xt79w08wdf73 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79w08wdf73/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1996-11-07 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 07, 1996 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 07, 1996 1996 1996-11-07 2020 true xt79w08wdf73 section xt79w08wdf73  




V WEATHER Showers today,
high 65. Cloudy tonight, low
40. Partly sunny tomorrow,
high 45 to 5 0.

KEG Phish float into Lexington tonight at
part of their national tour. See KeG inside



..u... “twirl“ ism... ‘ 'i-



November 7, 1996


(.‘Lzrufiedr 7 Election 3
Crossword 7 Sports 2



-. z'N

Polite log 5 Viewpoint 5


Campus residents hot over tires

”hi-Awww;m»-:...ss:... . ,,, ...s

STEM! comm Kernel

HERE WE 00MB Lexington Fire Department rare: to
another fire alarm in Kirwan Tower.



By Gary Wult
Arrirtant New: Editor

Jennifer Schepers is one of
many students who are expressing
their anger on the hottest issue for
cam us residents —- fire alarms.

S c has authored a petition
expressing outrage ai‘ghe alarm
s tem in Boyd and Pa rson balls

at she said is “substandard.”

In the petition, the political sci-
ence and economic senior said,
“The alarm system is substandard,
and the lack of smoke detectors is

UK Fire Marshall Garry Beach
has received a cop of the petition
and said most 0 the claims are

Last Friday Beach said he and
maintenance crews for Boyd and
Patterson Halls replaced one fire
alarm and a sprinkler head.

“There have been some people
who are misinformed,” Beach said.

The rumor that the fire escapes
behind most buildings are con-
demned, Beach said, are also false.

“My office has never con-
demned the fire escapes,” he said.

During his inspections last
week, Beach said he walked on the
fire escapes and found nothing
wrong with them. He said the fire
escapes are to be used as the sec-
ondary route in the case of an

emergency. The primary route is
the stairs.

“I’m glad they’re taking a look
at it, but I’m not ha py that it
takes the media to ta e action,”
Schepers said.

Despite the inaccuracies, Beach
said he is pleased that students are
showing a concern for their resi-
dence halls.

“I think it's positive, because
they’re checking on things,” Beach
sat .


He said Residence Life has
been following up on the infomia—
tion they receive from the stu-

Ralph said that everyone
involved in Residence Life is “on
wits end.”

“Before a lot ofit was pranks
but now it’s getting to the point
where people are setting fires,” he

This semester has been particu-


Assistant Resi—
dence Life Direc-
tor Tony Ralph
said hall directors
and residents of
Boyd and Patter-
son Halls will
have a meeting on

Any Inlormation?

VREWARD: Flesidence Hall
Association is offering a $500
reward for anyone having infor-
mation leading to the conviction

larly rough for
residents and
On Nov. 1, a
resident of the
11th floor in
Kirwan Tower
complained that


Frida evening or capture of any individuals set- an unknown
with each to dis- ting tires or tampering with fire subject(s) set fire
cuss the com— alarms. to a bulletin
plaints and con- board.



cems of fire safety
on campus.

Ralph said he has heard the
petition but has not seen it.

Residence Hall Association has
offered a $500 reward for any
information leading to the convic—
tion or capture of anyone who is
setting fires or tampering with the
smoke detectors and fire alarms.

“We have had students come
forward with information,” Ralph

At the same
time a resident
of the 13th floor in Kirwan Tower
filed a complaint that someone
had set a box on fire in the hall»
way.The latest incident occurred
on Nov. 2 in Kirwan 111, when a
person saw pieces of a sign burn-
ing on the floor.

In the meantime flyers from
bulletin boards in Kirwan Tower
have been removed to deter fires.


Forum looks
at violence

By Ben Abes
Orr—line Editor

According to state—wide statis-
tics, a serious crime occurs in
Kentucky every four minutes —
anything from tape to auto theft.

