xt7b2r3nzs2p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7b2r3nzs2p/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1971-01-18 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 18, 1971 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 18, 1971 1971 1971-01-18 2020 true xt7b2r3nzs2p section xt7b2r3nzs2p I" u . ' " ’ f
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If". "1 J. 7., fr.)
Monday, Jan. IS, 197] UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY, LEXINGTON Vol. LXI]. .\o. ox "3“»: 5 '55 I
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In SBA Run-Off ' ~
l t: ).~“ '-.1.;1.
' '.'.~’t
By DALE lVIA'I'I‘HEWS According to the by —laws of ‘ 1-3.3 , "'- f
Kernel Stat? Writer the SBA the president ”shall , ,1. , , 7-1;; .I A; '7 5‘

The Law School Student Bar appoint" the editor. Taylor how- ‘ ‘ $3.5? [1’ 81 x' if, ‘5'
Association elections ended Fri— CWT says that he ”will refuse” ,, b i M M ' f “I 5-.” it"{l' " 5751:.)
day in victory for Ernie Taylor, to appoint someone to the office. "fl' l'._ i "
the second-year law student cur— claiming that such a method I" T‘J ‘ €31 ,7
rently' involved in controversy results in a "popularity contest." .2 " . '- ,~'. 15.:
over the Kentucky Commenta- Taylor is in favor of a committee 1 i __ « "" J ,1 . j", 1;» f,» r ' . ‘ "T .3

'1 ~ . . ~. - '3. at" a,» 5“,... i 1 , f -v ,. 1., 1. 1.1-, .,,_~

. tor s right to publish. With someknowledge ofJournnal- - ,_ ' ’ I 4 .'~‘ 3» . : _

Taylor won the presidency of ism to select the editor. Accord— .1 . 1 « ,1" .,
the SBA by a vote of 163 to 141 ing to Taylor the committee a fig»; I. j, ,-‘ , M ,. 5'1 ‘,» 5
over Cary Edniondson in a nin- Would be composed of students :“gggée . if " .1... " ‘. l .t 5 _«
off election. and faculty members appointed '1 3s“ 7 i 1": ' "'- :

The president-elect also is the by the Law SChOOl Dean and ~ 4 If - "w . “ll: . “fir-‘7». ,
editor-in-chief of the ”Kentucky himself. 'A ' ' ' 'f 1"}: » 1' t "
Commentator," a social-legal ‘Apolitical' Campaign » _. _ r f 1,.
rnagizine. Publication Of the Although charges of conserva- :_ . i. -‘ '- “l" ‘
“Commentator" was halted be tive and liberal were rampant ‘ i i .__1 h 7

