xt7b5m625j82 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7b5m625j82/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 2003-06-june24. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 2003-06-june24. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 2003-06-june24. 2003 2003-06-june24. 2011 true xt7b5m625j82 section xt7b5m625j82 


                                           Meeting of the Board of Trustees
                                                University of Kentucky
                                                      1:00 P.M.
                                                    June 24, 2003
                                           18th Floor Patterson Office Tower


Accompanying materials:

President's Report and Action Items

PR 1     President' s Report to the Trustees
PR 2     Personnel Actions
PR 3     Appointment of Executive Vice President for Finance and Administration
PR 4     Appointment of Associate Provost for Academic Affairs
PR 5     Appointment of Dean of the Graduate School
PR 6     Appointment of Acting Executive Vice President for Health Affairs
PR 7     Chancellor Emeritus Be Conferred Upon James W. Holsinger, Jr., M.D., Ph.D.
PR 8     Appointment to Board of Directors of the Fund for Advancement of Education and Research in the University of Kentucky
Chandler Medical Center
PR 9     Appointment/Reappointment of Board of Directors of the University of Kentucky Research Foundation
PR 10    2003-2006 Strategic Plan
PR 11    Authorization and Direction for Interpretation of the ARs and GRs to Implement the Provost Model at the University of
PR 12    Agreement Between University of Kentucky and KMSF
PR 13    Waiver of Part X of the Governing Regulations Pertaining to the Employment of Relatives in the Case of Dr. Sandra
D' Angelo
PR 14    Appointment of Associate Vice President for Facilities
PR 15    Creation of Executive Vice President for Research and Appointment of Dr. Wendy Baldwin

Academic Affairs Committee Report

AACR 1 Candidates for Degrees
AACR 2 Creation of a School of Human Environmental Sciences in the College of Agriculture; Elimination of College of Human
Environmental Sciences

Finance Committee Report

FCR 1       Operating Budget for Fiscal 2003-04
FCR 2      Approval of Leases
FCR 3      Report of Leases
FCR 4      Acquisition of Property
FCR 5      Disposal of Personal Property
FCR 6      William T. Young Pledge
FCR 7      Warren W. Rosenthal Pledge
FCR 8      James F. Hardymon Pledge
FCR 9      A Resolution of the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky Authorizing the Issuance of Approximately
$52,830,000 of University of Kentucky Housing and Dining System Revenue Bonds, Series S, to be Dated the First Day of the Month
in Which Sold; Authorizing Proper Proceedings Relative to the Public Sale of the Bonds and the Disposition of the Proceeds Thereof,
Authorizing Execution of an Eleventh Supplemental Trust Indenture Between the Board and Farmers Bank & Capital Trust Company,
Frankfort, Kentucky, as Trustee, in Compliance With the Provisions of the Trust Indenture Dated June 1, 1965
FCR 10     A Resolution of the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky Authorizing the Issuance of Approximately
$29,655,000 of University of Kentucky Consolidated Educational Buildings Revenue Bonds, Series S, to be Dated the First Day of the
Month in Which the Bonds Are Sold
FCR 11     Approval of Lease


      Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky,
Tuesday, June 24, 2003.

      The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met at 1:00 p.m. (Lexington
time) on Tuesday, June 24, 2003 in the Board Room on the 18th Floor of Patterson Office

      A.    Meeting Opened

      Mr. Steven Reed, Chairperson, called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m., and Dr.
Elissa Plattner gave the invocation.

      B.    Roll Call

        The following members of the Board of Trustees answered the call of the roll:
Marianne Smith Edge, Davy Jones, Michael Kennedy, Pam May, Robert Meriwether,
Billy Joe Miles, Elissa Plattner, Steven Reed (Chairperson), Joe Ruschell, Frank Shoop,
Marian Sims, Grady Stumbo, Myra Tobin, JoEtta Wickliffe, Billy Wilcoxson, Russ
Williams, Elaine Wilson, and Barbara Young. Absent from the meeting were Paul
Chellgren and Alice Sparks. The University administration was represented by President
Lee T. Todd, Jr., Provost Michael Nietzel, Acting Senior Vice President Jack C. Blanton,
Vice President for Research Wendy Baldwin and General Counsel Paul C. Van Booven.

