xt79zw18pn29 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79zw18pn29/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1991-11-08 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 08, 1991 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 08, 1991 1991 1991-11-08 2020 true xt79zw18pn29 section xt79zw18pn29  

Kentucky Kernel

Vol. XCIV. No. 217 Established 1894 University of Kentucky. Lexington, Kentucky Independent since 1971 Friday, November 8, 1991

Yugoslavians study I


Contributing Writer

Yugoslavia is embroiled in a civil
war: The country is divided be-
tween those who want to create a
market economy and those who
want to maintain a socialist econo-

In an effort to learn about a mar-
ket economy, four Yugoslavian pro-
fessors visited UK and small busi-
nesses in Lexington earlier this

“We need to restructure our coun-
try." said Mate Babic, an economics
professor from the University ona»

“Any experiences we can learn
from the US. will help us reorga-
nize our new economy." he said.
“The most important reason we are
here is for new friendships.

The current social system of one
man, one nation. one state was in-
troduced by Adolf Hitler and has
failed repeatedly because of ineffi-
ciencies built into it. said Babic, for-
mer minister for economic affairs in

ln I990. four of the six Yugosla-
vian republics — Croatia. Bosnia,
Slovenia and Macedonia — voted




M! It" Ins-an - -

3 ii\\\\

' l.


lll M to“


GREG EANS (rim-1 3" i"

Duro Njavro, Vlado Leko, Pero Jurkouvic. and Mate Babic, professors from the University oi Zagreb in Yugoslavia. study economics at UK
this week. They want to establish an agency similar to the UK‘s Kentucky Small Development Center in their country

for a democratic system.

“We have paid a dear price,"
Babic said. “The Anny (which re-
mained communist) has destroyed
several cities, leveling them to the
ground and leaving us in fear for
our own lives."

Curt Harvey. director of the ln-
temational Business Center at UK,
is familiar with the situation in Yu—

HIV diagnosis brings

Magic to r

Associated Press

INGLEWOOD. Calif. — Magic
Johnson said he had tested positive
for the AlDS virus and retired from
pro basketball yesterday, shocking
the sports world
and leaving it
without one of
its true super-

In 12 spark-
ling seasons,
Johnson showed
the world a new
way to play has—
ketball and
helped turn the
pro game into the
biggest sports success story of the

Both he and his doctors stressed
that he did not have AIDS, a dis
ease of the immune system for



charged with
from frat

Contributing Writer

A former UK student, who
has been charged with em-
bezzling nearly $21,000 from
a fraternity housing corpora-
tion's bank account. is sched-
uled to appear in Fayette
County District Court

Michael Mn. 25. of 2109
Rollingdale Road, is charged
with theft by failure to make
required deposition — a class
D felony.

Michael McCoskcy. presi-
dent of Beta Theta Pi‘s hous-
ing corporation. filed a com-
plaint against Mu Oct. 28
with Lexington police.

Det. Don Hampton said
Mu was the only person au-
thorized to use the account.





which there is no known cure. Both
also said that, while Johnson‘s play-
ing days were over. he was far from

“I plan on going on living for a
long time and l guess now i can en-
joy some of the other sides of liv.
ing." Johnson said at a news confer-

in becoming one of that selett
group of athletes known every-
where by Just one name “Magic"
Johnson led the los Angclcs
Lakers to to live NBA llllL‘\ and
helped lift the league to unprete-
dented sut cess

The 32-year-old became one of
sport‘s iiiost recogni/ahle figures
for his smile and enthusiasm. the
smile was still there yesterday, Just
faintly dimmed, and he said he
would become a spokesman for
AIDS groups, hoping to promote

See MAGIC, Page 5

Permit filed

to mine in
UK forest

Sta" reports

Addington Resources liit mm a
preliminary pemiit this week to
mine about 1,500 acres in the l.au-
rel Fork watershed of UK's Robin—
son Forest.

Addington filed the permit with
the state Natural Resources Cabinet
at its Jackson. Ky. branch office.

If the pemiit is approved Ash-
land—based Addington could begin
mining this summer.

Addington won the right in April
to mine 3.700 acres outside the con-
tiguous body of the Robinson For-
est UK's Eastcm Kentucky re
search area in Knott. Perry and
Breathitt counties.

