xt7b2r3nzs61 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7b2r3nzs61/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1975-08-08 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, August 08, 1975 text The Kentucky Kernel, August 08, 1975 1975 1975-08-08 2020 true xt7b2r3nzs61 section xt7b2r3nzs61 [w "11*.

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Vol. LXVII No. 14
Friday. Augustt8, 1975



Kernel Staff Writer

A University administrator assured
residents of Pralltown there will be no
further University expansion in their
neighborhoods at a special Wednesday
night meeting.

Speaking before the Pralltown Neigh-
borhood Association, Dr. John T. Smith,
vice president for minority affairs said,
“The University will not purchase any
more property in the area."

The University owns 20 per cent of
Pralltown property, George Ruschell,
assistant vice president for business af-
fairs said. Pralltown is bounded by Scott
Street and Virginia Avenue, west of

Bill Bingham, president of the neigh-
borhood group. said the announcement
“should arrest all fears the community
had about the University.”

Smith went a step further announcing
that existing University Pralltown
property will be available for purchase
subsequent to formulation of a housing

Stoll Field

plan by Pralltown residents and the Urban

County Government.

The Urban County Council recently
funded a study to determine the economic
feasibility of rehabilitating deteriorated
Pralltown housing. The report. directed by
UK architecture professor Alfred H
Koetter, is expected to be complete later
this month.

Bingham said Pralltown residents
“desperately“ want to purchase the land
in order to keep the area complete.

President Otis A. Singletary, in a written
statement published to clarify the
University‘s position on sale of UK
Pralltown property, said “at the present
time we have no plans to sell the
University‘s property in Pralltown.”

Singletary pointed out the University’s
first concern is to cooperate with and help
the Pralltown citizens.

“()ur intentions are to hold this property
for a reasonable period of time. in
deference to their (Pralltown residents)
announced desires, for possible sale to
Pralltown residents if and when they are




an independent student newspaper



ready to negotiate such a purchase,”
Singletary said. “As of now we have not
been approached by the citizens of
Pralltown or the Pralltown Development
Corporation relative to the sale of

The University purchased the Pralltown
property approximately 15 years ago when
it was thought the College of Education
would expand in that area. None has been
purchased since that time.

In other action at the Wednesday
meeting, Smith answered several com-
plaints of Pralltown residents.

Concerning alleged harrassment of
residents by campus security police,
Smith said “UK security police will con-
tinue to provide coverage for protection of

Residents have also complained about
not being allowed to park in University lots
in Pralltown. Smith said “residents may
use the parking lots when the lots are not
used for another purpose."

Smith was directed to appear at the

meeting by Singletary.

7:111in \

2 University of Kentucky

Lexington. Ky. 40506


University announces halt of expansion

plans to sell existing properties in area;


Speaks at Pralltown neighborhood meeting

University grad student
kills self on campus

Assistant Managing Editor

A University graduate student com—
mitted suicide early Thursday morning in
Research Facility No. 3 on South
Limestone Street at Virginia Avenue.
according to Deputy Coroner William P.

Sheel Bhala. 23~yearold daughter of
an Indian embassy ot'ficxal, was found
lying in the hallway of the research
building. She was taken to the University
Medical Center and pronounced dead at
12:46 am. Thursday.

Bhala, a biology student. ingested a
mixture of potassium cyanide and water in
a restroom in the building, walked 25 feet
down the hall and collapsed, McCarney

I ~ said. Approximately one hour later, a lab

Mike Perry (left) and James Kenney, employes
of a local concrete firm. lay concrete blocks to
construct a sidewalk across what used to be Stoll

Appeals court
rules against
.lifl Raymond

The US. Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals released a
long-delayed ruling Tuesday which could keep Jill Raymond,
the only grand jury witness in Lexington refusing to testify
about fugitives Katherine Power and Susan Saxe, in jail

another eight months.



Raymond, a UK graduate, was jailed with five others in
March for refusing to testify before a federal grand jury. The
three-judge appeals court upheld the March contempt of
court ruling of federal district Judge Bernard T. Moynahan

“We plan to petition the Supreme Court to grant bail and

technician discovered Bhala in convul-
sions and notified campus police at 11:55
pm. Wednesday.

