xt7b2r3nzs9s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7b2r3nzs9s/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1977-02-08 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 08, 1977 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 08, 1977 1977 1977-02-08 2020 true xt7b2r3nzs9s section xt7b2r3nzs9s NCAA probe of Wildcat

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preceded by self-scrutiny

This is the first article in a four-part
series examining the one-year
period that the University was
subjected to an NCAA investigation
into its athletic program. Thh ar-
ticle by Editorial Editor Waler
Hixson is based on htervlews with
NCAA and University officials.

Dr. Otis A. Singletary leaned over
the back if his cushioned seat
aboard a state-owned twinengine
jet. ‘This isn’t one of my happier
birthdays,” said the UK president,
in no mood to celebrate h's 55th

He had been discussing final
strategy with three members of a
contingentof UK administrators and
athletic dficials that made this
solemn Halloween Day flight

The flight to Kansas City, Mo.,
was the culmination of a grueling,
often feveridi effort to prepare for a
head-to-head meeting with the
National Collegiate Athletic
Associatim (NCAA).

The plane, leased through Gov.
Julian Carroll, touched down that
afternoon in Kansas City and the UK
group checked in at the expansive
Crown Center Hotel. They awoke
after a restless sleep and met in a
conference room with the NCAA
irdractions committee.


an independent student new

Vol. LXVIII, Number 103
Tuesday, February 8, 1977


The results of that meeting are
well known; the University athletic
program was levied penalties ef-
fective for two years for a list of
NCAA violations.

Circumstances prompt suspicion

What is not well known are the
crucial decisions made by
University officials during an in.
tensive internal investigation—
decisions that prompted the NCAA
to slap UK with a relatively light

Singletary and the select group of
UK dficiah had strongly suspected
they would make that flight to
Kansas City well before the plane
actually ascended from the Frank-
fort airfield.

A bizarie set of circumstances in
the fall of 1975 ensured that the
NCAA world view every develop-
ment in UK athletics with
heightened interest.

It was then that former UK
football tight end Elmore Stephens
was arrested—and later tried and
convicted—for the homicide of
lawn Eugene Taylor. Widespread
publicity and rumors about that
affair, to which colorful All-
American runningback Sonny

Collins waslinked, drifted to the tiny
town of Shawnee Mission, Kan,
NCAA headiuarters.

NCAA begins probe

But the NCAA already had its eye
on Kentucky as a result of in-
terviews with athletes un-
successfully courted by UK.
Athletes like Indiana center Kent
Benson, North Carolina center Torn
IaGarde, Oklahoma football star
Elvis Peacock and Notre Dame
badretball player Dave Batton were
qustioned and requestioned by the

The NCAA’s trained investigators
have various means of persuading
athletes to talk about other schools
that recruited them. Threatening
eligibility loss is a common tactic.

The results of those and other
inta-views were heard by UK of-
ficials in Kansas City. The NCAA
had questims about the athletic
program that went back as far as
five years.

Regardless of the incident or in-
ciderts that finally prompted the
official NCAA investigation,
Singletary and other top UK officials
feared it was coming in November
1975—some two months before

Continued on back page



University of Kentucky
Lexington, Kentucky

... . iprditisniuW



Several hundred college students began an
intensive search yesterday for more fragments of a
meteorite that exploded over Louisville a week ago.
“It's like looking for a needle in a haystack,” said
Tom Boone of the University of Louisville Rauch
Planetarium. The students were told to look on
rooftops and snow-covered fields for strange-look-
ing, black rocks. '

0n the advice of the state attorney general,
Gov. Julian Carroll said yesterday that he will ask
Franklin Circuit Court to clarify an order that the
state pay $1.25 million to 225 highway employes
dismissed during the regime of former Republican


Gov. Louie Nunn. Carroll said the main hurdle
blocking the settlement is the fees to be paid to
Edward Prichard of Frankfort and three associates
who represent the workers. They stand to obtain
$310,000 under the court ruling.


