xt79zw18pk8q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79zw18pk8q/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1979-09-19 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 19, 1979 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 19, 1979 1979 1979-09-19 2020 true xt79zw18pk8q section xt79zw18pk8q . vvv. ~W
Vol. LXXII. No. 24 Ker e] l'nlveralty of Kentucky
Wednesday. September [9. I979 an Independent student newspaper Lexington. Kentucky
‘ . 2,25, I oar O ru Ste es '
-; 2 j: i . : :flw‘w .. a
\ allots more money '
2:2‘9, 14”» j‘a’f/v ' -
W2” 29% flea . / h fo r n eo natal u n Its
' _. f , . ,2140/2” 9‘ .
‘ a 92:”; ' s
. ' "2.2m“ " . . a. 7’; 9. a By DEBBIE MCDANIEL neonatal program.
' I" ' 2 [’25, 2 " 2 2 I 9 .. fl I ”2% Editor The Board also approveda$97x.300
. 42/, 3‘ . ’ ; g . 9 624/ project in the Hospital to expand the
.. . ’% 2‘ £1 , ‘29 .51" q}; 2’ ' figflqjg A recommendation to spend Sl.29 capacity of utilities. emergency power.
‘ ‘l‘ "I f :3: 1 .2 7;. . ._ 2 / million to increasethe number of beds central air. vacuum and oxygen and _
s j- '\ ' / 22' J / to 45 in the Albert Chandler Medical renovating space. The recomendatlon
. 9,9 \‘ 99/ as j Center‘s neonatal care unit was goes to the CHE for approval.
9 V '. . 5 _.. 1‘ i ' I’ approved by the Board of Trustees In the president‘s report to the
., ' - :9.6 9 ., ’2 $12235 :3 yesterday. The recomendation goes to trustees. Sin gletary said two
- 29’, a}, 2. if 9 ' 5 " ' the Council on Higher Education for dedication ceremonies for the new '
' . 2%, ? . %W approval. Center for the Arts are planned in
O ‘ : ‘ . 3 " 24 2. 7’ ‘ 9 The renovation of the unit is in its November.
* I 2, \ - 2 6 ' 9 fourth and final phase. Initially Robert Shaw. conductor of the
. 9 :9 ‘ 99 6 " holding l7 beds.the neonatalunit now Atlanta Symphony. will be guest
_ V . , t6 * I t " .I has 39 beds. Renovation increased the conductor for the dedication concert
, » ' 99%;, \ 9.- 9. . . , number of beds from I7 to 22 in the Nov. 1. .
. .. 22%” .. 2\ ’ _ ' ’ first phase. from 22 to 3] in the second The museum will bededicated Nov.
p:-.._,.,fiq / "’ '- I and from 31 to 39 in the third phase. I8. and Thomas Leavitt. director of
2' ' i ”/2292 F f rth B d t' ‘.
9 2 fifyflégéfl 9 or U er oar ac lon, see page seven.
:29; 92/22/22. ' 92/2/52 . ~
u a By GARY LANDERS/Kernel Staff _..—M.—
Meetlng Of the mlnds The 39 beds are in three sections of Cornell University’s Memorial Art
the hospital now; Dr. Peter Mueseum. will be the featured
Dr. Peter Bosomworth. vice president for the Medical (‘enter (left). Donald yesterday. The board approved a $1.29 million recommendation to increase Bosomworth. Vice preSldent for the speaker.
Clapp. vice president for the administration (center) and [K President Otis the number of beds in the Albert Chandler Medical Center's neonatal care Medical “PM; said they take UP Terry McBrayer. f1 former state
Singletary confer on an issue during the l'K Board of Trustees meeting unit from 39 to 45. spaceln Pediatrics and Psychiatry 39d commerce commissmner and
are limiting the number of beds in Democratic gubernatorial candidate.
these areas. The final phase will give was sworn in by the board yesterday.
