xt79zw18pf7x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79zw18pf7x/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 1915-04-29 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 7, No. 31,  April 29, 1915 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 7, No. 31,  April 29, 1915 1915 1915-04-29 2015 true xt79zw18pf7x section xt79zw18pf7x \
/4* o
. Q F
W l H E   ID EA
• •
. • University of Kentucky
l(_l )4 $·  `O AS  {
l l `i"" " · · TA E T l
‘ Illll Pllll .||lHllStlll   ""“"""‘“” """"‘¢ li|lllS’ ISSIIE lllll l““SE“‘“*'J TEAM “’ llllll AGAIN lllllll
—-— —-—< · l The annual prize competition drllll I K    
AIIIIHESSES SllllllllSrW··   ‘·‘· r   0*     APPEAH lllll lllll     ·» ¤S~bE ··   i l··· EVEN IN llll GAME
t hdct Lattnllon held on the Paradel Itnnvn Sunday for R weeks pmmgemnm
`· __ I<¤I:<>·¤r;<1.¤ Friday ¤ft<;r;¤¤¤¤;lr+*¤;;lt<;dil¤I im Western Tennessee. On mis trlpl
, . " " ‘ommny recevn e s · · · . . · . . —`_"` . .
4 Louisville Newspaper Menlkls uw helm drum! mlgpmlx ig tz; EVQFX Gil`] IS GIVE!]. gh3IlC€{:_l;G;° _jm:‘°;*lI;*‘Q;0::‘;’_:j;j_";']"§jb;*:j_fi‘;’; will FIPSC FPOITI Mlaml 7 to
0f the Old School Gives |¤¤¤¤¤i><·tlt1<>¤s. E. Fl. Drake, to Express Herseu li She t*¤tl·srshy mid time games. at {Lab-, 6 and Lose Second by
Interesting   of Lexington, was decided to be the HBS BCC!] Done ‘DITt, anon with (gnmbcrlnnd (ynnegn S_ p_ Close Score Of 2 to 1
best tlrllletl second-year man, and H. + + I, + ••*;‘;':'++ · ++ *• [T, have been playing good ball thlsl
Colonel li. Polk Johnson, journalist, ·l· ":"“""· Of F"*"‘kf°"t· H"' mst drmedln, •, S€8¤0¤. |0¤l¤K to V¤¤d€l‘l>llt 3 to 0. ln two of the best games seen on
Confederate veteran, and one of t'”‘l‘Y"*"` man ln the b**m*·H°“·l+ ATTENTION GIRLS AND * and breaking even with Sewanee ln algwn meld this Sgasun the wrudcats
.. l.oulsvllle‘s most loyal cltlzens, ad- m`"k‘°` tr “ "‘"`l’°"**l in HAH °°mp“·nY'+ sUFFRAbETTE8l * SGNGS of tW0 KMHGS. Bel-il¤¤l¤8 F!'l· boke even with Miami, winning the
dressed the members of the Journal- ami EV“"" ‘*‘ “ l"`l"“t" tn the samelln •|dHY with T€¤¤9S¤€<* 0¤ Sm}! Fl€ld mel first T to •i and losing the second 2 to 1
ism Department Tuesday afternoon, “""“l’““y· TM “'l““‘"`” l" the i“dlV'd' • Next k b 1 nm M *|Wl|d<‘¤tH will Dl¤Y eight Straight The flrst game though by no means
it on "'I`he Higher ldeals of Journalism? U"! """‘l"’tm"“S “""`*’ awarded “"V"" 4, 3 i th wie I :8 id g tgy +IK8m9S UHIPBS ruin DFRVGMS $0m€ of errorless, was exciting from the time
WE (‘olonel Johnson is a newspaper man """l“l*‘ *‘"d L- J- H°Y'“““· mpmln Or in nl;. Bbuliliisg B: ts ';;)EAB +lthe engagements already scheduled. the nmnm, ,.nn,,n -·nn,_y ball" uutu
E of the old school, and better quallfled um l"`lZ‘“ ""mp“"y· wa" given a sab"- + i r (pl? La on Oi I eh ` +l The following will make the trip: nn, tant nntp 0;- nn, ninth when gqngr.
Q to address the prospective journalist U‘“'“"l“"t M"N“m“"a· who is in 4, csumgncg ;:;:;sBg£€rs€l?san: +lSchrader, Crum, Spalding, J. Park, I-any Tnme poled n Texas Leagnen
• than any other man ln the State, °h“"g" M the low] recruiting Station- + if any mh, coed thinks 8 m8m_ +4 Tuttle. W¤¢€¥`8· R€€d· (P P¤¤`k· Th0m· sending Dutch across the pan with the
with the possible exception of Henry “"“`d as Judge in both (’°m¥’*‘“Y lmd * ber `f th 1 h d *las, Flynn, MGCIGUHH, Server. (7080h winning run.