UK WI” receive $3 per ton of
coal or l0 percent of the proceeds.
whichever is higher. Mining of the
6 tracts could nct UK $30 million in

See FOREST. Page 5


“’l‘ne Serbs feel they have to pro.
tect other Serbs living in Croatia
from being killed once the market
economy is in place," Harvey said.

Harvey. also a professor of eco.
nomics at UK, said the war should
not last much longer.

“As time goes on, the Croatians
are getting stronger. and the Serbs

are getting weaker," he said.

“The Serbs have an ineffective
army." he said. “Only 15 percent
called by the draft actually showed
up. Then they have desertcr too."

Bahic I\ not as optimistic about
the war's end.

‘l won't say we will win, but we
will not lose." he said Nobody
really wins in a war, he said.



Renowned composer Henry Mancini performed to :i ‘»t.|i()Ui
crowd last night at the Otis A. Singletaiy Center for the Art;

GREG FANS-.1 vi Fab


The army doesn't want to give tip
Croatia, because the republic gener-
ates a great deal of revenue for the
country through shipbuilding and

(‘roatia has beautiful coasts anti
tourism brings the country S‘i < bil-
lion unnually. liabic \‘altl its leaders
don‘t expect to compete vyith wirld
economic leaders initially


from Ohio
dies at UK

Contributing Writer

LK freshman Patrick John
Joyce, of Cleveland, was pro-
nounced dead yesterday at
the UK “Usplliti emergency
room after suffering FCWIIFJ'
tor) dlSUCxx

l-rcshiiiaii for; Hint tound
Joyce uiircutxinsiw in iih bvd
at JPPHPUHIJIICI) " iii am
ye \tcrduy lic
acre rtximmatcs ll‘ liaggin
Hall and pledge brother, at
Kappa Sigma \otizil thit‘ru:

two .ycrt'

Alter c'iitil'\
Joyce. Dr liaiw;
proriountctl him lcal at ‘l' "
a in

'test cit‘clllt;‘ii

hl‘l rooiiiiiuitcV d

\\ iliidlll



However fraternity prcsi
dent Jelf Scraphine said Best
told him the tvvo attended .i
movie together after fratemi-
t) study hours Wednesday
night. They were reported];
asleep by ll‘V‘ pm Scra-
phine said.

iitNl Irit‘d [(l ‘Aakt‘ Jt‘tlt‘.‘
:cxterday morning for a,“ V

we JOYCE Page 5




NPR reporter discusses
Thomas-Hill hearings

Contributing Writer

While sthcdulmg a Supreme ( 'Illl'l document. a it-gal

‘orresponderit tor \zitional Pililit Ra.

to atoniblcd ‘i

story about Oklahoma law pliHCsstW Anita Hill‘s sexual
harassment ailcgations toward Supreme (hurt nulllli’lc‘c‘

.now Justice) (f‘larcnt c l‘honiax

‘l'bc L.t\t‘ “an a'. tl.cl\lClll wining it
this \\;l.\ an unfortunate nay ll r the Whale ti
\I‘k‘k‘ell .:

tic-xx. \Jltl \ma 'lotciibuig. i. .i
‘iail last night

’ it would have been tar bcttcr it
:u to co interview

.'i.\t_‘ll ,-

tiippci’i. .i td
\li‘ l'it‘xl-

with, tint

liionias .iiztl i‘ill. a ..t‘ it.-.n tli. it.

pubhcans would hayc occii trot: ii= believe ii.il a :-l tit;

Democrats \Ai‘uitl llan‘ ht‘cli l.'"t'f it‘ be

filter hearing .tlllt.§ thc .idcgatioin. _

-\ltll Hill.
Hill was not \pccittt
knew lotcllt‘titg \t..i
\hc ltaincd that int:
at harassiiicnt t little. \,
”lhis kind t~t a.1
.hcckcd \xith ixli'x ',
Silt‘ ‘ullkl Slit; “till“.

iltltl tl *id lit-f

.‘i:.i:itvu ital a ix

i~i c tic'tt._.l\ \

.itc Judiciary \ oiiiimlttt t'cltttci ml

.>\lit'l' iilc‘ \itify \ hating? ithli.


it. liic‘ ll.ici'»lt a

.t‘iti ill lll‘c'\l My


The Senate “4» dept) ciiibairasscd that .1


"c‘iiliuft‘ ~~t..ii'ttl Li’


Jiliiit laty ‘

tut til-c can untur- t: ::.t .ziii..:

cilt‘thuif 7': ..1', .’

a. ti l; ,. .ii.

