xt79zw18m41d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79zw18m41d/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 2008-06-17. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 2008-06-17. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 2008-06-17. 2008 2008-06-17. 2011 true xt79zw18m41d section xt79zw18m41d 
Meeting of the Board of Trustees University of Kentucky 1:00 P.M. June 17, 2008 18 th Floor Patterson Office Tower
Roll Call
Approval of Minutes - (Consent)
Minutes-April 22, 2008 President's Report and Action Items
PR 1 PR 2 PR 3	President's Report to the Trustees 2006-09 Strategic Plan Status Report - Kumble Subbaswamy Personnel Actions (Consent) Proposed Amendment to Governinq Requlations:  Investment Committee
PR 4	Proposed Amendment to Governinq Requlations:  Faculty Vacation and
PR 5	Sabbatical Leave Appointment/Reappointment of Board of Directors - University of Kentucky
PR 6	Research Foundation Appointment/Reappointment of Board of Directors - University of Kentucky
PR 7	Mininq Enqineerinq Foundation, Inc. Reappointment to Board of Directors of the Fund for Advancement of
	Education and Research in the University of Kentucky Medical Center
PR 8	Naminq of University Pediatric Emerqencv Center - Makenna David
PR 9	Pediatric Emerqencv Center Naminq of University Albert B. Chandler Hospital Chapel - Myra Leiqh
	Tobin Chapel
Academic Affairs Committee Report	
AACR 1 AACR 2 AACR 3 AACR 4 AACR 5 AACR 6	Candidates for Deqrees Establishment of the Center for Muscle Bioloqy Deletion of Deqree - Colleqe of Health Sciences Chanqe in Name of a Deqree - Colleqe of Aqriculture Chanqe in Name of a Deqree - Colleqe of Desiqn Chanqe in Names of Deqrees - Colleqe of Education
Audit Subcommittee Report


FCR	10
FCR	11
FCR	12
Finance Committee Report
Elizabeth DuMez Gift and Replacement of Unfilled Pledge to Research Challenge Trust Fund (Consent) Richard Kloepfer Gift and Pledge (Consent) Makenna Foundation Gift and Pledge (Consent) Dr. M. S. and Sowmya Viji Gift and Pledge (Consent) Department of Behavioral Science Internal Transfer for Vaughan Professorship in Behavioral Science Quasi-Endowment Establishment of Quasi-Endowment for the Endowed Opera Studies Chair Support Fund
Name Change Reguest for the University Professorship in Dentistry --WITHDRAWN
2008-2009 Operating and Capital Budget
Expand and Upgrade Livestock Disease Diagnostic Center (LDDC) Lease/Purchase of Eguipment and Information Technology Items Disposal of Personal Property Capital Construction Report
Investment Committee Report
Student Affairs Committee Report
University Health Care Committee Report
UHCCR 1   University of Kentucky Center on Aging Foundation, Inc. ("Corporation") Appointment of New Board Members
Executive Committee Report
Other Business
Athletic Association Board Report - Dermontti Dawson
Business Partnership Foundation Board Report - Sandy Patterson
The Fund for Advancement of Education and Research in the University of Kentucky Medical Center Report - Mira Ball
The University of Kentucky Research Foundation Report - Phillip Patton University of Kentucky Mining Engineering Foundation Report - Ernie Yanarella Resolutions
Resolution Honoring Jeff Dembo


