xt79zw18pg4q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79zw18pg4q/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1996-11 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, November 1996 text GLSO News, November 1996 1996 1996-11 2019 true xt79zw18pg4q section xt79zw18pg4q l
‘efififi’ W Q g ' ' V v
“we WWW”, november 1996
m MW W and services organization
by Davma Warner. ' Peter: pjtayl00@ukcc.uky.edu
I‘ cant. 1lloelieve 1t! Anothelr The GLSO is how taking Elizabeth: bee@mis.net
year is iaprc y coming to an en , Sigh-M93 {30v 1+5 l7°l7 Tammy: sappho@mis.net
and each day brings us closer to ————————-—————-—'——'—’—-—‘
the holiday season, Of course, SPOV‘SOVS' We've heard it sa’d th tin some of the
that means gift giving. And if ‘ _ .. I a _

, you‘re like me you want to find H1 Yo“ 0" VOW- OVSO‘NZOVHO“ polltlcal races where bOth candldates are
something unique for the women has om iui—evesh COWi'MCi’ 12:3? '2 :hgicrzal:czhlaalhelsiueetzefgh 2:}:
or that special woman in your life. Mow)! od— 266—9704. lesser gftwo wealsels u
Mail—order can offer a variety of There isaglintof hope however GLSO
w nen—cente‘ed 'ft cho‘ces. ’ '
Hg); ,He 9011116 [oilsinessesl I’m was informed in late Octoberthatthereis an
rill-1m; with ‘ U Laura Irene Wayne combines openly—gay write-in candidate running

(I 1 I ' her an “El poetry on ['Shil‘ts [0 against Mitch McConnell and Steve Beshear
. D _ , .~ celebrate womyn. Her “Girls Got forU.S.Senate.
{anet'lfrlls fSIIgns If;C.'1CclI‘ll€S 2: Muscles TOO" shirt is [ht‘ Pel‘fCCI This genfleman promises to work
3eauru se ecron o 51 ver ant . . . . .-
old 'ewelr 7 with oddess glft for the 11U1€ girls in YOUI‘ hie- towards the repeal of the ”Defense of
it)» I , ”'tlt'rl't , ,mdgwomé’ Write MS- W'JYUe 1“ P-Q BOX Marriage"act (or,”Defensive Marriage”act,if
Sedan, 311111112355 ’é— ’774 f n 221850, Sacramento CA, 95822 for you prefermo allow gays in the military, and
efllgns. d _ _> 3—) _ 01' ‘1 111016 lflfOI'ITlZIthH leOUt her shirts. to work for the |ega|ization and federa'
‘a a o .
Q g recognition of consentual adult same-sex
(1 li M , _ 1 1 Tom Boyz Production has the relationships.
:“a ys 1311):: 1.3151: :5 agenda? 1997 “LCSbiQUS KiSSing" C31€ndaf In ordertogive him yourvote,you must
or compa _‘C 15 151121 CFC ll/I: 61:1 y for $14.95 plus $3.05 shipping and write his name in:
women artlrsts. . lend a 01 ay handling. Send your orders to Richard Beilke.
catalog 3 so me u es woman— PO. Box 419085-355, San
themed calendars. Call 1—800—654— Francisco CA 94141
6044 for a catalog, or visit their And, forlthose more intimate -_._._.___-————'3-
web jglte at: 1 1 1. _ . gifts, Good Vibrations has the gig)
http://www. ac ys rpperorg. everything you wanted to know Sponsor of the NIOI'IH'I
113. ff “ “l k‘ , 1 1‘ about sex including toys, videos .
isabe O 615 300,? anc too 5 and hooks. Send $2.00 for each LeXl n to n
for the gentle crattlng of the catalog (Toys and/or g
591m" You'll find }ournals, Books/Videos) to 1210 Valencia, M ’
candles, smudge st1cks, herbal San Francisco CA 94110 en S
remedies mask—making kits and LC ‘ ’ '
‘ , , So, good luck and happy h
morle. Call 1—800—777-3202 i01 ,1 Shopping this holiday season, <§> C 0 l‘ u S
cata og.
F—‘——————— I