~il‘vltit .

iwl t. at.“ ..\ .i’ it” tilt .l a.~ an.

':.\4‘ wt»

it; . ,.
.it.$. .-ci-

\ l.

events. The Hit and the \\ lute home had not tout ;: ' '

certainly had, lotciiburg \llti.

Totenhurg then turned to the subject o1 thc \tll‘ic .... . t ..
”It I\ in distress,” she \1lti ”lushcc David .itvtitt.

his workload. and when an t“

are .trlllti» u',‘.§’

._' il.l\ i

ginning of tune to ptmyudgnicut on the i\\uc .i: had:
Soutcr and Human are 'wcak lot the Hui-tugs"

she said

More space for parking unlikely. Kuder

Senior Staii Write:

UK studciits found parking prob
lcnis atid budget cuts around their
residential hearth Wednesday night.

Residence Hall Association's
“lircsidc chat" drew ()0 students to
question l'iincrsity officials about
student life,

'l'hc crux of thc mcctiiig lzxpcct
parking places to be scarce and bud-
get cuts to go deep.

James Kudcr. vice chantcllor for
Student Alfairs. told onc student
that tor Villllith reasons. large scale
plans to mpand campus parking
“won't happcii iii your academic

lilctinic. i guarantee win that'

Kudcr dispcllcd the notion that
[K factilt) and stall ‘hax: i'. itiadc"
because their paikiiig pa.;- .irc lo.
talcd on llldill t .ivipux

"it \ou'rc not iii those puking
lots by quarter oi eight.“ he ‘ullti,
”you tan forget Ii. abaoltitcly forget

it [how problciii- .i:_
.itcd at all in the ut'ai lutuws. Kiidt‘r
said l’K t‘lllllit‘jst‘t‘N '!:.i\ haw to
diarc \Ulllt‘ responsibilitit ~

to bc .1ilC\l

:‘i‘illi‘ 'ii‘

that thc)

”loudly and ~~tall .li.’
hayc to not met iht- Iii‘llttji
\Jll walk to thri: nflit.~ in
lllllllllt‘\_" he said


lhc piolilcni lt‘\tiii\ lioui .ii. .iii-

t‘flk‘tlt‘ti t‘iti'i \i i.ti‘ii iii-\\l ti‘ilt'gc


liitii rectum.
ciivisitii‘icd 'i'l\ \xutdd Lax; grim!
so much or that. *i‘

would out) tat ~~

‘ l r t
Kauai \.i... i.

man} sitidcnl‘

Hue [‘itll\‘\.ll int i K s
parking ills l\ .l new paikiiig \i'dllfi’.‘
which Kudci tltk'xn'l iriia
ginc being btiilt .iii\:;:iit ~l’t i.
Rcal \tilullt‘lh take intuit;
toniiiiodity \Hlil the pit postal 't in
\t'l'\li)' budget cuts in thc titling:

. tiring
xaid hc

.I talt‘

-\\\o\latc ptotc Ml trt at. .-; van
t} Daniel I. i“liik\ told \iJIit" ls Elial
Kk‘llIU\k:\.\ ctillt‘i'o .t'i.‘. titiu "
llt‘\ are being asked to bear in . .

ol Kentucky‘s economic btirtlt‘"

. i .
‘i i icl\ .....

'l i I H
t, , - | .
.dii . ...l» .

itltdltJli H

Puiks and unit tinittito . v. ._
dict Ktriiatk) '\ taunted alt-a
titation inform


Retaiixc of a reporter’s er
tor the name oi .liltili‘. \ \\ .l
iiaiii Kuiixtlcr was l‘ll~\;‘i."it‘ti
ln\\‘\i\Vrl1.l:V.\ Kciilutky Kit












bilt. Story, page 3.


Wildcats to tackle Commodores‘ I-bone tor-
mation during Saturday’s game at Vander-


UK volleyball to take on Florida tonight at

7:30 in Memorial Coliseum.


Black conservative

feels betrayed by
own race.
Viewpoint. page 6.





