xt7b2r3nwd10 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7b2r3nwd10/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1960 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Quarterly, Publication suspended 1922 and resumed with v. 1, no. 1 (May 1929); v. 5, no. 9 (May 1933) not published; issues for v. 37, no. 2-v. 40, no. 1 (spring 1966-spring 1969) incorrectly numbered as v. 38, no. 2-v. 43, no. 1; v. 40 (1969) complete in 3 no. journals  English [Lexington, Ky. : University of Kentucky Alumni Association, Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus University of Kentucky. Kentucky alumni 2002- Kentucky alumnus monthly Kentucky alumnus, vol. 03, no. 31, 1960 text Kentucky alumnus, vol. 03, no. 31, 1960 1960 1960 2012 true xt7b2r3nwd10 section xt7b2r3nwd10 lh. Cmnpb.
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»arl·, Maurice D. Bement of Louisville, executive director of thc Council. mr Ol
¤  The join; Alumni Council of Kentucky is xx non-profit. mm·pu1·1iszm. public service head
  wrpormion of alumni associations of Kcmucky`s six public institutions of higher loam- [hor: _
  ing-Eastern, Kentucky Stull:. )[0\`Cl'\€il(l. N[lll`l'il}’. Uni\‘(‘l‘sit)‘ of Kvntucky, and \\'¢·su·rn. of Ugg
 E cxecui
-     commu
  Qi; ln up/Jrovmg the Xovenzhcr referendum tu cull u coustitutiumzl coizwuhv ?:§;U`j
 1 { ,   iu ll11d€Tl’(1l(l71g_____ professions, and to all of the geographical areas of the Commonwealth which mir Tcgn
    I4 -¤ G from careful, considered limited improvement in {he Constitution ure iiriiiicuw cal U
I   i     QL ln fact, the only true uncertainties about the referendum are whether the pwf Sisum
  E;   Q     Kentucky will cast their votes 011 the question preseuteil ur-ul, iu doing so, xv/rcllir have
1       8 will be governed by their fears or by their belief and faith 111 the future of stale.
— j k Q Tc >` Both of these unknowns can be rexolved through effective leadership 41ulv toinpler M   ‘    
(Ummm: mented bv a group ol dtsttngtnsltetl   - "· _    
_d www U state and loral speakers. Al liese in-     w‘_:;:;“V _
_' L tluded Burton Xltlward. assistant edi-    __ *:1-/;:* 31
wifi,) l` _ tor ol the Lexington Leader. \\`illiatn   'g ,5   _ ‘ '
my   T»mall._new~ direetor ol \\'~ll,\S and     `Z/:4,   ·  
Hmm m _ \VIrl,-\>Sil'\. Iotttsville; lltll l,.add. " ` ··‘· ’ ‘ *·· ****· `
` ` radio-I \ editor ul the I.oul>\`1IIt‘ The l'K Alumni Assoeiatiott entertained on May 27 with a reception in h0n0r
_ (lourier-journal. and (¥iII>ert Iiiiig>- ui the speakers at the UK Alumni Seminar. The partv was held at the home of
Fm ml IT I>\1I'}‘. 'TiYI» \`If€ }>¥`€¤Id¤III IO? }>\II>II<` I`<‘· Mr. and Mrs, Hampton (Z. Adams. From the left areljohn E. )Ic)[illin, execu-
IIC IIIICIII IBIIOIIS 0I Cf<*¤ItJ}` Il1‘01¤¢I<1I>{III§.5 C0? tive editor of SPONSOR magazine and seminar speaker. Mrs. Ralph Angelucci,
ntoded if poration. Six tnentbcrs ol {Ile UK I`1I<· l)r. Angelueci. Alumni Association president. Mrs. Adams. and Don \\`hitehead,
C (’°""m’ IIIW **l’1)°**I`°{I **0 {IW l>I`°S{`¥IIII- IIIIICV writer. Pulitzer Prize winner and seminar speaker.
