xt7b5m625m2n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7b5m625m2n/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1931-02-24  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, February 24, 1931 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 24, 1931 1931 1931-02-24 2012 true xt7b5m625m2n section xt7b5m625m2n f

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George Skinner Receives Award

O. D. K., national men's honorary

fraternity for campus leaders, will
hold its regular annual convention
in Lexington on March 5, 6 and 7.
The University of Kentucky chapter will be the host of the convention.
National officers of the fraternity,
and two delegates from the 31 chapters throughout the nation will attend the conclave. President Mct
Vey will deliver the welcoming address at the Lafayette hotel on
March 5.
The university chapter will entertain the delegates of the convention with a smoker in the Lafayette hotel Thursday afternoon,
March 5. Other features of the
convention, as announced by Carey
Splccr, president of the local chapter, will be a tour of the Bluegrass,
sponsored by the Lexington Chamber of Commerce, which will take
place during the second day of the
convention, and a dinner dance in
the Lafayette hotel on March 6.
National officers of the organization:
Dr. G. S. Schram, University of
Pittsburgh, president; Dr. Frank C.
Brown, Virginia Beach, Virginia,
executive secretary; Dean W. L.
Prince, University of Richmond, Dr.
A. G. Williams, College of William
and Mary, and Dr. George Lang,
University of Alabama, members of
the general council.
Members of the local chapter:
Carey Splcer, president; Ben Har
rison, vice president; Howard Williams, secretary; L. G. Forquer,
Jake Bronston, Paul McBrayer,
James Chapman, Jack McGulrk,
Stewart Augustus, Rex Allison,
Martin Glenn, Stanley Milward,
Louis Payton, Gordon Flnley, Wil
liam Trott, and William Young.
Prof. R. D. Mclntyre, of the Col
lege of Commerce, is faculty ad

De Moisey and Polsgrove Are
Best for U. K.; Blue

Leads at Half

Playing their last game, the
University of Kentucky freshmen
basketball team defeated Henry
Clay high school of Lexington,, 28
10, last night in the Euclid avenue
gymnasium. Kentucky lead at the
half, 15-Henry Clay played the best exhl
bition that she has put up this sea
son. Davis played well for the los
ers. DcMolsey and Polsgrovc led
the Kitten's attack. The game was
fast and the high school lads
threatened the frosh throughout
the entire came.
Biggerstaff opened the scoring
with a foul throw. DeMolsey loop
shot. Davis made
cd in a
two pretty goals in succession: Dc
Moisey tallied again. Polsgrove
scored. DeMbisey tipped in a field
goal as quarter ended Kentucky 7,
Henry Clay 5.
Morris scored on a foul shot.
Polsgrove scored under the basket.
Polsgrove scored on a rebound.
Polsgrove scored on a foul throw.
George sank a crip shot. Nugent
tallient a foul shot. Half, Kentucky
15, Henry Clay 8.
Polsgrove opened the half with a
free throw. Yancey scored on a
long pass from George. Bigger-sta- ff
scored a long side shot. Nugent made a pretty follow-i- n shot.
Davis scored a crip. Lexington
wm clearly outplaying the freshmen at this stage of the game.
George scored one foul throw. Polsgrove scored from the center of
the floor. Third quarter, Kentucky
22, Henry Clay 15.
DeMolsey made a long shot.
tipped in a pretty shot.
Nugent scored on the following shot.
DeMolsey scored on the rebound
shot. Biggerstaff shot in a long
goal as the game ended. Final
score, Knetucky 28, Henry Clay 19.
During the past season the fresh -ment met some of strongest frosh
team in the state. The locals won
hree games and lost two tils, both to
Eastern State Normal freshmen.
by his consistent
guarding, has shown himself to be
a great player, who should be a big
help to the varsity this fall. Polsgrove was another outstanding star.
All members of the squad have
worked hard and have shown ability at opportune times. The squad
consists of five forwards, Bach, Foley, Settle, George, and Polsgrove;
four centers, Kercheval, DeMolsey,
Yancey, and Dause; seven guards,
Rogers, Lutes. Massle, Pate, Hickey,
Cassidy, and Mattingly.
The season records includes vic8;
Louistories over Wesleyan,
and two defeats
by Eastern, the

