xt7b2r3nzr0z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7b2r3nzr0z/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1941 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, April 1941 Vol.12 No.6 text The Kentucky Press, April 1941 Vol.12 No.6 1941 1941 2019 true xt7b2r3nzr0z section xt7b2r3nzr0z .,. w A
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1 ’Qt Published In the Interest 01c Community '1‘ '
’ Journal's"! - - OF, by, and For “$1“
3 VO'ume Twelve N umber 5.x if

 111%.;‘11171'1 ‘ ‘ =._ _‘
1112111‘1.1.-.11 . g
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1 111111
11'1 ;
1‘1 ” Pa T THE KENTUCKY PRESS April, 1941 .
. 11.1: r g" 1
1 113111 ,
'. 1'111' ' '1 . be pasted on a sheet of paper with the 1 a
11' Annual Newspaper Prlze notation of name 10f newspaper, date of 1
11111 1 > msuef- aiiccl1 “diners- 1namlel. 1No “cargied” 1 a
1‘ .1 “11?. 1’1» or e um etitoria s Wl )e consi ered ’
111' 9 Contest Rules Announced 1.. 1“ . 3
' 1.1111 1 1 Gre/mn Menmrm/ Plaque 1 1
1': 1.11 11; 11 Call is hereby issued for the 1941 prize shall be brought to the meeting, all otli— The winner [01- the best editorial will 1 (3
1311111111 contests of the Kentucky Press Assoc- ers must be forwarded immediately. again have the name of his llewspaper 1
' ‘ 1 '1 iation. Every EditOI‘ 0f the State, wheth- Contest 36155110” Rules . engraved on the beautiful Enoch Grehan 1.
. 4111111 1' '1 er a member of the K. P. A. or not, is Each contestant may select any issue Memorial Plaque which was established 1 1.
1 1111.113' 1 eligible to enter the contest. of his paper, or may clip any 513%th by Mrs. Enoch Grehan and the members . 1.
. 1 111‘ 1 ‘1 Please read the rules governing each entry, between the dates of May 1, 1940 of the Department of journalism in 1 c
’ 11 '1'1‘1111 1‘ contest and follow them to the letter, and .May 1, .1941 T1115 change from 1‘6- memory of Mr. Grehan. The first name 11
=1 11.1.1 1 Any violation of the rules will result in qllll‘lng SPCCIfiC ISSUES Of newspapers “’35 to be engraved on the memorial was ‘ a
. 1'1 11' 1 1 the entries being discarded. Send in as made at the request 0f many Of 0111‘ that of The Pineville Sun. Herndon 1]. 7
. 111111 1 1 1 many entries as you please, but observe 11161111131811 h 11,135 21150 been §l{gg§§t§d Evans, editor. Second wniner was The 1 1
11 '1111 the deadline. The rule that no news— that CICCUOh 01‘ _5P€C131 thUOh 15‘ Shelby News, \Vade McCoy, editor. . 1
11 111 paper is eligible to enter any contest in 5116 ShOlIlfl DOt be Ill-Chldfid 111 the All- Last years Winner was the Lyon County 3
11 '11 which it has won first place during the Around Contest l€htT1€S- Herald, Gracean M. Pedley, editor. 'C
'1 111 1‘ "1 1 preceding two years will be strictly en- Beautiful TTOIJh’C’S Procured Space is reserved on the plaque for sub- 1
11' 111; forced and your cooperation is requested Beautiful silver 131‘1265 W111 be Oflel‘fld sequent winners and your papers’ name '
11111.1" ': 1 when you send in your entries. 111 this year's contest. They are made will look proper thereon. 1 “'1
1 1111.111; " ‘1 Attention is particularly called to the 1305511)]? through the COUNCS)’ 9f the Best News Story Contest 1 1'
1 1 1113' 1 requirement that entries in the editorial, LouisVille Courier-journal, Lexmgton At the request of. a number of editor 1 [1
I 1 1:1 1 1 news, and advertising contests must each Herald-Leader, The Kentucky P055 C0“ this contest is continued for competition "

, 1 11.11 be pasted on separate slips of paper, or ington, and President Russell Dyche. this year on the best community news . P
' 1 1 11:1 . cardboard, elsewise the entries will not rill-1410117761 (30771851 story. The factors to be considered are 9'
1 1.11 1‘. be considered. The exhibit this year For-guidance of the competitors the content, sentence and paragraph struc- 1t

11 1'1 1 promises to be one of the largest and followmg W111 “”15“th th‘? percentages Lure, thought, unity, coherence, vocab- e(
1 1 "1 1 best since the contest began. by Wthh the heWSPEPETS Wlh be scored: ulary, the lead and community serwce c1

1 1111' 1 Open to Every Newspaper Generalyappearance, 30 per cent; local value. Each story is to be pasted on a 1 m

1? 1 1111‘1'1 1 Each and every contest is open to the 11€WS, V20 Per cent; county correspond- sheet of paper With the notation of the at

‘ ‘j?11'11’" every weekly or semi-weekly in the state. CHCC. 9 percent; P61301131 11.61115,- 1_0 PGI‘ name‘of newspaper, date of issue, name b1

1 I": 11 1 The news story contest is open to coun- cent; farm news or news pertaining to of editor, and name of the writer of the

'1 1.11111 1 , try dailies. Every editor is urged to send 1110 Chief lhdUSU‘): 0f [hf SECUOH where story. Open to weekly, semi-weekly, and

' 1111' 11.11 in his entries for each contest and every the paper is published, :) per cent} g€n~ country dailies in the state. Only crime 1

1' 11 1 entry will be judged on its merits. Let eral news, 5 per cent; and editorial, 20 stories will be barred from this contest. ,
'1 111 1.11 us make this 1941 contest the biggest 1>€1"C€11t- Factors t10 be COHSidél‘Cd 111 Best Editorial Page Contest
‘1 1 1" 11'1. contest of them all! No newspaper shall scoring of general appearance Include This contest, again sponsored by The
11111-1 1 be eligible for more than one of the make-tip of front page and composition, (Shelby News through the Ben Cozme
1’ 1 .111 above first prizes. headline. SCh€thl113 hieralhy Excellence, Trophy is announced in another column.