 “New,” THE CHURCH LADY were commonly used to describe
"WT”MWWW by Margaret Christopher Cartwright homosexuality but they do not
The last mention (or appear here. The larger context of
w construed mention) of homosexu— the passage shows Paul extremely
ality in the Bible is in the letters concerned With prostitution.
from Paul in I Corinthians 6:9 & I However, theologians are not in
,3»; 3:57 , Timothy 1210 agreement regarding these
raw The passage in I Corinthians meanings. They simply do not
." be,“ (the letter to the people of Corinth know. Paul rarely discussed any
‘5 from Paul) states “do you know same-sex behavior and it is
“ that wrong-doers will not inherit unsound to attribute these to him
Heaven. Do not be deceived! now.
Erbfishgtlf/l—gntth 1;:qu Fornicators, idolaters, adulterers, Since any argument must be
y prostitutes, sodomites, thieves, the made from Silence, 1t 15 much more
Lexington Gay/Labia" greedy, drunkards, revilers, robbers worthy that we turn to Great
Services organization - none of these will enter heaven.” Principles 0f the-Apostles and Jesus
P.0. Box 11471 Bear in mind, once again that Paul Christ who. said nothing about
Lexington KY 40575 is writing to the newly formed homosexuality specrfically but DID
I band of Christians. In the King say, love your neighbor as yourself,
_ James Version of the Bible, the do not judge others lest you be
Editor: word “sodomites” is translated judged, the fruit of the Holy Spirit
Peter Taylor from the Greek word “malabos” is love. Against such, there is no
which has been translated as law”. .Paul offers an speeific
Layout Editor: “effeminate” or “soft” and probably summation 0f the whole law In a
Tammy D. Strong refers to someone who lacks 5mgileegmlmendmer1‘t4m‘gle L636]:
Gra hics: discipline or moral control. The to t e aatians 5~ ou 5’ a
p _ word is translated elsewhere in the love your neighbor as yourself.
Elizabeth A- G1lliam New Testament but never with This ends the series of articles
reference to sexuality. on homosexuality. Come see us,
gl_sg Annual Dues and The second passage ITimothy “We talk about things like this at
Newslette“ $15 1110 States “0 Pamphras‘?) “The Chmhe
Dues and Newsletter for law is here for the lawless and NEW SUBSCRIBERS NEEDED
disobedient, for the godless and About this time eve1y year GLSO
couPleS: $20 sinful, for the unholy and profane, publishes a financial statement and a request
for murders, fornicators, for new subscribers. Often, we are in financial
Views or Opinions exDressed in the GLSO sodomites, slave traders, liars, difficulty and fear going under. This year, we
News are those of the authors and don’t necessarily perjurers and Whatever else is are very happy to report that we are in good
represent those of the GLSO Board of Directors. contra to God’s teachin . Here . _’ . 7
Submissions are welcome. All submissions I'Y . g f1nanc1al shape due to our generous monthly
become the property of GLSO and must indicate the word that 15 translated sponsors and expect our financial strength to
full name and address of the author. The staff “sodomites” 15 the Greek word continue.
reserves the right to edit submissions and ads to “arsenoleoz'taz'” WhiCh means We do, however, need more subscribers to
meet publishing requirementsaswellasthe right “male-bed”occurs only tWiCC in our newsletter. To use ourbulk mail permitwe
to reject any submissions. the literature of the period. This is need a minimum of 200 items for each
Placement 0f advertising 1“ GLSO News a euphemism for sexual mailing. Asoften happens after Pride Month is
denotes neitheraperson’s sexual orientation nora intercourse. Other Greek words .
business customer preference. contznuea’ 071 page 8
GLSO News Page 2

 e agree/afar

.t ’ ea /: at” a if at,“ 5’ «flgf‘fiw
Ma %~egt%weke~aowé%t

if :2 ’1 eta/Mme

y INTERWEAVE Community Church are joining together to will be speaking at Lexington’s MCC 387

1' Interweave, a group for lesbigays and help provide essential services for those in Waller Avenue at 7pm. Reverend Elder Perry

11 their friends at the Unitarian Universalist the community who are battling AIDS by is in the midst of a tour of congregations

‘6 Church (5564 Clays Mill Road) has several making much-needed items available. across the country to announce the

” events planned for November. MCC is donating some of their new, larger acquisition of a $3.8 million building

[Y Our monthly luncheon, held on the space for a small shop where things will be complex in West Hollywood, California as

‘5 second Sunday 0i every month Will be on available at no cost. part of a strategy for the continued rapid

