xt7b2r3nzs86 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7b2r3nzs86/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1976-12-01 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, December 01, 1976 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 01, 1976 1976 1976-12-01 2020 true xt7b2r3nzs86 section xt7b2r3nzs86  

from the games


According to both campus and

metro police. however, the
situation may not be as bad as
was expected.

Tom Padgett. director of the
University's Division of Public
Safety. said yesterday his
department has no way of
knowing how many cars were
accommodated, but that things
“went pretty well. People ap
parently just parked where they
could. It seems that there were
some people in different places

charging money to park in their
yards and such."

On the prospect of increased
parkirg space in the future,
Padgett said that since only a
limited amount of space is
available, no relief is in sight. He
also added that much of the
downtown parking is farther from
the arena than that on the north
part of campus.

“The availability of parking

being what it is, students would be
just as well off parking down on
the north mmpus and walking to
the arena. We have worked out a
lighted walking route to the
arena, so that everyone will feel
safe. "

The University announced just
yesterday a second plan to help
students get to the games. That
plan. a shuttle bus between the
arena and the south dorm com-

Police say game traffic volume no proble

One of the most highly
speculative aspects of the Ken-
tucky basketball program‘s
trarsition to the new Rupp Arena
ins been the availability of
parking for those attending the
game. It had been said prior to
Saturday‘s game that there would
be no way to accommodate the
huge volume of cars necessary to
transport 23,000 people to and

plex, has already been severely
criticized by students, mainly
because the bus ride will cost 25
cents each way.

“Certainly, we would like to
provide this service for free,"
Padgett said, “but we just don‘t
have the funds. If we provide bus
service for every home game, it
will end up costing us almost
$8.000; and if we had that kind of
money, we‘d spend it to improve

our daily bus service."

Also on the subject of parking.
Metro Police Lt. John Potts of-
fered perhars the most realistic
observa tion :

that many places to park near the
center; peqile are just going to
have to understand and accept
that everyone is going to have to
walk some distance to these


“There just aren't going to be



Wednesday, December I, 1976‘


Vol. LXVIII. Number 76 Ker

an independent student newspaper

Abortions performed by local physicians;
UK Medical Center has too few facilities

Kernel Reporter

(Editor’s note: This is the second in
a three—part series on abortion. The
first article dealt with laws con-
cerning abortion and the last article
will deal with the prospect of
abortions being offered in the second
trimester of pregnancy.)

More than one million abortions
were performed in the US. last
year, 11 per cent more than the
number performed in 1974.

Data indimte that abortion is now
me of the most frequently per-
formed surgical procedures, more
common even than tonsillectomies.

Even those in favor of safe, legal
abortions,however, decry the
necesity of so large a number of the

“Abortion is not a form of con-
traception,” said Dr. John Greene.
chairman of the obstetrics and
gynecology department at the
University Medical Center. “I tell
my patients all the time, ’If you’re
going to have sex. drive carefully.‘ ”

Although the Medical Center does
only a few abortions. Greene, a
member of the board of directors for
Planned Parenthood. said he
believes the procedure is still a
necessary and vital service for the
physical health and emotional well-
being of certain women.

Greene explained why the Medical
Center is not able to provide more
adequate abation services.

“It has been mainly my decision,"
he said. “Our purpose here at the
Med Center is to teach. In addition to
that, we handle high-risk obstetrics
and patients with gynecological
cancer. Plus, we are the only local
hospital with the staff and facilities
to care for sick infants.”

Greene said if his department
opened an abortion clinic, it
wouldn’t have time to care for its
cancer patients. “I consider abor~
tion a valuable service, but one that
we can‘t afford to offer on a large
scale. We just don’t have the

“Since there are two competent
physiciars in Lexington who do
provide these services, we feel the
need for abortions is being
adequately met."

This doesn‘t mean the Medical
Center doesn‘t handle abortions at
all, Greene added. But the majority
of pregnancies terminated at the
Medical Center are for therapeutic
reason. In those cases, the
procedure is more costly. because
there is no out-patient basis, and
women must pay for a hospital stay,
Green said.

He also said that 80 per cent of all
abortions performed are in the first

Proxmire expresses hope
for righting the wrongs

in federal government

Kernel It eporter

Sen. William I’roxmire, 19-year
veteran Democrat from Wisconsin.
spoke last night about the rights and
wrongs of the U .8. government and
what can be expected from it in the
years to come.

