xt79w08wdd4s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79w08wdd4s/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-01-31 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 31, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 31, 1985 1985 1985-01-31 2020 true xt79w08wdd4s section xt79w08wdd4s ___________________________________—________________—_.__—__
V‘fyf‘i-r j “V f‘ Jy‘l .. . €r§§¢$fii§f§l§oé .41}: "figwgggfy ~ , .,; 3 . . 5 j a}, », l .3 *
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SGA d "— i s” UKt ii
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to alter student code rm» ~ = h 7 “Ckets for ~ ‘ .
" ‘ - ~ .. . .Ixi "'- ' ”it?" I“ " -
Student group narrowly denounces ‘ .- . ‘- - ~- . - ‘ Ina Olll' : . ‘
discrimination for sexual orientation . i - . .. .. r -. .. a?" 5 00 student P615595 = .- l 3.
By ANDREWDAVIS proposed the bill)." Monroe said. 4\_ 3Q; - '1 it ; .wii: available in lottery i ' '
Senior Staff Writer ”We havenorighttodiscriminate.” \ * 3‘48: V ' . '-
After Freshman Senator Joe ‘yl '. y .Z:‘f°""v"" 5,3,? . , . - .- , ' '
After a long and sometimes Sears' motion to indefinitely post- ’- ‘i is ' , , . _ . é”; _ :; Std" r1‘90"“ , 3 . . V,
heated hour‘long debate. the Student pone the bill failed. senator after . .. “3;.” e as. ' v. .. ’ " , 3% ,, fig» , _ . .'
c Government Association last night senator, as well as a few audience , ., ‘ , j 'V W , llV ;, if ’ 33$ ‘ 1:. 5:32:21“ 83:33??? I??? 835258: .' ' ,. - ~
endorsed legislation prohibiting dis- members, expressed their views on ‘ 3‘ § l. ; :(f- . an; . 3;: tickets to the NCAA Fir?al%our tour- » . 3. , . 1‘ 1
crimination of students on the basis the bill. When the measure passed, - . #3.: ‘~ 1 . _ - . .f , t $5: ~ . l, s nament ' . . i .
”7““" of sexual orientation. about 10 senators left, but most re— , ‘ .‘ ' 2;: l "i ' ‘afi -'-- V ,3 . ' ~ . . . i '
B, a m or me a... tumeamwnemeeung. it ~ :- i. . ~ , . . ~~ 3.333333253333225 sexism ‘ ._
. _ voted to include the words “sexual Those who spoke against the bill , t i " "ca-1 _ I . 3-; “Ms... M..- Ls. the University will hold a lottery to _, _
. orientation" to the list of ways in said they were not against homosex- l t _ .“4 2 5‘ .' , sell 500 ticke ts at \lemorial Col- ~ .- . ,
which students cannot be discrimi- uality but saw no reason for adding , ”ll. Wit ‘ f . , , , -V iseum A ' '

‘ hated. However, the measure still thephrase. {I V 5 ’ » . , -. ' f“ . ' .- ' . . . - - ‘ 1 V .
must be passed by the Student Code Tom Stephens, communications "I; . ”i; > . . 3.9 as; {l Oggefgosr; E2 71h; $011231 "gust: ' . ' -. ‘.
Revision Committee and the Univer- senator, said he thought the bi“ “ ‘ ' V 'V I 3- ' i t :8“: t dents with validated lbs and activ- . E‘ t
sity Senate. The Senate Council this would actually hurt homosexuals. , ~93: y 3‘ if "i itv cards will be admitted Each stu- ' ~ . .‘ ,-
week unanimously passed the mea- "Government institutions . -’ . . 7:1“ -E dgm will et a numbered t b d . '
sure. shouldn‘t point out differenceS" ~ . 7 the other gh' it Will be 1 Ste: '3" " V V

The bill states: “SGA believes among humans, he said. “We‘re not ' ‘°‘ V -_ 3 1 drum similaftothose use“; :icBingflo a » I '
that, like race, color, religion. sex, helping gay rights. It‘s ridiculom to fit c» a " i i . . A re resemam-e from the de n of ‘ ' '
marital status, national origin, age havealist.“ M . 9;»,5, ., 5 g??? studentps staff m” then m .. :3ij , ,: i
or beliefs, sexual orientation is an College of Medicine Senator Kevin .. t ' and the lotterv wmners “m'm able . .. .
irrelevant consideration when ad- Moore said he was agaimt the bill fT ‘= to purchase ul, to two sew of tickets , - 1 '
mitting a student, determining his because of the term “sexual orienta- fl; 5' t i to a” three tournament games the
or her financial aid, or awarding tion." “There’s a lack of specificity .. . semifinals on March 30 and the final '
himorheragradeforaclass." in sexual orientation. lt‘s adding 1 game April 1' But to purchase two .