A metro emergency ambulance arrived
subsequently and rushed Bhala to the Med

Center. Bhala apparently mixed the
substance in a cup which was found in the
restroom. McCarney said.

The metro fire department investigated
the scene to check for possible cyanide
contamination. Potassium crystals. ap-
parently dropped by Bhala. were found in
the area, according to Robert Burns,
assistant fire chief.

Although the crystals were not enough to
be a lethal dosage. Burns said they could
have caused illness. Firemen cleansed the
area with rubber gloves.

Bhala studied at the University since
January after completing undergraduate
work in her native India. She is survived
by her parents, the BL. Bhala‘s of
Washington DC. Her father is first
secretary to the Indian ambassador to the
United States.

Conflicting reports surfaced as to why
Bhala killed herself. McCarney reported
only that she “was despondent.”

Bhala’s body will be cremated today in
Louisville and sent to Washington, DC.

Grand jury subpoenas were issued after the six, all former
or present UK students, refused to talk to FBI agents about
Saxe and Power, who lived in Lexington last summer and fall

under assumed identities.

The two fugitives were indicted in 1970 for a Massachusetts

bank robbery in which a guard was killed. Saxe was
apprehended by Philadelphia police in April.

Attorneys for the witnesses argued that the grand jury
process was abused before the federal district and appeals

court. They claimed the grand jury was not following its

then we’re going to appeal to the Supreme Court," said
Louisville attorney William Allison, representing Raymond.
The Court of Appeals denied an earlier bail request for the
six, five of whom have since testified before the grand jury in
exchange for their freedom.


proper function by assisting authorities in the apprehension
of indicted criminals.

The appeals court asked Moynahan to rule on the purpose
of the grand jury investigation in May. On the basis of a
secret affidavit filed by US. Attorney Eugene Siler.

Continued on page 8

"Di (fur-Q1)





broadcasting schools

Proprietary or profit-making schools
have a bad reputation, although it would
be hard to show that what they do is more
fraudulent or less worthwhile than what
goes on in the social work or political
science departments of many a tax-
supported, degreeAgranting institution
with ivy on the walls and Gothic on the
towers. But even if the cost-benefit ratios
of higher education in America resemble
those of the New York City Department of
Sanitation or the U.S. Air Force, the snooty
disdain for the mere idea of the proprie-
tary school endures.

This was one of the considerations which
induced William Gebhardt, the president
of Broadcast Centers of America in St.
Louis, to convert his operation over and up
into the more respected non-profit status.
Besides, the way he and his vice president,
Bunny McManus, run BCA, it had never
made a profit.

Privately owned schools of broadcasting
are best known for their scudzy TV
commercials of the guy saying, "I used to
be a grease monkey but after completing
my course at the RCA Television Careers
school — not affiliated with the other
better known RCA from which we copped
the name — I now wear a white shirt and
make big money as a record iock on
WHAP! !! 2000 on your dial here in Three
Rivers, Iowa.”

Gabhardt’s operation isn’t like that. He
says that simply appearing at the door
with tuition in hand won’t get you admitted
to BCA. A two-week trial period at the
school is required so that the student
doesn’t pay his money and then feel he was


cheated. Gebhardt and McManus have
another gimmick. They explain that they
will have nothing to do with Cl benefits or
other government-tuition;payment
programs to help defray the $1,200 they
charge per course. They offer poorer
students a chance to knock their costs
down by working at the school, but what
they don’t want is people lolling around the
place for no other reason than Uncle Sugar
is picking up the tab.

it you pick your students that way, you
will more than likely end up with a very
highly motivated student body, especially
if you’re a small school like BCA with only
100 students. The results from the


students' point of view can also be
satisfactory. BCA claims every one of its
graduates is placed in jobs in the
broadcasting industry, and, while l can’t
attest to this as a fact, at least one outside,
disinterested journalist who's looked into
the school says the claim is true.

