllaracter are under-land yemral west
or . A o N .. . V .,,e _ _ . . Y _ _ ` 3
_ C C       by     I .~.. ..   .1..l         I., PRIN ‘ l `IN G ( IO. I
  agar O•1*'***””*'*‘ ****** ***`€ *******9** ** 5*******: *’* encourage eomprehenslve physical I  
M f Ton { `*‘**"““* "'*“*`“5* “**‘·* **“**“ "********·'*“ *° training and development among col- nconomtdt I
uw lc ur". ° lm': “******’***·*’· lege students The membershl I I r * ` *
` I · .· ·. * , , p COD- '
    Everybody n going to cmcy_R°und sists of the charter members, full   • • ' *
iTrip NM). rnernbers and Junior xnembers. The e      
___.._.T__,__. ._.,_,._. -_..i Train leave; Q. Q C, Depqt 9 3, m, <'*IilI'U'|' |ll¢‘Illb<*l'¤ are chosen from the   »·j
. . faculty and act as the cormnlttee on T 1-...J . I
• - » . . ‘ . I .,
Unlverslty Lunch Stand DR. J. D.   eertltlcatioii. 'l`lne following have been}   '   V 1
°'*°" "‘°*“'*""¥ '° °*“°°"*• eve un Nose ana THROAT slmuu to YUUIIU the tran r at sm m * H ”iZOLLEGE'WORK*A A
0 v · ' ` * 9 ‘l IV H BZ `
and Faculty of State UnIv•r•Ity SPECIALIST , , l    
l resident ll. h. Harker, Ur. W. L. All-|
A B BARNETT °' “'‘°' °'°“"‘* ‘° °"‘"· » ll . W . . I · "‘* ~ · —. l · ·
, , Mcclmand Building. Ierson, r. .. . ’ryor, Jr. John J.,   North Lin`? ‘ • '
COR. 8. LIMESTONE AND COLFAX Office Phono 932-X Regidqneg 739.Xl'l`*H*‘I'I. Ml'. J Il Turner and Prof, (‘_§ stone Lexlnztolb Ky'

 • g ’ T 1~1 E 1 0 E A 3
--_-JH       J Jrrr   L   Lu-       · 1   W"` H   J`;`"”"" `      
{  Hook of Modern Verne," and (Znttell's HIII. hl. Flm-kr·n and J. T. Hluglmr ,·|» 4- { Q •|· Q •|» Q Q Q Q 4 4 4 4 4 4
_ • } "l’n|vernIty ControI." N--M ~·- ,,·,
J       J J   The "hmry receive, mmluly one pm!. (3 ..I. Norwood, nf me- mining, .     Q
Jhlmdred and mvsmynve periodical., vnllego, wlll attend n mtn:·r¤' irmimw I "' + "° " "’ * * "' "' * "' "' ‘• '•' " * "
  `"' “'h"“" °"*’ hundred and "`“ are d|”‘( at pond week' Ky" this week  
{tl H tid e ______ V \\ AN I }·,I>»— I·lvr~ry student In the l`ni-
DAIRY TEAM WINS SOPHOMORE NIGHT J ' ’"" “"‘""” "“’ "“"°“" """"" mm. T. rn. Mmm nr or rmnknm ».. H » .
.4 • 'mvntn for reference work and umn K ' ' ` muy tn Nm] Hm Saturday Ewm
        SOClETY|rpturn€d to the Imran Slxty·m`;r addressed the Republican (Yluh of tm- mg Imst mul Country Gentleman,
’ P. E. Rlchnrda Wan Sccond High Man' ‘·Snph0nmrv Night" at the Agrtcul-I WU", given to the library, making 8 Vnivernlty last Friday evening in thv FRANK W, *rr:1·*{·yE_ Agnnf_ lg; y,;_
` ’ an whom Cqntggp tvrrnl Soviety Monday night was nneitoml of two hundred and thmy_mm_  Natural Svlenm Building, I Maxwell SL
___ nf mv host me-ntlngs of the year and,r i d I
The dalry mum will probably re-- *"" **m"‘d“"("* was K°°d· Of Nw num` I TI] T . I i l'   -
‘Sp‘~p" nunjhgxrg on   program u"` TIN! (‘|Khth annual meeting of   lp ranqy vann nh‘rq|ty foot      
turn from the National Dairy Show at ball team returned lust Sundav night
vhlmgo Thmqd lb or mmm, mmm Iwere presented and Included some cx-` Kentucky Library Association is belnglf qt L I I S ' 1 A F ·
, , , .:' · _, ‘, · ‘ I'0m·. ., ‘··, .': ;‘,
, ¤·~···¤· WM nh.-M at the city mum rm. week .mr °“ “ " "" ‘"‘ """ ‘* Hmm} my GIBZIHE UU.