At the meeting. a standing count morevagueness." sets. students must have two vali- '
0f the senators produced a 13'” "9- The proposed word change began dated IDs and ‘dCllVlty cards. and _
However, after 3 roll C3” Of all lsen- when leaders from GALUS, Young both card-holders must be present _ ’ _
ators, the measure was passed 13'” Democrats, Emergence ta feminist E Burch stressed the fact that stu—

Theo Monroe,'a‘senator-at-large and newspaper). the National Organiza- t dents can't Slmpt." "bring 50mm"? ‘
one Of the bills 590050“. said he tion for Women and Socially Con- t else's ID“ to purchase tickets. and . ‘

was somewhat surprised the vote cerned Students submitted the word E that EUCh aCtWit)‘ card Cit” be "sad ‘

was so close. He attributedthis to change. l only once. '
the fact that four 0f the bl“ 5 SPOH~ ‘ .____g_ , __ . , g g _..s Each set of tickets WI“ cost $43 . -
sors were not present at the meet- Although SGA has no power to ' "‘Rfifiifi‘“filfiw,t “My,” ml, sets for $86 only cash “l“ he . '
ing. enact the legislation, the bill states accepted ‘ ‘ ’ ,

Monroe said he was pleased. how- that SGA President Tim Freuden— . 3 .‘ . _ . ,, _
ever, that the bill finally passed. berg is “author'llzssd and directtegd to KentuCky Kernels €93:le Llléwkllllgltsl: muffiéznohi ‘ - ‘ .

“We‘re not endorsing GALUS communicate t e sentimen to _ , , . . .'.- . . . . ‘

(Gay and lesbian Union of St udents, tl appropriate officials." Mark Kenyon, a history senior, dishes out popcorn at the Student Center yesterday. $11: ‘eAsggfehtltf)theuiinirtlittsutigyrtelt .
which was one of the groups WhiCh SceSGA,page6 ceived 1,500 tickets as the host
1 school " .
Health Servrce swamped, students experience symptoms of biggest outbreak of contagious vzrus m the past four years ' - .
By SACHA DEV’ROOMEN Churchill said the health service rhea, Churchill Said. Some. students also stay away from greasy foods He said it is too late to do any times the symptoms may not be the
Senior Staff Writer sizes about: 142“? ngj'St‘Ude?ts every; also have complained of dizzmess. and milk products. thing to keep from catching the flu. flu. “It may be an underlying condi- '
y in w -in mm aone, an . . After the first few da 5, lo "l‘d s t a fl va in rior to ' - h l t 11 ”
. . Ch hll y peop ugges u cc e p tion that may notbet efua a .

More students have the flu this about 60 of those come in With the takelfrrceasy “5:2: “:2ng 1:20;]: will develop an upper respiratory in~ flu season,“ he said. All students
year than in the last four years. and flu. pirin or Tylenol for the fever and fection, Churchill said. This has can do now is limit exposure to peo- The health service is pretty busy . ,
there is nothing students cm- do to . “I hope to start seeing a decline in drink lots of fluids If students have symptoms such as coughing and ple with the flu. all day. Churchill sail . although ear- . , _ ’
keep from getting it, according to itinthenext fewweeks,"hesaid. nausea an upset stomach and diar- congestion and will last for about her in the day students can usually ' .
ammglurglulljw CIS‘tmsalllt slclrviltt': He said there is no way to tell rhea they should eat crackers. two weeks. Students should ust However, the flu. vaccine is not'a beinandout withinan hour. . .