:1 1 511111. 11: NM): 15, Deadline cfiiiiintiiiity StelVICC, hlead lacs contenfi, Dally Contest Added 1
1111'11'1 All entries must be in the hands of thStTEIIEIODS,Cyp0gra1) 1V a“ press wor ' A new contest for the smallgr 113.31”: 1 1
1 i 1' "'1 1.11 Prof. Victor R. Portmann on or before ”mt age 0711651 . . “’35 added 11"”0 years ago. ‘1“ a; “315 “e 1
1 t 1 1.11 111 May 15. Entries can be included in the Factors to be judged include headline the state with the exception 0 HES 1
1 '. 11'111 same bundle, but each entry must be content, headline schedule, type balance, published m Ashland, OwensborO, .3" E1.
1 E 1 .111 plainly marked as to the contest. The make-up, name plate and ears, press ducah,Covmgton,Lex1ngton, and 1.0111: (711
1 “ '1 1 1'1 package must be marked “K. P. A. News- work and. inking appearance and illus- V'lll€ are eligible to enter. The 88316
.‘1 1 15 '1 paper contest,” and addressed to Prof. trations (if any), and contrast. . l‘LllCS,.Sllghtly modified, that govaln kiv er
'1 II 1 1 1 Victor R. Portmann, University of Ken- (Note. — Speaal emphaSis Will be selection of the Best AlhArouncif IeDeail't B:
.. t1 11.11 1 .11 tucky, Lexington. It is suggested that placed on the make-up of the entries in howspaper Will be applied int 15 ntrie's 1 )0
1 $111 1 111 the editor write a note announcmg that the above two contests.) contest. The committee solicits e Pres- 11 1“.
1' t1 ’ the package has been sent, to av01d de— Best Editorial Contest h‘oni every small dall)’_m the state} and— if;
' :1 1' 1" 1311' and possible 1055 Of entries. In order to stimulate the editors in i'dent 3":5123'1' EYES: 312133111551'113132011- [of
1 M 1,111 1 Dmnterested Judges to A“ expressing individuality, initiative, agd T1116 '01 1 M(
11 P1 *111 Competent outside judges will study leadership in this department which is es. 1 1 _ 1 1 Ne
2' '3 1 the entries in the contests. Because of the the editor’s own, attractive prizes are B651 Advertzsmg 0077717052110” 1‘ yea
'- t11 11111 necessity of getting the contests in their oHered in this contest. The factors Three prizes will be awarded to Ken- 1cm
1 n-E' ’1 1-1 hands at an early date, all entries must which will be considered in the judging tucky editors in this contest: :15 for best . Gr;
" i: 1 111 be in the University postoflice not later are: subject matter, thought sequence, full-page advertisement; $15 for best hfe'i ald
11' 011 111 than May 15. Please follow all rules re- community appeal, rhetoric (diction, page adVertisement; 115 for best qual to 1 test
111 111' 11 garding preparation of the exhibits and unity, figure of speech, punctuation), page, or less, advertisement. FactOIS. e '1Ke:
‘ 1 11 1-1 the deadline. The job printing exhibit and vocabulary. Each editorial should be judged include type contnet, [YP 1Tr;
1'11 1‘ 1‘
. 1" ' 1 1 1
' ' “ 1

1:. ' JJJ J7
1.3 '1
.J. ,JJi J I
3 1.1 J
3 I 1
. J 11 ,
J1 ~ .
1941 1 April, 1941 THE KENTUCKY PRESS Page Three J J .