President Carter is trying to decide the fate of
the controversial Clinch River Breeder Reactor, a
program he once advocated winding down,
administration officials said yesterday. Senate
Minority Leader Howard Baker, R-Tenn., said he
plans to meet with White House energy adviser
James Schlesinger later in the week and he will
urge the project continued in its current status as a
demonstration-only program. ‘

At least 41 dead pilot whales were counted
yesterday at Fort George Inlet, Fla., where a heard
of the mammals returned to the beach persistently,
despite human efforts to shove them back to sea.
Lt. Glenn Keefer of the Florida Marine Patrol said
as many as 100 whales may have died since Sunday
on the shore and a sandbar 200 yards out in the inlet
at the mouth of the St. Johns River east of


Seven white Roman Catholic missionaries,
including four nuns, were lined up and shot in a
guerrilla attack that stunned Christian church
groups in Rhodesia and brought an expression of

“profound grief" from Pope Paul VI. “They did not
say one word about why they were doing this to us,“
said Father Dunstant Myerscough, an English
Jesuit who said he threw himself to the ground
when the guerrillas opened fire. “When one of the
sisters asked what they wanted, one of them said.
‘We want our country,’ " he said.


Sweet relief at last. Sunny and warmer today
with a high in the low 30’s. Tonight will be clear and
seasonably warmer with a low near 20. Tomorrow
is going to be clear and warm, the high near 40.

Compiled from Associated Press
and National Weather Bureau dispatches




Lemme out!

Although 3-year-old Roland Ceicl Wierwille of Berea appears to be the
world's youngest iatlbird. actually he's looking into an exhibition booth
at Turfland Mall. Cecil's probably just a little tired of shopping.

Tuition may also increase

Room, board costs likely to rise

Assistant Managing Editor

Jack Blanton pared over the
itemized figures on a sheet of paper.
UK’s Vice President for Business
Affairs chose one figure from
column A and one from column B,
put them together and came up with
a startling piece of information:

Jamary was one cold month.

UK spent 57 per cent more on fuel

Sports Edhor


Freedom Hall was the epicenter of
two stocks last night.

First, third-ranked Kentucky
whipped Florida State 97-57 in a
game that the late guerrilla leader

’ Ore Guevara would have liked

Secmd, the announcement came
that Tennessee LOST to Florida so
76 'n Ail'gabr Alley. Might have
been the clock. Took some of the
populm by surprise.

Many d the 16,615 who showed up
feigned iii-ed Sarlord heart attacks.

last month than it did in January,
1976. Blanton said the increase
would “undoubtedly" affect housing

“it’s probably going to mean a
housing (erst) increase next year,“
he said.

Blanton was quoted in yesterday‘s
Courier-Joumal as saying, “Energy
costs are going to force up housing
rates and raw food costs, plus labor

Tennessee‘s loss makes the in-
teresting SEC race even more in-
terating. The Vols and UK each
have one loss. Tennessee has won 10
league games, Kentucky nine.

Ray Mears' bunch is going to
Alabama and Mississippi State this
weekend. To paraphrase Joe “String
Music" Dean, you were looking
good, Ray.

Now, let's goto the paragraph that
wastobetheleadof this story before
Florida changed things.

Florida Stat coach Hugh Durham
says that he will always remember
aendirg Adolph Rupp out a loser.

costs, requiring a raise in the board

The presentboard rate for the two-
meal plan is $1,200 per year. The
price is $200 per year higher for
those on the three-meal plan.

Harry Snyder, executive director
of the state Council on Public Higher
Education, said yesterday he also
expects tuition for Kentuckians in
state schools to rise “10 per cent or
less," beginning next fall. Out-of-

But Durham would do well to
develq) an abbreviated case of
amnesia after his team was taken
apaprt by the Blue.

The password in this police action


UK‘s bruising man-to-man
defense, anchored by forward Rick
Robey and center Mike Phillips, set
the tempo from he outset.

