xt7b2r3nzt9b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7b2r3nzt9b/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-03-06 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 06, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 06, 1985 1985 1985-03-06 2020 true xt7b2r3nzt9b section xt7b2r3nzt9b W

a _ , "mu-:1: skate?"*'2~‘- {SW-{3‘22 Mitrkx" :2- 22.«-*;..~ if” 3;; mass..- 2 . '3 n -- ‘1§Wd§§fi " women“: «.92 - 3
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v‘. " "I £4,3M" 4343231“: ”Cf "V W L 2' ’ "3‘ ,. '-2‘2..~:“s-.-.';-~.':1~... wtxit } a éalW‘gggflfi of'i ‘ "" "2" “sum-- ,m Wednesday, “an" 6' ‘9“

S. ngletary V 0 W S not to 11111 merged 1111i V ersities

ANDREW MANN The UK group supports the cre- _ 3 , , med in a merged system. For exam- would want it here. those who would 3 ..

gambufimfirlit: ation of a single board of tristees "Under no COHdUIOHS that [can imagine WOHId ple, he said the administrators nln- want it in Louisville and those who 3 _ .
and a milled administration to gov- - - - - ning each university and the com- would want it halfway between the - . ;_ -2

President Otis A. Singletary said em both universities if merger is I [’ke to be consrderedfor theposmon. Anyone munity colleges could _ be twoplaces. Singletary said '- _ 2, . . ».

‘ yesterday he would not be interesttzid diefrgwéyfihletor magical. old who suggests I do, isdomg you, me and Email’llors. reporting to a Single 53:51:12)??? fldglectfi: Silica 3- - . _ . ‘
' ' ' 't ' r meei , ear . . . . — - 3 . 3 . 33

— hn Thimpngsgquwnlmerugnéxmand UK president sai'tll8 his message to everyone else a disserwce. ” The medical centers. however. ess of deciding who will serve on the ’3 . ~ 3
. the Universityof Louisville. the group was “unmistakably clear" Otis/1. Singletary, could pose an organizational prob- board and how its seats will be dis- 2 .2 .3 3 , .

Singletary speaking at the third and that he intends to carry out his UK president lem. “What would you do about the tributed between UK and L' of L is a ' 2 _ - '3
meeting of ‘ the Adhoc Advisory plats for retirement sometime after medical centers'., Have a chancellor concern shared by both universmes. -' . . ' 4
Group for UK/U of L Merger, said October was. — overthetwo'.’ Singletary said. Singletary said 3 . .- .
he wanted to quell rumors that he “I have no intentions for the job. I report on the feasibilities of merger “central entity" should have a sepa- OSelection of leadership — After Singletary insinuated that lUSl be' 2 '2 ‘ 3. ‘.
was interested in assuming com- want to make that clear that this is by July]. rate name. allowing each of the ruling himself out of the possible job cause the governor -— who has the I, . '3
mand of a single administration not an issue for me." singletary Singletary, who dominated the dis- campuses to retain their present of president of a unified administra. power of appomting members to the _ 23 -
overseeing both universities. said. ”It‘s not in my game plan at cussion at the group meeting. out- identities. . 3 . 3 tion. Singletary said the procedure governing boards of state universl- 3 2. .3

. “Under no conditions that I can all." lined key issues he considered cru- The issue, he said. is “like a piece for selecting the chief administrator ties -- is an alumnus of one state m' - .- _
>. imagine would I like to be consid- The advisory group to the Board cial if the group endorsed the idea of of goat meat. The longer you chew of a merged system would be one of stitution. that alone does not guar 2 - . .
ered for the position" he said. of 'l‘nstees was established in re— merging the state’s two largest uni- onit.thebiggeritis." the most difficult considerations for antee support. ~ 32 4
“Anyone who suggests i do, is doing sponse to a resolution passed by the versities: oAdministrative structure — Sin— thegrouptoconsider. "The place you receive your de- 3 -. . 3 ’
you me and everyone else a disser- Council on Higher Education or- oThe name of the new institution gletary said there are several ad- oLocation of the central adminis- gree does not mean you will support ' 3' - .
vice." dering UK and U of L to prepare a — Singletary said he believed the ministrative options that could be tration — “There are those who SeeMl-3RGER.pagci-i . . - 3 4 .
2 . w..- (IBS corres ondent ’ 2
Pharmac - 2w: a . :- ,
V . '.i_ M 3_ 33:“;ch 1*. T‘f-m fifig‘fiufitfigc $26" ; 1». 3 3
construction , 2a.. 0 one c ._ . .
_' t» 3- ‘3 ‘ <25.“ was»:if-‘:;..w .'42 {23“}. 3:91;?” "at. -' __ «a; ‘c . 3 2 3-
['0 r e S Sin 2 5.32:“: +33%" .V3‘53 -..2“;’:"2“ :32“. 'F95“5Wb“12 . I. ' ‘
. 4 3 'in3- $13; 3‘; . -. 33“,}. . . . 4 :W‘g” a . 3843;; a“: I . _
P g g on I V Journa ism . .
‘. .....". 3 smog. ate-Vat...“ :33 3
° ' ' f 2.2.2; ~ ' .- "2 ‘ 2 s2; :- 3" -. -7: . . _ .
OfflClaIS predict . "2'2 ‘2 2‘ ' 1 viii-:55 2%,; W“-¥“:7"2. .3. By SACHA namooMEN .1,- 2 - - ,8.
2 2' all. 2%“: 32,. if: : ' W Senior Staff Writer . " ;
completion by fall . » 22. 3 wt ,, w 4 3 3
Mil" . . ': 1‘ Q33; “’5‘: ' David Dick. CBS television corre- 3 2- , 3 ‘
By “DREWOPP N ' f" \ ‘ gt 3 . also: spondent, will bring his career to ,~. 4);...- _
Contributing Writer ' ' ..::..2 fix 2 "sittfi', UK next fall as associate professor "
. , 2 .- ' - had 2 delight-.- ‘ ‘ ‘22: ‘2 of journalism. A" “ 4;. 2 '