I * JJ J l
‘ With the J arrangement. value of illustrations, selec— man, editor, was the 1939 winner. Editor consecutive issues of his newspaper J JJJ J 1:
3r, date of 1 tion of border and decorative material, Harry Lee VVaterfield, Hickman County from which the judges will select the J liJ J 7'
“canned" J and fulfillment of the three functions of Gazette, Clinton, won his “leg” on the best single issue for competition. J JJJ l "_‘
30nSldered ' advertising—all011L101], interest, and con- cttp in 1940. The contest is “Wide open” ___________ JJ JJJJ, J _i
J viction. The entries are limited to ad- this year. Come on in! Bourbon News Discontinued JJ JJ'JJJ J I:
. 1 .1 J vertisemcms 56L “1 the CONJCSlam 5 office, As the title implies, this handsome Bill Will Keep Entity JJ JJJJ
torla W11 - rither hand or machine com )osition. -‘ is. 1' . ' ' J: ‘JJJii
newspaper c E ‘l (, ntestant mat seldct any ad- 511‘“ IO‘JHS cup 15 dedicated [‘0 .the The Bourbon News announced on JJJJJJJJJ '
h , act (0 . y - . . , memory of our beloved Ben Coune. April 17 that it would discontinue pub- JJJJJJJiJ :
“h Grehan VCl'tJ-S‘Cmcm that appeared (1”“119; the who made his editorial page an otit- 1 . - JJJ:
*‘t Hal 1 E ‘ _ J i _ _ lication as a semi—weekly newspaper and 11: J .
'5 3““‘3‘ veal‘, Mav 1, U40, and Mav 1: 1941; standing example of the best in Jour— - .’ - iJJJJJ .
, members I f 1 J l ‘, ‘1 f _ b , _ , , would be issued four times yearly in the JJ J’Jii
. . . . each etiti y to )c mountec on a s ieet 0 nalism, and lits editorials a far-felt force future ’ JJJJ
nalism in 1 cardboard With the notation as to the in his town and his state. To retain Tl ' , J .. bl'l , , JIJJJJJJJ ~
first name name 0f the newspaper, date 0f issue, permanent possession of the cup, the k ncu-spapet,_ (Md ”ltd m 1.881' JJ J‘JJJ '
iorial was i and name of contestant. neWspaper must win it three times. was sold a short time ago by. Publisher J JJJJJ
erndon l , . _ . V f l . . _ . ‘ 1 . Carl Johnson, who acquired it in 1925. JJ J15]:
was The Tia/thy Ql/L’efllc?7_ The 1010111113 “116; lweie‘ mace {10 to Laurence K. and James S. Shropshire J' JJJJ
)7, Editor. J 10%] Jimflné’dl‘f‘ [iii/1 , 7 (1' TI . . F 540”: Em “6 “3 ection 0 He Winnci cat 1 and Edwin Muehsler and Coleman JJ IJJ .
)n County . J’ 1101113 1. 1C (:0‘ 1 es) ’ _ .mmj‘ - l“ 1- Smith, owners of Paris' other newspaper, ’J JJJ
v editor Smith, president 01 the Loutsville Iaper 1. Page content: the page must con» the Kentuckian-Citizen J JJJJ
, . . . . . - ii 1-1 t
’ Com )anv '1 s )ecial contest is arain 0 )en . ' , '3 . - , . . . ii 1:» E
16 for sub- for the editoi‘s of the state 'tt‘gthe iiiid 1311.11 E'UJICles-‘of lltlerar)’, fCalUlC, and The News carried today m what ” JJ JJ‘J
)ers’ name summer meeting Mr J Smith will ne 6( “011a matter. on )’- called “the final appearance Of this ”CWS‘ J‘ J
l, . 1’ 1' h 1 I 1 ll t 11 2. N0 advertisement should appear paper. at least for a time, as a semi- 1JJ 5:
J “m ‘1 ”11(me ant va ua)e .rop W on the page. However, this Will not bar weekly,” this announcement: J J11)”:
‘ of editor J for the I)?“ exhibit 0f_10l).1)“mm3 “J contestants using such advertisements. ”Results thus fa' . ,1 1 t' JJJJ. J,
. . p the meeting. Every editor is urged to J , . ., -J . . - .. ‘ ‘ ‘ J 1 m ‘ 0”“.3 10” cani- J J; E:
nnpetition 3‘) J ‘1 ( )ut said use Wil count against peilcc )ai n bein 0nd t d b tl , 1 l , J, .-
nity news prepare an exhibit, preferably mounted tion 1 g g? l' ”C e 1 Y 1e [“0 0C3 J Ji-iJJ
. I on a lar 'e cardboard, for exhibition and . i -. - . .. . . . .- , newspapers 1m icate “at most readers J 'J Ji
idered are - .- g c . n l 5': Editorial mater picfeience “111 bc have a preference for the Kentucki'nr JJ JJJ
, Judging dining the meeting. 0; , “l L n It ,- 1, ,1 -1, . _ < i, 3;, JIJ
aph Snuc. 1 LV _« . 1 . biv en to ionic written eci mia s V\ it c Citi7en which is also )ublished J 1' , ,, nJ
, The lollowmw items are to be includ~ u d” ,1‘. .- 1. -11 b d- .- ,, ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ l ' “Ice JJ JJJE
ce, vocab- . . b , canne ccitona s m e a etiimcnt. 1 week and for that r-a' L] B ‘1 J J
itv service Cd' Exmblm” are 1”ng m mdUdC 4 Cli ) )ed editorials of communitv ( I C son 1e 011! )0” lJJJ
, . . . . ' . Y y ' ' ‘ ' 1 ‘i J; .1: .