I I . the unit enough space to pullthe beds He takes the seat of Lexington -
into one central area. he said. pharmacist Zirl Palmer. the board‘s
rown a "S GXI n o n VI SI 3 The work should be completed by only black member. According to the
June l98l. if: Associated Press. his appointment was
The Council on Higher protested by blacks.includingthe state
By CARY WILLIS will be a political debate between that Brown. II\ scheduled to addreSsthe reSldence late this month as well as Education approves the NAACP. which said Palmer should
Managing count Brown and his Repuollcatl opponent. bash at is it .n. where he ‘ will mingle "coming hortlt pony" :lccttoll dd). recomendation and an architect is have been reappointed.
former governor Louie B. Nunn. with the crowd 'til about IO o'clock." Nov. 4. appointed by Oct. I7. McBrayer also said he did not
Democratic gubernatorial Th 1 ' Y Goins said anyone interested in Robert Gorham. preSldent ol the The invitation for bids goes out understand why blacks protested his
candidate john y Brown will have ‘ C dfb‘m" ”0”“er bl [’K attending the “Brown Bash“ can UK Young Democrats. reiterated the by June. appomtment. the Associated Press
appeared inthe Lexington area at least Ending! (iovherrément. ‘5 }0 take‘place purchase tickets for SIO at the fact that a voter registration drive Will Construction begins Aug. Land. reported. . ‘
four times by elcction day. according BC; -- at t 5 ~ tudent Center Grand Democratic headquarters. The fund take place campus-Wide Sept. 24—28. A . (onstructlon is complete May. “As a trustee of this university. I
to Bobby Dee Gunnell.coordinatorof “ room. raising festivity will feature a live jomt effort. between the Student l98l. want to represent all the people. not
the democratic party's campus Other activities planned include a band. food and refreshments and will Center Board and UK Democrats and “That assumes that this schedule just blacks or whites." McBrayer said.
campaign. "Brown Bash.“ scheduled for Oct. 12 be held inatenterected onthe grounds Republicans. is planned to coordinate can be maintained.“ UK President "And it just so happens that this is the
Gunnell. who spoke at last night‘s at the Lansdowne Country Club. ofthe country club. the event which is designed to get Otis Singletary‘ said. Funds for the one seat that was vacant at the timel
UK Young Democrats meeting. said Gayle Goins. party fund-raiser for Also included in the Lexington students registered for the November work. are available from I978-80 asked Governor Carroll to appoint
included in Brown‘s Lexington visits Fayette County. said at the meeting stops is a party at the Anita Madden elections. biennial budget appropriations forthe me."
F /'f It t' t d l—rtOdaY—“u '
Natural Resources and Environmental Protection. said . _
' ‘ v ‘ ‘ 0th oi w reitlsthe
By DONNIE WARD The In studdents living it animals.“ Stahly said. “The farm campus Eidufipallattzlflt 2;: Zircoij‘iSEEJ ‘22 m he
Reporter Coldstream atten classes in t 6 provides a great opportunity forthem ‘ _ Harscher told the Interim Joint Committee on
morning and must work 20 hours a ‘0 learn." .BH‘I‘Y REED‘ SPORTS EDITOR tor the Lomswile Agriculture and Natural Resources that 50 percent of 2
“I couldn‘t live in a dorm. There are week on the farm. According to The purpose of Coldstream Farm is 2:52:22;{ditliznfiedxysldsfetfgrulsidThealfoiiiin bxtfltgsz Kentucky's air pollutants come from automobile emissions.
2‘ [00 .many rules to 20202.2. and .a Parret. the pay ls minimal. but the ‘0 help animal science students at noon. Will be held in the courtroom ofthe Law Building. '
confined feeling about 2" Dennis benefits are many. , . . become familiar withthe handling and natlon " .
237”" a ““"9' ”50“”3 '“ "We “3"?“"'CCPIaCC‘OI‘VCand'F'S studying of livestock. Coldstream is ART REPRODUCTIONS ARE ON SALE in 245
agricultureeconomlcs. said. relatively inexpenSlve. Parret said. divided into four smaller farms Student (‘enter frommalmyoapmn‘hc printsareonsale FOREIGN-MADE (‘ARS CONTINUE TO
Parret lives and works at UK‘S "Bl" I think my biggest benefit is the Dairy. Swine. Beef and Sheep. Each through Friday at $3 for one print. and 57 for ”If“ prints. DOMINATE the US. fuel-saving sweepstakes with all of '
Coldstream Farm. one Of three UK exocrience I am TCCClVlng" farm is equipped with student living the top I0 autos in the newest government ratings either sold
research farms which together According to Dr. Tim Stahly. an quarters which houses four to six St t by foreign firms or built overseas for Americancompanics. .
compromise about 2.400 acres north animal science professor at UK. students and contains a completely a e Volkswagen's diesel-engined Rabbit retained its firm grip ,
of Lexington. The other two farms are working on the farm not only givesthe furnished kitchen on the top Smith:i with a 42~mile~per~gallon estimate for .
the Main Chance crop farm and the students ex erience but also he] s ' . . . 9 ”W IvesPcc mo 9- .