At Lexington for
Chapters Will Attend;
McVey to Speak

Rasketeers 'Give


George "Husky" Skinner, Lexington, sophomore In the College of Arts and
Sciences, was awarded the Gam age trophy for the "K" man with the
highest scholastic standing from February 1930 to February 1931.
Skinner's standing was 2.8 for the past two semesters. George graduated from the Henry Clay high school In 1929 and received the Yale
Cap which Is given for character, scholarship and athletics. Skinner
entered the university In 1929 and won his numerals in football, track
man, was awarded a letter
and basketball. George, a
for his services on the varsity sqaad last falL At the present time
he is member of the varsity basketball sqaad. This trophy, which
is given by Coach Harry Gamage, will be a permanent award and
will be presented each year to the "K" man with the highest scholastic standing for the two preceding semesters.


Head of University Men Is
Present at Danville Con
vention of Association of

Dean C. R. Melcher (was (the
representative of the university at
the second annual meeting of deans
qf men and personnel directors of.
the KentucKy Association oi colleges which was held at Danville
Friday. Dean Melcher was elected
president last year and was in
charge of the organization at the
Among the subjects that were
discussed at the meeting were
"Wjhat is the Dean of Men's relation to Personnel Work" and
"Methods of Measuring the Personal Qualities Considered Necessary for the Students Success in
College." Following ithese talksL
which were the main topics discussed, was a three minute talk by
all of the members present. The
subjects of these talks were "The
Greatest Problem in My Work" and
, "My
Greatest Achievement of the
The annual Military Ball, spon- - Vpr ..
sored by the R. O. T. C. unit,
The meeting was held in the Old
which is one of the outstanding Centre building which has been re
social events of the year for this modeled this year. Luncheon was
unit, will be held Friday, February served to all of the members and
27 from 9:00 to 1:00 o'clock in the guests
building. Dr.
Men's gymnasium. Scabbard and Miner, in this the psychologyJ. dehead of
Blade will pledge.
partment at the university was a
The recently selected R. O. T. C.
sponsors will make their debut on guest at the meeting.
The meeting next year will be
this occasion. Practice Is being
held daily for the grand march, held at Richmond the third Saturwhich is the main event of the ball. day of February. Officers elected
Participants in the march will be for the next meeting are: C. A.
the officers of the unit and the Keith of Eastern State Teachers
pledges of Scabbard and Blade ac- College, president, T. A. Hendricks,
companied by their dates. The gym- of Berea, vice president and W. J.
nasium will be decorated in the Craig, personnel director, Western
State Teachers College, was reelectspirit of the. occasion.
ed secretary. Following the election
The grand march will be proceeded by the pledging exercises of of officers for the next year the
Scabbard and Blade; the number meeting was adjourned.
to be pledged will not be known
until the candidates are called forth G. E.
at the ball.
The chaperones for the occasion
will be President and Mrs. Frank
L. McVey, Dean and Mrs. Paul P.
Irvln O. Warren, representing the
Boyd, Dean Sarah Blanding, Major
and Mrs. O. R. Meredith, Capt. and General Electric Company, will visit
the university March 13 to interMrs. W. A. Cunningham, Capt. and
Mrs. Clyde Grady, Capt. and Mrs. view seniors interested in obtaining
P. L. LeStourgeon, Lieut, and Mrs. positions with his company. As preJames E. Reese, Lieut, and Mrs. H. viously announced by Dr. Henry
B. Crlswell, Col. and Mrs. Hugh Beaumont, director of personnel of
the university, this is to be one of
the most important Interviews of
the year.
Seniors will be elected for trainCLUB TO HOLD MEETING
ing in accountancy, finance and
statistics, in the company's school.
The International Relations club
will hold its weekly meeting at The course In special training Is
7:30 o'clock Tuesday night in room given in Schenectady, New York,
111, McVey hall with Mrs. R. E. where one of the General Electric
Culbertson presiding, Judge A. M. Company's largest plants Is located.
Doctor Beaumont has received
J. Cochran of Maysville, judge of
the Eastern district, United States only 15 applications for interviews to date, and he is anxious to
Federal court will be the principal
speaker. The public is cordially in- hear from more of the seniors before the day of the interview. The
vited to attend.
Interview will take place In Doctor
Beaumont's office, 301 Neville hall.
Honorable A. M. J. Cochran.
United States district judge, will
speak in lecture room 111, McVey
Dean Thomas Cooper will speak
hall, tonight at 7:30, under the auspices of the Henry Clay law society to the senior students in the Coland the International Relations lege of Agriculture at the senior
class. All students of the university assembly at 3 o'clock Thursday afare invited and especially those stu- ternoon in room 206 of the Agridents connected with either of the culture building. All seniors are
two classes.
required to attend this meeting.