sted on at every item, but, to aid that printer who nature “I'll“ be acce )table ' hel‘s 15 being discontinued inin the J: ‘tJJJ
. l J might not have evei‘v item in his files, (J, 7 1. ' ”CthUIC under Wthh It was operated :J JJJ
10n 0f He L . ’ . 9. Features and literarv: features such for many years J J, g.
at least eight of the twelve listed must ., 7 , ,,’ . _ " JJ
:sue, name be includcd- as Twenty \ears Ago, syndlcate 1113— “The names of all subscribers on the J J-Jk
‘ ' ' ' ‘ . . . J ,1 555‘
iter Of the ] LeLLQr 110111 one (0101‘ terials SLlCh as VVTIUCH by DOCIOF COPC‘ ClI‘ClIlaUOH lISE of [he Bourbon NCVVS are JiJ-JJJ‘J
- C — s - 7 > .
Eddy, and land, Bob Burns, etc., essays, poems, etc., being transferred to the Kentuckian Citi- 1 f: 'JJJ
) 1, inc 2. Letter head—two or more colors. . ‘ . ..J . t . * ' t JJJJJ
11) C“ 3 Envelope~one color Will be accepta _)lC. zen and in place of the newspaper these J ‘ygii
tiS COHKCSL : ' ' 6. A column whether serious, humor- .- , ' .' 1‘ - . i ' :i J JJ'
4. Envelope~two or more colors _ i. , _ . subscnbers have been receiVing they Will - 1,1,.
, r, Program 01153 01‘ a lelUIC, W111 be COHSldered hereafter receive copies of the Kentuck« ' Ji JJJ
Ed by The ( B ‘klt 1' J J J . (Idltol‘lal Pagc 11181611211. ‘ ian-Citizens each Wednesday and Fri- 1:72.1J
C zine ). oo ct~ out oi mme pages. 2 id" . 1 .. .11 b _ ' H , Elsi
en 0 ,_ . /. E itoria caitoons Wi e accept da\'n]0rn1nq5_ “111:1
1 /. Busmess card. . 3 ,JJJJJJ
er co umn. , able. - , it 111
‘ 8. Calling card. . _ ‘ ____________ 'thJ'J“:
: . .- . 8. Headlines, whether spot heads or JLJJJJ
9. Wedding inVItation. - _ . - - - - . JJ ‘JJJ
ler papers 10 State ncht f 1 ill 1 L K1 standing department heads, Will be A new paper is being published at Cat- isJ JEJJ
.. - ' - l" ()i ) 1‘.’ . . . . ‘ , . ‘Jr.
dailies 111 1] Bfottei ( Judged for typographical balance. lettsburg, the Bovd County Times, With ' JJ J-iJ
l of those 1 . . 9. Mast head: the typographical ap- Mrs. Goldia McCall as news editor and -J.JJJ;'J
2. What you consider your best 101). J . . . . . , : 'M-J!
sborO, P3" - pearance, the content, and ielation to Phil Carter, advertismg manager. It is : J=1JJ;i:
and Louis- Enmes l’Vlt'ch’d F0" COM” Trophy the page as a whole will be considered. an interesting paper, full of community JJ JEJ
The same CUP For Mm‘ztorzous Editorial Page 10. Art work: if any, will be given full news, and the Press wishes it success and . J31 '
govern the Kentucky Press Association newspap- consideration. support of the community which it rich- JJJ iJJ
3d Weekly CI‘S will compete again this year for the 11. Makeup and balance: the page 1v deserves. .‘JJJ JJJ '
- . " . ‘ . - ' J? iii:
this Dall" - Ben Comic Memorial Cu ), awarded make~u ) With em )hasis on balance 5 m- , _ ll, J35;
. .J . , l I ‘1 _ . . ’ y , Congratulations to Editor D. M. Hue JJ} 1151;:
:its entries JJ possession to that paper in the State ad- metry, and contiast Will be given close t _‘ _ , ,1, ,3,
_ ._ ' l . . . . J . . f . 'd h 1 J . ton and his staff on the splendid Easter Jr .
state. Pies Juc ged as having the best editorial page. sctutiny. Extia Wi t co umns, in sym- : J J J, ,J, J
J, Tl .- J ,- , J . l , f ‘h .1] 1 edition 01 32 pages of the Hairodsburg ,igits; 5
nt a mm 10 Comic Memorial Cup was offered metry With tie test 0 t e page, Wi )e ,1}, fit .J
. _ f . . . . , . J . . . Herald. The pages were ftill of excellent 11? ,JJ _,
f this con 01 the first time in 1939 by Wade M. given speCial conSideratton. . » . JJJ‘ J3;
M . . ,3 ‘ . _ . . reading matter and profusely illustrated ., 3JJ ;
CCov, manaomg editor of the Shelby l2. SubJect matter. as a community . ,. , JJJ: J 3
J N * I1 s , . / « . ._ as well as augmented advertismg. J3: Ji 5
,, CW5, Shelbyville. The Winner in that paper should emphasue community news ‘ JJJ ,1 :
ad to Ken- 3 year was VVerren Fisher’s Carlisle Mei- and community interests, too much An Easter edition of sixteen pages. J1 JJ .
v . . . E, . ,, - . . J43 '.