{'P f7’I*{_~'~? were: 1)r. Neil Plunnner, Dr. .·\mrv
IUI V¤II;f;¢`~{' Vandenbosth, Dr. john Ball, Dr. Nii-
l` {’-*I¤·~t·~¤. ey mt o. ra..m—rt tm, tam W SPECIAL AWARDS ARE ESTABLISHED BY AA
V CUUIIII J chairman of the seminar committee. r . . . . . . .
;.lm·(m M, V lwo special awards to be given bv aetne altnnnr may make nominattons.
I, Willwuf ‘ ,_ * the UK .\lumni .·\ssoeiatio11 were e>· Nominations tnust be in by January
d0L_mm_m‘ . l W ' l l rablislted by the alumni exetutive com- I. ISIGI. A committee of Fire persons
Hmnmmp Cliff T·T|bbI€· U9· IS I€i¤Vl1\g H¤\mII· mitiee at its .i\priI meeting. will make the selections [rom nomina-
WIH-Ch up {Oni 0h{0· {0 {`€{“{'“ {0 L€bim0I{· Xlemliers ol the LIlll\`L’l`$ll}' .—\ltnnni tions. The committee will be com-
m, mmm; T€"“·· “'hFI'€ IW WIII {€‘¥I{`h {YW l’I{)`$I‘ Xssoeiation will be asked to nominate posed ol the president or vice presi-
wr I/H, {M Cfll €dU€¤*{i0¤ <`I%\$$€$ imd $€\`V€ {I5 **5* lonr persons- lor awards as: U V dent ol. the I'ntversttv.president of the
XML "_}Hv[;;A SISIIIIII fO0lb.Hll t`0&l(`Il. TIN? TflbI)I€S (I) _\lnmnt who have distinguished :\-lutntttA.\>stw`1;it1011.ll1l`et`tO1` ol Allltlli
L_ Of Spina have {WO . eltairtnan ol the Alumni
. (2) .\nv other person who has made .—\t‘hievement ;\ward (Zontnnttee and
S/HI) Ilmllli E 1* E an outstanding contribution in attv an altnnnus appointed bv the presi—
Hmm UW` Mrs. Margaret Smith (Margaret \\’il- wav to the bettertnent ol the I'niv‘er- dent ol the .\ltttnni ,tsst»t?ntit»ii.
Im"] UI mil son), ’4!l. is teaching commerce at Fort sitv. .\ward winners will be reeognized
IMS I/Hm I Knox. Scott Smitli, '47, is supervisor llallots lor selettion ol award wit1— at the annual alumni banquet in Mav
wr IMM" `I of elementarv phvsical education at ners will be printed iu the November with an ltonorarv lite membership in
()"iI‘ Fort Knox. I I l\l·YN'l`l`(Zl§\' .\IrlI\INUS so that all the .r\lnmni Association.

 ` A +A-;A· —-- · A A- A   A,     yu;   -~ y ·’ ~ ‘ =·A·~;·A·• .=;v;¤·’ —A·*-1-A? E ~.·¤~— M *· ~ " A ‘ ‘ ` ` —   "  A`E**T·’+
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  M `
Class Parties and Disttnguished Speaker 30 From l9l0 Class
.Htghhght Annual Alumni Reuntan Day Return Far Reunion
`S The tlasses ul lltlll, IUZU. t·ngim·t·is Year" award. llillenmeyer is at past Out ol 57 living members of the
of l925 uml the tlass ol ll|f$5 matic the president ol the UK Alumni .\ssot.ia- tlass ol lllltl. 30 returned to the Uni·
.-\lutnni Reunion day un cspt·ti;tlly joy tion uml is tht· alumni representative yersity tumpus lor their 50th class re-
_ ous ottusion with spctial paitics be- on the llniyersity Board ol Trustees. union on Nlay 28. The class originally
MC, A lore uml altci thc ahnnni bumptct. lle is u partner in Hillemneyer Nurs- numbered 91.