- Spindeltop horse farm. them prepare for a job aftgr “We supplythings you would find in Vufifiggflifirft‘fig:figgfixlflfiwigfwl‘rm” This is the third straight year the VW has topped the - .
However. Coldstream is the only graduation. a regular dorm room- bed. desk.chair. A show-and-tell deal yesterday. p ‘ ’ " Environmental PrOICCtIOD Agency 5 lISt- In l977Jh¢H0nda .
‘ farm whiCh houses student tenants. as “SO many ofour students come to us closet and dresser." Stahly said. Nunn said Tuesday ”‘3‘ if Brown would so 0" television C!glgrit‘:galr,sc:1eirhdfihzlc:d:don the Iistand will be covered 2
it has smce the early I960s. with no previous experience around Continued on p". 4 with him and release his tax returns. Nunn wouldtell what in an updated version to be published early next year. the
- he knows about 5'00‘000 m Ieftoveerxon campaign funds EPA said. Because of this. mileage figures averaging the _'
. delivered ‘9 mm for use by we 197' Kentucky GOP performance ofall cars on the market were not immediately ‘
gubernatorial campaign. . available. But officials said they feel auto-makers will meet I
N222 2:2“er m a proposal by a columnist {02 a the goal of an average of 20 mpg for all cars.
Loutswlle newspaper. John Pillatreau of The Courier-
? \ Journal. that Nunn and Brown make those revelations. .
By “M CAGEY A very interesting resource. Jones your needs." 2120:“ 82220222,,220228Egt'vagwmflittnxf ' ‘
5 Reporter remarked‘ is the Collcgc Placement Even the US. Department of Labor KENTUCKY‘S PROPOSED PERMANENT STRIP K::rc::vir:::: hicm "2:“ Kcnlilcdy jg consrdcringa race foyr
. Last of a three part series. Annual. This “official occupational has demonstrated an interest in proper MINE plan will meet the requirements of the I97? federal the I980 presidential nomination.
directory of the Regional Placement recruitment 0f qualified lndwtduals SU'm‘M'mngAc‘bu‘wom m'7’0'f?d"""mam“s‘lh‘ In a related statement. Democratic National Chairman
2 For graduating t'K students who Associations“ is published to provide for professional placement. “3“” cm“ “"Vlronmm‘” 0mm“ “."d yesurdfyy John C. White said a primary battle between Kennedy and
6' appreciate some help before they enter "information on the positions John Ketterer. Lexington Area Job ‘We "pm ‘0 "cgm'a‘c 0‘" any d'mrcnc‘s‘ ,md Frank President Carter would not necessarily split the party. He
. the cold. cruel job market. the pit customaaily Offered to college Bank Supervisor. said the federal Harscmr‘smifly°fk"§t:mlrcs°ur°°sf‘:": °."V"°“mcm" predicted Democrats could unite behind the victor.
Placement Center is the place to turn graduates by principal employers.“ government helps sponsor the JOb 5:05:32; takismfivgnma: :fgs:::n_lnfon:hsc£:,::on::tf wl‘l“ “Med ”6"" Carter is under 50m? ”“5“" ‘0
. to. Jones said. Search and Relocation program for thg original Aug 83 federalgdcadlinc officially declare his candidacy soon.aformslltythat would
. . The UK Placement Service stresses The College Placement Annual. certain high-demand professional A federal judge in Washington'ordered the deadline 220w Carter to 8“ commitments Ofsupportffiom'mpomm
' the importance of an applicant's about the sin of a tele hone book. is openings. This program. WthhllStS an extended to March} n a ro osal is fore Con ess to groups 22.20" Kennedy can present hut-m. as an 0220“
‘ ' ' . . 9 9 . p . . . . 9 . . .a d p p be gr O'Neill: statement represented a quick turnabout from
. ability to demonstrate his worth to an alphabetic listing of major employers job openings nationWIde extend it for another five months. to Aug. 3. l980. his earlier redictions that Kennedy would no, mp me
let a prospective employer know that employers in numerous fields. The on Job Bank networks. will pay a The state will take advantage of the full extension “if it Democraticpnomination. Over the weekend. O'Neillsaid be .
here is a valuable worker. employer‘s advertisements. which qualified applicant's travel expenses prov“ beneficial 1° “5 and does“ make “3 we” we had “strong feelings“ that Kennedy would not run
‘ To that end. the Placement SCFVICC offer career opportunity information for interviewing and CV3" MOVIHB “Vantag‘s we mm"."“rSChc's'l‘,‘inanl“‘°”i‘w'“w°m
' _ has set up a library and research room for college seniors. invite serious expenses after placement. “WIS ”"5 time to Produce a quality product.” .