. u 9 ea which strain of the flu it is because toast. jelloand soup. cough syrup and a decongestani deterrent, Churchill said. It m“ ' V
- - ~ suc as u . essen e symp oms an s or en . ,
Serwce allstrains havethesame conditions h S dafed I th t d h t E
We have not. had a large out- . Students, however, should only eat If in the two weeks students devel the timeof recovery. . , ' .
break of the flu Since 1979." he said. During the ”St few days of the when their stomach tells them it is op an earache or a deep persistent '
This year “is not near as large as it flu. people may have 8 high temper- ready for food, he-said. ‘_‘You are cough or chest pains, they should Churchill said the only other ad- ’ ~
was then although it is heaVier than ature, Chills. headache, muscle 591‘?- not going to feel like eating great come back into the health service to vice he could give is to come in to " .
usual. ness, nausea, vomiting and diar- quantities anyway." Students should beseen byadoctor, Churchill said. the health service, because many 4 ' - ,
. . A Kentucky mm danced his way , ' . '
across the country. He now brings ' ‘ ' '1 .
orum iscusses new oroug re ree m2 ru es ................,......... - = . .,
a, ductionof“SevenBridesforSeven ,
By “MJOHNSON worked really hard on these to Ford Dodge laboratories to be disease,“ he said. “That can cause Where thatyou can keep a horse Brothers." See DIVERSIONS. . ' . '
SeniorStaff Writer guidelines,“ said Dr. James D. developed, Boswellsaid. problems later on when trying to completely isolated. Studies have al- mu. ' I _
Smith, a member of the equine prac- “When you get 1,000 people under sell on the international market and ready shown that humans can trans- . . . .

The state Board of Agriculture titioners infectious disease commit- one roof, it‘s awfully hard to get the blood test on your horse comes mitthc disease from horse to horse. The Wildcats will take on Laziness ’ . . ' ,
yesterday “created more confision tee. “This is also not the last word. them to agree totally on the same up positive and no one knows if it ”Since the disease can be spread mummrytm Them in -
than anything else," according to we may have to change them next thing," he said. “The vaccine is not has had EVA 0r the vaccination." nmall, if a trainer or any personnel looking to regroup when the SEC - _ ,
DonWaits. week, but this is the best job we 100 percent licensed and that does The vaccine will be ready for dis- toucheys the muzzle of an infected rival canes to town. For more. see . ‘

Waits was one of 1,000 people who coulddoasof today." create some worry (among breed- tribution no later than Feb. 5. _ mm"; . . . '

. . . . . . . . . . . horse, then the next horse that per
packed the Keeneland Sales Pav1hon DaVid E. Boswell, commssioner ers), but the vaccme is indeed, in according to J. D. Wolf, director of son touches will contract EVA .3 he .I . -
in a public forum held to explain of the Kentucky Department of Agri- part,asolution totheproblem.“ Livestock Sanitation for the Ken- said ‘ _ . 3 .
and clarify the new proposed culture, presided over the meeting When a stallion or mare is vacci- tucky Department of Agriculture. ' WEATHER . '
guidelines for the upcoming thor- and briefly outlined the guidelines, hated, the blood test comes up posi- Another major question concerned “We are not opening up a Pando- . ._
oughbred breeding season. terming them “fairly self-explaha- tive to EVA, even though the horse the ease of transmission of the dis- ra‘s box and letting an evil disease Tm ll” m will become ”‘3 - , ,

The guidelines, which the board tory." He then asked for questions never contracted the disease, Smith ease. escape,“ said Dr. Peter Timoney, a and W m m ef- - '
ratified at noon, established several frommefloor. said. ”The guidelines propose isolation virologist in UK‘s veterinary science m. .m will be m. er a »
regulations for the protection of A major concern involved the pro- “We cannot vaccinate without run- shelters for the animals with EVA.“ department, “We know what the diS- additional Mon and it w- . '
horses against another outbreak of cedure of administrating the newly ning the risk of causing blood-neg- said Dr. Robert E. Copeland. a vet- ease is and how to treat it. We must mm m_m “It!
equine viral arteritis. approved vaccine. The vaccine was ative to transfer to blood-positive erinarian from Paris. Ky. “That is not get too paranoid about the dis- into l“ lower 21b} 7&3 w '

“First of all. a lot of people founded by UK researchers but sent without any record of vaccination or impossible. There is no place any- ease.“ marrow witl be M and odd. ‘ . '

' C 11 w mm ‘ ‘ I
ampus expansron ,__. ard a o 8 co uters

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' ‘ . ’_ . I 9 . '. " \‘(WL f ‘, By JOHN JURY to Sharon Chiltt, program coordina-
. 2‘ fl 35 t_1 \ my Staff Writer tor for Commuter Student Office.
ENDY SUSAN SMITH UK commissioned Crane and Gor- m __ ' " .. 4% ..:“ _ . Commuter student cards are is-
Shimmer wic Planning and Urban Duign \ ,, .1 15% .3. a Jeff Willey had to turn in his com- sued to off-campus students who
Consultants a Detroit-based firm. to ‘ er f- ._'-, -> puter science homework assignment need to park on campus to run er-
About 20 years 880. planners draw up a plan to expand the cam- . ‘ , , . '1. . " before 10 am. or his imtructor rands, see a professor or drop off a
thought UK would one day be four pus. In 1964. Crane and Gorwic L H _ ” Wmhmfiwmdmew pap" .
timestargerthanitisnow. came up with the m plan. " . But find"! ." parking 3.9.". on . Thestudentscan park '" four dee-
um campus was to be so mon- Eardleysaid. . air-E?" m campus at 9 in the morning is a ignated parking spaces on Funk-
umental in size that it wouldbenec- “Each of the four towers would \ ' ““5 hard “'3" indeed. A"?! Willey, a homer Drive near the Chemistry-
. l of . ant like . check. computer science senior, had to PhySics Building for up toan hour.

