xt79zw18m420 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79zw18m420/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1970-11-oct20. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1970-11-oct20. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1970-11-oct20. 1970 1970-11-oct20. 2011 true xt79zw18m420 section xt79zw18m420 

       Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of
Kentucky, Tuesday, October 20, 1970

       The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met in regular
session as authorized at the May 5, 1970 meeting at 2:00 o'clock (Eastern
Daylight Time) in Room E on the 18th floor of the Patterson Office Tower on
the campus of the University with the following members present: Mr. Jesse
M. Alverson, Mr. Thomas P. Bell, Mrs. Rexford S. Blazer, former Governor
A. B. Chandler, Mr. Albert G. Clay, Mr. Richard E. Cooper, Mr. George
W. Griffin, Jr., Mr. Robert H. Hillenmeyer, Mr. J. Robert Miller, Mr. B.
Hudson Milner, Dr. N. N. Nicholas, Mr. James H. Pence, Mr. Floyd H.
Wright, non-voting faculty members Professors Robert W. Rudd and Paul G.
Sears, and non-voting student member, Mr. Stephen B. Bright. Absent were:
Governor Louie B. Nunn and Mr. Wendell P. Butler. 'Members of the adminis-
trative staff of the University who were in attendance included President Otis A.
Singletary; Vice Presidents Alvin L. Morris, A. D. Albright, Glenwood L.
Creech, George J. Ruschell, Robert G. Zumwinkle, M. Stanley Wall; Dr.
Donald B. Clapp and Mr. John C. Darsie. Representatives of the various news
media were in attendance and there were some students in the audience.

       A. Meeting Opened

       The meeting was called to order at 2:03 o'clock by Mr. Clay, Vice
Chairman of the Board, who presided in the absence of Governor Nunn.
Following the invocation, pronounced by Mr. Hillenmeyer, the Secretary
called the roll and reported a quorum present. The meeting was declared
officially open for the conduct of business at 2:05 o'clock.

       B. Minutes Approved

       On motion by Governor Chandler, seconded by Mr. Wright, and passed,
the reading of the Minutes of the September 15 meeting of the Board of Trustees
was dispensed with and the Minutes were approved as published.

       C. Error in Student Code Corrected

       Mr. Bell, Chairman of the Committee onthe Revision of the Student
Code, indicated that there was an error in Section 6. 34 of the Student Code
adopted by the Board of Trustees on August 13, 1970. The second sentence in
this section reads: "In the event of an appeal, the President may increase or
decrease the punishment imposed by the Appeals Board". Since the committee
had never intended that the President be authorized to increase the punishment,



Mr. Bell moved to strike the words "increase or" so that the sentence should
read: "In the event of an appeal, the President may decrease the punishment
imposed by the Appeals Board". His motion was seconded by Dr. Sears and
all present voted in favor of the motion.

        D. Hearing Committee Report

        Mr. Bell reported that since the last meeting of the Board of Trustees
the committee appointed to hear requests from individuals wishing to appear
before the Trustees had held a hearing at which three people appeared---Mrs.
June Griffin, Mr. Don Pratt, and Mr. Michael Campbell. Mrs. Griffin was
the only one of the three who still wished to appear before the Board.

       A copy of Mrs. Griffin's statement was in each member's folder and
Mr. Griffin said in the committee's opinion this document was a clear
statement of her position and the committee believed it was unnecessary for
Mrs. Griffin to appear in person to present this same material. On motion by
Governor Chandler, seconded by Dr. Nicholas, and passed, the committee
report and the recommendation relative to Mrs. Griffin's request to appear
before the Board were received and ordered filed.

       Mr. Campbell's statement had also been submitted in written form and
a copy was made available in each member's folder. Mr. Bell recommended
that this statement be received and ordered filed. It was so moved by Governor
Chandler, seconded by Mr. Wright, and passed without dissent.

