xt79zw18pk6j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79zw18pk6j/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1976-11-08 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 08, 1976 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 08, 1976 1976 1976-11-08 2020 true xt79zw18pk6j section xt79zw18pk6j Vol. LXVIII, Number 61

Monday, November 8, I976



an independent student newspa

Keri“) 2!

NOV 8 1976

University of Kentucky


University of Kentucky
Lexington. Kentucky



‘ .f



Homecoming engulfs Vandy

Assistant Sports Editor

Ah, Homecoming! The drunken
alumni. the drunken students, the
band playing My Old Kentucky
Home, and the game—oh yeah, the

Few people referred to it as an
exciting contest. In fact, had it not
been for the band playing especially
loud during the halftime festivities,
several thousand fans may have
missed the entire game after being
put to sleep during the first half.

As it was, UK did manage to
record its first shutout in about a
century, blanking Vanderbilt 14-0.

The highlight of the first half came
early. 0n UK‘s first possosion,
reserve running back Pete Gemmill
entered the ga me and punted. That‘s
nothing outof the ordinary. Gemmill
has replaced regular punter Rick
Hayden before. Except this time, he
punted on second down.

It was the old quick-kick play.
After a holding penalty had made. it
second down and 21 yards to go for a

first down, Gemmill punted. Curci
defended the call by saying, “We
thought our defense could hold them.
With the wind at our back, it was the
right thing to do.”

One player, who asked not to be
identified, offered a different
reason. “Curci's had us practicing
that play all season and he just
didn’t want all of that practice time
to go to waste."

If the quick kick was the first half
highlight, then you should know
about the rest of the half.
Statistically, it read something like
this: UK—four plays and punt;
Vandy—three plays and punt; UK—
seven plays and a Derrick Ramsey
fumble; V andy—three plays and
punt; UK—four plays and a missed
John Pierce field goal, and so on ad

UK had done a classic job on the
Commodores in the first half. The
Cats rolled up 189 yards total offense
in the half, including 78 yards
passing. Ramsey completed eight of
11 pa$es in the first half. Un-

“i” Cats grind out 14-0 win

forturately, this passing display
didn‘t survive throughout the game.
In the second half, Ramsey threw
two passes, hitting on one of them.

Halftime found Vandy and UK
locked in a scoreless tie. However,
the Cats did get around to scoring
halfway through the third quarter.

In a drive highlighted by a 31-yard
tightroping exhibition by Ramsey,
UK mounted a scoring drive that
covered 68 yards in six plays.

However, UK fans should not
become too overconfident with the
Homecoming victory. “They‘re
worse than Oregon State tUK‘s first
opponent). Man, they are bad! “ said
student assistant coach Ed
Singleton. Vandy's 1-7 record would
seem to bear that out.

The Cats' offense got back on
track Saturday after taking a couple
of weeks vacation. UK rolled up 420
yards total, including 91 through the
airwaves. The defense, which has
been the mainstay of Kentucky
football, was outstanding. holding
Vanderbilt to 224 yards.

Continued on page 6





...mosr valuable player





Leigh Sexton, nursing junior, was
presented as 1976 Homecoming
Queen during halftime Saturday
Lat Commonwealth Stadium.


\ -.


Jackson Browne entertained
several thousand enthusiastic
fans Friiay nigit at Memorial
Coliseum (see story page 4).


Willie Gates got a lift Sunday
from Steve Schwartz, both
alumni. to perform the annual


ritualofcrowning the ginkgo trey


Pregnant women find counseling

at Birthright of Lexington, Inc.

Kernel Staff Writer

If a woman is pregnant and has
neither the mental nor financial
resources to handle the situation,
she can find help in Birthright of
Lexington. Inc, an agency
established solely to help women in
such s'tuations.