“NW0?” onUKs new Phar- - §=.$?;22w§&;"§‘§&7 2351”" Dick, whose appointment was ap- ' ' . ”'2" ' 3
"my Bm'd’F‘g '5 l". “5 final 5‘38” ., :L: iii-e“. ~ ‘ _ " ‘ ' proved yesterday by the Executive . 1
and UniverSIty offic1als say they be- . 3 3 3, v ’fitfos‘fif’w‘: 3 -._§~53 _. . ,, Committee of the Board of Trustees. 3 3 3 3
lieve the new facility will be ready 3 ' ‘ ’WKQ‘K’" ' ‘ ‘ ‘ "” m”? 3 will teach a new broadcast news ;_ ’ .’ I l ‘ ,
for use by the start of the {all se» 33 , .33“. ”43:33 3 3 _ 3 4.: ”1.3"". writing course in the School of Jour- ! . 3
master. . ,‘. "I - ‘ t _ \§_?:)!: ' fi®fi C 3 A '- ’ 3: .3t-o;§'\ ":4" 2 4 mlism 3?“":,1-“‘34_;3: .‘\ ~

'13.“. B‘afl‘m- "'99 chancellor for .. I ~1.x .. - . ' fi'“ "mcai'aopfig'c‘ ..3 n27. as“... 33 ’5 ~ “He is going to spearhead our ef- ' _
administration. said Monday the g * 2‘ ‘ ”i. - mtg-5 “2‘ -_ “was: "lg?" ‘2‘ . 2 » 92"“; forts in broadcast news," said Ed- ' '
new building ‘5 under budget and ‘ J ‘ 2.2:: “et‘gmst 3““;“C‘s ,7“?- 2‘2 .2. ~..".‘.’""""22 ..S‘s-k; 222:1":- mund Lambeth, director of the 3
Should be flnlshed by Its onglml We \ ' . twig": ,fiakg‘? .3 :1“: ‘ikfl'. 3 2:23 a; a. VG. 33 ’ 3 I" :3}; Eggs-33$ 4 School of Journalism “David has a
get dateof July 15. 3 33 » tfigm ifsggbfw; .-2o”3§'.'3,3..3_ 3 2 '. a? {$005. . , ”5'2~is;3rf*l'-§Fg...»; \33; _ truly outstanding professional back» 3.