. with employer information. interview inquiries. Jones said. Many SCTVlCCS CXlSt 50M)! {0" the weather 2
' . aids. tapes. slides and catalogues of Jones stressed that the individual‘s Purpose of helping the college MOTORISTS LIVING IN KENTUCKYS larger cities
; . ‘ companies and industries that recruit ability to communicate is critical when graduate into the sometimes- would have to prove that a vehicle passed an auto emission
‘ p . heavily. he goes tn for his joblmcrview; «you intimidating. always-competitive inspection test before obtainins I license plate. under CLOUDY SKIES roa LEXINGTON again as today‘s
. . ' . Placement. Service Officer Harry have to research and know about the environment of entry-level legislation to be proposed to the I989 General Assembly. high will be near the 80-degrec marlt and tonight .
Jones stated m a recent interview that company before you ever visit it. You professional employment. Often. “We have no alternative at this pornt but to propose it." temperature drops to the 50s. Tomorrow the high is .
, there are numerous materials available must be able to go in and explain to encouragement is just 35 Vltll to ”W Frank Hlmhfl' secretary Of the state Department for expected m h“ the 80$ ““2 i
, . - I to every student who wants help in them the kind of career opportunity graduating senior as are the bird facts ‘ i 2 2
' . . .- finding career opportunities. you want and how that company fits 0f the current J05 market. i I
- o I
t' .... 9 .. 99w... 9..9-. t. .- -- - 2
- . u A5. _ .. ‘. . .._. u- , ., _ w. 2
. . . . 9 - M l
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W .
KENTUCKY Debbie Md)...” 1., you." Steve Manley Mark Green Thomas (‘Iuli (.uy lander:
him” in (‘hrel (ampus lz'dilol Tenn Young Poul Mann Inlfllummrnl Alum him In! or Phl'ltrklaphl .
er 8 Assrri'rale Edi/u! lb“ MGM ;
('uy writi- Ike Don-um ('lndy McGee John (‘lay lhvld Maynard -',
Managing Alum hluunal blur” (tr/1| lc'tlrrtm Spam I'tluiir Photo Manager
° . I & t lrlln Rickerd
edltorla s comm” s Atmrunr Spam hit/or '
l I
#W ‘0
3:1me ,.-,;/ 1 s ‘ / , yl: -‘ .
‘ Come on Fran - . '
’ A ' i-O \ \l l \ t
\ n n U l . ‘ I , l .
Vince Lombardi was wrong, so was off/oral , - l i l . 3
. ,. . . . . ‘ /-’/ ‘l .t ’7\ ' ‘ I . i
The wails coming from the bowels of although we dontliketothink about it. UK is notthe ‘ l ‘0!“ \ ' ‘ 3
Commonwealth Stadium in recent days have almost first team to lose a game because of poor officiating, y . 91;“ g F t\ ;; \ . .-
equalled the cries ofdisbelief let loose Saturday by the and many other coaches could talk about losing bowl W '2 , / hi j 5;,” \\\ fi
57,800 fans as they watched a little yellow flag take games or World Series contests, rather than the first 0991f / h » ‘ A ‘ ' . A §
» victory away from the Wildcats. game of the season. , ' A” 'Q‘fi)‘ ,\\ i
The recent wails. however, have not been from the The issue has been stated. The protest has been 273 _ '/ €13; . r— - ‘
fans still protesting, or even the Kentucky players Who filed, and here the incident should be laid to rest. It is . .- _ a,“ ,3" : ~ WOE‘gitgfl
actually suffered the defeat. The tirades have instead highly doubtful that all of college foetball. or eventhe ./ h \ ”rim, ',
come from football coach Fran Curci, the man who is Southeastern Conference, has organized tothwart the . . “x- -.- i- ._ o _ ”’s
supposed to help the team overcome this type 0f UK season. especially since the team is not exactly a , -&e€;~_wy§im, : :i' .a' - ‘ .' .‘fi‘: 1'
setback. powerhouse. .1. .. . ,, 2;. $94.?) __ 3. ‘& ""1““.7‘37‘: ;“ 1/18 -. 2 ;
Beginning with his television show the day afterthe Despite what Vince Lombardi said, winning is not ('2- m s .\“ e“ :‘L‘Qfiyv 1» r " , I: ,1 - i
game. Curci has let loose with a continuous barage of everything and Saturday‘s game proved this. The Cats \ .IVERW mm W ‘OUtfi RESléNKTlCN STONE ALLM BUCK W SERVES ALL'lltE WISH E
