xt79zw18n32z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79zw18n32z/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1930 journals kaes_circulars_001_1_082_04 English Lexington : The Service, 1913-1958. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 082 text Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 082 1930 1930 2014 true xt79zw18n32z section xt79zw18n32z iiiziilw iq:  
I liv" . • . ·
ml} _ Extension Division
YV U Kin:
;l,L·1·$M_J THOMAS P. COOPER, Dean and Director
(Fourth Edition, Revised)
Corn Project, Junior 4-H Clubs
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Lexington. Ky.
` December, 1930
}’i1l>1ish·¤I in w»ixi1¤·i·ti··i1 with tim :i:i‘i`·1ilti1i·.11 rxiiiisinii work t·;ii‘1‘icd
Oli I'? (`U‘*]*vl`1lIi¤\l\ ul' im- <‘ »ll(·;i~ of .\;1ii·uliin··», I`iiix¤i·si1y of Kt‘l\lll\'i(}'.
with the I`. S. Ih·;¤;i1·1m··i1t nf ,-\Ql`illI]illl`i· uml ·!i>ii·i!·i¤i··i| iii i`l1l`li1t*I`i\IlL`•3
: °fm° “'*’¤`i< Pl‘<»\‘iil<~S ··i` May >, 1t·l—i.
 Q '?

t .
4 1. The project is for boys from 10 to 1S years of nge,
2. Members must attend their club meetings.
3. Members must study the instructions given in this t·ii·t—·;i.r zi}
4. Each member must agree to grow at least one acrc of corri ;;:.§ U
tc follow the advice 0f his county ngent and project leader, gl
‘ ri
5. The crop must he in one piece of ground.
6. A member 14 years of age or older. must do all his wu;·};_ ji EH
under 14 years he may have assistance for the lieavy work. iw E; dl
must keep his own records. t·1
7. Each member must keep a iecord of ull work done on il;·;· fi - In
ject, in a b00k which his county agent will give him. In
8. TW0 disinterested persons must accurately (lt*lt’l'IlllIlt·   y of
yield 0n the acre and sign the club memher's record hook.
9. At the close of the project each member should exhibit 1t>t.;7— llli
of corn at the county fair, club fair or some other exhibition. to
10. Prices for horse labor, man labor. etc., given in the rtwri to
b00k must he used in calculating the net return from the project.

Corn Project ·
Junior 4-H Clubs
By E. J. KINNEY and E. E. FISH
1`111*11 is 1111- 11111s1 l'1‘ll12|l'l{21lll1* 1-1-1*1-al 1·1·11]1 lll the world. Tl1e
.111-,;;, ;1]1jlj1y 111` 1·111·11 111 }'lt‘ltl \\'l|1‘1l s111l :11111 \\`1‘2illl1‘I` is f21\’OI`Z1l)l(i 1s
A _'   1-111-1 ]1l1l('ll {Il'1‘1ll1'I` than tl1:1t (Pl. 111111-1* {[171111 1:1*o]1s. C111-11 is
Um  g1·11w11 111 1-1*1-1-)* s1-1·t11111 111` l{('lll1l1'l{}' :11111 is ll1'1` 11111st 11up111*1a11t
1*1-11111 1924 111 1928 l{1‘Illlll'l{}` ]11·111l11u1-11 :111 2l\`(*l`?1QC of 80,-
11·111·1;, if 949.111111 l|ll>ll|‘lN 111` 1-111-11 111-1· }`1‘£1l'. 'l`h1- :11*1-1-:1;:c 5*11-111 p1-1- acre
z. 11·;·E.T (ll1I'1ll!ll11‘~1' 5*1-111*s was 26.3 llllNll<‘lN. l':\`1‘l'}` 4-11 1:11111 1111-111111-1*
l‘lll'(llll*(l lll lll(* t'1l1`1l 111·11_11·1·1 1-:111 lIl11l'1‘ 111:111 1l1111hl1- s1t1·h :1 5*11-111
m_?:_:__ 1101- :11-1*1- \\`l1l1 :1 s1-11-1·11-11 111111 lll11'lll;I :111 Zl\'t‘1‘21Q1‘ s1-:1s1111 hy fol-
’ 11111-111g l11<11'llt‘1l1>l1S Q’l\'1‘l1 111 lllli 1‘l1'1_'lll21l`. The s1:1t1- 1-111*11
  p1·11_11-1·t c11:1111p11111 111 19310 ])1`O(lllC(‘1l 99% buslmls 011 au acre
mw '‘`’ 1 1·fg1·11111111.
