xt7b5m62695z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7b5m62695z/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1976-01-30 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, January 30, 1976, no. 113 text The Green Bean, January 30, 1976, no. 113 1976 1976-01-30 2014 true xt7b5m62695z section xt7b5m62695z ill   A
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MIK's newest public service unit G R E E N `
opens Monday, 2 February. AIDS
(Academic Information/Development B E A N
*Skills) is an experimental program
designed to serve as both a campus ~
clearinghouse for academic infor- · .
m¤ti¤¤ ¤¤d 6 d€V€l0Pm€¤t¤l Skills UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY LIBRARIES
educational program. As AIDS NEWSLETTER NO, 113 1/30/76
librarian, David Farrell is re- David Farrell, Editor Ext.7383l ·
sponsible for the academic infor- 1 -.
mation and referral service. He will collect information and materials
relating to academic programs offered through the instructional units
as well as academic services offered through the Developmental Studies ·
Program, the Counseling and Testing Center, the Advising Information ,
Center, and other campus agencies. ‘
Short-term tutoring in basic reading and study skills will be offered
‘at the AIDS center with the help of the Division of Basic Studies’
Developmental Studies Program and the Counseling and Testing Center.
‘ AIDS services will be available to all UK students on a drop-in basis
weekdays M-F from 8 to 5 and evenings Tu and Th from 7 to 10. It will
be located in room 216A, King Library South (formerly the Interlibrary
_Loan Offices) and will have a telephone number shortly. Visits and
suggestions by staff members are welcome!
On Friday, January 23, Dr. Thomas R. Ford and Dr. Sue Johnson from the
Center for Developmental Change discussed that body's history and
current activities before a group of library faculty members in the _
I Gallery of the M. I. King Library. Since its inception in 1964, the
Center has devoted its efforts toward bringing together outside groups
or agencies interested in problems of social change with University
researchers who are willing to examine those areas.
During the past eleven years the Center has directed its attentions to
teaching in foreign countries (Peace Corps Training Groups), research
`(Office of Economic Opportunity Research Projects, etc.), foreign
programs (Office of Instructional Programs), and institutional develop-
ment and state problems (Appalachian Educational Satelite Program).
Some of the Center's ongoing projects include the compilation of a
University of Kentucky Faculty Research Interest Index, cooperating
with the Dean of Undergraduate Studies, Dr. John Stephenson, in his
work on "Problems and Prospects of Eastern Kentucky: An Assessment of
the Last Decade;“ an attempt to gain funds from the Rockefeller
Foundation to study the feasibility of establishing an Appalachian
Center at the University; and a study devoted to uncovering the esthetic
costs of strip mining in Breathitt County.
with such a spectrum of interests before the Center, Dr. Ford noted a
need for increased library support. He stated that a library liaison
might be assigned to each of the Center’s projects to provide pro-
fessional and bibliographic assistance.
As an example he cited the need to uncover all pertinent library
holdings in the area of Appalachian Studies. In addition, he strongly

 -2- ·
recommended that the library agressively pursue the acquisition of , ~
"fugitive" archival material in the various areas that involve the ~
Center. In conclusion, Dr. Ford encouraged librarians, who have
research ideas that need development, to pay the Center a visit. He
stated that he could not promise anything "except a good ear to
listen to (the proposal) . . . and whatever help we are able to offer."
Carolyn Hammer recently announced that the Keeneland Association has < ‘
donated $1,000.00 toward the new King Library Press edition of "The
Hittite Horse Book" due for publication this spring.
V Harry Gilbert‘s crew occupied spacious new offices this week on the
fifth floor of MIK—South. Their new address is Room 518: hours and ~
telephone number remain the same.
Complete information (including programs, special events, etc.)
concerning the 1976 ALA Centennial Conference at Chicago, July 18-24
is published in the January 76 American Libraries.
Staff Room Committee reguesgs;
We have taken inventory of Staff Room needs and we find the usual
shortages. Can anyone supply us with the following items:
V Teakettle Teaspoons Salt & Pepper shakers
. Soup bowls Soup spoons
Forks Paring knives
Also we remind the old—timers and inform the newcomers of the few
requests of the Staff Room Committee: ‘ _
l. Be careful what you pour down the drain in the sink——the pipe
gets clogged too often.
2. Don't leave your dirty dishes in the sink--we have no maid to
wash them.
3. Please don't take food and drink onto the carpeted area--things
do get spilled.
4. Every Friday afternoon the refrigerators will be checked. If
you plan to lenvc food in the refrigerator over the weekend
“ploass store in scaled container, or it will be disposed of.
If you have any suggestions or if there is anything we can do to
make the Staff Rooms a more pleasant place please contact any of
the Staff Room Committee members:

Joyce Turner, Chairman
Helen Bendzsa
Sally Johnson
Jerry Reisig
Peggy Southerland
Sue Westfall .
University Personnel is offering the following courses for A
supervisory employees: Basic Principles of Supervisory Management:
How to Interview and Select Employees; How to Train Employees. If
interested, please see Faith Harders immediately.
U.K. Libraries Staff Development Series
The Professional Activities and Staff Development Committee would
like to thank Trudi Bellardo for her presentation on Data Services.
For those people who missed the program, a copy of the handout is
attached to this week's Green Bean; we hope that people will save
the handouts from each session and combine them into a library ‘
manual. The program for February will be on Acquisitions (BATAB).
If you have any suggestions, please see Faith Harders, Susan
McCargar or Lynn Shrewsbury.
ARL Movie
There will be an ARL movie, Managing in a Crisis, Tuesday, 3:30 PM,
Rm. 219 Classroom Bldg. Please let me know by Monday afternoon if
you plan to attend.
F. Harders
_ If you had Work Study students last semester who are not working this
absemester or if you have added any new Work Study students, please send
A their names to Faith Harders.
Special Collections Librarian. Auburn University. 1 July 76.
Library Director. East Carolina University. 1 April 75u $25,000umx.
Science Reference/Bibliographer. University of North Carolina-
Charlotte. 1 February $11,000-$13,000.
Chemistry Librarian. Syracuse University. l April 76. $11,265+.
Rare Book Bibliographer. Syracuse University. l April 76. $11,265+.

I ` .
i . '

Location: Second floor, King South, Room 200A
l Hours: Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
i - The University of Kentucky Libraries has contracted with the Lockheed
Information Retrieval System and the System Development Corporation
to provide to library users access to major bibliographic data bases
using a computer terminal located in the Data Services office.
This terminal is connected by telephone lines to computers in Palo
Alto and Santa Monica, California. In the computers are stored about
» forty different data bases. which cover a large range of subject
A areas. Attached to the terminal is a thermal printer which prints
everything that appears on the terminal screen simultaneously. Thus
most bibliographies can be.produced immediately. It is usually
cheaper to have a very long bibliography printed off-line in
California and mailed to us the following day.
On-line searching at the terminal supplies the same kind of biblio-
graphical information as the more traditional tools--card catalog,
periodical indexes, bibliographies, etc. However, its advantages are
speed and greater comprehensiveness. Also, the computer can handle
complex search strategies that are not possible with the traditional
The data bases contain bibliographic citations to books, book reviews,
journal articles, conference proceedings, technical reports, govern-
ment reports, patents, etc. Some data bases also provide abstracts
4 of the items cited. The materials themselves must be obtained else-
where. After obtaining the bibliography, the patron is directed to
, _ the catalog, to Central Serials Record, Government Publications, or
Newspaper/Microtext. For the items which are not available on this
campus, the patron can be directed to Inter-Library Loan.
In this short summary, it is impossible to describe all the data
I bases available, but some of the major ones include:
CAIN--Agricultural and related sciences
_ COMPENDEX-—Engineering
NTIS--Government reports in all fields
SCISEARCH-—Citation index for physical, biological and medical
ABI/INFORM-—Business, finance, administration, marketing
ERIC--Education and related fields
SOCIAL SCISEARCH--Citation index for social and behavioral ,
The Reference Department and certain of the branch libraries have
detailed information on the subject coverage, scope, and costs of the
data bases available. But the staff and student assistants in all

 public service departments may need to refer faculty and students to
Data Services. They all, therefore, need to be aware of the capa-
bilities of this service.
A patron may make a request in person or over the telephone. He is
encouraged to come into the library to fill out an "On-line Infor-
mation Search Request" form, and to schedule an appointment for the
search. It is best for the patron to be present when the search is
run, because it is the continual input and the chance to modify the
search as it progresses that makes on-line searching superior to
other forms of computer searching.
Unlike most other library services, on-line searching is paid for
partially by the patron. Users are charged for computer connect time
and network communications time. The charge for off-line printing (
is per citation. Users are not charged for personnel time; terminal,
printer, and modem rental; supplies; and general overhead. This
means that the total cost for providing this searching is split almost
evenly between the user and the library. User charges are necessary
because the services are expensive and require a net addition to the
library budget. Also, if these services were—offered¤free, it would
be difficult to prevent one user or department from taking advantage. p
of the privilege and preventing others from using the system.
Potential patrons are likely to be very curious as to how much a
search is going to cost them. The answer, however, is not simple. n
The cost of the search will vary depending upon several factors:
l. Searchingtime at the terminal:
2. Cost of the particular data base(s) searched (the cost of
the data bases varies from $25 to $150 per hour);
3. Number of citations in the bibliography produced off-line.
It is possible to make a very rough estimate before the search begins,
I and a fairly good estimate once the search is completed. But the
exact charge cannot be calculated until the end of the month when the
invoices from Lockheed and SDC are received. Patrons are billed for
the search at that time.
i Since Data Services is a new and experimental venture for the library,
p it is important to carefully evaluate the service it provides.
Patron's opinions and comments regarding the general value of the
search, the usefulness of the citations received, and the comparative
Y value of on-line searching versus the use of traditional search tools
i will aid in an overall evaluation of the service. In addition, it is
( important to gauge the general quality of services provided by the
library as a whole in filling the patron's information need.
T T.B.