,;;?'Z'il€ The tlass ol lllltl ratt#d its t·iit·s in Lexington. .\s a student he .\ report on the class and its activi·
. ;4_·$;, golden jubilt·t· with an open hottsc on was u int·mbt·r ol ()l)K uml was litis was recently mailed to the mem·
»_ ?»;::•‘,:" May 27 ut the hotne ol \lt. and Nlts. 1twartlt·tl the Sullivan Medallion in VIZ. hers by the class secretary and reunion
r":‘;:::k._   Frank (Qritncs. Lexington. amlu din- yyrrlrrr kent (jumps Og Ha,ard_ Ky thairman. D. (L. Terrell, Lexington.
Wllye Q" HUF ill lllL' l.2tl;t$¢‘lIl‘ ll·»t<·l. ()l ·V/ llll'lll’ was I;|‘ys(·|]{g(l [hg "()u[g[;g]](ling SCI]- 'liCl`l`Cll YC IJ OT ted [he following
  fx bers ul the tluss liying. fill were prcsr g.,r‘· ar,-;,rd_ (;,,m|,. rcrcrr-cr] hid B_5_ t-tents which the (lass celebrated: open
  .5,1. Gill- l)~ \.4· |<·¤t¤··ll· ll_lS *"l¥£'l'*'l"'l'1& in lilctttitul lingineering degree in l1*>l1SC *,:l\‘€¤ by NIT. and MTS. Ffallls
V LOL dean emeritus. was thantnatn. prrmrrr-y_ Hr ryug rr member of ()[)K_ (Qrimes. Lexington. attended by 50;
  lh'} Tlts “'l‘*" i¤·'>·l<··· "‘l"l’l*'l""‘ "l ll“' ttn engineering honorary. .\rnold .-\ir lN‘ll ll**ll*<‘» l‘*¢‘ l'-- titm_ gt cadet 1,ic·ttten;tn[ (julrmel and \\“l1l(l\ 52 UlZl(l€ reservatiortsr Pl`€$l‘
Rupert. .\shl;tntl. was tltaiitnun. (Zlyde (1{ergmmj,],(·(1 R()‘[`(g gradmrra Hr. dents tea and hnally the alumni ban-
liland. l.cxingtt>n. was tltairman ol mm- mu in (yrlrmdd ppr (mar rr-hart members ware awarded
the 19241 reunion. ()tht·t tlasstts whith ’|`1r(· att-;.rr]e arr Prcecmcd rmrmrdh tertificates of membership in the "Hall
€€l€lJY?lll'll l"lllll"l" ll'l` will “'l'l" In .\ltnu Xlugna Nlater. an organiz;i» (lwtlllfyn Cllll).
l90l- llllll ll"lYl· ll"l’l· ll’Yl· WY! tion toniposed of the thildren of IQK In addition to those members of the
l923· lllflll- llllll- l*'tll· llllY· will illlll altnnni. tlitss shown in the picture. the follow·
I959- Retognition ol l)r. Ralph .\nge· ing were also present: \\'illiam G.
M<>l’<‘ lllilll lllll 1**'l`*"ll* ¥lll<‘llll¤"l llll‘ lmti`s outstanding tontribntions to the (Llugston. Floreme Crowder. john  
_ alumlll llilllllllyl illlll ll<`**li‘l _l"llll l‘i~ l'}s .\lumni ;\ssotiation as its presi· (Qurtis. l·`. Clark Dugan. Richard .-\.
