xt7b5m62603t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7b5m62603t/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1942-03-24  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, March 24, 1942 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 24, 1942 1942 1942-03-24 2013 true xt7b5m62603t section xt7b5m62603t ON PAGE FOUR-

The Kentucky


After Whipping Illini.
Ixse to Part mouth




Facts On The War Fund





Student Goveraoient Passes War Fund
Summer Session's Opening
rlo Inaugurate Quarter System TO BE MAY 6
Emphasis Put On
Preparation For
Government Jobs
Hewer courses, mare hours ol
classwork a week, and an earlier
graduation will be the greatest
changes the students will notice
when the University goes on the
quarter system June 11.
Three semester hour courses will
be changed to four or five hour
quarter courses, according lo the
discretion of the individual department. This means that the student
who is taking 18 .semester hours,
divided into six three hour courses,
would, in order to get the same
number of quarter hours, take two
four and two live hsur courses,
These 18 quarter hours would be
equal to 12 semester hours.
If the exact number of hours of
changing a three semester hour
course is computed, the result is four

For Collecting Fund


Stoll Field To Be
Site Of Ceremony;
Cooper To Preside





jBill Establishes Group



WPaper To Test




MARCH 21. 1912

launched Kndav
when the SGA Student Legislature passed an ait establishing the committee tor collecting the lund.
Applicants For
A bill "to establish older and efficiency in the men's doimi
toiies" received its fusl readily and was sent to the nG Tides
New Positions
Try outs for positions on the 1942- - committee lor
The legislature also heard a repoil ol its delegates to the Uni43 Kernel staff will begin with Frl- day's publication for which Patricia versity fatuity meeting and aLHintel a new chaiim.m ol ih-


