xt79w08wdh03 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79w08wdh03/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2007-11-06 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 06, 2007 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 06, 2007 2007 2007-11-06 2020 true xt79w08wdh03 section xt79w08wdh03 A BIG RETURN




b, 2007

Little expected to play Saturday against
Vanderbilt in SEC East showdown page 5





State limits UK tuition increase to 9 percent

§y_ill La__stor


Tuition for next year cannot exceed a 9
percent increase. the Kentucky Council on
Postsecondary Education decided yesterday.

The tuition cap is pan of an annual rec—
ommendation package the C PE will present
to the General Assembly when it convenes
in January. The CPE's budget proposal is a
recommendation but the tuition cap is set.

“When the council sets its parameter. it
will say ‘this is the total cap. the maximum
you can raise tuition.‘ " said John Hayek.
interim vice president of finance for the

For undergraduates at UK. a 9 percent
tuition increase would mean Kentucky resi-
dents would pay an extra $325 each semes-
ter. In-state graduate students would pay

about $345 more per semester.

For out-of-state students, undergradu—
ates would pay about Sbth more per semes-
ter and graduate students would pay $730
more per semester.

Last year. the CPE set the tuition cap at
9 percent. and UK increased tuition and
mandatory fees the same amount. In 2005—
06 the UK Board of Trustees approved a l2
percent increase. 3 percent less than the
CPE cap of 15 percent.

UK's Top 20 Business Plan calls for a 9
percent tuition increase every year through
2012. and a 4 percent increase every year
after that through 2020.

UK Provost Kumble Subbaswamy de—
clined to comment on what the exact tuition
increases would be for 2008—09. saying it is
still too early to have a detailed discussion
on tuition,

The governor and the General Assem-
bly set the final amount of state funding UK
receiyes. The university must see if the
funding amounts are changed in the budget
process before potential tuition numbers are
discussed said UK spokesman Jay Blanton

'I don I think we would even w ant to
speculate about potential tuition costs until
sometime next year when we get a better
sense of where the budget is heading."
Blanton said.

As part of its proposal. the CPE also
recommended a $5] million increase in
UK‘s share of the state's general—fund dol-
lars $9.5 million less than what UK
President Lee Todd requested for the 2008-
2010 General Assembly biennium budget.

If the C PE recommendation is approved

See CPE or- page 3


Taition per semester

Prejected tuttion increases according to the lop 20 Busmess Plan

$5 000
$l 7000
$9 000

$6 000


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Out of state 60 o' more tiotiis "‘"" in state 60 or more bot/s ‘

new" tltii of state 59m iess nours

t- ‘9". ills. 2’9

Cats stumble' In final exhibition tune- up

81 Kenny (2&5th

kcolston@kvkernel com

For most exhibition games. the home team is
looking to work out any weaknesses against an
inferior opponent before the regular season

But nobody told that to the Ohio Legends.
who dominated the UK women‘s basketball team
last night. handing the Cats an ugly 88-79 loss in
their final exhibition game in front of l.271 fans at
Memorial Colisuem.

“We are obviously disappointed." head coach
Matthew Mitchell said. "We knew it was a test
because they had already beat a couple of

The Cats seemingly decided to have their op-
ponent live up to the their nickname — the Leg-
ends _ by being outscored. out-rebounded and
outplayed against a team that is made up of former
collegiate and high school basketball players from
the state of Ohio.

"I told the team that this was just an exhibition
and we needed to learn from it." Mitchell said.
“But we can‘t play this way and win during the

Everything seemed to go against the Cats in
the first half. when they were troubled by the Leg-
ends‘ defense. UK‘s only lead of the game came
on freshman forward Victoria Dunlap's layup with
just under 15 minutes left. But the Legends made
sure the Cats’ lead did not last behind a suffocat—
ing full court press.

We played lifeless in the first half.
said. "Our group didn't respond well."

Breaking the Legends‘ defensive pressure
was not the only problem for the Cats in the first

The team shot a dismal lZ-of—33 from the
floor before halftime. Sophomore forward Lydia
Watkins led UK with eight points off the bench.
but the rest of the L'K offense struggled to pene-
trate the Legends‘ full- court press.

Senior guard Samantha Mahoncy started the
half l) for- 6 from the field and did not score her
first points until 8.26 left in the first half.