punicd by Irof. J. J. Hooper, who wcntl During th,. busgnpss meeting at my _ `they were defeated by (`Iwistimx
Ion Friday the members will inspect 149 wen Short gh
with them to tho big contest. ·<-lose of the pro ram, Messrs. J. E., Brothers (` Ile e e- .
8 V ,0 Ag t/am 23 to 2. Tho
r In a mnhuat [ M(,CIm.‘, F-_ O_ LuMMtm, Angus Gm,_~tl1e lrnlverslty library and visit the SUITS PRESSED WHILE YOU WAIT
I - 0 ¤|Xt€€¤ IGBFDS W10 I d· H • various de artmonu of the Univer locals are all loud In th•=ir praises for pho". 365
Kentuvky boys as a whole tram won Um an en", L°w|S W°°° |°m°°°d‘ it D {··P¤m" Davereuux, mmm, Sackstvrlnr _ _____ ___> ___  
r seventh place-, and although It is of FAT 8·p6ék—}—EAM *_”“ k is y' land (zaymhm-_
· course a disappointment both tn the HAS BEEN 8ELECTED_ 4_..K» CLU, ELEcTs_ ‘ B E N I   I
.   , """""*‘"‘ °' ""‘ “"‘*"‘ “““ ‘° ‘:‘i°"' W 1..dgm mm mm ¤» w repre-} M.,,.d.,,» 8. ..00.. me 4.·-x·· c¤¤¤` """‘ T E' ““'""”"°' "““ "“‘"""’
friends, it is still somewhat 00H:O DKIHPM NTU, pnlvprlhy at the Inmrnan elovted the following Omcem for this upon his duties as instructor of soil un, L T.  
to think NYM ¥h"V" Bm more €¤m**‘ tional Fat Stock Show at Chlca$0;,(,|m0| yea,-_ paul gerhm.d_ prGB|deI1t"DhyS‘(`g, filling the place made vacant 127   _  
that ranked below the boys from Ken-i vfnrly in Il¢=¢le·1nber‘I1as been chosen by} Raymond Lavercomh vlc8_pl.eMd9m_ by pmt E. (._ J0n€S_ pm" T. EA KHP ¢GPSI 8
tupky [han rhprn were that rankedl I r·>fP¤¤¤r I"· S· ('°°d· who has been J. A. EHDEI', H€C|‘6t8»|`Y BHJ U`€8UU|'9|°~ rikpr comes well qualified, having a HOurSRa‘m‘ t’°SU·m* Pharm M`*4'X
nb,,,,,, mom ·*·>*··¤ mm <·* Mw ~>¤¤h¤¤¤ ¤f Mw Robert mhmch, x. cum and A. J. . ·
. ` 14-um this fall. The members of the Icinlcr were appojnted to make ap. n' S` from Michigan and M' S' mlm]  
Mn P' E' Richards' of the Kentucky tvam are to be S. J. Lowry, W, K,] mngemems fm, the Christmas holiday the University of Missouri. Although
{pam, was second high man in the (`Im·e·_ Wnylaml Rhmmn, W, I), Sutton dame to be given by the club in Cov, he has neva rtaught before, he has Dg You  
, . , . r ·
“h°l€ (0****** ·‘“d mst 0** judging AY? :"“d Jil “»· “ f"`tm"m°“· J- H· Mc' lngton. Later in the school year the had experience in actual practice. _
shires. This KRVG him the $400 AYP-J _"""" ““*‘ ‘h"""" **8 ““°"““t° and 4·"K's" will give a dance in Buell Ar-   The belt is none (00 good
, shire scholarship, good at any agrlcul-i “m ""`°‘f"“’“"y me “’““‘ ’° C"'°°$°· mory. About thirty members wer·;>_ when it comes to • photo-