Watterson, For this reason his talk mdlvidum °°"‘p"mi°““· ln hm, gdmg :108; igezerazhazx +I Brumage and Student MHHHKGP T¤Yl0¤‘· Flynn started the game for the Cats
was of lntlnlte value to those who _`;“°'°'”`°;' + to get Bvgn. *l and pitched air-tight ball until the
h0¤¥‘d lt- •, The girly stan is published ,., sixth, when errors mlxed with hits,
In a few words President Barker in- Y * in this edmon of the IDEA and ,•,     secured four tallles for the Ohio boys.
gnduced the speaker as his life-long + any Suggestion wm be accepb I,} He was then replaced by McClellan--
end, Seventy-OM >€¤¤‘¤ YOURS wld tt + ed by a member of me sum and •, his initial gamwwho served out as
thousand years old ln. experience. w + edited in the next iSsu€__Flm._ *` pretty pitching as one could wish,
llrlefly he told ot his career as a Lon- + (mw Hughes. + ` l l 'nonnng mem down to one nm. which
tederate soldier. lawyer. politician and 1- ,, _, lwas not earned. The batting honors
, finally a newspaper man, which title , _ _ 1; Iwgnt to w _
' Colonel Johnson prefers to the more Schtwl   B9 Dlsmlssed * * + + * + * * * it * · * I, + + I, D   J T     d I stocky secosclebisgrzinsslezlgrgg a drohué
‘ modern one_ of "journa.llst," on the After.   in Honor Of To whet the curiosity OY thv 1¤€¤`€ I" · W' ’ ut; 1 ecte lble and a single out of two times up
i plea that "newspaper men are bornl o men folks, and tc give them a hint. as| Presldent Of Hlstory S€c_ and Spalding noted two Singles in
and Journalists munufacwred." · { the Occaslon to what they may expect to find in · F E · Y time times at bat. The box score;
l Judge Harkefempliaslzed the fact;   the next issue of the IDEA, the much—° tion or nsulng ear I gum,. AB R H po A E
l ' ` l of the passing of the old type of news. 1 will be observed at the university Fri- heralded long-sought-for Glrls’ lssue,| , Y gcnmd€r_ Ss  
. ·` paper men. thogg who were the mak- day, and all classes after 9:30 will be Miss Florence Hughes. the edlt0r-in- kenutcky _Smt€ University was eS°l]·nm€ n, ____ : 3 Q Q (1; ii
L _ arg or public ggntimgnt rnthgr th3n'dlSllllSH¢‘d ln honor of the occasion. In chief for next week, gives out tllelpecmny acm,9 gl me departmental RQQd..(' _______ 5 1 0 g 4 0
~ mere organs of expression. T0 hlsi¤ddlU0¤ l0 the U`€*€ planting. there ¤·b0V€ ¤¢8i¢¥¤0¤l- meetmgé of We mitucky Educational Park, 3b ..... 4 1 1 1 2 1
I knowledge, he gnld, "thgre remain I Wlll be ll gumé with the Tennessee ng- Thls ls the HPS!. time tht? gll'lB IIKVB Association "mch Were held at Louis- Crum, rf ______ 4 0 ]_ ]_ 0 1
  only two, two veteran journalists orlgregation in the afternoon, and atrack been given a chance to freely voice vm°’ April 2l`24' The most atmw 3nanhnng_ ty __ 3 1 2 3 0 0
Q the Louisville Courier-Journal, Henry meet With the Georgetown College their opinions and they are given 8 tive feature was the Suite Unlvorsity \VgtgpS_ gb ____ 2 2 2 2 0 1
{ xvimorgon, and Colonel E, Pon; John. athletes ln their own backyard, On tree rein on the enire issue. dinner at the Hotel )W'tt9rS°n' Fri- Park, U., er ____ 4 1 t 3 0 0
son_" the whole, it should be a memorable For Week¤`b¤.St the girls h8·V6 b€€¤ day mgm' at whigh *3 guetss were Flynn, p ...... 3 0 0 0 5 0
ln response to the introduction, Col-·day in the history of the university. lwldl!18 Secret confabs Wil-I1 WhiSD€!'¤ present Judge “" T' Lauerty was McClellan, p .. 1 0 0 0 3 0
(mel Johnson took up his theme Ott The program for the day follows: and Smiles and rumors are that one toastmaster and responses were made _ __ _ _ _ _
"Highgr Ideals of J0urn3ligm" gndt llZ3tl··——Rally in chapel. President Wh0 KHOWS l1R¤ S8ld that UIQ i¤SU€`by Frééidentfienry S. Barker? Dr` HI Totals ...... 34 7 9 27 15 5
their relation to higher ideals of lite,, Harker has promlsed a. hol- will U6 ¤¤ lS¤¤€ of revelations. A` Dmldsom `)6’ of Louisvmm profes- Miami—— AB R H PO A E
dwelling particularly upon the tact iduy after this time, provid- The secrecy they are maintaining sf"` Kam°k‘ °f LOMSVMB; Pr°f°°S°r Mattern, er   s 0 0 0 0 0
nm journalism ls no hap-hazard can- vided the chapel is wen rniea, will be carried out to such an extent (‘ R" M°1°l'°° J" H‘ Fame and °°h` crm, za ...... s 1 2 2 3 0
lng, out one of the noblest pursuits or lUZUU··l.l.llll|) and Cross Tap Day ex- NMI the €¤U1'6 DRUG? will b9 SON-611 out em _ I Crawford, 3b ,_ 5 1 1 0 1 0
• lite. ln this connection he spoke of ercises. The university bat- WlU10\1l the uid of the 11196klY male. H was voted unanimously to mime Pierce, p., rt'... 5 0 1 0 7 0
the impossibility or combining the nre muon will parade ln honor 'l‘hi=» ulvrw ought tv be Sufficient tv }l‘° ‘"""" “" “""““l “"“"‘ D"‘ E" J" catwngm, 1b. 2 1 0 8 0 0
ot' a journalist with any other profes- ot this event. Ullikff YOU Fetilizv llwl Y0U CHU'! U- mmm was glecled presmem of me \Vons'ter_ rf__ p_ 5 1 2 1 0 0
slon, especially that of a Dolltlelan, l•r:Zlu»»—Arbor Day exercises. i`0¤`d tv ¤1i¤¤ it- ulswry Sermon mr the ensuing yeah Beckel, ss. .... 4 1 1 0 1 1
The successful journalist avoids of- Music by Cadet Band. The SHUT M H¤1l10¤¤1¢•¤‘d» bb' Miss AF me suggestion of Dr` Tuthuh Bollinger, c. .. 4 1 1 13 1 1
flce-holding and as a proof of this Col- Address by James Pakr, pres- HUSUGS Y0? next week isi lpmsldem Barker last month appomb Lgndrey, lf   3 o 1 0 0 0
onel Johnson sald that were it in his ident of the1915 class. I Florence B- H¤8h€B. 6dll·0l‘·il1·€hi€fL ed 8 faculty Committee to mgm after \\'ons’tler, rf, _ 0 0 0 1 0 0
power to live his life again, he would Slwvcll by J. Esterl Bolling. Cl“'l“tl“° H°Vkl“S· managing €‘m‘”`? lme umvemty interests at I" EZ A' ——————
stick to his pen and leave the govern- senior class orator. NMHHB Wood. RSSiBtv·!1t editor; Anita Headquarters `Hjre maimameq Totals ...... 41 6 9 25 13 2
ment of the country to hired officials <‘lass prophecy. Read by Miss Crabb?. HPWS 9dlt0¤`; J€*8¤9N6 Bell. throughout the Session in me lobby Ot Score by Innings.