       Mr. Pratt did not submit a written statement and Mr. Bell read Mr.
Pratt's letter (copy at the end of the Minutes) requesting an appearance before
the Board and added the following points which Mr. Pratt had brought up when
he appeared before the committee:

       1. That the public be given prior notice of actions to be taken
           by the Board;
           (Note: News media receives copy of Agenda prior to meeting)

       2. That closed circuit TV of the basketball games be provided;
           (Note: The University is currently negotiating a contract
           for this service)

       3.  That the operation of the Bookstore be investigated;

       4. That students and faculty be hired as consultants in order to
           involve them in the administration of the University;

       5.  That funds be sought to provide additional help for the blind
           and deaf ---such as a Braille dictionary in the Library;

6. That the Student Code be eliminated completely.



        Mr. Bell recommended that Mr. Pratt's letter and his suggestions be
 received and ordered filed. Governor Chandler so moved. The motion being
 duly seconded, and there being no objections, it was so ordered. (See CR 1,
 CR 2, and Pratt letter at the end of the Minutes.

       E. President's Report to the Trustees

       After briefly reviewing some of the items contained in PR 1, President's
Report to the Trustees, President Singletary recommended more leisurely
reading of the report by members of the Board after the meeting. Mr. Clay
accepted the report with thanks and ordered it filed.

       F. Recommendations of the President (PR 2)

       Mr. Clay inquired if there were any questions relative to PR 2 which
had been mailed to the members in advance of the meeting. There being no
questions. on motion by Mr. Hillenmeyer, seconded by Mrs. Blazer, and
passed, PR 2 was approved as a whole and ordered made an official part of the
Minutes of the meeting. (See PR 2 at the end of the Minutes. )

       G. Policy Concerning Postsecondary Vocational Education
Programs, Services, and Activities Approved (PR 4)

       The Board members being familiar with the policy relative to post-
secondary vocational education programs, services, and activities as adopted
by the State Board of Education on September 9, 1970, on motion duly made,
seconded, and carried, approved the State Board's Resolution as presented in
PR 4. (See PR 4 at the end of the Minutes. )

       H. 1970-71 Budget Revisions Approved (PR 5)

       There being no questions relative to the budget changes recommended in
PR 5, on motion by Governor Chandler, seconded by Mr. Hillenmeyer, and
passed without dissent, such changes were authorized and approved. (See PR 5
at the end of the Minutes. )

       I. Mr. Lawrence E. Forgy, Jr. Named Vice President for
Business Affairs and Treasurer (PR 6)

       President Singletary said it gave him much pleasure to recommend the
appointment of Mr. Lawrence E. Forgy to the position of Vice President for



Business Affairs and Treasurer of the University of Kentucky. The recom-
mendation came to the Board with the unanimous endorsement of an advisory
committee composed of three Board members, an academic dean, a faculty
member, and a student. Mr. Forgy is presently Deputy Commissioner of
Finance, Director of the Budget, and Director of Fiscal Management in the
Kentucky Department of Finance. Before coming back to Kentucky, Mr. Forgy
had been on the staff of Senator Thruston Morton in Washington, served as
attorney for the Federal Trade Commission, and worked as an aide to Senator
John Sherman Cooper. He was an attorney with the Joint Congressional Com-
mittee on Internal Revenue Taxation in 1966-67. His intimate knowledge of the
operation of State Government as well as his excellent working relationship
with administrators and agencies in the Nation's Capitol, make him a very
valuable addition to the University community. President Singletary concluded
with a word of appreciation to Mr. George J. Ruschell, who has served as
Acting Vice President for Business Affairs and Treasurer since Mr. Kerley's
resignation from the University in the summer of 1969, stating that Mr.
Ruschell had filled the position ably and well and the University was greatly in
his debt for his willingness to serve during this interim period.

       Mr. Clay concurred in all that Dr. Singletary had said about both Mr.
Forgy and Mr. Ruschell and called for a motion. Governor Chandler moved
that Mr. Lawrence E. Forgy be named Vice President for Business Affairs
and Treasurer of the University of Kentucky, effective November 1, 1970. His
                                                        It '
motion was seconded, and passed, with all present voting "aye".

