xt7b2r3nwb32 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7b2r3nwb32/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1967-09-sep19. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1967-09-sep19. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1967-09-sep19. 1967 1967-09-sep19. 2011 true xt7b2r3nwb32 section xt7b2r3nwb32 

     Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky,
Tuesday, September 19, 1967

     The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met in the Board Room of
the Administration Building on the campus of the University on Tuesday, September
19, 1967 at 2:00 p. m. , Eastern Standard Time, in regular meeting as provided in
KRS 164. 170, with the following members present: Governor Edward T. Breathitt,
Chairman, Dr. Ralph Angelucci, Vice Chairman, Mr. Henry Besuden, Mr. William
R. Black, Mr. Smith Broadbent, Mr. Richard E. Cooper, Mr. Sam Ezelle, Mr.
Charles Landrum, Mr. Hudson Milner, Dr. Harry Sparks., and the two non-voting
faculty members, Dr. Stephen Diachun and Professor Paul Oberst. Absent were
Mrs. Rexford Blazer, Mr. Wendell Butler, Dr. Harry Denham, Dr. R. W. Bushart,
and Mr. Robert Hillenmeyer. President Oswald, Vice Presidents Albright and
Creech, and Provost Cochran represented the administration and members of the
news media were present.

     A. Meeting Opened and Secretary of the Board Elected

     Mr. Smith Broadbent pronounced the invocation. The Chairman called for
nominations for a secretary of the Board of Trustees to replace Dr. H. B. Murray,
explaining that this was the first statutory session of the Board since Dr. Murray's
death in late May 1967.

     Mr. Broadbent placed the name of Mr. Sam Ezelle in nomination and Dr.
Sparks moved that the nominations be closed and Mr. Ezelle be elected by
acclamation. The motion was seconded and Mr. Ezelle was elected Secretary of
the Board of Trustees by acclamation.

     The Governor asked for the roll call and Mr. Ezelle reported ten voting
members present, two non-voting members present, and five members absent.
This constituting a quorum, the Governor declared the meeting officially open at
2:07 o'clock.

     B. Minutes Approved

     On motion by Dr. Angelucci, seconded by Mr. Cooper, and passed the reading
of the Minutes for the July 21, 1967 meeting of the Executive Committee of the
Board of Trustees was dispensed with and the Minutes were approved as published.

     C. Member of the Executive Committee Elected

     The death of Dr. H. B. Murray not only left the secretaryship of the Board
vacant but created a vacancy on the Executive Committee. The Chairman called for


nominations and Mr. Ezelle moved that Mr. Richard E. Cooper be elected a
member of the Executive Committee by acclamation. The motion was seconded
and passed unanimously.

     D. President's Report to the Trustees

     After briefly discussing the items contained in PR 1, President's Report to
the Trustees, Dr. Oswald concluded by saying that the report was a presentation
of certain representative activities and should not be considered as a comprehensive
coverage of all the many and varied activities which go on continually.

     Having determined that there were no additional items which any member of
the Board wished added to the report, the Governor accepted the report and ordered
it filed.

     E. Recommendations of the President (PR 2)

     Dr. Oswald stated that the items in PR 2 were routine in nature and he had no
special comments to make relative to any part of it. Since the Board members had
had an opportunity to review the contents prior to the meeting, the motion was made
by Mr. Black, seconded by Dr. Angelucci, and passed that the recommendations
contained in PR 2, Recommendations of the President, be approved and that it be
made an official part of the Minutes of the meeting. (See PR 2 at the end of the
Minutes. )

     F. Supplemental Recommendations of the President (PR 3)

     Dr. Oswald explained that PR 3, Supplemental Recommendations of the
President, contained only the financial report, which had not been completed in
time to include in PR 2. Copies of the report had been mailed from the Office of
Business Affairs but, since some of the members might not have received it, he
requested Mr. Clay Maupin to discuss it in Mr. Kerley's absence.

     Mr. Maupin went over in some detail the various exhibits contained in the
report and indicated that the income and expenditures for the two months' period
covered by the report were in accordance with expectations.