2 - Kentucky Komol, Friday, November 8, 1991







.Iml turn (I on and an. in Hill \Iir rum/I U int/run “ fill


I’vrwnu/ M'xlrm mnuw u ll/l (1H wu [1'] wur ll/Hh (mm: In Ii/v Il'lI/l l/u' I'x lu‘v/mu/t'd. w rivaling:
nm"/ In gr! slurlwl. r/ir/r 0/111 nmuw. (Ill/)I't‘sxll v Imprrs Is nus}.

ion don] nm-d to [w a romputvr mpvrt
to rn-alv papers that look this great. \n IB“
~ * . ..
Personal Sutrm makw It all His}. Hi“ oilt'rs


THE .- : : :
'IWQ PARTY ti ramg’c' oi ITS/3 and l’fi/l liHNit‘l.‘ to (house
SYSTEM; lrom. all \\ Ith preloaded soltmm- and more—-

~~pm'ial student prirvs and ai‘lm‘dahlc- loan
pannwnts.M B11) no“ and )ou‘ll got a spe—
vial Bulllh I’m-U \mrth owr SUN") in
sin ings on air trawl. phom- (-alls. software
and more. \ndthat’s
Mirth ('(‘It‘i)railllg.






\isil )ulir vampm
0111le to find out
hon to nut/mun ”HI
I ’vrsonu/ System

9’3: P: kmuyr»
Fm“ ’nmruu.


in Hill I’rrwnu/ .‘xsn'm
(,rrulrlmu/r/u: \. 4 limb. 4‘l‘l'll run Irv/l) wu H‘il/l vn‘n I/lt‘
xlm'm/s/u'wls. I)“ ll (1H and nmnu Him! important INI/H'I'll oI'/..


IBM Mini F est/Collegiate Tour

Featuring IBM Model 90 and other POPULAR IBM Models

Date: Wednesday, November 8, 1991
Location: UK Commons
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Assistant Sports Editor

The Vanderbilt Commodores are
much better than they look, and UK
Coach Bill Curry will jump at the
chance to tell you.

"They led the Southeastern Con-
ference in rushing last year," Curry
said of Vanderbilt. “Same guys,
same quarterback, same offensive
line, same backs (this year). It's a
very similar offense although it's
lined up slightly differently.

“The plays and the blocking are
very similar to what they were do-
ing when Vanderbilt led the SEC in
rushing for the first time in the his-
tory of the conference last year."

When the Wildcats (3-5 overall,
04 Southeastern Conference), play
Vanderbilt (4-5, 2-3) tomorrow in
Nashville, Tenn., before TBS' na-
tional-television audience, Curry
said he expects the Commodores
won't serve be the punching bags to
which they are accustomed.

“There are pivotal points in every
program,” Curry said. “And they
can come in sort of a logical pro-
gression or you can make them hap—
pen and this is an opportunity we
have to take an imponant step for-
ward with this team."

The Commodores won only one
game last season. They defeated
Louisiana State 24-21 in the sea-
son’s second week and then pro-
ceeded to lose the remainder of
their games —— including a 28-21
loss to UK in Lexington.

While Vanderbilt finished the
season last in total defense, their
high-powered offense rolled up
371.55 yards and 20.6 points per

Behind three sophomores
quarterbacks Mike Healey and Mar-
cus Wilson and fullback Carlos
Thomas, the Commodores ran for
more than 227 yards per game.




UK tailback Clyde Rudolph runs 15 yards for a first down during last week's homecoming game
against Cincinnati. Rudolph suffered a right hamstring strain against UC and is listed as questionable

Vanderbilt returns eight of 11
starters from last season’s offensive
unit. First-year Coach Gerry DiNar-
do has brought a new scheme with
him from Colorado, which is very
accommodating to Vanderbilt‘s tra-
ditional ground game.

The Commodores play the l~bone
offense, a hybrid of the wishbone
and the I—fonnation. The I-bone
calls for two, or sometimes three,
backs to line up single file behind
the quarterback. From that point,
Curry has a simple explanation.

“It comes from a sort of a venical
thing and suddenly people are scat-
tering in all directions,“ he said.

The I-bone has been effective
thus far for Vanderbilt. The Com-
modores currently are ranked sec-
ond in the SEC in rushing offense,

running for 229 yards per game.

“What makes it far more effec-
tive is with Wilson they have a tre-
mendous athlete at quarterback,"
Curry said. “He runs and reads and
makes intelligent decisions anti
turns the ball over very seldom.“

Wilson leads the SEC iii scoring
with 55 points, including nine

Another running threat is senior
Corey Harris, who is the best all-
purpose runner in the conference.
He has carried the ball 186 times
for 858 yards and caught 19 passes
for 255 yards.