sour grapes. He has criticized the official who made displayed a fine offense and it is obvious that UK gimmwm ,THE IN'DEFTH WYSIS WW“. l“ PLO CW (NW i
the call (hinting that the official. Norbert Ackerman football will generate more excitement in the coming WAN 0N AND 1%le HAVENT HGURED WT MM is I
of Knoxville, Tenn. may have been thinking of his months than most people thonght- W "
hometown team and its rivalry with UK), officiating These are the things Curci should be talking about, . _ f
onthe whole.the league and anyone else who was even rather than demanding resignations and more Letters to the Editor ’ ’
barely involved. officials from Lexington. No matter how long and .;
Yes Fran, the call, based on the television replays lOUd Curci complains. Miami defeated Kentucky l5- W (
(which were shot from a poor angle). was unfair. And 14, there will be no replay ofthe final l2 seconds ofthe d b d “if you‘re “rm 0f Old‘faShloned- P0535 that hampers Your "PFCIIV girl" 5
yes Fran. we agree that it did cost UK the game. And game, UK‘S record is 0-] for the first time since Curci ShOUI 9 Game corrupt pO‘llllCS...Gth? Kentucky .a finding , explons. However, we are .
of course Fran. we remember the pass interference has been here, and the team travels to Bloomington, A ma'or Kentucky newspaper ifs: rséifi-cafgtgizchzg lffg’flvgitlhl 3:312{ln_nr<:):€kntm0ufsiith‘li/ncllrfiyU;:
earlier ”1th game that was 81.50 highly‘doubtful. . Ind. to play a hot Indiana Umversrtyteam.One would recently carried a political Democratic and Republican records from record stores and not .
But this 18 sports, Fran. Things arent always fair think the latter should be the UK coachs high“! advertisement for the candidacy of candidates over the last five years I from UK. It is true that we are here .
and they never Will be. The offtcxattng ‘5 done by concern. John Y. Brown,democraticcandidate have become firmly convincedthatthe because UK has a“variety ofcourses“ '
humans who are unfortunately prone to mistakes. ln short. Fran, enough is enough. for Governor. The advertisement said one thing our electoral process needs to offer. But. we are also here because
. . _ most is a return to “old-fashioned a college community tends to repulse
Learnlng Is thepOInt politics." ignorant. biased individuals. or does .
lf “old-fashioned politics“ means It‘.’
I campaigning openly. honestly and N
Tests teach students t 9 art 0 test-ta ing a .............
I‘m all for it. lf‘old-fashioned politics" good humor never hurt anyone. ;
Recently. newspapers have featured just the right bits of information to brimming with wordsand phrasesthat some logic by studying geometry;and means geltttng personally involved H 'd Ch I f
accounts of the growing controversy “ace" tomorrow‘s exam. Content sound ”foreign“ and their Plato advocated astronomy and :"h peop chand L33”)? all the fa“: Pm“ d" 0.3m '
swirling around "standardized" tests. becomes irrelevant as long as one has conversations are laced with an mathematics as parts of what we Kare, iskntdt at w j" yfouhwant [20‘ re-me junior .
Anyone wishing to enter college, and managed to get the grade. enthusiasm, a breathless sense of would call “higher“ learning. Aristotle :ntuc y 06: "e: abres start, hm A . g F ll h’ :
later professional and graduate Once in medical school. the same discovery which tumbles forth almost taught that careful exposition was I; at s so res a ”on; anotk er CIT}: " , a air h .:
school, is subjected to terse marathon patterns prevail: pressure is intense. without bidding. Why would someone essential for clear thinking and hchmocraft'i-c go‘vernotr). entuc t” I engineer ng SOP omore '
examinations. which presumably demands are impossible. andthe road become transfixed over a barely communication(his Rhetoric remains '8 est 0 ice 5 ould e “med wuh D d j .