tural school in the country, ln case hel       p"°°°“t· i graph? Be on (hc Ilfé side
 - I
wishes to specialize in dalrying. \       STUDENTS NOTICE! ;       and sec
` g Mr. Richards has demonstrated his% i i
ability in other lines of agriculture QM Hundred and pm, yo. mn cov, 'l`|0k€t¤ for the H¤|l0W6'9n party I
J V r _ _ ·· r may be had by mlm at Dm H_m"_ Beautiful College Pennants Franz oscf Sptngltr
while a student hero, and was lust Ma"] prachcal Theme;
t0n’s office Friday morning, between YALE gud l|A[¢.VA|{[) 3]] W, Main Sweet
year chosen as a member of Alphaw , I
Q ———~—— 8 and 9 oclock, or at noon. Every Each {Ii".; 24 in ,
Z€tB, in ]`€COgH",i0I`l of hiB work. l _\pl)y·()xh“u[Q|y one hundred and Student must have a ticket. No one   ·•0N’   ! The Students  
The College of Agriculture of the fifty volumes werg gddgd to me Um. admitted without s card; and Friday MICHIGAN
University of ONO WGH GFS! Dl¤€€· versity library last week, on variousi m°m|"g in th° tIm° t° get °°°‘ > E°’“h 7 i'Lby 2l i"'   `_w Proprietor;
  H- · suhjv ¢t.. 'l`I H n Econ ml li- ' I
··cosr or c1.sAm.mzss·· ( 9 18 ° le ° °° Two weeks ··cnvnu· counss. "”""*'m· *"° ‘2*3°" ` Ea |c Barber Sho
brsry of modern knowledge, consist- Aa Lewun C || { p
cnscusssn sv eccmomacs ..... Y g ° °‘° ° I .
-.. *·*#= M   <**·=*·¤’ *¤*··¤··*¤· ·¤·* ¤¤¤ vm:. ». v. Tmu. or me come ""“' “· '°°""“ I ¤p$$Z¤£°t‘.EL‘ $.L'.Z`5.??2"§¤?§f°ST¤¤k
• The Home Economics Club held its w¤rk¤ Of the "mdem d"·m*m“t“·I0f Clvll Engineering at State Univer- I f _ _ _ _ Lex§ng[°n’ Ky_
regular meeting Monday afternoon. lbS°“· M“t"""“°k· Sh“w· Mackayewsity, is arranging an catalogue of a, tgp;) c%\:gr:fs$v?3]°l;%b;2dt2$A{ l|=·|g5·|·.(;LA3g wggg GUARANTEED
The subject for (consideration was thé R°"t““d· Synge and Yeam are thelshort course in run} highway eugi- Elexps. _ _ '—·~——»———»——-— ·—-·—-———— -
··c0S¤ or cnc¤¤1me¤¤.·· Mass Speck most v¤¤¤¤b¤¤ ¤¤<>k¤· '¤‘w¤¤¢v vol-: Deering, which wm be 0,;,,,.,d to Km,. m§;¤h:;n:¤;g;:;j53¤·f§;>*53¤;¤;;;<; Meet Me After the Gune ••
5 9 presented the subject from a general "“"‘* "“ "“"“‘ °"°“°m*°**l and “°°i°l" tuckiuns tree ot charge and which will and five stamps to cover shipping M  
viewpoint and Miss Burriar consid- ORF'. dealing with ¥.h¤ l‘6I8tl_0¤ ot thelopen January nh and continue two cowhw us for prices before I C
cred it from it m0¥‘€ SDQCNC ¤¤Kl6. ""‘"‘tY churches as 8 B°ci“] c"“t°r·iweeks. Pl¤cin§(_0rders for felt novelties Where .11 it Welland GOOD.
taking up particularly me subject or the life and manners of our rural peo. I of all mds.