an xvasinngmn. A paper must be cou- Christine Hopkins. "<>ld 1><>rm": Elsie Heller. arlileticsc "‘“ H"‘_°' H"""" w““"”°“‘_ state ........... 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 2 1-7
enacted smeny from a news stand- ’¤‘¤-ee piammg. seniors will Uwiv White. agriculture: Eliwberhl TM _“’"°“'“‘“_"""{‘b"“_°‘,"‘° f"°` mama .......... 0 ti 1 0 0 4 1 0 0-6
point rather than on political issues. handle the spade, which will R0d€¤. 1¤€0l\¤¤l€¤l Bild €l8€U'l€¤l3 Tully UI qw mmlerslly or kentucky Summary: Strike 0uts—Plerce, 5;
In eongratulatlng the students on be turned over to Karl Zer- Mildwd 'l`¤Yl0F. Hllllillg; l•}¤th€¤‘ Rid€l‘.;Sp°k°_dun"g the Session: _ Wonsettler, 1; Flynn, 4; Mevlellaud.
the unusual opportunities offered by foss, junior representative, <‘>·<‘ll¤¤8€§ R€b€€€¤ Smith. $0€l€U'· Prowssor Mcuemy Rhoudth Miss 3. Base on Balls--Pierce, 1; W0nset·
O a School of Journalism, Colonel John- who will make a short '_""°'°*_`°"`" Rub? Uuckma"` lh-Q Fred Mutchlelp tier, 1; l·‘lynn, 1; McClelland, 2. Two-
wrt urged that they Pwlizé that bélngl SDBGCIL       rFl')£;}l 5:% SPr(::°;(;1z§;' base Hits—\\’aters, Tuttle. Umpiro—
a graduate of such an institution does`l2:tNt~eStatt' and Crown tapping exer- • ,' _ _‘ “ ' ' ` l _ ' Howard (lnyn. 'l`iine of Gl:Llll€—T\VO
not mean being a full-fledged journal-; cises at the tree.           I nmyssml L R' Meh-l,l€rI Mm {rows- hours and 15 minutes.
lst. While putting the highest, esti- 3:43 er'l‘etniessee vs. Wildcats, on 'l‘he triangular debate between Van-for L` I" lmmzm" lwmssor heorgel Second Game.
mate on all prelltnlmwy work he Bald SIGN Vivid. derbilt, State University of Alabatxialuobvrls SNYM us, chummm in [gw P`; Hard luck lost the second game for
that lt ls as nothing unless one's own "`—_"`°°°_i' and Kentucky State University will bel parmwm UI fxgrwulmw and kmtesi y State. Several titties the Wildcats
efforts 'are enlisted. At most it islVOLS_     hem at vanderbm and Kentucky sl_|si>'rtil;‘l$;il?;ivis in the Department ot Should have had the game, but wud
only a stepping stone to higher things. w inultaneousl Friday evenln ,A rll 30. ` ° Q " base running and the um ire's decl-
Here he made a personal allsulon,   The question ls: "kesilvelzl tl1at~ _ Pmtessor Dumzler liu vmuauy as- ¤l0¤1 kw! the bvys from Sl;0¤‘l¤K·
saying he was a graduate of the Uni- The Tennessee Volunteers wm come President Wilson was justified ln re-lbulufd qw (·rwm)u_ or a' Depurmwm Thomas, the hefty southpaw, pltched
versity uf War only and ull that lwlio l.t`Xllll-£l,l)ll lemon-ow for ztwtr ssc- saunas the literat‘Y test as surrletem mi bwélfkll .d.mhm [mm u Uepumnem ¤ brilliant same and Miumrs two runs
knew he had dug out by his own umlnnd mo.g,nne Bo;-tos with nn, cam grounds for vetolng the Burnett lmmi-I"' l··¤·n,ti.n,ts.i 7 _ were due to errors. Thomas allowed
tiring efforts. Newspaper life, he said, = lvphlny und Sntnrtlny In tho {jpg; ufutiull Hill. H. U. 6060·" _ The l’nlon Literary Society will lioldllmll UVB hits Mid struck UU! Bl! llléll
is an unendlng school, ln which tltere|S,n·n,S nt Knnxynn, [na (`utS broke Kentucky has the affirmative herein! {ns; nwennn for this year Saturday l besides garnerlng two of State`s slx
Q We UU "°*"·*U°“S· Th*"`*’ is UU ROYBJ ’evon, but thelr claws are whetted tu ulld Wlll UB l‘6l>¤`¢*S€l1£€d DY J. U- U0l€·\nlght, May lst. Uttlcers for next year mls-
ltoad to follow; one inust work to n nn,. ndnn nnd they my (-tnnn to both tnan and Orville lt. Willett, whlle J. will be ,·|o(·n.d nnd n,,nnn,.n_ nytnr The \\'lldcats scored their one run
succeed. of {np gouging (-nlmtntn pgnnnr Tnnn,. ll. Fowler and J. S. Sattley will chant-] whiph ,·p;·,·,.,nnn.,ns in tjbttpuj nnnnn. in the seventh. Jini l'ark singled and
'l`o prospective wotnen journallsts,ln,;_ Sn,-t»,n·_ M(.(—|,,nnnn ur [Flynn wm plon the negative at Vanderbilt. lm., nm nn M,..`.nn4 NWI.), "wmnnr in t‘rnn1 followed with another, Spalding
(`UIUIWI J0l¤¤\HU¤¤ ¤l>0k¢#<‘Hl¤‘¢‘l¤UY. ¤¤'§· shtml the sphere, while the intigldn 'l`he speakers from the llniverslty ofnul-nn.] to hp n,·,.M.n[ ut nn. fn,·,.“·nn walked, as dtd Waters which forced
U18 them not to chaln themselves to alnnn nntnnln wm Shoyv no (.nnngn_ nn, Alabatnu. who wlll be heard ln chapel ' n,,·,.th,n or nn. yen; l.linnny to score.