        Members of the various news media were also in attendance. A quorum being
present, the Chairperson declared the meeting officially open for the conduct of business
at 1:04p.m.

        C.   Consent Agenda

        Mr. Reed entertained a motion for approval of the May 6, 2003 Minutes that
were on the consent agenda. Ms. Wilson moved approval of the Minutes. Ms. Smith
Edge seconded the motion, and it carried without dissent.

        D.   President's Report to the Board of Trustees (PR 1)

        President Todd called attention to the following items in PR 1.

        1.  The Surgery Department has moved up in the National Institutes of Health
             rankings and is listed as 16th among 74 public medical schools. This is a
             great move for the Department of Surgery.

        2.   The College of Agriculture opened a new $21 million Plant Sciences
             Building in mid-May.


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3.   The University of Kentucky recently earned the most "green lights" of all
     state universities as far as CPE is concerned about moving their agendas
     forward. This is due to House Bill 1.

4.   The annual Children's Miracle Network Telethon raised $1,231,635 to
     benefit the UK Children's Hospital. The telethon has been tremendous,
     and the community is extremely supportive of that hospital effort.

5.   A team of 50 College of Engineering students has designed a glider ("Big
     Blue" - Baseline Inflatable Glider Balloon Launched Unmanned
     Experiment) that may help NASA scientists explore the mysteries of the
     planet Mars. The glider was tested in early May and performed nearly
     perfectly. Overseeing the students were Professors James Lumpp and
     Suzanne Smith.

6.   UK researchers won the vast majority of the funding available from the
     Kentucky Science and Engineering Foundation in mid-May. This is the
     state's new economy effort where they put together a science and
     engineering foundation and the Kentucky Science Council solicits
     proposals. UK related faculty got $1.4 million out of $2 million that was
     made available. This is new seed money from the State of Kentucky to try
     to help develop new enterprises based on intellectual property.

7.   Vipul Mankad and Karen Stefaniak have been selected for Robert Wood
     Johnson Foundation fellowships. This gives the University great notoriety
     when our faculty participates with a few that are selected around the
     country and spend time with those people. It also improves UK's image.

8.   UK's School of Journalism and Telecommunications has been
     reaccredited for another six years.

9.   Three UK students have received Fulbright Scholarships for study abroad.

10. Full-time benefits are now extended to employees with a full time
     equivalency (FTE) of .75 or greater, except for employees of the
     University Hospital. This is one of the recommendations of the Work Life
     Task Force. Employees previously working 30 hours a week without
     benefits will now have benefits, which is extremely important. In
     addition, if faculty and staff can work it out with their department chairs to
     have a FTE of .75 and many would like to do that for elderly parents and
     child care, and other reasons, they can now do that and still retain their

11. The Lexington-Fayette Urban County Council conducted a Council
     meeting on the UK campus. This is the first time in history for that to take


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        President Todd encouraged the Board to read all the student and faculty awards
listed in the report. They are too numerous to mention, but they are outstanding.

        President Todd reported that the Senate and Provost had worked hard to
implement a four-year contract for students. Departments are now being enlisted
to participate in the program. If the University system gets in the way of a student,
who has followed all of the plan, graduating in four years, the University will pay the
tuition after that point. He noted that Tony Stempel is a student who worked hard and did
a lot of research for the program.