The University War Fund

was officially


Dr. Herman L. Donovan will be
formally inaugurated as president of
the University In ceremonies on
9 itidiciaix committee.
May 6, according to an announce
i Snider, journalism Junior, will act
:1s editor
,:bet, Conway', ar.H
Students and members of the fa- ment issued Sunday by Dean Thorn-- ,
Betty Jane Pugh. also Juniors, will
as P. Cooper, chairman of the Inmay attend
culty or atimmi-stratioact as managing and news editor,
augural committee.
the meetiiuj of the rules commit te
Prominent educators and public
at 5 p.m. today in SGA officer of
officials will take part in the inauPositions will be switched for the
guration of Dr Donovan, the Unithe Union building.
next several weeks, with various ap- versity's sixth president
! his
band will play for the plicants replacing the regular staff.
Highlighting the day's festivities
Spring ' l ormal. I riday. March AH students desiring to apply for po-- ij
"The committee will devote a luiif
will be inaugural ceremony at 3 p.
sitions should notify Dr. Niel Plura- hour to hearing discussion of the bi!!
m, at which Dr. E. O. Holland of "LJ
Students leaving school to enter
mer, head of the Journalism depart .
Pullman, Wash, president of Washsuggestions for its provisions. '
mentl at once- Applications for exe- - the armed forces at the end of their and
ington State College, will deliver
Richard Adams, chairman." said yesfrefhman or sophomore year are
the principal address.
now given an opportunity to comi
Installation ceremonies at 3:45 p.
plete one full year of college work
"The committee wants to niaks
business office. McVey hall,
m. will be conducted by Judge H.
A four o'clock press deadline will by correspondence at reduced rates sure that rules are fair and equitC. Stoll, Lexington,
able. Before taking final action.
the University board of trustees;
be tried for the next few Issues, 6e- -; through the Department of Extenlike to hear all sides of the
Dr. Frank k. McVey, representing
ginning in Friday's paper. Although sion.
question." he added.
former presidents of the UniversiAll courses available in the departKernels will be placed in student
ty, and Gov. Keen Johnson, repThe recently passed cons"t ution.U
boxes on Tuesday and Friday morn ment's Bureau of Correspondence
In order to prevent
ir line many ftnmcv I'K students are training fur the.
resenting the state of Kenucky.
ings as usual, news articles will are offered to men in service at two imendment. which haa been the
To accomodate Sonny Dunham's
the confusion of a
The day's program will open with
States Air Corps. .1 training plane taxies in front vf a
have to be sent in earlier If the plan dollars per credit hour instead of subject of discussion since June, was
departments are making the courses
registration of official delegates and orchestra at the Union Spring For is adopted.
officially submitted to the Univerbomber.
the usual four dollar fee.
des- either four or five hours. The
an Informal reception at 10 a. m. mal Saturday night, the band stand
sity faculty meeting earlier
In the past six months, many
ignation of hours is made In a way
in the Student Union building. A in the Bluegrass room is being enin accordance with PresiApplicants for editor of The Ker- students desiring entrance" in the
The new system will go into effect which must be considered during luncheon will be held at noon at the larged five feet on each end.
department heads feel
which the
nel must have served a full school Naval Reserve or the Air Corps have dent Donovan's letter of March
with the beginning of the summer and after the war.
will most benefit the students.
Student Union, at which John W.
Approximately 40 percent of the
to Russell Patterson informing th
year on the staff and have a stand- completed their mathematics
Brooker, Frankfort, state superin- 750 student tickets have been sold,
A rtudent going to school lor session with a streamlining of old
it ;
bv taking advantage of SGA that all amendments to
Since nutrition is expected to play tendent of public instruction, will It was announced yesterday by a ing of 1.6 for entire university work
four quarters a year will be able courses and the provision for spe- preside. This will be followed by member of the ticket committee. and for the semester preceding the courses in algebra and trigo- - j fonstitutioa must be approved by
winsuch an important part in the
to graduate in three yeas, while cial war courses.
j the
faculty, legislature
nometrv. offered bv corresrjondence
ning of the war, the heme economics the inaugural program, which wiU prlce of tne advance tickets
those who come only three quarters
$15. election.
The fee for resident students for department will offer a workshop open with the processional at 2:30 couple or stag. Admission at the door
to attend for lout
mmit A three credit correspondence course Ii
mill still have
The amendment will be resubmit include either one college course in may be completed In five weeks from
the summer quarter will be 35 and in nutrition. This course will give p. m.
Is 11.50.
ted to the faculty at its next mcet- -'
Dean Cooper will preside at the