¤0€l<+l.Y IPHMV. U¢*¢‘0|l¤ll1H slaves to lllllkiless llasty \\'rh.iht ls able to go; hnpk are N. llowell Morrow and (‘. A. Lewis.; V •-oe · -—r — l llnt the boys lost their best chaneo
teas, weddings and receptions but tonnn, un. gunnh |·;·ofo,.;,.to;· l\tt·(‘u;·tney, of '1‘ransy|· ilton as well as our own l’att. llalllin the sixth when three successive
strive t'or something hlgher ln a liter-? · yunhn win nt-; for Alubttllttt hor.- in have been invited to hear the elo-~hits failed to produce at least one run.
ary field. iAhn high. For tnen hlt only that at conjunction with *’rot'essor Weaver in 'l of il¤¢*¤<' '|`l¤<>1¤H\¤ ¢i<·¤¤Ul•¤‘¢l Ul Phill! but WHS Call-
ln concluding hls address, the vet·twhich they ahn, and also, conie what selecting the judges. l¤'¢l>¤‘**M‘¤¤l¤liV*‘¤ of UM! t<¤`¤1Ml UN Ml ttul l`·>¤' H0! wuflllils NFB!. Mid
eran journalist said: "Strlve to belinay, whether lt bo good or evll, re- The question ls one that ls deniand~l$lut~* Wlllvll hui lM‘0d¤<‘<*d her Hub- Selwader followed with another clean
dlll.lllCl.lV€ lll YOU? Hlylv, lllllk &lldiltlt9lllbt·l' you are the erltgriun gf ygnr lng the wide interest uf the country isulls and l'Iltlel‘\\‘Uuds. Adlulssluu will -—-—————·-~— ~ —·— V · r»—Vr » ·
water journallsts accomplish nothing. paper and be gentlemanly." at the present th_ne. Sayre and Hani· be l¤'¤*~· uml it l¢¤¤'l»:~· ¢‘¤'UWd is ¤‘>4p~·t·tud_ wnmnlunn on Page Thma)
Q. •

g T H E ID E A _ I
hi I  ,..-,....~,.,. » · —•-¤——·    —·-·•-—•-•··¢·~-·——···— -x·••-·¢-—-.>..,...;., •
Symphonic Orchestra Exclusive Mutual and Universal Program of Moving Pictures Go Where the Go'; G0.
Me At Admission 10c
Fm8T_cLAsg IN gyggy APPOINTMENT J. H. STAMPER. Jr., Owner and Mana •r. OPEN 10 A. M. to 11 P. M.