$2, “‘95? Of ah article ‘Written by during the campaign, Taylor ' “w 1 , 1-1} A '_
, political science professor Cciie sought to run as ”apolitical and '— — '7" '—---"‘ 7 M f ’“f ”MWWW 1041:; Vik ‘
Mason, which has been alleged as a student." If his campaign __ . e t » '1? ' ' “”7 cvs1,f’i_".-,'. a
h)’ SONIC in the Law School to is any indication, Taylor succed- » 1 l ; '1 1' ’ '
he libelous. ed in removing traditional pol- ' ,' .‘L’f'? ‘3' 1,
" Commenting on his dual role itics from the race and brought ’ 5 ’ 1.7,“,‘1.’ ._; "~.',-i'i‘f.
at the Law School, Taylor said, it down to what he would do ’ *- '3. ”If," sir
”I do not intend to use the office for the law school. 1 '73:. I ' 1 ~ 7 . 51.3)“ 1:17 -. -
of president to force publication The president-elect ran on a 7 - 72 1 5&1". 1
of the issue ofthe Commentator 12 point program which “nod 25:: : 91".]; ‘1
“'itll KI'JSUII‘S urtiClt‘. IfItS pub- SllCll lSSLICS ug dlhng‘ing Credit H vs» . -".,~."'“1“‘ I1 :7
ll‘SllHl II “'1“ l)C l)CC’dllSt‘ tllt‘ fut~ for (‘OUTSCS “(yt (yffefcd by the T ”Riffs. V' _ '1' ,' 1i) ‘1li‘,i}:,:"'c: .‘
~7”*”‘*‘““”*“***’ iiiiy. administrationanti students Cuiierc of Law and establishin r 1 . -
want it published or the matter a joiilft j.D,M_B,A, degree “if: A" ()I)()n I'll IIHIIUN _'.'_'-1. 1, 7 . ‘_:'
“A“ be resolved in court." “(th- “ThCW it” lid“ SChUQl If you were among those unlucky ones whohad to desperately needed was full. perhaps \-~. t...=. _ "‘15,",
' New Editor Selected problems. _“"h_‘h‘”ld problems, go through drop-add last week, standing in lines sympatliwc with someone s t lmernc'ss. .. ‘1 :1 ‘_ 7T
' ‘ Taylor also indicated that he Taylor 51W]- Ih‘ “0t 51“”‘5-5 l” and waiting, only to hear that the class you Km“ l" 'l 1’ ”" “ " if» ‘ . "1-":
will retain the office ofedjtor-in institute it “(hurt program h” M 1.1:“ if, .‘V 1. )1 1':
chief only until the controversial Kentucky. {1511.1 '5 ,1‘ ; 3 .1.
’ V 7 ' issue oftheCommentatorisprint- Shortcomings GrPIIt Te(l(']ler Al(7(lr(ls 4; 1... M 7
((1. At that tIIIlt‘ 'd ”(WV C(llttfl Enypha5izjng the Ilt’til for ————————_—___ r’ 7- A11}; "'1: .1
Will b6 St‘lcctt‘d- more courses, Taylor indicted the . 3 ' : s" '1 ,, 1-",
present political environment for Four UI< PI‘OfS to 1’6 R6(‘O(rl‘l 1Z€(l
We’ldell Berry the Law Schools shortcomings. r ' 11f ’ .3 ' ‘
”When you run a law school on 1 1 1 _ .» 7 1 1: I ; '1 ‘1. -
110110er By politics you'yc got “U money. The Unrversrty. Alumni As- Any studentpor group of stu- “1th 1‘“) Ph’h‘w’b "‘7‘“ “I" ,‘f of?)
no {9.1”},ch and a pm” (”m-L, socration Will again this year re dents, may nominate a professor C(mfimmlt) (Ahh‘i-{t‘ hhtt‘ui _ 19 "
A&S Faculty ”1“,” That's what “1.3L. got cognize outstanding teachers of (or professors). Nomination foniis THC Tt’s‘llllt'tltfi at 3hr hit” ,1, . r"
_ 1 _ .. 1 1 now because “‘5 (the law school) the University, both on the Iiex- may be obtained in Room 209. {“‘ml‘ “C” D’ ("1"”‘1 MW“- if,"
l’rot. it endell Merry has been run on state poiitices. ington campus and in the Com Student Center, from any rc— ("’ll‘i'ui ft “VB 1*: N. 5: 2: z s 9'43; 'I—firi- 771' 1:1 »
named the Distinguished l’rofess- munity’ College System. Those sidence hall corridor advisor or ‘Pt‘t‘th 1”“ hF‘W‘» \‘l’lu‘ill ,1 i" 5‘ T". :5;
or of the Year in the College Verbal Contracts honored will bepresentedaCreat at the Alumni House. Noinina~ C””““”“”.‘ (:“lh‘ii‘i firth“ .l l?" e
of Arts and Sciences, according ()ne oi the reasons for this Teacher Award certificate during tion fomis must be completed no I‘m“: P“"t““‘l"«“¥ (“’Y’H'W'717‘ :1”, ‘1' .- ,-V '1
to Dean Wimberly Royster. seems to be the propensity of commencement exercises and a later than March 1 and should Q’ht‘gt‘: JUhH B ‘1’“ ants "\slv' ‘i .i"
The English professorwas the administration and the SBA $500 cash award at the annual be returned to Doug Overholts, 1““‘1 CU‘WHUIHU (if'llrilv. 13; fl}; gig,
selected for the honor h)’ the to make verbal rather than w rit— UK Alumni Banquet. 101 Alumni Cy'm. l"h“ W CNN!“ 11 ~ (“his wt ‘7’ 1-1," 1;
s college's faculty. AS part Of ten contracts. "Lawyers like Mortar Board, SCHiOIWUlHeH‘S 1 ““11““? Uh‘tt'mt‘ “lit “UH“ "ll-id.
the award, he will be given a things written but the SBA and honorary, and Omicron Delta Any lHOtt-‘SSOF Whh'h 'd ‘t“' t‘UlULC). Dr “her? \ I‘M). (,1er .117; .1. 1" i"
one-semester leave, With h!” 331' the law school have been doing Kappa, senior nien‘s honorary, dent, or groupof students, feels ltgc of Education. \l‘ts’ Lil «in» .' -1- t “1/1.-
ary,to pursue his writing. everything \erbally.” Taylor are aiding the Alumni Associa— is worthy of Great Teacher cation ‘ , 1. fl