students $55. The information concerning the new
Hours of the dance will be from 8 reporting or editing, or a written the date of registration.
lng. two weeks from his Friday,
The majority of tne courses mill fee for either term will be $22.75 for findings and facts in nutrition, inauguration. Dr. Jesse Herrmann, to 12 pjn.. an extension of an hour cetification of professional exper-ovCourses are also offered in the
pastor of the Second Presbyterian
be en the four hour basis, a survey resident students and $27.50 for lion training in the use of nutrition
fields of botany, commerce, educathe usual dance time. A half- - ience from the reUrin
The proposed War Fund bill cali.s
standards In planning food budgets church, will give the invocation. hnnr Intermission
of the various departments showed. resident students, law college
heenn at 10
4"""" tion, English, geology, German, for the establishment of a War Furcl
ism department.
and organizing material for presen- Dr. Holland's address will precede
to this are the English jcepted. Dormitory rates will be
Greek, history, hygiene, journalism,
Dunham, now playing an engage
the inaugural ceremony and Dr.
- changed.
Qualifications for business man- - latin, mathematics, music, philoso committee which will supervise 'h
tation to gioups of different ages
which will have fiveDonovan's inaugural speech. The ment at the CaDital theater in
of 11,8 Kernel tacllrf one 'ear phy, political science, psychology, collection of money from student
The $100 usually paid for the two and situations.
hour courses with one or two ex- University band will participate in Washington will be featured on the aer
and campus organizations.
The workshop will be a
ceptiors and the music department, semesters winter term will be divided
Coca-Cospotlight band radio on the business staff, classification romance languages, and sociology
course, open to graduate or underas a junior, and a 1.4 standing for
which will have nearly all,three-liou- r among the three quarters.
This committee will serve as a
program at 8:30 p.m. today.
Following the inauguration PresiAll students interested in carrying
University work including the
The first summer term ends July graduate students. It will be taught dent and Mrs. Donovan will hold a
Vocalists of the band are Ray all
correspondence courses while in re. i central agency in which campus o
The engineering college will have 22. The second term begins July 23 the first term by Dr. Statie Erikson. reception for the delegates at Max- Kellog and Harriet Clarke, who is previous semester,
sidence at the University of Ken- ganizauons and individuals
courses ranging from one to six and ends August 29. High school head of the department and chairNews editor and managing editor tucky must first secure permission place their contributions to the nawell Place. At 6:30 o'clock that the wife of Charlie Barnett.
tions war effort.
hours while the physics department graduates may enroll for the sum-i- s man of the state nutrition commitare appointed by editor who selects from the dean of their college.
night a dinner will be given for
tee, and the second term by Prof. the delegates with President Don
arranging its curricula to cooper- - ' mer quarter.
his staff on the petition which he
Defense bonds are to be bouchf
ovan presiding.
ale with the engineering and chem- - j A center of information will be Edith Grundmeier.
with the funds collected.
At th
The dinner speaker will be Dr.
Other courses to meet the needs
isty departments. The agriculture established in the library to provide
end of the present war. money obBUSINESS OFFICE REQUIRES
colleges courses are equally divided (becks, pamphlets, and other mater- - of regular sudents and those who at- - Howard L. Bevis, Columbus, Ohio,
A semester's work in advertising
tained from th sale of the bonds
j ials
president of Ohio Sate University.
( Continued
on Page Three
for those studying the issues
between four and five hours.
will be used to help students ator adequate professional experience
pastor of the
Dr. A. W. Fortune,
is required for the business mana- tend the University, according to th
Central Christian church, will give
A booth will be set up across biU
ger's position.
the invocation and benediction.
Petitions for Kentuckian positions from the information desk in the
Music will be furnished under
must be filed by April 4 also, it was Union building from 9 a.m. to 9 pjn.
auspices of the University's music
today where all YWCA members will
Martin Snyder. Shirley Kilgore. announced. The editor must be a
Douglas Faris, and Milton Kafoglis senior the year he is to serve, and be permitted to vote for next year's
are the University students who will is required to have been at least officers.
Dates and subjects for the lecture
Candidates are Jeannette Graves
take part in the divisional extem- a year on the staff as an associate or
Unlike any art exhibition you ever mental wire constructions by Kate
managing editor or to have a certifi- - and Mildred Murray, both of Lex to be given by professors in thporaneous discussion contest of
saw is the design exhibition now on Woods and Agnes Jennings. These
New warts and sciences college have beer