Day. ill} lib i·>t·¤¤¤¢•li~¤¤¤ s¤‘=¤l___. -   y' 
  bx of l9l0 returned lor their 50th class _. }VV Qt; y ¢§·. ~ .  ‘¥r ‘     ¤•j'· E L_
  , reunion. t)1iddlt~) Newly elected a . ,:   E Q . .·  _ ‘   Q __ _.
ii $**3* Alumni Association vice president _g__ Q'. r V ¥`__ { _` _ r __  Q"   i__ y
james Sutherland. Bloomfield. and   ni   ,_ U   $3 A ‘·.. ’ ' ii ~     l `
Elimbeth Ellis Taylor. `2·l. UK Radio _ ° ‘;" ·  s   V l , l { ·' hx  
Arts Department. (Bottom) ".~\lumnus "’· l L  Li E ` " . _1 ' ° _ V
° of the Year" Robert Hillcntncvcr. `·lIl. _     . . »     _ _ E
_ T Alumni President Berkley Dayis. and mf  Zi __:  yl . ·       ii n 7
~ Ai · "Outstantling Senior" \Valter Kent   _ L  i ` ` ’ i   { » ` ··-·
:1 ‘*< C0 b * " . `   $
` ,r m s. y Q gy tl _y ,} rm:  
  · RIGHT: (Top) Aniong alttmui ban- i _ i   _ __________ .
i quet guests were Mr. uml Nlrs. \\'il- ·   V
liam Adams. (lleyelaml. Ohio; Mrs.   —» g . 1   ‘  
Jesse E. Adams uml Nlrs. .\. 1). Kirwan. _______r__ V _ V         . ,,.. `~,..»¤.»..»...
‘ Lexington. (I\liddle) Nleinhers ol` the _; ~=- " V_ __ on __ ._ $__ ___ _ _y > \__>___>_  
  l9l0 Class were presentptl ·•|[;r][ (jon. —· ~»   ·»-~   — -  . .  . - e  ’”···~—·--··-*·••—·  
  A lury (Zlub" certihcates at the .·\1umni Fourteen members of the class of 1910 were present for the 50th reunion class
 E banquet. (Bottom) Enjoying bamptet picture on May 28. They are: (left to right) George Becker. Robert L. Maddox,
conversation are Mrs. ll. \V. Thomp- (Zhester A. Kuebler. \Villiam \\’. Prewitt. James H. Hall. Evans L. Shull, Mar-
. son and husbaml "Tubbr," `fill. class iettu (Zussady Floyd. T. Phillip \\’arren. Ester Vaughn Caldwell.   Frank Grimes,
president; Norman (lhrisnltun, *15, aml Katherine Schoenc Henry. Ben F. Robison, Dan V. Terrell and Isaac \\'. Robert-
wife; Palmer Evans, `ilil, Philadelphia. son. Sixteen more members of the class attended the reunion btu were not pres-
l and Hcmnan Kendall, ’39. ent lor the picture.

 I            _ ,      
  ` i` I     .1I?¥. ?LQ?? T >é**“ ` * i"*?T?"Z . »`.  Y Y »`;‘A » Y ` 1i1 iL— Y %l 1 ’»     ’,    
li 1 i  
  1     si   ··_    s V _ SCHOLARSHIP FUND TO UK
>   .$ \ — —1  AYES . .· • »- ·
2· {1   ~   —V Ceorge ll. (iilbert. 0a, ol l.Ql\\'leg
· 2. y     1*   Q C; bling, l\}.,-il 1+I·l(·llI.IlL't)l tht 11111-veigourbon
- QV »` { L   V _ . * College ol l‘.llgIlIC(‘I`IIIg who died
  I  f g {QQ  _  _   :, _ .L· 'V cently at his I1o1ne in l.iI\\'l`L'Iltt·l1 Bourbr
1 I I   _   "D\` · s Q  c   _Q = » l)t'(llI(‘iIlllL'(l il $10,000 stliolarsliip 1.tS Zmllui
  gig x .= :—    L_ to the llI1I\'t'I`hIl\' ol Keiinitkv 1111 vn june
‘   Ip ; ` —  / use ol lulure .\Il(ll'l`§l)II (.<)lllll\ NHS UC!
. ’   iss      "¢2» ‘ , , . . . . · .