Annual Affair

of Militarists

To Be Friday

Interview Seniors


Irish Poet, George Russell, TeHs Kernel Interviewer of His Conception of a Happy Person; of the Accidental Adoption
of His Pen Name; and of His Unique Experiences as
an Agricultural
Editor-Journali- st

Taking as his subject, "Building
up Rural Civilization," George "A
E." Russell, Irish poet and agricultural economist, addressed an assembly of students, faculty and
townspeople at 3 o'clock Monday afternoon In Memorial hall. Mr. Russell Is primarily a poet, but Is interested in agriculture, having been
editor of the "Irish Homestead,"
and the "Irish State." He is an
active member of the Irish Agricultural Organization society.
Opening his address by referring
to his visit here several years ago,
Mr. Russell explained that at that
time he was traveling In the capacity of a poet, and that poets were
not supposed to know much about
agriculture. He explained, however,
that his address was based on 25
years experience in working for
agriculture in Ireland, and that, although Ireland is a small state
compared to the United States, It
is the small states which can be
used as laboratories to study and
solve problems more rapidly than
they could be solved In a large
"The restless, tameless vitality

Rifle Team
Ends Successful
Week of Shooting
Co-e- d

Girls Average 976 Points
Out of Possible 1000
in Shots
The highest team score ever fired
by a coed rifle team at the university was made by the coed team
for the week ending February 21.
The team averaged 976 out of a
possible 1,000.
Misses Julia C. Webb, Mildred
Robards, and Gertrude Hehman,
made perfect scores of 100. The
highest score for last year was 05
out of a possible 100, and the lowest
score for this week's match was
05 out of a possible 100. Although
five points seem trivial they are a
big factor In compiling the scores.
This is a decided Improvement
over tho former match scores which
were 049 and 938 out of a possible
1,000 for the two former weeks.
The highest team score made last
year was 989 out of a possible 1,000.
Miss Averill, the girls faculty adviser, said that she was greatly
Impressed by the marked improvement of the team.
Lieutenant Crlswell, coach of the
R. O. T. O. and varsity rifle teams,
Is also coaching the girls team. He
Is assisted by the officers of the
R. O. T. C. unit. Miss Mae Bryant
Is the student manager of the coed
Recently the girls fired a competitive match with the boys and a
tentative match Is planned by Lieutenant Crlswell to take place in
the near future.