"We had some good shots." Mitchell said.
“But it takes a while for the offense to catch up.
It‘s hard to coach on making shots."

LlK‘s depth in the frontcourt was tested early
and often because of the absence of senior center
Sarah Elliott. who missed her second-straight
game with a hip tlexor injury. and junior forward
Eleia Roddy. who is still recovering from an an»
terior cruciate ligament injury she suffered last

When junior forward .Ienn'e Jackson picked
up her second foul four minutes into the game.
Mitchell was forced to go to his young bench.

Without the Cats' three eldest fronicourt play»
ers on the floor. the Legends exploited UK‘s inex-
pericnced post players for 32 points in the paint.

“We played some young. inexperienced play-
ers in the post.” Mitchell said. “(We had) too
many defense breakdowns and they got easy
shots. And we fouled entirely too much."

The Legends opened the second half with a 9—
2 run but the Cats did not give up. forcing [8 sec—
ond half tumovers from increased defensive pres—

" Mitchell

Uls tUlllOl forward Jeni: e .lar‘xson is stripped of a rebttic 2 3y fizz:
the first half of the Cats S879 exhibition loss laSt mg“.t i'i

Still. the pressure was not enough to over
come the double-digit deficit they faced for most
of the second half. While the Cats made multiple
runs at the Legends behind l4 second half points
from sophomore forward Brittany Edelen. Ohio

it teamis urcaiui Contact 2. : e'iiai‘ dor "J

“Ala" ilittl .joiiswm‘;

had an answer for eyerything I'K ptit in the has-

I put Brittany in the game because I knew she
would giye energy and intensity." Mitchell said.

See Basketball or noun 4

Votei- -a-palooza to offer info on getting to polls

( niniriiie

§yK_atio Salt:
ksaltz®kykernel corn

Students needing a ride to the
polls today can find out how to get
one at V'oter-apalrxrza. the final part
in a series of Student Govcmment
events focused on today ‘s gubemato-
rial election.

S0 is working with UK College
Republicans. L’K College Democrats
and Kentuckians for the Common—
wealth to provide candidate infomra‘
tion for registered voters.

Nate Simon. SG deputy chief of
staff for policy. said SG will pass

out informational materials to stu-
dents outside the Whitc Hall Class-
room Building from 10 am. to noon

The information will include
facts on the candidates. polling loca—
tions and services provided by
KFTC. including rides to the polls.
Simon said.

“We‘re trying to provide infor—
mation about where to vote. and
we‘re providing infomtation about a
service for students without trans-
portation." he said. “We‘ll also pro-
vide information about smaller races
(students) may not have heard

Pint in» Int. Subsequent tom 25 com,



SG has hosted a series of events
for the gubematorial election. includ—
ing a voter registration drive. a can-
didate forum and a mock election
\r’oter-a—paloola is aimed at giying
students every opportunity to know
how to vote. Simon said.

“Now tstudentsi can't use the ex-
cth that they didn‘t know where to
vote or that they couldn‘t get to the
polls." he said.

Voter~a-pal(xwa is the conclusion
of the election events. and the final
effort to get students out to the polls
today. said SG Chief of Staff Chris

“l’p to this point we have pro-
vided people with the opportunity
to register. and we brought the Hit
ing machines to campus so they
know how to \ote.~~ he said. ”This
is the final piece of a threostep
process "

Iiyen though the election will be
oy er tonight. V'oter-a-palooza is
something that SG will likely host
again. (‘rumrine said.

“This is a beneficial program that
can be Instituted for elections to
come. Including next year's presi-
dential race." he said.

” in State 59 or less hours

to consider
land use

BxJill Laster

ilasterQDkvke'nel com

The University Senate will once again
look at plans to log L'K—owned Robinson For-
est at this month‘s meeting. the Senate Coun~
cil decided yesterday.

The council examined a two-part proposal
that the University Senate could vote on at Its
meeting Monday.