”We market our students,” says
McManus by way of explaining this
somewhat more than impressive record
made at a time when we are reading
feature stories about Ph.D.‘s driving cabs.
The marketing begins by using a faculty
that consists solely of up-and-comers in the
broadcasting business. BCA offers abso-
lutely no academic-liberal arts courses to
its students, only a third of whom have had
as much as two years of some kind of
college. Instead, everything that is taught
and the teaching materials which the
school has developed are based as exactly
as possible on what the industry wants in

the way of competence from its employes.
Gebhardt makes quite a point of saying

that his little school can claim far better
results than its big, prestigious competi-
tor, the University of Missouri’s famous
School of Journalism. Since Mizzou’s Jay
school is eleven times larger and more
interested in getting its'people into the
high status, big league media, the
comparison doesn't mean too much. Jay
schools like Missouri’s aren’t allowed by
tradition or by the institutions they are
part of to be as nakedly a trade school as

Wherever the ivy grows, the notion of
turning out a product "wholely designed
and engineered to fit the customer’s

Nicholas Von Hoffman


demand is resisted or at least disguised.
Such schools can’t quite bring themselves
to say we’re in business to produce the
kind of people GM and EXXON want.

Yet in the end, don’t most of the products
that come off the lines at Harvard and
Missouri have to discard their humanism
and learn exactly what the students are
taught at BCA in the first place? Maybe
the softening humanistic studies that give
doubt to the mind and anger and anguish to
the heart are best postponed till later in
life or reserved for those wealthy enough
not to work. BCA is. cost effective.

Nicholas Von Hoffman is a columnist for
King Features Syndicate.

Uirsrarous'r lNDIRA GANDHI ens AWAY WlTH



JAiuNc ms oprosnoumpnue THE MEDIA,


UKshould be commended

for offering to sell


The University should be com-
mended for offering to sell its
Pralltown property to area resi-
dents who hope to rehabilitate their
dilapidated neighborhood.

UK Vice President for Minority
Affairs Dr. John T. Smith assured
Pralltown residents they should no
longer fear losing their neighbor—

hood to University expansion at a
Pralltown Neighborhood Associa-
tion meeting, Aug. 6.

Pralltown borders the west side
of the UK campus and presently
the University ownsapproximately
20 per cent of the area, which is
bounded by Scott Street and
Virginia Avenue.

The University purchased the
property approximately 15 years
ago when it was thought College of
Education facilities would be ex-
panded into Pralltown. Pralltown
was cast out of the UK develop-
ment plan approximately six years
ago and as a result the University
stopped purchasing property in
that area.

‘Now area residents and the



Urban County Council, through a
survey aimed at determining the
feasibility of Pralltown housing
rehabilitation, are trying to im-
prove the area. The University, as
it should, is cooperating by offering
its property “for possible sale to
Pralltown residents if and when
they are ready to negotiate such a
purchase," according to UK
President Otis A. Singletary.
This positive action demon-
strates that, at least in this
instance, the University is con-
cerned about the well—being of its
surrounding environment as it
should be. The need for such
concern is all too obvious when
considering the effect University
planning has upon practically
every phase of life in Lexington.
Hopefully, future community-
related UK actions will reflect this
same thoughtfulness. We especi-
ally hopethis concern will continue
when property included in UK's
development plan is in the picture,
as opposed to property, like that in
Pralltown, the University might
possibly want to get rid of.





Nancy Daly

Managing Editor
Susan Jones

Associate Editor
Jack Koeneman


~ crock

Sports Editor
Barry Forbis

Photo Editor
Chuck Combes

Assistant Managing Editors
Walter Hixson
Byron West

Production Staff
Linda Carroll
Mary Pat Schumer
Gail Cohee
Judy Demery

Carla Rodriguez

The Km‘wky l-erl'iel, HA Journahsm
r‘--ilding, L'mversiiy of .Kmtucky, Lexing
ton, Ke iucxy, 40506. is mailed five times
weekly during the year except during
holidays and exam periods, and twice
weekly during the summer session. Third
Class “bias: :3”: “ ' exinqton, Kentucky,
”511 Subscription rates are $12 per full
semester. Published by tho Kcrnel Press,
Incandfounded in l97l, the Kernel began as
the Cadet in 1894. The paper has been
published continuously as the Kentucky
Kernel since 1915.