This statistic has brought the
UK Chandler Medical Center
Office of Minority Affairs to spon-
sor Lexington’s first Community
Forum on Violence Prevention.
The symposium will bring several
keynote speakers to the Holiday
Inn Lexington—North tomorrow
from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 pm.

Speakers include Ralph Kelly,
commissioner of the Kentucky
department of juvenile justice, and
Chukwudi Onwuachi-Saunders,
deputy health commissioner for
the city of Philadelphia. She is
currently on loan from the Cen-
ters for Disease Control to
Philadelphia, where she served as
a medical epidemiologist. She said
her work in Philadelphia has
forced her to take theoretical
lessons learned behind a desk at
the CDC and put them to work in
real life situations.

“We want to uncover what is
ultimately going on with with
interpersonal violence,” she said.
"But we also want to get into what
we can do about it.”

Panel presentations will also
look at violence against women,
children, teenagers and the elder-
ly. Break-out sessions in the after-
noon will try to find ways to con-
vert their discussion into commu-
nity-based coalitions to help fi ht
violence. Lane Veltcamp, a K
professor, was shot in the shoulder
earlier this year after the UK—
Tennessee basketball game at
Rup Arena.

he bullet was one of four fired
at his car, including one which
embedded itself in the driver’s seat
headrest. Veltcam said since the
incident, he has come much
more interested in community
violence. .

“All over the United States,
we’re gradually becoming more
violent,” he said. “It just seems to
me that we’re not becoming any
safer, and something has got to be

Veltcamp hopes the discussion
will help to improve conditions
for the young people of Lexing-





Can you see me?

sm umnsncx Kernel ruff

UK Army ROTC member: praaice maneuver: on the hillside between White Hall Classroom Building and the Student Center.


Cartography lahs draw students with programs

By Molly Mlze

The eogra hy graduate program at
UK is fi in e nation.

Although some people attribute this
to the faculty’s success in publishin ,
others give the geography department 5
modern cartography lab a good deal of
the credit.

The lab was started in 1977 by Karl
Raitz, doctor of geography.

The lab, now reserved for geography
students only, is used solely for map-

It was established with the goal of
teaching and instructing students on
how to make maps, to do outside com-
missions and to research in Geographic
Information Systems (GSI).

Richard Gilbreath said about four
students use these machines on a regu-
lar basis, but more than 25 students
have access to them.





“The cartography lab is going
throufgh a period of transition from an

era 0 traditional cartography to one of
computer assisted cartography,”
Gilbreath said.

Next semester Gilbreath will teach
Introduction to Computer Cartogra-
phy, which will use the computers.

He went through five years of train-
ing to prepare himself for teaching this

The cartography lab accepts outside
commissions for various projects for
com anies such as Lexington Visitors
and onvention Buera.

B the summer of I997, UK Univer—
sity ress will rint the 1997 Kentucky
State Atlas wi the help of the comput—
er labs.

All of the maps in the atlas will be
drawn in the cartography lab.

The four computers that the de art—
ment currently owns resemble basic
Macintosh com uters, but the Macro-
media Freehan program makes them

um ue
The maps are printed on high reso-
lution printers with l,200 dots per inch.
Once drawn, the maps can be sent to
other output devices around campus.
Graduates from this program are
hired by the United States Defense
Mapping Agency, The US. Geolo ’cal


W New passwords

IIBBlllfll to 800888 SBPVIOG

Students who use FirstSearch. an electronic ref-
erence service provided by the UK Library, will
need to pick up a new password at one of the
libraries’ service desks since the current ones are
changing. As of Nov. 18, UK is splitting the ser-
vices previously grouped under FirstSearch. One
service will include eight databases: WorldCat,
PapersFirst, ProceedingsFirst, ArticleFirst, Con-
tentsFirst, NetFirst and Fulltest.

The second service will also require a password,
as it will access more than 50 additional First-
Search databases.

Both passwords will be available at M.I. King,
branch libraries, Chandler Medical Center and
agriculture and law libraries, said Bonnie Cox, col-
lectjon development librarian.