”we are under “"9"“ 1" a” ‘ . . .“ it?“ ' '33:» gang? ground. He is a wordsmith and will 2 3
Plus“ 3"“ 3“ °°".".“°“°" “ '9‘“ . .. ” i' fa.s::-t.: . :3:ng 2» ,“ :23: “2'43 1' ’ bring high standards in the teaching 2' . 3
"I? money vve originally set, he - .. .. -. .4.- . vi .1-33,‘..3k33‘ .w 3 ,2; _ g . t. 3 if” . . Q31}. drew “mean d writing courses."
said. “'It's gomg to be close to ready . _ s2. » ‘W :‘"2~\3"§:‘ .2 s- 2 ’ Ant-2.; 9.2 ' Art Gallaher. chancellor for the , 3
sometime before the next school . ‘ "in: ‘3 3333 2 ~ :“jcvr- of“: 3 3 *- ‘ ht ' .4 mximn campus, said the appoint DA‘ ID DICK 3
year. . . 3. , :, ~ “: 2 "We”. 3 1- "- -':" \r': 2 3 " ment of Dick will “give us great
3 “The 099“!th “PM“ "Rb‘fll‘é; ,. .« " _ 3 2. fingfi- ;" " 2.3%“ 32‘s.?“ » 3 strengthinbroadcastjournalism." Lambeth said Dick will notbe llm
mg are already In the budget, ': "2 ' » '37 flirt-.5: ‘3 3? ”Pu-vs“ '. ' 3 “He had a very distinguished ca- ited to writing courses, but also will . , 3
Blanton said ‘ Comtruction is m "s - 1‘ ' I . ,» ‘2- " fix! its“ "at”? we“; ‘ - reer with top-rated news organiza- be able to teach etymology in the {u 3 . .
laststages. . ; 3, 2 - V ” ’ s 9%? 2"” u: "’““"’.§§§ 3 ‘ tions," he said. “He is coming from ture. In the fall semester. however. 2

Patrick DeLuca. associate (1.83" 0‘ «2"..2. "”"'«‘ 2 I‘ ., , " f 2 333$,th :' 34;" \ 33 an excellent position and will bring Dick will teach a news writing 3 4 .
the College of ”em“- said the ’ '»"""2" 8 "l " " -.~, V .4 t:-fi3;..;.:;-,,W.“"Tt incredible experience and expertise course in addition to the broadcast ’ I .
college was “Fem upon the m'd' " I“ 'V m’ 2? "WW '*- _.;;323.y3,5;3..:33 to broadest journalism." class. . .
summer completion date to. move ’ ‘ , I 2 ; ‘5‘" ‘ :.-.‘».“~“71.. . Dick is “very anXious to come ' V' ‘ '
Stile“!fittenii‘imftaczi‘lliI:i tamawezsgmltsb: .2 / 0‘ : ,. f away-235;: ,. , T'he appomtment '5 “one more here and excited about the work that : I: '
f f ll laticesy ' 2 ‘4‘ ‘2: "3;; 1"» 22w .. ; step putting the UK School of Jour- lies ahead of him." Lambeth said .» .

”Le a c ‘ - - - - ~ _ ’42-'17": “2v:22'21,-ft‘22’s “a 2‘2“: . » nalism among nationally ranked "lam just delighted." . ' .

It ”“1.“ make “ my m‘c‘m‘f 2 *2“: "'22:“ *3" ”33$? 2: :- ?:-.:“° ‘2 schools " Lambeth said. “Very few ' . ‘ . ‘ -

(comtruCthm 8M8 paSt that d8“, i u ’ '. 0.3 2*;¢:M~-%-g I *§‘x::j£;;t:g ”hf? SChOOlS‘Of journalism have a veteran [)le graduated from UK In 1948 . I V .

he said. It would be tough ._ a . 3’" ago i” 'W..§‘:§ 21"“."3' : ;.:‘{5‘.3'“5‘::I '. ' news person on their faculty with a bachelor‘s degree in English - 2 2 ' _

move hke that would take 8“ to ' ‘Q‘m " “"2““ 3"-—.".u.3 ” ' literature and a minor in radio arts 4 . .' 3 _ ' 4 .

eight weeks. Wehopetlobeinby the " .3' 2.45.“. M” 5 "a”; 3 353%. if? 'gfigwfimry 3;;22; “He vull be teaching broadcast and drama He later received a - .3

star ”mam“? ' , $.12; o’- ' P at 22'? $.52 ‘3': ":~,;-3-2a3-43233 , " “‘3 -"‘ . news writing and work closely with master's degree from UK. 3 3 ' _

. “It would be dim“! to move dur 0 ~ "' - {2'57}; -"§§”‘i lg" 2:, 3 me and the faculty in developing a He will leave his job as CBS news ' ‘3 '

mg the semester “nth classes going ' 22‘ é", ii: " ' ‘ ‘ very high-quality segment within correspondent for the Dallas bureau ' ‘ 3 .
' on. Ideally, we would "have liked "” Maj} ’2‘ "I3 ::-2.2 our general editorial sequence of our in July. before he starts to teach in ' 3 . 3 2 _

May 15asthetargetdate. ' i - . 2 ' ‘ 5"" ‘ '- journalism school."Lambethsaid. the fall. Dick started his reporting :