       Mr. Forgy, being present at the meeting, was introduced and said he
considered it a great honor and challenge, and hoped the confidence of Presi-
dent Singletary and the Board would not be misplaced. He thanked them for the
opportunity to be of further service to the people of the Commonwealth. (See
PR 6 at the end of the Minutes. )

       J. Assistant Vice President and Business Manager Named

       President Singletary said he wished to recommend that Mr. George J.
Ruschell be named Assistant Vice President for Business Affairs and that
Mr. James 0. King be named Business Manager. Mr. King has served as
Acting Business Manager for the past year and has ably demonstrated his fitness
for the position.

       On motion by Dr. Nicholas, seconded by Mr. Alverson, and passed
unanimously, Mr. George J. Ruschell was named Assistant Vice President for
Business Affairs and Mr. James 0. King was named Business Manager, both
appointments to become effective November 1, 1970.



       K. Leave of Absence Granted to Dr. Lyman V. Ginger (PR 7)

       Dr. Lyman V. Ginger, as a tenured member of the faculty of the College
of Education, has requested leave of absence without pay beginning February 1,
1971 for the purpose of seeking election to the office of Superintendent of Public
Instruction. Under the Governing Regulations of the University of Kentucky such
a leave is permissible and President Singletary recommended that Dr. Ginger be
granted a leave of absence without pay from February 1, 1971 until February
1972 with the proviso that additional leave, not to exceed one year, will be
granted to Dr. Ginger upon application. Mr. Hillenmeyer so moved. His motion
was seconded by Dr. Sears and, without dissent, it was so ordered. (See PR 7
at the end of the Minutes. )

       L. Executive Committee to Meet in November

       Mr. Clay announced that the November 17 meeting would be changed from
a meeting of the full Board to a meeting of the Executive Committee.

       M. Dean Matthews Resigns as Dean of the College of Law

       President Singletary reported that he had received a letter from Dean
William L. Matthews, Jr. of the College of Law requesting that he be relieved
of his appointment as Dean of the College of Law for the purpose of returning to
full-time teaching and research as a member of the Law faculty. Dean Matthews
has served as Acting Dean and Dean of the Law School for 16 years and feels
that this is long enough to serve in an administrative position. President
Singletary said that it was with regret that he was acceding to Dean Matthews'
request and that a search committee to screen candidates for his replacement
would be appointed in the immediate future. Dean Matthews has agreed to con-
tinue to serve until such time as a new dean has been selected.

       N. Report on University of Kentucky Studies

       President Singletary reported that at a meeting of the Development
Council of the University onSaturday, October 10, 1970, recommendations made
as the result of a study by G. A. Brakeley Company, authorized and financed by
the Development Council, had been Presented. As a result of this study the need
for a more desirable method of raising money for the University was pointed out
and it was strongly recommended that the University create a foundation for this
purpose. In the immediate future a study will be made of foundations at other
institutions which has been particularly effective in this area and the University
will very probably establish such a foundation.

In addition to the Brakeley study the University will also be studied by



the Council on Public Higher Education as a result of the edict of the 1970
Legislature which called for a role and scope study of all institutions of public
higher education in the state with a view to determining how the University of
Louisville can best be absorbed into the state system.

       The University is presently engaged in a Self-Study in connection with
the 10-year Southern Association of Colleges and Schools' accreditation visit.
The accreditation teamwillbe on the campus in early February.