affairs, scheduled for cation of approval from the director ington, president: Jane Bi-- t
display in the Music room of the are forms created out of wire under
Under a new plan adopted by the March 30 on
Albany, Ind., and Jeanne Lancaster. announced by Dr. D. V. Hegetnan.
Virginia Zuniga of Sa., Jose, Costa
of publications.
this campus.
great tension.
Union building.
Rica, and Huguelte Balzota ofNa-pole- s, law college, students may begin their
Sara Anne chairman of the selection committee
Thirty-on- e
A Univesity standing of 1 6 is restudents from Berea,
Tou not only see this exhibit
school course In June Centre. University
consider next these solid lumps of
Mexico were awarded Haggln
These include: Dr. M. M. Whit- -.
of Louisville, quired for the Kentuckian editor HalL Frankfort, and Betty Simpson.
want you to clay and their
you touch it they
in more scholarships by the executive com- and continue straight through, so
Concord State Teachers. W. Va., including a similar standing the Lexington, secretary; and Dorothy "Physiological Changes in Human
touch it!
spacial materials as wiie, celluloid. mittee of the University Board of that they will finish their course in
Eastern, previous semester, while the business Collins, and Carolyn Spicer. both of Emotions." April 10: Dr W. S. Webb.
The display is of work by students ar.d rods which allow the eye to go Trustees at its meeting Friday after- two years from the following August, Georgetown,
"The Concept of Energy." April 14.
and the University are manager must have a 1.4 standing Lexington, treasurer.
in the design classes of Prof. Ray- through and around.
according to an announcement.
Retiring officers axe Betty South, Dr. W. F. Galloway. "The Charm
competing In the divisional contest, for application requirements.
system in effect it
mond Barnhart and the introducWith the new
The scholarships, made possible
Placed on the piano wire is a
Members of the Board of PublicaFrankfort, president; Miss Graves, of Boswell." April 21: and Dr J
Winners will participate in a retory art classes of Miss Anne
paper head, not realistic, but "paper-isti- c through the James B. Haggin grant is considered possible that a number
Vaughn. Huntley Dupre. "Thomas G.
tions who will consider petitions InDorothy
gional elimination at Emory univerassistant processors in the art
in style. It is an aesthetic use of established by Mrs. Pearl Voorhies of students will be able to finish
clude Dr. Plummer, W. C. Tucker, Louisville, secretary: and Marion aryk. Philosopher." April 28
department. The exhibit will remain a very commonplace material. Com- Haggin of Versailles in memory of their law school course, or a con- - sity in Georgia. Finalists in the na- journalism professor; Frank Peter Bradford. Lexington, treasurer.
The lectures are open to the pull,
in the Music room during all of part this to the clay head by
her husband, are valued at $600 iderable part of it, or at least to tional tournament at
will receive a free tour to South son. University comptroller; Bob
prepare for the bdr examination, be
Wallace. Here space goes each.
Ammons. Kernel editor; Miriam
This exhibition can't be put down around the head instead of through
Krayer, Kentuckian editor; Stanley
The nutrition study made pos- - fore their work is interrupted.
The contest series is sponsored by
you will as in the paper head. It is a result ible through a grant by the Alfred
in black and while, because
Penna and Mary Olive Davis, the
the coordinator of
have to toy. twist, and feel the ob- of experieSicing the introductory P. Sloan Foundation is entering its
men's and women's Student Gov
jects to actually enjoy it. The ob- simplur exercise mentioned.
emment vice presidents.
third year. The extension carries
jects, which range from introductory
with it an additional grant of $16,500
Applicants for the positions of
by the foundation.
works to advanced design projects.
YMCA editor and YMCA business
One of the advanced designs.
are all solutions to investigations ij
The trustees' committee granted manager of the K book, Y publicafunctional in character, is a model
leaves of absence to tion for freshmen, should contact
of .space and materials. It is so easy
James m. wooidridge, news edi- a house for minimum housing,
ot place a simple solution to tlie.se of
Prof. Amos H. Eblen, member of Bob Davis, James Boyd, or Bart tor of The Kernel, enlisted Satur- n an area of 120 square feet one
One woman and seven men will
problems in the class of childish
the law faculty, who will practics Peak before 5 p.m. Thursday, it day for Class 7 Naval Reserve
participate in the Patterson Lit
with the law firm of Clifford E. was announced yesterday.
many of us with a su- - finds all the comlorts of
things, that
erary society oratorical contest to Tlie last regularly scheduled conAlter seeing Mary Olive Davis' so- Smith and Joe Leary in Frankfot.
glance often pas up good
vocation of the year will be held at
be held Thusday in room 204 of the
things for fear ol bein-- ; considered lution of the problems of transformIn addition to Mr. Peterson and
10 ajn. Wednesd&y,
. in Me
Union building.
ing the lounge of the Biological President