      Dr. Oswald indicated his wish to present two items which had just come to
him and which were not, therefore, included as a part of PR 3. He presented the
following matters to be added to PR 3 as an addendum:

(1) Leave of absence without pay for Dean C. R. Hager from October 1, 1967 to
    January 31, 1968, to serve on a special assignment.



(2) Authorization for Clay Maupin, Assistant Treasurer, to sell 10 shares of
    R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company common stock. The stock was a contribution
    to the S. Alex Parker Scholarship Fund and the proceeds are needed to make

The motion was made, seconded, and passed that the above two items be added to
PR 3 and that it be approved as a whole and made a part of the official Minutes of
the meeting. (See PR 3 at the end of the Minutes. )

     G. Approval "In Principle" of Preliminary Development Plan for
Hopkinsville Community College (PR 4)

     Dr. Oswald asked that copies of the Preliminary Development Plan for the
Hopkinsville Community College be distributed for reference during the meeting.
Each member had received a copy in an earlier mailing. He indicated that the plan
was similar to those presented and approved for the other community colleges and
pointed out that it was predicatedon an ultimate enrollment of 2, 000 full-time
equivalent students with 90 teachers and would provide 250, 000 square feet, includ-
ing the 35, 000 square feet of existing building.

     On motion by Dr. Angelucci, seconded by Mr. Ezelle, and passed the
Hopkinsville Community College Preliminary Development Plan was approved "in
principle", with the understanding that the plan will be periodically revised as the
program requirements of the College become more fully expressed. Governor
Breathitt asked that it be noted that had he had a vote it would have been "aye".
(See PR 4 at the end of the Minutes. )

     H. Appropriation of Funds for University Hospital (PR 5)

     Dr. Albright explained that the request for an increase in the expenditure
authorization of the University Hospital was made in order to take care of 45 ad-
ditional beds which will be opened in the University Hospital. He explained that the
amounts requested for transfer had been provided in a reserve fund in the 1967-68
budget pending the activation of the additional beds.

     Dr. Angelucci expressed his approval of this particular action but as
Chairman of the Hospital Committee of the Board of Trustees, requested that in
the future such matters be referred to that committee prior to presentation to the
full Board.

     Dr. Sparks made the motion, which was duly seconded and passed, that the
expenditure authorization of the University Hospital be increased in accordance with
the recommendation contained in PR 5. (See PR 5 at the end of the Minutes. )



     I. 1967-68 Budget Revisions Approved (PR 6)

     Dr. Albright explained that PR 6, 1967-68 Budget Revisions, was in ac-
cordance with the custoniary procedure of reporting to the Board of Trustees any
change in estimated income and of obtaining Board approval of expenditures against
the revised income figure.

     Having had an opportunity to examine the recommended revisions in advance
and having no questions concerning these revisions, the motion was made by Mr.
Milner, seconded and carried unanimously that the revisions in the 1967-68 budget
as presented in PR 6 be authorized and approved. (See PR 6 at the end of the

     J. August Degree Candidates Approved (PR 7)

     No degree may be conferred without approval of the University Senate and the
Board of Trustees. The University Senate on Monday, September 11, 1967, gave its
approval to the list submitted of those candidates for degrees who completed re-
quirements at the close of the 1968 summer session.

     On motion by Mr. Ezelle, duly seconded, and carried, approval was given to
the candidates for degrees whose names appear as part of PR 7 and the President
was authorized and directed to confer upon each individual on the list the degree to
which he is entitled at the commencement exercises on May 13, 1968. (See PR 7 at
the end of the Minutes. )

     K. Disability Insurance Plan Adopted (PR 8)

     A matter which has been of concern for a long time, particularly to members
of the faculty, has been the lack of a suitable method for handling total disability
situations when they arise. Each case in the past has been handled as an individual
matter and, to date, the University has been able to care for the individual in a
satisfactory manner. This method, however, does not provide necessary security
and the matter has been under consideration for over three years. The committee
of faculty and staff members studying this problem recommends the establishment
of a Long Term Group Total Disability Income Protection Program, the details of
which are given in PR 8 at the end of the Minutes.

