xt7b2r3nx29p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7b2r3nx29p/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1973-08-31 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean Bulletin, August 31, 1973, no. 15 text Bulletin, August 31, 1973, no. 15 1973 1973-08-31 2014 true xt7b2r3nx29p section xt7b2r3nx29p \,\»,_
A   rtg 2 2   *2** En. 3
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zunvr ’ [naman Quan   i 2 ii `S
sorznsr; Mr. Eldon H. oegge has been L3NI`~/ERSITY OF §<§EN`!`L€£¥Y
appointed director of themgoutheastern LIBRARIES
Library Network effective 9/1/73. One
of his first tasks will be to negotiate »August 31, 1973
a contract with OCLC and determine the _______________”_,_._-
beat location for the computer center __________________i___i
and headquarters. Until a new location
can be found, Mr. Degge will remain in
Houston. There will be a membership meeting in Atlanta on NovemberW8,
1973. (letter from Chairman, SOLINET Executive Committee, August 15, 1973)
$$$$$: "The addition of professional and clerical staff for the new
Zibrary addition was given a high priority rating in Academic Affairs.
Also, I included a request to fund recurring acquisitions needs on a
recurring basis. Although it will not be possible to secure the resources
truly needed in the biennium, it is important that we begin an effort to
regularize and enlarge the recurring acquisitions program. Funds to
continue the teletype service for the interlibrary loan program and to`
catalogue the 55,000 microfilm titles were included as priority items."
(Letter to Paul Willis from Dr. Cochran, August 21, 1973) Dr. Cochran `
was also able to find¤$40,000 to be added to the Acquisitions budget in
the current fiscal year. There is some hope that a little more can be
added some time in January 1974.
CRL: "The March list of Journals Accessible Through the Center for _
Eggearch bibraries lists 405 titles now availablE_from or through the
Center as part of its expanded journals project. Of these titles, 301
are titles cancelled by the member libraries. Of these cancelled titles
the Center has placed subscriptions for ll2 to be received by the Center,
166 the Center will provide free photocopies from through the NLL collec-
tion and 23 it was already receiving. The remaining 104 titles on the
March list are journals which, although not yet cancelled by a member
library, the Center will provide free photocopies from the NLL. These ·
titles were selected for addition to the list because available union
lists show them to be held by few member libraries and it would appear
_to be useful to have them available through the Center. These are all
foreign titles that the available evidence indicates are very infre-
quently used.
Most of the recommended titles to which the Center had e.subscrip-
tion are received through the PL—480 program." (CRL Newsletter, 144:1,
February—April 1973)
_ QN§_DOLyA5: "You, too, can become a naturalized citizen of Oceanus:
The pfice is right-- one buck: and the citizenship offer is open to
anyone of any age, sex or national origin. What is Oceanus? As you
might guess, it is a worldwide nation consisting of the six-sevenths of
the world underwater. The founding father of Oceanus, Mr. Ted Welles of
Manset, Maine, envisages the day when human beings everywhere will recog-
nize and promote a simple understanding; i.e., the world's seas and oceans
belong to all of the world's people. Not just to brawling cod fishermen,
marauding whalers and aggrandizing politicians. If you would like to take
out citizenship papers in Oceanus, just send $1 to Mr. Welles. And tell
your friends." (The Environment Monthly, 6/73:12) By the way, this
publication is well worth reading from cover to cover.

 age 2 · August Bl, 1973
DIRECTOR‘S OFFICE: The new face you‘ll be seeing in the office will be
f$E?—Ef”?eresa°YTexi) Mulvaney. Once arrangements can be made with Physi-
- cal Plant and the Senegal lelephoue Company, there will be a slight shift
in the physical conditions of the Dixectox`s Office. Teri will chen bake
the position near the door and become the receptionist. Her duties will
also include handling all incoming calls, typing, filing, copying and
other general office duties. It is hoped that with Te:i’s helping, the
office will be bettey able to move information, payroll, personnel actions,
etc. at a faster more efficient pace. If you haven't been intgcduced,
don't be shy. Ms. Mulvaney is quite friendly and soon will be quite
helpful. »
PERSONNEL CHANGES: Appointments: Teresa gulveney, Classified, Admini-
Egxatiye Servioes; Texminations: Donna Hoffman, Classified, Circulation~
Copy Service; Jane Smith, Classified, C§§T*M€?ansfer: Txudi Bellaxdo,
Classified, From Cifculation to Reserve Room. Promotions; PEF$lg-——
Killiams, Classified, Cataloging; Katherine glleg, Classified, Cataloging.
QQ§I@lON OPENENGQ; Cataloging, Classified III & IV, open 9/4/73;
CirEulation—Eo§y-Service, Classified IV, open now; Circulation, classified
VI, open now; GPD, Classified VI, open now.
MOVING: The "Moving Committee" met for the first time 8/29/73. The
iEiEiEl composition of the committee included Jacqueline Bull, John Bryang,
Ruth Bxgyp, Paul Willis, Bill Qagdner, and Tom yaxcuq. Diseucsion ceufefed
on the—§xiority affaggehent of departments to be §5$éd info the new build~
ing and some preliminary talk about necessary equipment, people, time and
know~how. An attempt will be made to keep you informed abou? the progress
the committee is making.
CIRCULATION: Any day now, in fact, 9/4/73 you will be seeing Ms. Jean
@;aaa·ia‘xHé Circulation Department. As the new head of the department,
§He~Has much to catch up on, but it shouldn't be too fax off before she
is wandering in and out of the vaxious offices in MIK. Lend a hand,
help he: get bex feet on the ground.
@§SSAGE§: Messages, gripes, information, requests, etcn for Cliff glaog
may be left with the Dixectox‘s Office. Until the move, Cliff probably
won't have direct access to one of General Telephome‘s finest.
EQEERENCE: The Reference Department (MIK) is in a mess. The constxuc~
tion cxe6 for the new addition has knocked holes in their wells and built
» funny little temporary structures. Their desks have been moved. mee tele-
phones still funcLion, but in less than a pexfect manner. Banging and
pounding have become the sounds of everyday life. And they have had
requests to tour over 500 people through MIK. Bear with them and have a
little patience and understanding. It just could be that your Luxe will
be next!
MEETl§Q: The West Family Washhouse meeting at Shakextown was a success
from all reports. If you think it should be an annual event, money per-
mitting, say something to Mr. Willis. If you want details on the activ-
ities, ask the nearest pxofessi5H§lT most were these.
§§§Q_§§LP?: Financial aid for students is somewhat available on campus.
This means to the library that Wofk~Study students are there to help us.
If you would like to employ students from this program, contact Tom Maxcum
(73801). Do it soon because it won‘t last long from all indicatiomsT*
Note: wages for these studenzs are paid by the Financial Aid office so it
won't affect your budgets.