The inventor of the Golden Fleece
awards declared that excess
govemment spending. bureaucratic
“giantism.” tax “truckholes” that
are a “national disgrace“ and arms
trading are the major ills facing
presidentelect Jimmy t‘arter. But
l’roxmire declared (‘arter will
“have a good. long strong
honeymoon with Congress" that will
make alleviate many of the



As if the ice weren‘t enough.
here's a good chance of snow
today. It'll be cloudy and cold
with temperatures in the mid
20‘s. Tonight temperatures will
drop to the low teens and there is
a continued chance of snow.




problems facing Americans today.

l’roxmire said he feels tax reform
should be the first problem tackled
by the new administration. “The
common people are holding the
burden of the nation‘s taxes and
inflation. Thirty-seven per cent of
the average income goes out in taxes
on the local. state and federal level.
Tax cuts can be nrade without
causing inflation if expenses are cut
in the military. personcl. space.

l’roxmire said. however. that a
negative attitude today has covered
up much of the good that is being

“We have had a president prac-
tically deposed and not only sur-
\ivedit. but (onicoutof it a stronger
country. Also. the press has forced
congressmen to police their own
ethics and to be sensible in their
campaign spending." l’roxmire also
listed several other innovations. He
said Congress has set a federal
spending ceiling. restrictions have
been placed on the President‘s
military power. there are cleaner
air and water than last year. in-
creased civil liberties. racial justice.
education benefits. consumer
protection and industrial safety

trimester (three months) of


“Abortion by curettage (surgical
scraping) in the first 10 to 12 weeks
is relatively safe, if done by com-
petent people in a properly equipped
institution," Greene said.

“Abortions are done after 12 to 14
weeks of pregnancy by injection of
hypertonic saline or glucose into the
amniotic cavity. The success rate is
less, and the complication rate is
much higher."

Dr. Phillip Crossen and Dr.
Donald Edger are the two local
physicians equipped to perform
abortions. and both the UK health
service and Planned Parenthood
refer women to these doctors.

Both doctors operate on an out-
patient basis and only perform first-
trimester abortions. The average
cost of this type of procedure is $175.

Edger said the surgery is
“relatively simple and takes no
longer than three hours to perform.

“We use local anesthesia, because
it's safer," he said. “There is a
known risk involved when general
anesthesia is administered. First-
trimester abortions are not hospital
procedures and don’t normally
require putting the patient to sleep."

Edger said there is not much pain
involved. “One girl we operated on
went horseback riding the next


“It's really a minor operation and,
if performed in the first 10 weeks of
pregnancy, safer than having a

Edger estimated that about 30 per
cent of his patients are UK students
and 70 to 80 per cent of the total are
single or divorced.

“I can only guess.” he said. “I
don‘t keep statistics. All sorts of
women come to me; it's not any one
type that gets pregnant and doesn‘t
want to be.”

When people cane to his office for
an abortion. Edger said he doesn’t
try to persuade them to change their
numb, but points out alternatives
and gives them a week to think about

"By the time they get this far,
most people have already made
their minds up.” he said. “But 1
never schedule an operation for the
next day."

Greene and Edger agreed that this
“waiting period" is vital to the
woman’s emotional health and well-

Not infrequently, Edger said,
women will come in to discuss
having an abortion and not come

Researchers estimate that 13 per
cent of all legal abortions since 1969
have been repeat procedures.

Continued on back page

4i" It."

...taxes are national disgrace

l‘roxmire warned that the US. is
far from perfect and that many
problems have yet to be touched.
Abuses in the federal programs like
welfare. unemployment com»
pensation and food stamps need to
be righted. Federal programs
should have to justify their expenses
and those that can't should be
abolished. l’roxmire said if this was
done. then outdated agencies. such
as the Interstate (‘ommercc

t'omission. Would be done away

The senator said he believes the
future holds a great deal of promise.
"There will be many areas where
President ('arter and (‘ongress will
disagree. and he will haveto take his
programs slow and cautious. But he
is his own man and progress will be
made. After eight years of vetoes
and rejections. the future is bright."


Eskimos do it,
why can’t you?

University ofKentucky
Lexington, Kentucky

Dennis. the dog. looks uncooperative
while pacer Flying Mick tries to
buss him in a barn at the Red Mile
race track. The animals belong to
(bet McGuire of Lexington.