        E.   Personnel Actions

        President Todd report that PR 2 is typically on the consent agenda; however,
since one of the items in PR 2 needed to be mentioned, PR 2 was not on the consent

        President Todd called attention to the appointment of Dr. Charles Wethington.
For the record, he reported that Dr. Wethington began his academic career at UK as an
instructor in Educational Psychology during the 1965-66 academic year. He then moved
into the administration of the Community College System with an appointment as Acting
Director of what was then called Lexington Technical Institute in 1966. He was
appointed as the Director of Maysville Community College in 1967. After his
administrative promotion in 1971 to Assistant Vice President of the Community College
System, the Board acted to confer on him an academic status of Associate Professor in
the Community College System in 1971. In 1981 Dr. Wethington was appointed as Vice
President of the UK Community College System. He became Chancellor of that
Community College System in 1982 and President of the University of Kentucky in
        In accordance with Dr. Wethington's contract, on July 1, 2003, he had the
option to assume the academic duties of Associate Professor with tenure that the Board
conferred on him in 1971. He has chosen to exercise that option. His academic
assignment is in the Lexington Community College. It will be in the Division of
Humanities and Business and Technology. The faculty of that division, having been a
part of this process, was consulted about that assignment.

        President Todd reported that he had informed Dr. Wethington that he will set
down with Dr. Jim Kerley to talk about his Distribution of Effort. It will include
teaching, and Dr. Kerley and Dr. Wethington will work on that. It will have to be
approved by the Provost, and then he will be assigned as a result of this PR 2 action to the
Lexington Community College as a tenured associate professor. President Todd said that
was the only item that he would mention in PR 2.

        Mr. Reed asked for a motion to approve PR 2. Mr. Shoop moved approval. Ms.
Sims seconded the motion, and it carried without dissent. (See PR 2 at the end of the


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        F. Appointment of Executive Vice President for Finance and Administration
(PR 3)

        President Todd said that PR 3 recommends that the Board of Trustees approve
the appointment of Richard P. Siemer as Executive Vice President for Finance and
Administration effective August 1, 2003. He noted that Dr. Jack Blanton has agreed to
work through the month of July.

        President Todd said that he admired Mr. Siemer for waiting until August 1St.
Mr. Siemer has been instrumental in implementing a new ERP system that includes
accounting at the Ohio University. He did not want them to have to close the books
without him being there; therefore, he will remain at Ohio University until July 31St to
make sure that everything goes smoothly with the new ERP system. One of many strong
points of Mr. Siemer is the fact that he has been through ERP system development and
that is something that UK is going to undertake as the budget unfolds at this meeting.
President Todd reported that Mr. Siemer was Vice President of Administration at Duke
University and Vice President for Finance and Treasurer at Ohio University. He
recommended the appointment of Mr. Siemer.

        On motion made by Mr. Wilcoxson, seconded by Ms. Smith Edge, PR 3 was
approved without dissent. (See PR 3 at the end of the Minutes.)

        President Todd introduced Dick and Pam Siemer to the Board and asked Mr.
Siemer for a comment.

        Mr. Siemer said that they were very happy to be at the University of Kentucky
and were looking forward to working with the leadership.

        G.   Appointment of Associate Provost for Academic Affairs (PR 4)

        President Todd recommended that Dr. David Watt be appointed as Associate
Provost for Academic Affairs effective May 15, 2003. Once this motion is acted upon,
he said he would ask Provost Nietzel to make a comment.

        Mr. Reed called for a motion. Ms. Wilson moved approval. Ms. Sims seconded
the motion, and it carried without dissent. (See PR 4 at the end of the Minutes.)

        Provost Nietzel made some comments about the creation of the position. He
reported that the position developed as a result of recommendations that were made as the
University moved toward the Provost Model and recognizes the need for some additional
senior level academic leadership in support of the entire academic enterprise - both the
academic units in the Medical Center as well as on the North Campus.

        This is a position that has been conceived to be one that would be responsible
for a broad array of academic activities concentrating on the recruitment and appointment



of faculty, faculty affairs in general, the promotion and tenure stream for faculty
appointments, the coordination of academic space as we again try to integrate the
academic program across campus, oversight of special academic initiatives that we are
undertaking in response to the Futures Committee recommendations, the Top Twenty
Report and other initiatives that we will begin in the next few years and some of which
will be talked about as the budget is presented at this meeting.