     If adopted, this plan would be a much needed addition to the present program
of benefits and would not only provide security for Group I personnel but would be a
most effective recruitment tool. Although such insurance is being provided in an
ever increasing number of institutions, it is not yet a predominant benefit feature.

Professor Oberst and Dr. Diachun; speaking on behalf of the faculty, expressed



the feeling that it would be received with enthusiasm and was an area which had been
of concern to the faculty for some time.

     Dr. Angelucci said that he would like to raise a question relative to the cover-
age of students who might be injured on field trips or while carrying out a University
assignment. Tt was indicated that when in a University vehicle, they were covered
but not otherwise. Mr. Darsie, the University's legal counsel, pointed out that it
would require specific statutory authorization to provide this type of insurance for

     Mr. Ezelle said that he favored the adoption of the proposed disability insurance
plan but would like to raise a question as to how the growing insurance consciousness
on the part of employers might affect employment opportunities for physically handi-
capped persons, an area in which he was most interested.

     Dr. Oswald indicated he would ask that a study be made and a report prepared
for presentation to the Board of Trustees on both of these questions--liability for
students injured or disabled while on University assignments and the employment of
physically handicapped and whether employment of such persons might have any ef-
fect on insurance programs.

     There being no further discussion, the Governor called for a motion on the es-
tablishment of a Long Term Group Total Disability Income Protection Program. The
motion was made, seconded and carried that the University establish the program
outlined in PR 8. (See PR 8 at the end of the Minutes. )

     L. Organization for General Academic Leadership Approved and Dr. Lewis
Cochran Named Dean of the Graduate School and Vice President-Research (PR 9)

     Dr. Oswald called attention to a chart outlining a proposed Academic
Administrative Organization, pointing out that the organizational pattern was accord-
ing to the mandates contained in the Academic Plan endorsed by the Board of Trustees
in June 1964. He briefly reviewed the background statement and the recommendations
contained in PR 9, Proposed Academic Organization, and said that the administrative
appointment which was listed as the next item on the agenda was so closely tied into
the proposed academic organization that he would like to make it a part of this action.

     He said it gave him much pleasure to recommend to the Board of Trustees that
Dr. Lewis Cochran, Provost, be named Dean of the Graduate School and Vice
President-Research, effective immediately. He added that Dr. Cochran would con-
tinue to serve as Provost until such time as the Dean of Undergraduate Studies was
named, when the position of Provost would be discontinued.

     Members of the Board of Trustees expressed approval of the proposed organi-
zation and of the appointment of Dr. Cochran as Dean of the Graduate School and Vice
President-Research. On motion by Mr. Milner, seconded, and passed unanimously



PR 9, Proposed Academic Organization, was approved as presented and Dr.
Cochran's appointment as Dean of the Graduate School and Vice President-Research
was confirmed, effective immediately, with the understanding that he would con-
tinue to serve as Provost until such time as the Dean of Undergraduate Studies might
be named, at which time the position of Provost would be abolished. (See PR 9 at
the end of the Minutes. )

     M. Report of the Special Committee Relating to the Purchase of Maine Chance

     The next item on the agenda was the Report of the Special Committee Relating
to the Purchase of Maine Chance Farm and Governor Breathitt called on Dr.
Angelucci, chairman of the committee, for the report.

     Dr. Angelucci said that the committee had prepared the following resolution
and recommended its adoption:


                  The Special Committee of the Board of Trustees on
         Maine Chance Farm recommends that the Board of Trustees
         reaffirm all its previous positions in regard to the acquisition
         of Maine Chance and urge the University of Kentucky Research
         Foundation and its officials to proceed with all steps necessary
         to effectuate the purchase agreement and obtain the deed for
         Maine Chance Farm in ample time to assure the fulfillment of
         the Foundation's contractual obligations.