I measure ability in subject-matter. to the MD is replete with subtle understood single bonding within the a model textbook)and that one seeks respect-and hard work, "m bought 09 3Y5
levels of native intelligence, and methods of getting by. What happens double helix? How could anyone an order in the natural world. One wnh millions. lm med ”he one.“ T ‘d S l7 b h . ll .'
somehow reveal what is termed to the student who likes physics. become fervent over why and how assumes that there is an order, and many UK students ‘0 jom with uhes T‘f hep; Eoug 1,“ a ,5
"potential." What is ignored in the learned it well. but only madeaC?Or ancient Greek shows a manner of man‘s task is to perceive that order. hundreds of other ”“8 KCWUCkl‘mb . ah"): er He) e "'9” 0 the kernel, ‘
continuing debate isthe centraltalent; the students who falls in love with botany or how Latin can reveal how Approaches tothat charge stillhave m supporting Lours 8‘ Nunn for tKe Flt?” column m particular. Ray
taking tests. Beginning in the first biochemistry. but cannot abide the imperial law worked? Why should we Platonic and Aristotelian overtones: governor. ues, d purpohted 390195: major,
grade. American students become modern theories of neurophysiology? provide a salary for someone whose Plato sought What he called the Idea, , preserhhs l: “n ”a 1th b against
extremely skilled in the nuances and Significant are recent surveys that ardor is directed toward the study of Aristotle gathered data to formulate Jim.Strom _ géhs'l‘ r. 11:33,“: 5 us I at etng gay
—____* Showthe“best"medicalstudents make medieval Persian poetry? Such folk what we still call general laws of Polttrcalselence senior 1higlohffrfigeihtrgkgihgqe[Egavt‘hlnzrf _ .
1- - , the poorest physicians. ublish in obscure journals, where nature. After the Romans became - ‘_ _ ' . . . ' ' 4
In mente ag’tare Probing beneath the sorry product {hey are read by other enthusiasts. and infused with many Greek intellectual orange you gay Seiis‘tfsith‘g(12");h5ri3n133: 3:653:12 ' .
, of our vaunted educational system sometimes the general reader has a ideals. they too attempted to define an f |8th ‘_ .,.. '. _ ' _. . ~
by/ohn scarborough may reveal a few assumptions that sense of unease (perhaps less educational “methodology." holy:riggilfiitrgitalfitfan‘f lfliico not 58': hbgwperhaps MrhKues l-Sbhnd ' 5
a“ doom our efforts from the beginning. resentment than maybe he has missed Quintilian‘s lnstitutio Oratorla also know whether or not Joe Lincoln has igmmam' $2163: he; to h”: the . .
mechanics of "passing“examinations. For example. we say that once a something). remains a model text. Even in seen any animals trying to “do he it mavebefhiat (liecoifiescfurtespfnl : o: '
and this essential aptitude suggests student has completed such-and-such That instinct is quite accurate. since antiquity. one part of education was homosexually, but I have. The ni ht'and avoidsstreet lam dingy"?I 2:5 5, 7.
why there indeed has been a grade acourse. he will“know“this~and-that. these scholars (in whatever specialty) recognized as crucial, but impossible instances l have witnessd haye wguld think that b . the time he has . ‘3
inflation What do we mean? On the surface,the obviously are enjoyingthemselves in a to classify, and for which one cannot involved dogs. though l am informed attained the statue) of a senior in .~ '
' Students learn quicklythat society‘s statement says that a student will mannerthatseemsquiteforeigntoour provide a “method" a student‘s by sourses including scientists and zoolo y he would have learned that
rewards are based on test scores. not achieve mastery of something. culture. Their values are different; initial interest. Why should a student farmers that the type of living beings male gdh 3' in articular often are ,~.‘
upon command 0f subject matter. Mastery of what? We have a habit of their life-styles have become part of seek wisdom, when Plato gruntedthat that engage in homosexual practices moved bgv"theirphormones to hum I‘,
Once students catch on thcthe rulesof saying that Professor Kopfstercus the Walt Disney stereotype of the there is “no royal road to range from cobras to(you guessed it) other male do s So much for th: 3/
this game. they realize that one does “knows" his Swahili, or his physics, or absent minded professor. Yetthey like mathematics?" Yet, if a student has orange trees. Thus. none of your “rules of naturegand Mr Kues touted 2
not have to “know" much. as long as his Egyptian archaeology. or his what they do, in stark contrast to so been lucky enough to have learned his conclusions, as you put it. “stand to reason ‘ ,i
test scores are high. Thus our society anatomy. or his American Civil War many in modern America. beginning entomology from a teacher reason“ biologically. In fact. the only Most of the co le I know who r;
now has physicians who cannot tellthe history. Knows? Does this mean These are the people who function who absolutely delights in the sexual practices I have never heard of choose to havep refiationshi S w'th 3
difference between a humerus and a mastery? D0 teachers make the as professors inthe larger universities; intriguing mysteries of insects, that in the so-called state of nature are the members of their own sex pr VI , .5: .