        Provost Nietzel announced that Dr. Watt would act in his absence in the role of
the Provost. He said he was thrilled that Dr. Watt was willing to be considered for this
position. He reported that the committee to evaluate internal candidates unanimously
recommended Dr. Watt for the post.

        Provost Nietzel provided background information about Dr. Watt, noting that
many people in the audience and on the Board know David Watt. Dr. Watt has been at
the University for nearly twenty years. He comes with an outstanding set of credentials
and as a scientist himself. A chemist by training, Dr. Watt was an undergraduate at
Dartmouth and received his graduate degrees at Harvard. He served as chair of
Chemistry at the University of Kentucky. He was director of ASTeCC. In the former
organization, Dr. Watt was a Vice Chancellor for the Lexington Campus and Vice
Chancellor for Research and most recently has been the Executive Dean in the College of
Medicine. He has a wonderful reputation on campus as an academic leader who knows
both the details and can appreciate the big picture for the University. Provost Nietzel said
he was pleased to be able to have this chance to work with Dr. Watt, he is very pleased
with this appointment, with the development of the position, and with Dr. Watt's
willingness to accept the position. He asked Dr. Watt to say a few words.

        Dr. Watt said that he did not know of any better way to express his commitment
to the University other than to say that he and his wife sent their children to the
University of Kentucky. He said that he is committed to the University's health and well-
being and that he looks forward to working in this new position to assist the faculty and
students and, of course, the President and this administration.

        Dr. Jones said that he had known Dr. Watt for a number of years, and the
University is in very good hands with this part of the team.

        President Todd said that was a great commendation coming from a faculty
member, and he appreciated Dr. Jones' comment.

        H.   Appointment of Dean of the Graduate School (PR 5)

        President Todd said that PR 5 recommends the Appointment of the Dean of the
Graduate School. The recommendation is that Dr. Jeannine Blackwell be appointed as
Dean of the Graduate School, effective July 1, 2003.


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        Mr. Reed called for a motion of approval of PR 5. Ms. Sims moved approval.
Professor Kennedy seconded the motion, and it carried without dissent. (See PR 5 at the
end of the Minutes.)

        Provost Nietzel reported that this position is very important to him. He began
his comments by acknowledging the terrific work that Doug Kalika had done the past two
years as the Acting Dean of the Graduate School. The Graduate School thrived in those
two years, and Dr. Kalika was a wonderful Dean. He said he was very much appreciative
to Dr. Kalida for all the good work that he did.

        Provost Nietzel said that 1985 was a good year for the University of Kentucky.
It was that year that Dr. David Watt and Dr. Jeannine Blackwell both joined the faculty.
Dr. Blackwell is also very well known on campus. She has had a number of leadership
positions. She was educated at Duke University where she received her undergraduate
degree and her Master's degree and then her Ph.D. in German at Indiana. Dr. Blackwell
has a national reputation as a leader in the modem language association, and in a variety
of professional organizations devoted to scholarship in German studies. She is a former
chair of the Department of German and Germanic Languages. She was an Associate
Dean in Arts and Sciences and most recently, an Acting Director of Women's Studies as
well. She has been the Senior Associate Dean in the Graduate School. A national search
for the position was conducted. There were approximately 40 candidates for the position.
Three individuals were interviewed. Dr. Blackwell received very good broad support
across the campus. Provost Nietzel said that he is delighted to be able to have her assume
the leadership as Dean of the Graduate School and also delighted that her husband,
Michael, and daughter, Betina, are at the meeting to join in recognizing her appointment.
He asked Dr. Blackwell for comments.