$5 for best JCUI‘)’. Mr. Fisher won again in 1936. outSide news Will be marked down. eight pages in two colors, was sent to Jig, I, r
J , , " . . . . ‘ , 1_ .3) J
r best half- ' Glacean M. Pedley, Lyon County Her— 13.. Spec1al attention Will be given to the subscribers of the Russell County J1, J3 ,
st quarter- ald, won the 1937 contest. The 1938 con- the rhetoric, punctuation, unity, coher— News, Jamestown, through the appre- {3‘ JJ ’
. . . . . . . 1', 3;,
Factors: to ,test was won by Editor “7. S. VVathen, ence, expressmn, dignity, vocabulary, mated efforts of M_ H, Bernard, editor, ,JJJ 3-16 ;
itnet type 'JKentucky Standard, Bardstown. The contents of this page. and Buel E. Gaskin, managing editor. JJ JJJ J
I JTrl‘City News, Cumberland, I. P. Free- 14. Each contestant will submit three Congratulations on a splendid edition! WJJ JJ J
J g , . .1211 . ,
1 . ,1
l 1 ‘ .

tit 4:2. IIII :
It I
[I III I ’
lIII II I ' Page Four THE KENTUCKY PRESS April, 1941 i
.1 .t.t:'§ gr I
I ItlIII I'ItI ,
{IgliHII . _ _ .. . . . .
I1. “p’IIIi-II ! and boost [or Kentucky, its beauty, its Mil/i. Dlslrlcl lzdzlors I Ft
LII .‘ I t 5 ’ 1 . . . . - - ._ .’
III I /76’ . .. attractiveness, its heritage, its traditions. Meet at Waisazu) Ajntl 4 . 1:1:
“ I' 'I‘ I . :2 1 ' ' i ishin this ex— . . .
‘ I‘HIIIQ .-,, I en . a, {:88 “1’14 can (I0 “I” 1:}11mb1‘ Lg ck VVlth only three missing, the editors
‘ t :s. = J ' _. ~ . "' ‘ every W0 we* s. . .. . 7 . . ,
III hit I it " ' " (C cnt 561169 0 2” 1C Cb / ol the fifth District met tor a dinner .
. It IIIIII 2 I "Z ' ‘ ' '
t 93 III “ V ; __._ and informal discussion at \Varsaw Fri-
: .12» I ' ‘ i n of the Kentuck ———”‘— . . ’ I
‘ I III . I Ofiicial PEEESSIXssociafion y . . day evening, April 4, pursuant to a call I
I! 11:t . 56nd In. Your Entrzes For . . , -. 3‘ ‘ .
III I _ Tl IP . C t i from Frank Bell, district (oinnlttteelnan. t
.;t t“... : - 2 ., .. .e . . u ,,
It; I I :I; Victor E. Portmann, Editor-Publisher 7C Amm" ' ”6 (m 5 s The discuss10ns on shop talk were en- ‘
I‘I 1I ‘I .. t - - . M . . . -
ctl I- ;*2 ———————— In other columns the call tor entries oncd bi the gloul) piescnt and, believ- I
I ‘ III III 1I Printed On The Kernel Press, Lexmgton in the 1941 contests is made. Read the ing that such group meetings are thoroly . OI
j I II I ‘ A t Ofi' regulations carefully, and then send a benefieial, the members Will hold an- I C,
. -? -t:I.- I ‘ PA. ssociaion icers f . . ‘ H - ‘ - I .‘ . . (
. II III II Pugsen DyCthsireSidem London Seminaflflg big bundle to the contest chairman. Dts- othei meeting in Corington sometime t1
:1 “II I I Ii Ir L. Waterfield, Vice—Pres, Clinton Gazette - . - - . . . - in Ma r. President Dvche Chairman A‘-
. II II I . .T.a(§u}r]tis Alcock, Secy.-Treas., Danville Messenger interested Jlldges “.7111 (“7.3111316 YOU] 811 i) . ‘ ‘ 1A1 t k . 1 t 31
* :‘I II : a District Executive Committeemen tries—every entry Will be Judged solely on menu out, Seeietary . coc , and Editor I a].