Steal, lay-up were standard fare.

Then, steal, durir. By Jack Givens.
And some had wondered whether the
Goose could jam.

By the time you coukl say
Louisville Times writer Jim

state residents will face an increase
of a little more than 10 per cent, he

Snyder said the state universities
are "overdue for a substantial in-
crease in non-resident tuition."
There has not been an increase in
tuition since 1972.

The move had been contemplated
for some time but “we’ve been
waiting and trying not to do it," he

Continued on back page

Kentucky scalps Seminoles, Vols lose

Terhune can’t badmouth Cawood
Ledford, UK was up 26-11.

On this night, Kentucky was too
big, too fast and too aggressive. And
it was pretty good, too.

And, as if it needed breaks,
Kentucky got them.

Attention. James Lee drove
toward the basket for the stuff.
Patent number misses.

Though a defender stood between
him and the basket. Lee kept
stop Lee from dia'ng his speciaky.

Sothedeienda and the backboard

(battaaed ea back page




editorial“: comments ---

Editorials do not represent the opinions of the University

Oh. “I“.

am I“
Walter Illne-

Job Win- Illller

an: m
Nancy Duly

wuommumummm.mntm mdlumlelmm


Ih like
I’ll Rum

Clio! m
Stewart lawman

Advertising We
Ale: Into


When does progress become


The eminent destruction of scenic Paris Pike
for additional lanes raises a fundamental issue
that state and local government have been
shunning for years: when does progess become

Kentucky Transportation Secretary John
Roberts announced last week that he had
decided to proceed with long-delayed plans to
widen Paris Pike to four lanes.

Land aquisition for rights of way was halted
last year as controversy raged over the effects of
widening the highway. As a result, Roberts hired
an outside consulting firm to review the state’s

The consultant ‘5 report recommended a “well-
designed two-lane highway" for most of the 12
mile stretch between Paris and Lexington.
Roberts indicated that a four-lane highway
would be built instead.

Ordinarily, the improvement of a heavily
:raveled artery would be hailed as necessary
progress. But Paris Pike is more than a
congested avenue of transportation—it
epitomizes the unique character of the

Unfortunately, the sprawling trees and
mortarless stone walls that line the highway, for
all their beauty. are also like sirens in the night—
deadly in their splendor.

during morning rush hour can be a terrifying
experience. The curves are sharp and a slow-
moving truck can turn the 20-minute trip into a
45-minute ordeal.

According to the consultant’s report, even the
proposedtwo-lane highway may not be sufficient
if present increases in traffic continue.
Currently, serious accidents are a frequent

And, if the Kentucky Training Center ever
receives permission to operate a race track off
Paris Pike, the two-lane road would be swamped
under the crush of additional traffic.

In his announcement, Roberts said the four
lanes must be built because:

— alternative routes proposed for a new road are
impractical and unneccessarilyj expensive;

~ safety and the area’s economy must take
precedence over other considerations; and

—» the famous bluegrass countryside would be
easier to see if the tunnel of trees edging the road
was removed.

In (ssencc. Roberts said progress precludes
historical value. It’s an argument that
developers have been using for years and one
;hat could signal the death of Lexington, if
carried out to its logical conclusion.

In a way. the Paris Pike controversy involves
more than a single highway. It involves
Lexington‘s future.



4 J’


\\ Dear Fallow , Dear Fatflwr ,,
l’lmse take me to Paris ’Pt'ke

“milm Sorrtj Dear Dauéhl’“
butt yodn’l'oo late in dS/tinfl; -
ZL/te sdaie {racks fiat/e Come dna’

hauled it cloudy. ”(q




It wasn’t too long ago that a similar con-
troversy was raging over the construction of
New Circle Road. The road was to provide quick
movement to any point in Iexington. It too was
(0 travel through virgin farmland.