Meet March 5,6,7

Baby 'Cats Hard Fight
in Fast Game


with which our, cities are filled
comes from the country and the
foreigners, for after the third and
fourth generation! humanity, In
these large cities, becomes decadent
and sterile," stated AE.
In propounding his theories of the
ideal agricultural community to a
representative of The Kernel Monday morning, AE said that both
social and economic phases of life
must be interwoven to produce the
highest type of men and women.
"It is the fault of American rural
civilization that young people do
not stay on the farm, but seek
diversion in the larger cities," Mr.
Russell said, and outlined his proposed remedy of community centers
to promote the enjoyment of sports,
drama, art, and literature.
"Universities must train young
people to meet their own needs,
adequately' (continued AE., "for
a happy person Is one who can
live to himself, and by himself, indefinitely, without being bored." He
dismissed such diversions as cards
and movies as being for those persons who had nothing within themselves to aid them In living.
When questioned as to the origin
of his pen name, "AE," Mr. Russell smiled broadly, stroked his long
whiskers, and answered with the
following story:
"At the time that I first began
to write, I was a rather shy fellow,
and did not wish my Identity to
become known. So I chose the
name of Aelon as my penname.
However, I was never noted for my
ability to write, as I am a very bad
scribe, so the printers could make
oupt only the first two letters, 'AE,
and signed my writings with these
initials. Since then 'AE' has been
about all that I have ever been
called, until I often forget that I
have any other name."
After Aj.E. had expounded his
theories on agricultural communities to his own satisfaction and
those of his listeners at the interview, with a chuckle ho related
some of his experiences as a journalist and editor of an agricultural
paper. Among these was his story
of his
search for
money to meet 'financial obligations. AE said that on one particular pay-da- y
finances were even
lower than usual, so he sold one of
his paintings and paid the employees; which is just another instance of the unusual things which
AE has done.
He ventured to
suggest that he was probably the
only journalist who had ever made
art support his paper.
With his smile, ills ready flow of
talk, and his well-wor- n
pipe In his
hand, towering abort all present,
AE Is a typical Xridi poet, and,
though he probably wouldn't agree
with us, a typical little boy on a
vacation having a good time.

$1,335,687.82 FOR
Instruction nnd Maintenance
Costs Amount to

Student Loan Fund Expenditures Exceed Income
by $347.09
The expenses of the University
of Kentucky for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1930, and ending


21, 1931 were $1,335,687.92,

according to the report of the business agent, which was released to
The Kernel yesterday. The excess
of expenditures over receipts for the
fiscal year amounted to $9,056.56.
In the Itemized account of the
income and expenditures it was
found that Patterson hall was one
of the few listed in which there was
an excess of income over expenditures. The experiment station received a considerable income from
the sale of various commodities, as
well as the payment received from
services to the public. In the student loan fund the expenditures exceeded the receipts $347.09.
Instruction from July 1 to January 21 cost the university $426,598.22,
and with the addition of the cost of
administrative expenses, maintenance, and betterments, the entire
sum totaled $896,190.57.
The executive committee of the
Board of Trustees, which received
the report of the business agent,
also approved several minor
changes in the regulations governing the university, and heard the
reports of various committees.
Preliminary plans for the use of
the recently acquired warehouse
were submitted by the head of the
of buildings
grounds. These plans, which provided office space for that department, and the department of Physical education were examined and
approved subject to further modification, when full information as
to the cost of construction was
Dean Thomas P. Cooper, of the
of Agriculture, reported
that approximately 100,000 feet of
timber at the Robinson's
Is being cut .and put on the
market in an effort to relieve the
in the
mountain section.
Bids for library equipment were
considered and the contract let.
The question of dedicating the library was left with the president of
the university with full power to
The Book Store committee reported on the contract signed by
the new manager, and listed the
changes in policy which he has
inaugurated. One change was the
establishment of a used book business for the convenience of the
student body. It was also stated
that the cost of telegrams will no
longer be added to the cost of the
book to the student.

Rehearsals for
Macbeth Begin

Rehearsals began last night at
the Guignol theater on "Macbeth,"
fourth production In the current
schedule of the university's playhouse, under the direction of Prank
Fowler. Dr. George K. Brady, of
the English department, has been
assigned the title role.
March 23 is the opening date of
tragedy and
the Shakespearian
plans are already being developed
to make It one of Lexington's most
brilliant theatrical occasions, say
Having appeared two seasons ago
in "The Flight of the Duchess" and
last season In "The Second Mrs.
Tanquerry," Dr Brady Is well known
to Guignol patrons.
Supporting the star of "Macbeth"
are Lolo Robinson as Lady Macbeth, Wayne W. Hairier as Macduff, Prof. L. Cass Robinson as
Banquo", Duke (Johnson as Malcolm, Morton Webb as Donaldbaln
and Horace Miner as Duncan.
The three witches of the piece
will be portrayed by Nell Cain,
Hugh McGuire, and Hayes Calll-ha- n
while John Noonan has the
role of the drunken porter. Smaller
parts will be enacted by Woodson
Knight, Murray Benton III, and
George Whitfield. Virginia McVey
will be seen as tho gentlewoman.
Costumes for "Macbeth" are being
prepared in the costume department of the theater under the
guidance of Marion Galloway. It
Is reported that the wardrobe will
be authoritative In every detail
After winning ten consecutive
games, the Purples of university
high school were defeated by Mid1
way High
last Friday night
at Midway. It was the second loss
of the season for the locals. The
Purples will enter the district tournament this week, and are favored
to win the tourney.

