xt7b5m62698q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7b5m62698q/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1980-10-24 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, October 24, 1980, no. 341 text The Green Bean, October 24, 1980, no. 341 1980 1980-10-24 2014 true xt7b5m62698q section xt7b5m62698q   2- l
1···""""·’ 7 g _
October 24 Gallery Series "The Baroque Sonatas of Jean—Marie Leclair:" V
v_ Lecture/Recital. John Lindsay, Violin; Cathy McGlassen,
I - Harpsichord. Noon, Gallery, King Library, North.
Administrative Council Meeting. 8:30am. Gallery, King I
·_ Library North. 4
October 29 Cleanth Brook: "Anecdote and Episode in Warren's Poetry;"
A g and Robert B. Heilman: "Some Reminiscences of Robert
’  Penn Warren at Louisianna State University." lO:0Oam,
Special Collections, King Library North.
- I "Seventy—five Years of American Literature" with R.W.B. (
Lewis, Eleanor Clark, Peter Davison, Andrew Lytle, and
_ Robert Penn Warren. 3:00pm. Room l06, White Classroom
Building. ‘
0 A Tribute to Robert Penn Warren" Joseph A. Bryant, Jr., l —
Master of Ceremonies. 8:l5pm. Seay Auditorium, College _ (
of Agriculture. · V
October 30 James A. Grimshaw: "Some Observations on Robert Penn Warren's '1
Bibliography." 10:00 am. Special Collections, King Library
North. . » I
"All the King's Men" (1949 film). Noon, Student Center .
Theater; and 7:00 pm., Room ll4, White Classroom Building.
Eleanor Clark and Robert Penn Warren reading from their work.
4:00 pm.? Room 106 White Classroom Building.
October 30 — November 3 Society of American Archivists, annual meeting, Cincinnati,
C$¢ *~$¤’— O¤+-3] Ohio. (Story in Green Bean, 8/8/80).
- An exhibit of selected books, manuscripts and photographs from the Libraries' Robert
Penn Warren Collection is on display during the Symposium in the Department of
Special Collections
Contributors: Nancy Baker (editor), Andrea Bryant, David Farrell, Pam Fields, Carolyn
Havens, Janis Pivarnik, Toni Powell

   ·2· I 2  -.
Robert Penn Warren will be honored at a symposium on the occasion of his 75th
birthday to be held at the University of Kentucky on 29-30 October, 1980. The
Kentucky-born writer will be joined on the program by his wife, the novelist Eleanor
Clark, and by several prominent writers who have been associated with him during his
life, including Cleanth Brooks, Peter Davison, James Crimshaw, Robert Heilman, R.W.B.
_ Lewis, and Andrew Lytle. The participants will discuss American literature during _
the two-day program. A special event will be a "Tribute to Robert Penn Warren" on
Wednesday evening, 29 October. It will include a dramatic reading of Warren's poetry
an audio—visual program created from unpublished interviews and photographs in the
university collections, and greetings from distinguished guests with a response from
Additional events during the program include readings by Warren and Eleanor Clark,
a screening of "A11 the King's Men," the Academy Award film based on Warren's
celebrated political novel of the same name, and an exhibit of books, papers, manu-
scripts, and photographs (including material loaned for the occasion by the Warrens)
in the Department of Special Collections. ,
The University of Kentucky Library Associates
cordially invites the library staff {
‘ to a reception and exhibition honoring
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Penn Warren
Thursday, October 30, 1980
at 5:30 pm
in the Department of Special Collections
King Library, North
R.S.V.P. 257-3801
The ACTS Education Committee (Andrea Bryant, Olivia Buckner, Diane Carrico,
and Carolyn Havens) would like to welcome its newest members, Cathy Hunt (Music
Library), Mary Welch (Cataloging), and Ruth Brown (Director's Office), who is
a guest member.
The future plans of the committee include visits to various libraries and a
compilation of a ready—reference booklet about branch libraries. This booklet »
will be available at Circulation, Reference, and Instructional Services/AIDS/
The first tour, of the Agricultre Library, has been scheduled for Wednesday,
November 5, 1980, at 2:00 pm. There will be sign-up sheets at the October 28,
1980, ACTS meeting and in both staff lounges. For those interested persons out-
side King, please call Diane Carrico at 3-5949. Both professional and support
staff are welcome.
SPEC Kits #66 entitled "Planning for Preservation" and #67, "Affirmative
Action Programs" are available in the Reference Department, King Library.