tibia. lawyers ingorant of torts, common mistake of saying sorro voce these are the teachers who give tests students may find himself“caught‘for missionary position and smoking tolerant e0 le In this d , 13h Shy if :
teachers of "language arts" who that students should attain a like and issuegrades. Howdowedealwith the rest of his life in the never-ending afterwards. diversit :fcrtiltureandthay' 1' t; 5 i
cannot spell or read well, mastery? Or. put another way, do this paradox? Research scholars search for wisdom in understanding Secondly, I resent the overall thesis chan ey ds . l etaclce era e. 1' 1
mathematicians who cannot count teachers intend students should bubble about their own discoveries, the universe of beetles, leafhoppers, that animalsareourmoralrole models 31.5!“ ho? more; oelranceés 5”, E
and who never learned the beauty of become carbon copies. once students but teach accordingtothe systemzthey spiders, millipedes, and the like. How and I shudder at the prospect that :hqu‘ihyl thc mtus _ tut] tltvate . f' 1
their abstract language every facet achieve this assumed command ofthe will rarely claim “mastery" even of well the student “knows" the basics of praying mantises might qualify as our m: 2‘ 81:18] 0 purl: anica m o crane; f -‘
ofintellectualexpertisecan boast ofits subject? This is, if true, an Impossible their own specialties. So why do we nomenclature may be useful in the sexual role models. Ethics, obviously, :ne SF'Elétanac tronisms cg"; e? '. ‘
own lack of internal commitment. Demand. which students can easily teach as if we expect students to long run(it aids communication with are not your strong suit.Furthermore, h'lq Ich) oreac ionary an ascrst _
Other goals motivate. fake, if they have learned the rules of “know” a subject at the end of a other entomologists). but his in as much as your grand thesis p Whipphyb . D .
It all makes a kind 0f warped sense. the testing game. It is quite impossible course? understanding ofknowledgc has taken equates human nature with nature and H ff lc . h rings Te to o'ug .
lf pre-med college students soon for any student. no matter how bright, Arguments in the West about 0" something morethan“mastery:"he equates determined conditions in motyomahn: hmolrous ettfrdpropOEBIh
realize that cheating can achieve the to gain anything more than a vague “education“ began with Greek has discovered the wonder of his own nature, you fail as a metaphysician as ricle hikle e‘s‘sor ‘ralngiarks u 2mg I
straight-A record supposedly notion of a subject from one or two thinkers, some of whom believed (5th mind, and how his intellect can well. fvhe ns‘ ep ' ‘ emeu. 0."?
necessary for admission into medical courses. Do our tests measure vague and 4th centuries B.C.) that an function in ways never imagined Suhflqucmly~ Mr. Kues. you flunk offerzdoog camphs are pre y a”
school. they will concentrate on the notions? “education“ prepared a person for previously. Tests can never measure royally in your own field.zoology.and OPFC‘ ‘.°'§et:. “5.1a” aware a: ,
techniques of padding laboratory Then there are the scholars we read participation in public life. this sense of constant discovery, any my field, philosophy. Is it too late for . ”NSF! qr ‘F' prices seveha
results. micro~sizcd cri.b sheets, about from time totime. They appear Speaking ability was important, if more thanatest could have predicted you to swithch to HPR (health, fwd“? ? gr In. ormihng th e
learning the professor's quirks and to live in our world. yet live also ina one was to have influence in Charles Darwin would become a physical education and recreation)? l;;§;: ”.6 nations I at I.”
weaknesses. and (perhaps) cramming World of their own. Their talk is democratic Athens. One also learned plodding revolutionary. in their iiilretgnghfirifizzofirefight:
Rkhfld W. Dilney demand continued to rise, the oil-
WHY ARE YW KEADlKX)‘ m .BUT PLEKE NOTE IF YOU YOU KW J2 I Kai-LY Phgg‘olphyi ”'d I producing nations raised their prices.