Health service distributes

self-help medical pamphlets

Kernel Sta ff Writer

For those who have ever been sick
while on campus, your first thought
was probably to msh to a doctor.
But now, relief from minor ailments,
ranging from allergies to hangovers,
may be sought without even leaving
you dorm room.

A new health manual. “How to
Take Care of Yourself," is being
distributed to UK students. and
contains suggestions for main-
taining good health.

The manual offers “good, plain
common sense. and practical
medical advice," for students
seeking help, said Jean Cox. health
service administrator. “It makes
students knowledgeable about
health care, and is written clearly.
in a straightforward style that can
be easily understood.“

When the student health service
ran out of its first health booklet.
published in 1073, Cox said that an
updated copy was planned. The new
manual is spmsored by the Student
Health Advisory Committee, in
cooperation with the student health
service and the Student Government
tSG). Artwork appearing in the
manual is drawn by a University

Total cost of the revised manual
was about $2.500. according to Cox.

SC helped finance it by donating $300
left from last year's budget.

The revised manual has been in
the making since this summer, when
Dr. Robert French, chief of medical
science at the health service, up
dated the original booklet. Cox also
helped revise it. and edited the final

Since there is no health educator
at UK. Cox said there were several
reasons for the publication. First,
she said she feels that the health
service has an obligation to provide
health education for students.

"This booklet can help students
become more self-sufficient, since
there are many illnesses students
can take care of themselves," she
said. “The key thing is to know
when an ailment is not routine, and
when it's time to see a doctor."

For instance, after vomiting.
students are warned not to eat for
six to eight hours, but to try water.
weak tea or toast after a few hours.
If everything stays down, the
student is probably cured. However,
if vomiting persists and is ac-
companied by pain. appendicitis is
possible. and a doctor should be
ca llcd immediately.

Popular misconceptions about
using antibiotics as a panacea for
infection are discussed in the
pamphlet. “Especially before finals,

Outtlnued on back page


 editorials 8: comments

Editorials do not represent the opinions of the University

Some UK football fans
eft standing in the cold

An .itr. it: an *Imv ' i.':: .tifct ‘33 '-.e:a:«- or
football rims/erg. or». ionslt u Wot .. t l\ tans
I zt'ecl‘. becauw ..g ‘llt'i" evahvra' c'-. the l’c‘tcl:
I’owI In: .ti llt Swan's ~- sold out :or étn- iirst


The littvt1stf} s .tl‘ittl!!‘.:‘2t'\ ~z t'rtio-t tzckets
waseobblc d tipseiast that some zaiiswt re letl Ill
l!ttt' wondering lam die} t'rttlltf l'tin' ltt‘t’ll Miltl so
quickly. In tact. 'hcj: weren't.

l::t‘.ct~".tjv atlas::rttrators. :la Athletic
.\\>Ut‘.'tiflttll. the coxerrer‘s titlice and other
Vll’s took a cut wt Iron: one-third to halt ol the
Litton tickets. according to (it'.'et‘gent accounts
hot“. fix ri(lll‘.lll!>ll';tft)l‘\ .tili: :zth'etic officials.

.‘\\ .t i‘t-stil: .3 Lupe 'itat‘l-c: or H‘l‘jv colt! lilll.‘
waited in lint for nothing while the VIP}
l‘t‘ttfitt'tl ‘tltt‘ll' 'tllttillt perhaps Il't‘t’ tlf t'lltll‘fif‘

Respite fllt largt {lttltt'tl'lttl- of tickets not
available to The Lela-ml public there ma}. still
have been enough ‘It'ivi‘ir ‘o go around it

[)l'()\I\it/ll.\ trad been es'ablstttd hunting the

ltlllllln‘l out [Itch-WI; . -:t'1' on};
'I lit rc wt 1'! It t .rtt; .trt‘: ti't-'\I>lttl‘.\ Sonn-
people i-otieit! in: or I‘."tt Hitters bought to. a

fill\lll1ltl. and mail} lul .\ Ir'tr chased filtir'kSt)! Hi to
II). fly it) tic-Lt- 'It'fv" ‘l‘itt'iiih t'etogtti/Hl the
fft‘llittlltidlltl titrated fize- «:it_ In- purchases to eight
Itckt-ts. It w'ts Ii‘o talc wit-e tans are going to
IL!» .\t'\‘. \l'lti'i‘s l“\.t' "= .\‘ltéll’rt
(Ilt.lttll\l_'...'1”' setting .. wine: on the nutrther
of tikcts \\Itl( It cor.Id Ic pur'che'cd was a cause of
the t :en‘ual \elIouI but if :z‘t4t: opened the door