reader buy and any false or mislead: rt
advertising should be reported and will be
invtstigated by thv editors, Advertising
found to be false or misleading will be
reported to the Better Business Bureau.
Letters and Spectrum articles should be
addremed to the Editorial Page Editor,
Room lld Journalism Building. They Sh'Juld
be typed, double spaced and simed. Classi
iication, phone number and adore: . shunt
be included. Letters cannot exceed 2'1; w». w'
and Spectrum articles should be no lay.
than 73) words. Editors reserve the right to

Arts Editor Advertising Manager Advertising Production “Vt-"5“"; "" i"""""‘"d 0"” m M” the Gd” '9"ch and Specmm ”mes
Dona Rains John Ellis Steve Ellyson





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By Russell Pelle


When the capitalist system was over
thrown in China and replaced by a planned
economy, India was singled out as a
Western showcase. Here the world was to
witness what free enterprise could accom-
plish in contrast to planned economy,
while preserving the ”values" of demo—
cracy. China soon proved — as Russia
already had —— the enormous advantages
of planning even if hampered by all kinds
of obstacles, such as the shackles of a
bureaucratic caste. So the procapitalist
propagandists had to trim up their
arguments accordingly. India, they said,
had at least stoutly maintained demo-
cracy. '

And now, Indira Gandhi’s regime has
ended all that with an antidemocratic
coup, which has ended democracy in India
for the foreseeable future. And even before
the coup, democracy was weak, and
existed mostly for the rich. But it had
meant fairly accurate information in the
press and the right to voice political
opposition (within a certain framework, at
least). When the press and the political
opposition began to investigate the corrup-
tion of the Gandhi regime and her
capitalist backers, democracy was sacri-
ficed to save the system. The fate of Indian
democracy offers fresh evidence of the
growing incompatibility of capitalism
and democracy on the worldwide scale.

The erosion of democracy is seen even in
the powerful United States. Think of the
witchhunts of McCarthyism, the unconsti»
tutional and antidemocratic powers
wielded by past presidents, spying on
private citizens and legal organizations by
the FBI, and the toppling of governments
from Iran to Chile to Guatemala by the

The socialist program as practiced by
Marx, Engels, Lenin and Trotsky, takes
democracy as its heritage, defends demo-
cracy unstintingly and proposes to expand
it into one of the main features of the
society of the future. The only restrictions
on democracy socialists find permissible
are those brought on by a civil war against
the working class government we advos
cafe. A similar situation took place in
America during the 18605. Proslavery
newspapers were closed down until after
the war, and pro-Confederacy speakers



were subiect to arrest. Such restrictions
are the results of the rules of civil war, and
socialists see them as temporary, excep-
tions to the normal operation of society. At
one time, the importance of democracy
was taken for granted by socialists. But
unfortunately, the antidemocratic regimes
modeled on the Stalinist pattern of rule ——
in Russia, China, Eastern Europe, Korea
and Vietnam — have struck terrible blows
against the concept of socialist demo-

These regimes have attacked demo-
cratic rights through both internal policy
and foreign policy. Huge numbers of
pro-socialists have been persecuted in
Russia, China and Vietnam for seeing
things differently than the regimes, for
exercising basic democratic freedoms.
China refused to grant political asylum to
victims of the bloody coup in Chile. And
Russia has stated its approval of the
Gandhi coup in India. Supporters of these
regimes sometimes try to peddle phony
arguments to the effect that the abolition
of democracy is an inevutable. even
desirable aspect of socialism.

There are some echoes of this position


w 3).'.‘\R§i '2?“ *3

even among radicals who don't support the
policies of China, Russia, etc. Many
militants demand restrictions on the free
SpeeCh 0r fights to peaceable assembly of
right-wing groups or individuals. But once
the precedent is established of the capital-
ist government denying the rights of
minorities, no matter how unpopular, then
the government finds it much easier to ban
leftist groups. American history shows us
that the Smith Act, which the US
government used to jail the leaders of the
Communist Party USA and the Socialist
Workers Party, was originally proposed as
a way to thwart right-wing groups.