11 November 10. We Will meet at Everybody’s If you have blankets, clothing, canned expansion of the denomination.
Natural Food and DEli, 503 EUClid Avenue goods, stationary, toiletries or anything else The new facilities will be the UFMCC

’6 immediately following the church service you would like to donate, call Patty at 288- Global Headquarters and the home of the

:6 (about 12:45 pm). 2377 or Amanda at 288—2374 and they will historic “Mother Church” Metropolitan

at We are also continuing our Video and arrange pick-up at your home. Shelving is Community Church of Los Angeles which

15 discussion series, From “T he Celluloid also needed for the stock. All donations will was destroyed in the 1994 earthquake.

1t Closet" - Exploring Gay and Lesbian images be greatly appreciated, so please help these The Universal Fellowship of

D in the Movies. Each Monday through two caring groups help others, @ Metropolitan Community Churches is an 1

if, November 25 at the Fellowship House international Christian denomination :

)6 (behind the church). MCC TO STUDY THE VARIETIES which, while open to all, primarily serves ‘.

'it We will view a film highlighted in Vito OF RELIGIOUS EXPERIENCE people in the gay and lesbian communities. 1‘

‘0 Russo’s book and discuss what it shows us Beginning Wednesday, November 6th Founded in 1968 by Reverend Perry, ;

'ic about lesbigay people. November’s movies MCC will be offering a study program based the MCC now includes 300 congregations in l

a are 11/4 — Rachel, Rachel (1968); 11/11 — on the works of Corinne Ware and Dr. Urban 19 countries making it the largest gay and

er Midnight Cowboy (1969); 11/ 18 - Making T, Holmes concerning spiritual types. Why lesbian organization in the world. ‘

111 Love (1981); 11/25 — Personal Best (1982). are some people raised to seventh heaven by The theme of Reverend Perry's )
Everyone is invited to this free event some forms of religious expression and message will be “VISION... FOR THE NEXT 1

CS (donations accepted to cover cost of video others turned off? How is it that people react GENERATION". All are cordially invited to >

‘5: rentals and popcorn). so differently to the same belief systems? attend and meet the founder of UFMCC. l

at If you missed the ABC television These and other questions will be There is no admission charge. A “love
movie, TWO Mothers for Zachary, don’t miss addressed as we examine the four basic offering” will be received for the “

the potluck/video night Tuesday, November spiritual types and their effect on the church UFMCC/MCCIA Capital Campaign. @ 1

50 19 at Davina’s house. Please bring adish to and the adjustments necessary in order to ,

test share for the potluck, which begins at minister to each type, Come and learn your QUEER As A THREE DOLLAR '

:ial 6:00pm. The movie, which tells the story of spiritual type and how you fit into the BILL ‘

we a lesbian who lost custody of her son eternal scheme of things. After beginning GLSO will print an Out and Proud

)od because of her sexual orientation, begins at November 6, the series will continue on page of individuals who would like their

hly 7:00pm. November 15th, 27th, and December 4th.® names listed as financial supports. The

ito For more information about minimum cost is $3 for a name, or a
Interweave or any of these events, please call GAY CHURCH LEADER TO VISIT couple’s name. and 45 for a statement.

sto Davina at 271-6174. ® LEXINGTON Many of you send us an extra $5 or $10

;we DONATIONS REQUESTED FOR The Reverend Elder Troy D. Perry, when you subscribe and some of you send

ach AIDS RELIEF Moderator of the Universal Fellowship of more.

his The Health Department’s AIDS Care Metropolitan Community Churches will We really appreciate your generosity

re 8 Coordinators and Lexington‘s Metropolitan visitLexington on November 20th, 1996. He continued on nextpage

— GLSO News Page 3

N a m e (s) ______________fl_________________________*_h____________
Ad d ress ________________________________________fi______________
. City, State, ZIP ______________________________________fl__________
' ____$15 Membership and Newsletter , .

____$20 Couple Membership and Newsletter '
__“_I am (we are) including a donation of $3 or more. Please add the above
name(s) to the OUTVAND. PROUD sponsorship page in October, I 99 7.

____I do not wish for my name to be added to the Community Mailing List
. used exclusively by and for Kentucky Gay/Lesbian organizations.
, Please become a member: help support and build our
community and receive your newsletter by mail!