Mary Agnes McNeil, Birthright
director, said the agency was
established with the goal of being a
“liaison" between the pregnant
client and agencies in town which
can be of service to her. In doing
this, she said, Birthright can “offer
a realistic alternative to girls who
are pregnant and who are suffering
difficult times because of the

The initial contact with a Bir-
thright client usually comes via the
teleplnne, according to McNeil. The
contact is made through the Bir-
thright “Hotline,” which can either
put the caller in direct contact with a
Birthright volunteer or provide a
numberatwhich a volunteer may be

Women call Birthright for a
number of reasons, McNeil said.
They may need financial advice,
medical advice or just counseling
about the various implications in-
volved in pregnancy. Birthright
tries to help in both of these areas.

Birthright works With several
Lexington agencies in finding op-
tions for its clients, she said. Among
these agencies are the Department
of Human Resources, the UK
Medical Center and various social
and child—care agencies in the city.

After a client calls Birthright, her
case is turned over to a “client-
volunteer,“ who follows it through to
its end. These client-volunteers are
women who work with Birthright on
a strictly volunteer basis. They may
range from housewives to students
to women who work in other jobs.

The client-volunteer tries to make
some type of face-to-face contact
with the client within 24 hours after
the phone contact. From that point
on, the client-volunteer will try to
maintain contact with the volunteer
until her services are no longer
needed. This contact may vary in
time consumed, according to Kay
Kaak, a Birthright clientwolunteer
and former director of Birthright.
She said the client-volunteer usually
becomes more active in her contact
with the client as the pregnancy
progresses. This contact can last up
through six weeks after the birth
occurs, she said.

Along with liaison and counseling
services, Birthright also offers
classes to single clients in early pre-
natal care and child-birth education.

Presently, the women who seek

help from Birthright are usually in
their late teens, according to Kaak.
But, she said, Birthright has also
counseled much older women. The
clients of Birthright are not strictly
unmarried. either. Sometimes they
may be married women whose
husbands have left them or who
have lost their jobs, causing the
financial “bottom to sort of drop out
of their lives," she said.

Birthright began as an
organization in 1968 in Toronto,
Canada. Since then it has spread
internationally, coming to Lexington
in l972. The Lexington organization
is funded totally by private
donations, according to McNeil.

Up until now, Birthright of
Lexington has had to rely mainly on
wordof-mouth for publicity, she
said. Because the agency has in-
creased in size, it is able to devote
more of its time to publicity. As a
result, Birthright is growing.

Kaak said Birthright has just
completed a move into new offices
and is better able to publicize its
services. “I think we‘re growing,"
she said. “We‘re really starting to do
more creative things now.“

But growth is not the primary goal
of Birthright. “Even if we only had
one girl a year, I would view it as a
success,“ said McNeil. “The im-
portant thing is that we help.“

Equestrians ignore cold weather,

stage first student horse show

Kernel Reporter

Despite the brisk weather Sunday,
the UK Equestrian students (and
their horses) were determined thtat
the show would go on. So, fighting
the cold, horses and riders prepared
early to put on the first student horse
show at Spindletop Farm.

The show began at 8 am. and
lasted throughout the day, though
the number of spectators waned in
the afternoon because of the cold
weather. But the enthusiasm of the
students did not falter, even through
the time when it was collectively
decided to cancel the last of the
activities, in favor of getting out of
the cold.

Everyone seemed, however, to be
happy with the event. The show was
sponsored by the students in the UK
equitation classes.

“The students did 90 per cent of
the work in organizing the show,“
said Karen Winn, one of the
equitation instructors and a faculty

The purpose of the show, Winn
said, was mainly a fun day for
students. “But,” she said, “it was
also an education for them. Many
of the students have never been in a
horse show before. They learned
how a show is judged and some show
techniques (such as braiding the
horses‘ manes) and how to put a
show together."

Nearly 140 students participated
in the hose show, according to
Betsy Brigham, programs and
publicity director and a member of
the dressage class. “We nad ac-
tivities for all the students,“ she
said. “Some of the shows were
specialized (beginners only or
specified classes). Some were open
to everyone."

Students who participated in the
shows were required to pay a $1
entrance fee, which bought ribbons
arri prizes for the winners.