Joseph Swmtosky, 3dean d the 2 rostrum Kan-l” career at WHAS in musville. and » .
pharmacy college, 581d the college 80" squad “We think we can train students joinedtheCBSnewsstaff in 1966. - . ' ‘ 3-
w: wfifim 2"“ money; mpg; very well with this course," he said. Dick earned an Emmy for his cov- . '
c se a ona equipmen ' ‘ ‘ ' " ‘ ‘ ‘ '11 make sure we era e of the shootin of Alabama 3 ‘
new facility _ rangim fm office PhySIcal Plant Divrsion workers lay new sod down on the field next to the Student Center. 93:82: sagging! :"very high stan- Govg. George Wallacge during the 4 3
furniture to manufacturing and tea- In the fall. the UK marching band uses the field for practice. ,, presidential primary race in 19723 - ' , -'
chingitems. dard. . 3 3

"We‘re trying to raise funds for . 3 .‘
furniture, supplies and instrumenta- . . . _ 3
tion. Those things are still paidirig.“ 3 3 3
he said. “The Medical Center Devel- I “S ees 3
opment Committee has got an effort .
going to raise that money." 3 .

Swintosky said he thought the col- ‘ ° 3 .
i... m... We mat a i... Fees wzll increase by 10 percent next all THE COST OF LEARNING: . v
needed items shortly after the build- . t And the 'ttee announced . 4.
in: '22 completed-$23222":- “2'2 mmmmm‘s :fisfimmhwa'zafi to has 937”“... m... m». UNDERGRADUATE 3‘ .
”mummy” 3“ ' ' 22 the suideni earlier donation of mom will 2 ' 2

w°"‘°""””'2‘mfln°"'fimm The Ex ti Committee or mammmennt alignment to be used to comtruct what sm- TU'TION INCREASES
Md“ “3 “W” m" '9" the Board? This“ tees esterda budgetandpian " enemy called "a varsity tennis
years ago after college dficnls ' y y “I think it's lust an indication competitive type facility“ next to ' .
“minim that the mm mm” “53?." 3&2”er 12;“: that we have been respomible Seaton Center. a: . . ‘

9“ Washington Avenue was m- mm more than $2 million in with the money and there‘s an About $500,000 of the donation 733:5“ ' 3
ingoutdatedandovercrowded. _ _ _ tation that we will con‘ W from Boone was P8312 W3...” m
SoePHAlMACY,pe¢eS mdonntiom to various Univemty gg‘liesaid “we merit toward his ’1 million com- 31:; . “m
ms. . . .3343“; 3.; 3
Tuition will jump to $614 per se- Semester feesfor gradinte stu- mltment (:0 bemused fill; the con- i.. 3 "'1 7
master next fall for residents and dents also will increase about 130 struction a a you. . .3333 . I
$1,730 for non-residents. The fees percent this fall: 3672 for rear Additional donation include: a “P313?“
33 3 . “W e . .._... mark about a to percent increase dents and $1,750 for non-reoi- 8111.060 gift from the Kellogg 7333;;- 3

V w” ~-_.~—.: "2' '. from last year. up $2 for resi- dents. Foundation to establish a currlc- 4.32:; u » . 3 _ ,

Z” ‘ 2- rs C‘T’l dent-anosissiornm-ruidum. mammalian-icon- ulum in agriculture and human seam 33 3 w _

. .‘n‘2’”" warm-t“ ““3222" President Otis A. Singletary munity College will pay the same nutrition for nori-egl-lcultinl me- 3% 33 _ 3
‘ "m” ' 22:: ..i 3.3.313; stressed tlnt the committee was senieeterfeequKsmdentI. Jon. money totaling 846,000 for 33.3% «22» 3:222,
fig ‘ .l. .. “Illnply corlirming" the feesan- At UK’e other community col- the Maxwell (.éuok Research $3; 2

22;; "3.7: . :- Wary-.2 .33.; malty set by the Camel] on High- leges, tuition endless will be m Center. payment 838,240 on an 93; 3- 3 .

“' ‘ ‘"'“~'-"'2-‘2" “if "2‘24 ti UK“ tuition rates —— about 11 percent from the mono domtlon from Robert G. 2333... .3

“d .. . . . . :. .. "m 0“- 3 v W ..3, 1

.. . ~ . .. . . o2 . 3.3 he a“, m amide-ably down current rate at not. Nm-reel- McDowelllor me 'l‘er'l'ell-McDow- h‘ 33 v _ 3
so“: 3 . " 2.» the line compared to our darts at the commmlty colleen ell Comb-notion Management it My” . u”

‘2‘“2" “mt-2“ ‘ “ ' 2‘2"" 22 will m Mend a mmmm the I: so.- ..2: - .