The controversy subsided when local govem-
ment passed a zoning ordinance prohibiting
commercial development along the highway in
order to preserve its scenic beauty.

Unfortunately, the ordinance was about as
effective as screen doors on a submarine. Wall-
.o-wall neon and endless buildings now have
made the road a visual and driving nightmare.

Although the expansion of Paris Pike does not

directly threaten similar destruction of the
historic farms hidden by the “tunnel of trees," it
does set the stage for catastrophe.

Similar fates have already fallen on Tales
Creek Road, Richmond Road and Leestown
Road, which were once delightful avenues for
sight-seeing. Like the Paris Pike, all these ex-
pansions were hailed as vital to Lexington’s

Cancer is also a growth. If Lexington doesn’t
place a limit on unrestricted development, than
what little scenic beauty and historical value
Lexington possesses will be lost in the malignant

Vlltizzing down a raindrenched Paris Pike

.1 ; 711/1, I
/ z.

¢ 4

‘YESQIK. Tilt: (3 You

SuPPtNe IN mew?»

,, wt,

«\ s.
.X. \ ‘2»


V g ‘k .


Pushing unrepresentative bills
sets dangerous SG precendent


In response to criticisms leveled
against me by “Kernel Readers"
(who. incidently. were opposing
student senators) and to all fellow
students not familiar with Student
Government (SG) activities. let me
say that I don‘t like leaving a
meeting to prevent passage of a bill
any more than my enraged counter-




This is a parliamentary procedure
used as a last resort to hold
legislation until a later meeting. Any
veteran senator can confirm that in
my two years as an SG represent-
ative I have rarely missed a meeting
and have never left one to break a

What I have seen happen time
after time over the last two years.
however. is the ability for a minority
of senators to push legislation
through a senate meeting when for
one reason or another many
senators representing a con-
stituancy opposing their view are
absent and haven‘t received the
legislation enough in advance of the
meeting to study it.

I saw this happening again at the
Feb. I meeting.

Here was a ”resolution" (actually
its reckless construction constituted
a bill) stating that the student body
feels that the University of Kentucky
should boycott all General Electric

Senators were asked to vote yes or
no on this question when many of
them had never seen or even heard
mention of this resolution until five
minutes before the meeting.

I stop by the SG office at least
twice a week and I can emphatically
state that there was never any
information of any kind dealing with
the resolution in my mailbox
as of the day before the senate
meeting. The sponsoring senator.
Jennie Tichenor. had at least two
weeks prior to the meeting to do so.

The only supplied information
on this legislation was the sponsor’s
own interpretation of the Supreme
(‘ourt case. Relying on this to be
unbiased would be as ridiculous as
following Ms. Ziel‘s advice and
making my decision based on
magazine and newspaper editorials.

So now the stage is set for what
I've seen happen again and again
over the last two years: some absent
senators. a shoddily written
resolution on the floor. and no way
on God‘s green earth that any
senator could have had a chance to

either check with his constintuancy
or research the legislation himself.

Frustrated senators began
leaving. but I remained to voice my
objections against consideration.
Joined by a few other senators, we
debated its passage for a least 10 to
15 minutes.

Our last effort was to send the bill
to committee. which would have
given us all a chance to study it
further. When this failed. it was
obvious what was in store.

I remained and fought this legis-
lation until the final vote on previous
question at which time I left the
room rather than let it pass.

When I read the Supreme Court
case (the whole case), I may agree
with Senator Tichenor‘s interp-
retation of it. If I do and I feel my
constituency would agree, then I‘ll
work for its passage.

But you see. Senators Welch.
Noyes and Young. rather than
starting a dangerous precedent as
you suggest. I believe I halted a
more dangerous and certainly more
prevelant one: that of pushing
through legislation that may not
represent either the feelings of the
student body. or that of its senators.


This comment was submitted by

Alex Christine. a political science

supplies strength. energy

The idea behind consciousness-
raising groups is unknown to many
people. In my daily experience, I
have often felt that my ideas were
unimportant and sometimes crazy.