The events of the day ranged from


Bright and brisk

Sunny arul cold today. witha high
it the upper 30‘s. Partly cloudy
and a title warmer tonight with a
In it the mid-M's. Sunny and a
Ittle warmer tomorrow.




disciplined equitation classes, in
which the horse and rider were
judged on form and ability to obey
commands, to the egg and spoon
race, in which the students held a
raw egg in a spoon with one hand
and raced around the ring. There
was alsoa banana race, in which the
students had to peel and eat a whole
banana while directing their mounts

through an obstacle course.
Although the show was generally
deemed a success, there was one
moment of fear for students and
spectators alike, when one of the
students was thrown from her horse
during a segment of the show.
However. she was able to get up
after a few minutes and walk off the
field, amid cheers from everyone.

'NVO km

Eating a banana while trying to maneuver a horse can be tough
business as Jeanne Ross. agriculture education sophmore. found out
Sunday. She and her horse. Swing Poppa.~ competed with ap-
prox'nnatcty lit) l‘K equestrian students in this and other tests of skill.
The piuprisc of the Banana Race was to see how fast a student could
maneuver a course while peeling and eating a banana. The all-day
event was cut short when the cold weather forced a halt to the ac-






editorials 8: comments

Editorials do not represent the opinions of the University

Glnny Edwards

Editorial Editor
Walter "lawn

Managing Editor
John Winn Mtller

Letters ond rommrnts should he oddrenod to the Editorial editor. Room Ht. Jouruliun Illuh‘. 1'on nut be typed. triple-
spooed ond signed with name. address olid telephone number. Lotion cannot urord 150 words and comments are restricted to 1!.

u or..

Assistont Managing Editors
Mlle Mauser

. Advortlotu In...
Dick Gabriel
Am Editor *1" m
(‘opy Editor; Mike Strange
Sula nrw mrham _ Production In."
Dirk Dovmu (mm pgum.»" Leslie (‘rutchor

Steve Balllnger

Sport- Editor
Joe Kemp

Stewart Bowman





Curci needs

to understand

press, its role

L'K football coach Fran Curci displayed his
ignorance Saturday, following Kentucky’s 14-0
win over Vanderbilt.

Basically, the fourth-year coach accused the
Lexington Herald and The Louisville Courier-
Journal of deliberately printing articles
designed to damage the University’s football
program. Curci‘s remarks were prompted by
articles appearing in those newspapers con-
cerning the limited playing time of quarterback
Bill Tolston.

Tolston had told reporters after UK’s loss to
Maryland that he was dissatisfied with his
limited playing time this fall. Herald columnist
D.G. FitzMaurice questioned Curci for not at-
fording Tolston more game time while the
Courier article by Paul Borden quoted Tolston’s
comments on the situation.

Another Courier article quoted freshman
quarterback Mike Deaton as saying he was led
by UK recruiters to believe that the offense
would be changed this fall to afford Deaton with
playing time and that he, too. was disappointed
with his current back-up status.

The articles concerned legitimate news about
the UK football program, which commands fan
interest throughout the state. Curci is perfectly
justified in disagreeing with the opinions in
FitzMaurice’s article, but he is wrong in calling
articles about the UK quarterback situation
“cheap shots.”

Curci himself took the cheap shot-and it isn’t
his first. After the final game of last fall’s
disastrous season, Curci blasted broadcaster
Phil Foster for reporting the existence of point-
shaving. Foster actually had a legitimate news
story in reporting only the widespread existence
of point-shaving rumors.

Curci accused Foster of starting the rumors.
ironically, Foster‘s story served to refute the
rumors as he reported that UK Athletic Director
Cliff Hagan and NCAA officials found no basis
for the rumors.

But Curci didn‘t know about that part of the


...ignorant ofthe press’ role .

broadcast—simply because he never heard the
report, as he publicly admitted. Curci relied on
hearsay evidence then and said he didn't read
the stories in the Courier-Journal either.