Resolution Honoring Nick Phelps Adjourn


Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky, Tuesday, June 17, 2008.
The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met at 1:00 p.m. (Lexington time) on Tuesday, June 17, 2008, in the Board Room on the 18th Floor of Patterson Office Tower.
A. Meeting Opened
Ms. Mira Ball, chair, called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. and asked Ms. Barbara Jones, assistant secretary of the Board, to call the roll.
B. Roll Call
The following members of the Board of Trustees answered the call of the roll: Mira Ball (chair), Stephen Branscum, Penelope Brown, Dermontti Dawson, Jeff Dembo, Ann Haney, James Hardymon, Sandy Bugie Patterson, Phillip Patton, Nick Phelps, Charles Sachatello, Frank Shoop, Myra Leigh Tobin, JoEtta Wickliffe, Billy Wilcoxson, Russ Williams, and Ernie Yanarella. Absent from the meeting were Pamela May, Billy Joe Miles, and Erwin Roberts. Ms. Jones reported that a quorum was present.
The university administration was represented by President Lee T. Todd, Jr., Provost Kumble Subbaswamy, Executive Vice President for Finance and Administration Frank Butler, Executive Vice President for Health Affairs Michael Karpf, and General Counsel Barbara W. Jones.
The university faculty was represented by Chair of the University Senate Council David Randall, and the university staff was represented by Chair of the Staff Senate Bart Miller.
Members of the various news media were also in attendance.
C. Consent Items
Ms. Ball called attention to the items on the consent agenda and asked if there were any questions. Mr. Shoop moved that the consent items be approved. Ms. Wickliffe seconded the motion, and it carried without dissent. (See consent items listed below at the end of the agenda.)
Minutes - April 22, 2008 PR 2     Personnel Actions
FCR 1   Elizabeth DuMez Gift and Replacement of Unfilled Pledge to Research
Challenge Trust Fund (Consent) FCR 2   Richard Kloepfer Gift and Pledge (Consent) FCR 3   Makenna Foundation Gift and Pledge (Consent) FCR 4   Dr. M. S. and Sowmya Viji Gift and Pledge (Consent)


D.      President's Report to the Trustees (PR 1)
President Todd said that there were some outstanding items in PR 1. He pointed out the following items:
• UK wins a $10 million National Institutes of Health (NIH) grant to fight effects of Superfund wastes. The grants are very hard to win with the NIH budget as it is today. It has a far reaching opportunity from trying to solve environmentally difficult issues to driving some economic development opportunities.
• Presidents of the University of Kentucky, University of Louisville, Centre College, and Berea College met recently to discuss what the four institutions can do to have some impact on the state. The presidents chose energy as the topic and committed to three energy conferences. The first conference was held in Louisville, and Sandra Meyer, Duke Power Company's vice president for Kentucky and Ohio, did an outstanding job as the evening speaker. The second conference is scheduled for September. The topic at that conference will be governmental policies, and the keynote speaker will be Thomas Friedman who wrote The World is Flat. He is publishing a book on energy. The presidents feel that energy is an area that can touch a lot of things.
• Everett McCorvey has been elected as a faculty representative to the Board of Trustees.
• UK's College of Medicine joins Georgetown College to recruit minorities. Georgetown College will identify prospective "partnership students" as early as sixth grade and nurture these students through their college careers. UK's College of Medicine will provide special opportunities for them to observe, shadow, and be mentored by medical professionals with the hope that they will go into medical school.
• UK reports the highest six-year graduation rates in its history. The African-American graduation rates have exceeded 50 percent at UK.
• Twenty UK HealthCare physicians are named in two of the latest America's Top Doctors lists. Due to Dr. Karpf s leadership and the team that he has put together, the awards keep accumulating for the hospital and the individuals.
• The NCAA released its fourth annual Academic Progress Rate report which showed that all 22 of the UK sports teams surpassed the NCAA target score, and 13 of the 22 squads exceeded the national average for public universities in their sports. It is a pretty stringent requirement, and it is really influencing the counseling and the course taking for all athletes.


• The fabulous William T. Young Library celebrated 10 years of service to the public with a celebration on May 13.
• Professor Yanarella has received a follow-up $103,000 grant from the Kentucky Department of Education to continue and expand his sustainability agenda on campus and within the larger Bluegrass community. That project is a perfect example of education, research, and outreach. They are going to develop a pilot course, and the grant will offer a community workshop. It will also extend environmental education programs at the national level to K-12 schools in the Lexington area.
• The sixth annual President's Awards for Diversity were recently presented to six individuals and one unit on campus. The awards recognize outstanding efforts toward advancing UK's mission to embrace diversity while maintaining academic excellence.
• Dean James Cibulka has been named the next president of the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education. He will be in Washington, DC.
• Dean of Arts and Sciences Stephen Hoch will be the provost at Washington State University.
Dean Cibulka and Dean Hoch did their jobs well at UK, and they will be missed.
President Todd recognized Jack Morgan, Executive Director of Omicron Delta Kappa (ODK), who was in the audience. He noted that ODK is the top leadership organization in the university campuses. He expressed appreciation to Mr. Morgan for attending the meeting.
President Todd then asked Nick Phelps to step forward and receive a certificate from ODK. Mr. Phelps was elected for this award from nominations from the circles of ODK throughout Alabama, Mississippi, Kentucky, Tennessee, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Michigan, Indiana, and Illinois. Four students are being considered for the national award which is named for General Russ Dougherty, a Kentuckian. This award will be given to the student who has made a quantitative difference in the institutions in the lives of others. President Todd congratulated Mr. Phelps on receiving the certificate. Mr. Phelps received a round of applause.
E.      2006-09 Strategic Plan Status Report
Provost Subbaswamy called attention to the 2006-09 Strategic Plan report that had been distributed to the Board and noted that this is the second year of the three-year plan. Through a series of slides, he reviewed the report, elaborating on each chart and pointing out the areas of progress.
2006-2009 Strategic Plan - Five Goals I.     Enhance the University's Stature among its Peers. This is a statement about Top 20 aspirations.