*oscaIpt-rs persons who buy tickets tosell later
tor prolit. Judging by the number of angry fans
\i ho refuse to miss the first lIK bowl in a quarter
of a century. the scalpers will do great business.

tine scalper known to frequent the Lexington
area reportedly was able to purchase a htrge
tilllSS of tickets. Ile claims to be the. world‘s
Illlltlltt‘l‘ one scalper. even pedaling tickets for
protit in Munich. Ger. at the Olympic Games.

Snipe of the inequities in ticket distribution
would have been difficult to avoid. Athletic of-
tictals. justifiably. were somewhat overcome by
the IttMl bid. And a new basketball season began
about the same time. in a new arena. with a new
distribution system, These were sources of
confusion and diversion. And the fact that the
i'tach ltowl had trever been sold out tindced.
I'each officials told l'K administrators that
l \tra tickets would be available iii the event of a
sellout at I'Kt led to a feeling of security about
the ticket sales.

lint the I‘niversity maintains a ticket corn-
tt.ittee tor distribution purposes. ('haired by
Athletic Ilireclor (‘Iiff llagan. the ticket corn-
:‘i.ittte should have taken responsibility for
distirbtution. ensuring equitable sales. They
obviously did not.

The bowl invitation was a pleasant develop-
n ent in what had been a hapless and trouble-
ridden football program. l.'nt'ortunately. poor
planning in ticket distribution made it im-
possible tor many “True Blue" fans to appear.

Editor-tin hurt
(“my Edwards

l-ldltortol Editor
\A altcr Minor.

Hon-(tn; Editor
John “Inn Miller

touch and comments would he nuns-u to tho Editorial «not. Itooia m. Joorlotto. MIMI-g. no! loot Do In“. "Db-
wocod not! sign“ u no iii-mt. norm and telephone number. Lotton ”not one“ 150 um on common“ on rootrktod to 7.


Assist-lit Mon-[tn Edttorl fir'xm
1M): to blurs" N "no “u...“
rl (.abrlol Ab! ml I.
Alto Editor
(‘opy Eolton Mlle Stronlo
Suzanne [tham "“"'M I.“
Dirk rim/nay com "mum W“ can"
sine Balltnlor Stow-rt Bowman




Ma» 4-
' s‘K
'. *W. M {INK/”W



THANKS, Catw- ~ WE NEEDED tint"



A history lesson: Carter’s future


IEilitor‘s note: This commentary is
the first in a two-part series com-
paring President-elect Jimmy
('arter and former President
Woodrow Wilson.)

The great quadrennial ex“
travanganza has ended. The L'nited
States has a new President-elect.
and the traditional guessing game
has begun. What will the first
Southern President since before the
(‘ivil War be Iike‘.’

The best way is to examine his
record. Nearly everyone knows that
he nrade an excellent record as
governor: almost as many know
that his singleminded deter-

Vietnam: a reply to the US. veto


t} l)l\ll ll \ II“

The pretext used b). the inn-vicar;
government. this time to veto the
admission ot Vietnam ~ to the I nited
Ntllltmfir is an allegation by that
government that. the Vietnamese
side has not prov tried a complete Itsl
of Americans inisstrrg in the ‘. :et
train war and. t'tiliwati'lltl}. not
devoted to the cause of peace and
humani'atrimsn. llli’ll:ltt‘l“~u:d"
qttalitrcaticns tot :rieitiberstnpot the
['nrtid \rillrilh




l'ii‘st oi i'll. we behave that it iii-as!
be stressed ilizt' the problem of
Americam tins: ntg during the war
It \‘tetirar'r. Ilivt‘ the rtegntiatiotrs
which an- takrng plate in I’arts
between 'ttetnam and dc [Fltltti
.‘dillt's is par? Ill ftii' ltiltiit‘ttll