A poet and novelist, Berry's said. ”The land of the written tion in their effort to obtain no- aw'ards may he ilUllillldtUl. Four For further Liluilinttn i' _. -. :1,"
works include two ro‘é‘ls contract is void.” minations from the stident body professors from the Lexington tact Urdic Dans oi ili'.’ fun-n: . 1. :13;
“Nathan Golfer”. "Findings." Continued on page 3. Col. 1 for Great Teacher Awards. campus will be honored, along Asstmiflnu. at Show}? -‘ f 1 1:


Ab ' D'l A P -

0 RBI-"‘3 "R"

0 rtwn l emma. ersonal Expo rlence

. ' .‘ s i' , _ .7

This is the first of a five-part ByJANIC DICLANO BROWN abortion. (Jollld l Picsw‘ ht‘lii Shi- s;ud that was the List thing nullitliuht u a law limi'ital m ':1- '_ drift
series which examines the issues Assistant Managing Editor her? in the world that should ttilllt' Baltimoretiutting school forone ' . -
conceming abortion. The names ‘ ".\t that time I knew little out nftln- \vliolc liicss. Week, Judy had a ‘l)c\'(i.' ‘l)l- 3,2}: 5' t .
of people directly involved in “I“ tht‘ WWW” ”f 1969 my about abortion. only that one My kept calling and \\lll\- ldtatlou ‘Hul ( IH’t‘tt-Iut‘ \ln “'3‘;
specific situations have been 515“" came t” "W and said ~‘ht‘ didn‘t talk about it out loud or [wring “ml (lllcsiitililllu around stayed in tln hospit ll ?\\<' .lax s €31 .’ . :1" ,3 -'
changcd. “"1“ pregnant. 5h“ “7"”“1 5‘" es en with one's closest friends. It “at gum.“ PW“) [no \\(~ It cost her 19-year-old college {if}
o 1 also thought that the only \\".I) “pm” gym“): anywhere m 0“, student boyfriend 8750. .- .1 , '1 if

Abortlon MethOdS anyone could have an abortion “and. forarcpiitiiblc.ibortioiiist I wondered about all oftlus 1" -_ g, .'.'- J

There are four commonly used methods to induce abortions. “a“ i”. a (l;irk,’dirty him“ Ml”; I “m h'hll'm ”m ”"m' “hm” ”m" “Ml" mm“ '“ "‘ ‘l"”” “l _ss
They are: “it“. With it (lift) '0" . "I‘d“ i“ ' the abortion underworld. lhc t is | discoscrcd that thrcc girls ‘1 1_ 1-.11

1. Dilatation and Curettage called D.&C. It is used in early iniiiistcring the-thing. .l had no ,dmmnnmc were ”u.“- but (In-)1 on my floor nccdul abortions _ , ‘1

1 1 ‘ ., 1 ., 1 ‘ H .1 ideas what the thing Itself en- \icrccyiisiycand .'ipcrsoniiec(li~(l l hclpctl find llit'lii illegal .iboi~ 1.. 7 1 1
pregnancy, usually m.) lat.” than the hr“. 12 weeks. Tht (“kn tailed.” good contacts and lots of c;lsli tionists in louissillc .llltl liltl ‘ . L
IS dilated and the interior of the utenis is scraped clean. _ . l l 1 | 1, ti 1 1 .1 1 1 . 1 1

2. Uterine Aspiration. Used in early pregnancy also. A small lhc speaker “,1””1”_Imm\\ul_ lt \\.is iust liken l).t( ( ctcctiyc I.iii.ipo is so . (i't ois .itn .u 1 .1 1 . i
tube is inserted through the cervixintotheuterus, which is emptied 1,”. 1]”. cm” “f Indy 1, “my. WM» Mu'l‘t th" tl'm' “" “N“ ""ml “"‘” "n” 1“" "1 ll” :
by suction like a gentle vacuum cleaner. (lmt ”f \l.uyl.ind and'a mum” H“ ”H“ “WM: “(1" (‘nnfinupd on page 81 (0|. 1 - - » . 3

3. Saline Injection. Usul after 16 weeks of pregnancy. A needle .u l k gm, '“M describing how I lll.tll\. | not 1mm “MIMI _ _‘ ‘ 1 _. 1, f
is inserted into the utenis, a small amount of‘amniotic fluid is \lw lmdlm, ”1,”le “I”, ”w “M ”Hui ”I” Wimp \lm” ”unnun’vflunu . 1 7 z 1
withdrawn, and replaced by a salt solution. Shortly thereafter. (“mphwmfl (,1 H... ,llymnm. tin-(l Ind \usnt him: and . ,1 1 ,.
the4fetgls 1: "spzmtanfillllshi(ll'wllmtrgvd' 1 l m l h 1 \\l I (lllt'ilillm thioiigh pcisoiml t \ iri\ \l\lt i rlnln‘t it ll liltl, 'mtil \‘ {'iIIhI‘I' h. :I".