        Dr. Blackwell said that she is excited to accept the challenge of leading the
Graduate School during the next couple of years as the University tries to fulfill the
dream and the challenge that is being laid out in the new strategic plan. Graduate
education will be a key to preparing future leadership for the Commonwealth. Training
scientists, entrepreneurs, teachers, social workers, medical personnel, artists and all sorts
of professionals who think creatively, are the people Kentucky needs -- both homegrown
and from the nation and the world. A thriving Graduate School helps make a gifted and
well-educated community and such a community attracts creative people. She looks
forward to making Graduate Studies at UK that kind of productive endeavor. She
pointed out that she could not do this without a strong tradition in graduate education at
the University. She thanked the former Deans of the Graduate School for helping
establish that. She noted that is quite a roster: Wimberly Royster, Dan Reedy and Mike
Nietzel. She also thanked the staff of the Graduate School who keeps the wheels turning.
That is what makes it possible for the University to grind out all of the degrees. She
acknowledged her daughter, Betina Jones, who is an honor student at Morton Middle
School but who does not want to go to Graduate School. She wants to go to Law School.



        I. Appointment of Acting Executive Vice President for Health Affairs (PR 6)

        President Todd recommended that Dr. Alfred Cohen be appointed as Acting
Executive Vice President for Health Affairs effective June 1, 2003. He reminded the
Board that the University is in a search for a permanent Executive Vice President for
Health Affairs. In view of the fact that the University will very likely not have someone
occupy that position on July 1st, it was suggested and he certainly concurred that Dr.
Cohen be assigned to the position.

        President Todd reported that Dr. James Holsinger has been very helpful in the
transition. Dr. Holsinger suggested Dr. Cohen's appointment begin June 1st; therefore,
Dr. Cohen has been in an acting position since that date.

        President Todd stated that Dr. Cohen is currently the Director of the Markey
Cancer Center and a Professor of Surgery at UK as well as head of the search committee
for the new Executive Vice President. His other credentials are listed in PR 6. Dr. Cohen
will reside in the acting position until a replacement is found for the permanent position.
He noted that the search committee was down to about three candidates, and he hoped to
be able to fill the position fairly soon.

        Mr. Reed called for a motion of approval of PR 6. Ms. Smith Edge moved
approval. Ms. Wilson seconded the motion, and it carried without dissent. (See PR 6 at
the end of the Minutes.)

        J.   Chancellor Emeritus be Conferred upon James W. Holsinger, Jr., M.D.
Ph.D. (PR 7)

        President Todd said it was indeed a pleasure for him to recommend that Dr.
James W. Holsinger, Jr. be named Chancellor Emeritus in recognition of his long service,
dedication, and many contributions to the University of Kentucky. He noted that Dr.
Holsinger is not retiring but going away for a year on sabbatical. He will come back and
do what he dearly loves to do, and that is teaching students.

        President Todd noted that Dr. Holsinger received his B.S. degree from the
University of Kentucky and wears a Kentucky ring because he never had a B.S. by
passing the final part of his undergraduate studies to go directly to Medical School.
While at UK, he actually took calculus and other subjects and has been a mentor for
students all along. His distinguished career is in the background information of PR 7.

        Dr. Holsinger served for more than twenty-six years in the U.S. Department of
Veteran's Affairs. He served for nearly thirty-two years in the U.S. Army reserve,
retiring with rank of Major General, and at the end of that assignment was an Assistant to
the Director of Logistics of the Joint Chief during the Persian Gulf War of 1991. As
Chancellor, he has worked to expand and extend the three core missions of the academic
health center. The research mission has expanded from $35 million to more than $100


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million. The clinical programs continue to develop. Dr. Holsinger is responsible for nine
facilities on campus. President Todd said that he had driven through the south campus
and looked in amazement at how that end of campus has changed under Dr. Holsinger's
leadership. He said he is grateful to Dr. Holsinger for what he has done for the
University. He expressed appreciation to Dr. Holsinger for the last two years that he has
worked with him.

        Mr. Reed called for a motion of approval. Ms. Sims moved and Ms. Wilson
seconded the motion. It carried unanimously. (See PR 7 at the end of the Minutes.)