Donovan, these present
morial hall, when Dr. Tehyi Hsieh
Contestants are: Shirley Kilgore, speaks
Sciences building into a cheerful, for the meeting included Judge
But stop! Look at the tags, at the
on the Chinese situation of
Roy Vance, Robert Humphreys,
presentation of the problems. Imag- livable space, go over to the build- Richard C. Stoll, Lexington, chairtoday.
John Clark, Martin Snyder, James
ine thai you have never seen the ing and see it. Her model, in color, man of the committee; R. P. Hob-se- n.
Dr. Teliyi Hsieh. pronounced Ter-ye- e
Howell, George Barker, and Douglas
Louisville: James Park. Lexan your hands shows how she has treated the space
material before,
She-a- r,
ington; Lee Kirkpatrick, Paris, and
over the objects lo discover new in terms of light and color.
Chang-ChoChina, and was a
Participants may choose their own
Typography design is considered W. Gayle Staines. Lexington, secresensations, and see why they exist
subjects and will be judged on the Mandarin of Fourth rank. Bin Butnext. Here are booklets, postcard tary of the board.
without any practical iea.son
ton, old regime. He is a graduate
content of their speeches and the
Appointments approved included
designs and posters which have been
of Cambridge University, England,
manner of presentation. A committhe following: Luther D. P. Prater, in
For an investigation of space look mace lor uie campus.
Is the first Chinese given the
tee composed of two members of and
department to rePresident Emeritus of the Uniat the group of plastic paper. Sa- ' Imaginative decorative designs in- - j in political-scienc- e
degree of Doctor of the Art of Oratoplace Ernest Collins, graduate asthe society and one faculty member ry-He
llow cutting, folding and other pro terspersed throughout the exhibition
versity, Dr. Frank L. McVey has
will select the winner who will
cesses affect paper orduiarily con- - wll give relief from more analytical sistant, resigned: Anna Jane
is the only Chinese member of
been named state chairman of the
political-scienc- e
a prize of $20.
sidered flat and formless Then turn part of the exhibition. Some are wall
the American Branch, International
Mary C. King, secretary in physics United Service Organizations'
to the paper sculpture, mast of hangings hand printed with linolLaw association.
He attended the
department for
which lias been cut from a single eum blocks; others are pictures and Major
military-scienc- e
Disarmament conferArthur G. Dahl,
will serve as honorary
piece of paper. Beatrice Moretti's figures made by an imaginative and
ence and was China's first delegate
replacement for Major Lysle Johnson
will speak at the final
sculpture hung from the ceiling al- delightful use of materials.
to the Wllliamstown Institute of
W. Croft, transferred; Major Floyd chairman of the drive.
cation in Memorial Hall a'
I! you are interested in seeing how
lows us to see up and through it
L. Calisle, military science departState U. S. O. headquarters have
Sam Neely of Hazel, Donald Mo- Politics.
arranged, look at ment to fill vacancy;
the exhibition was
One by Elsie Fleishman is an
Known as the "Teddy Roosevelt of a. n. II ednesday.
Freed -- been opened in the Hernando buildloney of Lexington, Charles Shipley
jl model of the loom
which was man. junior technician in bactericurved construction.
of Cecilia, and Roy Vance Jr., of China," he has long been in China's
and designed to dis- ology, replacing Morton Heitman, ing in Lexington and organization
Now roll one of the hand sculp- constructed
Paducah were chosen to represent diplomatic service in Europe. Asia, Manchunan
space who has been drafted; Ann Ford work will begin immediately. Dr.
tures in your hands. Compare Esther cover the effect of light and
a the law college in the annual arguand Australia. He is now managing Pearls of Wisdom." My Commo
Johnson's and Jeanne Bowne s. and in relation to the sequence of dis- Lund, stenographic assistant, po- McVey said.
ment before the Court of Appeals at director at Boston of the Chinese Sense Cook Book." and Chuu
"I know of no state with a higher
tee how each lias solved the problem play and traffic. The exiubition was litical science; Lieut. Berwyn L.
jmMmiJi Frankfort as a result of the senior Service Bureau for this continent. Pick Tales for Children."
rim- ,
military-scienc- e
by La,.f
of creating uu easily manipulated installed a a class project
arguments last Friday.
He has had the LL.D. degree con The Cincinnati Rotary club
sculpture by treating the wood ac- ve in Warner and June Wyatt un- ment for Lieut. Leslie Allison; Ste- zeiis than Kentucky in time of a
The selection of these students is ferred upon him three times and has recommended him as being the
president emeritus
der the direction ol Prof. C. R. phen Grabun and Louis Schwartz. national emergency." he stated in
cording to grain, surface liiusli.
the result of competitlv contests be- received the Litt. D. degree.
speaker they have had in the lis
charge ol SI'ite I SO drive
Look overhead into the experi- - t Bai riliart
accepting the appointment
'Continued on Page Four'
ginning in the seconrt year
He Is the author of "Our Little