. s eroomv. set in a e )rcvia icy ; ( icascs 'lt‘ c . 1 1 . 1 » 1 .
medicalyindiciitio'ns make other pfouktlures unsafe. This is major [WW-“H. VlMl'll \lw“ ‘m ”with!“ ll “ M, 1'” M" H , 1 . .. 1 . pl ‘p'n‘i‘il‘t h”, l cungton and j 1 1.1 . .
surgery performed only in a hospital undcr general anesthesia, “unwell” .1 ‘ ""' ‘ ‘ “' ""' "‘ 1‘" \icimh \ .uiabictlouihucss .uid - 1 1
1 » _ 1 . .. » . . . 0' both panicked. l math illitf‘i lit \,illl tlwl lmh AWN cold toda\ tliioii 'h lucstlayssitli ~
The physician remoycs the foetus by mtans of an abdominal in- , 1 ll 1 11 1 1 . l 1 n. H . I 1 ., _ k _ 1 1. , .
1.51.0”. lllllllt'lilll\ l" nun (it s tot Militia .\ gt H". u L,4:I' '! :v.i,\ ..|l’l i- \ltallt 1- ”t “H,“ nll'lu.‘ ”lull - 1
l (A new method now being tested may be ayailable soon. This “l"‘l' "”“l “"'l"““" "t ”W ‘l‘ t‘"“‘ l‘” "it: l““l‘h l“ “‘ todin and tomomm m the In“ y _, 1.
uses a natural body chemical called I’rostaglandm which .nts on ““"””""' “ l“ "' “" “V” \l“ “' "l l" "‘ thi‘" twenties; lo“ tonight, R. l‘recil) , t .
the muscles of the utcnis to bring on a miscarriage. I’rostaglandin “Hiking lMtl gin-n us in In: 5h I ti ”Ht MHl-Wlthm l“‘ itatioii probabilities, l0 percent 3
seems to Work equally well in both early and late pregnancy, and d‘ all 1 \ h'JtH‘t‘ t“ ‘2“ ‘hi “""hl l" today. 10 percent tonight, and lo .- , 1 l
to be safe as we” as easy. But My far, it has been tried on only a lutly \\.isiit going to tell mciit.illy iiiiiucd ll slu' li.i(l the percent tomorrow.
few women) our parents, no matter “hat. clilltl. \lic \\-l\ L'JH‘II .m .Ip onooo------,o~,----- :

t .