        Mr. Reed said Dr. Holsinger was a very warm, very receptive, very
encouraging, reassuring and steady hand. He said that he did not think he had ever been
at a UK event and not seen the smiling, friendly face of Dr. Holsinger. He said that he,
personally, had enjoyed knowing Dr. Holsinger, and he looked forward to a continued
relationship. He said that he wanted to put on the record that Dr. Holsinger has meant a
lot to the University and has certainly meant a lot more to him than Dr. Holsinger
probably realizes.

        President Todd asked Dr. Holsinger for any comments.

        Dr. Holsinger thanked the Board for having the courage to elect him to the
position nine years ago. He said that he deeply appreciated the nine years of opportunity
that he had to be of service to the University. Having been a student here, a faculty
member, and a member of the administration, he can tell the Board that he is intensely
proud of his institution. This is a great American University and everyone needs to
remember that as we move forward into the future. He recognized his wife, Dr. Barbara
Holsinger, in the audience and asked her to stand. With her are his family members from
New Zealand, his daughter, Dr. Ruth Luellen, her husband, Matthew Luellen, and his
grandson, Kerin. He said he was proud that his family members could be at the meeting.
He thanked the Board for electing him Chancellor Emeritus and said that he looked
forward to being at the University for many, many more years in the future.

        K.   Appointment to Board of Directors of the Fund for Advancement of
Education and Research in the University of Kentucky A. B. Chandler Medical Center
(PR 8)

        President Todd said that PR 8 recommends that approval be given to the
appointment of Carol Farmer to the Board of Directors of the Fund for Advancement of
Education and Research in the University of Kentucky Chandler Medical Center for a
two-year term beginning July 1, 2003 extending through July 30, 2005.

        Mr. Reed asked for a motion of approval of PR 8. Mr. Shoop moved approval.
Ms. Smith Edge seconded the motion, and it carried without dissent. (See PR 8 at the end
of the Minutes.)


9 -

        L.   Appointment/Reappointment of Board of Directors University of
Kentucky Research Foundation (PR 9)

        President Todd said that PR 9 recommends approval of Kenneth Roberts as a
faculty member for a one year term to fill the unexpired vacancy of Robert Blouin, the
reappointment of Ann Francis Miller as a faculty member for a three year term and the
reappointment of Richard Kurznske as a public member for a three-year term to the
Board of Directors of the University of Kentucky Research Foundation.

        Mr. Reed called for a motion of approval of PR 9. Ms. May moved approval.
Ms. Tobin seconded the motion, and it carried without dissent. (See PR 9 at the end of
the Minutes.)

        M. 2003-06 Strategic Plan- The Dream and The Challenge (PR 10)

        President Todd said that PR 10 is the Strategic Plan. He explained that the plan
is tied tightly with the budget, and he would like to present the Strategic Plan and seek
approval at the same time he presents the budget with the FCR's.

        N.   Authorization and Direction for Interpretation of the Governing
Regulations and Administrative Regulations to Implement the Provost Model at the
University of Kentucky (PR 11)

        President Todd said that PR 11 stems from the fact that the University is
moving quickly and adopting the Provost Model effective July 1, 2003. The Governing
Regulations and the Administrative Regulations are under consideration by committees
on campus to make all the appropriate changes of the titles that are coming about because
of the Provost Model. He recommended that the Board direct him as the President, as
well as the Provost, the Executive Vice President for Finance and Administration, the
Executive Vice President for Health Affairs and other University officials as appropriate
to interpret and implement the Governing Regulations and Administrative Regulations
and Human Resources Policies and Procedures consistent with the Board of Trustees
prior to approval of the Provost Model of the University. This includes, but is not limited
to, empowering the Provost and other appropriate officials under the model to make all
personnel recommendations and decisions in the Governing and Administrative
Regulations previously delegated to the Chancellors, the Senior Vice President of the
Medical Center and others. Under this authorization, the President shall be the final
authority on questions of interpretation and implementation.