MAIL TO: GLSO Newsletter P.0. Box 1147], Lexington, KY 40575
and would like to recognize all contributors helping us reach out to local churches with November 19, 6:50—8:00 pm, at the
as sponsors at least once a year. Any time the use of these films. Unitarian Universalist Church, on Clays
you send us a donation you can request to If you are interested in this project call Mill Road.
have your name on the out and proud page. Mary Crone 266-5904. Thanks to Brian .

We will be printing that in October starting Tremain for bringing these films to We meet on the third‘Tuesday 0f every
next year, After the end of this year, we will Lexington. Thank you to all our subscribers month. For more information. call Laura at
publish the names inJanuary. Your contri- and sponsors that make purchases of this 2762685 @
butions help us with our work in type possible. @
community education, social events, and NfiboifigfiGXY/LfiiigAN
. . ,_ T VAILA
:fiorififi other lesbigaytrans organtza LESBIAN & GAY PARENTING A new gay/lesbian/bi/trans hotline has
' ‘ GROUP UPDATE . . begun taking calls. It supplies peer
Last month 5 meeting concerning . , ,
. . counseling information, and referrals as well,
GLSO PROMOTES AWARENESS Donor insemination was well—attended, and for no charge
THROUGH FILMS valuable information was shared. ’ , y I
GLSO is purchasing the two films All This month’s topic: Adoption Use Of the line 15 totally anonymous.
, . . Its a toll—free call:
God 5 Children and Straight from the Heart Resources.
. . . . ‘ . 1-888-843-4564
that were shown at the mini-film festival If you are a parent, bring your 1 888 THE GLNH
held at the end of September. These are children and come join us; childcare is - _ -
excellent films aimed at church—attending provided. We take up a donation to pay our @
audiences. We will be showing them in the childcare provider. We also welcome those
next couple of months. who are not parents but who are considering
We would like to develop a larger parenthood.
group of public speakers that is interested in The next meeting is Tuesday,
GLSO News Page 4