relations oi-Iwetn me two t‘tillllllit'>~

andhas absolutely not lung to do with
Article 4 of Illt I‘harter

The American gm'ernment, using
various pretexts according to the
circtirrrstances and its needs of the
irroinent their opposition to so-
iuiled “selective univ crsality." the
problem of missing Americans. the
results of negotiations at Paris. and
so Iorttr :s continuing its policy of
‘tlixfttl'lllvl! with regard to the ad
I.il:v~»li!ll ot 'v tetnam to membership

i-lx mentioning the problem of the
.' g ans and considering
that .. . a humantarian problem. all
he ‘\ltllt‘ using hints that are irr-
~tnlrng to the Vietnamese people in
response 'o gestures ol good will on
the Vicinitnrcse \ldt‘. the Ford
\dannistrrrtion has tried to strike a
serrsitite chord in world public
:pnii-ir: tor political purposes that
are .ery well known. lll reality. that
latintrnstration has not drown arty





_ p 1


[diam Sore


good will with regard to the set-
tlement of the problem of Americans
listed as missing.

All those who prize justice and
peace. including a large segment of
the American population. will surely
not forget the crimes of aggression
and genocide commrted by the
imperialist aggressors against our
people. crimes which shocked the
r onscience of all mankind during the
war of aggression.

In keeping with humanitarian
considerations. we should like to
ask! the Amerrcn leaders if they
were at all troubled in their con-
sciences regarding the tens of
thousands of Vietnamese families
which suffered because their
children. two years after the end of
the war. are still listed as missing?
How do they feel about the hundreds
of Vietnamese who continue to be
killed by mines and unexploded
devices Ieft‘?

How do they feel about the hun~
dreds of thousands of prostitutes and
orphans and the millions of unem-
ployed who are the direct victims of
American neocolonialism in South
Vietnam? Are their consciences
troubled with regard to the entire
people of Vietnam who must now
overcome enormous difficulties and
accept all manner of deprivations in
order to bind the wounds of war
caused by two million American
soldiers armed to the teeth. by the 15
million tons of explosives and by the
tens of thousands of tons of
American toxic chemical products
used iii the war'.’


In spite of all that. the Vietnamese
government has proved. by its acts
and its flexibility. its willingness to
settle the problem of the Americans
missing iii the war in Vietnam.
Furthermore. who can deny the
legitimate and legal right of the
Vietnamese people to demand of the
American government that it honor
the signature of its representatives
.nrd that it respect its commitment
to collil‘llllllt' to healing the wounds
of war and to reconstruction of
Vietnam after the war‘.’

After the war. the Vietnamese
government on a number of oc~

casions proposed talks with the
American govenment in order to
discuss settlement of problems
outstanding since the Paris
Agreements on Vietnam and con-
cering the two countries in an effort
to normalize relations.

Whereas the American govern-
ment hasleft no stone unturned in its
attempts to delay any t'eSponse to
our constructive preposals. the
Vietnamese government has
demonstrated its good will by giving
the American side the lists and
remains of those soldiers killed in
the war in Vietnam whom we were
able to identify . A special committee
of experts from various competent
services of Vietnam are still hard at
work iii an effort to seek out and
identify missing Americans.

While talks are continuing bet
ween the two parties in Paris on the
settlement of the problems corr-
terning the two sides. including the
problem of Americans missing iii
the war in Vietnam. and while there
are encouraging signs that it may be
possible to begin business-like
negotiations. Ute opposition of the
America in cto to our candidacy only
proves one thing: that the policy of
the Ford-Kissinger Administration
is based more on rancor and
vengeance than on a serious desire
to settle the problem of missing


These areexcerpts from remarks by
llinh Ila 111i. Vietnam's permanent
observer at the l'nited Nations. at a
meeting of the Security ('ouncil on
Nov. I5.


Letters policy

'llie I\t*tncl l't't'tmlll/(ns the
obligation to pl'm ide a Iornm tor
reader it'soirse Submission will
be accepted Ill the Iorm of let-
ter s to Hit tilitor or nomincnts.

irctlet's -.rnnot exceed “3.30
.tords lhe_\ must be type
written. triple spaced and
signed with the writer's name.
classification and major.

l'onrn'cnts cannot even-ed no
words and the abme Ill
torn-abort is mandatory




mination tor ambition. if you will)
has rarely been exceeded. When he
was young he was fascinated by the
Navy and threatened to run off to
sea. At college. he told all comers
that he planned to occupy high of-

But the Presidentelect‘s ambition
is diluted by a sincere religious
belief. He is well known as a lay




preacher. Yet. his religious con-
victions only increase his self-
assurance. Some see that as

Indeed. it is hard to say what
impact the administration of
Jimmy Carter will have on the

As someone has said. “Those who
do not understand history are
doomed to repeat it:" a statement
which might well hold true when the
striking similarities between
(‘arter and Woodrow Wilson. the
28th President of the United States
are considered.