        Mr. Reed thanked President Todd for the background information and called for
a motion of approval. Dr. Jones moved approval. Marianne Smith Edge seconded the
motion, and it carried without dissent. (See PR 11 at the end of the Minutes.)


10 -

        0.   Agreement between University of Kentucky and Kentucky Medical
Services Foundations (PR 12)

        President Todd recommended that the Board approve the agreement between
the University of Kentucky and Kentucky Medical Services Foundation. He noted that
this agreement is done annually. He called attention to the paragraph that states, "its
modifications include updating the dates that reflect 2003-04 Revision of Section 6, B to
establish the reimbursement rate for Diagnostic Radiology Services under this agreement,
and substituting Executive Vice President for Health Affairs for Senior Vice President
and Chancellor of the Medical Center." While it is a lengthy agreement, it is
modifications that are brought to the Board to keep it in line with the present date, present
title structure, and new radiation charges.

        Mr. Reed entertained a motion of approval. Ms. Wilson so moved. Ms. Tobin
seconded the motion, and it carried without dissent. (See PR 12 at the end of the

        P.   Appointment of Associate Vice President for Facilities (PR 14)

        President Todd said that PR 14 is a recommendation that the Board approve the
appointment of Bob Wiseman as Associate Vice President for Facilities effective May
15, 2003. Mr. Wiseman was an active member of Mayor Pam Miller's administration for
many years in the area of Public Works. He comes to UK's campus to work with the
consolidation of the operational organization of the Medical Center with the rest of the
campus. He noted that other details of Mr. Wiseman's background are listed in PR 14.

        Mr. Reed called for a motion of approval of PR 14. Ms. Wilson so moved. Mr.
Miles seconded the motion, and it carried without dissent. (See PR 14 at the end of the
Minutes.) Since PR 13 was skipped, Mr. Reed then asked President Todd to go back to
PR 13.

        Q.   Waiver of Part X of the Governing Regulations Pertaining to the
Employment of Relatives in the Case of Dr. Sandra D'Angelo (PR 13)

        President Todd said that PR 13 is the recommendation that the Board authorize
the employment of Sandra D'Angelo, who is the wife of Provost Mike Nietzel, for two
years pursuant to the provisions contained in Part X of the Governing Regulations
authorizing a waiver of the rules prohibiting employment of a relative of the Provost, the
Vice President or the Associate Vice President in that officer's administrative area.
When Dr. Nietzel became Provost, his wife, Dr. D'Angelo, had been a member of the
faculty for some time. With the reorganization of the Medical Center, she now is under
Dr. Nietzel's area of responsibilities. President Todd asked the Board to read PR 13 in
detail. He pointed out that Dr. Nietzel will not be involved in any personnel action
concerning Dr. D'Angelo to include her merit reviews, compensation, consideration for
promotion, reappointment, academic assignment or any other matter involving her


11 -

employment or evaluation at the University. Either the President or the Executive Vice
President for Health Affairs will assume all supervisory responsibilities.

        Mr. Reed called for a motion of approval of PR 13. Dr. Meriwether moved
approval. His motion, seconded by Ms. Wilson, carried without dissent.

        R.   Creation of Executive Vice President for Research and Appointment of
Dr. Wendy Baldwin (PR 15)

        President Todd said that PR 15 is a walk-on item for action by the Board. It
was not in the original package that was sent to the Board. After having worked with Dr.
Baldwin and having thought through the organizational structure, President Todd said
that he would like the Board to approve the creation of the position of Executive Vice
President for Research and appoint Wendy Baldwin as Executive Vice President. Her
present title is Vice President of Research. President Todd said that this new position
would allow him to put Vice Presidents under Dr. Baldwin as the organization grows. It
also brings about equity. He recommended the creation of the new position and noted
that there is no new compensation involved.

        President Todd said that Dr. Baldwin was in Washington atten