, My consciousness-raising group has

always helped me to put these
feelings in perspective.




Consciousness-raising groups are
warm, growing places that have
given me strength and energy. I

. have always looked forward to the

weekly meetings because of the
support they offer.
The structure of a consciousness-

raising group is simple. However,
there are some mechanisms that
help to make the group flow. Con-
sciousness-raising groups are
usually composed of 6-10 women who
meet for a few hours at least once a

C-R groups are for women only.
They also are designed to be
lesderless. (There is a coordinator
at the first meeting to help get the
group started.)

The sole purpose of GR groups is
conversation. Feelings we have as
women serve as the common bend.
Groups generally choose a topic at
the end of each meeting for the
following week.


Spunky band

It was heartening to leam in
Wednesday’s Kernel that the
Student Senate is dauntingly
prepared. to tackle General Electric
and the Supreme Court in order to
rectify the injustices of sex
discrimination and capital punish-

Who knows? Perhaps this spunky
band will next address itself to such
issues as the synchronization f
campus clocks or the removal of ice
from student parking lots.

Terry Carter
English junior
Roger W. (‘oldiron
I\&S junior

Infringing habit

I mist express my enthusiastic
agreement with Catherine Moore
and Stanley Campbell‘s letter
proptsing restriction of smokers to
the new section of the MI. King
audent lounge. It is such an in-
telli gent remedy to section ofl‘ those
whose habits infringe on others.

Keeping all that smoke in one
room would allow others to enjoy the
lourge without enduring the agony
d cigarette smoke. it is, 'm fact,
such a goodidea that it should be
expandedto include each filthy habit
existent in anyone.

Coffee dririters should alone wade
through the cups and spoons they
inevitably leave bhirtd. and the junk

Topics can encompass virtually
anytln'ng. I have spent evenings
talking about role-playing, depen-
dency. self-sufficiency, body'
changes during adolescence,
marriage, self-esteem and career

I think C-R groups are especially
helpful to women who are going
through changes. However, many
women simply join groups to meet
other women. There need not be a
reason to join a group.

All women interested in joining a
group can contact Debbie at 2556139
or Kathy at 256-2802.


'lhis comment was submitted by
Debbie Kosloff. a BGS sophomore.



food crowd should be the only ones
subject to their stickiness and trash.
And another room for those who
don‘t hassle with anti-perspirants,
whose presence in the lounge
overpowers even that of the

Yes, it should be evident to
everyone that humans are humans
and are therefore condemned to
their own disgusting manners, and
rather than each person avoiding
any situation unpleasant to him, it is
far simpler to call on someone else
to set up more rules and herd like
with like so that the precious rights
of eadi may remain unviolated.

Smith go home

What our respected President
Julius Nyerere of Tanzania should
do is to tell U.N. Ambassador An-
drew Young politely, but firmly, that
there areonlytwo alternatives to the
Zimbabwan question: Mr. Smith
(Rhodesian Prime Minister) should
accept immediate majority rule and
bow out politely or be forced out.

If it requires getting aid from
Cuba or the devil himself to force
him out, the peoples of Africa are
more willing to fraternize with the
devil titan worship a god that keeps
them slaves.

I believe the US. anti the Western
Powers have the means to make
Smith charge his mind in less than a
wak. To fail to use these means and
at the same time asking African not

to use alternative means is asking
too much.

The fact that an action is not in
“Western interest“ does not mean
the same action is not in “African

Mr. Smith and his supporters
should consider bringing out their
British passports and boarding the
next available East African Airlines
plane back home if they think
majority rule is devilish. The
honora ble President Lincoln put full-
stop to slavery over a century ago.
Let us not undermine his

Obi Abuda

Letter policy

The Kernel recognizes the obliga-
tion to provide a forum for reader
response. Submissions will be ac-
cepted in the form of letters to the
editor or comments.