II I I i Ilfififr‘in AéIfa‘I‘r‘Egfit; FIl‘lgI‘SflLe Lfggigf‘IJaOd“urg$I its merits. The chairman dares C\€1y Portnlann “ere in attendance. A..101_m I I
' II II'II. I‘ Sun-Démocrat: Second. .Tylel" Munrordv Uingn editor in the state to enter every contest. meeting of the First and Second District
II III I 3 County Advocate, Morgantield; Fourth, J06 R}? ' . . . d. M ‘ L‘ t [I v 17 1' I f ‘ VI t
II II I I ardson, GlasgtowBTértnesi; Fsl'miit FE“; Bgllt‘ggéf; The race is Wide Open and your name C 11015 is en a tVey p anne( or t ay
.tt; ‘1' ti. 1 D ‘a, e or ; 1X , ‘ . ’ .‘rl , _ . _ A ‘ ~ ‘7
II WWI sziiigihngcllielralldl—Lelaldellsaz‘ lSfivethh,TW.W\it\17é(§01fjgé Will look very attractive on one of the 16 at Paducah. The Press urges that 9
“'t' ~‘ 7' » ; iii, . . , - ‘ ~ - i- .- . . .. -
II II I I gigfiitfalgiiitininaIzriitinthétgitel. its] Bi*owr‘ijrlgt,rW%- handsome silver sets. Will you send in CVCI)’ clditoi lg tlltise districts shorltld slit- .
t7 t E‘ t‘ i" msburg Republican; a e-a — argel :10 o .. . . 3 7 . , .
I III'I-I Fortmam Kentucky Press, Lexmgmn, and those entries? tend .116 Pa ucai meeting ant _ta e
I‘ III .‘1 . Chauncey FOYE’EYy Ashland Independent- part in the iillorinal roundtable discus- 3
_ I I i I Legislative Committee —————-——— ‘. . ~ . ‘ . . . .- _
- II :II .' Tyler Mumford, MOFI’YimficgidtAdvécatEiI ehz‘ijynfillzsz 5101]? ThCll ‘.allltC§11(I inspiration C211]
. LII“ . . W t ‘1' (, in on aze e; ’ i0 . ,' fl , . I . '
I I III‘ I I gértljhdgreuelood? BidiingtlonGHerald;RH€§1‘I§]inw%l;.d' PTC’SZdenz DyCIM ”Mites LCtte’) “0L )6 O\€1€§tllna C I
1 i" '1‘ 3 Padueah Sun-Demoera ; eorge . .' 0 .,
I I tJI I ngggfiffiha?”mmonweauh’ CBC” Wllhams’ somer Under date of April 11, PreSident Rus— ——————-~
- ‘ . I IIII' ‘ Newspaper Exhibit committee sell Dyehe sent an inspiring and inter- 121m, (I {on-(mm; ngpmul
I . L :92 VI. . 7' ~ R. I) rtmann, Kentucky Press, Chairman; . . ‘ . . . . x . , ‘ a
' ' 1; MA ME? Jane OHutton, Harrodsburg Herald; Mrs. estmg lettei to every publisher in the At Begun/1,] Mammoth (jmtp
' II t‘ I i Marlefl‘RiIdge’ “083:?“ Ca; Vjeyl'leg}aered,§§2’ state The Press invites you to read it n
It gm; ' Danvi e i essenger- (voea ; ‘ t ' .' . . r u , .. ~ . . - 7 I,
I t III; . . Tri—County News, Cumberland. again [0 follow its precepts. Espectally, \ou (mt youtsell a iatatlon. \illy ilot . a
I I III; ——-——’—’—#———~— does the Press join in urging that every lake the WCCk’CHd 0f .IUHC 3'64 [or that 2
I III1 NATIONAL EDITORIAL— editor in the state join the KPA for the "am“.m} that. 1“)“ have We“ planmng I I
I .: III I. t i . >1.- ASSOCIATION benefit that such membership brings (“1d .101” Your [CHOW 0‘11“)” for the ' I
I . -.; III I “:1 ' I / now and increased benefits that Will ““dwmmu meeting 0[ the KPA- The
t. I II t. I appear in the future. Let's make the program commute?13101111505““0”“ng , l
. II III: KPA one hundred per cent strong in docusstons on pertinent topics, and ill-
I I II I III MEMBER 4am“ Kentucky' \'llC$ your partiCipation. Mark these 5
v I II It: ‘ IEIImI. dates on your calendar. Be sure to send 1
1: il‘ I” ‘ K - ’ - f I
{I It. It . —-——————— your hotel reservations early. The 0- t
. :'I’ .I t ES . . . .
‘ t ‘ ‘ . ‘ . . lowm‘ rates and accommodations are t
1" [It I . K TUCKY PR Please/17751067"Qitesttmmzres offered ‘ ‘ 1
‘ Gt 1. . . '
I ' I I i ASSOCIATION The Kentucky Press and the Depart- 5
i . I” II:1 I I ”cum” “NA” ”69 ment of Iournalism recently forwarded HOTEL ROOMS , <
I .‘ II it; I ——‘—’——‘—_——T . ‘ . ‘ 7 . 1.. _ x .- 0. Room without bath for one person $150
1 I t I II‘ Volume 12 Number 6 qilestlonnaii es to newspapers, icqitestinb Room with bath for one person 3.00 I
C I I I :II ’ vital information for reference. The re- Room without bath for two persons ...d 3.33 z
I ‘ ‘ It . . an .