       0. Interim Financial Report Accepted (FCR 1)

       Inasmuch as the interim financial report covering the period from July 1
through August 31, 1970 had been mailed in advance and was routine in nature,
Mr. Hillenmeyer, Chairman of the Finance Committee, moved that the report
be accepted and ordered filed. His motion was seconded by Mr. Wright and it
was so ordered. (See FCR 1 at the end of the Minutes. )

       P. Cremation of Paid Bonds and Coupons Ordered (FCR 2)

       Mr. Hillenmeyer said that FCR 2, Authorization for Cremation of Paid
Bonds and Coupons, was routine and, unless there were questions, he moved
that authorization be given to Mr. Clay Maupin, Assistant Treasurer, and Mr.
Henry Clay Owen, Controller, to check the attached list of paid and cancelled
bonds and coupons returned from Paying Agents from January 1, 1970, through
June 30, 1970, to destroy these documents by burning in the incinerator of the
Medical Center and to certify as to the correctness of the list and as to its in-
cineration. The motion was seconded by Dr. Nicholas, and passed without
dissent. (See FCR 2 at the end of the Minutes. )

       Q. Residence Halls Activity Fee (FCR 3)

       Mr. Hillenmeyer pointed out that the recommendation that the Board
approve an activity fee of $10 per year to be used to support student manage-
ment programs in the residence halls was merely a change in procedure and
did not represent the assessment of a new fee, and moved that it be approved.
His motion was seconded by Mrs. Blazer, and the motion passed. (See F'CR 3
at the end of the Minutes. )

       R. Room and Board Rates, 1971-72 (FCR 4)

       Mr. Hillnemeyer stated that the Finance Committee had considered
carefully the recommended adjustments in the room and board rates for 1971-
72. He added that the adjustments represented a 5% increase over present



rates and were necessary to meet the higher operating costs and financial
demands of the Housing and Dining System. The matter had been discussed
with Steve Bright, President of Student Government, and Steve Daub,
Director of Student Housing for Student Government, prior to making the
recommended increase.

       Mr. Hillenmeyer moved approval of the adjusted room and board rates
for 1971-72 as set forth in FCR 4. His motion was seconded by Mr. Wright.
Before calling for a vote on the motion, Mr. Clay asked Mr. Bright if he
wished to comment. Mr. Bright said that he and Mr. Daub appreciated having
the opportunity to discuss this with Mr. Ruschell and his staff and, while he
regretted it, he could see that such an adjustment was necessary. The
question being called for, all present voted "aye". (See FCR 4 at the end of
the Minutes. )

       S. Audit Report for the University of Kentucky Housing and
Dining System for 1969-70 Accepted (FCR 5)

       Since the audit report for the University of Kentucky Housing and
Dining System for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1970 had been mailed in
advance, Mr. Hillenmeyer moved that it be accepted. His motion was
seconded by Mr. Alverson. Mr. Clay, having first determined there were
no questions relative to the audit, called for a vote on Mr. Hillenmeyer's
motion and all present voted affirmatively. (See FCR 5 at the end of the
Minutes. )

       T. Actions Relating to Madisonville Community College
Approved (FCR 6)

      At the request of Mr. Hillenmeyer, Mr. Ruschell presented the
material relative to FCR 6 and distributed copies of the Preliminary Develop-
ment Plan for the Madisonville Community College as prepared by Bennett and
Tune, Architects. He indicated that the plan had been discussed with the
leadership in Madisonville and had the approval of the Madisonville Foundation
Board and the Advisory Board of the Madisonville Community College.

      President Singletary said he had visited the Community College in
Madisonville this fall and was impressed with what they have been able to do
with what they have. He found everyone eager and enthusiastic and excited
over the plan.

      On motion by Mr. Hillenmeyer, seconded by Mr. Cooper, and passed,
the Board approved the amended Resolution (attached to FCR 6) relative to the
acceptance of the land for the Madisonville Community College, accepted the
comprehensive Physical Development Plan, and authorized the Vice President



for Business Affairs to proceed with the necessary actions for employment of
an architect to design the initial building. (See FCR 6 at the end of the Minutes.