'l`111· 1Ilir11‘(‘lS 111` 1lI(‘ (‘()l']l I}I`<1_1<‘t‘1 :11-1- 111 111 11-:11-11 a :0011
11·11;r» 1111-1111111 1*11` 1·111*11 1·111t111·1-. 121 111 1`lll‘1llNl1 ]11·111it:11111- (‘l1lI1lO}`lll(‘I1l·
n f0l' il part 111 1111- (*1111) 1111-111111-1·`s lllllL* 1l1l1'l]1Q` tho Sl1I11ll113l`, (31
0 Hui t0 $1llIll1lE111‘ llll(.l·(°$t 111 l-211'll1 I11`1- :11111111: l`2ll`11l boys.
(.1, 1 Clllll 1111-111111·1·s strive 1`()l‘ il 1:11·g1· y11·111 111-1- :11-1*1- l101‘211lS1‘ 111:11
1111-:111s 111111*c 1-111*11 l'(1l` 1`1-1-11111;; :11111 :1 Nlll2lll1’l' 1*1-1:111\‘1- 1-ost o1` 111*11-
' 11111·t11111. )li111}` 111-111s 1‘lll1‘1'll1Q' 11110 1111- 1·11s1 of 111-011111-111111 :11*1-
1111- S21l111‘1 \\`l10ll11‘l‘ 1110 5*11-111 111- large 01- small. Taxes, rents.
]1l0\\'l1lg‘ :11111 111111-11 111` 1111- s1-1-11 111-11 ]1l'1‘]121l'21llOl1 will 111- the same.
S('l(`(`l1·)I{] 1111* ]’/11/. Th1- f11111111a111111 for s11c1*1-ssful 0111*11
§.’l`(\\\`ll1{I 1s $1111 1`1-1-11111)*. (`111·11 1s {Il\`t‘l1 its place 111 1111- 1‘l`0I1
1·111:1111111 lll11l1t‘(ll21l(‘l}' f(1ll()\\'l1lQ` 1l11‘ 111l'l1lll{.X` llll1l1‘1` of :1 1-1111*1-1- 111*

t .
4 lfuntzw/.·y ]h‘.lJ[C}lSli()lL Clil'Cll[(lI' Nu. S;}
alfalfa sod. Most protitahle yields are ohtained lil'tlli1 m.,,{_ it
erately lO\\'—l}'l1lg` but well draiiietl soils ol` the loam typ.-s_ tl
_—lpp/y1`11gillt111u1·¢·. The soil should eotttuiti El I:11·g»·;1m.t1;y_· ii
of hunius and orgaiiie matter. To insure this plow lllltl~·1‘y[1,·_..1— ]1·
or;1lt`;1lf;1 sod. The applieatioti ot` ti-5 loads of l»ztr11ya1·diittitm. Hi
is a still further gtiaraitty. This may he applietl het“ot··· twig;. >l·
ing the land or, if not too coarse and strawy. at`t··r l>l'··;;lQii_;_
The latter method often gives sliuhtly hetter results. l··
l’/o1¢·1`11g;. Land is plowed to loosen it, to tlestt-tty \·_ ,.4l   tit
· and to cover organic matter. More Yillllllilll is taken 1111   Ul
plowed than by uiiplowetl lztutl. l·`:1ll plowing has s11t;.·   ttl
. \'ElI1iitQ't‘$. The larvae ol` llill'llll.lll inserts. >ll<‘ll as t·11tw··1·11¤~ ..r.Q b“
gruhworms are brouglit to the Slll'l.Jll'L‘ and \\'illQ` with il sis.? lm
spike-tooth harrow. The llEll'l'ti\\`lIl;l' shouhl he 1···p··.1t··»l at Ei.- _
tervals until plz111tiug· time. This keeps down weeds illltl »·~~!- M
serves moistures which would he lost rapidly it` il l1a1··l··r‘t~‘ "ll
were allowed to form. Thoro ]ll’t.‘}Nl1'£liltlIl of the soil is \`·‘Y'f·' HT
important. lll]
['.s2`1t{] COHl}}li`l`(‘I·(Il ]'l(`}`/Ii/.Ii€i`)`, ]l)llOSI}ll()]`()llS is the el··11t··tLT W