 2 THE KENTUCKY KERNEL, Monday. ran. 18. 197l ____________________________— 5
‘ , ‘ WASHINGTON (Al’)— The House on Tuesday will open up senior members. Udall, 48, a Sen. Edward M. Kennedy of bustered. But hvvigll 11161181339: 3- l
Bind Congress, featuring some the key post of majority leader, brother of former Secretary of Massacusetts also could be op- still fresh of .t t ' €114“; -‘ l'gt . ,
‘ new faces but man) ofthe mine which five Democrats are fight— the Interior Stewart Udall, has posed in the Democratic caucus gling wrth .five- filibustecis as ,
' ‘ old problems, convenes Thurs~ ingtotill. served in the House 10 years in a bid for reelection as whip. month as It tiled t0 4‘ ‘Journ, 1 c
, day for what promises to be a Months of intense campaign- and has built up a following Sen. Robert C. Byrd of West sponsors of the proposal are a
strife-ridden session spiced by ing 1-? believed to have narrowed among the newer members. Virginia is thinking of running hopeful of success. 3 v
presrdentialpolitics. the field to Reps. Hale Boggs Baker to Run? against hirn. Leftovers E i
i , ‘72 Election Prep 0f Louisiana and Mon“ K' Udall In the Senate Republican When Congress formally Once the legislation starts .1
. ' ' . With ll”) Democratsin control of Arizona, both Of whom pre Leader Hugh Scott of Pennsyl- opens on Thursday it will be on moving to the floor in the House é ..
- ~ , ' and hoping m unseat Wilda“ dlCtBVlftotrz' th th , d‘ Vania faces a possible challenge a familiar note in the Senate: a and Senate, the sounds will also a .
' ‘ : I‘mm‘ the new Congress .15 ex- u e 0 er‘ ree 9a" I- from Howard H. Baker Jr. of fight to change the rules to make be familiar. Such leftovers from E S
' ' l pected to be a skirmishmg dates, Reps. James C. 0- Hara T Scott's failure to it a bit easier to but off a fili- the glst Congress as funds for t .
' , ‘ ; ground in preparation for the Of Michigan, BF. SiSk Ol Cali- ennessee. . . .‘ 1 . , ‘ . , t P ._ l
. . ' 19—9 l ‘ti lb‘ttl' fornia and Wa ne L Ha s of support the Nixon administra- buster. the supersonic transpor , res: i
. .l , I511: Erie soimetinternal strug. Ohio refuse to cbncede anyflhing tion on some key votes last year The proposal to permit debate dent Nixon s welfare reform bill, ii
I ‘ gles to be settled first, however, and a series of ballots will prob- has antagonized some COP reg- t0 .be. cut off by a three-fifths a Social Security inclrleaZtlrl argd g i)
startin with a hard-fought con- ably be needed before anyone ulars, bl“ Baker has "Qt yet de— maJOth instead Of a two-thirds trade legislation WI _ e '
L ‘ ' :- ' test ingthe House for Democratic gathers a majority. cided whether to challenge him. majority Will probably be fili‘ warmed up and served again. i
. . * -- leader, and possible leadership Boggs, a 30-year veteran in . c
‘ ' _ contests in both parties in the the House, is now the Democrat- C d d _
. . . 5...... “I... m mar mains M cGovern Announces an E acy . A
' -. , The uncontested nomination among the Southerners, the . . a
. ' ‘ , ”f Carl Albert as ”Peak” ofthe committee chairmen and the WASHINGTON (AP) - Sen. constituents, from Sioux Falls. with a speech Thursday night in c
‘ "1 George S. McCovem of South Monday afternoon. Shippensburg, Pa.. announcing t
. f Dakota, challengingtheoddsand In addition. he is sending a that he intends to enter the ma- .
I ' I l the polls, announces fomially letter which couples announce- jor presidential primaries. His
., . . Monday his candidacy for the ment of candidacy and an speech at Shippensburg State
. ‘ , , Dryclean'ng SPeC'aI 1972 Democratic presidential appeal for political and financial Teachers College amounted to
. ‘ , , , . nomination. support to more than 275,(X)O an advance announcement of his
-' . . i ' 7 I ONE His fomialannouncement will Democrats across the nation. candidacy.
, . ' .- '- TAYLOR S CLEANERS be in the form of a letter to It is all part of a head start Muskie, whohasnotannounc-
' ' " I. 4. HOUR more than 3,000 newspaper edi- eflort to overcome the lead Mc- ed the candidacy he already has
3 , f r- -— —- — —— — — —- —— — —. tors, declaring acandidacywhich Govcm concedes Sen. Edmmdd begun, was due back Sunday
. has been obvious for more than S. Muskie of Maine now hol 5 night from a two-week trop to
' , - , f . ' .. I YOU MUST HAVE THIS COUPON! I ayear. over the well-populated field of West Cennany, the Soviet Union
, f .. ‘ '- I, TROUSERS Mcioven; plans to fallovgthat prospects for the Democratic anthhé Middle1 East.k led ed
'- ' T '. . ' . I I up wit a 5-minute roa cast nomination. c ovem as ac now g
‘ . , I " 'I - - address to his South Dakota McCovem upstaged himself that Muskie is the current fron-
. ‘ f ‘ _' SKIRTS (plain) SUITS tmnner, but insists that the race
T , '. -, f ~ I SWEATERS DRESSES (plain) l is wide Open. and that he can
' ‘ V ‘ ' . overtake the Maine senator. .
' ' ' . I It will be a formidable task;
. - 1“ 49C eac" 99‘ eaCh I GAS FOR LESSI one recent public opinion poll
‘ - , . -' l I . rated McCovem as the presiden-
.‘ - .. p : Offer Expires 1cm. 21_2 Day Service 94 Octane Regular 31.9c per gallon tial choice oftwo percent of rank
' j . , ‘ , i_ J 100+ Octane Ethyl 34.9c per gallon andTllille IliDemofcria‘ts. l '
. : ' . ‘ ,, . . . ,, e rst o t e primaries wil
‘ ._ . I. . - LOCATIONS Quality Unconditionally Guaranteed be in New Hampshire, in Mus-
,. , _, ., EUClld. at Woodland Joyland Plaza FARMER LlNCOLN-MERCU RY lééfertlerglzorgossibcmsyvegfi 1:13:21:
, . Imperial Plaza Westside Plaza EAST MAIN AT WOODLAND lengelto Muskie there, although
~ . , . Card-Hal Valley CHECKS CASHED WITH |.D. CARD AT MAIN OFFICE h“t 5.“ he “um“ “PC“ ‘0
, , . _ , wmifhe entered.
. - . . 3' ~ - , ~ ) ~ / a .1 2
~ , p [I u( 011/ [Cf/ll (.3 1 [1[ C) 1?(’fl/( l/ZC
AFB/€171 [BY 1 DE 401.] my
- W 0.“. ' a
.. 9'. . ‘ SUPPLEMENT bOES TO PRESS EARLY 0917.197.
I" 7'
‘ . , " ‘ ~ /
u‘ » . . * CALL JOHN MITCHELL ”1 '
-' ' . ,v . I } r/
._ w. __ PHOTOGRAPH IC SERVICES ,-;.x.:..:.
. , ’ .1311:12*Ii;:j:5;i.i.2555???.;:'::.::2: _ :zv , .;:
§ \
. ( ‘