Brethren! Sister n!
Mrs. Herbert Hoover is a member of Kappa Kappa Gamma.
Vctabel Phillips Carter, who
Invented the electric traffic signal, attended the University of
Washington, where she was Initiated into Alpha XI Delta.
Ray Conger, national one-michampion, received his education
at the University of Illinois and
was a member of Alpha Sigma
Pearl N. Buck, who wrote the
novel, "East Wind; West Wind,"
is a Kappa Delta.
Wlnton Ross Colcord, who
wrote the University of Maine
"Stein Song," Is a Kappa Sigma.
Dean E. E. Brandon of Miami
University is a member of Phi
Kappa Tau.
United States Senator Frank
B. Willis of Ohio is a loyal member of Sigma Phi Epsllon.
Lois Wilson, famous movie actress, is a member of Beta Sigma
Alf Taylor, former governor of
Tennessee, is a Lambda Chi Alpha.
Calvin Coolldge attended Amherst College and was a member
of Phi Gamma Delta.
Helen Archer, well known
movie actress, is a member of
Delta Delta Delta.
Dr. Woodburn Chase, new president of the University of Illinois, is a member of Sigma Nu.

Block Prints Are
Featured in Show

In UK Art Center
Lithographs and Etchings
Are on Display; Many
Artists Contribute
The exhibition of prints, featur
ing block prints, etchings, and lith
ographs- - of American, English, and
French artists, which opened last
Wednesday in the Art Center will
be on display for the remainder of
the week, it was announced yesterday.
The show is a chaotic semblance
of artistry ranging from the blunt,
wholesome effect derived from an
aqua tint to the most minute, detal-li- c
enjoyment gained through the
scrutinizattori of Walcot's etching
"Lower Broadway."
"Chartres," an etching of John
Taylor Arms, depicts in fine lines
the cathedral mounted on the peak
hillside. The
of a cottage-cluttere- d
fusing of crazy crooked lines in the
the streaked
straightness of the cathedral at the
top of the picure is impressively set
forth in detail and technique.
George Bellows, a native of Columbus. Ohio, narrates the story "16
East Gay' Street" in his lithograph
of that name. There is a play of
light, of bright lines and dark
spaces interspersed over the surface
which menaces the side street quiet
of the production somewhat, but
does not distract from the beauty
of the lithograph.
"Dory Fishermen," "Flying Widgeon," and "Yellowlegs at Dusk,"
are deep bit etchings from the tool
of Frank W. Benson. "Dory Fishermen" provides a study in dark,
heavy lines with but little light to
break the Imagery which is created
by extremely slight dlfferentlaion in
close, and still closer lines. "Flying Widgeon" is an audacious and
excellent attempt to plaster black
images of considerable size against
a white surface. "Yellowlegs at
Dusk" is notable as technical vis
ualizing of dusk, the motion of ris
Ing yellowlegs, and the dark sur
rounding landscape.
Perhaps the most unusual picture
in the show is "Expectant Thistles,"
a lithograph done by George Blddle,
the man who seems to gain so much
delight from satirizing simple situations. From a distance the figures become a near perfect representation of what the artist Is endeavoring to present. Bellows works
in light lines, a suitable congruity
of technique in relation to his
Wanda Gag, the talented young
woman artist who shut herself from
the world to find art, and who found
recognition before she expected to
And It, has two contributions in the
display. "Evening," the
larger and more widely known of
the two Is a lovely glimpse of the
interior of the shack in which Miss
Gag lived while she was working.
The sharp stops and starts of white
and black surfaces, together with
the grading tones of the shades contained In the lithographed, produce
a unique light disbursement effect.
Louis Lozowlck's most outstanding productions in the exhibition
are "Brooklyn Bridge" and "Tanks
No. 11." He has an uncanny method of retreating figures in his
they are
beautiful, and in tone and clear cut
impresslvcness they are not surpassed by any of tho lithograplis
hanging in the show with them.
"Italian Cattle Fair," by Tushlng-haIs a light lined pleco of etching reprinted on tissue paper. Its
delicacy and daintiness make it and
Walter Tittle's etching of George
Bernard Shaw the softest bits of
etching imaginable.
The severe mechanism employed
(Continued on page four)