L ‘ $.*1        y __1 dents and tertihetl 111 the will 111111 >I`€Sl¢l€¤
    b   _ { _ _1- `Z stltolarsliip should be 111l111i11is11Kl1Sh1l1{{
I `       gg _   _;:`   and the details ol its l‘X('(IlI.l()ll n·1,;*\SSO€11itl
        _ P  V `_—:;y;;§2:$~-J1-__ out by the llIll\‘l'I`hlI}` ol K1-111 Those
5   (5 `   · 1 .\IIlIIIIIl .\ssoci;1tio11. 'l`he s1I1ol.11D·Ck€,
 n     4-‘L;*++¤1. F s· . .. 1 1·
V   »_ V 7% `;1  -_; . »‘ will be known as the l.11w1e1111\h._ mu
    `* iijexg   ·  `fjk   u Stliolarsliip." Richard
=       ‘ #:%.2:; ·‘T$%$¤   .- 11 CI ‘
 - ‘ ‘   `*- · ..,`?°*'* ‘ 1 M1) (»III)<`I`I was :1 Ioval and di; C $1111
 Ir ' ‘ L V? `_":\ ‘·_Q;" Q . / `I C
 1 · `~     1 1IIIIIlIIIlI\ illlll llll\ Imetpiesi (ll'IIlUl1~1’ Y`- UI
    · _ Y. . “F—   N3- *1 v- . " not only his IIIQI 'IIIiI(('lIl l'l'llt‘! —·l·*l`kC-
      ·,;., L Q {je; Q  ;.   but also his interest and beliel II l`· am
    ..1;  ..  I1 ‘¥L‘r·¤ ·` lieiielits ul higher Utllllllllllll. Q“l€»  
E ’ Members of the UK Alumni Executive Committee. during a two-day work ses- Mum alumni Ur [iu. i·Hi\l.l_m &gg’ Ml
  sion held last April. took time out from meetings to honor the Director of MIN,. immminm or higiwl. (.du`_‘ uéngn
 ·i Alumni Affairs who, this year, celebrates her thirtieth year of employment at in mg Ummm,. nn. [(,ii(m.iHg my .. at H
 {A the University of Kentucky. Miss King came back to Alma Mater first in the U, Hmkc [hpili u"i“.1-siliu i,(.m.{_, Mr. 11
  capacity of assistant director of Public Relations and 14 years ago became alumni ny ull UI. [mu` or [hdr ,.$mu.\_ Mm rnd Mrs
    secretary. Members of the comm-ittee joined in presenting a "This ls Your Life" L.mUmL;lging U) luliwrsiu. ,,Hm__·1V. F. R
  I program honoring the illlllllll-1 director and gave her a check for a vacation trip. [mw `mh imqucslg (mm. U, my mind Mrs
 {_ Shown making theypresentation are. from left: B. A. bhively, Athletic Director mm limmgh nimmli gC“cI.mil\_ \lr.' ant
i and Alumni Association treasurer; Dr. Ralph ]_ Angelucci. president of the I _ I _ _ _ White,
V   1 Association and Dr. Frank G. Dickey. wresident of the University. HW I “““l”‘l1' "I I“"‘““l*1 ·\I\1Ir. an·
 ~’_ .\>NU('1illll)II has 1I\`ilIli\l)l(T inloriiilr MI.