II. Prepare Students for Leadership in the Knowledge Economy and Global Society.
III. Enhance the Intellectual and Economic Capital of Kentucky through Growth in Research.
This is a statement about the research mission.
IV. Embrace and Nurture Diversity.
V. Engage Kentuckians through Partnerships to Elevate Quality of Life. This is a statement
about the land-grant mission.
2006-2009 Strategic Plan - Measures Across Six Domains
Undergraduate Education
Graduate and Professional Education
Faculty Development
Staff Development
Undergraduate Education/Highlights
Two universities have made statements that they will not be considering standardized tests as a part of their admission requirements. This is a trend that is likely to increase. More and more universities are getting away from standardized tests as a necessary requirement for even completing an application. The high school GPA and the rigor of courses taken during high school are better indicators of success in college than the standardized tests with the exception of the very low end. There are a lot of different things going on that will affect the ACT/SAT measure. During the next five-year plan, standardized tests may need to be reconsidered. The high school GPA is a measure that is here to stay, and it is a good indicator of success.
The university is closing the gap on the six-year graduation rate for African American students. It is 50.3 percent, which is the highest percentage ever.
The university is putting a lot of focus on advising, especially in the first two years. Tutoring has been increased, and an academic alert system has been put in place, using customer relation management types of software and intervening at the very early stages. There is now a hands-on approach in terms of how students progress in the system.
The university study of general education revision is on track. The University Senate passed guidelines on design principles, and there are faculty teams working this summer to develop particular plans that will be presented to the faculty for discussion at full length in the fall semester.
There has been a drop in transfer students. The staff is working on a plan for a dual admission system for Bluegrass Community and Technical College students, and they hope to unveil the plan in the fall.
Graduate/Professional Education and Highlights
There is good news about graduate and professional education. The number of doctorates and professional doctorates awarded has increased from 634 to 653. The goal is 694. Likewise,


graduate degrees awarded to African Americans have increased. There is progress on both of those measures for the Strategic Plan.
Significant investments will be needed to increase the number of graduate students. Graduate fellowships and assistantships are essential to recruit good students. The university has not made significant investments in that area yet, especially in the current fiscal environment.
There is a lot of national exposure for UK graduate students. Over 560 students were funded to present research findings at national conferences. A tremendous number of UK's students have gone to national meetings this way. UK hosted a national conference on graduate student leadership. International applications have increased by 9 percent.
Faculty Development
The number of faculty has increased. A lot of the increase comes from the growth in the College of Medicine but also because of the 74 new faculty lines added. Obviously, the current reduction has not shown up in the numbers, but it will show up in the next couple of years. That increase has led to the university actually having reached the milestone. The milestone was 2,023 faculty, and the last measure, which was the November census, was 2,057. Since that census, the number might have gone down.
Diversity of full-time faculty in terms of gender and ethnicity diversity has increased. For the first time ever, UK has exceeded the EEOC target. The EEOC goal was 34 percent, and it is currently at 34.6 percent.
The university is separately tracking African Americans and all minorities. In terms of all minorities, the university has made progress from a baseline of 14.7 percent up to 16.1 percent. For African American faculty, these are small numbers. The 2009 target is 4 percent, and the administration is working very hard, even through hard times, to try to meet that target by recruiting the best possible faculty of color.
Research Productivity
In terms of research productivity there are several measures, including the number of programs in the top quartile. These measures and where you find these rankings are fairly controversial, but none the less, the baseline was 17. For this year, there is an increase by one in the number of programs. The 2009 milestone is 20. This achievement will depend on the investments the university is able to make. It will be dicey to get further improvement without further investments.
The milestone goal for total research expenditures is $350 million. The baseline was $307 million, and that has now increased to $332 million. That is based on 2006 data from the National Science Foundation.
There is nice progress in the number of citations of publications. That number has increased from 44,000 to 48,000 and is headed towards the milestone of 49,000.