In the future, Cox said FirstSearch passwords
will likely change annually.

letters indict Stanlord man

LOUISVILLE, Ky. — A Stanford man was
indicted by a federal grand jury yesterday for writ—
ing threatening letters to several Louisville banks,
Jefferson County police and other county officials.

The indictment alleges Earl Harris Matheny,
50, who lives in Lincoln County, mailed eight let-
ters to the various Jefferson County officials and
de artments and four area banks threatening bodi-
ly liarm to people in the buildings.

m City violates First Amendment

NEW YORK —~ A federal judge ruled yester-
day that the mayor’s office tram led on federal law
and the First Amendment in a ght over access to
cable TV channels in the nation’s largest media

The decision was a victory for media 'ant
Time Warner, which has accused Mayor RuCF’olph
Giuliani of playing political favorites in a bid to
force the Fox News Channel onto Time Warner’s
cable system, the city's largest.

Giuliani said the decision temporarily makes
Time Warner vice chairman Ted Turner “the
c7ar of programming” in New York. The city
plans to appeal.

“The city should be ashamed of what it has
done and skulking away with its tail between its
legs,” said Time Warner lawyer Peter Haje.
“Instead they intend to pursue this matter fur-

U.S. District Judge Denise Cote’s ruling tem—
porarily blocks the city from carrying the Fox
channel or the Bloomberg Information Service on
city-run, non-commercial public access stations
that usually carry ethnic pro ams, community
bulletin boards and educationa shows.

The injunction stays in effect while the judge
hears arguments in Time Warner’s case against
the city, which could take months to resolve.

Iexaco chairman apologizes Illl‘ WOI'IIS

NEW YORK — The chairman of Texaco pub-
licly a ologized yesterday for racist statements
made g several top executives and said he had
suspended two of them who still work for the

Texaco chairman and chief executive Peter
Bijur also confirmed that the company had
received criminal subpoenas from a federal grand
jury investigating whether the executives
destroyed documents on minority hiring.

“I want to offer an apolo to our fellow
employees who were rightly o fended by these
statements and to eople throughout America
and elsewhere aroun the world," Bijur said dur—
ing a news conference.

He also outlined a series of steps to review
company policies on discrimination and better
educate workers.

The racist statements were caught on cassette
tapes made in 1994 b an executive, Richard
Lundwall, who attende meetings of the compa-
ny’s finance department.

After Lundwall’s position was eliminated, he
retired, then later turned the tapes over to a lawyer
suing Texaco for discrimination.

Lundwall and others at the meetings referred to
black employees as “niggers” and “black jelly
beans,” mocked Kwanza and Hanukkah celebra—
tions and discussed destroying the documents on
minority hiring, according to court papers in the
class-action discrimination lawsuit brought on
behalf of l ,500 black Texaco workers.

m Pan Am near settlement

LONDON —— Families of most of the British
victims on the Pan Am flight that exploded over
Lockerbie, Scotland, have agreed to an out-of-
court settlement from the airline’s insurers, a
spokesman for the families said esterday.

Insurance companies are ogering each famil
about $850,000, said Press Association, the Britis
news agency.

That's less than the compensation the families
of some US. victims have already received.

The explosion aboard the New York-bound
jumbo jet over Lockerbie, Scotland, on Dec. 21,
1988, killed all 259 people on board and ll on the

Two Libyans have been indicted in the bomb-
ing but have never been turned over to U.S.
authorities for trial. So far, Pan Am has id an
estimated $500 million in dama , and a t 20
more cases are pending, according to lawyers for
American victims.




“Our children are our future, Survey. the state _ vemment and octl
and what we want to do is to help carto phy b Isheljs such as Rand
prevent abuse and violence,” she MC allvm the Lenngton Planmng
“id- f0 11qu 33;?!“ th'

Registration r the conference cm m and“: Oliver - - KEI . ave a program out on is
is $50, which includes lunch. ,1“, Mine M ”gm, "’7" “5"" "d Fnbhnxfiae "m department m January-

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. ._-~—.~~~~u ..