       U. Consolidated Educational Buildings Revenue Bond Anticipation
Renewal Notes of 1970 Authorized in the Amount of $28, 100, 000

       On November 27, 1967 the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees
of the University of Kentucky adopted a Resolution authorizing the issuance of
$4, 393, 000 Consolidated Educational Buildings Revenue Bonds, Series C, and
$29, 250, 000 Consolidated Educational Buildings Revenue Bonds, Series D. In
anticipation of the future issuance thereof, the Board authorized and issued its
$31, 400, 000 Revenue Bond Anticipation Notes maturing December 13, 1968.
Further, in renewal thereof and in order to capitalize interest from date to
maturity, the Board authorized and issued its $33, 200, 000 Revenue Bond Antici-
pation (Renewal) Notes which matured December 12, 1969. A second renewal of
said notes was authorized by the Board of Trustees and Revenue Bond Anticipation
(Second Renewal) Notes were issued in the principal amount of $28, 800, 000 which
will mature as to principal on December 14, 1970.

       It has now been determined that there shall be a third renewal evidenced
by the issuance of $28, 100, 000 principal amount of "Revenue Bond Anticipation
Notes of 1970" (the 1970 Renewal Notes), to be issued as joint obligations of the
Board and of the State Property and Buildings Commission. The 1970 Renewal
Notes are to be dated December 11, 1970, to be issued and delivered on said date
and to mature as to principal on December 14, 1971.

       Mr. Ruschell made the following recommendation: That the Board of
Trustees authorize the issuance, jointly with the State Property and Buildings
Commission of Kentucky and subject to the approval and concurrence of said
Commission, of its $28, 100, 000 "Revenue Bond Anticipation Notes of 1970" by
the following action:

       1. Adopt the Resolution authorizing the same (copy attached)

       2. Adopt the Resolution authorizing issuance of Series C and
           Series D University of Kentucky Consolidated Educational
           Buildings Revenue Bonds (copy attached)

       3. Approve the form of invitation to submit proposal (copy attached)

       4. Approve the official statement- -Bond Anticipation Notes (copy
       5. Approve the official statement--Revenue Bonds (copy attached)

       The Board's attention was called to the fact that according to the foregoing
instruments the solicited proposals for the purchase of the Board's $28, 100, 000



"Revenue Bond Anticipation Notes of 1970" are to be received and acted upon by
the Executive Committee of the Board at its monthly meeting which is scheduled
to be held on November 17, 1970, at 2:00 p.m.

       Mr. Hillenmeyer moved that Mr. Ruschell's recommendation be approved.
His motion was seconded by Mr. Milner and all voting members of the Board of
Trustees present at the meeting voted "aye". (See materials attached at the end
of the Minutes. )

       V. Authorization Given for Bond Trustee to Invest Funds (FCR 8)

       Mr. Hillenmeyer said that the recommendation in FCR 8 would enable the
Bond Trustee to keep idle funds invested as provided in Section 4. 10 of the Basic
Resolution relating to the Consolidated Educational Revenue Bonds without re-
ceiving approval from the Board of Trustees prior to each such investment. He
moved that the recommendation in FCR 8 be approved. Dr. Nicholas seconded
the motion, and it passed without dissent. (See FCR 8 at the end of the Minutes.)

       W. Hearing Procedures Regarding Contract Claims Approved (FCR 9)

       Saying that he believed the recommendation and background statement
were self-explanatory and that approval of the recommendation would give the
University the authority to hold administrative hearings regarding claims arising
out of contracts with the University prior to the filing of a contract action in the
courts and might result in the settlement of some claims prior to resorting to
the courts, Mr. Hillenmeyer moved approval of the recommendation in FCR 9.
His motion being duly seconded was passed without dissent. (See FCR 9 at the
end of the Minutes. )

      X. Meeting Adjourned

      Having determined there was no further business to come before the
meeting, Mr. Clay called for a motion for adjournment. Governor Chandler so
moved. His motion being duly seconded, and passed, the meeting adjourned at
2:55 p.m.