    I`(N\l.HlIl, hll:·¤kl·llmll and lmsclmll teams
_lll alllllltlml tu his two years on the
rubllnlled every Thursday throughout the Collazo you by the student body ·y, ,·,· i,_k.,y H I ,,_ R H; L FQR P ls
A 0 A M   D E or me Slate University of Kentucky, for the benem ot the under- __ I`; :,3) TI   ;h(;uAgr:::1;mm| Z(;(_I1‘_t;I ENS AND FENG! • •
, ol l d f I f h i l l . ' ` '
__,,__, EW, A gI`a?u·ti·,A_   In lcu ty 0 t 8 nu mt on ul ilu- Kllllllll I‘l Art ('Illh and is art      
    THE IUEA ls the ofllclal newspaper of tho University. It lll issued with IIIIIUI UI II"` mtpnn k°m"i`kI°"‘_ H°` STATIONERY
me view of furnishing to its subscribers all the college news of Kentucky, " °‘I*" “ '“""‘I"" el II"` “¥*"I" ( I"`I"‘
  together with a digest of items of lutoront concerning the universities of l`l`llll‘l`lIIl). I JO|·|N$TQN’$ CANDY
other states und Csnldt l'lis><•~ss•·ll uf ll ('(>Il}l(·‘IllllI lliltllro und`
2       · ll |¤I•‘2\Hllll{ rc-:<<~rl·<·, Rlllllil has •—arm·dI
‘eUl8CRlPTlON, ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR. FIVE CENTS PER COPY H IMM, ummm, of friends and mlmIr_I W E
8 · •     · • 3 Entered gt Lexington Pont Office ss second clan mall mntter. ,,,~ dim,. ,.0,,,h,g ,0 gmm up IH as m• •  
`T; i   " ‘ ' `H ulunl (‘UI\S('I(’I][l()IlS S[\l(|(*I]l_ u lskllledl ac. W"' Mlm ·"·•‘
E°IT°R'M- •TAFF· 1°1*‘1"°· llllil l:l`:l(‘Pl`llI athlete- und has donei
      CLYDE P, TAYLOR ....................................... Edit0l‘-lll-Chief S[lI•·ll(II(i work along urllsllc IIIIPS. He]
Kl~1NNl·2'l`ll UURIS ................. . ................... Managing Edllor Illl'~ llluclv llls presence felt in a varletyj  
I00 NIGHT 200 J, own ¤¤vNoi.¤s .................................... 4..l.l.¤l mmm ··*` *~=·>‘S- *·<>**· by hh elm and by mei
l‘lllll'f' student body. I • ,t g •
A...c.... E.....l.. ——···——— Unnversn
uml Entirely Nm M•n•|•m•nt JEANETTE BELL .... Patterson Hell 1. ll:. B0ll1,lNu ...... Mull. and Elec. EXAM'NA""°N$ T0 REMOVE y _ ,
. . l. ........... cn . . ............... g ARRANGEMENTS FOR SAME MUST
—··-·—···· E ——·——~rr~ ll. W. l=<>’l`H ............. Agriculture l~*l4ulll·;Nclg HUGHES ____, lgxcllauge BE MADE WITH THE REGISTRAR
ll I .  incr LATER THAN MAY 7TH.  
ILESTER W. GRADY ................................... Business Manager I SENIOR FINAL EXAMINATIONS
O   IJ. T. GELDER ...................... . .............. Subacrlptlon Manager lwll-LDBEGIN MONDAY. MAY 17TH- OEM" free tuition in an deP·rt¢"
II,} L IBULLETIN B0AR¤_ ments to the graduates
    A A   E I ~  V—» i ··—-·•·—; of Kentucky Hish Schools who
? Mr. G. A. Smith, 'I4, a graduate of
eu SPORTSMANSHIP IN ATHLETICS. I the Foliage of Agriculture, has accept- are prepared to enter the Fmlh,
r*~-y -~-——~—— `ed the position of County Agent of
I‘]IS(~`\\'Il(·’l`(’ ill the- ('()IllIllllH of this paper is found kill article entitlvd "Tllv Pendleton (`ounty with headquarters U18!] CIBBI. Q ‘
Ethics of Sport," \\'Ill('ll appeared lll the April number of the Kentucky High   at Falmouth.
School Quarterly. lt is il production l'rolll the pen of Dr, J, .|_ Tiger; 5mdI   Each county in tho   il
was \\l'ilI(’Il lxpressly for lllgll school athletics, but the subject vovered is .
        [N*[`Iillt‘ll[ in llle SIIOTISIIHIIISIIID of athletics in this university. IC@\£:$gE§R’%‘ (EO' entitled to lend FREE ef tut'
It \\'()llI(i be dil’l`i<-lllt to diagrzllll the uillllvlll of the student body wllen lt, . ° _· · ·
wines tu (-ollvgv spirit ill any furlll. (`mllplaillts are often made that vlsilillgI   W- Main St- nom matnculatmn’ laboratory
leullis are- lllll treated with customary K€fl(ll('k‘v' courtesy. I BEST SODA FOUNTAIN |N TH. and other f
. .. · · · ee! 0118 Ol' m0l‘| I
 ff lil-  ’ ~. I "l`l¤<· S¤u‘ is trensivm and ll is sad no relule, lll Some lllsmlm·S_I CITY- FINE CANDIII ' P.
-'·r¢f  _£;_f_;; Q: mai ilwy do IIUK he-ur the banner of their Alma Mater with the Sillllv dignllyI ikvm pointees.
’ f  *9:*  ’.•-I as did lllzllly who were gradllaled ill "tlle good old days" of the long ago.  
qq1··;’_l.;{·_;%‘;»¥;fQ‘—:j·‘ if For the bellelit of athletics and for the good name of the university vucll I HAVE YOUR Necessary €Xp€!lS€I moderate. JI
 kr 4,; · Siudem is llskvd lo read the article written by Dr. Tlgerl, with the ;lvowl·llI _ _
  — I purpiiw ui [lI`(»*\'(*ll[ me repetition of any errors of this llil[lll`(* illul may llllve~I P   For fill] lDf0l'm8tl0¤ 1’¢[I1‘d—
. 4 · been llludv at athletic contests. _ _
F gt   · _ __ FOR THE KENTUCKIAN IDX 8pp0lIltee8, C0\ll‘Be8 of Itudy,
V / I•(· •I· ·I· ·I· ·I· ·I· •I· •I· O ·|• •I· •I· O Ollglll l0Il21\'€’lIlP Sillld\\'Il‘Il would €ll·I MADE AT fb
h` `_ Ig, HUM Op THE GADFLY ly able them to catsup. I ’ · cost 0 Oardi etc•• apply to • •
`? + + + + * + + + + + + + +I()Ilt‘ (*‘V(‘llIIlg U.) IIl(·‘ I.)2:\S(*I)iiII gillllv I   S   H. S'   *
'”‘_;‘ TIll`t’(’ of the girls from Putt lIzll‘ .