Sen. Susanne Arnold of the College of
Medicine put forth the first section of the pro—
posal. which recommends that UK develop a
set of policies for the uniycrsity's undevel-
oped land

The second half of the proposal. picscntcd
by Senate ('ounctl member Judith Lesnaw.
c\tcnds Arnold's motion. stating that the not
versity should halt the plan to coniiiiercialiy'
log Stilt acres of Robinson Forest iintil giiidc»
lines for evaluating and using uniyci‘sity—
owned land have been deyeloped

If approved Monday. the Senate would
create a non—binding "sense of the Senate”
statement expressing its overall \iewpoint on
the issue to (K President Lee Todd and to the
Board of Trustees.

"No one is saying tlicsc researchers are
not well-qualified to conduct this research.
that the rescaitli does not hayc controls.”
Lesnaw said. "This is an ethical issue."

The Senate will discuss Robinson liorcst
strictly In terms of the proposal this month.
said l'iiiyersity Senate ('haii‘irian Kineh

32 Senate e 3

lead in polls
doesn't slow

By Blair Thomas

btbomasdkykarniii rot“

Democrats and Republicans may agree the
only poll that counts is the one taken today at
\oting booths across the state. but in a final
poll released yesterday by SurvcyI'SA. De—
mocratic challenger Stcye Beshear led Repub
licaii Gov Iimic I-‘letclicr by 20 points

Despite Beshear’s consistent lead in the
Stiry‘eyl‘SA and the Lexington Herald
Leader/Action New s 36 Election polls. I‘letch»
cr‘s campaign said the numbers are wrong.

“The polls have been all over the map."
said Fletcher spokesman Jason Keller. "We
think this race Is much tighter than these polls

Beshear was not relying on his lead and
spent yesterday traveling across the state to
encourage people to get out and vote. said
spokeswoman \‘icki Glass.

"He knows the only vote that counts is the
one on Election Day. she said.

In the first SurveytiSA poll after the gu—
bernatorial primaries in May. Beshear led
Fletcher by 28 points. according to the May
25 results at Surveyl'SAcom. In a Sept. ll
poll. Beshear remained ahead of Fletcher by
l9 pomts. according to the Web site.

“There is the usual sampling error. which
is usually three to four percentage points."

See Poll: on page 3

Hm: 257-1915; Am 257-2872
0 t


 135:3) Tuesday, November 6 2007


u Gku Go to www.kykernel.com for the solution



S 2

























By Linda C. Black

To get the advantage, check the
day’s rating 10 is the easrest day, 0
the most challenging

Aries (March 21 April 19) ., To»
day is a 6 ~ A The secret key to good
communication is taking the time to
listen It could be slightly frustrating,
though Gently help the speaker stay
on track

Taurus (April 20 May 20) v To-
day is a 7 -2 Push extra hard and
you‘ll break thrOugh the bafrlBrS to
your success You don‘t have to do
this alone, by the way Get a few
others to help

Gemini (May 21 June 21) 2., To-
day is a 7 .. You‘re a busy person,
but you can always make time for
the ven/ special rejuvenating relax~
ations Summit. to the temptatiin








Cancer (June 22 July 22) ,2 To-
day is a 7 — lt's not easy explaining
your feelings, but you can still get
them across Show your sweetheart
what you mean With love

Leo (July 23 Aug. 22) m Today is
a 7 —— You're good at dorng the
homework. once you get involved
Take that first step, and soon curios—
ity leads the way You're getting in-

Virgo (Aug. 23 Sept 2) -— Today
is a 7 For something at your
place before it breaks, and you're
money ahead This goes for your for-
niture, too Make yourself more

Libra (Sept. 23 Oct. 22) # Today
is a 7 , , Creative work pays well
now, but you already knew that. Use
your imagination to find new and
different ways to provrde what your
clients want They’ll love you for it
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) e To
day is a 7 w It's time to do what
you said you would To make the

best impression, follow through be»
fore you're reminded Show you're
to be trusted.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 Dec. 21) —
Today is a 7 —— Your friends are your
best source of information, introduc~
tions and leads Let them know
what you want and they‘ll help you
get it.
Capricorn (Dec. 22 Jan. 19) —
Today is a 7 — An older person can
help you bring out your hidden tal-
ents The clue might come as a re-
quest for something you haven't
done in a while
Aquarius (Jan. 20 Feb. 18) _, To—
day is a 7 — Consult an experi»
enced person about an adventure
you're contemplating. lt'll be even
more fun if you take along a guide
Pisces (Feb. 19 March 20) —— To-
day is a 8 u it seems like there's a
mountain of details and paperwork
between you and where you want to
go Don't panic, jUSi take it one de—
tail and paper at a time

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Oh. baby!

lsla Fisher. 3|. and fiance
Sacha Baron Cohen. 36. wel—
comed a daughter in L.A.. her
rep confimied October 23. . . .
Comedian Larry the Cable Guy
(Dan Whitney). 44. and his
wife. Cara. welcomed their sec—
ond child. daughter Reagan. Oc—
tober 29.