In both instances, Curci did not merely express
his disagreement and anger with the stories, but
he lashed out with half-baked, irresponsible
accuasations. Curci’s allegation that The
Courier-Journal tried to “screw up" the football
recruiting program because if UK were to “win
too much there won't be anything negative to
write about” is just plain stupid.

The two newspapers Curci attacked have
consistently made a daily effort to cover the UK
football program by covering not only the games
but spring practice, recruiting and constant
personality features on players. And when
legitimate news like an NCAA investigation is
established, it is reported in the interest of the
public. There is absolutely no reason to suspect
The Courier or the Herald of deliberately trying
to damage the UK football program.

Curci has a history of blasting the press. He
berated papers in Tampa and Miami when he
coached at those two Florida universities. This is
an inication that Curci is not adept at handling
the press, and the recent incident is more than

The UK football program has advanced under
Curci‘s leadership. He is recruiting better
athletes and his four-year record, with the ex-
ception of the fiasco last fall, has evidenced his
abilities as a coach. But in interacting with the
press, Curci is a flop.

Unless he makes an effort to understand the
press and its role in disseminating legitimate
information, we can't expect much more. And
that‘s a bad mark on the UK football program.

Large, varied group of enemies

faces Palestinian revolution


Few revolutionary movements
have faced as large and varied a
group of determined enemies as the
Palestinians are now facing. Henry
Kissinger‘s successive shuttle visits
were able to bring together Assad of
Syria. Hussain of Jordan, the fascist
Phalangists of Lebanon and the




Zionist state of israel into one
cohesive alliance directed against
the Palestinian people. their
legitimate representative the
PLO ., and the progressive forces of
Lebanon. With the Syrian military
invasion of Lebanon earlier this
year. it became apparent that an all-
out effort to crush the Palestinian
Revdution was under way.

l.'.S. imperialism has consistently
relied on local surrogate regimes in
the Middle East to preserve its huge
cconimic and strategic intersts. it
has shipped great quantities of arms
to such govemments as israel, Iran
and Saudi Arabia and entrusted
primarily the Zionist state and the
Shah of Iran with the task of
checking the national liberation
movements and preventing their
develqament in the region. Since the
October 1973 war, the US. has ac-
tively sought a “peaceful set-
tlement" of the Palestinian issue in
an effort to undermine the rising

Palestinian resistance movement
and diffuse its revolutionary
potential. Significantly, it succeeded
in recruiting both Egyptian
President Sadat and Syria’s Assad
who committed themselves to the
liquidation of the Palestinian cause,
and was able to seek the im-
plementation of an overall set-
tlement with the Zionist state, at the
expense of the Palestinian people
and the Arab National Liberation
Movement as a whole. Today the
Palestinian revolution firmly stands
against such a settlement which
aims at preserving the status quo in
the area.

The Palestinian revolutionary role
was quickly perceived by Kissinger
to be one of the foremost dangers
that stood in the face of US. con-
tainment politics. An attempt at co-
opting the Palestinian Revolution in
the postOctober war period, by
the extension of the idea of a “mini-
state“ on the west bank failed. it
thus hear me clear that containment
of the Palestinians required a series
of military offensives that would
leave their armed resistance
weakened and vulnerable. First the
right wing militaries of Lebanon,
which the US. helped to organize
and equip. were unleashed against
the Palestinian Revolution and its
ally, the Lebanese progressive
forces. When this failed and as the

right wing forces were on the verge
of collapse the Syrain regime no
longer had a choice but to expose its
true reactionary identity and in-
tervene in the war on the side of the
fascists. The Zionist state of Israel, in
the meantime, is standing by should
its intervention become necessary.
As the war in Lebanon goes on and
as the Syrian military intervention
is being escalated, the Palestinian
and chanrsc people are deter-
mined to pursue the struggle until
final victory.

The lranian Students Association,
Lexington Palestine Committee, are
devoting the week of Nov. 8-12 in
solidarity with the Palestinian
Revolution. This is a part of the
nationwide activities in the first
weeks of November which aims to
contribute to a better understanding
by the American people of the
situation in lebanon and the nature
of the US. involvement in that
country’s conflict.