mfilrl: :gzauhugfiw :le lm‘d lmow 3;" the 3k . drive from his off-campm residence The Funkhouser Drive location is
—fourbig -—tohelps l to hellwe ll .n‘mn I ' togetthepeperinontime. theonly spotoncampm toparkbe—
w mwnourths ll east and "I" . ~ Normally, he would have to go by cause, Childs said, the location is

”ween? with”; was ,, said Anthony Larry Coleman, UK“: physical —-—-—-—- ~~*- . the UK police station and pick up a “considered to be the central cam-

Eardley dean of the College of Ar- plant director at that time, helped visitor's pass and still hope to find pm“

chitecture devise the plan and helped in chooo- _/ an available parking spot. Students with the cards are en-

Only one of the four __ Pat in Join-ori-Roriiamwltz Arclutects Instead, Willey simply drove to couraged not to use the spaces for

Office '1‘ —was tructedtu. ”‘ lnc., from a lint of thee architectu- . the central campm entrance off classes, but Child: said students who

mac“ inedcothemtinthemid "Minuteman-emulated , mwmmmuwat- doperkthere-contributetooneof
“ml" . . “I mater lit". Rid m Runa- LYINIAM c tendent his commuter student card. theproblemswlththecant.

"‘0' MW” 9"“ mm” m“ nowlt: ”ideal of the W "'" """‘" and. llowed h" t rk Studen requi [resell

theUKetudentbodywouldupend Mtgm‘lmmmm etmcted,"eoitwuuptoutode~ hidI-risebuildingswereellenthl— 1"" n" ““°"' “m "d“ ‘
ll lily. w map“ but and elgilt,"Ranenowltzeeld. to mm a lot of We in . in a specific space on hinkhouer their earth tothegate attendantbe-
"With a! ti“! mm .8 m". a 10'. “1N Unlvenl felt "It if it dd mu m « hm H mmu Drive whileheranhisernnd. fa’etheyperk,flreuid.
PM” ”I" theCleeu'oomBulldl ty ' ‘ ' ' “

and Ipsculltlon of pnurlm "8- not build liidi—rlee buildims, it said. "he card really came in handy. The W are Bully full, aid

into moon. the University decid- Crane and M, along with Co- wouid have many scattered cem- "we Mt that if the build- “Wm?" m MP,“ 9"“ 9" “a?” “ ""

edthettheyneededaplenforex- lanan.decidedthetthetowcand m,mhnueumvmnyor imminrumuiimmdauu. “Mum““l’tm” ““11"“ NM“

par-tori." the low-rue moan. would be eon- Michigan," he said. “That is why ”mlmm'". hm the commit" w“. MN Summon“