Wilson and Harris are two of the
reasons that Vanderbilt’s high«
powered running game has been
able to make up for the mistakes of
its lllth-ranked (last) defense.

Gators’ Wise and Auburn’s Dingman
return to face Wildcats and DeBoer

Staff Writer

Coach Kathy DeBoer has a tough
weekend ahead of her.

Not only will her team be playing
against two Southeastem Confer-
ence rivals who have defeated UK
earlier in the season. they also will
be playing against two former UK

“They know me as well as any-
one possibly could,“ DeBoer said.
“Especially in terms of what I will
do as a coach."

The Wildcats (144) overall, 5-4
SEC) play No. 5 Florida at 7:30 to-
night and Auburn (18-8, 441) Sun-
day aftemoon at l at Memorial Col-

Florida has won 51 of its last 55
games (8-0 SEC) and is on a 17-
match winning streak, the longest iii
school history.

Florida Coach Mary Wise and
Auburn Coach Sharon Dingman left
UK last year for their new post-
uons. Wise was an associate coach
at UK for five years, and Dingman
served as a UK graduate assistant
for one season.

DeBoer, however, won't be the
only one on the court under extra
pressure: The players who have
been coached by Wise and Ding-
man will too.

“There will be pressure to per-
form," said Junior outside hitter
Ann Hall. “I want to play well
against them.“

“They (the former coaches) know
all of my shots," said Yvette More-
head, a senior outside hitter. ‘
They are going to tell their players
to take away all my favorite shots."

Sophomore Eunice Thomas said
Wise and Dingman may know her
shots, but that will not be a factor.

“I'll beat their strategy to get to

e ’ Thomas said. “I know they
will be on me.”

Florida and Aubttm may know
the Wildcats' strategy, but UK will
be more prepared than it was the
last time the teams met, DeBoer

“I feel more prepared the second
time around," she said. “We are
well aware of the things we can do

UK lost at Auburn and Florida
last month.

DeBoer said she will not be try-
ing to second guess her tormer as-
sistants this weekend. Instead, she
Will stick to the fundamentals.

“The bottom line is how well
we‘re executing our fundamental
skills," she said. “The best way for

us to be successful is not through
trick plays or wizardry, but sound
plavtng skills."

Cool Cats to take on Miami
(Ohio) Redskins

The UK hockey team (5-1) will
play the powerful Miami (Ohio)
Saturday at 11:30 pm. at the Lex-
ington Ice Center.

The Cats are coming off back-to-
back wins against Georgia Tech and
Georgia last weekend, while the
Redskins have won all four of their
games this season.

The teams Wlll cap the weekend
with a second game Sunday at 5:45




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'Wlfleatfls-s 0-4)

When mo‘m. esr
‘ ‘ #133th Tom

“ii the cores with Bob neat


That difference, Curry said, can
be seen in the most important place
~- the scoreboard.

ltj i



r “emeaMfitaei a. t :2


Kentucky Komol, Friday, November a, 1991 - 3






Pause just one heat as

Magic Johnson retires

'IIMl-Z ~':()Uf While searching
for news on the UK football
team yesterday, some news that
had nothing to do with football
came in. Devastating news.

First, a Kappa Sigma fratemi—
ty associate of mine, Patrick
John Joyce, died earlier in the
day of a respiratory problem Al-
though I tlidn t know him very
well, my friends did and were
very saddened by it, which made
me sad.

Not too much longer, I got
wind of another tragic story. At
4 pin. it was reported that Ear-
\lll “Magic" Johnson, guard for
the Los Angeles lakers, voted
three times NBA Most Valuable
Player, has tested positive for
the HIV virus, which can lead to
the acquired immune deficient»

(ironing up Just 15 tttttiutcs
from the Los Angclcs forum,
where the bland) point guard
led the Lakers to live World
Championships I still can’t
believe it. i still can‘t beltcte
that I never again Will get to see
lumbering old No. 32 bringing
the htill up the court for the lad-:7

