xt79zw18mw3q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79zw18mw3q/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1987-03-13 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, March 13, 1987, no. 499 text The Green Bean, March 13, 1987, no. 499 1987 1987-03-13 2014 true xt79zw18mw3q section xt79zw18mw3q U “’` ` "    € '   1.     E N B    
V Number 499 March 13, 1987
March 13 Geller Series: Dr. Kathleen Blee, UK Dept. of .
SocioIogy——"women in the Ku Klux Klan in the
1920s": lecture and slide presentation.
March 14 Albert Einstein, 1879 — 1955
March 14 — 22 Spring Break
March 15 Andrew Jackson, 1767 — 1845. 7th U.S. President
March 17 St. Patr1ck's Day
_ March 21 Spring at last!
March 21 Johann Sebastian Bach, 1685 — 1750
March 22 -28 Art Week
March 27 Wilhelm Roentgen, 1845 — 1923, Nobel-prize winning
scientist who discovered x—rays
March 27 Geller Series: Dr. Michael Harris, UK College of
Library and Information Science-—"The First
Amendment and Extremlst Speech: ALA's Position on
Intellectual Freedom Revislted", lecture
Next Green Bean: Friday, March 27, 1987
Deadline for inclusion: Friday, March 20, 1987
Production staff: Editor, Kerry Kresse; Typist, Carol Ranta;
_Pr1nter, Cecil Madison
‘Ih¤‘ Newsletter of the Umversnty
of Kentucky Lnbrarnes


Thanks to everyone that of the gg for the membership
sent in items for this issue form. (Submitted by Joyce
of the GB. There is a lot of Welch)
news in here from KLA and LSO,
as well as on-campus events. LSO Social Committee
Also, just. a reminder that LSO needs volunteers to
staff activities are now serve on the Social Committee
eligible for inclusion in the for 1987. If you are
GB. I haven't received any as interested, please call Joyce
of this writing, but I know Welch at 257-8395.
that a lot of great work is
being done out there. Don’t
be shy, write it up! KLA MEETINGS AND ACTIVITIES
March 22 is National
Goof—Off Day. (I d1dn't make KLA Special Conference
this up!) It's probably a I you are ln erested in
good thing that it falls on a going to the KLA Special
&uway.H Libraries Conference in
Happy reading, and enjoy Louisville on March 26-27 and
Spring Break. --KK are interested in taking the
van, please call Carol Ranta
or Paul Willis at 257-3801.
BON‘KNAGE! The van will return to
' Lexington each night. Please
Laura RBID has left the reserve your spot in the van
Reference Department to become by March 20. ’
the Head of Reference at
George Mason University in
Washington, DC. KLA Academic Section S rin
Clyde Blevins, Microfilm Conference
Center, retired in February. As promised in the last
issue of the GB, here are the
highlights of the KLA Academic
LSODEWS Library Section Spring
Conference. It will be held
St. Patr1ck's Day April 9-10 in Louisville at
Come see the Blarney .the Seelbach. The theme of
Stone at the Pirtle Geological the conference is 1987: The
Sciences Library in Bowman on Year of the Reader'. The
March l7 at 11:30 am, with a keynote speaker is ZEvan Ira
pizza luncheon at 12:00. All Farber of Earlham College.
library staff is invited, but Other speakers are: John
for free pizza you must wear Cudd, WKU, "The online
something green. For your catalog: How shall we teach it
piece of the rock, oops, to users?"; Phyllis J.
pizza, call Joyce Welch at Hughes, Berea, "Caught in the
257-8395. rye with racists, sexists,
You can also joln LSO at leftists, human1sts,...";
· that time, this year's dues James D. Birchfield, UK, "Some
are $5.00. Please see the end books you cannot read:

 Kentucky's bibliographical
ghosts,"; Christopher Pooley, PC LEARNERS GROUP
SllverPlatter Information
Services, "Speed reading with The PC Learners Group
assistance from CD-ROM"; will hold its March meeting in
Henry Harken, Arizona State the Gallery at 3:00 pm on
University west, "CD—ROMance Tuesday, March 24. This will
requ1ted?: Academic services be a general meeting and a
and the new technology"; Mary program meeting combined.
Mills Dunea, Execurtlve Please come ready to let the
Director, Illinois Center for group know what you would like
the Book, "READ Illinois and to see happen with the group
the Illinois Center for the and the types of programs or
Book"; and a panel discussion workshops you would prefer in
wlth Patricia Glelch, thefmmre
Executive Director, Kentucky A The program will consist
Literacy Commission, Peggy of a demonstration/workshop by
wright, WKU, Adil Razeeq, UK, Bonnie Cox and Gary ~
and Richard Freed, EKU, Stottlemyer on "Dlsk Errors:
"College Students as Prevention and Treatment."
llterates, illlterates, non- They will cover the care and K
l1terates." formatting of disks to prevent
For a complete copy of bad sectors, errors, or ·
the schedule, call Kerry problems in writing data to
Kresse at 257-5954. and reading lt from disks. In r
addition, both for·purchase .
and public domain (free!) ·i
ABOVE AND BEYOND .... software will be demonstrated
to help you deal with damaged ‘
Mr. Willis received the files, accidentally erased
following letter dated Feb. files and other problems.
27,1987. No registration is p
necessary for this meeting.
Paul- (Submitted by Bonnle Cox)
In addition to responding
to the [Faculty Senate's]
library survey, I want to let SPRING BOOK SALE
you know personally what a
fantastic job Mary Vass is _ The University of
doing in the Education. Kentucky Library Associates
Library. She is always will sponsor the annual Book
available, perceptive, and Sale on Thursday and Friday,
knowledgeable. My graduate April 23 & 24. The Book Sale
students think she is will be held at the Buell
wonderful. She ls a pleasure Armory this year from 9:30 am
to work with and a real asset _to 4:00 pm each day. A wlde
to the library system. selection of books, journals,
magazines and other library .
Best wishes, materials will be offered for
Mike Nichols, University sale at very affordable
Counseling and Testing Center prices. Don't miss the
L1brary's Spring Book Sale at

 its new location, the Buell Control format. Currently,
Armory. more than 600 records_ have
As always, volunteers are been completed.
needed to set up the tables we are also working in
and man the displays. If you concert with Mary Samples and
would like to volunteer, her staff at KDLA to preserve
please call Paula Pope at 257- our Kentuckiana manuscrlpts by
9401. deacidlfication and encap-
sulation. Those items
_ requiring mending and/or
MANUSCRIPTS GRANT PROJECT cleaning are handled as
needed. A grant-funded Poly-
Under the guidance of weld Encapsulator enables the
Bill Marshall, Head of Special staff to expedite the tedious
Collections and Archives, and hand procedure of sandwiching
Claire McCann, in her capacity a document in mylar. Jill
as Manuscripts Librarian, much Buckland coordinates the _
progress has been made since preservation portion of the
Special Collections received grant.
its initial one-year grant Another aspect of the
from the U.S. Department of grant ls the compilation and
Education Title II-C program dissemination of a guide to
in the fall of 1985. The selected holdings which is
awarding of additional funds being developed by Jeanne y
amounting to $153,302 for the Trimble. Not only will we be
second year of the grant has able to provide online access
enabled us to continue our to our Kentucklana manu- A
cataloging with conversion of scripts, but the guide should
our records into machine- be a handy reference tool to
readable form as well as our major collections.
providing the support (Submitted by Claire McCann)
necessary to expand our
preservation activities. The
scope of our project includes PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION IN
entering Kentucklana manu- LIBRARIES
scripts into OCLC's online
bibliographic database and The Greater clnclnnatl
downloading this information Library Consortium is
into LS2000, the l1braries' sponsoring a one-day workshop
local system, and to the with the aforementioned title
Kentucky Department for at Raymond Walters College in
Libraries and Archives' disk. clnclnnatl on Thursday, April
Christie Robinson is 9. It is designed to provide
responsible for entering the an overview of the concepts
records into the database, and skills that contribute to
utilizing the Kentucky Guide effective personnel admin-
Project worksheets which are istratlon. They have lined up
refined and expanded to be four outstanding speakers.
. suitable for our purposes. Don J. Cosgrove, Professor of
The bibliographic form of Psychology at Xavier
cataloging follows the MARC University will address inter-
Archlves and Manuscripts viewing and assessing