i a

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, , ~' ’ ' By um cmusu: o
I"; ”a, . .33 ~ - Staff Writer
~ _ 3‘ ’ a; ~» gig Somepeople havealltheluck.
f a , 3 ' ' ;* When Eastern Kentuchv Universi-
« .... 3333,. 333 ty junior Rick Kirby went to New
to . 5% gaggia ._ York for spring break, all he wanted
._ ,, 3 _.;:::§ng _. was seven days to see Broadway
' 3,. .; '3’»: ~.,.. - plays But fate pulled some stores , ..
31‘ ,x $33.33. and when - “just for fun" — Kirby 3 E 3.1-. ,.,';'€3 W»§2.g‘:3;- . i
5‘s in. - -‘ . ___. 3g, 3 33333333333333 l3 auditioned for the hit musical “Okla- “isn’t. ~3. i
- . i’ 3 .z n, . ‘ 3; 33:33 EKUneversawhimagain. .. a £3? " ‘*~--* " ““**=~;-Z:~2_' .--._;'*f3.3*’-"
3 _ . é. '5' 1.33335: 3......3flr33wxé: That was two years ago. Since §"*33M":.1¥"‘*33:§~§* ,.
r»: “ >~ ‘ '” “1 3&3?“ “a; then he has danced his way across 1 "1”“? "v 5.3 a. $339“? . st" . .
3.53.: ~33 - 3 ' .' ~ tfi3ssez as“); the United States and ventured into ‘ 3 :3. * “he ’ em:.~..33.333
3 ~' - ,' " 5v?“ 3 » 2 . ’ ‘ 3333r‘ “3391“: Canada while acting in New York- - Fifi.»- ; " *‘ilsi “-3.3; ‘*:*.?ei3f
. s. i in; ii. .-* ‘ * ’ * '- *1- . * based Productive Wt. 22-year ' 2-; ’ ‘ "if I. '
. . :32*" , " ' :‘--‘~a?2- ." . 1%: old Kirby will bring his musical tal- a... 2'» * >1"
1' 3% 3 3 .- 2-- -- .:...... .w ‘ ent to Lexington as Daniel in “Seven g...» . -
. . _ V -. ‘ “a I35? BridesforSevenBrothers." - _ .3. 3*
w 7 - ' 3 3 . _ ” " ' But things haven’t always gone {so .‘3’ '
3 morocourssi orcoueriA "trunks this smoothly. Before landing his §_ . . kefifls
- . . . . . . , .. . ,, first college role — Riff in “West .- 3333'
3 Victor Banerjee is a young Indian doctor accused of rape in DaVid Lean s A Passage To India. Side Story" _ he had only had five w. ,3 333... 3 333 33
dance lessons. '1?“ f! '*
A native of Irvine, Ky. —- popula- ‘ 3 U 3 3 ’ “fftJ r 3;
‘ ’ tion 2,9“) — Kirby smiled when re- , '_;.f5§.~§;:3.=é ~ 3 . 3*
0w assage mernbering his hometown dance in- - ' " - ~ ' - " ,3 3": _;_ .* .,-
structionattheageofu. ‘ 3 3K3» .- "T ' 31.3w; ~
. - . . . . . “There was only one lady who ' 2 l. r .‘535’.
‘ ’ ' n “u." .....‘:.‘1. T3. g i. 3.
Passage to India IS beautifully directed but actzonless mush: dance m town — Erie his. . - . -. s - .~
___________ he said. According to the tall. curly- 3;; _ 3 ‘ “AX " i“. «p.353

Watching "A Passage to India“ is of longing for a resolution to the cul- haired actor, True taught the basic 3333.3] as ' a3 3, = :37.
similar to looking at a great paint- The rape ofan tural problems. And similarly. lndi- step-touch routines. “I wanted to “3 s. . 3 -3 33 . 3 .3.
ing. You may appreciate the artist‘s 3 an chanting accompanies the burial have some lessors before I tried out “ ,3. 3 *3 3 " > .33. “31's: ~
technique. the colors. the texture. Englishwoman by an at sea of an Englishwoman. symbol- :32; ‘17:“ 333531118 Story')," he 001153; ‘1“ J _ :‘f‘ ' '
And you realize you‘re staring at a - - izing how unfair personal and cultu— 3 “ l ' W88 8 small WW“ 8 sh?‘_;.. ‘ . j”.
truework of art. IZdIan SflOWbd/[S [Into ralconflictsbecome. I :lidn‘t want anyone else finding “'5“ 5 ~ ‘ ‘ ‘ X‘i’i' ~ .3 3 3 -33:03.minmmn-mdmsmb

But the painting just doesn‘t seem t e ra e 0 one cu lure Victor Banerjee charms us with a on . . . . . . u . ,,
to entertain you or inspire satisfying p f mild-mannered and sincere interpre- So he struck a deal with vas Irvmc native Rick Kirby appears tonight in Seven Brides.
feelings. by another. tation of Dr_ Aziz. His gestures are only soft shoe-er: He'd take five les-

So it goes with “A Passage to exaggerated at times. But we grow 50m. as long as hewas theonly per- “About midnight the fire alarm which stared Dolly Parton's sister
india. to like him and hope for his release. son in the class, and she prommed went off. At first everyone thought it Stella. “Whorehome” took him

Technically. this film is one of the tor cannot attend. But both meet Equally sincere is Miss Quested. nottotell. was a prank," he said. “but then across the United States and into
best in a decade. However. on an en- again through a mutual friend, a played by Judy Davis, She is caught True thought Kirby was the next they announced it wasn't and we Canada.
tertainment scale. it leans more to kind and caring Englishman named between cultures and her desire to Gene Kelly. “The lessons were in had to go stand outside in the cold He’s also worked in such stock
ward mediocrity than perfection. Mr,Fielding. find love. Her actions may seem to her basement . . . and she was al- until abouts." and dinner theater productiom as