David Alan Grier. 52. and
his wife. museum curator Chris»
tine Y. Kim. will welcome their
first child. a girl. in February. . .
.(‘NN‘s American Morning co—
anchor Kiran Chetry’. 33. and her
husband. CW weathemian (‘hris
Knowles. are expecting their
second child. . . . Fashion de»
signer Rachel Roy. 33. and mu—
sic executive Damon Dash. 36.
are having their second child to-
gether in the spring. They have a
daughter. Ava.


Kid Rock. 36. will not be
charged for his scuffle with rival
Tommy Lee. 45. at the MTV
Video Music Awards in Las Ve-
gas on September 9. per Lcc's
request. the Clark County Dis-

trict Attomey said October 29. . ‘

. . Rapper Tl. 27. was released
from an Atlanta jail October 26
after posting a $3 million bond
stemming from his arrest for un~
lawful gun possession charges
October 13. He will remain un»
dcr house arrest while awaiting
Unsexy in the city

Sarah Jessica Parker. 42. has
been named Unsexiest Woman
Alive by Maxim magazine.
Amy Winchouse. 24. Sandra

Oh, 36. Madonna. 49. and Brit-
ney Spears. 25. rounded out the
Top 5.

Hello good

Gwen Stefani. 3%. an—
nounced she will donate all pro-
ceeds from her October 30 con-
cert in San -Diego to benefit lo-
cal (falifomia wildfire victims. .
. . Beyonce Knowles. 26, will
raise funds onlinc for the non—
profit organization Global Food—
banking Network to feed the
hungry in Ethiopia. India and

All clear

The LA. County District
Attomey announced October 26
that it will not file hit-and-run
charges against Orlando Bloom.
30. over an October [2 accident.

Mea culpa

Oprah Winfrey. 53. tearfully
apologilcd to parents at her
Oprah Winfrey Leadcrship
Academy for Girls in Henley—
on-Klip. South Africa. October
20. for a school matron who al—
legedly fondled one girl and
threw anothcr against a wall.
Winfrey gave out her phone. e-
mail and mailing address infor—
mation. and said in a statement.
"Nothing is more serious or dey -
astating to me than an allegation
of misconduct by an adult."


Lost‘s Daniel Dae Kim. 3‘).
was arrested in Honolulu Octo-
ber 25 on suspicion of drunk
driving. He was released later
that day on unspecified bail and
is due back in court November


your daily doseof entertainment, popflilture and fun Mel ‘ Ql

Blame game

Attonicys for Dav id Copper»
field. 51. who deny rape allega-
tiotis against him. accused fcdcr»
al officials of improperly leak-
ing grand Jury information to the
Staying home

Lindsay Lohan. 21. canceled
a New Year's Eve hosting gig at
Vegas nightspot Pure.
“Lindsay continues to focus on
her work and sobriety.” said her
rep. Leslie Sloane—Zelnik,

Frequent flier

Jimmy Kimmcl. 39. scored
the Guinness World Record for
liunhest Distancc (‘ommutcd in
One Working chk on October
26 for flying 22.406 miles be-
tween NYC and LA. to dual?
host Live With Regis and Kelly
and Jimmy -Kirnmcl l.i\el the
week of October 22.

Owen's first interview

In his first interview since
an August suicide attempt.
Owcn \Mlson stuck to dis—
cussing film with friend and
Darjeeling Limited director Wes
Anderson. 38. for MySpace‘s
Artist on Artist scrics. But Wil-
son. 38. did say of his emotion-
ally damagcd role. ”I just like
the themes that it's csploring."
The October 26 clip also ayoida
ed his low life. despite recent
outings with Jessica Simpson.
27. and c,\' ('arolina -Ccrisola.
27. of whom a source tells Us.
"She understands him ”

__, Sarah Grossbart



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 Tuesday, November 6, 2007 | PAGE3


Hayek said the university could
acquire funding through special
appropriations and other funding
from the state over the course of
the biennium.