.\.il litany people would have
been as brave as Johnson was
yesterday at his press tonfcr»
Johnson said he will be

an AIDS spokesman.
working with children and help
ing them to understand the



’c tilliC







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lllt tilt is \l tout \iotk i\pttttttti litlittitl too
it. l\t .tlol til \iolk .lllt id ill \oti ltiitllilg .iloli illtt wilt-gt

lili.it \ \iln lllt \.itiott.il bt‘t'lti‘ll} \geiio s l'ooperiiitt-
lttllltilllilll l’rogratit exists It gin-s students nail \iorld \tot‘ix
ispertetti t‘ now so they 11‘ prepand tor \\ll.tl itiillt‘) idlt i'

\It' n \iirrctilljv l‘i'trtttttiig/I‘tlemtittt .titd \ till/lli‘lh’lltA
iiilIlIlllltf .iiid tittillt .it
t llt,ilittliil;1 .illtl lll tlllt'lli llltb ltirl .o op 1i illi\ ltt'gili llillt.‘ l
llll 1W: ttid l..‘itiuii\ l‘t‘i‘ w lot ttion ititoniiittoti tndtostgt.
tp iot iit lliltf\it’\\ iillllltl llillllltllltMlllHl [lit to o} tilt kt,

.oilipttltr \tltlltt.

'l‘he NSA Co—op Program
llittndiii. \oteitiber l‘llll.
lollliii‘i the tin op ”like lol‘ the pldtt

lt‘tttii. \oitiiilxr l%lli
i no PM


National Security Agency

l llt lppi it tuittttes ot a l ttettme

tlrh .

~ilii ..


'o. i




0n the Beat


A fellow student watching the
press conference told me how
surprised she was at how coura-
geously he litutdlcd himself.

"That's Magic," I told her.

A teddy bear oil the tourt and

a bear on the >tlil
HALS WANT l K'.’ Scouts

front the richest ot all Bowls,
the 550 Milton fantasy New
Year‘s Day Bowl Will take place

tomorrow in Nashville and
.Vletliphis. ’l he). ha » e slit iwn
particular interest ll} tht 3:1'5/

‘v\ ildcais as well as
tr;i«sttitc i'l\Lll.\, the

“Putting these two gridiron
[Xiwerhouscs together on the
same field tn the same State
would create a lot of interest,“
said a Fantasy Bowl olitttal
“We here at the lll'xl I-antas3
Bowl feel these are perhaps the
best teams I“ the country
less than four u ii'l\ “

the their in


. l.

.Nt‘lllrr" KAI/fir ll rift” 'll l/J/l
fine .1!."- hint.» rm Ila But: .'
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5..--.- _.






4 — Kentucky Kornol, Friday. November 8, 1991







Arts EditOr

Henry Rollins, leader of the Rol-
lins Band and fomier singer of
Black Flag, will speak tomorrow
night at the Student Center (irand

Rollins' “spoken word“ perfor-
mance is pan of a small tour he
does each year. He began perfor~
mances of this nature in Los An»
geles reading from some of his writ—
ing at the request of a friend,
Harvey Kubemik.

“l was just doing LA. for about a
year," Rollins said. “l didn‘t go
anywhere else because l didn’t
know how to book shows. i figured
there would be no interest. Also, I
was in Black Flag which was a full-
time band —— we were touring up to
ill months at a Lime. So, l had
gotten a friend to help me. and l
booked a number of shows across
the country. And i took off on a na-
tional tour m it was an average of
between 30 to too people a night.

“There‘s a lot of Lion‘s Clubs
with the fluorescent bulbs burning,
18 people tn folding chairs. But





you know, you got to go out there.
And who would think to come to
something like that? You got to ex-
pect it to be kind of slow. But it was
fuii anyway; I had a great time and
met a lot of great people. 1 saw that
it could work and so 1 started doing
it year after year, and now I hit like
two or three Ct‘nllnt‘nls every year."


Staff reports

Thanks to Mikhail Gorba-
chev’s “perestroika,” the highly-
acclaimed Moscow Virtuosi will
perform Sunday night at UK‘s
Otis A. Singletary Center for the
Ans. The program is presented
by the University Artist Series.

The celebrated ensemble will
be conducted by Maestro Vladi—
mir SpivakOV, who in 1979
founded the group and personal-
ly handpicked the ensemble‘s
musicians from the Soviet Un-
ion's greatest orchestras.