Set in india in 1928. the film en- Dr. Aziz takes Mrs. Moore and confuse us in the end, but we feel ways calling her mother downstairs Theweary band of actors returned "Gypsy," “Damn Yankees.” and
compasses a world of topics. Class Miss Quested on a picnic to the Mar- drawn to her when she becomes a towatch me."hesaid laughing. to their rooms only to find most of “Mame."
struggle. LOW!» Forgiveness. abar caves to view the real India. victim withoutaplace to turn. Kirby has come a long way from their clothing soaked by sprinklers. “Brides." which began touring in
hientbhip. Rape. Cultural igno Problems arise and mar the merry James Fox as Mr. Fielding glides Erla True’s basement. He is cur- “The next morning they wanted us September, will play 55 cities. Kirby
rance. Revenge. And to see director journey and Dr. Aziz is charged with through his actions with confidence rently dance captain of “Brides.” to take the bus to the next town.“ plays Daniel, who pals around with
David Lean weave these together the rape of Miss Quested, and elegance like an Englishman “l‘m resporsible for keeping the which was a very long drive. he his younger brother. One often
with his cinematic brilliance makes The rape of an Englishwoman by while still maintaining a sense of dances clean," he said. “Clean" said. “We told them we wanted to starts a sentence that the other one
the 2-hour-and-50-minute sitting an Indian snowballs into the rape of truthfulness like an Indian. And means making sure the dance num- fly.” finishes, which requires precision
worththeadmission price. one culture by another. Dean‘s di- Peggy Ashcroft as Mrs. Moore bers run smoothly and the dancers Several cais were rented to haul timing.

The movie opens as Mrs. Moore. a rectorial expertise and solid acting shows that a prim and proper ap- knowtheirparts. the cast and their belongiw to the According to Kirby, “Brides"
refined Englishwoman with a mm by this mainly British cast turn this pearance needn’t be saddled with a Including cast and baclstage per- airport. “On the way there. my car began as an MGM misical and then
passionate side for people. travels to turmoil into a study of the inner~ stuffy attitude. sonnel, there are about 5 people broke down." he said. “And it was became a play. “(The play) is about
India to visit her son, a city magis- workings of human nature. Unfortunately. “A Passage to touring with “Brides.” “You’re with pouriig down rain while we put all seven brothers whose parents have
trate. Mrs. Moore brings along her Lean. returning to film direction India" never gets rolling. The rape, them24hoursaday,"Kirbysaid. thestuff (luggage) in someone else's died,” he said. The oldest brother
daughter by another marriage who after a 14~year absence. molds EM. the climax of the building conflict, He said he doesn’t mind, although car.“ goes to town to find a wife, Milly.
is engaged to marrythemagistrate. Forster's novel into a beautiful occurs halfway through the film, too “sometirnes it can get frustrating But the good points usually outw- “(Millyl teaches the boys manners

Mrs M d h r daughter showcase. He goes out Of his way to late to rekindle interest. when you walk into a restaurant and eigh the bad. “One of the best parts and how to act so they can find
M’ A deloore anted ion discover shoot faraway scenes of trains pass- For those who like a well-crafted everyone thinks you need a table {0" (0f theaterl," he said “is getting to wives.“hesaid.