I .1 I __._._..___-——-— 5 _< 3 A 0- ~ 7 ‘, but :1 [CW . (
i t . “I : I ' . . sponse has been hiatlfying . . Room With bath for two persons ]
E j I: t I} KPA HZStOTICal 587185 editors have not, as yet, sent in the infor- (double bed) 4.00
5 ”I 1 II Is Being Released In April nlation. “fill you look on your desk for Room with bath for two persons 500 l
I 5: ‘3" the blank till it in and mail it today? KIWI.“ beds) - l
I It I The first article in the historical series, 7 . ’ . ’ . . Combination 9f tWO rooms Wlth ]
I; . . . I ‘ 3 our immediate cooperation Will be ap- connectmg bath for three
II m 1%. ‘ sponsored by the KPA, was released on preciated persons 7.00 J
I t : ' . . . . . .
I 1:: II I‘ April 16, the others Will follow every Combinationtof tyyotgogmsfigagh . A.
If . . . nne in a , or
I ZII III I two weeks. Mats and proofs, or mats ___—_——— Sgrsoncs g 8.00 l t
I fI t I alone, are being sent to every, paper . . . ' HOTEL COTTAGES 300
ti. I 7, in the state from Secretary Alcock 5 office A significant notice was printed on the For one person $5.00
‘ I V I‘ I ' ’ ' u u 4 . . . . o '
:I‘ III 'I ‘1 with a request and hope that every front page of the Paris Kentuckian-Clti- For two perSOESOTiEL'CAB'INS'
I an ”It? I editor will join in ”telling Kentuckians zen 1n the issue of April 16. It read, One—, two—, three-, and four-room cabins
II :I It’- .t I‘ about Kentucky in 1941, just as Kentuck- “Subscribers not paid in advance re— with all modern conveniences. Rate; 5$026 get I
1' t I ”5.: . ‘ . .' . ‘ . _ n _ .
4 RI 1'1: tans should tell the world about Ken- (clung then last Kentuckian—Citlzenao- Eggnfacirfgpeegggsggrggnthg rttflzrrlsaine room. 1
7- tII .i Lucky in 1942—Sesquicentennial Year.” day.” The Press antic1pates the time _______ I
‘ l ' . . . . . . ——
5 at I II: One deserved tribute paid to the com- when every newspaper in the state Will I“ 7 thou ht We'd be ,I
I” VII : II munity newspaper editors is that they riln a similar notice—When every paper T111 ty years ‘ilgo me b [E time
: 1' 1‘1: . . . . .~ — ~ lS *-
t OI ., tggI are super—excellent boosters for their has adopted the benefiCial, life-saVing all OVCIIOIII lest essness y 1 nd it
n: III .II communities; let each one, today, con- policy and have profited thereby. Shall .Keep your sub list: up to (ate a II
I I III 1‘ sider that the state is his community, we add—eventually, why not now? Will help to keep you. , l
. I II . ‘.
-‘ 3_ II}. 12‘ I

 . ,. E . - ..
. . EEEE i
1941 .1 April, l94l THE KENTUCKY PRESS Page Five EEE EE E
E El? E f .
. ‘r' El .
E Frequency iltodnlation and apart on the same frequency and Communications Commission has an- EEEEE ':
Wee/Ely Newspapers would not interfere with each other. nounced. E. EEE ;
. E “2_ A more faithful signal. “Unlike standard broadcasting sta- E EEE E qr.
'16 Editors Chairman of ANPA radio com- “At the time of the recent ANPA tions, FM stations will be licensed to EEEEEE if
a dinner . mittee gives facts about FM and meeting in New York, Major Arm— Serve a specific area in square miles. EEEEt XI
trsaw, F” E forecasts some of its possible future strong gaVC 3 (ECEEEOEESEE‘EEEOEE EEE EEES apart- N0 person ”E. ngEl] "E” ‘EE’EECEEEE 0" EEE' i E E E
EEO a call E effects on the weekly press as report— inent of an experimental broadcast from directly control more than one Fill sta- E EEEEE Ill
Eltteeman E ed in the New York Press. a station in Yonkers with fifty watt tion in the same area and no more than E EEEE
were FEE‘ E /___.._____ power. The station was several miles dis— one station anywhere, unless it can be EE EEEE .