 . -3- ` ~
The next ACTS meeting will be Tuesday, ”
_ October 28, at 8:45am. LSO will sell _ ig I V
o refreshments and there will be a door ".'g _
prize. l 5 A' L`
Agenda: 9:00 Business meeting: Com ittee E `;;¢ )
- reports/New business.” — / CN
10:00 Visit to Hillbrook Collection‘ - ~
_ (New Fine Arts Building). .
In case you have not heard, the LSO is planning to celebrate its Silver
Jubilee on Thursday, November 6, at 3:30 p.m. in the Solarium in the Special
Collections Department. We are combining this with our Newcomer's Reception
and we are inviting back the retirees. Invitations have already gone out
but we need to plan the food. Please let Barbara Hahn in the Bindery know
whether or not you are coming as soon as possible. She needs to order the V
food by the 29th of October. A special invitation goes out to the newcomers.
Please plan to be there and meet your fellow staff members. See you on the
6th of November.
-—— Toni Powell, LSO President
The September, 1980, issue of Documents gg_ghg_§gpglg, V·8.n¤·5, PP-
2l7—2l9,234, includes a report by Rebekah Harleston, chairman of the American
Library Association/Government Documents Round Table, Federal Documents Task
Force, Com ittee on Review of the Shipping List. "This report is a synthesis [
of oral and written responses of depository librarians to a request for _
their thoughts on the Shipping List: its present use, its place in the structure
of information concerning government publications, its strengths and
weekensses, together with suggestions for its enhancements.
The King Library Reference Department recently began a subscription to Newsbank.
This index provides subject access to articles in over 120 U.S. newspapers
_ representing each of the 50 states and the District of Columbia. The Frankfort
State Journal and the Louisville Courier-Journal and Times are among these 120 papers.
Articles which fall within one or more of the following categories are included:
Business and Economic Development Health
Consumer Affairs Housing and Urban Renewal
Education Law and Order
Employment Political Development
Environment Social Relations
Government Structure Transportation
Welfare and Poverty
The corresponding articles are reproduced on microfiche (580-9), and available in
Newspaper/Microtext/Periodicals.‘·Members*of the Reference Department would be
pleased to instruct interested persons in the use of this index.

 _ -4" uz —`_J,.
Assistant Director for Readers' Services (Librarian IV), Michigan State University,
Salary $30,000+ . Application deadline, November 1, 1980. Q
Assistant Music Librarian, University of Georgia. Salary $13,000+ ,
Application deadline, October 31, 1980. ·, __
Circulation Librarian, University of Central Arkansas. Salary $13,000+ . _ pt
Application deadline, November 24, 1980. *
Head, Serials Department, University of California, Berkeley. Salary
$26,988 to $37,428. Application deadline, November 15, 1980.
Head, Music Library, University of California, Berkeley. Salary $20,088 to
$28,908 or $26,988 to $37,428. Application deadline, December 1, l980.· ~ Ji-
Education Reference Librarian, University of Texas at San Antonio. Salary ,
Catalog Librarian, University of Alabama. Salary $12,000. Application
deadline, November 15, 1980. _ V
Reference Librarian, University of Alabama. Salary $12,600—$14,000.
Application deadline, October 31, 1980. .
Director of Library Public Services, University of Oklahoma. Salary nationally
competitive. Application deadline, November 7, 1980. '
Assistant to the Director of Libraries for Personnel (Search Extended), ‘ ·
University of Maryland. Salary $21,000+ . Application deadline, A
November 30, 1980,
Original Cataloger and Special Projects Coordinator, North Carolina State
University at Raleigh. Salary dependent upon qualifications. Application
deadline, December 15, 1980.
Assistant Serials Librarian, University of Kansas. Salary $12,000—$15,000.
Application deadline, November 17, 1980.
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