most lacking in manure. It can he supplied in variotts 1`~1111~
to make a proper balanee. If maiitirg is used. the t`··rtili· i‘·’ Y QT
application should be 300 pounds of superphosplittte <·1‘l·¤¤~l" [lh
‘ Slag. If more convenient, 200 pounds per ;1t·1·e ot` ste:1m·*~l*lllll" Us
is pI‘0f0I‘Hl1le. The superphosphate and li111e_ where the lettri mo
is used, Should he spread hro:1l|l1l'll‘ u1·11l uml Z} lyiifiililll. potusli
.', 1_M;,_ ,11011lil he :11»1»li<·d in llnr l1ill uL]1lu11tingliu1u_ I
,1·.»;1l;f!A; ·**l**l!i/'!/ No lil//`iil/[/. l.·><‘ il \'2ll‘il‘lj' ll1;1[   Suiygggful
{.,,·;llly_ (`Ul`11 \\`lll¤'l1 1111ll|ll'l‘$ loo l‘2l|'l}' for 1l1<· lovulily is usuully
_. \_ ‘lr___` ;_ 11y11li·1‘si/•·o \\'4‘ll us :1 \'iIl'l¢‘l_\' \\‘]1i(;l1 iukos
I up   l1I>]Il|>l'<'l1l`lll\' ;1'1¤\\'11l! S<‘ll>¢>11. $<·\‘<*1‘:1l \‘;11‘1m·I1<·s of both while
NNW   ;m,]_1.·|low· i·o1-11 l1;1x·1· |1¤···11 us»··l l»_x· l{·‘lllll<‘l{_\' ··oi·u ]1l'(1_l¤‘4'l meni-
,·I,,__li_.; lJU1'S Willi <‘*[\1i1l >\U'<'<‘>\ illllib \\`l1ilu \‘211‘icIics iuoludg 13001113
_\.I_i ;.. llflllllly \\'l1i1··. ·lol111:—o11 (·l¤l|}1l_\' \\`l1ir··. l,1'irl¤· 1.i' Nuliyiqrr Xuuls
  l)£1}']l|il~l*‘l` uml 'l`¤·1111<·ss¤·<· llwl (`ol». ll•·i·ls Yvllow Dont, ll2lS
    M givuu gooll Silllifiltillrill us :1 ywllow x‘:11·i··t_1·.
I   7'».~7¢-!lj/ //¤· N1:] for (hrin/11¤1f1U»»1. Xluny l]ll.L‘I`lO1' 1·o1·11
T1 [_ .· I Ylvlnls 2111* ~‘il1I\¢‘·l l•_\` ]n¤<•1' §.!`¢'I'1|ll1]2lllU11 of spell. A club ]l1¢_‘1l1l)UI‘
  \\`l~l1l11g` to siuml liigli i11 l1is i·lul1 will not 1:1lw u 1·li;1m·1· on
lliim ._.` H; 1·l;nui11;i·o1‘n l·1`<1lll :11·t111<·ul of Agri-
,1{ ,wi,;;_ 1‘11l11l1'v. l\V¢1~l1i11uIo11. ll. (`.. for .l"iil`}l1(‘l`S· llulloliu X0, 948
\. g` Li 1\‘l1l~·l1··X1·l21i11s ill alvluil llow lo Ivsl 1‘¤>l`11 li [><‘l`l‘<‘lll g··1·111i11uIio11.
I M is (i1·11·/1`zw fin Nin/_ 'l`l1os1···1l \ll|\lll¤l lm u1·ml<·ll:1l`1o1‘1··s1i11u
Wi M, f‘*1`L’<‘1'111l11H1io111 Nlivll 1l11· ('f1l'll. <·l‘sons slioulil n11·z1s111·c lllo 2lL'1`(`· l1p‘l‘l1l'O the corn is
.4; i,,,,1·· "l!lll l11·‘l1<‘S lull. ]1l'L‘ll‘1‘2ll1l}` l!<‘l`¤¤11¤ *%*011 in ilw C0l']l(‘1`S of Ilui lI1L‘{lSlll`Oll 2lC1’t". Any rec-

· 6 1(cn/ue/ry 1n'.r/<·asiott (,'t`reu/ttr Nu. H.!
t tangular plot which eontains tlte necessary atnouttt ot` grottntl 3
y satisfaetory. llowever, avoid exeessive length and liew t·..=,·,,
Ilote to 1*/an/. ll` a eorn planter is ttsed test, it and t··»;.
ulate it so as to drop the desired ntnnher olY grains eaeh tiz;.··.