Reduced Rates
Given To Students




iLarn Tt tJHSJL


Spring Formal
To Be Friday



twin-motore- d














YWCA To Elect


Lilian Art Design Exhibition
Employs Touch Sensation

Students Enter


Officers Today

Divisional Contest


A & S Professors
To Give Lectures


Students May Begin
Law Work In June

Committee Names
Haggin Scholars




Cal-liha- n,



Chinese Lecturer Speaks A I
Last Convocation Tomorrow






Dr. Tehyi Hsieh
Speaks At A.
On China's Plight

Eight To Compete
f or Literary ward

Woolridge Enlists










McVey Is Named Chairman
Of Slale USO Organization
Lexington Named

Headquarters For
State Campaign



re-ci- ve








Law Selects Four

To Give Argument




b-- ?



enrr-wwr- ar


inwrrt .t th. pom




m school mi



lMtoD. K.Murt,,
under the Act of fcUroh I. lain


Praw IMOcUttcm
Lertngioo Board of Commrrca

;"National Advertising Service, Inc.






tM WoOt.nRinc.E


NfWS Editor
DusinesS Manager




Sport, Editor
society Editor


Kesmel Zditosiicd Pace




ntitf rnlnrnm art! (n h enmliterrt tht
n the xrtteri thrmtrUrt, arm in tint rrntnvu
the cpinlrn c.f The Kernel


Cold March winds which tear around lifting
hats and skins with equal indiscretion have
blown in a number of stories. There's one
LARRY BRANNO.VS new hat which
he has pursued so often ihe last few days that
he's threatened to "train a clog to retrieve it."
The hat, bv ilie wav. no longer looks new. Larrv
having risen alxive it and descended upon it
forcibly loo maiiv times.
Ihe Ix'st stoiv of the boisterous breezes concerns LEWIS SAWIN. of ihe radio studios, who
started home with several of ihe studio workers
one lainv night last week. As thev left McVey
hall. Lewis' hat blew off and he tore down the
street in mad pursuit. Thinking he had started
for his car, the bos gave chase.
Lewis eventually recovered the hat and started
bark toward the car. onlv to find his companions rloselv at his heels. In time they forced their
wav back to MeVev and thence to the car. Bui
bv that lime, thev were all soaked.



War Fund Mcl Willi Enthusiasm
prosed in Tiif Ki rnt I. last
plan for a Student War Fund has
met almost unanimous approval everywhere on
the rampus. and rejjoris are already coming of
several wideawake UK organizations considering
Since h was




raking part
This ent husiasi ic resjonse and the ret option
given the plan at the Student Legislature meeting
lasc week indicate that the University is awake
io the need for some organization like the War



which need

a few


have been raised

little straightening out.
A few students have declared that the time
is not ripe for "another drive" on the campus.
This feeling probably has grown from a misunderstanding of the function of the War Fund,
which had to be only hastily sketched Tuesday.
The War Fund is not "another drive"; in fact,
it is not a "drive" at all. The purpose of the
is to serve as a central gathering point for
donations-ocontributions from already organized campus groups. The source of these contributions will probably be affairs which the
groups will sponsor "for the War Fund."