Letters cannot exceed 250 words.
They must be typewritten. triple-
spaced and signed with the writer’s
name. classification and major.

Comments cannot exceed 750

We goofed

Because of an edklng error. Carol
Ziel was incorrectly Identified as a
t‘ollege of Nursing senator is the
Kernel's Feb. 4 letters column. She
Is a nil-sing student and Is not a
member of die Student Senate.






Donovan Trust seeks
suggestion for funds

Kernel Reporter

The Advisory Committee
for the Donovan Trust is
currently seeking recom-
mendatiars for allocations of
its funds

According to Chairperson
Irma M. Bolte, the committee
will meet on March 30 to
evaluate the recom-
mendations. In a meeting of
the group last week, no
recommendations were
reported, she said.

Bolte, who is assistant dean
for continuing education in
the College of Nursing, said,
“We expect to receive at last
two proposals this year—we
hope for more.” The expected
proptsals should come from
the art gallery (1 UK’s for-
thcoming art museum and
from the department of
horticulture, she said.

Generally, funds are
allocated by the trust for only
one proposal; proposals may
be made by any individual or
group within the University
community, Bolte said.

The cunmittee assesses the
propteals and forwards its
choice to the president of the
University, who may accept
or reject the committee’s
decision, she said.

Trust produces $5.000

Funds are provided by
investment income from the
trust, which is officially
known as the Herman Lee
and Neil Stuart Donovan
Memorial Endowment.
Donovan was "UK president
from 1941 to 1956.

Robert R. Marshall,
assistant controller at UK,
said that the University first
received funds from the trust
in 1969. The trust was created
from the Donovan estate,
which is worth approximately

The trust principal is held
by First Security National
Bank 8: Trust Co. in

Lexington, Marshall said.
Incane from investment of
the principal is divided
equally between UK and
Eastern Kentucky Univer-

Each school receives a
check quarterly. The annual
income amounts to about
$5,000 for each university,
though the amount may vary.
Bolte said that $8,360 is
available for the advisory
committee to allot this year.

Provisions must be followed

Recanmendations for use
of the funds must meet the
following provisions, con-
tained in the will of Dr.

~—that investment income
be used for the creation of an
atmosphere and environment
of culture, refinement and
gentility to encourage the
growth of students into gentle
men and women whose
eduwtion may reflect the
influence of such an at-
mosphere and environment;

—that investment income
be used to enrich educational
opportunities by providing
increased stimulus to
students to cultivate and
develop into men and women
with an appreciation of the
qualities of beauty and

-—that no part of the in-
vestment income be spent for
ordinary recurring expenses
of operation and main-

Dr. Donovan requested in
his will that the investment
income be spent for “what
are’so fraruently‘thmghf‘of‘ -
as institutional luxuries such
as beautiful books, musical
programs, beautiful pictures
or paintings, flowers or
shrubs, or any other
acquisitions or productions
that will promote an ap
preciation of the lovely and
beautiful in the environment
in which students live and

Bolte said that Dr. Donovan
wrote the provisions. “He

was very esthetically sen-
sitive—more so than many
other people," she noted. “I
love those two words—
‘institutional luxuries.”

Students unaware of fund

Bolte continued, “Not too
many people know about this
trust fund.” She said she
wishes more students knew
abort the fund because Dr.
Donovan was concerned
about the environment for
future students.

Though the provisions are
“rea lly wide open," funds are
usually allotted for
“something special," said
Bolte. Last year‘s investment
income was released to the
director of the new art gallery
for purchases of art. A
tapestry was purchased with
the money, she said.

According to Donovan‘s
will, members of the Ad-
visory Committee are ap-
pointed by the UK president
and are selected annually.
Members may come from
faculty, staff, administration,
and student body. The
president appoints the

Members are usually ap
pointed in August, said Bolte.
Proprsals for funding are
made in the spring.