                                             Respectfully submitted,

                                             Lucile T. Blazer, Secretary
                                             Board of Trustees

(PRs 2, 4, 5, 6, and 7, FCRs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 (with attachments), 8 and 9,
and CRs 1 and 2 and Mr. Don Pratts letter which follow are official parts of the
Minutes of the meeting of October 20, 1970)



                         October 20, 1970


     An Ad Hoc Committee on Faculty Performance Review will examine
and make recommendations on the University's present faculty evalua-
tion system. The work of the Committee will be done in two stages.
Since the Committee hopes to make preliminary recommendations which
can be implemented during the present academic year, its primary
efforts at this time will be devoted to the short-term review of
the procedures of the present system. Later, long-range changes
regarding both the concept and procedures of faculty performance
review will be considered. To expedite the work the Committee
has appointed a four-member Sub-Committee to conduct its initial


     The Office for International Programs in the Center for De-
velopment Change is primarily concerned with projects with an inter-
national dimension. It has five primary activities: --to promote,
assist and coordinate development throughout the University of a
more adequate international dimension in research, teaching and ex-
tension programs; --to maintain an information service for students
and faculty interested in studying or working abroad; --to co-
ordinate international exchange programs / The University sponsors
four major programs under this category: Monterrey exchange (for
undergraduate language study by UK students at Monterrey, Mexico,
and by Mexican students at UK during the summer), Latin American
Scholarship Program at American Universities (scholarships for
Latin American students for study at UK), Partners of the Alliance
(the cultural and educational exchange aspect of the Alliance for
Progress in which the Commonwealth of Kentucky is paired with
Ecuador), Experiment in International Living Outbound Ambassador
Program (for UK undergraduate study abroad during the summer)7;
--to supervise on-campus programs with an international emphasis,
and fifth, to maintain a study of the faculty and staff international
experience. The study involves a mail questionnaire sent to all
faculty and academic staff eliciting information on international
study or other work, language skills, international interests, and
other pertinent information.


- 2 -


     Jeane Dixon, nationally known as a prophetess, was the opening
speaker in the Student Center Board Forum Program. Mrs. Dixon ap-
peared October 8. Other speakers for the year include Texas Senator
John Tower, known as a conservative, and active politician, and General
Itzhak Rabin, who served as Israel's chief of staff and presently is
the country's ambassador to the U. S. A visit by Ramsey Clark,
attorney general during the Lyndon Johnson administration and present-
ly a practicing attorney, will be co-sponsored by the Pre-Law Society.
Concluding the year's SC Board's Forum series will be humorist Art
Buchwald, nationally syndicated columnist. Jeff Gumer, Forum chair-
man, said "the committee has attempted to bring to the UK campus
speakers that are knowledgeable in their field and have a lare appeal
to students." The schedule for the other speakers will be: Senator
Tower, 12 noon, November 12; Ambassador Rabin, 8 p.m., December 3;
Ramsey Clark, 8 p.m., February 9, and Art Buchwald, 8 p.m., April 14.
The Student Center Forum is open to the general public.


     The first administrative appointment to the Learning Resources
Center for Allied Health is Dr. Margaret. Knox Morgan, who will serve
as assistant director of the new center. The Board on August 4 ap-
proved the joint sponsorship by the University and the W. K. Kellogg
Foundation of a regional center to prepare faculty for allied health
education. The project was made possible through a $578,700 five-
year commitment from Kellogg. The University, which will supplement
the Kellogg funds and assume full responsibility after five years,
has committed to the project the resources of the Colleges of Edu-
cation and Allied Health Professions and the Community College System.
Mrs. Morgan has degrees from the Universities of Tennessee and Missouri
and recently was awarded the Ph.D in education by UK, with emphasis on
higher education and communications. She was the author of Centennial
histories of five colleges of the University, published in 1965, and
served on the staff of the Community College System for three years.