The Ku Klux Klan is no friend of
democracy. But if the mayor of Paducah
can ban one of their rallies today, then
tomorrow Paducah will have little trouble
in banning a feminist rally, a picket line of
a striking union or a high school rights
march. These racists have no “right" to
undertake racist actions, such as bomb
ings or Iynchings, of course. These should
be fought by whatever means is necessary

setting up defense guards, demanding
police protection, or whatever. And radii
cals should take every opportunity to
expose the Klan and other rightwing



groups as racist, anti-labor terrorists. But
it is a grave error to make these criminals
look like either victims of repression —
when they would in fact love to dish it out,
or like supporters of democracy — when
they would in fact love to eliminate it
altogether. That‘s why the Young Socialist
Alliance opposes attempts to ban right-
wing rallies, meetings or speakers.
Instead we support the tactic of building
massive picket lines or counter-rallies,
together with labor unions, black or
Jewish organizations, women’s or gay
groups and other people or groups who
are potential targets of rightist violence.
Such picket lines or rallies serve to expose
the right for what it really is, and tend to
draw many individuals away from rightist

It’s high time we ask ourselves- Does
humanity have what it takes to determine
its own future democratically? ls demo,
cracy worth fighting for?


Russell Pelle is a member of Young
Socialist Alliance.





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Meatyard's life is traced
in photographers album

Kernel Staff Writer

(Editor‘s note: This is the
second part of a two-part series
about the Kentucky
photographer. Ralph Eugene

Visual surrealism surrounded
by words put together into verbal
picture compositions; that's what
it’s like to see and read Ralph
Eugene Meatyard.

James Baker Hall’s writing
accompanies each section of
photographs and Guy Daven-
port's reminiscence of Eugene
Meatyard, who died of cancer in
1972. ends the book.

E Review

There are three thematic
divisions: first - Meatyard's
perception of people; second -
Hall’s awareness of people in a
world around and inside him; and
last — both artists’ mature
comprehension of life. Davenport
then recalls incidents which
sketch Meatyard’s personality.



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Hall’s introduction pictures
Meatyard sitting in his optician’s
shop with all sorts ofobjects lying
around in apparent
disorganization. The following
photos show scenes. like a man
without a right hand clutching a
mannequin's hand in his left
hand, which echo a puzzling
sense of disorientation. Nothing
relates to anything else. Toward
the end of the section, rocks
squash the man without a hand,
and the pictures reflect a sense of

This sense is described in the
next text. Hall tells of a navy
photographer who, because of the
“...sense of moral urgency,” he
attached to his job, photographed
every bounds of the bomb that
came toward him and killed him.

In the photos, fluffy puffs float
up outof six hazyarms of a young
boy, as another boy climbs a fruit
tree laden with masks. The
pictures show a disturbing
dedication to annihilation and
create a preparation for the next

“What it ’5 like to be an artist in


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Kentucky" is the subject of the
next section. One photo in this
section shows a plastic-sack-
hooded Meatyard in front of
signs, such as Coke, “Sign of
Good Taste,“ and Eschelman,
“Red Rose Guaranteed Feed for
Poultry and All Livestock."

In the framework Hall creates,
this photo indicates this en-
vironment dictates
predominance of lousy artwork,
so an artist in Kentucky needs to
realize beauty in this. Meatyard

Hall suggests that Meatyard’s
subject material is “Gene’s
vending machine.“ Actually, this
was a bubblegum machine he
found in the shop building when
he took over Eye Glasses of

Then Hall shows and describes
his own desperation. In a sudden
change in photo sequence, pic-
tures begin to totally anticipate
text. Here, Hall searches for
himself among scattered in-
cidents recalled from his

Perhaps the most delicate
photo of all is found in this sec-
tion: a newspaper kite lies fallen
beside a mostly bare young boy
who’s twisted so his shoulder-

’ blades wing out and his whole

body curves in a lyric drop,

After this, Hall gives a fic-
titious narration of his escape
from early family life and his
entry into mature, seasoned
creation of art. Two pictures
stand out as presentations of
aspects of this escape theme.

One. a boy jumping from a one-
story stable roof, is perhaps a
pictorial terror inherent in one
form of escape to freedom.

The other picture shows a
teenager peeking out of mirrored
double doors in an old decaying
house. Perhaps a view outside,
then a reflection of self inside,
will form a better escape route
than the impetuous jump,

All this leads into the .iraI
sections. each monumental and

triumphant. Hall describes
{\lcatyard‘s friends. each
frightened and weak one is an

“...ex-swimming champion who
is afraid to go in the water nuw.”