\Yhether to plant in eheeks or drills should he deeided E·_—.· ‘1.
loeal eonditions. lf the ground is weedy the eorn should ity  
tneans he planted in cheeks. (ln hillsides. it is tIt*t·t·ss;tl'_\‘ to dxf.] .
There seents to lie little tlill'erenee in the yield ol' eorn wl.t·‘E.·:‘ 1
. ' drilled or cheeked. lf planted in cheeks the ltill should i·»· J;. l
feet apart. in rows Silo l`eet apart. ln hill planted eoryl  
‘ grains to the ltill and in drilling plant two at eaeh plaeei av··r·..;- l
ing about 1 foot apart. This rate of planting is ltsed esp t·»· fsjy i
for test aeres. lt would not always he praetieal in larg·· ;. ··»-
‘ ages. llowever, ntany farnters regard it as ver_v pt·t·tit;tUZ~· lt
plant heavily and thin after the eorn is a t`oot high. r\t`t~;··,
danger front entwornts and other larvae is past thin to   l
stalks in the hill or one stalk in eaeh plaee where drilled. \\`i. ;·· ll
large-growing varieties sueh as lkoone <`onnty \\'hit·· are ud l
on rieh hottont land or land that holds ntoistnre well. (1l'£lllttlI ol' the water Yroni the soil. .l;l'Ci1l{l]]g up the
li 1I__;;._ t'l`ll>l hy enltiyating lessens this loss_
M my _; ;;_ '1`()(l(‘l`Zllt‘ the soil. liy hreaking np the erust, air is al-
m.__.__;_ loweti to t'l1'L‘lll2llt' l|lt>l'<‘ freely i11 tl1e soil, thus faveriiig tl1e
Inst t·/s. lloth iii-hl uml sm-vt wtru uri- sttln_i<-vt tu lII_ll1I'}` 
t ( st-vorul tlt-strm·tivt- iiist-cts. Swim- xvnrlt on tht- rmits uml ht}.-i~
out the luuvcs or ours.
i 'l`ht· \\`l1'C\\`O1'l1l, xvhitt- grtilt. ur "uitilly grttlt." uml tii»· t~~;;_
1‘OOl[\\`O1'1Ilillt2IL‘l{lllC roots. llllll‘$L‘ iwsts uri- tht- Iui·vu·· ut` It .i»v  
uml im-tlimls ust-tl to vtmiltul th··ui must lit- iii tht- lIiIlllI't‘ t.i‘ .-  
` vutittn. Corn sliould mit lit- grmvii itu tht- suim- li··l·I _xt~.ti· ;.;‘ ,
yi-ur. lit*l‘ElllSL’ this is l`uv<·rul»lt- tu tht- im·r·-us·- t»I` tht·~·· its  
llntutitiii <·t` rrttps sliuultl lit- iiruvtist. l·`ull uml xvii1tt~1·i»l·~·.-.1,;
iii-stiwtys u grr-ut uuitiht-r of th<-so inst-t·ts us th¢·_v uri- l)l`_icctcd t0 fri-t-ziiig. ,\ls<» this will kill iguzg
larvae which spend tho xviutt-r in tht- soil uml ll-<-tl itu th»· ·· 1:.
ulmve gruuml during thc growing st-usmi. ·
(_lI1f’ lll.   \\'(Il`Sl (°()l`ll IHHNIS   llll’ t‘(ll`ll t‘&Il'-\\'t>l`III.   `
found in tht- tip of thc our of writ. l·`ull ltltixviiig helps   1.
tr0l this insert. it is lu-lit-vi-tl.