1:: [E13132 E Much interest in the possible effects taut and had'to come Ehrough all of the shown. that this wilE foster- roinpetition EEEEE :
1 11 Y 1 of new developments in radio broad— interference in. New Stork, and he used 01 [)1 Grade Fill service distinct and sep- EEEEEEE
10 ( 'an E casting was expressed by publishers at his own experimental set for reception. (”WEE [1‘01” EXISlmg 56’711665- EEE'EEE ' -
5:12:13? ‘ [he recent. NY'PA convention. It was The faithfulness of the reproduction was ___________.._.. EEEEE
nd Editor I suggested in discussions that publishers marvelous. _ . . _ .. . . EEEEEE‘ '
i. A joint give thought to these matters: - The experts describe frequency inod- Liability for E11015 Ht Ads EE EEE
[d District E ].Theflposstble effect of local. advertis- ulation as having a third dimension in A law firm representing the Chicago EEl1
for May mg if a Widespread'systein of frequen- hearing. IL, is a good term and ES lEESEE' Tribune wrote an opinion as to the E EEEEE
irges that Cl" EEEOdEEEEEEEOEE stations E5 CSEabEESEEEd' fwd by that demonstiation. . . liabilitv of the publisher for errors in ad— EE EEEE .
sliould at- 2.:1he pOSSible entry ohsuch stations “Another remarkable thing claimed, vertisements. This depends, it was E E
and take E into the field of llltellSn'C local news andl think there IS no dispute about stated, upon whether the ad is simply E EEE
)le discus- broad-casting. _ . .. it, is that over-the station usmg fre- an “invitation to buy” or “a biniding E'EEE
ation can- 3. The investigation of the desirability quency modulation as a medium, you offer," as, [01. examplezz : : : EEEEE
of weekly newspaper publishers mak- can broadcast fascimile and telegraph I If 1 er ha t id 'erti'e' coats for EE '
E ing application for frequency modu- signals at the same time with the same . l" . $0111.19, n ‘1? S SE t' t EE EEEEE
lation stations. power and neither will interfere with the Ea C alt ‘ f) ’ IL 15 511111)} an m“ a Km 0 E EE
‘ An excellent statement of the nature other. What practical use that will have my, Em, ' . l l .11 EEEEIE
and possible future effects of frequency remains to be seen. _. I; d man adv “[1505 L rat 16 WI. E EEEE
modulation broadcasts was prepared for “More important perhaps to us is the pay EED'EEO for each. COPE ”E a fort?" EE EEEE
. \Vhy not a recent meeting of Inland Press Asso- [act that the new system is cheaper both bgok b1 quglit .Eol pup], 1:. E5 a Elillmhfngw E; EEEEE
.7 for that ciation by J. S. Gray, publisher of the in installation and maintenance of the 01 Cl an( 16 E519?“ E, responsi) 6 01 EE EEEE
planning Monroe. Mich., News and chairman of station. I believe the cost would be about “CEMEEEECIHL '0 Ens money. 1 ~. 1E E E
s for the E the ANPA radio committee. His report two—thirds of the cost of the present type . I 1m: E:\0 )een Envi'any ‘anc bllzilhfl‘ E EE‘EE'EE '
(PA. The follows (italics supplied): of equipment, and the cost of mainten- EnSEEEEE(‘fS “km“ a 11LE\.$E)2,IE)LI_ puf 1‘3 CE EE’E‘Ei
interesting ”I don’t think anyone can give a ance would be much less in proportion. .1218 EEC” ta en LO mint KEEN” O FIFO,” E EEEEE
s, and in- blanket answer to the question: “that “Those are the facts about it on which in. acfveitisenients. 1 EEC TEE/”mi; piotects EEjEEEEEE
ark these size town can support a radio station? everyone can depend. The question now ”id ‘EEom [DESI by EUCIEEUEEg 1;; advei- EIEEEE
re to send I think it is just as difficult to answer is how it will come, what effect it will EE““$ contracts ‘1, notice 10 EEC C 6‘“ that i. EEEE
The fol- that as it is to say in what size com— . have on our present system, and what 1E “E1111 (not. be habit} unless a1 E).100[ 9f EE ‘E‘iEEE
itions are munity another newspaper can be sup- rate it will have. It is reported that the ”C a(\61115C1nCv1"ltr.1S iequestet l‘n)ert- E' EEEEE
. ported. In general, I would say that to Federal Communications Commission mg by the Eid‘ eitisei .and lCLull’lLd- to EEI E
Start a radio station under normal (:on- has definitely allocated to this new sys— the company 5 office wnh [Em correction ‘E EEEE
1 $1.50 E (litions in a city of less than 25,000 mm the lower bracket of 42,000 to 50,000 Of the 611m plainly marke(. . EE ,E
300 population is a problem, and it prob— kilocycles. They appear to have cleared ——_—_"‘_’—_'"' " El,
5 and :33 . ably will remain a problem for very from those brackets certain government Trading With The Enemy :EEEEEEEE
. EE
. most experts ascribe to it. A radio sm- :1 . Le pfi [I 1 , (311.. Let if cpi Democracy antlot the \Vurltl. One of his E‘E
5.00 tion must of course be 511) 0 t d b “(61310“ 0 it (EPP‘EC'fE 10“ _01 19’ many major crimes has been the system ,EEIEE
, .’ ’ . .1p_1"€ y (lEECEECY modulation PEEEmES E3983” Jan- of barter that he has introduced into EEIE
moo laeveméellikelany 0:1]le inititution, and uary E’ E94E' Those now operating PX world trade. It has been suggested that EEEEE '
‘ r33: assists; sittings; rangers; visas?asters: b, E -
3'00 E COinmunity would be the only safe guide. (1:: , . E 7 E Y e - same token be trading With [