’  toncerning methods by whnh sucmd Mr
 `“ Z UK WINS HONORS IN KAPPA DELTA ALUMNAE *11***** ***11 be milflc imd “"ll1’Q1 .011, M1
 . ALUMNI PROMOTION HOLD ANNIVERSARY PARTY “’ ‘"‘T“"‘ ‘l"Y?*"’"“ fw"' "““i*lY·¤¤<1
V  2 alumni. Mr. Cilbert became aIh.vh·S_ Cl
 AV The University of Kentucky is the The Lexington a1u1n11ae of Kappa with the (;(‘]l(jl`i\l lflectric C1»11·Jayc0Ci,
 _’ ~ winner of the American Alumni C0un· Delta sorority sponsored a Golden An- sliorilv 111`1t·1~ his gl`Q\(l\lil\l()l] il`1)1Z gil] TH
I; cil’s national second place award for niversary Houseparty the weekend of Uiiic-i·i,iiy iiiiii sci-wil wiih (;li ven
  1 alumni programs in clues and mem- june I0. 11 and 12 at the chapter 11i`{i1·1·s in Riclnnond. Va., and}
yi bership promotion presented at the house. 323 Columbia Terrace, him-i~_ 5h\__ Iicfiiii- iyiiiiiig {11111
 " annual national AAC conference in Founded on the campus in 1010. (’()ll]I)iIIl\ in 19311. He w11s lII1I11¤'
 y \·Vashingt0n, D. C. july 9-14. the UK chapter has approxiniately800 111111 1hi· 1·c·1111iii11l1·1· of the estnni.
— Qj_ Ki The awards competition, in which :111111111ae. Saturtlay, june 11 il l)l`llIl(`lI dt-vised to il ninnher ol l`(‘liIll\'<‘*
7:. more than 1,000 private colleges and was served at 1I1e chapter house at _
  1 public universities were enrolled, is a whith time the five decades since 1910 Dal']
.2   highlight of the AAC conference were reviewed by Mrs. Owen 1.ee, Mrs. THETA SIGMA PHI ALUMNAE Cout
° .   which was held jointly with the Ameri- l’rances 1.ee Mcl.ean. Mrs. I. M. A]
1 ’ A 1 can College Public Relations Associa- Moore. Mrs. \\'. (L. Schick. _|r., Airs. MAKE FOUNDATION DONA1
¥ g   j tion’s annual conference. William 'I`. l)e\\'it1. 1111d Mrs. james D _ _ y l_ §l0_ ll _ ml"
1 ;Q Miss Helen King, director of alum- [udv. °m‘m°m mm ml? " J hm borc
_ V, · 1 1 H, V _ V 1, 1l _1 _ , _ ‘ \‘ 1, _ l _ IV ll I _ I _ 1ur11ed over to the School ol 111
1 . Q; 1   ni a airs. Mrs. At.1 Rel mit, hcr as- . p aqui to ic p acct on tic cooi RH l4_mm(hli(m Ul l_C“m(k\_» by Fm,
1 ~- Y 1 sistant, Mrs. Mae Montioy, staff clerk, of the guest I`f)()IlI was presented to 1] _ ‘ I `[ VH   _ Aigc
1 ., i 1 . . ‘ . . · · . '.‘ F 2 L ‘ ‘ ll " ‘
1   1 and Richard Rushing, field secretarv, Mrs. Crace Conn l)l`I(lC lor her lov- P;}l“hH"_l `lumnl; 0_ llchlp Dm
- 1 1 . ’ . . ’ 1 1 * · .·.· 1 11 '
~   attended the meeting. alty and service to Kappa l)eIta_ ()pen l I" H mm`} lm) "`FUIH D
. ‘  _ houses were held 111 various homes ol in Immun m —l(mm‘l ml" eh
    ` s 1- i1 Lexington alumnae Saturday alter- Making the presentation 11111 Pub