The total research expenditures growth is behind schedule. Space is a great barrier for the university to grow research. The university did not get any new academic or research buildings in the last General Assembly.
Research Highlights
There were record-high research expenditures in 2007. Unfortunately, awards are down by 8 percent. That is a reflection of the federal environment among other things. There are several large, very important, and competitive grants: $5.4 million from the Gates Foundation to the College of Agriculture, $4.5 million to medicine from KCHFS, $3.1 million to the Center on Aging from NIH, $10.2 million to agriculture from NIH Superfund Grant, $5 million from the state legislature to the Kentucky Geological Survey, and $2 million to the Center for Applied Energy Research for the research on energy and for infrastructure development.
This is an important goal for the university because everything from teaching to research is to serve the Commonwealth. There are no well documented measures that everybody follows with engagement. In year one, a process was set up to have as a baseline. The university now has a six-point assessment strategy that has been established and can move towards documenting the outcomes.
Another measure of progress was to undertake and evaluate at least three major engagement projects designed to have significant economic impact. Six projects have been identified, and the university is beginning to follow and track that progress.
The engagement measurement has begun. The Carnegie Outreach and Partnerships Classification was obtained. Thirteen new Commonwealth Collaboratives were launched. These are engagement projects funded by the university in small seed grants. The Kentucky Engagement Conference that UK has been sponsoring is getting a dialogue across the Commonwealth. Regional development has taken place, and Kentucky is being seen as a model nationally in terms of engagement activities.
Staff Development/Highlights
There were two specific items in terms of measurement for staff development. One was to complete a compensation analysis and implement an enhancement plan based on the compensation study. That has been completed. The Board approved salary increments associated with the staff salary enhancement pool.
The other item was to monitor and develop UK's diversity in executive, administrative, and managerial positions. The goal for African Americans in those ranks is 5 percent, and currently, UK is 4.6 percent. These are very small numbers. All it takes is one individual to leave, and the number can shift significantly. For all minorities, UK does better. UK exceeds the EEOC target by 6 percent for African Americans.
The shared leave pool and the family education program have been established. The program enhancements for career advancement and professional development as well as supervisor effectiveness training have also been launched.


Key Indicator Summary
The university has already achieved some of the three-year milestones, and except for the undergraduate student input measures dealing with the test scores of students coming in, there is progress being made in spite of some set back. In spite of fiscal liability, UK will continue to try to make progress.
President Todd asked if there were any questions for Provost Subbaswamy on any of the information he presented. He then continued with his report to the Board.
F.      Budget Presentation
President Todd began his budget presentation by talking about Governor Steve Beshear's budget address. Prior to the address, he and his staff were informed that there would be a 12 percent budget cut. This would be in addition to a previous 3 percent budget cut. He reported that $50 million was cut out of a $300 million base. He said that his feelings were that of grief. At first, he got angry and questioned why it happened. He became angry because he thought UK was getting its message across, and for once higher education was going to be put on a road with the business plan that had been written, endorsed, and supported. He then became embarrassed because he had brought staff such as Dr. Karpf, Dr. Subbaswamy, and Dr. James Tracy to the University of Kentucky when they had options to be at top five universities. The faculty and staff hopes were up because they thought the university would move forward. There were 210 faculty members hired, which is 56 percent of the American graduates from the top 20 institutions such as Yale, Princeton, Harvard, and MIT. The budget cut was extremely disappointing to him. He said he then remembered the bottom line of a story that Mr. Jim Stuckert, chair of the capital campaign, told him about a consultant, "what is is ~ deal with it." And, that is what UK has to do.
President Todd said that there were a couple of things that happened that gave him tremendous faith in the institution. He and his staff went to the legislative session and worked to get the 12 percent budget cut down to 3 percent. This was not where he wanted it to be. It is $40 million below what he was hoping for this year. It was a time higher education was still being discussed behind the conference room doors. The university has some good friends in the legislature that were trying to do their best to find funds to get UK back to where it needed to be. They know that the business plan is still out there, and they feel some responsibility for it. He took some consolation in that.
President Todd said that a basket of flowers were delivered to his office the day following the budget address from a faculty member on campus. The note with the flowers said, "Hang in there." Another faculty member expressed gladness that the decision was made to not give salary increases, and keep the cost of tuition down so it would not be in the double digits. E-mails were sent to him in response to his campus e-mails thanking him for the communications.
President Todd told of Mrs. Todd's first meeting of the Women & Philanthropy organization where he talked about the collaboratives and Provost Subbaswamy's retreat with the