 ._.______________—___________ THE KENTUCKY KERVEL wmmuy. [:m. Is. 107! —~ : - . it
V .l k U . M ..
Councr A ttac s pcommg arljuana Report x
WASHIXCTUX «AM — The even adults are smoking it.” he of the report amounted to a na- mission thatistostudymarijuana matron ofiactual information Uh I
ies ., head of a nongoverwmcnt (Inlg- said in an interview. tional policy statement on mari- and other dnigs. marijuana from as many sources ,' I - . , 3
g— ‘ abuse concil said Sunday apend- Price, an ordained United juana by the bureau. A spokesman for the bureau as possible. . .- — r. ~ , ‘ .
-st . ing report from the federal nar- Methtxlist minister, said the He said such a report would denied the bureau is preparing Before the report isissued,the ,, , .I 3' .
n, 'I cotics bureau will erroneously council has no DOSitiUH 0“ be premature in the advance of a policy statement, and said the spokesman said, it willundergo '. I I . I I
re attribute to marijuana a wide whether persons should smoke the findingsofapresidentialcom- forthcoming report will beasum— study and recommendationsfrom 3 .- , 3 ‘ ' -
i variety of social ills and link marijuana, but said some of the agencies ranging from; \the _ II
t its use to dissenters. 99 organizations forming the D B El 1 Defense Department to t ea at- , 3 I . _ '
s if The report implies smoking (-‘OU‘WUOPP(’5c ll- r0 OStrom CCICI tonal Institute Of Mental Health. '2 I’. _‘ «‘3
se i marijuana is the cause of crimi- ' Selective Report . 3 .
o l nal behavxor, alienation, bad He said he has obtained a Ch ' f S(\ I THE KENTUCKY [\ERNEL I .. I.
m {5“ mac] grades! delinquency, and copy of the draft report being alrman 0 J ISThe Klein‘tucky Kernel, UlllV'¢.'r‘-lt.y ,:' _’-I I". r"I
'3 ' ' , , _ 3 . .‘tzitmn. 'mur s1 3; of K an ' '. .vx . ‘ . ," ' '
OI! g fily 0' slgeIady datlf‘dg' saidf Dhr. prepared by the Bureau of l\ar- Dr. ltobert \. Bostrom. and scholars in the Lb. It has ingtun, Kt‘ntutrk)‘ 40506 ( $193321; tlns- ',I .' -I‘ 3 ':
" *3 omas rice, presi ent o t .6 00““ and Dangerous drugs, an chairman of the Department of amembershi ofmorethanl0,000. 24:31:.“ ff”? “,‘,33‘f";‘:3f“,','“ K"“‘””‘5‘, 7' " I. ;" ' ,.
l National Coordinatin Councrl - p . 3 d “ ‘” k- “um“: ”“ ' .4- -
1’ i D Ab Ed 8 - d 3"" 0f the Just'ce'DCPart"‘e"t- Speech in the UK School of At the same meeting Dr-J'W 33:11:33‘?:::3“;‘,:3:i:i‘3:333:":3;r“:‘3;,':;::.: .- a .
d t lmf WEI [Ilse ucation an It is a political report in its Communications, was elected Patterson, UK associate professor Wsmn' ' H ‘ U A t ' w“? t
e L n ormation, nc. present form that is a thinly chairman of the Division of of speech read a paper entitled 1.53:3},‘jh"? béx”; {I‘ng'f‘lc‘j‘BS‘ud‘m -.‘._'. ;. .g , .13 jw?
' . u , . I‘ 3 I 3 .1 1013s, (is. 3 l 1 0x 4986 . , . 1-,~ . .I _
- f Pnce DlsaquIS . veiled attack on dissenters, hip- Interpersonal and Small Group H lhe Trial of hlizabeth (Jllrley IfglI-uLIiInIdus ItIhc CmIieiI ‘nthl‘wi‘t nnIdI , '..3 '. f3 .3 w
Price, Whose orgnaation 11" pics, protestors and demonstra- Interactlon at a recent nleetIIIg [“lynn: {\ (Jase Stu(ly in the grilcffslgII-‘IUH, union; 3 AS ( erm _.I I." .‘I IIII III .II_.I. I
eludes groups ‘35 diverse as the tors," Price declared. of the Speech Communication Freedom of Speech." ,,_,‘:‘,fi,‘;'rff,“’,‘,filpp‘jgltf‘2f3dé‘f’é3;I‘SA’Q; 5, , ; I '. .»
i American , Medical, Assoctation While the tone 0f the draft Association of America in New Dr. Ciflord W. Blyton, UK guise or InglendiqnfiIméIIL-Imsmg should II: ~ I I:' 3
. and the lIVational Student Asso- ‘5 reasonable, it cites very 5610““ Orleans. professor of speech, represented ‘ rephrrmschip'rlorq [Rigs 13“}; ’ f l ,- 1' ‘I‘- ~