clean mills. DIP Were also ¤`€¢€iV€d· -3- 0 ·I· O •I· O O ·|• ·I· ·I· ·I> 0 + ·I• Q ·I» + The Gem Guy Novelty (0 [ Hot CIIOCOIIQG, Cindy And [cu
After discussing me diseases whlch Tha following books ct much inter- 4 UNIVERSITY NOTES ·|» 3224 Bi¤¢¤~*¤‘ Street P Mr rhrrrh "   ‘m‘~ *-*1
no traceable to the numerous causes, asn to college students are now on the | + * · * * + + + * * + + + + + * + U“Y°""• Um"'  
Mass nm-rm coucnuded um clean library shelvesr "T¤¤ F¤‘¤•¤¤¤¤¤ ¤¤d| —..— ..._-...- L .»te -L?»».--— 44-*
mills was an the mug run ness expen- His C¤11¤z¤." Lockwood: Reeves.; neun c. J. xm-wood or me college GO To |Dr•   Edward Gordon
sive than contaminated mills and that "mmary Ed“°au°“ in United Smt°°?"l0f Mines Mid M€¢¤U¤¤‘8Y of Siam Uni- johns, Drug storel
mo remedy for our present situation Brink, "The Making ot Au 0¤·at10u:"lver¤ny, len Monday for Stone. Pike Nut to Pon cmu DENTIST
mv in me eu-ope·rmiun of producers. "*¤*<‘F<‘¤H€¤*¤i<* U€b¤*€$·" WG V°l·lC0uuty, Ky., where he will conduct a
1 transportation companies, dealers. ¤m<>Si" Mi¤¤¤· `“S0¤ih9¥‘¤ P¥'0¤€ imdiminiug institute of three days dura- For Prcscripuousv suuoncryv Soda McQ|e]|md Bangin.
V ‘ h°¤·•'“•.' health oggccml private P06tl‘y;" K€DhBl‘l, “O¤l‘ S0\1ih61‘¤|tiou, Tuesday, \\'ed¤esdu.y and Thurs- wat", cutlery, Pipes and Cigars
` Boom] ag(»m·]€.S and up informed, act- Hit- .-1 ip. A be- \\'rit+»rs:" Uooper. "Why Go w Col-i .._..... _ , , ,
J gxiinsnng ,,;,;d;,,;.: ,,1,,; n;1;ng mgsejnegew Bryce. "South Americ¤:": S““° "“"°'““’ ‘“ ‘° "‘"" “ “’““*“ Puumg Your IIIGIVIIIIIZIIYY
I lines tlnrougln iuspvctluu of mills andEAd¤!¤S. "Hcroines of Modern P¥`0‘l"6a'b next Season' it is reported' which      7 ' @?”W$;Y»§¤[¥  
me willingness or me uousewue m g¤—SS;" Reed, ··r~‘¤¤w¤11 for Public fm WW ¤°m° of ***9 N°"**°"¤ and y  rx   -- ;. is .
A pay more for pm. mmS_ mm Players;" Rittenhouse, "Lltt1cr*`*“"‘°"‘ ““"°"°m°°· Tm ““d°"“k‘ This xg u spemny um makes our g3 \     — ii  A
. i persona ty we are a e 0 ta. or n · .  _ _4 _   ’. _ ___ Q _  
  Vof the Wildcat football squad and vlduamy imo your clOtheS_ as we out W ¤···—·W¤•'**`•··¤····-‘“ **— ·—
Y M q F   H t Prof. William Anderson, physical di· and Ht all garmeugs on the Fremiies
_ to your measure a our popu ar pr ce
Oung en S a a S rector M the U¤iv¤r¤i¢v— “        
  1 8   •
ucmcz vo srunams. $ BY walking on t8€’k€d
..t Call and sea our large display of im- soles when WB  
\ I       Thy; exchanges mag are received by ported and domeslfiu wuolens and have then, on for the Same
The IDEA are placed each week lu the your measure ta G"` pyi(•g_ Work done while
I Y0u’11fmd them 3Uh€1'€— library. Among these ure found   you wait
the new grcensr browpsr papers of colleges and universities To be absolutely uu hand thuored
blucS"'any Sha