()ur activities will consists of
setting up a literature table in the
Student Center on Nov. 9 and
showing the movie "Palestine" in
Room 245, Student Center at 8 pm.
Nov. 9. There is no charge for the
movie, and everybody is cordially


lranian Students Association


Adviser’s rubber stamp is real problem


For most students,.today marks
the beginning of advance
registration for the spring semester.
While we may be more worried
about surviving this semester than
planning ahead, the importance of
proper course selection cannot be

If my four years of experience and
observation are any indication, the
typical registration process goes
something like this: the student
grabs a schedule book from the
dean’s office; glances at the




requirements sheet he got when he
began his present major; checks
with his friends to discover those
bunny courses he has yet to take;
arranges his times so he can sleep
late on Thursday and finish early on
Friday; fills out his cards; gets a
rubber stamp approval from his
adviser; turns in his cards; and
breathes a sigh of relief.

In my mind, the real problem with
this situation is the advisers rubber
stamp. Competent advising would
increase student interest in course
selection, help make students aware
of academic opportunities and
generally give students more
meaningful academic experiences.

Howell Hopson, a law school
classmate of mine , wrote a small
treatise on advising for the Faculty
Advisor’s Handbook during his
undergraduate days in the early
'70s. He described the student view
of advising as negative and gave a
thorough example of what the good
adviser should be.

He depicts the good adviser as
someone other than a person who
sees you once a semester, hands you
the requirements sheet and blindly
signs your schedule cards. The
adviser could be one who helps you
design a solid program, keeps you
abreast of new and special op-
portunities as well as the mundane
requirements, cuts bureaucratic red
tape, and goes to bat for you with
higher authorities when necessary.
In short, the adviser could and
should be a student’s internal ad-

Sadly, the situation has not im-
proved as much as it should have.
Advis'ng is still the forgotten func-
tion of the faculty, a fact easily un-
derstood. Good advising takes
time. Time spent on advising means
less time spent on teaching and
research, excellence in which are
more impcrtant in promotion-tenure

Unfortunately, the faculty, for the
most part, continues to claim the
responsibility for advising. As long
as they claim that responsibility,
they should see that someone—
whether themselves or hired per-
sonnel or trained students—delivers
performance commensurately.

Until the current deficiencies are
corrected, students must take the
initiative to get good advising. In
that light, l offer the following
suggestions :

—READ. Read your catalog,
“Special Academic Opportunities
for Undergraduates” (provided by
the Dean of Undergraduate Studies,
329 Office Tower), Student Govern-
ment‘s “Making It," the academic
rules section of “Student Rights and
Responsibilities,” and any other
material you come across. If you

aren't familiar with BGS, topical
majors, CLEP, experiential
education, independent study (two
typrs), and bypass exams, it’s time
to read and find out. Almost all
pertinent academic information is
published If you will read you will
have a good base of information.

~GE’I‘ AN ADVISER. If you don‘t
have an adviser, request one at your
department chairman or college
dean‘s office. If you aren't getting
along with your present adviser,
requst another one. Pursue the
process until you find someone with
whom you can effectively com-

college is required to have a SAC to
help improve its overall operation
and provide student input into its
affairs. These fellow students may
give you the best advice available.
See your college dean to find your

MENT. If your area lacks a SAC or
you need a sympathetic ear or some
general information,. SG will help
solve your problems. And if you
want to get involved in improving
UK‘s academic atmosphere, SG will
welcome your help.

Ostensibly, you are here to get an
education. To get that education,
you must find out what is available
here to ediwte you (i.e. you must be
advised). This registration period,
shackle your laziness and
aggressively seek the best possible

To that end, I wish you much


.lim Harralson is a first-year law
student. llis column appears bi-




I am compelled once again to
write to you in response to the
closing statements in your column
last Wednesday (November 3). By
doing so, I hope i may be able to
clear up a misunderstanding.

To begin with, in no way did I
intend to belittle or disparage the
Kernel. What I did intend was to
point out a rather disconcerting

Over the last two years either the
Kernel has made errors with increa-
sing frequency, or, frequency re-
maining constant, has become more
responsible in recognizing them.