In background. the two men are
similiar. Both are Southern men who
were brought it p in the North. Carter
was born in Georgia and went North
to Annapolis for college; Wilson was
born in Virginia. lived in Georgia
and South Carolina. and went north
to Princeton at about the same age
(‘arter went to Annapolis.

ioth men were obsessed at an
early age by politics. While in
college. Wilson had calling cards
printed up with the words. “Thomas
Woodrow Wilson. Senator from
Virginia." Carter. while in the Navy.
Irad to decide whether to remain in
the Navy and become Chief of Naval
Operations. or go home to Plains and
become even more important. as he
said in his autobiography.

Both men. while attracting a
enterie of devoted admirers. never
the less inr pressed many as cold and
aloof. Both men found it difficult to
compromise. and tended to vent
hatred on their opponents. Carter,
on one occasion. said the Georgia
legislature was the worst in the
history of the state; Wilson referred
to a little group of willful men in the
t'nitid States Senate. who plotted to
stop him.

(tire of the trrost amazing
resemblances is their public posture
toward the truth. Wilson. one of his
advisers noted. particularly enjoyed
“grazing“ the truth with the press. A
sympathetic biographer has noted
"ambiguities" in Wilson‘s public
and private statements while he was
president of Princeton. Of course.
we are all familiar with the charges
that (‘arter is hazy on the issues.

The resemblances are more than
coincidental. The two men are
remarkably alike because their
backgrounds are so similar. even in
minor details. Both came from
families that were w'ell-to~do by the
standards of those around them:
both showed singular drive and
concentration at an early age. While
Ilirter was rolling (‘oke bottles
under his feet so that the Navy would
not reject him for flat feet. Wilson
was spending tortuous hours
teaching himself shorthand

l'ncertainties still persist about
the political philosophies of both.

Wilson was at first a very con-
servative Grover Cleveland
Bourbon Democrat. But as his
prospects for political position
advanced. so did his political
thinking advance. By 1912. Wilson
was publicly embracing William
Jennings Bryan; only a few years
earlier. he had expressed a desire to
see Bryan knocked into a “cocked

Of course. Jimmy Carter won
election as govemor of Georgia by
painting himself as a “redneck" and
appealing to the Maddox-Wallace
constituency. but he put up a picture
of Martin Luther King in the Capitol.

Wilson was nominated for
govemor of New Jersey by a
political machine; he promised not
to interfere with it if it would not
interfere with him. After he got the
nomination. Wilson promptly
rejected the machine in published
statements and lobbied against its
Senatorial candidate. even though
be regarded that candidate as more
qualified than the reformers’ choice.

While governor. Carter instituted
a sweeping reorganization of the
govemment and called for many
other reforms. yet he found himself
stifled by his unwillingness to
compromise. His crucial
reorganization package passed by
only a few votes. mainly because he
lobbied personally for it.

Wilson. as governor of New Jer-
sey. managed to get the legislature
topass sweeping reforms by person-
al meetings with the legislature. but
his term as governor ended in
personal squabbling with the
legislature. just as his promising
tenure at Princeton ended in failure.

Carter. also. after a promising
beginning as governor. found it
increasingly difficult to dealwith the
legislature. Near the end of his
tenure as governor. a factional
opponent was nominated for senator
and his hand-picked choice to suc-
ceed Irim as governor failed
dismally in the primary. Carter did
not maintain his initial support.

In 1910. few would have thought
Wilson would be the next president
of the United States; he brought
himself to national attention with his
reform program.

In 1974. even fewer people would
have said that (‘arter had any
chance to be the next president of
the United States. but by virtue of
his campaign of “trust.“ followed by
a shift to the old DemOCratic
verities. he made it.

Wilson campaigned in a similar
fashion. ”is views on issues were
\ague. He called himself a
progressive. yet he had been con-
servative in almost all of his public
views before 1910. His calls for
specific reforms~such as a tariff
revision and reduction of the powers
of large corporations—were con-
sidered visionary by many. just as
('arter‘s calls for reorganization.
national health insurance and the
like are also considered visionary.