Spivakov is among the inter-
national music scene’s most
sought~after violinisLs and con-
ductors, After his triumphant
conducting debut with the Chi—
cago Symphony in 1979, Spiva-
kov has taken the podium for the
London Symphony, the Lenin-
grad Philharmonic and the Los
Angeles Philharmonic.

In 1987, the Moscow Virtuosi
made its US. debut to the praise
of critics and classical mUSic
fans alike. The Mosc0w Virtu-
OS) has performed at the Holly-
wood Bowl. Avery Fisher Hall.
the Ravtnia Festival and New
York's Mostly Mozart Festival.
This year. the ensemble is stop-
ping tn chmgton before mak—
ing its much anticipated Came-
gie Hall debut.

Sunday night's performance ts
a once unheard of chance for
area music lovers to hear So» iet

Perestroika: Moscow
Virtuosi performs Sunday
night at Singletary Center


performed classical music.

“The precision of Soviet-
trained musicians is always a
sight and sound to behold. This
is a tremendous opportunity to
hear music performed with flaw-
less techniquc," said Holly Salis-
bury, director of the Singletary
Center for the Arts.

Sunday evening's program
features Bach‘s Concerto in A
Major for Oboe d'Amore and
Strings, Shostakovich’s Cham-
ber Symphony in C Minor and
Tchaikovsky‘s Serenade for
Strings in CMajor.

Also thanks to “perestroika,”
the Moscow Virtuosi and re-
cording industry interests in the
West have released critically ac-
claimed recordings of the works
of Vivaldi, Shostakovich,
Haydn. Mozart and various 20th
century works.

Prior to the performance, 10-
seph Babcr will present an infor-
mal lecture about the music,
composers and artists featured
on the evening's program. Baber
is the in»residence composer at
UK and principal violinist with
the Lexington Philharmonic Or-
chestra. The lecture begins at
7zl5 pm. for ticket holders only.

Tickets for the Moscow Virtu-
osi orc 532 regular, $13for stu-
dents and senior citizens. Tickets
for the 8‘ {mt performance (on he
pun htticd at the Stnglctury CM-
[(7 for the Arts [lit/(Cl ()ffli‘t'




The Moscow Virtu05i (above) erI perform Sunday evening at
the Otis A. Singietary Center for the Arts. The group is led by
Vladmir Spivakov. who founded the group in 1979





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Rollins’ performances, which
have an informal and relaxed at-
mosphere, combine aspects of
stand-up comedy and readings from
his seven books. However, Rollins
stresses that he prefers telling sto-
nes to direct readings.

“i usually don't like to read
things i wrote," he said. “Because
it‘s just a little too easy. l‘m stand-
ing in front of everyone and reading
off a piece of paper. Why don’t we
save everyone a bunch of money
and just send this paper to their
homes and they can read it in their
own room? it‘s not much risk tak-
ing just barking this stuff back to
the crowd.

“i like to kick it live, like tell a
story where there’s a chance some-
thing new can come into the story
or I could fuck up. It's like basical-
ly playing live without a net: It‘s a
truly live experience, instead ofjust
this sterile thing of reading off a
sheet of paper to the audience. It’s
more interesting to me and l think
it’s more interesting to the audi-

As a member of Black Flag, one
of the leading “hardcore" groups in

the '805, and his own group, Rollins
has many experiences to share. in
addition to being a musician and
author, he also has begun his own
publishing company. 2.13.6] (his
date of binh), that publishes works
by known and unknown writers.
some of whom also are musicians.
But spending so much time on the
road, both touring and speaking, en-
ables him to gain more material for
his stories.

“What I do is I'll work up a batch
of stories — l won’t sit home and
make them up —— it‘s just stuff
that’s happened, USually currently,
and I’ll take that batch of stories out
on the road. I usually have a big ol'
pot of stuff i dip from. l like to
repeat stories because they get bet-
ter with age, and after telling them a
few times you can usually embel-
lish them here and there.

“My ideal is Lenny Bruce. He, to
me, really had it. That’s what
I'm in search of when I’m doing
that. Truth is what I’m after, and i
like to expose myselfand tojust put
it out there is my main motive. It‘s
the reason I do all this."

Rollins said music is very impor-

or Henry Rollins to speak at UK

tant to him, and he wants to keep
making advances in that field. After
releasing several albums with both
his former and current group, Rol-
lins is wary of simply covering the
same grounds. Each project, he be-
lieves, must be fresh and exciting to