"3:388 3 83% 33333335 their fellow ing in the night or the moon shining movie with lots of beautiful scenes. 17 peerle." 80 places you‘ve never been.“ And Right nova Kirby‘s doing what his
m Cb” r.” - h?“ M the Sm on the rippling water. He contrasts amazing direction and good acting. Of course. not everything always the best part is “knmwins that EKU theater imtructons suggested:
3gh-3row Itilngl? theenl :3. “5 Com— the two cultures by showing the En- “A Passage to India" is for you. runssmoothlyinaproduction. you’ve entertained someone and that getting experience. And now, the
p 911$“? 3y 0 the n halrs ' Moore glish in controlled settings while the Those who like more than provoking Kirby‘s worst experience was they've enjoyed it." main goal of this multitalented
9" to "dge _ gap, Indians thrive in unorganized situa— thoughts and who want a movie to when he was touring through Texas. Kirby’s had plenty of experience manisto“sta em 0 ed."
to c int herself With the young y pl y
- Year?“ dim? ”Mi tions. He captivates and bombards move throughout will probably be The cast was noun a bus, which entertaining. When he first lived in
990993" “"0 33* the senses with the sights and better off checking the movie list- broke down twice outside of Dallas. New York — surprisingly. both his “Seven Brfdea for Seven Brothers"
She walks into an Indian temple. sounds of India. lugs for something else. By the time they made it to the the- parents and his professois encour- will be performed at s p.m. Thurs-
only to startle a worshiping Indian. Leah's directing almost nullifies KERNEL RATING: 8 ater. there was no time for dinner or aged his stay — he worked on ”Ok- day and Friday, and at 2 and 8 p.m.
. ‘ Dr. Aziz. The two form an immedl- the need for dialogue. When Mr. “A Passage to India" is playing at a shower. They went straight to the lahoma!" at night and auditioned Saturday at the Opera House. Eve-
ate friendship which temporanly Fielding floats down a river in a FayetteMall.Rated PG. stage. dun'iutheday. ning shows are $16.50 and :23, and
comes to an end when Dr. Aziz es- canoe past snow-capped3mountains. “Everyone was exhausted by the That was how he landed a role in the matinee is 814 and 319. For more
- cons the elderly lady back to her for example. the reflection he sees DAMON ADAMS time we made it to the hotel,” he his first national touring play. “The information. call the Lexington Cen-
English party. a gathering the doc- in the water communicates his mood said. But the ordeal wasn't over yet. Best Little Whorehome in Texas," ter Ticket Office.233-3565.
- . . . The Arniurky Kernel. ZIO JOUFMILI'M Building. Umvrmlt of Arnrudy. L xm Ion. Ky wowed). (coo 257-28”. Li ub- ————————-—————-—————-—-—-—~”———_
. . ' Singers ald Ethiopia lulled clear days during the academic year and weekly during the summer :emson Third class portage pull! a! LIXMIIOII‘.’ Ky
. oat/l subyi-ripiion rules. ‘30 per your. 315 per semester married. The Aeniucky Acme] Lt pn'nled by Scripps-Howurd Web
( ompany, 4/3 LouLwiIle Air Park. Louisville. Ky. doll]. D O
, LOS ANGELES lAP) — American rock superstars Li- ‘ a,” 5W
- onel Richie. Michael Jackson. Bob Dylan and Bruce .
- Springsteen were among those artists who recorded a In Daytona BeaCh
. - song Tuesday to raise funds for the starving people in 33 . ‘ . g
. . Ethiopia. 3 . . .- * k Don't miss Spring Break at
3 3 The stars recorded the song “We are the World" fol- a", $3.333 3 1 , , 3”?" I * ' America's hottest beach. You'll
' . ' lowing the American Music Awards show that brought ‘ ‘ .. '3.‘ .. -* '- ' A bake in the sunshine and sizzle
them to Los Angeles on Monday. The song was written " ‘ a ‘ ,1. r- -' in the moonlight. There will be
» _ 3- by Richie. Jackson and Stevie Wonder. \ g 3 I; concerts, games. parties. exhibi~
. Taping concluded at 7 am. at the A&M recording stu- . ’ lions. loads of lreebles. golf. ten-
3 . dies in Hollywood. mm ‘ nis. Jai Alal. sailing. surfing. fish-
’. Quincy Jones. who acted as producer. said Monday this man . lng.motorraclngandgreatnlgnt-
‘ night thateven the tape med to record itwas donated. _ lile. Hop on a tour bus. catch a
. aim... ‘ flight or set out by car. Just call a
2 travel agent for tree reservation
- . ‘ service. Then pack a bag and
. CAREER OPPORTUNITIES a; head 'or the beach-
, . ,3 HOTEL AND RESTAURANT a... ,- ll » _ ~ ..
- - MANAGEMENT ' 3 l" .. s 33 3 . _,
. Here's y0ur opportunity to learn 0 ' 3 . .~ . \
. . . . . *3 ya 23.2.3333 3 ’“l‘ 3 3 3 _
first-hand about the hospitality in- ~ I . .. :- . 3 ' i
._ ' - dustry from working professionals. | ~ . - *' 3 i 4o. 3
‘ .f I i
”3 .«f .~ ‘
. 3 Hyatt/ Regency Lexington will ”‘m r . 33
. _ sponsor an open house on Tuesday. V :3
. 3 ' February 5, from 2:00 to 6:00 p.m. in “Will ,l ii 3;;
the Regency Ballroom. am -
This will allow you on one on one % \
,3 3 question and answer session with 3 _ Beach 3
personnel from the following areas: “Yams"wfi" 3'33; ”33‘0““ \
friend's wallet. senior it
Hotel Management .5 a .asung mm“... W"
Restaurant Management _ i
Catering A!
0 I- w m. the
"5'39?“ Senior Portrait: taken by Appointment
Accounting c." 2,1'm5 i Send my tree official Spring Break Poster. |
from homo-59.01. : Name _______~_. Address ________. :
All moiorsore invited to attend. Ports-em taken In Journalism loam-M : c-iy ____._._ smo ._ z... _ .
I00!!! I‘C. ; Olytona Beach Resort Aven.PO cor-2175. Daytonl Beech,FL32015 l
A t