n ClBtIon.d15881’eeSII . ed evidence, he added. Dr. Bostrom is a member of UK in the selection of debate II‘xI'z-aIrls'.I ny muélII: $9.45 - ‘ I“:It' '
g I think marijuana 15 some- Earlier, Price released a let- the executive committee of the topics which will be used by 2.511);lergglLflifi:th:;::(J 'I g I' . '
, thing kids are “51“? because u S ter to John Ingersoll. bureau di- SCA, the principal academic high school and college debaters l'Iltiitor, Nluiuifllhil r-tmm 21:47-73 ,‘ .__'~ I 3
8 fun and that straight kids and rector, claiming that the draft association of speech teachers across the country next )ear. ““I,ij\';ff;_‘lldl‘vi'fi;Itf-I‘jj‘L-DIII,II 2:374:43 'I 3 '- ,
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 .5 .
, Faculty Drops Shyness in Attack on Administration __
—-—.————.——————————.——————-—————— . S
‘ F 1 red Professor Views an Inadequate Education ystem
- lllH'I'UR'S \U'l‘l‘l; The lollouing is an address dcliH-ch by English Assistant Dr. in tho Illytll ()f the ldt‘OlUglCtll purity of illt‘ Ll]ti\t'l'sli)’, ()I' of its pl‘O— Contint
' l'aliiik \\'hitc .n the Studcnl (-U\t‘llllltt'lll Forum on Hiring and Firing held No» {058018 and tllt.‘il‘ methods? WhiCl]
. mm,“ 9' 1970. I have said that administrators have a right and a duty to see that official
- i t 1““ Vt"? h‘tPI’Y t” h“ ht‘r“ tt’l'ttiht t" I’itrttt‘ilmt“ ht th" th'St annual students are prepared for professional training. \Vhat is this but an ac- Fowles
i t'K it‘lt‘hh‘ or l’htt‘h Forum, or AUKPOP “5 it ”'1‘," h" known in th“ knowledgement by administrators, themselves professional men, that world ‘
" future. Participants in the next forum will be selected and announced the function of a university is to use its knowledge to train professional age,” h
in the tall by the administration, which is also responsible for this year’s men and women. Is this knowledge for its own sake? But 1 do not quar- But
. l’tt’tfl‘hh- rel with the use of knowledge, which must serve special human interests. possess
. . . I am here tonight because I was tired. I was fired because I have done The question is which humans and what interests? One interest, cer- who dc
- I. -. 7 nothing to enhance the national visibility of our graduate school. I did tainly, which is not being served here is the undergraduates human about l
- . not publish and thus I have perished. “hat does this mean to students? interests. And with that we return to the publish or perish controversy. worse—
' A number of things: Administrators will tell you it is a routine business The distinction between scholarship and community service, a dis- ists are
' . ' “htttt‘r‘ that this is th“ “’1‘." it has always been done, and that they are tinction preserved by our administration, is also a distinction between profess¢
~. pleased you are so concerned but that it is really none of your business scholarship and life, mind and body, man and his community, faculty can be
I i V ,- and it .“h' “t” hStt’“ quietly tht‘." Wt” explain how they are equally and student. As Theodore Rosazk points out, there is “little else that tion b1
.' concerned to insure that students get the best instruction that can be knowledge (and hence scholarship) means now besides an accumula- Si’nce
- . ‘- provided; therefore, they need to know if the faculty earns its salary. tion of verifiable propositions, and I may add, propositions which do they re
i." To know this they must judge both ability in the classroom and schol- not necessarily have any relation to undergraduate life. This distinc- ports 6
. ‘ I ‘: . :—_———-—-—.———-———————-— tion is important to academia, for on it all the rest hangs since the kind establis.