 REDISCOVERING OUR HISTORY Prince Charles, heir to the throne, and told {gihéd/rea
Transgendered Warrior: Joan of Arc him of her visions and her desire to lead an gaggregfi
contributed by Mary Crone army against the British He put her at the ”a tame
Joan of Arc is one of those historical head Ofa 10,000 peasant “army”. There are ‘Ds-av Gevfite-l’hac,
figures woes name has survived through various stories of her triumphs, all of them Hi, I’m fairly new to Lexington. lmoved
centuries 0t human htStOYY- She lived and led agree that she dressed like a man both on and here from Chicago this past July. I have a
a peasant army th France 567 years ago. What off the battlefields. After a successfully leading family that moved here before me, hhd I got a
do YOU know Of her? If nothing else r you may her army and securing land for France, she tOt 0t letters telling me what a “good" place
remember that she was burned at the stake. escorted Charles to Rheims to be crowned Lexington is, hhd hOhBSttY theywere right. But,
Did you know that her official “crime” was King. Ithink Lexington would be a “great” place if it
that She dressed in men‘s clothing? Did you in 1430, Joan was captured by French wasn’t for all the uptight, selfish and cliquish
know that, contrary to the usual custom, the allies of the English. They called her people that evidently make up the majority of
fire was put out after she was dead but before “bammasse” or man—woman. She was sold the lesbigaysl have encounter in the local bais.
her hOdY was consumed 50 that the people Of to the English who turned her over to the lenjoy going °ht3~hd meeting new people
the city could view her naked hOdY thus lnquisition. The fact that the rulers of France and I like engaging th thought provoking
proving she was a woman? let this happen indicated that they may have conversations as well as having a general good
Joan of Arc was born in the Lorraine been somewhat afraid of her popularity time. And so, the people that you encounter
region of France, an area known for following among the country people. Feinburg suggests can either make for awonderful night out or an
the “old or pagan religion” . (The term that the French ruling class was pleased to l-can’t-believe—l—am somehow-linked—to—these— ‘
“pagan" means country dweller.) She is have her out of the way. people night.
honored in France as being instrumental in Joan was accused of being a heretic and Can you tell me why so many of the ,
driving the English our Of France and condemned for cross dressing. These two facts Peohle around here are like I’ve described? t
- returning the French monarchy t0 the throne. are in every version of her life that I have come AJSO' can you tell me where, it any place I Ch“
When I was quite young, I read her story across, from romantically worded records to go th the-community to hhd more open, dOWh‘
e th an Old tattered hOOk that 15 Shh Oh my shelf, hollywood movies, from traditional histories to to—earth and tht plain nice lesbigays? I’m ,
5 Joan of Arc written in 1895 by Boutet De Feinburg. Whether she was a pagan or a beginning to think that particular species in
Monvel. we had two copies, one th the original Christian is unclear, the charge of paganism only bred “P hhtth'
y french. There are wonderful illustrations was dropped but the “Christian saints” she Down from Chi-Town
,t showing a short haired young woman th reportedly prayed to could have been the
men’s clothing throughout the book. De goddesses 0f the ancient religion. {Dear {Don/n7,
Monvel quotesJoan at length (It is so nice that Most accounts agree that it was her Yours is by the far the biggest complaint
he knows her exact words.) He portrays her as unwillingness to put off men’s clothing that I’ve heard from transplants t0 ourfair city. The
very Christian ahdi unintentionally I’m sure, finally led to her being burned at the stake. first thing you must understand is from whence
S asvery transgendered. Feinburg suggests that her transgendered our fine lesbigay community originated. The
r In the last few years I have seen reinter— expression was itself seen assacred by Joan and majority of us came from small eastern
t, pretations Of her story th pagan literature and her followers. This interpretation is supported Kentucky crossroads like Mousie or Beaver LtCk-
th Leslie Feinburg’s Transgendered Warriors. by the unusual step of requiring the people to Grow’n ”P “queer” th that environment tends
At a young age,Joan heard voices telling look upon her body, burned clean of clothing. to make us a little more SktthSh about whom we
her that she would rescue her people from the Those of us who are “in-between” ones have let into our Circle. This is because if we had
English that occupied the northern area 0f often been seen as spiritual leaders in avariety trusted the wrong one back home, we would
France. De Monvel emphasizes that she was a of cultures. Although many details of her life have ended up looking like a raccoon and ‘
“saintly little Christian girl” who spent have been distorted and lost ,Joan of Arc was squealing like a pig for Elmer Gene’s toothless
endless hours th prayer. This is reflective 0f clearly transgendered and we are glad to have dad Oht behind the barn.
how she has been remembered in traditional her story with us over 565 years since her Now, my best advice to you, in the local
historic interpretations. death. (E bar scene, is to be a little aggressive about
In 1429, at the age 0f 19, Joan went to continued on page 8
- ———_—_—_—_—_—W

 1 FRI 2 SAT
_ 7: 30 pm 9:00 am.
: GOV/ Lesbian AA Frontrunners (Arboretum)
\ r ‘ .. '
NOVEMBER] 1 996 ~ III/1’, -‘-.
‘ ‘.. c; J , Ml
' ca .’ . '
3 SUN 4 MON 5 TUE 6 WED 7 THUR 8 FRI 9 SAT -
11:30 am. 7:00 pm. 12 :00 noon 6:00 pm. 7:00 pm. 7:30 pm 9:00 am.

Metropolitan Community Exploring Gay and Gay/Lesbian AA Frontrunners (Woodland Men’s Chorus Practice Gay/ Lesbian AA Frontrunners (Arboretum)

Church Lesbian Images in 7:30 pm. Park) Central Baptist Church R E s T A U R A N T
1:00 pm. Movies (Fellowship Gay/Lesbian AA 7:00 pm.

Dignity House behind Unitarian 8:30 pm. Met Community Church ‘

4:00 pm. Church) Rainbow Bowling League 7:00 pm. 5 5 7 S ' lee Stone

Kentucky Wranglers HIV/AIDS Support Group .

Meeting 8:00 pm. Lexmgton, KY
Gay/Lesbian AA 2 53 001 4
10 SUN 11 MON 1 2 TUE 1 3 WED 14 THUR 1 5 FRI 1 6 SAT _
11:30 am 7:00 pm. 12 :00 noon 6:00 pm. 7:00 pm. 7:30 pm. 9:00 am. f ) featurlng the

Metropolitan Community Exploring Gay and Gay/ Lesbian AA Frontrunners (Woodland Men’s Chorus Practice Gay/Lesbian AA Frontrunners (Arbore um

Church Lesbian Images in 7:30 pm. Park) (Central Baptist Church) Fa I I I O u 8 Alfalfa
12:45 pm) Movies (Fellowship P-Flag (Chapel Hill 7:00 pm,

Interweave monthly House behind Unitarian Presbyterian Church) Met. Community Church .
Luncheon (Everybody’s Church) 7:30 pm, 7:00 pm, we C ke n d B I’ U n C h 0
Foods and Deli) Gay/Lesbian AA HIV/AIDS Support Group .