But without outside funding to
match the amount Todd has said
UK needs. the university may be
forced to raise tuition more than it
would otherwise. Hayek said.

“There‘s only a limited number
of ways funding can be generat-
ed.“ he said.

Lawmakers will make the final
decision on how much funding
UK will receive this spring.

"In the past couple of years.
the C PE has made a recommenda-
tion. and the General Assembly
has taken that as kind of guid-
ance.“ said state Rep. Bill Farmer.

State Rep. Bob Damron. D—
Nicholasville. said the recommen-
dations approved yesterday are the
first step in a process that could be
determined as late as April.

“We‘re not a rubber stamp for
the CPE." Damron said.

Research 5tudies
at UK

Fletcher‘s chances despite
Beshear‘s apparent lead.

"The polls can say we‘re
down 50 points, we‘re still
going to keep working,"
said Thomas Roberts. presi-
dent of UK‘s College Re-

College Democrats of
Kentucky President Richard
Becker. :1 history and politi—
cal science junior at UK.
said Sunday that a strong
push for Beshear throughout
the lzus‘t 72 hours would play
a critical role in election re-

“We want Steve Beshear
to not only win but have the
type of win that will give
him the capital to get done
the things he needs to do to
help get the state back on
track." he said.


Continued from page 1


Continued from page 1-

by the General Assembly. UK
would receive a $I7.6 million in-
crease over this year's funds and a
$I5.8 million increase on top of
that in 2009—10.

In presentations to CPE com-
mittees last month. Todd requested
an additional $19.8 million for
2008-09 and $20.9 million on top
of that for 2009- I0.

In a statement released yester-
day. Todd called the C PE proposal
a “positive first step“ in acquiring
higher-education funding. and said
funding UK‘s Top 20 Business
Plan is “essential."

Blanton declined to comment
on how UK would acquire more
funding if the General Assembly
approves the C PE‘s recommenda-

Although the recommendation
is less than what UK requested.

said Mark Peffley. a political
science professor. “In this
case however. Beshear's 20
point lead over Fletcher in
the polls has not fluctuated
much for several months,
which leads one to believe
the margin is steady and re-
liable and that voters have
made up their minds."

Peffley. who specializes
in public opinion, mass me-
dia. racial attitudes and po-
litical tolerance. said a 20-
point lead is a “landslide
margin of possibly historical

"However the polls are
estimates based on guessti-
mates of who is likely to
vote he said.

rem-dining confident in CONTRIBUTED TO THIS REPORT.




Continued from page I



“We are going to only discuss the
motion." Tagavi said. “No more debates
on the merit of logging."

The resolution could pass in its en-
tirety. or a senator could make a motion
to exclude the part of the recommenda-
tion calling for a temporary halt to the
logging of Robinson Forest.

“1 want desperately for both of these
motions to fly. but I would hate to see
nothing." Lesnaw said.

Debate over the worth of logging the
forest reached its apex in September. The
project would serve as research. testing
the effects of logging on streams.

The Senate Council also talked yes-
terday about how the University Senate
will handle discussion of the University
Studies Program reforms.

Initially. the Senate planned to talk
about changes to the USP program dur-
ing its November meeting and vote on
the proposal in December.

Last week. UK Provost Kumble Sub-
baswamy announced that USP discussion
in the Senate would wait until spring.
giving the USP Steering Committee time
to revise the suggested program based on
recommendations made at three faculty
forums last month.

Subbaswamy will give a presentation
on the progress of the new USP program
at this month‘s Senate meeting. However.
a discussion like the one initially planned
will not happen. Tagavi said.

“If a senator decides to raise their
hand and say “I disagree with this.‘ I‘m
not going to stop it." Tagavi said. “How-
ever there will be no (USP) agenda in
front of us."


Influencing state legislature
IS focus for new service club

By Wesley Robinson

Two students wanted to dedicate some
of their time to the community. so they es-
tablished a UK chapter of a national service
organization with hopes of influencing leg-
islation to improve citizen's lives this se-

Co-founders Jeff Steller. a mathematical
economics junior. and Mallory Brown, a nu-
trition and food science senior.
began working in the spring to
get the volunteer organization
Results up and running. Memv
bers of the organization meet
twice a month on Tuesdays in
the Center for Student Involve-
ment in the Student Center.