                                         Ralph J. Angelucci

                                         B. Hudson Milner

      Following the reading of the resolution, Dr. Angelucci moved its adoption.
His motion was seconded by Mr. Broadbent. There was no discussion and the vote
showed all members in favor of its adoption.

      N. Meeting Adjourned

Having first determined there was no further business to come before the



meeting, the Governor called for a motion for adjournment. Mr. Ezelle moved that
the meeting stand adjourned and his motion was seconded by Dr. Sparks. Without
dissent, it was so ordered and the meeting adjourned at 3:05 p. m.

                                        Respectfully submitted,

                                        Sam Ezelle, Secretary
                                        Board of Trustees

PR 2, PR 3, PR 4, PR 5, PR 6, PR 7, PR 8, PR9 which follow are offical parts of
the Minutes of the September 19, 1967 meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Uni-
versity of Kentucky.



                           September 19, 1967


     A total of 22,257 students have enrolled for the University's
fall semester, Dean of Admissions Elbert W. Ockerman said.

     The figure represents 14,737 on the Lexington campus; 5662
in the nine community colleges; 800 in extension classes, and 1,058
in the evening class program. Dr. Ockerman said enrollment on the
Lexington campus was up 6 per cent over last fall's registration
figure; last year there were 13,802 at Lexington. Approximately
59 per cent of the students on the Lexington campus are male.

     The break-down by colleges and schools: Arts and Sciences,
7,912; Agriculture (and Home Economics), 464; Architecture, 144;
Allied Health, 10; Nursing, 97; Business and Economics, 670; Edu-
cation, 1,566; Engineering, 665; Graduate School, 2,029; Law, 456;
Pharmacy, 155; Medicine, 290; Dentistry, 180, Lexington Technical
Institute, 131, and unclassified, 3. First semester freshmen at
Lexington number 2,438. Students transferring from the community
colleges to Lexington: 491. The community colleges report the
following enrollments: Ashland, 980; Elizabethtown, 610; Fort Knox,
425; Henderson, 503; Hopkinsville, 408; Northern at Covington,
1,336; Prestonsburg, 431; Somerset, 475, and Southeast at Cumber-
land, 426.


     The 62 high school students representing 15 Kentucky counties
in the Lincoln School's first class were told at a first convocation
on September 6 that the school presents a unique opportunity for the
individual student, and from the individual "things can be learned
that will be beneficial to education in this state and even the nation."

     President Oswald told the students and 25 guests that "the
Lincoln School enters into a new era of responsibility, and it is
hoped that the new school will measure up to its responsibility as
did Lincoln Institute throughout its history."

     The school, operated by the University, will serve chosen bright
youngsters who may have been economically and culturally disadvantaged.
Eventually the school is expected to have about 250 youngsters in the
first four high school grades.


- 2 -


     Forty of 76 University-trained ROTC cadets finished in the top
third of their respective units at Indiantown Gap Military Reser-
vation in Annville, Pa., during six weeks of summer training. Capt.
James Channon of the Military Science Department, who spent the sum-
mer at the training camp, said the cadets "finished high in all areas
in competition with cadets from 90 other colleges in the Northeast."
Cadets excelling in particular events included George Henderson,
Waverly, who fired a 228 expert score with the M-14 rifle; James
Hagan, Uniontown, who scored 477 points of a possible 500 on the
physical combat proficiency test; James Nishimoto, Takoma Park,
Maryland, brigade champion assembling the M-60 machine gun; George
Robinson, Lexington, who scored the second highest mark in the bri-
gade on the comprehensive examination, and John Wagner, Louisville,
who scored a perfect 100 on the map-reading phase. Robert Ledbetter,
also of Louisville, was the all-events champion from Kentucky, scoring
high in all the above listed events. Finishing either first or second
in their 50-man platoons: Ledbetter; Edward Fegenbush, Louisville:
Ronnie Johnson, Benham; Jim Ingram, Dyersburg, Tenn.; Emil Hall,
George Robinson, and Van Sudduth, Lexington; Nishimoto; Phil Greer,
Burdine; Jim Gray, Valley Station, and Pat Carroll, Burlington.