8:39pm . 8=00pm~ . servmg blueberry
Rainbow Bowling League Gay/Lesblan AA
buckwheat pancakes,
17 SUN 18 MON 19 TUE 20 WED 21 THUR 22 FRI 23 SAT eggs benedlct arnold,
11:30 am. 7:00 pm. 12:00 noon 6:00 pm. 7:00 pm. 7:30 pm. 9:00 am. .

Metropolitan Community Exploring Gay and Gay/Lesbian AA Frontrunners (Woodland Men’s Chorus Practice Gay/Lesbian AA Frontrunners (Arboretum) S p a n18 h 0 m e I ette S , 8 O I] I’m Ct
Church Lesbian Images in 6:30 pm. Park) (Central Baptist Church)

1:00 pm. Movies (Fellowship Lesbian/Gay Parenting 6:00 pm. 8:00 pm. desserts, and mUCh more. . .

Dignity House behind Unitarian Group (Unitarian HIV Positive PWA Dinner Bluegrass Colts members

Church) Church) 7:00 pm. 9:00 pm.
7:15 pm. 7:30 pm. Met Community Church Bluegrass Colts
GLSO N GLSO Board Meeting Gay/Lesbian AA 7:00 pm non-members
eWS (MCC Suite) 8:30 pm. HIV/AIDS Support Group
D d' Rainbow Bowing League am pm All of our breads and desserts
ea Ine Gay/Lesbian AA . . '
are baked dally 1n our kltchen.
24 SUN 25 MON Zb TUE 27 WED 28 THUR Z9 FRI 30 SAT
11:30 am. 7:00 pm. 12 :00 noon and 7:30 pm. 6:00 pm, 7:00 pm. 7:30 pm. 9100 am.

Metropolitan Community Exploring Gay and Gay/ Lesbian AA Frontrunners (Woodland Men's Chorus Practice Gcw/Lesbian AA Frontrunners (Arboretum

Church Lesbian Images in 7:00 pm. Park) (Central Baptist Church)
Movies (Fellowship Networking Meeting 7:00 pm. FRE E EVE NIN G PARKI N G °
House behind Unitarian 8:30 pm. Met. Community Church
Church) Rainbow Bowling League 7:00 pm,
HIV/AIDS Support Group
8:00 pm.
Gay/Lesbian AA