"I volunteer just because I
care about people." Brown said.
“We are all technically one big
family. and we owe it to each
other to take care of one anoth-

The purpose and goal of the
organization is to give students a
chance to speak out and get ac-
tive but also to give students an
opportunity to get involved in

“I think it's good when students get in-
volved with their time. talents and money."
said Laura Hatfield. the Center for Commu-
nity Outreach adviser.

“When students get involved, their pas-
sion gets heard." said Hatfield. who is also
the assistant director of student involvement
in the center.

For the past three weeks. Results has

"We are all
technically one
big family, and

we owe it to

each other to
take care of one


food soence senior

been discussing how they could actively sup-
port the State Children's Health Insurance
Program bill through drafting letters and
hosting a phone-a—thon. The state bill is in-
tended to expand Kentucky‘s health for fam-
ilies with children under the age of IQ with-
out insurance. Steller said. but it has been
losing support within the Kentucky House of

Results also decided to diversify the or»
ganization's outreach this semester by sup—
porting the Farm Bill. which
subsidizes fanners‘ produce.

Generally food stamps and
welfare programs have been
separate entities from the Fami
Bill. but this'bill combines
them. Steller said.

Results is also working to
help improve Head Stan. a na-
tional school readiness pro-
gram. Head Start programs
across the nation are in danger
of collapsing. specifically in
Kentucky where programs are
at an all—time low and where
children with the greatest need
in rural counties are being ne—
glected. Steller said.

“Every single piece of leg-
islation that gets passed directly affects your
life Steller said. "If you‘re not careful how
the legislation is passed. it can have a big
negative effect on you and the state."

The next Results meeting is Tuesday.
Nov. 13 from 7:30 to 8:30 pm. at the Center
for Student Involvement. Following that
meeting will be a training session for any
new volunteers or individuals who would
like to get involved.

nutrition and


‘Strongest Man’ makes college debut atFUK

By unm’mm


Lifting cars and logs are only two tests
of strength students will endure tomorrow
and Thursday on campus as they participate
in a promotional event for the “Strongest
Man on C ampus" competition.

UK Campus Recreation and IMG. the
corporation that sponsors the “World‘s
Strongest Man" competition. are sponsoring
the event. which will take place at the Pier~
att Student Recreation Fields behind the
Johnson Center.

IMG will shoot a promotional video
while at UK and take the new competition
to other universities across the nation in the

“This is the first time that the strongest
man competition has been held on a college
campus." said Beth Atnip. fitness director at

the Johnson Center. “So. I really want peo-
ple to come out and support the University
of Kentucky."

Students interested in competing can try
out tomorrow from noon to 5 pm. Tryouts
include performing bench presses and dead
lifts. The top eight to 10 contestants will
move on to the final round. which is Thurs-
day at 3 pm.

Finalists will compete in four events: the
farmer‘s walk. the car dead lift. the loading
race and the log clean press. The winner of
the competition will receive an automatic
trip to the finals when the competition re-
turns to UK in the spring to name an official

UK's “Strongest Man on Campus" will
move on with individual winners from other
universities to a regional competition. Re-
gional winners will compete in a national
competition. and the national winner will

compete in China for the world competition.

People are encouraged to come out and
watch as the events take place. Atnip said.
Spectators can enjoy free food on Thursday
during the finals.

Camille Bailey. an undecided sopho-
more. said she was excited thc event is com»
ing to campus.

“I am really looking forward to the corn—
petition. because I‘ve always loved to watch
the ‘World‘s Strongest Man‘ on television."
Bailey said.

Students wishing to compete should \is-
it the event Web site. Iwwwstrongcst-
manoncampuscom). For any additional
questions. e-mail infoCd‘strongestmanoncam—
pus.com or Atnip at batnipfi‘ukyedu.