· _ THE News in Rims. I (.8,,,9; I 341 W. Iain Sl. P|l0Il•l635-X Pr“id°¤t•
I ` 'l`ll+· day was llol Ioxingwuo KY-
A f()llI`-LIl‘I play will soon be stagedl I ul thm, Cured not _   _ _,,, ___________A ________ ____ _v _______
\_ I l Hy (`)'lllIllBll& scholars; I* l I I _   ' ` ..
Q ¤ _,l_lW Lvgislmurgs holding back . lll lloyy they gohblpell WHS il shame.
y _ ` _ I Alill Uolorllllo ·‘liollers." I UHORVQ      
  \ I IWIZHISI !I’I?y_` a 'I°`Im give I "H<· did [()lI('Il tirslill saw 1iim_" I —t"
°¤~=·¤¤ · I U ··;;&;,_~·&,.;,;gl;r;_;,· I wl.     lil     AND N
T _ ! S _ ` TWO wmwg 'ihpmyll be Ivrs liv had (lll yesrerlluy. Look ul that `ji
0 Inspect ble new pT1ngI H _ _ ‘ ‘_ W   lim, l,la(.,._-· sunda Ma
Styles in I HH. mm, lh gm“mg uearu" "i lle·\‘er did like St'l'Ull(l~IlLlll(] y, y   I 9 ‘ 5
rzlllukv." I
At I.•·l·i¢·>,·il ’peur¤ [hut the regu-` lf you dm".! WP any UI. HW Wndw O I
.XIUgtOn Igar O• :"*"_"I' i"‘I"‘ II"`   I"I“' ”"‘*“"" Md "f yur b¤»k•·ll>ull }ZiIlllt‘S l·l·l-l·illly you may lncorlorntdo. • I
l.°°"°'·“‘ dmv hhuum W (dmeu€d‘ Illlll kl1U\\ \\Ilu |{zlI]»ll I`I()l`[,L1ill is, llulpll I •
MIHUYICIUTOTI of *7 is l)Il•‘ of lilo llllml l·Iusi\•· l`(>I`\\'iH'l.IS I
    [h:\lll)LH;;;:lll`lIllllIlllllifilIl::I;mlIil1l¢il|(l<:‘¢L‘d“gg; ind iU'<'|lI`3.A{•‘ Soul sllnls •·\‘<·l‘ Ull the-     h N S g ,
' A ·` ` r I » .`lul•· llitlll 0* \\iiS (‘ii|lli\ill (ll ll '. t I
  Il‘iil`I>` Is>ll•-»_ should be uddrmssvd luly··ill·'» '\’;ll·¤ily llw llllll I|l'>I(l•;• pld]; g     I
is E T N STREET ··’l‘l..· l‘·llll`l» " ill care or the lull uud`illi_ liie li~ill.l ¢\(tH(II[I I I   I
_ __________M_l, E __ ,   , v_ _ * ‘* -· · . . a ·. ·· · Miillll'. rl¤nl·*'¤'·¤¤*l 'l*"ll “•‘lll lu <'0II¢‘l·£•‘, IB ll Isn liv l» ll Illl·IllIJk*l' of lllv IK (`Illl),I I
glu". ground Qg ord.,-_ yl luv! lllul ll¤•· |ll•‘||\l ||lU|`¢‘ when they I-lillllyiiwil or >ll|(l('ll[S lI'UIIl lli» \'Il'Ill· I I
ul¢cl•ll.¤¤ sollolllg. I\~···‘·· =·‘¤’ l~‘··¤‘e GM lily. l·l-mil or his versatility ll. ll·l.l.·l ]24·l28 N0!‘th Llll\eBt0lIe Lexington, Ky, I- ,
0HI•• Pn•n• ||2·X R••ld•nc• NI-X Im"' I"`*‘“*I ll ******5 W U5 lllhl WNY lm is ¤IlU\\ll by liu [)Iu)'lll):, lill I-lim, ° I

 Best Copy Available
}•- -A, ..
· I .   __________ e._...__...__..._.___._.._1£}L1!’!A........-_________________ __ Q
1 I I
,; 1
- . 1
Michler Broan ,.·,,,,,,,,,,,,(,l,,,,,, ,.,,g,, 0,,,,, PROGRAM ANNOUNCED SLHOOL IS ADDED EI,}i€7@§_QFFl(ZERS
Fl • '\\UAHl!;QI‘I` hui uma rmyght m lmmv It WM4 FI¥lh0\|¥lf‘f‘fI IRR?. wrvk HHN A H*'h¥W| or V"N‘N|\l1¥`Y H<‘U'|l<'¤* will AI :1 m4·r·tIng' nf rhs- I‘rq;h|h|||rm
  “|...., |,.\ ,,m.,,,m,..| U, ,u·(,r.» my S;||||r, '"""*"· Imhu" **|"‘“k*¤¤ and *°""'*‘ will h¤· mlrlwl tn tlw |>¢·par¥mr·n¥ nf Agr1— vlnh nr Smw l’mv•·r¤iey nt mum m.