After all of the recom-
mendations are evaluated.
the committee reports its
findings to the president,
Bolte said. The president
usually replies in two weeks
or less. She said that
President Singletary ap-

proved lad year‘s recom— -

mendation within one week.

The seven committee mem-
bers, besides Bolte. are: Dr.
Joseph Fitzpatrick, art de-
partment; Pam Harris. BGS
sophomore; Dr. Wesley Mor—
gan. music department; Dr.
Horst Schach. horticulture
department; Clifton Mar-
shall. division of design and
construction; Jill Murray.
nursing sophomore; and lien-
ry Clay Owen, UK controller.

Indexing to be explained

Kernel Reporter

D.J. Hoffman of the In-
stitute for Scientific In-
formation will speak on
citation indexes during two
one—hour seminars today.

A science citation index
seminar is scheduled for
noon, and a social science
citation index seminar
follows at 2 pm.

Both will be held at the
Kary Gallery on the first floor
of the new addition of the M.
1. King Library.

Basically, citation indexes
are listings of publications of
authors that have been cited
frequently, said Larry
Greenwood, instructional
services librarian. It is an
unconventional way of in-
dexing, he added.

“The seminar is zeroing in

on faculty and graduate
students." Greenwood said,
“but undergraduates are also
welcome." Greenwood ex
plained that people in in-
terdisciplinary areas who use
both indexes may want to
attend both seminars.

Hoffman will discuss the
techniques and limitations of
citation indexes and hold a
question and answer period.


Tl. Kentucky Kernel. Ill Journalism Building. University at Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky. 40606. is mailed tive times
weekly during the year except holidays and exam periods. and tvrice weekly during the summer session. Third class
pesIee paldat Lexington. Kentucky. out I. Subscription rates are mailed $3 per year, or one cern per year non-malted.

Pullshed by the Kernel Press, the. and lounded in ml, the Kernel began as The Cadet in rm. The paper has been
whilst-d continuously as the Kentucky Kernel since ms.

Advertldne is intended only to hate the reader buy and any telse or misleading advertising should he reported and will
he lnvesleatedhytheedttors. Advertising tend to he talseer misleading will he reported to the hotter Iustness Bureau.

Letters and omments should he adtessed to the editorial pope editor, Ito Journalism luildlne. They should h typed,
doable mecd and alerted. Classification. phone numher and address should he Included. Letters should not exceed zso
words and comments should he no lonpr than 750 words. Editors reserve the rieht to edit letters and comments.





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MOI! 203-2.)




Flyers Newsletters Resumes

Serving The UK Community

Somerset Community

fair. 12 B_e_lgr_ime In _
germ} pan. sns

M0 p.m. - I a.m.
SCC loioom

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A. r. DIS.

'rrrr: krzxrt'r'ki' KENNEL. 'I‘uesday. February a. I977—Ci





Iniormation Seminars
for Graduate Students

Today — i2 - I
Science Citation Index Discussion
Today — 2 - 3
Social Sciences Index Discussion

King Library Gallery

Personals in the Kernel cost
only 05 cents a day.

Answers your
questions 258-2684

for academic info.
Free tutoring in
English and history.

ling library South






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Eric Green

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Veterinary Science

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t—THE KENTUCKY KERNEL. Tuesday. February 8.




will discuss
“Government Job Opportunities
for Political Science Majors”

Tues, Feb. 8, 1977 7:30 pm. 107 S.C.

Spomtred by Political Science





L'nderlraduate Advisory Committee


Chinese Cuisine

(Cantonese, Szechuan
a Mandarin)

no Upper Street
Lexington, Ky. 40507
Phone (606) 252-4747

Mon.»Sat. It:305.m.~tt pm.
Sun. Ii: 30a.m.~10p.m.

“nu—“llI-ldmmd-Mia Pizzeria

I; 284 So. Lime-2533419

’1533 Easlland Parkway-299-7345
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$1.00 off on Large
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Good at both locations
Good Monday, Feb. 7 thru Thursday, Feb. Io