“People should come out and support
their fellow students become this is definite-
Iy the real deal." Atnip said



0 Volunteering at
Lansdowne Elementary,

0 LTMS, 11am, Cassidy

- Lunchtime Trivia,12pm,
Student Center, Rm 214

0 Frank Warren Lecture,8pm.
Worsham Theater

Center, Rm 106

- CCO Board of Directors
Meeting, 5pm, Student

OCCO Board Meeting, 5pm,


The Campus Calendar it produced by the Office of Student Act/whet Leadership 12 Involvement Reqrxtpred Student Org: and UK Dorm ran stib/‘"' information for FREE run/me CW WEEK Wit"? to the MON/OM

OUK Art Facult Exhibition,
12pm, UK Art useum in the
Singletary Center for the Arts
OFIying Fingers! Guitars,
Fiddles an Other Strings,


0 Cheap Seat Tuesdays-
Trasformers 8pm,
Worsham Theater

0 Texas Hold’em

0 Dance Blue Ca tains
Meetm ,6pm, S rm 249
- UK A Faculty
Exhibition,_12pm, UK Art
Museum Singletary

0 Yates Elementary.
2:45pm, Cassidy

0 Volunteerin at the
Hope Lodge, :30pm, The
Ho e Lodge

0 assrdy lementary,
83m Cassidy Elementary
. STAG,Spm,CSI-Smart

0 Yates Elementary, 2:45pm,
Cassidy Elementary

0 ArtGNoon Lectures, 12pm,
UK Art Museum, Singletary

0 Volunteer w/ Beaumont
Buddies, 4pm, Beaumont
Middle School

0 UK Pre-Vet Club Meeting,
7pm, Ag North, Rm N12

0 LTMS, 11am, Cassidy

. Texas Hold 'Em
Tournament, 7pm, UK
Student Center Cats Den

0 Cassidy Elementary, 8am,
Cassidy Iementary

I Volunteerin at
Landsdowne Iementary,
Landsdowne Elementary

0 Learn to Knit, 7pm, Student
Center Rm 203

0 UK Art Faculty Exhibtion,
12pm, UK Art Museum in the
Singletary Center for the Arts


cVqunteering at
Landsdowne Elementary
ITeenage Muant Ninja
Turtles: The Movie, 10pm,
Worsham Theater

OCassidy Elementary, 8am,
Cassidy Elementary

OTexas Hold 'Em Tournament,
7pm, UK Student Center Cats

OUK Art Facul Exhibition,
12pm, UK Art useum in the
Singletary Center for the Arts
OThe Final Word-Professor
TBA, 6pm, W.T. Young Library
oThe Tem est, 7:30pm,
Guingol eater

OCareer Center
Workshopzlobs in the
Pharmaceutical and Medical
Sales Industry

0LTMS, 11am, Cassidy

7:30pm, Singletary Center
-Faculty Art Panel, 6:30pm,
UK Art Museum in the
Singletary Center for the Arts
OBIazing Saddles, 10pm,
Worsham Theater

Oltalian Conversation
Practice, 5pm, Coffee Island
0LTMS, 11am, Cassidy

-Volunteerin at
Landsdowne lementary
-Yates Elementary, 2:45pm,
Cassidy Elementary

~Cassidy Elementary, 8am,
Cassidy Elementa

OCircIe of Love Kic Off,
11am, Great Hall, Student

-Texas Hold 'Em Tournament
, 7pm, UK Student Center
Catts Den

OThe Tern st, 7:30pm,
Guignlo eater

IfSO, researchers at

the University of
Kentucky would like to
hear from you about
participating in a
study. All participants
are compensated for
their time.
Please call 8594575794.



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Noyeniher o, Jill t“

Page 4


Continued from page I

"I'm looking for players to play
that way. and she produced

Down the stretch. l'K tried
to chip away ()hio‘s lead behind
Mahoney and iidelen‘s play. but
se\en missed free throws in the
final minutes doomed I'K.

Despite the loss. the (‘ats
tried to look at the positives to
ready themselves for their first
regular season game Saturday

“((lliioi had sotne good post
players." Malioney said, "It was
a good test. but this giyes Lis a
chance to look at film and rust
fine—tune some things."

And while the loss may
look ugly. the (‘ats are ready to
put a game that does not affect
the win-loss column behind

"It‘s _iUst preseason." lidelen
said. "It‘s a time to get ready.
we can‘t let this game get us

The (‘ats begin their regu~
lar season on Saturday when
they face Soiitlt (‘arolina Up