 from page2 printing of these newsletters is low (allprinters newsletter and, if you already are a member,
over and into fall, we have fewer people charge more for the first 100, with costs talkafriend into joining.
joining GLSO or renewing their newsletter decreasing thereafter). If you are a member of our community
subscription. We now lraVe under 200 names We have considered stopping these give who would like to subscribe but are financially
on our mailing list, even including the free aways to reduce costs and encourage subscrip— unable, we can offer you reduced cost
copies to institutions and to individuals for tions but we like to reach new and poorer membership. If you would like to volunteer
whom we do regular public speaking members of our community as well as some time to help pay for asubscription we
engagements. members of the general public who pick them welcome your help. We always need extra
A community the size of Lexington up occasionally It also improves our hands for folding and mailing, for example.
should be able to support our newsletter. advertising appeal to have at least 500 copies We can also arrange partial year subscriptions
please consider joining GLSO. Newsletters are in circulation. If you have been picking up for individuals who live here part time
mailed in plain envelopes with a return our newsletter free, we would like you to (students, etc.) Please call Mary Crone (266—
address that does not name GLSO. 50 if you subscribe or at least to send us a couple of 5904) to request reduced rates or to
are worried about your mail carrier figuring dollars. Yes, even two or three dollars is a volunteer. @
you out, our envelope is more discreet than worthwhile COhhihUhOh- Perhaps you COUM
your clothes. (We’ve been meaning to talk to do this Whh our “Queer as a three (10113? hill” Germ Magulfigm Page 5
you about that shirt you wear) campaign described elsewhere in the _ . .
Please notice when your MAILING LABEL newsletter. rntroducrng yourself to others. Set rrght down
is YELLOW Yellow means you need to renew Subtracting the COSl 0f the “give aways”, at the bar besrde them and tell you re new m
This month we are sending the newsletter to one subscription Shh C05l US about $12 to town. You might b? surprised how that
some of you who’s subscriptions have expired. produce and mail for 3Y6?”- We Will send YOU Southern hospitality W1“ lek m to help you
So, if this is the first newsletter you have gotten a couple 0f extra copies while we wait for YOU feel at right at home. Next, you 35kg there rs
in a few months, that is probably why. Please to renew. Membership including a ShhSChP' anywhere else you-could go to meet nrce people.
renew! tion cost $15 a year for an individual, $20 for YES! Just turn thrs newsletter over and on the
We are sometimes asked about the a couple. The extra money you send back you will see all kinds of organizations
expenses of publishing the newsletter. Here is contributes to the success 0f Pride Month, listed. Political, Religious, Social, Charity or
a financial accounting of the cost of including the free 1:2“th PiChiC: and helps Servrceany 0f wthh WOUId be happy to have
producing and mailing the GLSO News each support our other PTOlEClS (speaker’s bureau, you torn them in whatever the” endeavor
month: support groups, social events, advertising in might be. They always need fresh meat to do
other lesbigay programs, Pink Pages, etc.) the grunt work!
Printing 500 copies $17500 You also receive reduced admission to some of
(more when we haveanextra inner page) the other GLSO events. Please help us Gflfifiwa‘
Envelopes $16.00 continue our work by subscribing to our
Mailng $26.40 , . _ ’ W , ‘ _ , , , _ , ., ,
Bulk Mail Fee ($75 yr.) $6.25 . ' ' . ’ ' - ‘ ' . f i, « 9
Mailing Labels $3.00 2 ' , ' , .v ' ,_ , '
PO. Box Rental ($40yr.) $5.35 » .‘rv V x , .
Total monewsletter expenses $230.00 , , . f , I ; ' ,
We have reduced our yearly newsletter ‘ . ’ ,2 , ‘ ' " ' : , ‘_ ' f
expenses by over $200 dollars since last year. ' f , 4 . , ‘v , . [ii
We do give away about 250 copies of our . V ' 7 .- 1
newsletter each month and many of you pick ‘ f ,1 f 7 I. ,l ' ~ _ f ,
them up at the Ky Theater, at one of the bars, ' > : .- 7 f 3 ' V
restaurants, or bookstores. The cost of , , '
GLSO News Page 8 _

inity _
tally “sot Readb) $2 5
cost , “0:?
“eel o o o Female-Oriented Cards
1W6 o ,
W O@} Mary Soiourner Crone
11116 266—5904 I
une ».
366— (“if é?
' [O Q ‘3.
(ml é§
confidential care for teens adults couples ‘ 3}
families seniors - specialties in women’s health
men’s health - andrew schechterman phd - (‘
own utensed clinical psychologist I woodford ‘yi
. ospltal versallles kentucky Just say /
V in Dock-tur Sheck-tur-mln - 606.873.5361
teis The GLSO Board decided that in order to achieve true financial stability,
We it would seek a sponsor for the costs of the newsletter for one month, and use
£31: its other advertising income for a number of other ongoing projects.
(as: For more information, please call Mary at 266-5904.
1VOI‘ _..____.___..__.~._.___~w__._.w__-__~_~_.~w__..__~_
)do The gls_o NEWS is proud to announce our supporters for 1996:
Sue Strong, Ph.D., Licensed Psychologist 255—4964
Scorsone and Ransdell, Attorneys at Law255-5766
Craig Hudson, for the Catholic group Dignity
Kentucky Wranglers (Terry)255—5766
, (Bill) 2555766
Lexington Men’s Chorus 231-0900
Front Runners 254-6850
Russell Beam Bookkeeping 81 Tax Services 266-2903
Unitarian Universalist Church 2564 Clays Mill Road 223-1448
seeking a diverse congregation: Sunday worship 10:45
Metropolitan Christian Church 271-1407
Elizabeth St Tammy Gilliam—Strong
Pegasus Travel253—1644
Pegasus Travel donates I % of your ticket costs to GLSO
GLSO News Page 9

of Lexlnuton
Saturday, November 16, 1996
7:00 p.m.
Park United Methodist Church
(the comer of Ciay mud High gtreetfi