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2 m, November 7, I996, Kentucky Klmel

.. ... -OW... . ‘

lluke giving Cats the recruiting blues

Iy Brett Dawson
Senior Sufi Writer

Elton Brand is going to send
someone scrambling today.

When Brand, a 6-foot-8 for-
ward from Peekskill High School
in Peekskill, NY, makes his col—
lege choice at 3 pm. today, one
college coach is going to be rush-
ing to ick up the pieces.
~ 0d 5 are, it’ll be Rick Pitino.

’ After all, the smart money says
Brand will commit to Duke.

i “From everything I’ve heard,
it’s oin to be Duke,” recruiting
ana yst ob Gibbons said yester—
day. “I think that he feels like
Duke’s style of play is a little bet-

ter fit for him.”

Though Brand has said he’ll
choose between Duke, UK and
Villanova, among others, Gibbons
calls the Blue Devils “close to a

If Brand indeed selects Duke
over UK, he won’t be the first ——
the Blue Devils are stockpiling the
nation’s top recruiting class. On
Tuesday, Oak Hill Academy guard
William Avery joined 6-foot-8
forward Shane Battier as Top 25
players to commit to the Blue

But Gibbons said that won’t
exactly leave Pitino and UK out in
the cold.

“I certainly don’t think this is







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any indication that Rick Pitino
isn’t doing his job,” he said.

“Recruiting is a process that has
a lot of luck involved. That 00d
fortune may be shining on uke
this year. It's shined on Michigan
in the past, and it’s shined on Ken-
tucky in some years."

With Derek Anderson, Antho-
ny Epps, Jared Prickett and likely
Ron Mercer departing after this
season, though, Pitino could use
his share of good fortune.

In ill tell

Pitino already has commit-
ments from two Top 100 players,
6-foot-7 swingman Myron Antho-
ny and 6-3 shooting guard Ryan
Hogan. Each can fill a need for the
Cats next season, Gibbons said.

Hogan, who hails from Deer-
field, 111., can provide shooting off
the bench.

Anthony, a Ne tune, Fla.,
native, will team wit Manhattan
College transfer Heshimu Evans
to provide a solid tandem at small
forward, should Mercer elect to
enter the NBA Draft.

“Those two are very talented
players,” Gibbons said. “Kentucky
has to be happy with already hav-
ing brought them in.”

In addition, Gibbons said, red-
shirting senior Jeff Sheppard gives
UK a safety net at shooting guard.

“The one position that they
really needed to shore up was the
shooting guard,” Gibbons said.
“Sheppard is a much better player
than William Avery or anyone else
would’ve been coming in as a

lln the horizon

The Cats are involved with a
number of the top seniors in the
country, Gibbons said, and many
of them won’t sign in the fall peri-
od, which begins next week.

The exceptions are Brand and

Brian Bersticker, who also will
announce his colle choice today.
Gibbons predicts at Bersticker, a
6-foot-10 power forward/center
from Virginia Beach, Va., will
select North Carolina over UK

“I think that it’s long been his
dream to play at North Carolina,”
he said. “JR. Reid went to the
same hi h school, and that planted
the see for Bersticker.”

The x-factor among the blue—
chip players is Chris Burgess, the
top-ranked player in the class.
Burgess, a 6-foot-10 center from
Irvine, Ca., hasn’t made it clear
when he’ll sign.

When he does, he’s expected to
choose between Duke, BYU and

“Kentucky is absolutely not out
of the running for Burgess,” Gib—
bons said. “Despite what people
have said, it is not over.”

sin-In lute actlel

If, as Gibbons predicts, Brand
commits to Duke and Bersticker
gives the good word to North
Carolina today, UK likely will
have to focus its recruiting efforts
on the spring.