415423 E. M-xwcu I.'l\.·_ }muh__ Anumpr d‘_NW_mt‘_ M_ M- im·lud<-al in thc- lnt¢·rH<*|10|nH|¥\P;‘;¤¤· mltnrv nt tho upvnlng uf Stats- |'n|- •h•_v, It H (‘uIh·n was r·l¢¤<*t<=rI prr·s|·
‘_ Umm U) www was mmlp in mp mst wats tu bv he-Id ut thv unlvvrs ty . ay vnrslty nvxt 80[)H’hlh¢’I`. I’r0f¢·ns0r ¤l•·nt, f', I lmtsmn vi:-¢~ [H`¢‘HIllPll{ and
SDGUQII BQUQUMS Madv for ,,.;,,,,,,_ hu, ,h,. mm,. WM ,.,,,],.,| by H I! rv l?·. in nn to Nw <·v¢·M+¤ al- lmrwrr Hmhnm wm head thv mvulry J n I(¤·ynnI’ =~¤·¤¤¤¤·‘·‘<¥· TMP ¤¤¤¤|·‘¤| <‘¤¤· nf the n<~w s<·hn<>l and will bv as¤l>¤t•·u·m tha e-lub
L, W. GRADY, I Mgmm AH R H pq) A pj FWIO. VUFHU FOV). vrwal ROI!). HW! V0"3I*U S. (`I‘iH|<*f` HIHI H I" NhlH>4PI¤1Hfl; in Ihr- Htutw ¢‘|lII\'•‘lIHUIl of the K¢·n·
• • K_ 3, u, neppuengauvg rNI}\'f(*[`||v pf   4 ¤» 1 g •» •» ·¤·¤4¤¤`!··¤¢•·· '¥`h·· wlhliv >~w·¤ki¤¤ ·*v<·¤¥¤| Mslwrnrnr Prr>f¤·s¤<»rs I,. R. Hanwmenwr. em-ky |m··¤—·»|1.·g1m.· vm|,mmm. A,.
V 7 WAM wrist. gh ,___4A 4 0 2 2 ,, ,, Imvv hewn divialvd into ¢I¢·vInmutinn¤)w·r and W. H Slmmnns, and lnstrun- >uwiat|<>n, whiwh will In- hold at Aa-
%(·m“mmv gh __ { ,, 0 3 I ,,1mr buys uml rwnclings for girls. ¢}0|¢l,‘t0r A. L. Hru+·r·kner. bury (‘nII•·u•·_ \\'i|m¤»r•-_ May 1; and 4_
`|·i,.,·,.,._ yy _   g 4, U 4 U Ugsilvo-r uml hmnzv medals- will hw
I• D•   ¥(·(,,.,“.r,g,,,_ H, , ., ., 7 ,, ,,iawar 1w,,,W.,,],,r, ,.,·_A 4 I, I I 0 0 `ovvnts of the- nwvt. This year thvrv /7 Y
DOROTHY ODD SHOES !y;,.,.k,.|_ gg { I U I 7 0 iwlll hn no (HVARAOII 0I` thv high swhonls ·
FOR WOMEN '|;,,m,,u,.,·_ ,. __ ; I I 4; 2 0 lnf thv Smtv, hm ull will vnntc-sr on an ‘ l
$3.50 to $5.00 ·1.».m1ry, p. .... as •» ¤» ·» a ·» H~<»··=¤* ¤‘<¤<>·*·¤¤ Wim PMN ·>¤¤·‘r- { and cspecmlly college fel-
RALSTON HEALTH SHOES , _ · ·_ · E ~ “ "Y""' ""“‘ """ "' ""' ""“"""* """ "T* V lows, like tho new ’Varsity
    |*I,'H|._ 44_4'_ :;_, 2 _. *2g; ll l (l•*\l)[P(I to I`f*H,|H(PI'HlK HN! SNIGPDES, _ _
l • Un,. Um yu,. nm mupmng MSL §Thur:·ulny {hn ¤·¤p¢·ukh1g und mush-ull Flfty·FIV€ models m3.d€  
$*00 to $5-00 Smm AH R FI pu A E e-vvms for girls, and Friday the samvl
S,.hmd,.,._ ss __ _; 0 I 0 0 3 ewms tor hoys will be held. The ten-; Hart, Schawner & Marx
• ,   Tmm-, 11,. .... sa u 1 x •» ¤» ¤i~ <···¤¤··¤t¤ will be distributed over,
;;;,~,.,|_ ,._ _,____ 4 gp 4; g 0 0 all tlu·¢=—e· days and the track and Held, _ , _ '
_ _ | ‘ . | Q; pm·k_ gu, ____ 3 I y 4, 2 0 \<·w·u1s will be held on Saturday after-:   S really thc Very best
  \ ;(.rum' N- '_I___ _, ,, I 4 ,, I mmm, on smh Field. I __ young m2m’S model out ChlS
RADNO  ]ShauIding_ n` ,_ 1 an an h 0 0 Thv list of entries will e-lose May! Season.
|\\m¢·r», 2h .... 2 0 0 4. 2 0 1, Sn fur the following high schoolsg E
r(`· '°**rk· "’·   4 " " I U Y h·xv<· entered the t0urnament‘ i ·
    , ,T,m,,m_ U ___I 3 ,, 2 0 3 ,, _ _ r- We show them m all the
        (atlvttshurg, Maysville, Shelbyville, A
·»,»“"\\\\*   ______   1 'Ihmls   .28 I 6 *26 T 5 ll _ _ b I h l   ' new Glen Urquhgrf, and
l C   I R ‘ 'I`l1mm1sm1t for n0tt0u<·l1im.·:tirst. "“`"m° mg {county hgh Sc 00 A' T rt n l   d 1 t f
 HE ` " I Score by |n,.,;ng,_ l('ynrhiz1na, Stanford, Louisville Man·l a 3 pal S an a O 0
Hllami .......... U U 0 0 0 0 0 2 042 ual, Louisville Male, Lexington Highl { styhsh Strlpes and checks.