 Andy Dun-tori
Sports Editor
.7. I a a a e .
. , Wildcats look to mtenszfydefense as Tigers come to Rupp
‘ l 3 4 By ANDYPUMSTORF UK is on the verge of possibly and a letdown in play at various The Tigers are coming off time ' " -‘
' ’N Sports Editor dropping below the .500 mark — a times in the game are two other straight wins over the likes of \‘an- ' 3
- .s- W . 3 3 situation the C815 haven‘t been in things Kentucky has fallen prey to derbllt, Florida and Auburn In Its
wt.“ - i The '9?“ka Wildcats Jumped ‘0 since the UK” when they started a lately. last two games Florida and Au- . "
...,. ’ ‘ ., _ f 3 a surprtstng lead in Southeastern seven game win streak before losing burn — LSL' has routed the opponent . . A ,
33 3 ‘2 , ‘ Conference play earner this month. their first conference game to Ala- “Our players realize that they at home by 15 paints or more. some» ' ~
. . a“ ' . £73“ ' only to take an abrupt turn for the barna — and Hall said the team‘s have let up, and they have to contln- thing the Tigers haven't accomA . ' é .-
93, ’ 3" 3 ,. 3“... il worse. defensive play is the main problem ue to play for the full game," Hall pushed for four years ' 3 , , _
3 3 3’ :W‘.‘ ._ 3 But the team is looking to regroup forthethree straight losses. said. “We can’t have 30 minutes of Look for Kentucky to have trouble , - . .
4 9333333333 3: ; tonight when SEC rival Louisiana “No one told is that it would be good hard work, and then five min from LSL' guards [)on Redden and , ‘ ‘3 '. 3 , 3'
””3 ‘3 " 7 " 3.3 Statecomestotown. easy this year." he said, "so we're utes each half where we sit back Derrick Taylor The junior back- '3 3 3
.. .33 33 It; The Tigers, 13-4 overall and 7-3 in prepared for it. We‘re not playing andrest. court tandem Is averaging more .3 ' -. ’ -
{3:3} __ 3 ' 3 i 3 the conference, are what UK coach well. than20p01nlsa game; 33 - . , . i
3 {3 3, 33 't 33 V3353, l Joe B. Hall calls, “the toughest op- "Unfortunately our defense is not “In just about every game that we The Tigers front line could also _ ‘. _
is 1.5.}; y 3, f «M :3 ponentintheconference this year." what it was earlier, and that makes haven't played well, it’s been about stir up some action underneath All . ' . - 1 5
§‘-.! 3 " ‘ ,5, “LSU is a multitalented, deep. our lack of offense stand out even five- or six-minute spurts that we three starters — Jerry Reynolds. ‘ .‘ ' m
.3 .4 ‘ »" very sound basketball team in every more." get outplayed. It's those little spurts John Williams and Nikita Wilson - . ' . .
§ i ,. 3 t " phase," Hall said at his weekly Offensive spurts by the opponent that just killis." are averagingin double figures , ,' ' .
. , ' ‘3 3% W ' press conference Tuesday. 3 3 .3 3 .
33“ 3.33;; "' After three straight losses dropped ,,..-,-.~.-.;- 3 . . ' 3 > ,' .
' . 3 , *‘“ the Wildcats to 9% overall and 44 --“:j7:—“—~:" ::jf:; j“::;m;' 3, ' 7, ' ' A .
at; £§\;32.-'.§ifie~e.a~g ‘ w .. (good for seventh place) in the SEC, “V". _sv-_—— .. -y~'-‘-“""‘" ' " ’ ‘ ' ‘ 1 ” ' ' ‘i J .
g‘ 3",. ‘" 3. Hall said tonight's game at 8:05 ._,,-,,.__ _,__. r‘r—r - .', , z . ' '-
akitf‘”: 3 ‘ ._ 3 mM 3; pm. at Rupp Arena, isn't one he is - , w - .-:-. -L I. "f ’ ‘33 3 j 3 ~3 .
7 .~ ,, ”:5 ,;.;‘. "" .. . W «35‘?’ . 3 looking forward to playing. 2221.332... m _.;.:.:- - _3__':_ 333 3 3‘3 .