Durin that time, Pitino proba-
bl will ocus his efforts on a trio
olytalented big men —— 6-foot-8
Tracy McGrady of Durham,
N.C., and 6-9James Felton and 7-
] Kareem Shabazz, both of New

But all three are longshots,
Gibbons said. He predicts Felton
and Shabazz will stay in the Big
East, at St. John’s and Syracuse,

And McGrady isn’t likely to
qualify academically. If he doesn’t,
Gibbons expects the versatile
power forward to jump straight to
the NBA Draft, a la Kevin Gamett
and Jermaine O’Neal, both of
whom failed to make the grade.

“If he qualifies, the home ties


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HAVING II SAFE Redrhirting senior guard fifl Sheppard provide: a backup
plan if the Cats are" ’t able to land a top prospect at shooting guard.

favor Florida or Florida State,”
Gibbons said of McGrady.

“But Tracy is a marginal stu—
dent at best, which is why so many
people feel he’s destined for the

Though things look bleak now,
Gibbons said Cat fans shouldn’t
sweat the bad news. It’s only a

matter of time, he said, before
Pitino recls in at least one big

“Kentucky already has two very
solid prospects, and if they miss
out on all these other guys, they’ll
wind up with a very solid talent in
the spring period," Gibbons said.
“You can mark that down.”

Get this strai ht from the
beginning: UK goalie David Muse
is a Louisville fan.

“I never dreamt l’d end up at
UK,” the Louisville native said.

So the man that grew up bleed-
ing Cardinal Red chose to wear
Wildcat Blue? What could be the

Simple, Muse said. In today’s
pressure filled contest known as
recruitin , the Cats let him make
his own ecision.

“They were real cool in the
recruiting process,” Muse said.
“They didn’t put a lot of pressure
on me as far as si ing, and 1 took
that into consitfenration when l
made my decision."

After he made the choice to
attend UK, he faced the daunting
task of tryin to help put a new
program on t e ma ).

UK head coach Ian Collins
stepped in as coach in 1994, and
has helped Muse step his game up.
Muse offers testimonial to the fact
that Collins has helped him to
adjust to the college game.

Muse said, “We both hate to
lose more than anything. He has
taught me that you always have to
work hard, and it isn’t enough just
to play well, you have to win."

At the beginning of this season,
Muse was locked into a battle with
junior Chris West, last year’s
starter, for the goal assignment.
Muse claimed the position in the.
first ame against Wright State,
and est has since been redshirt-
ed. Muse is a full-time starter for
the first time in his UK career.

“It meant a lot to me, and I‘m
just happy to have won the spot,"


JAMES CRISP szel mfl

JUMP I‘ll The Catr’ David Muse watcher with anticipation as two oppo-
nents hanleflir a header.

Cardinal at heart glad
to be wearing llll hlue

By Jill Erwin
Staff Writer

Muse said. “I didn’t get to play
much last year, and it’s almost like
I didn’t have a junior year. West is
a great player, and he’s still got his
two years left.”

The Cats have had problems
this year with chemistry and inex—
perience. UK has 11 freshmen and
a transfer, and lost five starters

from last year’s 16-5-1 team. But _
Muse does not see a division with— y

in the team, despite the problems.
“ Muse said. “We have become
closer. \Ve may sit there and fight,

fight, fight, but we’re friends on.

the field and off the fielt .”

()ne of his teammates, Sean.

Endicott, has got respect for Muse
and his style of play.

“Dave is a guy who isn’t always
the hardest worker, and l think he
would be the first to admit it, but
when it comes down to business,

he’s always going to be there,“

lindicott said.
llis light spirit comes into play

offthe field as well. His Sega video .

game, directly under the TV in
the living room, is surrounded by
sports games. Ran ing from soc-
cer to football to Easeball, Muse
plays all of them, and he plays
them to win. -

“lfyou beat me, I'm oing to be
mad at you,” Muse saitf. “I’m just
real competitive,"

That drive to win has helped

Muse fit in here, and he has come
to realize that UK was the right
choice for him.