deans where he expected to walk into the room and see a bunch of deans complaining about the budget situation. The moderator, who took notes for the deans' retreat, summarized what the deans had come up with as their priorities. The first thing on the list was to continue to increase the academic success of the student body. The second thing on the list was to continue to serve and meet the needs through outreach of the Commonwealth of Kentucky. Since most of them are not Kentuckians, this was very heartwarming. The third thing on the list was to increase collaboration across campus. While the deans probably felt like whining and moaning, they were there to work. They were there to continue to push forward.
President Todd told the deans of his emotion to have a press conference on the steps of the Capitol and burn the Top 20 business plan because UK has only received an approximate $12 million increase in the base budget in the past nine years. He wanted to say, "Let's get real;" however, he feared there would be a lot of people that would say that the state could not afford it anyway. He stressed that the state cannot afford not to do it.
President Todd talked about the pride he has in the faculty and staff that have not said a word to him personally about backing off the plan. They know it is tough. The university will not achieve all the measures in the strategic plan right now, but the university will be much better off trying to achieve them.
There is nobody in the state going to move the state forward any better than the institution. The university touches education, health care, and economic development. All of these aspects need to be touched. The state is one of the worst in health care in the country. It has been ranked low in education, due to the lack of commitment for so many years. And, the economy does not reflect where the state has to be in order to offer competitive jobs. There are people at this meeting who are willing to fight for that and who think it is important to do that. For these things, it is worth continuing to ask for more money.
Due to research and the medical center, the university is building on revenue streams. It is time that serious conversations begin with the legislature about stepping up and providing the university the ability and flexibility to do what needs to be done. The university needs a bonding capacity that is comparable to $2.2 billion, a AAA rated corporation. The university needs the ability to sign leases because it is a very responsible party. The university cannot sign a lease over two years now. Somebody who might want to build the university a building could not get a bank loan under the current conditions. The university needs to be able to get out from under some of the other situations as well.
Indirect cost reimbursement keeps going down nationally. The university did not receive any overhead money for the $5 million grant to the Kentucky Geological Survey to drill two large holes in eastern and western Kentucky to look at carbon sequestration. While it is nice to get the $5 million from the state, there are operational costs needed. The state needs to realize the research universities are doing work for the state, and the universities need to have some overhead coverage. The university's public and government relations groups need to schedule campus tours for the legislators so they can see firsthand what is happening on campus.


President Todd said that he wanted to mention another point that he meant to make about embarrassment. The School of Music has wonderful professors that could go to any university they chose. He noted that some professors have been on the stage of Carnegie Hall. UK has some of the best professors in the country, and it is embarrassing that they will not receive a salary increase this year. The state desperately needs the arts, and it desperately needs culture.
President Todd said that he had received only one or two e-mails from the faculty and staff about not getting a salary increase this year. UK is a pretty incredible place. It is hanging in there and meeting a need for the state. He expressed appreciation for the leadership of the Board, and said that he appreciated the faculty, staff, and students that the university is attracting. He also expressed appreciation for the administrative support. He does not think that there has been a team at this administrative level since he has known about the university.
President Todd did not review the specifics of the budget since that had been done in the Finance Committee meeting. He did, however, display a series of slides which showed that the university has not received much of an increase in the base budget since he became president.
The state has got to decide to invest in education. UK is doing its part and will continue doing its part. The university has friends in the legislature. Governor Beshear's recent appointments to CPE have been very strong, and UK is going to get attention. The administrative staff has to be more aggressive because nobody else is going to do the job for the university.
When they reformed higher education in 1997, the University of Kentucky was the only university that gave up anything. The deal was that UK could now become a Top 20 university. The administration has been working on that plan, and it has to work hard to continue to sell the message.
President Todd said that they did have some principles in doing the budget. They tried to preserve as many jobs as possible and also take care of health care benefits. He urged the Board to pass the budget when Mr. Branscum presented it in his Finance Committee report.
G. Proposed Amendment to Governing Regulations: Investment Committee (PR 3)
President Todd said that this is the second reading of PR 3. It is a change in the Governing Regulations which will add some community members to the Investment Committee. He said that Chair Wilcoxson is strongly behind the recommendation, and he urged passage of the second reading. On motion made by Mr. Branscum, seconded by Ms. Haney and passed, PR 3 was approved without dissent. (See PR 3 at the end of the Minutes.)
H. Proposed Amendment to Governing Regulations: Faculty Vacation Leave, Sabbatical Leave, and Delay of Probation Period (PR 4)
President Todd said that this is the first reading of PR 4. It is a Governing Regulation change dealing with vacation leave, sabbatical leave, and delay of the probationary period for faculty. The deans and the University Senate have reviewed it. The revision will change a