So. in am as in I976. the country
waited with some trepidation to see
what the President-elect would do.


lmnard Kelsay it a sophomore.











i very COTT-
ut as his
al position
5 political
1912, Wilson
ng William
. few years
adesire to
t a “cocked

Carter won
Georgia by
- i neck" and
up a picture
the Capitol.

nated fo'r
rsey by a
romised not
t would not
r he got the

n published
1 against its
ven though
ate as more
ers' choice.

r instituted
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I for many
and himself
ingness to
passed by
because he

if New Jer-
s by person-
slature. but
ended in
with the
. promising
-. in failure.

: promising
, found it
ealwith the
end of his
a factional
i for senator
ice to sue-
nor failed
. Carter did


ve thought
» t president
he brought
"on with his

ople would

had any
resident of
.y virtue of
followed by

a similar
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. been con-
f his public

calls for
as a tariff
the powers
were con-
ny. just as

e and the

he country
i. tion To see
would do.



news briefs


7 Carter rejects meeting
with steel executives

Four male members of Les Ballets
de Trockadero de Monte Carlo.
queens of travesty dance, are
jictured performing Swan Lake at

Berkeley, Calif.


Layoff rate up again

layoff rate 01' the nation's
factories increased in Octo-
ber for the third consecutive
month. the Labor Depart-
ment reported yesterday, in—
dicating a worsening employ-
ment problem.

The layoff rate is one of 12
components in the govern
ment index designed to indi~
(rate future economic trends.
The October index is due out

The Labor Department said
manufacturers laid off 1.7
workers per 100 employes in
October. compared with 1.5
per 100 in September and 1.3

Factories also added fewer
workers in October. with the
rate of new hires declining to
24 per 100 from 2.5 per 100 in
September. , - - -

The rate of total accessions.
which includes new hires,
recalls and transfers within a
mmpany, also declined for
the third month to 3.5 workers
per 100 from 3.6 in Septem-

The rate at which employes
qrit their jobs. which partial-
ly reflects worker assessment
(i job opportunities. was un-
changed from September at
1.6 per 100.

The increase in the layoff
ate is likely to be reflected in
the nation‘s overall unem-
ployment rate for November.
which will be released Friday
by the Labor Department. In
October. the jobless rate
stood at 7.9 per cent and some
analysts believe it may climb
above8 per cent by the year‘s
end. .

Convicted Texas murderer
wants electric chair death

convicted murder from Texas
Ins told the Supreme Court he
wants to die as scheduled on
Dec. 10 in a prison electric

“I am mentally prepared
to accept the judgment of
sentence . . . Any delay now
will only inflict needless men-
tal hardship on me." Robert
Exell White. 30. of Waco. Tex.
wrote the clerk of the court.
His letter was dated Nov. 23
and released yesterday.

But White’s attorney ap-
pealed to Supreme Court
Justice Lewis F. Powell Jr.,
yesterday to delay the ex-
ecution. J. E. Abernathy,
appointed by a Teas court to
represent White, told Powell

he will challenge the state‘s
death penalty law. the indict-
rmnt that charged White with
nurder and the trial‘s me-
thod of jury selection.

White is the second man in
current news accounts to ask
that\his death sentence he
(arricd out.

In Salt Lake City, the Utah
Board of Pardons refused
yesterday to commute the
death sentence of convicted
mirderer Gary Gilmore. Gil-
rmre told the heard his
sentence was proper and that
he wants to die.

Gilmore, 35. had been
scheduled to die Nov. 15
before a firing squad, but
Utah Gov. Calvin Rampton
stayed the execution date.

PLAINS. (ia. lAPI — The
president of a major stccl
producer yesterday proposed
tint steel industry leaders
meet with President-elect
Jimmy Carter to discuss
recent steel price increases.
but a Carter spokesman sug-
gtsted the meeting might by

Thomas C. Graham, presi-
dent of Jones and Laughlin
Steel Co. of Pittsburgh, the
nation‘s seventh largest steel
producer, volunteered to lead
a delegation of steel execu-
tives to Plains to "review in
detail the reasons the in-
creases are needed.“

But (.‘arter press secretary
Jody Powell said. “I just
don‘t know whether an actual
meeting is required or not.“

He said Carter has received
information from those who
favor an increase and th