[){4N(`(IN/X, (`UI'Il Nllllll   Ullll (ll. llll‘ lllll$lr Vllllllllllll lll*'.r`Zt*`
found in corn lit-ltls. ('ut ull tht- ut`t't-t·tt·tl stullcs, rurry tht·iu   -
Of thc- tic-ld uml lturu thi-ui. _
Fit-ld sr-l<·<·tinu nl` st-<-tl <·<>ru slmtilel lit- uiutle- just l-·-i`·~i‘·‘
corn cutting tiuio. A suvk slung ovt-r om-`s sliuultlt-r is u ··~x;—
vcnic-nt r0c0ptut·l<- for carrying thc (-urs. (In thru tho lit-l·l ztipi _
_ gather the cars thut look good for st-nd. About tlirot- tiiiit-$41*  ’
muny t-urs us urc- m-c-dt-tl should lit- st-lt-t·tt-tl.
Sizw nf Eirrs. Sr-lc-cli lurgt-, xvi-ll—iuutur<-tl I-urs frmu liill<
having thc full miutlu-r nl` slulks. liurs slmultl lic tvcll P1`·”I”"‘l" _

(,'111·n /’1·11jcc/——./1111/111· ·J—l[ Clubs 9
Itiv:11i1111 tioned; tl1:1t is, tI1e ei1·cu1ufe1·e11ce should he about tl1rec-t'11urtl1s
the length.
Illllll 1l.»· /1'i111l 11f N/11//11 It takes :1 I:11·g1·, stout stalk t0 support :1
;s.   ]111·g1~,l1e:1vy ear, hut 1111t ]It'(‘l‘NS2|l'II}' :1 \'i‘I'}' t:1ll 11111:. ln the field
· 11·····t·~1 selection 11I` s1·1·1I scl1~1·t‘ only I·l`U11l sueh stalks as are ahle te hear
ds 1·11 11 the weight of heavy 1:11111. \\’Ili'll s1·1·1l is s1·l1·1·t1·1I I.1'f)]l] the erih
any I{Iltl\\`$ n11tI1i11g :1|111ut the ]tII]'t‘llI1 stalk; lIlU1'tIIi0l'(!7 this way I
is 11111 sn good :1s selecting i11 tl1e field.
]’11s·1'/1`1111 11_/` //11 [far 1111 //11 A"1//·. liars that droop should
_IIII`§iiQ·' I1(·51·I1·1}t1·1I. >Z111111·tl1111·s I1i1‘1ls tear \\`ill'tI, \\·iII|'I' t‘IlIt‘I`S :1111l the g1.·1·111i11:1ting power 11t`
the seed is i11_i111·1~1l. II' the 1·:11· is t1»11 high :1l111ve the ground, the
i1·· 1·»~:·:. plant is easily l»l1»wn \\'Ili tI11~1···t'111·1·. s1·I1·1·t ears tl1:1t are of
`I» ····   lllrtlllllll height JII¤IIt*\\` il lll-e:11· sample of l1is <,'1`O]).
. l‘ .~ This exhihit 111:1y he display1·1l at :1 <'UllllI}` fair, seheel lair 111*
111   r.- l01·al 1·l11l_1 fair.
The etiunty ilfvlll will have s1>1111·1111e t0 judge the exhibits.
liytl11~ lllIII~Ol'll1lI}’ of the 1·xI1il1it.. This 111ea11s llltlt eaeh ear
l11·1`1·:··· Should he just as much like every other ear as pussilile. Second.
:1 1··11;— J he will insist that the ears he up to :1 Ct"l`I2IlI1 $l`2`t1ll taller t00 lIllll‘ll llt¤l' t00 sI1;11·l,|t·_
NIJ of Iftzrs, Nt‘\'t‘l‘ s0l¤*t·t llltllt>l'lIlilll}' lz11*;rt· 0a1*s l`01· mi
0xhil>it. )lL‘tlllllll ears 2tl't‘ be-st.*
‘ ,
_ _.     Crr-_ , .
_1"; .;iil§‘ fti.   ._ · - ‘  
;._;`j‘* . $2   {1 ;i   ~ V `,   Jr: .
*2;=z‘3 $2;;*%%:   =ta.e~ {2*   ·.   win E
    z;   ‘lL.'” . 'QJ, .1?·i iii;  ¥’-» :
.:‘>€l . *¢ (eff ;:t’.~ S;-*;.$   = . . .€
rzrlfiga *- it ‘,·;;i ···y.. =,:-Ilzi .;l. _:%T= {
spell.   &·r= »=*t2—2:   ‘t=;   ‘. » ·
* sz 2; —   xxi; YUM *     s M: 1   2  
iiili? ig sz *5*1*;. s fiiiéz F ues     ‘ r   Q; ~
Tia 3; gis;   ·j·§gj?§§ $`*l¥;* `E ill}; "zt? i; F z;  
  .     L r~ L`? . {Lb`? ,- ;.{_{_'_r ‘i'_-: ·; }_; \‘
A :.=’§ iz l gi   ·.   31:: 2,*"¢*§?i *7 i" ` , ·   .