.3 2 n2 r... . 3. . . "me Wt, um Alter m the fee lncroeeu. Marlon 'niornu Brooks state. of
$6 .. "’2‘2‘Jfifl‘xhii" ‘“ 2" x their (at: share or?!» fee in- the committee quickly accepted which Ill percent will so to the v
.332-333333. unrefmryutd. 1mm dooetlone mm contraction of a swimmim pool 1“ E 1”

W ' mmxstudont activityfee more than fl million. “It tint endmpercenttoascbolauhlp

—otwldcbm.zspertull-time wouldbevebappenedisyean Ntfmdforetudentem
shadmt is earmarked for admie- agoénwe would beam dead: Nordiornxentucky. mainline/Kernel manic.
. . . . . stun to athletic: events and $1 for in streets," W - n. committee also autbu-bod 33

now-tile??? .3 suppu't of the Student Gavan- 0owan.clnlrmendthoboerd. the “Mt ot . W nglotru. effective March 14. We expect hirn to take the

9" .- -2"t:-312‘2."“‘-.~.:.s.2"“l “52* ' _ ‘ meat Association - will runein Am the donation was a W for the “3'“, Macao Dalil. who is currently CHE as» lead in mm our strident

,§.;tfi ..33. . . . the same. no conunittee made new gift from Seth Hancock. M. Laval btate It“ to me Dd! clots M for policy aural: waging:- mad :2:

a.» ntqgt. tan»;- .._ the SGA tee a moat part it a rm UK grants. to be med “tmm_ replac- Elisrt chermen. enh 3 ..
. ‘ -fl<"‘(1“'?';‘z"" - tiltion My. Previously, the toward comm a football and as both dose at ednis- retain good quality conduits,
2- 2': 22 2 2" 2 2' humanly. tram facing all-cunt to t!- ln «the- m, Ram w. rice and minim ilitll Amt said Art Galiaher. chancellor roi-
3» 4‘3“” . . 90A “In M adv-balm- . Dahlw-Wasm dhstyeer. tlieheximtoneampus.
3 .9. i