Obviously I tend to believe the
former, you the latter. However. in
your own words errors have become
“all-to-frequent (sic)."

I question, also, your assumption
that all newspapers make errors
with the same frequency as the
Kernel and because they run fewer

a w as,“_




correction columns are necessarily
“bad newpapers."

Isn‘t it just possible that the
Kernel, because its circulation, its
scale of operations, and the sophisti-
cation of its machinery is less, is
more susceptible to errors?

Again, my intention was not to
imply that the Kernel is the result of
a sloppy operation; it most certainly
is not. It is, in fact one of the better
university newspapers 1 am ac-
quainted with.

In addition, I recognize that the
Kernel staff have mpde many
changes to further increase the
quality of the paper (changes in
format, efforts to provide as un-
biased a forum for editorial com-
ments by readers as possible, and
the like).

My only concern was a suspicion
that the frequency of errors necessi-
tating “We Goofed“ columns could
be substantially diminished. I hope

.—_—_——_—_ _


that this letter will straighten out
any misunderstanding.

Theo. E. Leverenz
Grad. Student, Higher Education

Thanks to SC

The Campus Alliance for the
EPA. would like to express our
thanks publicly to the Student
Government for allocating funds to
be used for a teach-in on the Equal
Rights Amendment.

Our special thanks are due Sena-
tors Nancy Daley and Cathy Welcb
who sponsored the request and
spoke eloquently on our behalf.

The teach~in is planned for No-
vember 18. All persons or student
organizations interested in helping
with the event may call me at

Carol Dussere
(‘ampus Alliance for the E.R.A.








,, topical
udy (two
it’s time
imost all
nation is
I you will
you don’t
r college
't getting
rrsue the
cone with
ely com-

1C). Each
a SAC to
t into its
ents may
find your

a SAC or
.r or some
will help
id if you
'e, SG will

to get an
lu must be
in period,
ass and
it possible

you much

t-year law
spears bi-

ighten out

. Leverenz


9 for the
rpress our
3 Student
lg funds to
the Equal

due Sena-

lthy Welch
quest and

ed for No-
or student
in helping
all me at

'01 Dussere
the E.R.A.


news briefs



Inflation may : test Carter


too early to be sure, but
inflation could raise an early
challenge to Jimmy Carter’s
economic programs next
year forcing him to resort to
special anti-inflation
measures to save them.

Carter said during his cam-
paign he would like to have
standby authority to impose
wage and price controls if
needed, but that he didn’t
think they would ever be

However, economic statis-
tics issued last week have
caused at least one Carter
economic adviser to wonder
whether inflatioii' won’t be
more of , a problem than
Carter thought.

The Labor Department’s
report on wholesale prices for
October showed industrial
prices increased a full 1 per
cent, the biggest increase in a
year. Even worse, industrial
prices have increased at a
steady rate for the past five

...Cha|lenge by inflation?

months. Eventually, these in-
creases will show up at the
consumer level.

Another increase in world
oil prices appears certain
when the Organization of
Petroleum Exporting Coun-

President Sarkis makes appeal
Lebanese asked to tolerate Arabs

BEIRUT, Lebanon [AP]—
President Elias Sarkis called
on the Lebanese people yes-
terday to tolerate occupation
by an Arab peace force as the
only way to save their coun-

try from further destruction.

“I approach you knowing
full well that some of you at
this very moment are still
carrying arms, and that the
blood of our martyrs and
victims has not yet dried,”
said the taciturr former
banker in a 10-min ..e appeal
broadcast over Moslem and

‘ Christian stations.

“To these I say, enough
bloodshed, enough destruc-
tion, enough wasted energy
and enough lost opportunities
for creation, progress and
growth,” he added in his first

speech as chief of the war-
battered Lebanese state.