Mea tyand cares very much .or
these scattered and abandoned
humans as he gathers them close
to him. His compassion for
others. rather than his search for
himself. contributes to his art.

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, _.0..

but: \L


(‘ountrymusicians perform in a typal Nashville scene.


l-'ilm gives dark picture of America.
but provides much musical entertainment

Kernel Staff Writer

Nashville is sensational. In a
mere two and one-half hours, it
follows the lives of 24 major
characters, develops a dark,
insightful vision of America, and
delivers a great deal of musical

Director Robert Altmar
(M.A.S.ll.. Brewster McCloud
(‘alifornia Split. etc.) masterfully
blends humor and drama tc
evdre a mood strikingly attuned
to the American scene.

The film events take place in
Nashville. the new American
dream factory. Of course,
country music (much of it
composed by the film performers
themselves) fills much of the
film. However, even if you find
country music repulsive, the
music scenes should engage and
interest you.

An advance man for a populist
presidential candidate arrives
in Nashville to organize a
political rally. In the course of
gathering country music acts for
the rally, the lives of the various
characters intertwine. Despite
the multiplicity ofparts, the story
remains easy to follow and each
character appears fully
dimensional. The acting per-
formances are extraordinary,
Lily ’l‘omlin‘s film debut and
Henry Gibson‘s talents being
most remarkable.

The film bursts with humor
from its outset. The acting
credits appear as a hilarious
takeoff on the television com-
mercials that hype collections, of
country music.

In a sardonic bit of humor,

Haven Hamilton (Henry Gibson),
a country star, croons a patriotic
ditty in which he unintentionally
concludes that after 200 years,
the country‘s only success is
survival. The humor continues to
flow well, after these opening
scenes 7___~

K _ =Review

As the film progresses,
however, its mood grows dark.
Nashville portrays a country in
which people have allowed their
illusions to warp them, to provide

a means by which they can be

In a very moving scene, an
aspiring, untalented singer
(Gwen\Welles) sadly acquiesces
to the humiliation of stripping
before a group of businessmen. In
return she is promised a sing-
ing opportunity that never
crystalizes. In one way or
another, illusions similarly affect
the lives of all the Nashville
personalities. In the climactic
a$a$ination at the political
rally, illusion’s power is tested
and it rema'ns.


Henry Gibson stars in Nashville.

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Robert Barton is named
associate athletic director

Robert (Bobby) Meade Barton has been
named associate athletic trainer at UK, athletic
director Cliff Hagan announced Thursday.

For Barton, it marks a return to his alma

' mater. The Charleston, W. Va., native served as

student basketball and football trainer at
Kentucky before earning a BA. degree in 1968.

“I'm really looking forward to the new job,"
Barton said yesterday. “It should be a pleasant
situation. I already know the people I'll be
working with."

While he was a basketball trainer at Marshall
University, Barton met UK head trainer Roy
Don Wilson. “There was a certain closeness
between the two schools, and through this we
came to know each other pretty well.“

Barton worked twoyears at Marshall where he
earned his MA. degree in 1970.

He joined former UK trainer Chris Patric as
basketball trainer and assistant football trainer
for two years at the University of Florida before
being named head trainer at Florida In-
ternational University in Miami. While at FIU,
he took a leave of absence and earned a Doctor of
Arts degree in adapted physical education at
Middle Tennessee State University this year.

Barton holds professional status as a certified
athletic trainer and a certified corrective
therapist. In addition tohis training duties at the
University, he will teach a physical education
class on athletic injuries.

Barton‘s main responsibility will be basket—
ball, but he will help with football and other
sports until niid-()ctober when fall basketball
practice begins.


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Norlhington sues LG&E for $5.2 million

UK running back Ken Nor-
thington has filed a $5.2 million
damage suit for injuries received
in a construction site accident on
May 25, the Associated Press
reported Thursday.

Northington suffered second-
and third‘degree burns —
primarily on his arms and face —
and was hospitalized for four
weeks when a ruptured gas line
caused an explosion.

The Louisville Gas and Electric

Fri _531. Company waslistedasdefendant ,. ~ '- ~ ‘ -
. in the Jefferson Circuit Court ”(‘5 Ken Northington. shown in action last