Thus, instead of a club giving a function
"for national defense" it will give it "for the
War Fund." The money given to the War Fund
will be used after the war to give assistance to
students wishing to enter the University.
Some have said "well, it will just be another
Student Government Association committee; let
the SGA worry about it." This is wrong. It will
not Ije "just another SGA committee," because
it will !e composed of meml)ers of the major

SGA Should Be Left

Alone In Its Sphere
We agree with the statements made in Joe
Logan Massie's letter elsewhere on this page
that student government should not have control over financial matters of the University or
educational policy. Neither The Kfrxf.l editor
nor any SGA memler we know of has over suggested such a thing.
P.ut we belive that there are certain matters
which do come within the range of student government: student social affairs, disbursement of
Student Government Association fees, and a
considerable bit of student yvelfare and standards. In these fields, as long as it does not lower
student morals, affect the reputation of the University, or injure anv student, the SGA sJiould
work unmolested.

The proposed amendment did not. as we see
it. threaten anv of these things; it was drawn
up and passed in full accord with the constitution granted the SGA. Admitting that we overstated ourselves Friday in saying the faculty
"ox ei stepped its jurisdiction" we still think the

was unnecessary.

To Help Clear Up
Some Muddy Ideas
Behind much of the agitation against labor
and the
week during the past few weeks
misconceptions which have resulted in a serious misguidance of public opinion. Whether the press has sought to create these
misconceptions intentionally or not. we can not
say; but we do know that it has done little to
correct them.
The first is the impression that labor has tied
art defense production with frequent strikes.
'I his is wrong. In February there were but 2.",
mosilv in minor plants, all of them outlawed bv

(authority: Secretary of Iabor Perkins). At present, there is not
one strike in a defense industry (authority:
Wavne I.. Morse. War Labor Hoard).
the national organizations

he second misconception is that the
somehow keeps defense industries from
wot king at rapacity. The press and public opinion have insisted that industry lose not a minute
if production time, and on this we certainly
I'.ut it is not the 40 hour week which keeps
week does
men out of factoiies. The
not limit the number of hours a man can work,
lie can woik 100 a week if he wants to. (For
the record. Secretary of Labor reports that even
in Januarv, six war industries averaged over 50
hours a week, and five more averaged over 45.)




UK service organizations: ODK, YMCA. YWCA.
Mortar r.oard. SttKy, Student Union Board.
Lances, Kcvs, and Cwens. plus one member of
the student legislature. The committee which
serves during rolled inn of funds the War Fund
Commit lee will lie almost rompletely separate
from the Student Government Association. The
SGA merelv retains supervisory jiowcrs.
A few have said they would prefer to donate
the profits from their affair to some cause more
worthy. We don't see how they could find any

cause which would combine service to the nation, through purchase of Defense Bonds, with
a very valuable service to the future of the
through the building up of a sizable fund
for student aid after the war.

The last, and




On the whole, the War Fund has received
an early and enthusiastic response. We are confident that, as soon as the actual committee can
be organized and started functioning, the University Student War Fund will begin to assume
the proportions of the major organization which
it is destined to reach before the war is over.
If the men aie available, the
week will
not keep any plant from having enough men
io work it.
The real problem is this: should a man be
paid time and a half for work over 40 hours?
The derision is not whether plants should work
at capacity or not. but whether men who do extra work should get extra pay. It is the same
question to which Big Business has answered
Yes so loudly when it was put in regard to them:
should business get extra profits for increasing

Since most of the government contracts have
already been let, and already have allowed for
i he overtime
provisions of the
this charge has already been allowed for. The
question is then: " the workman does not get
this pay, where will it go?" And in most cases,
the answer would be "To the owners."

This brings up the third fallacy ol the


lic's view, this time in reference to the armv.
With all good intentions many a
writer has said "What about the armv?
Isn't the army working for $21 a month, 24 hours
a day, with nothing for overtime?" This statement is true, and the spirit behind it is admirable. God knows that the armv doesn't get anv
way near what it is worth. But that doesn't
change the situation in regard to labor a bit.
Decreasing the pay to a factory worker isn't
going to" raise the pay of an army man one cent.
Labor charges have already been included in
the prices charged the government, and decreasing the amount paid to the worker will not decrease the amount paid by the government. Ii
will just mean that the owners, not the workers,
will get it.
In t