 z-xmvxawa Mnm‘ I“
o 0
Art history major 5,, State seeks funds for potholes .
. {s- ByCHAnLEswou-‘E Romineaaidheexpecsed’lhne xmmlmwummln
‘ . AaaociatedPreu tlon Poore to mom t M! the
Wills mural contest ‘ **i°°i"m“"°i'h“°iw-w- we ”’"* “
F'RANIG‘ORT—Snowmovalon getforthemoney,eitherfromcon- “Whenwehadblinardoalltiou,
, , , _ ,_ . state highways coat nearly :12 mil- tingencyfundaoragencysurplmea. we hired every piece of ouhlde
Student contributes to UK 3 birthday - 5 non mo: mid-Mary — twice Routine siliceous am. one comp-nan“ t we mid and. Romlne
. a theedrpectedalnount—andthe torofthecablnetsmaintenancedi- said. Everiynbitdequipmentwe
, , . hamporation Cabinet mustnow viaiul,toldtheinterim t'h'ans- calldrent everycoultyofthe
By ALEX CROUCH “firms —. V3“ "‘3' “ PM!“ and ,i. find is million for patching potholes, portation Committee "inflow and state. not to clear snow and ice, but
swimmer £11.91”?- She my “8'" “r" “"‘ ' twooabinetorncialssaidyeaterday. ice removal coat 811.7 million hattolreepttheroadalopen."
~ _ . h he l “"8 9""8 We “Money that we’ve spent this through Feb. 15 and the tab was The otneiala said the cabinet
L51” w‘se "‘M‘ r mgrat quarterfor saltisthat much less growing. needsflmilllonayear—umillion
Wild be .50meuuu“: an?" if“? Wise said she understands the ' that we’ll havetopmhasepatching “Nothing more than as million more than budgeted — to replace
°°“l.d contribiittm uml'ers‘ 3" t painting will be hung near the sec- materials," said Russ Routine, an (would be spent) in a normal win- trucks, graders and othervehiclee in
w'“- a" 3" °ry “mm" W." ' 0nd floor stairwell in the Student . assistant state highway engineer. ter," Romine said, and the total dur- eachotthenelrtfour years.
i the St de t A t ti
y ,3?" l “‘6‘: ”cg" 5‘ Center, where students enter from - , ., , He said 33.2 million had been bud. ing the horrendous winter of ism-73 they said the state has at dinnp
Boa 5 "mm °°n . w c we.“ the walkway off Administration l - :5 ,. geted for road-surface repairs on was justundertlm million. bucks and la mdere that are
- part 9‘ the .Celebram" f°r UKS Drive,butthesitealsoisundecided. ’ “i: state raltes, but tllat early damage This year’s total will continue more thaneuhtyeandd. ’l'hecab—
lm birthdaym Febmrx estimates had already reached $3.2 growing became bills for rental of inet plans to replace in of its 1,100
"A5 a 59m“ I thought 't would be Th 1 to be funded LESLIE WISE million. privately owned snow plows and dump trucks this year.
a nice thing to do for the University e mura . “’98 ,, , . , ‘
_ a good wa to get involved -- she through contributions from student announced. You ought to do it,
said y ‘ organizatiom. SAB member-at—large she said. It was a good opportunity,
' ' She emphasized. however, that Lynne Hunt, who is in charge of the andllovetopaint."
her work is “not really a mural‘ it‘s contest, said it has gotten a “fa" re~ . . .
not inted on the wall “.5 a‘ big sponse, about $100 to 8125," adding Most art history majors are Just
inf); attachedtothewall .. she would like “a lot more dona- as involved in studio work, said
' paShe dgoscribed her winnin design tions." She said she guessed “the Wise, an art studio minor. For her,
- 5 .. , g. board will be footing most of the “a major in art history is a way for
' as a montage. several different bill “however me to et a d and still get art FOR F I N A N | A L A I D
scenes combined." They include stu- ' ‘ ex riegnce ,, W
dents studying and walking to class. . , pe ‘
scenes of basketball and football Wise said she learned _about the
: games — “several different scenes contest in her art profassmns class. She said her entry was not de-
. of campus life,“ Wise said the style "They announce every week what’s signed to further her career plans. d I
, . wast‘fairly realistic." going on in the communlty .or on At the moment Wise plans to get a Fun ‘ ARE AVCI able.
As the inne , she ‘11 ‘ campus about job opportunities or master‘s degree in art history. al- , _ ', _ ,
. ' 3250 war: ”or; 3A3,wr:ur:,e$: 31: contests.“ though she has not. decided where. Application forms for current recuplents and new applicants (undergraduates
tails are still being negotiated. She She how if) work In a museum or and graduates) are available on the 5th floor of the Patterson Office Tower.
' , has an appointment with an SAB ad- She also knew Hunt, who men- teéich art history and paint on the ,
‘ viser Thursday, she said, to discuss tioned the contest to her after it was Si e.
' DEADLINES: l985-85 Academic Year
J d .0 l b The priority date is April 15th. When there are qualified applicants than there
[1 ge verru es campus an are available funds, awards are made according to the date applications are
returned to the Student Financial Aid Office.
_ , . FRANKFORT (AP) — Kentucky Station 30 days to vacate its dfices. order," Graham said. “Therefore, I
State University President Raymond Burse claimed the station had failed am going .t‘.) enter a restraining 1985 Summer school
' :fiiilivn‘gmfffi Sgtgthggggz iig‘xr 3" agreement mm the "n" 3:35; am‘gfimhgé 3:33; {:33 Applications will be accepted through March 30th. Full-time WORK STUDY os-
rrom working in his offices on the He also alleged that Taylor had we can have a {whim hearing on signments are available on Lexington Campus and in the communities in
Selfish campus a judge ruled yw- entered 13:8th “germinal; pir- theqtmtionf' which UK Community Colleges are located. Awards are for all kinds of assis-
e y. mlSSlon a gra m y t e - - - -
, Franklin Circuit Judge William am twice augmhfirggcaglggef 33c? £35313 tonce made according to date of application.
Graham ruled that William H. Tay— The university's lawyer, Reginald clined to confine his movdments to
lor, general manager of WVBA FM, Thomas, told Graham in yesterday's - - -
_ may continue to work in the sta- hearing that university regulations theradiostatlonpremlses. ACADEM'C EXCELLENCE SCHOLARSHIP:
tion's offices at least until a lawsuit give Burse the power to ban people In the lawsuit, the radio station Minimum G.P.A. of 3.3 Required
Stat station against the school IS frgTaugéamhgwuséver said he could lclalmsl ntgevgllna‘tgsliz zficgdfét: Undergraduate obtain applications from Academic Dean's offices. Graduate
No date has been set for a hearing find nowell-defined régmafim 5:2,: The broadcasters claim students obtain forms from Associate Deans Office, Rm. 329, Patterson Office
onthelawsuit. “I do not believe the order by Burse tried to force them to offer Tower. Return all forms to Room 4 Administration Building by March 15, I985.
Burse banned Taylor from the President Burse barring him (Tay- academic causes, without adequate
campus last Friday and gave the lor) from the campus is a lawful compensation.
‘ Advertise in "(If/K WORKSHOP
. The Kernel! e \\
' c ll 257.2371 M a
. a _ , /\ 3 Hours
Clasmf‘eds \ . Sessions on Reviewing, Obiec- 2 _ .
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 xmvxawa m,m¢ 1‘4
Am Editor
: 3.“ Andes, I. “ah W I. '- i. ‘ ,. a, a New ”can .. --,asW Y,", ,*.4,1'V .. 35;, a,» 'y ,-.. a .. .. “have. as» :
Fine performances offset scenic artificiality in ‘ Ladyhawke’
""" " "‘ ' The sun shines briehtly. illuminat- Games." is appeaiimg. if a bit too Director Richard miner (”Super- a ring of artificiality that interferes
ing the snowy surface of the wheat cute, in his role as the thief Gaston. man — The Mone.” “The Omen": withthefluid motionoftheplot. ‘ '
.I. M" ' fields. The silence d the blue-skied His casual off-handed nature is the keeps the action flowing smoothly.
. ‘ ‘ ‘ winter morning is shattered by the perfect counter for Hauer‘s stolid setting the viewer up for the obliga- This is not a perfect film by any .
, , high-pitched call ti a majestic determination. tory conflict between Hauer and the means. but the performances by . . .
‘ ’" ”.5 ~ hIWk. which perches on the arm of Faring less well as lsabeau is evil bishop. played with malicious Hauer and supporting actor Leo - .
a g ‘lo a rugged, blind-haired knight in a Michelle Pfeiffer. Her lack of en- Joy by Broadway star John Wood. McKern, as the drunken. defrocked
‘ 6‘ “s ‘ } blackcloak. ergy is a real disappointment, in priest who originally betrayed . ., .
. . - When the sun slips below the hori- light of her excellent supporting role The major problem with the Etienne and lsabeau. make this a f .- '
\ 9 t 0 son, however, the scenario changes. in “Scarface" as the cocaine-ad- movie is Donner‘s overemphasis of movie worth a Saturday afternoon , V. . '
. . ii - ' .4 The hawk has metamorphosed into a dicted wife of Al Pacino. Her char- scenic detail; nearly every shot is matinee. ‘ I w
\I. ,u ‘\ _ . seductive young lady. escorted by acter just never seems to come plagued with the overbearing au- Kl-IHNEL RATING26 I . .
‘ .. . ’ ~ 1’ , ‘ the handsome knight. who has now alive, as she floats hazily from thenticity of the medieval backdrop " ,
, . , V’ ,' “-s‘. . been tramformed into the form of a scene toscene. This only serves to give the picture WESLEY MILLER ‘_ '. . . ‘
a. ' . . . .. . . . hugeblackwolf. - ..