. . ‘Dlsmlerested pursult 0f knowledge once of professor we seek is the scholar-teacher, the Ideal Pure Researcher nize tht
. i ' . , ' . . ' who, as Nevitt Sanford describes him, works on the “frontiers of knowl— _
_, ' "10(1)" knowledge ,Of find about hie, 110“) It edge with advanced graduate students and post doctoral fellows," who w
‘ . i "190118 - - - publication. is more “specialist than intellectual, more researcher than. teacher. more The
- . ' " ‘—_'————————-—-———-—-———— a teacher of graduate students than of undergraduates." And when this go to
" . I } . arly potential. This in turn means they want to know what the faculty pure scholar-teacher enters the classroom he carries with him the atti-
_, . ' ‘. , teat-hm and him it is taught. tudes and life style of his kind; in his classes no pins drop, no one is late, educ
' ' In other words. they want to make sure students get the kind of in- no one coughs—above all no one asks questions or has personal difficul- ——
i .7 V» - . tellectual training that will prepare them for future professional roles; ties understanding the material. That which is obliterated is the human gradual
-' ~ . thev are worried that a student may graduate from UK and not be element. fessors
, - ," able to enter graduate school. This in brief is the meaning of what The ideal situation for this scholar-teacher is the correspondence English
f it , they are telling you now. course; he writes his lectures and reads them to students; they in turn maladie
,, 1' fl They have always had the right and the duty to make these decisions copy these lectures and write them back to him at the examination. taSt g0]
' and I do not quarrel with their right or their duty. But everything has i The scholar-teacher is, as he says, interested in the student’s mind, that ments 2
' i' ' ”1011" illttll ()1](’ meaning and l \\’()lll(l likt‘ t0 suggest \'(‘I'y quickly some is, with the student’s absorption of these verifiable propositions. \Vhether at (.JOI'I'
' x ' other meanings which may be attached to the publish or perish policy he is in or out of class, however, he is “publishing,” that is, preparing ftlth’Ct
_ " ' V ~ of the administration. his students for graduate school but not for life. Life, he says, is too Its hum
()ne meaning this policy has is that my being here tonight before chaotic, complex, close, living, and real. human
, . . ' an educated. intelligent audience composed of students, fellow faculty The scholar-teacher intentionally and necessarily fragments the stu- EhghSh
.' I ' ‘ members and administrators, discussing a matter of supreme importance dent in order to excite him intellectually. The trouble is that this frag- researcl
‘ . g ,. ' __ to all of us. a matter currently the focus of national attention, will not mentation will often have the opposite effect. It will often bore rather factions
l . I .1 figure into my merit evaluation next spring. Now administrators may ——-———-——————————————_____ the “{St
' -> " Q reply that it does matter, and that it would go under the heading of “That zvhich is obliterated is the human hStath]
F i . f community service. Yet as every faculty member of this University knows, I t 99 If we at"
i . V ‘ ’ one does not get raises, promotion or tenure for community service. 8 emen ' staff'vylh
-, But I am not interested at the moment in raises, promotion, and ten- _—_——_—.——_—_——__——, moms e
' 5 nre; what I am interested in is the distinction between community service Xian 1: xeltebthf Stlldint who sails] I do? t see hosv all thls aifectslme. thetic a
- ‘4 ' and scholarly contributions, for if scholarship isn’t community service, ‘pat y’ re 6 1011, : iatigg,han my) C ass ‘1:th“ agceharle typlca ,’ 1:,8‘ vate d9
‘ i. h. if it doesnt make a