.:(~;·· _ ; L.- isi. '$§gi_j_`l?::. *;;l~ , "
 41. z-;- .l»* . ;i·.;‘- (·;—E*:r’f*‘;· F *1 `
»»-wr _-·; ;§ •* ws:  1 . · N; ,t 2:   .
  —·   *1* *-*2 " *1. .*4 —¥ 1·` :
  flfié QS- f%T’;§ l. `     §€;¢ gh ’.»
E < '_'   1. T`   "  ..1_;’i,‘·" ;‘ :`  ;· `; _;. ·.. fiwfj-
` — ¢ ;•_• ___. <-•|' * . `· ' ~· ‘ -
A \\'0ll-S0l0¢·te1l lixhibit.
l’ur1`/_1;. .\ll grains iii :111 exhilvit Sll(}llltl l10 0l` the sat;.
00101*. If it is 2111 0xhil1it 0i` 1vhit0 t't>l'll. all uraiiis sh»·11l·l V
white. If there are any red 01· yt·ll0w L!'l'illllS it shttxvs that  
L'0I‘11 is 110t ]tlll'L‘. T11 illl exhihit 0i` y0ll0xv 001*11 th··1·0 Sllt¤lll·l  
110 xvhite (ill` 1'Ctl g`l'2ll]1S. \\`hit0 L'()l'Il ]tl't‘l't‘l`€llll}' sl1011l1l h;11‘
1vhit0 00l1s, but s01110 \'£ll'it‘llt‘S 0li xvhite t‘Ul'll havt- 1·1·¤l 1·1»li~_ s
the i111p01*ta11t. point is t0 l1ave the (‘t)lt}I` llIlll.r*0_t`(}»z*111. The 0*01*111 Nlltlllltl he largt-_ l11·0;1·l :111~l
lI(‘2lllll}'. ,\ l$lI'Q't‘. l11·0all¢>l1ll1··l‘t >\lllllI|i|l'}` will show exuetly the eost of piwlueiiig
t tm the ¤·1‘<·1>. l)<*l1·l try to remember items of expeiise. Let the
Ulm   — 1‘ec01‘tl book do the remembering. l·`i1·st, lust uml ull the time.
N ,.1,,-,_ li€€‘P UD the 1't‘i‘0l''uZ»_ite{. "IIow I Ruised uu Aere of (_`or11."
IIHPML [lh`!/°l(1;lI·V/IIN. ,,llll(‘ >l.l<*¤·l should be told. ll' the story is iiiterestiiig uml well
\V1‘1ll<‘ll it muy he sent to some l.&ll'Ill jottrltail l`]l oll your crop.
ti. llisczisos of corn; iuscct pcsts.
T. llill`\'QSll]1g, storing uud uizirlcctiug your corn,
S. Sclcctiou of sccd coru l.lll` uvxt. your. \\'l1:1t 111·-tlm
wais followcd? V
il. Exliibitsz doscriplioii. plucc l1¤·ld. prixcs wou.
1 10. Give ai curcful uccouiit of llll‘ yicld, lolul lIll!lllu·l' ·;
i buslicls. uiuouut sold, pricc ut. \\'lllt‘l1 it was sold. (ll$l°ll<`lllll  
oxpcuscs amd prolit.
ll. \\`l1;1t has ··lul1 work dom- for you _’
12. \\'l1:1t llll[)l`U\'l‘llll‘lll would _\`(_1ll uiukc ucxt your lll ;.:.
zicrc ol` coru projcct.
l lil. Givc ziuytliiug clso tlunl will lwc of i11lc1···»l.
ll. Possibly il l`cw ])llUll*Q'l`il}lllS will l1¤·lp iu 1··lli11g·  

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I"i|l`]l1l“l`S` B11ll1—ti11sr—4—14. 5217. {148 :11111 1173. D1·pz11·11111·11t
Of ;\L‘l'1Clll1llI`(‘. \\vil$l11llQ`1(11l. D. (V`.
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