Kentucky One of Four Seeded
Teams with Alabama,
Georgia, Maryland

Rupp Expects Stiff Game
from North Carolinans;
Hopes Are High
For the second time in as many
years the University of Kentucky-Wildca- t
basketball team will leave
Its lair at 9 o'clock Wednesday night
as one of the seeded teams in the
conference to meet North Carolina
State for its first tilt In the annual
Southern Conference invitational
tournament which will begin Friday
In Atlanta under the auspices of
the Atlanta Athletic club. The first
Big Blue game will be played at 7
o'clock Friday afternoon.
Kentucky has eight conference
wins with only two defeats and
will be one of the four seeded teams
at the tournament with Georgia,
Maryland and Alabama.
The Wildcats will arrive in At
lanta Thursday morning at 8 o'clock. During their stay in Georgia
the 'Cats and other members of
the party, including "Daddy" Boles,
Dr. Funkhouser,
and freshman
coach, Baldy Glib, will have their
headquarters at the Georgian Terrace hotel.
Following a brief rest Thursday
morning, the squad will enjoy a
workout in the Georgia Tech gymnasium for the purpose of limbering
up their traveling kinks. Coaeh
Rupp stated that the team was in
good condition and that they were
displaying their old time zip and
drive. This was sadly lacking on
their last southern trip.
The ten men who will make the
trip are not yet known but It is
thought that they will be as follows: Capt. Carey Splcer, Little
George Yates, Charley
Worthlngton, Jake Bronston, Bill
Trott, Ercel Little, Darrel Darby,
Ellis Johnson, and Forest Sale. For
some reason, despite the capable
treatment given Johnson's Injured
ankle, the member has failed to
improve to any great extent and
unless the injury Is greatly improved before traveling time Johnson
will not make the trip.
Barring upsets the 'Cats should
win their first game with North
Carolina State Friday. According
to Coach Rupp, North Carolina
State is a greatly underestimated
team, and despite their percentage
of 500 he is sure that they will be
one of the strongest teams in the
It would be well to
remember that in past tourneys,
teams from the Carolinas have won
the majority of championships.
North Carolina won three consecu-(Continuon Page Four)

University Vespers, Sunday,
Is Dedicated to Comemmo-ration



George Washington


In keeping with the spirit of the

occasion, the university vespers
Sunday afternoon were dedicated to
a commemoration of the birthday
of George Washington. Dr. Arthur
Braden, president of Transylvania
College, gave an address on "The
Spirit of Washington and Modem
Life," and the music was also of
a patriotic nature.
Dr. Braden pointed out the failure
of modern America to live up to
the example of its predecessors, and
to carry on the noble principles of
Washington and other leaders. He
scored our age on four counts,
namely, character, patriotism, public service, and religion, in all of
which he believes we fall far below
the standards set by our first president. He pointed out the political corruption of present-da- y
officials, citing the upheavel In Chicago
as an example, and in contrast he
reminded us that Washington served his country for 45 of his 68
years without any pay. Indeed, he
went further and bought provisions
for his soldiers out of his private

In further proof of Washington's
humbleness of spirit, he quoted from
two letters, one in which an officer
in Washington's army suggested to
his general that he should attempt
to become a monarchlal ruler of the
United States, and the other Washington's reply to his devoted colonel
charging him never to make such a
suggestion where he would hear of
It again.
A special feature of the musical
program was the soprano solo sung
by Mrs. W. H. Hansen, of Lexington, "My Days Have Been So Wondrous Free." This song was the
first one composed in America of
which there is any record It was
dedicated to Washington by
Hopklnson, and was the
favorite song of the president.