- -. ~ ~. ~, ;-_.J‘ 'I‘hisisthebasicplotof“Lady~ I' Mir.-

. ’ , ‘ ' l 3,1 .. hawke,"aromantic adventure set in . . . . -.'
. . ~- - "73' . ':~: ‘- 3s A Europeduring the Middle Ages. The , d, ~. ‘ '

. ' _- . , i ” ’ ‘ couple has been doomed to never ap— ere s e eac . . . ~
7’ s_ .. ,7; ‘lV I pear in their human forms at the _' x ,I "
. - a ' i a. . "V _ same time, the result of a curse . - ' _ »
. c / I” - .7. , placed on them by the Bishop of _ .' ' .
l . V - ; ‘ s“ Aquila, who was spurned in his love ’J’ . . D - .V ‘ ~ '.
. '. , ‘ forlsabeau.themaiden. . f 3 -~‘. ,V

. . :- ,v Drawn intothis tangled conflict is X .It -‘ ‘e -‘ ' . - .' 4: .
w . ’ ", j, young Phillipe Gaston, a slippery N ' .. ‘ ' .V _ '
' i , ‘; V thief,whoistheonly personeverto . . ‘ '. .' -

‘ ‘ . - escape the dungeon prison of Aquila. . . . V . g .
r ‘s. . s. . . . . . . . . R. . . . .
t . . \ He is enlisted by Etienne Navarre, .. ‘ " . . . " :IV; l . §" - ' t- .
. I 5} i ‘ the tormented knight—byday, to aid / . . . . ,. l. I , .» 12‘ - . ..
r" jiI . ex him in exacting his revenge against a V.-,' . . w ‘ -- 4' (. - . '_ ,j ’.-. .
,VI ; . 'h. . the bishop, who has doomed his life a 5‘! ,"' . :V [I ’V ‘ ‘ » - . - ' ~