 J1" Momma” Mmb Cfiww . f . . ..:
p rewmz» S «my» af- - . :
Wawoe .
Saturday, December 14 at 8 pm .
Sunday, December 15 at 3 pm
Singletary Center for the Arts
Reserved seating: adults $10 .
c h i | d re n S 5
‘/F madam
Saturday, April 5 at 8 pm _
Lexington Opera House
Reserved seating: adults $10
children $5
Saturday, June 14 tfi
Two shows: 6 pm and 8 pm , f?
Arts Place \—
General Seating: all seats $5 CO N C ERT
Tickets may be purchased by calling SEASO N
the Singletary Center for the Arts
All concert facilities are accessible
Member of the Lexington Arts and Cultural Council . '
andGALA- Lexmgton Men s Chorus
1 9 9 6 -1 9 9 7
_ GLSO News Page 11

 the 9130 COMMUNITY
GLSO Board (Mary)2665904 Bluegrass COLTS (Mark) 2337266
GLSO Discrimination Project (Jeff) 2765383 Cumberland Care55616763
GLSO: News (Peter)1...1.,.i.........1..”.1...1.,.....,1...11....11..,....1.....273-5845 E-Male (B111)2549812
Advertisements (Sue) 2554864 Fairness of Lexington H0TLINE....m.....Wt...1.,..1.,...,i..r,..4...27577812
Calendar (Peter).1.,......4........1..,..1...,....4....11.......1,,..273-5845 Fairness of Louisville,,....,.......,..1...it.W.,.......,,1..........1.(502) 893-0788
Folding (Many) 2665904 Front Runners (Keith) 2546850
Layout (Tammy) 2773644 G/L AA (Charlie) 2244067
GLSO PRIDE COMMITTEE (Mike)11..,......1..,...,.......1.,,.....1.,..1.225-1828 GIL Defense FundGOZ) 589—2896
GLSO Speakers Bureau (Mary)..11..,1“.,2.....,..1.,.11....1.1.,..........266-5904 IGBO(Steve)2763058
GLSO Support Group (Min)2665904 Kentucky Legislature
Bill Status Lme<800) 532—2455
STUDENT GROUPS Legislator Message L1ne(800) 372-7181
ACE League:Berea (Ed) 625-7312 K “:83ng Info.Lme'W'm'”'-6‘.I1m:WWWWWW(800) EEVLMZ?
AGLF: NKU (Pat) >725604 efl‘uc Y rang firs (8611111))D22237)
B-GLAD: Centre College (Mykol)....,.......1...,....4.....,.1........,.u..258-5532 Th L l)" &G P . ’G‘ 1 )l;;672(;§j
GUESS: EKU (Neil) 6225816 L 6. e5 ”:4 , 23h arengfil group i“‘W)"""""""""'; 1'08?)
Lexington Youth Support Group (Kenneth) .1.1...”...,....,...1,222—1919 LextflgfinY en: G orus 1e )3) (07:4 7:
Morehead State (Angela) 7832950 NZEZZIPfo'ZEtt Leifrigtonflatit) D ”9:25;;
UK Lambda (pager) 2“ 33 4 Newcomers Group (Joe) 2334432
. _ egasus rave -
Jessamme County885 4149 Rainbow Bowling League (Shawn) 2%7579
Lexmgton-Fayette County2882437
. RISC of KY(Paul)2255151
Madison County 7237312 _
Woodford County 873-4541 (Steve) 25546364
The Women’s Chorus (Connie)1....1.,..1.....1111...11.”...,...,.,,...u,.11276-2554
AIDS HOTLINE 2317545 Dignity [Catholic] (Don) 2994458
AIDS Volunteers of Lex1ngt0n1.i.............,....,........,.....,.1,.....11278-7494 Episcopal Diocese AIDS Ministry (Steve) ....1....1....,,.1..n.....233—1782
AVOL Legal Advocacy Program 2787494 Honesty [Southern Baptist] (Eddie) (502) 637—7609
Health Department HIV Support Programs (Dorothy) .........1,....,.(502) 458-5