“I'm thankful for the op ortu-
nity to play here,” Muse sait . “I’ve

learned a lot of lessons that 1‘

Couldn’t have learned just being a
regular student. When I graduate-

from here, I’m going to look back
and miss it, but it’s helped me a ,









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Kentucky Kernel, ”may, November 7, 1996 I

Voter turnout lowest since 1924

By Harry F. Rosenthal
Assoc-thud Pres:

than half America's eligible voters
stayed home on Election Day,
producing the lowest turnout
since 1924 when Calvin
Coolidge's campaign didn’t excite
the electorate either. Chief among
the reasons cited by experts was
President Clinton's near-certain

The final figures weren’t in on
Wednesda , the day after the elec—
tion, but (Iurtis Gans, director of
the Committee for Study of the
American Electorate, said he
expects Tuesday’s turnout to be
48.8 percent of eligible voters.
That compares with 55 percent in

In all, 95.8 million people will
have voted, he said, out of 196.5
million who were eligible.

The 1924 turnout that elected

the taciturn Coolidge was 50.1
percent. The previous low turnout
was in 1824, with 48.9 rcent.

Some of the peope who did
vote indicated they held their
noses while doing it.

Gilbert Finger of Grosse
Pointe Park, Mich., said he decid-
ed to vote “because I have no right
to gripe ifI don’t.”

He chose Clinton, but said,
“It’s almost like I’m voting for the
lesser of two evils.”

Gans said the attack advertising
one or two hours a day “ 'ves
people a choice between barf.l and
awful, worse and worser, and cre-
ates a all across the system.”

Ro ert Y. Shapiro, a political
science professor at Columbia
University, said Clinton’s lead in
the polls held down the turnout.

“The presidential election was
essentially a done deal,” he said.

Shapiro says voters in 1992
were upset about the state of the

economy and wanted to vote
against George Bush. And Ross
Perot’s presence in the race stirred
voter interest. Paradoxically,
Perot probably had something to
do with peop e staying away on
Tuesday, Shapiro said.

“This go-round, voters were
turned off by him,” he added. “He
laid the groundwork for a third
party, but I think that Perot was
perceived as tired, worn and less
effective." West Virginians voted
in far larger percentages than the
national average, but the turnout,
at just under 64 percent, fell below
expectations. It was “M&M poli-
tics,” said West Vir ' ia Secretary
of State Ken HecEI’e’r, who had
predicted 75 percent. “If you look
at M&Ms, they’re all different
colors on the outside. And when
you bite into them, they’re all
similar on the inside.”

Politics has become dependent
on mud and money, said Hechler,

who served in Harry Truman’s
White House. “All too frequent-
ly, the voters look at this and they
throw up their hands, and say
what’s the use in voting.”

Forrest Maltzman, an assistant
professor of political science at
George Washington University,
said voter turnout goes down
when people think they know the

“A lot of people thought they
knew exactly what was going to
happen and that it was not worth
bothering to vote,” he said.

J.P. Monroe, a professor of
political science at the University
of Miami, said the low turnout is a
concern. “Here you have half the
eligible voters electin the most
important olitical o icial in the
country,” c said. “That carries
tremendous implications. When
more and more people don’t par-
ticipate, you cease to be a democ-



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Amendment tails
in 5 lly. counties

By Allen 6. Breed
Associated Press

Clinton County was one of only five in
the state where an amendment to take
racially offensive lan age out of the Ken—
tucky Constitution ailed. But Laura Sid-
well said it was a matter of confusion, not

“We wanted the word ‘colored’ taken
out,” Sidwell, a teacher at Clinton County
Middle School, said Wednesday. “It need-
ed to be stated a little bit simpler for the
people in our county. We are a poverty

Faye Wallace, a hair dresser at Hair
Corner in downtown Albany, said confu-
sion wasn’t the only factor.

“I’d probably say that Clinton County is
a racist county, to be honest with you,” she
said. “I think they like it the way it is.”

The amendment was to delete two
archaic provisions of the 1891 constitution.
One required separate public schools for
white and “colored” children. The other
allowed local governments to impose a poll
tax, which had been an effective way to
keep blacks and poor whites from voting.