  *4  110011 {1ll(l were followed by il bullet (1liVlilIL’lil Sig was Mrs. Tlimnasll Alu:
 ` .;¢_Q  Margaret Biddy, ’59, is teaching dinner that evening 11t the home of derwood, ZI UK ionrnalisni 1:1111
S   »h sical education and modern dance Mrs. Ham non (1. :\(lilIIIS. Old Keen 1lIl(l cnrrentli assistant arcliivisl 1
V L   1 l Y _ _ I _ _ 1 _ _
{_   E y at Hillsboro High School, Tampa, Fla. Place. llII1\'(‘I`SIIy'S Margaret I. King 1111*
I , is a 1 1 T
‘  Vs c ~
  2.   `II H E
`_  is    ‘ 6 THE KENTUCKY ALUM'
I     1
1 -.   _ 11i 1
.1  ; git, V _1i_ 1
. W1 ` I
I "I

‘ =’= esti
 I- i»   ·,
of Lawm   I II"
il"’ U"‘_"“‘Bourbon County Dayton, Ohio L ·‘ ·5’·   ,  ‘#<’   -7*
who dtetl { I     i  
_;i“'|‘e|iigl,l Bourbon County Alumni Club had Lyman jenkins, '50, is president of   ‘  
ioinrship its annual meeting at Carnahan House the Dayton Club. He was elected at ''i‘' iw   ’ . Q,-[
nin-tty in, in june l-l. President Frank Dickey a meeting in (jenterville, Ohio. Other I     T; Q 
. (ltiimiv .vas guest speaker. Bourbon County officers are; Mrs. james M. Peacock   i ,    if
U will ijmaresident joe McClain presided. Dick (Ruth Atlains), ’3·1, vice president; -» I _ · li   "  
;,(im;,,i,l,Rushing represented the UK Alumni Mrs. james li. Henry, ’35, treasurer;     V. A · N  
(min,] ,,·,,Association. and Kenneth .-\. Taylor, '55, secretary.      A  s,   "  
el K*"ll» Those attending were: Mrs. Frank The following persons attended:   _· I .  
iw **l"’l-*l[)ickey. l\Ir. and Mrs. Charles Harris, Mr. and Mrs. john IZ. Epps, '38, Mr_   Y I - i. 
l·i"""*“'“¤`\{r. and Mrs. Clay Roseberry, Mrs. and Mrs. Lyman jenkins, Mr. and C     ‘
Richard Hopkins, Mr. and Mrs. joe Mrs. Curtis Kelly, '36, Mr. and Mrs. Burton nlyindyn Aldridge and Tom
lil and dl., VIcClam, Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Flynn. james Peacock. Mrs. Lawson, Mr. and l`lcCcawI of Cadiz Ky_ Ofiiciated at
_l di.m(m_l.\4r. Curtis Rose, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Mrs. Harold L. Page, ’48, Miss Audry [he carving of ihedaaibéqucd lamb at
cm acm., jlarke, Mr. and Mrs. L. R. jones,   jean Parsons. ’58, IMr. and Mrs. john the iive_c0uuiy meeting held at dia
ll lwlicl ll wir. and Mrs. \\’m. B. Rogers, Lillian W, Rasclu, jr., \\’illiam R. Smith, ’32. home Gi ML and MI-SI smith D_ Broad,
mlimk Dale, Nathalie Archbaltl, Mrs. Hazel- Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Tuckery, ’28, Mr. bene In on Kentucky Lake last Mav_
I II I_ agg, Miss Zerelda Noland, Miss Helen and Mrs. Rothwell \\’oodward, '22, '
l '"j°Il;"` Hunter, Mr. Bobby Crump, Mr. Gar- and Mr. and I\-Irs. Herman \Vor-
mlm °§u"‘·ard Daugherty. sham, ’l6.