Sarkis spoke out amid in-
creasing violations of a limp-
ing 17-day-old truce decreed
by Arab kings and presidents
meeting first in Saudi Arabia,
then at Cairo.

tries meets in mid-December,
possibly as much as 15 per
cent. Higher prices for gaso-
line, heating oil and overall
production costs would be the
inevitable result.

Since unemployment also
increased in October, to 7.9
per cent, it raised the possi-
bility for one adviser that
Carter could be severely test-
ed early in his administration
with both worsening inflation
and an unemployment rate
stuck at nearly 8 per cent.

“If that happens, one has to
consider the full range of
options he has been talking
about on the price side,” said
the adviser, who did not want
to be quoted by name. He said
Carter probably wouldn’t
push Congress for authority
to impose controls if inflation
stayed at around 5 to 6 per
cent, but would want such
authority if price hikes began
to approach levels of 10 per
cent or more.

The Lebanese people have
been awaiting deployment of
an Arab peace force decided
at these summits as the only
way to halt the persistent
battles. But objections from
Christian leaders have held it
up and the fighting goes on.

Mayors meet, set priorities

CHICAGO [APl—Big city
mayors huddled Sunday and
underscored the growing de-
pendence of many financially
strapped communities on in
creased federal aid; -

Some 120 mayors were
meeting to decide what pri-
orities they will present to
Congress and to President-
elect Jimmy Carter in the
coming months. Kenneth


Gibson, conference president,
said conference officials
would request a meeting with
the President-elect “to con.

vince'him the cities should be _
'3 top priority"

The mayors attempted to
determine what Carterls
election would mean for the
cities, but many obviously
were taking a wait-and-see

Soviet Union stages annual military parade

MOSCOW [APl—The Sov-
iet Union staged one of its
smallest annual military pa-
rades in history yesterday to
mark the 59th anniversary of
the Communist revolution. It
presented no new military
equipment and even toned
down the marching style of its

“The Soviet army and navy
are reliably guarding the
cause of revolution, socialism
and peace,” Defense Minister
Dmitri F. Ustinov announced
to the marchers.

The collection of armored
personnel carriers, artillery
pieces, and surface-toair
missiles that rolled for six
minutes through Red Square

included no weapons
not shown last year.

The several thousand foot
soldiers, cadets, sailors and
seaborne commandos who
marched across the square

dropped their traditional
goosestepping for a more
moderate march.

There was no official ex-
planation for the toned-down
nature of the parade.

Archaeological ruins found

Archaeologists have
discovered the ruins of what
they believe to be a previous-
ly unknown culture that ex-
isted 500 years ago and used
an architecture based on the

A trapezoid has four sides
but only two of them are

parallel. Most modern archi-
tecture uses right angles.

“This is something com-
pletely new in archaeology,”
said Carlos Ponce Sanjines,
the director of the National
Institute of Archaeology.
“We’ve come across an ex-
tremely original form of
architecture and we still don’t
know how it developed.”


Severe quake hits Iran, kills 12

'I‘EHRAN, iran (Apt—A
severe earthquake stuck a
remote mountainous region
of northeast Iran Sunday
morning. The Pars news
agency said at least 12 per
sors were killed and 23 in-

The news agency said the
quake leveled all 150 houses
in the village of Vandik,
killing 11 residents there,
while another person died in
the village of Kalatalam.

A spokesman for Red Lion
and Sun, Iran‘s equivalent of
the Red Cross, said damage
also was reported in the
village of Noughab.

The Pars account said that
rescue teams. under the
personal supervision of
Prime Minister Amir Abass
Hoveida, were rushing
medical aid, food, clothing
and tents into the stricken
area located about 550 miles
northeast of Tehran.

Dr. Kosro Gudarzi, director

of Tehran University's
Geophysics Institute, said the
earthqauake had a strength
of 6.2 on the Richter scale
when it struck at 7:31 am.
(11:01 pm. Saturday EST).

The Richter scale is a
measure of ground motion as
recorded on seismographs.
Every increase of one
number meam the ground
motion is 10 times greater. A
reading of 6 can be severe,
and 7 constitutes a major


new during the veer
ml” pdtdet Leela