 candidates. Rebecca Sturm, 8397 by March 20. (Submitted
Head of Public Services at by Rob Aken) -
Northern Kentucky unlverslry,
will discuss personnel Gaines Center Undergraduate
evaluation methods and Assis an s 1 Pro ram or
guidelines. David R. Martz, Facult Research in the
formerly of University of Humanihies
Michigan and Bowling, Green The Gaines Center will
State University Libraries, annually offer four $500, one-
p and Vicki Young, Head of semester, research assistant- Y ‘
Reader Services at Xavier, ships for undergraduates who
will give a presentation of will assist faculty scholars
employee orientation and with research projects. Any
training. The keynote speaker faculty member wishing to
is Herbert S. White, Dean of apply for such asslstantship
the School of Library and is requested to submit a brief
Information Science at Indiana statement including a _
University. definition of the project, the
RBglStf8tlOI1 is $20.00 role the undergraduate will
for non—members of the play ln the project, and when
consortium, and this includes you plan to do the research.
doughnuts/coffee, a buffet The faculty recipient will
lunch in the Student Center, select the undergraduate
and parking. Registration is assistant, and the assistant
limited to 50 participants, must sign up for Experiential
‘ and the deadline for Education 396. Appllcatlons _
registration is March 30. For should be submitted no later
- a copy of the brochure, please than March 27, and' the
call Kerry Kresse at 257-5954. decision will be announced no
later than Aprll 4. For more
information, please contact
GAINES CENTER FOR THE Raymond E. Betts at 257-1537
HUMANITIES or 257-3111. ~
Gaines Center Informal
A third seminar in the The NIIIEH Annual Women
Gaines Center Informal Writers Conference will be
Luncheon Seminars for library held at the UK Center for the
personnel will take place Arts on April 1-4. This
April 1, from 11:50 - 12:50 on year's speakers include ·
the first floor of the Gaines Ellzabeth Barrett, Anndrena
Center (226 Maxwell St.). Belcher, Dorothy Cantwell,
Linda Worley of the German Rob1nEpste1n, Alexis Deveaux,
Department will discuss her Vlrglnla Hamilton, Joy Harjo, »
research on "Women in Helen Lewis, Belinda Mason,
Nineteenth Century Germany." Gloria Naylor, Sharon O’Br1en,
As wlth the other seminars, Gloria srelnem and Diane
lunch will be provided by the Wakoski.
Gaines Center. If you are Fees are $15 lf you
interested in attending, register on or before March
please notify Rob Aken at 257- 25, $l7 after March 25, or $5
5 li

per day. This year's
conference features a BYOB
‘ Exposure Session, a "Bring
your own books" to autograph,
sell/exchange with other
. conference attendees, and will
be held in the Peal Gallery of
King Library North on Friday
‘ April 3 at 4:30 pm. For a
` copy of the brochure, please
A contact The Women Writers
Conference, c/o Continuing
Education for Women, 106
Frazee Hall, University of
Kentucky, Lexington, KY,
40506-003l, or call (606) 257-
3295, toll—free within
Kentucky, 1-800-325-2766, ext.
Michelle Gardner,
formerly Head of Acquisitions
· at King Library, was recently I
. appointed Deputy Commissioner
· of the Kentucky Department of ’
Libraries and Archives.
YES! I want to join LSO for 1987 for $5.00.
Dept. I Phone
Please make your check payable to Library Staff Organization, and
send it to Steve Savage, Periodlcals/Newspapers/M1croform, King
North, 0039. Please send your check before April 1, 1987. -
Thanksll -
P. 6

COLORADO History Blbliographer.
Vanderbilt University.
Library Systems Offlcer, Salary: $18,000 minimum.
Colorado State University. Deadline: April 1, 1987.
Salary: Commensurate with
qualifications. Deadline: VIRGINIA
April 24, 1987.
Reference Librarian with
KMWAS responsibility for the
sciences. virginia
Program Assistant/Latin Polytechnic Institute.
American Cataloger. Salary: $18,700 minimum.
University of Kansas. Salary: Deadline: April 10, 1987.
$18,000-$21,000. Deadline:
Mamj131,1987. User Services Librarian. _
vlrginia Polytechnic
NEBRASKA Institute. Salary: $18,700.
Deadline: April 10, 1987.
Catalog Malntenace/Cataloger.
University of Nebraska- `
Lincoln. Salary: $18,500 Cataloger, Science Cataloging
minimum. Deadline: April 15, Team. Virginia Polytechnic
1987. Institute. Salary: $18,700
minimum. Deadline: March 31,
OHIO 1987. N
Jewish Studies/General Automatlon Services Librarian.
cataloger. Ohio State virginia Polytechnic
un1vers1ty. Salary: $20,040- Institute. Salary: $18,700
$25,080. Deadline: March 31, minimum. Deadline: March 31,
1987. 1987. - .
Middle East Studies/General
Cataloger. Ohio State
University. Salary: $20,040-
$25,080. Deadline: March 31,
1987. .
Department Head, Monographs
Cataloging. Winthrop College.
Salary: $20,000 minimum.
Deadline: Not specified.