� HBP?!


found, It was ascertained that the ordinary person could walk down a flight of steps in 10
seconds, and up n flight of steps In 22 seconds.
The quickest that coats can be put on and books
slung Into one's arms Is 14 seconds.
Adding all these figures, and considering that
National College Press Association
traffic on the campus and streets that would
Lexington Board of Commerce
slow up progress from 30 to 60 seconds, the least
Official Newspaper of the Students of the University time that the long distances on the campus can
of Kentucky, Lexington
bo covered in is slightly more than 10 minutes.
Subscription 12.00 a rear. Entered at Lexington, Ky.,
And there arc just 10 minutes between bells.
rostolTlce as second class mall matter
Leniency is necessary In cases such as this.
A professor should try to be lenient at least
to a certain degree. It is the hope of The Ker,
nel that some understanding may be reached
Managing Editor
who do have such class
Assistant Managing Editor between those students
Dramatic Editor arrangements and their professors In order that
the grades may not be lowered indefinitely beASSOCIATE EDITORS
Elaine Bonnell
Morton Walker
cause of tardiness.

The Kentucky Kernel



Virginia Ncrlns
Daniel Goodman


Virginia Hatcher

News Editor
William abater
Sue Dlckerson


Mary E. Price


Eleanor Smith

Horace Miner
Jack Keyscr
Society Editor
Polly Reese



Sports Editor

Ralph Johnson
Totsy Rose '
W. D. Bohon
Edgar Turley Woodson Knight Lawrence Orump
Marvin Wnchs
Bill Luther
P. Davis Rankin



Fannie Curie Woodhead
Gertrude Evans -

Edythe Reynolds

Eleanor Dawson
Mary prince Fowler
Mary Oalloway Griffith
Mary Virginia HaUey
Cameron Ooffman
Mary Alice Bairers

O. B. Ooffman
Harriet HoUlday
Red Adams

Harry Varlle
Buford Upham
Turner Howard
Malcolm Barnes
Gilbert Klngsberry
WUliam Martin
Beuna Mathls
Oladys McAtee
Emmett Whipple

W. W. Sacra



H.P. Klrkman
James Morgan








Busness Manager
Orant Campbell

Advertising Manager
Irel Hodges
Allle Mason
Circulation Manapi


Is it that the student who works for his dally
bread, earning his maintenance at college by
the sweat of his brow, Is shunned by his fellows because they look down on his humble
circumstances; or Is It that he Is exalted by
them for his ambition and energy, and given a
place above all other types of students? Neither
state of affairs Is true, even though some slcck-halre- d
rich will solemnly
son of the would-b- e
prescribe the former treatment, and frantic-eye- d
of virtue and reward
will assert that the latter Instance Is true.
The fact remains that the working student,
although differing from the usual student because of his heavier responsibilities and shortened hours, finds a position in college life that
Is altogether normal.
The fact that he works
Influences two things; his scholastic standing
and his social standing. Opportunities for
study and opportunities for recreation are les
sened. Nevertheless his position In the social
and scholastic worlds Is determined more by the
type of work he does than by the mere Idea
that he works. Such practices as the one of
becoming a student-bootleggor selling worthless articles like fake slide-ruland worm-eate- n
chocolate bars to innocent freshmen are
disdained by classmates and professors alike.
Other forms of employment such as waiting on
tables, driving trucks or clerking in stores are
considered honorable and worthy of repect by
In the classroom these two species of stu
dent workers are given equal opportunities; but,
the honest worker usually surpasses the other
partly because the other employs tricky methods
in his school work, and partly because the class
attitude is so much more cordial toward the
direct, honorable one. The "worker" of the
former mentioned type is included in social
groups only because they want to make fun of
him. The worker of the latter type is admired
by all groups, often being given opportunities
of leadership which he otherwise might not
It is true in college circles as in all others
that one is received into a group only so long
as one gives value to receivers. The object of
scorn is welcome neither to sit in the classroom
nor to loll on the fraternity house porch. The
object of commendation brings a