     The Department of Music announces a schedule of 29 recitals and
concerts to be presented during the fall semester. Included are re-
citals by faculty members, exchange recitals, and concerts by the
University Orchestra, Marching Band, Horn Club, Men's and Women's
Glee Clubs, Symphonic Band, Opera Theatre, Chamber Singers, Univer-
sity Chorus and University Choristers. Rodney Farrar, cello, open-
ed the faculty series on September 7. Other faculty performers in-
clude Bruce Morrison, oboe-English horn; Edwin Grzesnikowski, violin;
Fred Dart, euphonium; James Bonn, piano; Roy Schaberg, French horn;
Bruce Freifeld, violin; Sheila House, soprano; Joseph Ceo, Joan Ceo,
and Naomi Armstrong, chamber recital, and James Bonn and Gordon
Kinney, chamber recital. Recitals are at 8:15 p.m. Afternoon re-
citals are at 3; all are admission-free.


     A training film for motor vehicle inspectors who will be hired
next January 1 under Kentucky's new vehicle inspection law has been
produced at the University. In production for over two months, the
film features 120 illustrations by Tom Van Treese., artist in the
College of Education's Educational Materials Laboratory, who uti-
lizes a cartoon character named VIC as narrator. VIC (from Vehicle
Inspection Center) is used to illustrate each step in the detailed
inspection process.  T1I'e script was by Bernard T. Fagan, instructor
in the Division of Vocational Education, and photography by Dr.
George L. Luster, assuc'iate pLofn;.V-o in thl samie department.  Pre-
pared in cooperation with tile- Sl.:it:te rotl-_, tmuient. of Public Safety, it
will be shown in 14 vocwa i Lon e! iti the 20 extension centers
where the 9,000 inspectors will be Ltained.


- 3 -


     Dr. Maurice A. Clay, associate professor of physical education,
returned the last of August from a two-week information-seeking
trip to Mexico. He studied the status of physical education and
sports in Mexico as material for a paper he has been asked to de-
velop on physical education in that country for Phi Epsilon Kappa's
"Monograph 2 on Physical Education Around the World."


     A study of the use of funds received by school systems through-
otu the country under Title III of the U.S. Elementary and Second-
ary Education Act of 1965 is being made by Dr. Richard I. Miller,
coordinator of the Program on Educational Change in the College of
Education. A research grant of $114,353 from the U.S. Office of Edu-
cation has been received. Dr. Miller prepared a similar study during
the first year of Title III's operation, which was presented to the
subcommittee on education of the Senate's Committee on Labor and
Public Welfare. The subcommittee is headed by Sen. Wayne Morse of
Oregon. Entitled "Catalyst For Change," totaling 557 pages, the
first report was printed in April by the U.S. Government Printing
Office. Dr. Miller expects the new study to result in several re-
search publications. He said that in analyzing the 1968 projects,
the first and second proposals submitted by the schools would be
compared in an attempt to determine whether Title III does make a
difference to youngsters in classrooms.


     Dr. Thomas C. Barr Jr., associate professor of zoology, has
stepped up his study of the ecology of Mammoth Cave, a project he
has had underway since the mid-fifties. He is studying the millions
of organisms which live--and have lived for thousands of years--in
total darkness within the maze of cracks and crevices of the esti-
mated 150 miles of the subterranean chambers. The first National
Science Foundation grant was givenin support of the research in
1961 and it gained momentum. Dr. Barr and two graduate students
recently completed one stage of the research--classifying the
various organisms, their species, varieties and general environ-
mental factors which make up the underground society.


     Dr. James Kemp, professor of animal science, says that when Uni-
versity of Kentucky researchers began their study of the curing of
hams about 12 years ago, they didn't know it would mark the beginning
of a multi-million dollar industry in the state. Dr. Kemp began his
research with the idea of speeding up the curing process of "'old
country" ham. Traditionally, a rule-of-thumb was that hams take a
year of curing and aging. "The idea that hams could be cured in a
matter of months was suggested by Sam Guard, a former editor of the
'Breeders Gazette'," Dr. Kemp recalled.