The measure passed by a vote of
563,864-2 74,438, or 67 percent. But voters
in Clinton, Jackson, Laurel, Martin and
Monroe counties rejected it. None of the
five is a model of racial diversity. Their
black populations, according to the 1990
Census, are six of 9,135 in Clinton; two of
11,955 in Jackson; 245 of43,438 in Laurel;
eight of 12,526 in Martin; and 350 of
1 1,401 in Monroe.

But observers in each said their counties
should not be looked upon as racist because
the amendment failed.

Laurel CountyJudge-Executive Dennis
Kart said he had a good explanation for his

He said people overwhelmingly rejected
a proposed switch to urban-county govem-
ment, and he thinks the amendment ques-
tion went along for the ride.

“I think there was confusion, and a lot of


KBIIIIGK! Illfllfll “I'll”

How Kentucky voted in the 1996 election

VPRESIDENT (8) -- Clinton edged Dole
46 percent to 45 percent in state that now
has voted tor last eight presidential win»
nets. Perot 9 percent.

VSENATE - Republican Mitch
McConnell spent $3.5 million, beat Demo-
cratic lormer Lt. Gov. Steve Beshear. 55
percent to 43 percent.

VHOUSE — Old: 2D, 411; New: 10, SR.

VLEGISLATURE — Old Senate: 210,
17R; New Senate120D, 18R. Old House:
63D, 37R; New House: 64D; 36R.

VPROPOSITIONS -~ Purged 105oyear-
old, unenlorced race laws requiring segre~
gated schools and allowing poll taxes.

VPOLL-POURRI — Supreme Court Jus-
tice Nick King. awarded fortune when shot-
gun blew up in his hands, spent $500,000
of own money and still lost his appointed

VBY THE NUMBERS - Rep. Mike Ward,
who last won by just 473 votes out of
152,405 cast, lost to Republican Anne
Northup by 1,299 votes.

VQUOTEBOOK — “It was money,
money, money." -- Beshear, outspent
more than 2-to-1 by McConnell.




people probably voted ‘no’ on both of them
just to get the right one,” he said.

Martin County also had a local “yes” or
“no" issue on the ballot -—— whether to
switch from magistrates to commissioners.
That referendum also failed, but County
Clerk Carol Sue Mills said it was probably
the poll tax provision that threw most vot-

The Rev. Louis Coleman, head of the
Shelbyville-based Justice Resource Center,
acknowledged that even he was confused
about the amendment’s wording.

“I had to read it twice,” he said.

clinton's second-term cabinet shakeup oil
to last start with exit ol at least 6 stallers

By Terence Hunt
Associated Prat:

WASHINGTON —— The anchors of
President Clinton’s national security team
— Warren Christopher and William Perry
— led a snowballing exodus
of at least six Cabinet offi-
cials yesterday in a sweep-
ing second-term staff

Commerce Secretary
Mickey Kantor told Clin-
ton he intended to resi to
return to California. ner-

Secretary Hazel cum”
O’Leary, out of favor, also
was quitting, officials said.

Transportation Secretary Federico Pena
and Housing Secretary Henry Cisncros
were ex cted to leave, as well, administra-
tion of icials said. White House officials
were waging a behind-the-scenes campaign
for Attorney General Janet Reno to go; 5 e
wants to stay.

As the president returned triumphantly
to the White House from victory celebra-
tions in Arkansas, Washington buzzed with
leaks about resignations and speculation
about successors. No formal announce-
ments were expected before a Cabinet
meeting on Friday.

Clinton brushed aside questions about
his staff, telling reporters on Air Force One
“we just want to savor what happened yes-

There were varying reasons for the staff
reshuffling. Some, like presidential senior
adviser Geor Stephanopoulos, made no
secret of the ct they are worn out. Out -
ing chief of staff Leon Panetta is consi er—
ing running for governor of California.
Some officials — O’Lea , Reno — were
nudged toward the door.rI’n general, Clin-
ton wants to reinvigorate his presidency.