     Dr. Vincent Davis, an expert on national security policy, recently
appointed to the newly-established Patterson Chair in Diplomacy and
International Commerce, who will head the Patterson Program for Inter-
national Studies, will begin his new duties in the 1971 fall semester,
according to Dr. Wimberly C. Royster, dean of the College of Arts and
Sciences. Both the chair and the Patterson Program Fellowships are
partly supported by the William Andrew Patterson Trust Fund. The
Patterson Program provides a master of arts degree in diplomacy and
international commerce, although the Fellowships are for those working
toward a Ph.D in international affairs in specific departments. Dr.
Davis will be on campus for several days in November for a "Conference
on the Future of International Studies at UK," according to Dr. Sheldon
Simon, acting director of the Patterson Program. Dean Royster pointed
out that this is the second appointment to a major chair this semester.
The first was Dr. Charles P. Roland, appointed to the alumni chair of


- 3 -


     There were no faculty members urging violence during last May's
disorders on campus, says Prof. W. Garrett Flickinger, who added
that "there were several professors actively attempting to persuade
student demonstrators that violence is never a solution to social
problems." The new president of the University chapter of the
American Association of University Professors (AAUP) says he thinks
it is important to examine the scope of responsibility of faculty
members in times of unrest among students. "In view of the general
conditions of disruption that have occurred on university and college
campuses throughout the country, it is important for faculty members
to determine the extent of their resuonsibilities to 'cool' the
situation," he added. "If for no other reason, professors should help
ease tensions because they are the ones most likely to be adversely
affected by disruptions."

     Prof. Flickinger said he hoped to work with AAUP chapters in
other Kentucky universities "to develop a plan for suggestions on
faculty behavior and responsibility during campus crises." An im-
portant goal of the local chapter of AAUP is to improve communi-
cations between faculty and students, as well as between faculty and
the administration, he believes. "Traditionally, we have been con-
cerned with issues of economic welfare, university governance, student
rights, and most recently, with the role of students and faculty in
the decision-making process," he stated.  AAUP chapters are governed
by a slate of elected officers, several standing committees, and an
executive committee. The UK chapter has approximately 300 members.
In addition to the president, officers of the UK chapter are Stan-
ford L. Smith, associate professor of chemistry, vice president;
Constance P. Wilson, associate professor of social work, treasurer,
and Marie T. Copeland, associate professor, UK libraries, secretary.


     Two professors have been honored by the students as outstanding
academic advisors. Drs. Thomas 0. Blues, associate professor of
English, and John B. Stephenson, newly-appointed dean of undergraduate
studies, were presented $250 checks as tokens of appreciation for
their work as counselors and consultants with students. Miss Terry
McCarty, a senior from Louisville, chairman of the subcommittee /of
the University Student Advisory Committee (USAC)7 which selected the
two professors for the honor last spring, made the presentation.
John Nelson, a senior from Elizabethtown, is chairman of USAC. "In
presenting this symbolic award, we as students wish to emphasize the
importance of academic advising and to express our gratitude to the
many professors who are willing to go beyond a regular advising role
and take a real interest in students," Miss McCarty said. Among the
standards singled out by Miss McCarty as a basis for the selection of
the two faculty members were quality of academic advising, availability
to students, and making their role as an advisor an active one. Dr.
Blues, a native of Detroit, Mich., is associate professor of English,
specializing in American Literature. Dr. Stephenson, a native of
Staunton, Va., joined the University in September 1966 as an assistant
professor of sociology, with a joint appointment in the College of
Medicine Department of Behavioral Science.


- 4 -


     Six major innovations in University admissions procedures were
outlined recently by Dr. Elbert W. Ockerman, dean of admissions and
registrar, who said the new procedures were designed "to make the
admissions process more meaningful and orderly." The six innovations
--which took effect during 1970 fall registration--include: high
school transcripts were not required for each incoming freshman;
advance registration was required for all continuing students;
all new students were required to attend the Summer Advising Con-
ference; transfer students were tentatively accepted for admission
on the basis of work already completed, elimin