' ,l 3 ‘ ~‘ . toeternalsorrow. " .5 ' I. . “‘3‘... _ f ' _ < V .2 . _ ~ 1
. \ ,a Rutger Hauer, the Dutch actor f _. l 3%? VI . » i . I”. V -' ' V. , -.
l a ‘ ‘~. ‘I . ’ who has appeared opposite Harrison . ‘ - ' '.' VIE?" ' I’d l . ‘ ‘ .V ’ w

l t ‘ ' ‘ 3 Ford in “Blade Runner" and Sylves- . _ ..- . . ’ , ’ ‘I ' . ' ‘ 5

1/ “£333.. t \t I V ter Stallone in ”Nighthawks.“ turns .- .3 . . If“ I. / . . . .
'I 553'; . ‘~.'V in the film’s finest performance as ' 'g:1= ' " I f I I . . ‘
' ”in“ ' \V ‘ , the anguished lover. Horn the blaz- ,. -\ ‘l y {A . ' . ‘
I \ ’ l ing anger he displays against the . . ~ . _. / s2? .-_ . . .
. \ ll Aquilan guards to the resigned sad- ' 4‘; j . at W . . V I. . -V
‘ . "i ness he feels when thinking of lsa- ~. "~ . ' . . ,. . ' .tV' . l , ' . . , i
‘- - - . \ beau, Hauer’s portrayal powerfully I V " \ \ a?“ I . . . ~ ,
i-iiorocotitrrsi or wiiaxiitiiitiis nimiiitnu in iti\ masters the entire spectrum of emo— ,- _ . ». " \\ » .. .~ , f I" . . " ' '
Rutger Hauer and Matthew Broderick star ir “Ladyhawke.” hollltrtthew Broderick. last seen be- M ' j \V ‘ ' ‘ " V ‘ I? g -? é V g" V' . .l . V .
hind his home computer in “War- VV .. \ \ \ I V 13:; . ..s ,. , :
Coward l ff (1 d t ~~”x\ W " .. if " '/ '
payso ercome y, esser \ \l Ia ~ __
By KAKIE URCH The show also will incorporate has reminded people of some of - 'II \ i if; ‘ -
Staff writer scenes from Coward comedies. in- their favorite things in New York. in i . I, fig“ _ -_ '
eluding “Private Lives.“ It’s not a punch and cookies thing. " ' l» i if. , .f‘ .

Now Lexington theater goers can The Junkyard Players staged Stepheis also said “I myself am a ‘ I \ " t I." "s? . .
have their cake and their British "Oh, Coward!" at Artsth on graduate of the (UK) theater de / . ‘ ' r ". . . I" . .
musical comedy, too. North Mill Street last year. The cab- partment, and Matthew Regan. who a l V -.. : -a .2 fag

The Student Activities Board will aret theater production received a is both directing and acting, is a ll . ‘ _ ' ; ::..
present the Junkyard Players‘ pro- mostly positive review from Lexing- graduate of the law school. It‘ll be , l I, , I - ' ', ; . » '
duction of “Oh. Cowardl," a tribute ton Herold-Leader staff writer Torn excitingtobeback on campus." 3;». l l ’ . ‘ / x ‘
to the works of British playwright Carter. I’ l l I - I
and songwriter 8in Noel Coward. in The show, slightly modified from The JVunkyard Players have pre— 'i V . 3V . ii I \V .

a dessert theater setting. the cast which a red at the Arts- sented 0h. Coward! 57 times at , .I z \ V

The SAB Dessert Theater will be pm . the Cafe Chantant, and Stephens . I _ r ,, . ‘ ' ‘ \ .

. . Place, stars Rod Brotherton, Julie . . ~ ) -‘ _ - .
held at the UmverSity Club on the Anne Stephens and Matthew Regan said the show generally is better in V .V . , . .V
third floor of the Student Center at 7 with Iamb Brew Bremen“, ' a cabaret setting like the cafe or the u‘ ‘ , ' , '
p.m., March 12. p y ‘ University Club. ' . , -

Audiences will enjoy classic des- Stephens, who also is the Junk- . V3 .
serfs provided by University Cater- yard Players’ artistic director, said Tickets. which include the cost of V '.
ins. Md the hour and a half revue‘ ”The Show generally draws an older the play and (1659" buffet, are ‘5 A. Welcome S rin Break in thi encil tri ed .nl it I 't '
which includes Coward‘s hits “A crowd , . . drinking age up. It's very for students and 86 for the general I Z I S b I SI p S I p [:8 (.Su Sftyg? whh a V .
Room With it View." “Ziguener.” sophisticated but it is really funny. public. available at the Student Cen- SCOOP pec ( an ow open ac <' n a paste com ination o pln ( w ”e " ' ’
and"MadDogsand Englishmen " It's a little hawdv at points hut it ter'l‘icketOffice. blue. Sizes S-I 3. $32.00. . . .

e e e _
Blake combats Sllme In I V mOVIe B. Set sail for sun and fun in an Ocean Pacific“ bandeau knot bikini VV . ' ‘ I
. . with jockey type trunks. It‘s fully lined and fashioned in ribbed Cire . y '