HVSTLEK I THUJG'HT m HAD WILL. THE "Gownow I T P0 a 3‘ enee 99" 0" As forthe Shah oflran, most Iranians
A gmlapllv TESTT‘O smut KEGioNs mos/a) BY THE '“S'sr “Mr You CNS“ w"? WEE“ ii" midi???” F“iii"
qua tty. e yato a omeini as
FOR. ’ LOWER, LYING’ AZQS OF A GEOLOGIST. Humor never hurt been an exchange of the capitalist
. '1 I DO“ THE TUWA AND anl-E Dear Mr. Hoffman: yourletter,“0il dictatorship ofthe Shah, fora Muslim
/ afisgfiNT‘m. Price Hike"(Sept. is Kernel), has led f'c‘a.‘°“h'l; 0' ‘h‘ Ayam'fih’ Th‘
AV / A? me to assume that four years of ranianhstu in.“ 0? :‘W‘Pus ave no
£0, /\/ f business administration has had sayHint feho 'fhcsg t'veirrsgtovernmlent. .
f / . é ‘ fio drastic effects on your common sense. what” ueoyde can? hrciaydiesna this: _.
g y f f j / Nevertheless, lam glad that y ou gave ex rienzeiiithesecom lextimes ltis
. - f . 0/ A Z / 7. é( . the future anticipated bike for only “gem and health to pentertainiand
/ l ., , / O /, . four semesters, because, I am sure . d y . d lf ll
,’I I ‘ ’ / I; ‘ ( that, through your undisputable logic examine many was“ “51 wea
/’I ‘ . , In M , i . I and math genius,the“inflated“tuition we" to'carry only one thing away
- ”(I I. ' / I. ~ I , forthcseventhoreightsemesterwould 2?:1eéht'slp'x; let n be anopen- i '
..\‘~_ , 1/" , "WI ,/// it ’ . W 1' parallel the GNP of a well-to-do oer '
d 1" - 1/ ’, ,L 1.1 .. J, ."1 t A 4' 0‘. / , nation. On behalf of all the Iranians J {[9
‘ here at UK, I wish to apologize for the e ‘ '0'! i
potential for competition that we A“ Ssophomon i
- t
, »‘ .2 l
a / r . ..-.-a.. V)... .A-uyvt"f‘(;"‘~"‘§Alv<"P-‘t""’~'U' ‘ o..q..,.. ' .. .‘i _ " '. " “"" '.‘, 2.59“"‘<"'&~~7*~f~ehm--w~tf~"' "’ " "‘ .‘
‘7‘: . “ . . .. ~ ,A .. . .I s
;.‘r. ‘. . H .' " “ .-_ .J' .. . . . .. , I" \

 w \
. THE KENTlt‘KY KERNEL. Wedneodoy, Sofie-bu IQ. "79-3
. r")
g N I ' ‘ ( ALL RIGHT! Who‘s da Wise guy that put
ew sororl I ' '6' I I ers I S . ' them Durty words to my gal in the Kornel
I yesterdayj
. iil‘li‘li‘
.' . ' i
’ dOWH across the nation o
I \59 K .
“‘ 0“ K I C d
- as“ wages“ , erne rosswor
; 0‘ o
, I I Q \‘396‘ 5,63. I
~ increasmg a ouses
. UNITED Feature Syndicate
' . o flasrna ame .. . , I r . P s
» X By LISA BARNETT S90. Semester dues average students hung in dorms is 2“,“, p": ‘ 12 ‘ ya" “on orhur.,u.m. ~99-m , new.“ unto omo
.' Reporter $80. $875. 2043 oiiiora Circle "m '3 ‘ ' Tun.Wed-.IFri..a-~m-7om , .. ‘ . . . , . . . . I“ N
’ ()n the other hand. living in Kim Day; a Delta-Delta- c"‘”"“ "u" ””9““ cm" s" “m ' 39m ‘ . I 4' J . :.:.‘ lid—3:: ° 2:?
i PiClUl'C lhiSi ["5 1h? [”51 the sorority house. in most Delta pledge from Northern ' . :A:M/;a:l:; ”‘A a s. 17'?
nigh! Of' fraternity. ”'5 cases, cost a little below ifK Kentucky, said she teltthe cost ‘ field‘s. . an» as . r 9‘
- i fraternity. rush. You stand room and board rates. 'l he is worth it "It‘s really not that De'lvery Help “3*, +31”: 'm
3 WWW? GIN" house. ("IV/'0! average cost toliveinasororiiy' expensive and you always . . _ , I 'u‘a+u+a~u , ~ A.‘ "s r w‘