RR O W •S*¤*•· —·········· " ‘* " *’ " " 1 0 0-* sunmnn, wumm, rmmhnend, Westp0int,‘
L l ’i;\\0;A;lrS: AAIA;SIQ;_It;l(”;_`aS'H:°h?g€:' Somvrset. Sue Hannan Memorial, Hen-I Better drop IH 3Hd SEG all
. . I · HS, S— / 8 . • »
• ‘ lmrst on naHS__(m. Landu 4. Struck dvrson, Erlanger, Springfield, Hardins- · thé IIQW Spflllg SLUCS WB
  our {ly Landy, aa; by ·r1mma¤, ¢;_I¥»¤¤r¤. Plliwbevrmcwn and Lagrange- show, priced from $1250 to
Sa<·rlh<·+¤ Ilitsr-V Tuttle. Double Playsl I{¢»du¢-ed fares have been secured on    
  I   l - *=·‘<·k··* *0 <`¤·~—‘f<>¤*- Game **9¤¤¤·e‘u11 railroads and a nam ¤m·¤mm··e H
'l`hre·e~ o':-lock. Time-——()ne= hour and
is expected. px
rlfty minute-s. I'mpire——Black. [_; ,
, 1 A I
AGENTS Tms wmaxv WEATHER SERVICE e Lexan me Pi msm
Hours 8 ¤.m. to 8 p.m. Phene 864-X   ————- cowwqueumscrmumramn 9 ‘ gg
*§ __   A meeting nf [hp (ujunty aggyug (yfl Noel M· \V“HaYn$. of Russellville, 3 —_ 1 r`   A 7 A 577 W"rH Yrrv-EVM-—Mm7nYr
h.»m» demonstration work as being{Ju“i0" in the ¤<=v¤¤¤¤¤<+¤¢ of AMS and
hvld this wvvk in the educational build· SCi€“"€`· has been ¤¤¤i¤<*d of ms ap' 4 D ‘     & Q 0
[     Q lh.}; Oy gmt,. {·,m»€.,-,.my_ ]ntPr9Sting{[)0EHElH€Dt to the position of assistant O 0 •
*  ° °   2   "‘§`"$v'1,"°“ d""'""‘I ."°“‘1““FZZZ}"§I T£IYf“`G2T.1S“¤E}1fL“"‘“‘i{T°KJ?}1° SP0,R'1`¤NG GUQDS
7 llPS(3)' um P nes uy, W tn a as or- / · · -- · · · ' ’
•     ,,,l,m.u,, ,,1.,,,,,. Tuesday €v9,,i,,g_&iu¤ns has snuuied this subjevt in me IX U   X" lx 5
° , ` *r1.·»M· progrunwa will be (·mm¤uedI¤<><·¤¤ -‘v¤¤·<>r ¤¤’f*<·¤ and last MH ¤<><>k 1*0 “v- MAIN
_ ,~ ( ? E,   throughout me wvek with many mm-·¤ <·*~·¤¤ ¤<~r~‘i<·¤ €¤¤¤¤i¤¤¤i<>¤¤ for the vo-
' U R ’· NExT¤ sstiug 1.·(·¤.I-M. A number of w€11.lsiri<>¤¤ w -‘hi<·h he has rww been av-  —;;———-
` ’M *·` ‘ . . . . . imed which he mssed creditably
_ M 4 *1%-73** 5 kmmn persona` who are workers along DO · I C -
C —N> J   Mmsn .....   my  m.|···~ ~~»¤··   ~·       ~» P H O E N I X H O- I E L
/   ISE   \ lima Mrs. 0, 1:, Marthn, Miss 013. Pow-I luke his new D¤¤m0¤- I    __     _        
UCWT $A—;u¤¤Av$. pn. mm Mm-»· +2. <*m-·e¤¤. or the Mr- *¥¤**·¤¤¤¤ has ·¤·¤¤~ ¤ >=¤<>·* M- "‘“ “"‘e ‘ E We ee  
I TURK|$H_SHOWER&PLA|N   |\Vuslnlm:ton Uepuruu<~·m; Mrs. Helen hh! vwhnlek indrhe umvenisny b0Th. ii? club Breakfasts fro"` Isc to 60c
_ G   0 _=_ ·I¢. \\’oh-uu, Smtv Agent of Home Dem- flfsb **0* M! U Ollie? ¤Wd€m du "
T BA.,m[,,T ,;5;mm$v_ Lmm¤¤,Kv Q_ onszration work, or Shelby County; lines. He was a pmmmem member gf Noonday Luncheon 40C to 55c
-----~——-—   ~-e irmas 1;, |~‘1(»m_ or me {mired stares UW $¥F<>U€*‘S amd was ml *¤¤1><>Fi¤¤i E A _ eeAE_EeCE_, ___ __E _V__A C C ¥___ A
I)•'|)1lI'[lll•'ll[ of Agriculture, besides 11 “'*”`k‘**` along m*"`*U`Y S0Ci*'U' H“*`S·   A A H 7 W "—
_A V A W_E___A__,_A _____ lurgv number of County iwms. ¤<>¤¤¤ of ~~’¤·¤<·¤¤ ·¤<·¤i~‘¤~~ MH ¤··¤~¤ ¤·¤¤·¤· The n¢=w Gull an the moat beauuful mom in Centra,] Ken.
·—··—*••·—··—· ° °° ""‘ [ tucky decorated with Rockwood Pottery
Banker! A Fotach, Pr0prI•t•r• , , ,   ’ '
O • x. . • J• ______‘ I _____________________4_r__________   ____ ____ r~_
| \ w 1 ";"*
      `     .-Xuuuum·•·rm·1nts uf the wedding ur`}
107 South Llm••t¤¤• 8¢•‘••¢ k 'I`h·· uu·|hhe1·s Ur l{•·neu¢·ky !·:p»ilo¤¤NJ°_'i'} H“"“ Ad“{'T‘· H" ":_""""·_Ky·· fwd I FQQTQ E"f