current policy for 12-month faculty. Previously, the faculty was allowed to carry forward unused vacation leave. This revision will require that faculty use vacation leave within a 12-month period of time. The clarification of eligibility requirements for sabbatical and the processes by which the various categories of events are reviewed and approved for delay of the probationary period are further clarified in this regulation. He asked for approval of the first reading.
Mr. Dawson moved approval, and Mr. Shoop seconded the motion. Ms. Ball asked for any questions or discussions.
Dr. Yanarella said that there has been a significant number of communications to both of the faculty trustees regarding this proposed amendment. It was vetted through the Senate Council. The Senate Council, after raising some issues with administrative representatives, did endorse the policy. Since that time, there has emanated, particularly from medical college faculty, serious concern about the particulars of this. Since this is the first reading, Dr. Yanarella offered a friendly amendment that the proposed recommendation be vetted through the Human Resources Committee in September for an opportunity to examine its various parts and for an opportunity for various faculty to communicate their concern.
Dr. Dembo seconded the motion to amend PR 4.
President Todd said that he did not have any problems with the amendment going through the Human Resources Committee; however, it has been vetted a lot. He pointed out that this has an approximate $12 million repercussion. While some might feel they have had something taken away from them, this does give the employees the opportunity to tell their management that they should take a vacation. He thinks that this is the right policy. Most companies have gone toward this kind of policy. He urged the Human Resources Committee to have a recommendation to present at the September Board meeting.
Provost Subbaswamy explained that in making this transition there is a one-year grace period that has been given to those that have vacation to be carried forward to next year. They will be able to carry that vacation leave forward. The new policy will start with vacation accrued next year.
Ms. Ball called for a vote on the amendment presented by Dr. Yanarella that PR 4 be accepted for the first reading but go back to the Human Resources Committee before being presented to the Board for the second reading. PR 4 with the amendment carried without dissent.
I.       Appointment/Reappointment of Board of Directors University of Kentucky Research Foundation (PR 5)
President Todd recommended approval of the appointment of Hollie Swanson, a faculty member, to the Board of Directors of the Research Foundation. He noted that her biography was included in PR 5. She is an associate professor in the Department of Pharmacology and will be filling an unexpired term ending June 30, 2010.


President Todd also recommended the reappointment of Henry Jackson, a public member, to the Board of Directors of the Research Foundation for a three-year term ending June 30, 2011.
Ms. Tobin moved approval. Her motion, seconded by Judge Patton, carried without dissent. (See PR 5 at the end of the Minutes.)
J.       Appointment/Reappointment of Board of Directors University of Kentucky Mining Engineering Foundation, Inc. (PR 6)
President Todd recommended approval of the individuals listed in PR 6 to the Board of Directors of the University of Kentucky Mining Engineering Foundation. He said that the Mining Engineering Board has been very active and noted that this is a very important Board. UK was losing a lot of potential Mining Engineering graduates to other states because of the aggressiveness of those states, and the Mining Engineering Board stepped up. It has been successful at allowing UK to get additional funding from corporations for mining scholarships as well as from the state government the last two sessions. Many of the members are being reappointed.
Mr. Shoop moved approval of PR 6. Dr. Yanarella