- 4 -


    A 1967 University graduate, Thad Samruels Abell II, has been
appointed to the staff of "National Geographic," and now is on
assignment in Russia. The son of Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Abell, Syl-
vania, O., Abell began as a photographer with the Society this
summer. While at the University, Abell served as a photographer
for "The Kentucky Kernel," and the yearbook, "The Kentuckian."
During his senior year, he was editor-in-chief of the yearbook.


    Twelve University students have returned from "Bogota '67,"
a workshop in Bogota, Columbia, where they spent a month at the
fourth annual YMCA International Workcamp, an independent project
coordinated through-the University. The workshop combined recre-
ational leadership,.tutoring English, and manual labor. They helped
build and complete.the.Bogota YMCA Day Camp for inner-city children.
The students on the.project worked mainly in "Bario Park," a slum
area near the city,.where.they spread rock and dug out walkways.
Jack Dalton, advisor, said-this year's project was the most success-
ful to date, since only. six-persons participated last year. He said
he hoped an exchange program for Colombian students can be worked
out with the University.


     A 1960 graduate of.the University is poring over photographs
of the moon taken during.the most recent lunar orbit, from which he
will make recommendations on the site for a landing by the first
American astronamt.. He-is Dr. Gerald Schaber, who received his
bachelor's degree in-geology and spent his Saturday afternoons play-
ing the clarinet or-saxophone in the University's marching band at
the football games. The former Covingtonian recently returned to
NASA headquarters.in Flagstaff, Arizona, after directing lunar photo-
graphers at the Jet.Propulsion Laboratory at Pasadena, California.
He is married to the former Miss Sandra Gall of Ft. Mitchell and
they have two children. His parents live at 2441 Herman Street,
Covington. A brother, Fred, also is a University graduate and is
an electronic engineer in St. Louis.


     The Writing Workshop.for People Over 57, co-sponsored by the
Council on Aging and the Department of English, and held in August,
attracted 50 writer-participants at the week-long session. The
workshop was the. first-of its kind ever to be held in the U.S. Each
of the 43 women and.seven.men--from 57 to 82 years old--submitted
a manuscript.prior to..th. workshup's opening. The works were evalu-
ated by one of the four professional staLt members, or by all of
them at a panel session.  Thrie wetksh J51 , some 300 inquiries from
41 states and three foreign c       uj.ttCes.  IC this number, 80 persons
submitted manuscriu-s.


                                  - 5 -


     Nineteen doctoral-year fellowships worth $2,400 each and fi-
nanced through the National Defense Education Act, were awarded in
August. They were chosen by a University Fellowship Committee. The
students, their hometown, and their field of study are: Charles R.
Cella, Lexington, English; Robert B. Denhardt, Bowling Green, polit-
ical science; Bartlett G. Dickinson, Glasgow, physics and chemistry.;
Donald C. Dykes, Lexington, mathematics; John Edgar Diller, Han-
over, N. H., economics; Guessler M. Normand, Lexington, French;
James G. Otto, Lexington, history; Kermit Patterson, Richmond,
business education; Charles M. Ray, Sweeden, business education;
Donald R. Rogers, Lexington, chemistry; Dennis H. Schnack, Tipton,
Iowa, mathematics; William Freeman Smith, Cadiz, physics and astro-
nomy; Jack Steele, Lexington, chemistry; Roy Edward Thoman, Evans-
ville, Ind., diplomacy; Weichen Tien, Taiwan, China, microbiology;
James A. Verbrugge,.Lexington, economics; Anthony Wu, Hong Kong,
chemistry; James Edward Weatherbee, Lexington, mathematics; Mehale
A. Zalampas, Louisville, history.