>\\`lllj{ t ie is I I ·
lies l)cm.l_, Mr. and Mrs. Vance Kitchen, Mr. Dick Rushing represented the Alum-
.Slalc`_ ima md Mrs. M, O. Traylor, Mr. and Mrs. ni Association. I I _
Siu. ,,llili_,jlV. F. Russell, Mr. Wm. Blanton, Mr_ Logan: L)0n, Trigg, Caldwell,
c in ilu. mind Mrs. Ken Midkiff. Edna E. Burris, Chrrsuan Counties
“m.OSil\_ Vir, and Mrs. \\'m. Barkley, Marian
` White, Mr. and Mrs. james Drymon, \\’arren County A five—county meeting was held on
Jlllllikl -"l·VIr. and Mrs. \\'arren Featherstone, C I I I A _ I I _ May 23 at the lodge of Smith Broad-
’l° l“{°m‘lY.. MY- find Mrs. jefilld Hllillnflll, Ml`. I hdliei   ltcqrm BHS elected Presb bent,   on Kentucky Lake. President
"`h_l(`h *“‘Ymd Mrs. Bernie Milan, Phil Vlatling- ( emot {K “ ;m€n_(“°umY dub at a Frank Dickey was the principal speak-
d wlu l)Cl`·‘.OIl, hlf. and Airs. C2tt‘I‘0l TiCl1€n01‘, mcqtmg Im? xialb g' O‘h°r _ Ofacfirs er. Those attending were; )[r_ and
from ¤¤¤¤¤{w»tr.a¤r1 Mrs. \\’alker Mrc;a1rr,Dr.rmd °‘$‘F_°;l ““f° s·Q·‘_’l°$   E“gh$;;- "'°€ Mrs. smith Broadbent, jr., Mr. and
Wmlllc ¥*m·\iIrs. Clay Current, Mr. and Mrs. Fred lI)l°°l(IC"It‘ dm ‘[lSS Fmnces An €rSOn' Mrs. \Villiam McConnell. Mrs. Frank
U<`U:l¢` Clllligaycock, Mrs, Farmer, Mr. and Mrs. °°CmL‘lrl' Dickey, Mrs. Richard Rushing, Mr.
Jilllim ll`“l?3ill Taylor, and Dr. and Mrs. Bard- Miss Helen King was the principal and Mrs. Myron Pool, Mrs.  L. Dur-
Wllll GF yell. s>eaker. Dick Rushin showed a film ham, r., Burton Aldridtre, ose h
I , I g _ o  
  imd I titled: "Educati0n Is Everybody’s Bus1· Lecky, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas W1l·
`Ufmii {WV- ness." lianis, Mr. and Mrs. Brent D. Thomp-
i was unnn Those amending were: MII and Mm son, l\Ir_ and Mrs. Tom Magraw, Mrs.
the <'>l¤l¤ R S S · _ y - , B. G. Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
, _ I ._ . . unth, Mis. \\. H. Nicholls. Mr. .
nl tt~l.ttue~ Imd MH IO? ii, Lime Mr Imd Mrs Overfield, Mr. and Mrs. Edwm Lamb.
Daviess and Surrounding Ken II\lance;O jim Qhaney, II\Vj]?On .Il?;g§s:?l)§1IlIPggéjirfvlelgp,  
Counties Homigan. .>-. O. Reid Hoskins. 38. H S White Jr vis I L `Valkcr
ALUMNAE Kelcy Driskill. ’~l9. Mr. and Mrs. Eli ‘ ‘ `_ " *_ _` —' ‘I I ’
iN DONAT Alumni from Daviess and sur- B. Friedtnan, `l9, Miss Louise Travel- Mn ang M,IS‘ LO"}? Cnld“€u‘ ML
I I _ I _ I _ , _ - and Mis. \\. D. Armstrong, Mr. and
rounding cmmlicemel at O“.em_ stead. l)1. and Mis. \'\2lllC1 H. Gr1f— _ .
. , I ,_ V t ‘ ‘ . I .. I I _ _ Mrs. G. L_ Francis, john IV. Adams.
>l()·> hm . hug i6 D1 and Mis R O C G1een —
  OI 0I`I0I_ boro on Aug. 22. UK President ,9%   `1)_I`I`id Fmncis `,47' Mr ami Miss Mary Helen jenkins, Mr. and
li;(;mIl,k\_‘lI;I Frank Dickey and the Alumni {ilk ii.   Film lag   G’Craié .35 Mrs. Oscar T. McCutchin, Mr. and
Oi ·i·i,cn ~ ASS¤¢i¤ti<>¤ 1>r<>si