     Eleven students have been awarded University traineeships
under programs sponsored by the National Science Foundation and the
National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Each of the eight
NSF trainees will receive $2,400 for 12 months of study, while the
three NASA trainees will receive $2,400 for 12 months of study,
plus dependency allowances. If a student make a satisfactory re-
cord, he may be permitted up to three years' study under the pro-
grams. Receiving.NSF-traineeships, their hometowns, and their field
of study while at the University are: William Lewis Bloemer, Coving-
ton, chemistry; Maura Lynn Corley, Marion, mathematics; John Merle
Elson, Neoga, Ill., physics and astronomy; Harry G. Enoch, Mt.
Sterling, biochemistry; Larry Allen Giesmann, Pleasant Valley, Penna.,
botany; Jeanne Sue Humble, Winchester, sociology; Jo Edwin Nees,
Seaford, N. Y., biochemistry, and William Kirk Richardson, Salem,
psychology. Receiving NASA traineeships are Lewis Berkley Davis Jr.,
Lexington, who will study mechanical engineering; Lynn R. Williams,
New Tazewell, Tenn., who will study mathematics, and Robert Dennis
Zwicker, Pleasure Ridge Park, who will study physics and astronomy.


     The 1967-68 K-Men's Association scholarship has gone to James
C. Wigginton, a graduate of Louisville St. Xavier High School. He
is the fifth outstanding high school student to receive the non-
athletic scholarship from the University's lettermen. Wigginton
ranked in the 99 percentile on the American College Test and was a
finalist in the National Merit Scholarship Testing Program.


- 6 -


     The Dr. Paul I. Murrill Memorial Scholarship has been awarded
to a Baton Rouge, La., woman. Doris Margaret ThomDson is the re-
cipient of the $2,400 fellowship, presented annually to a student
';who possesses outstanding qualifications of character and apti-
tudes for fruitful graduate work." Preference is given to scholars
in chemistry. The scholarship was established by Mrs. Murrill in
honor of her deceased husband, a University graduate.

     The Graduate School also announced the Haggin Graduate Fellow-
ship winners for the 1967-68 school year. The fellowshipsendowed
by Margaret Voorhies Haggin in memory of her father, George Voor-
hies, are worth $2,400 for 10 months of study. The students,
their hometowns, and their fields of study at UK are: Mary Regalis
Althauser, Lexington, microbiology; Louis G. Arnold, Eau Claire,
Wis., physics and astronomy; Richard A. Bachand, Putnam, Conn.,
French; Annette C. Burt, Lexington, Spanish; Lois L. Mai Chan,
Lexington, English; Carole Jean Coffey, Shop Spring, Tenn., bio-
chemistry; Cecilia A. Holt, Florence, Ala., mathematics; Donald
Lee Hopkins, Island, plant pathology; Arthur H. Ihrig, Lexington,
chemistry; Marv Jane Inman, Frankfort, Spanish; Mary Beth Loud,
Madison, Wis., Spanish, Nedra D. Lundbert, Dixon, S. D., English;
Don Q. McNeilly, Mayfield, English; S. K. Majumdar, Calcutta,
India, botany; Terrence G. Marsh, Lexington, zoology, Richard L.
Michener, Lexington, English; Sharon Frances Midkiff Edge, Fords-
ville, library science; John Ker Munro Jr., Lexington, physics and

     Issam Safady, Hebron, Jordan, English; Ann C. Simonetti
Deaton, Lexington, anthropology; Mary K. Tachau, Louisville,
history; Danielle B. Thompson, Lexington, French; Selden Y.
Trimble, Hopkinsville, mathematics; Ruth Margaret Wahlstrom,
Canby, Minn., English; Randall H. Waldron, Lexington, English;
Richard C. Worley, Wilmore, geology; Betty R. Yung, Lexington,
Spanish; Rachel P. Zimmerman, Hanover, N. H., Spanish.


     A report on "Births, Deaths, and Migration," recently re-
leased by the Department of Sociology, makes the major observation
that Kentucky's population is growing about twice as fast as it
was ten years ago, "mainly because fewer persons are migrating out
of the state." Among other things, the report reflects rapid
growth in the 17-county Bluegrass region and a decline in the rate
at which inhabitants of Eastern Kentucky are leaving the area. The
report came from a continuing population study being conducted b