xt79w08wdd11 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79w08wdd11/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1982-04-22 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 22, 1982 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 22, 1982 1982 1982-04-22 2020 true xt79w08wdd11 section xt79w08wdd11 N
Sun ratumlng .
er 2 The cold weather may be gone tor .
good. but dont hold your breath. Today
will be mostly sunny with highs to the Inoron'he wall
mid to upper 50's. Tonight the lows Wlll .
be in the upper 30's and Friday should lhe lu-rm-l Board of Experts «5 back '
be a perlect day wtth sun and the tern With a verdict on the root beer scene , .
peratures in the upper 60s. See page 6 l0! complete details - V
Vol ixxxw Na |l9lhursduy Apr”)? i952 Umvelmly olKentuil-y ie-mgioi- Karim,“ Ai init‘pi-Iiltrii's‘iiill“"‘t*.~~ti\)yrii wa' ..
Engineering Dean may leave ~----------------------- ' " ' »-
I I V -‘
to accept Houston pasrt ion ,
i ‘31; .V
_ “1 W1“ leave With mlxed emotions education. HIt's more than just t 2W l‘ .J
By EVEREWJ- MITCHELL U and special fondness for this college UK,“ he explained. “It is the com- '
Reporter and for all of you," Eichhorn’s mitment to technology, the signifi- i, ’53.“. I;
“d JAMES EDWIN HARRIS memorandum said. “You have cance of engineering and the com- i
Assrstant Managing Editor given me all the support that any mitment toward higher education as l _ “a?
l ———————_— colleague or administrator could an important thing to the population i i
Roger Eichhom, the College of hope for, and I know that I can con- of the state. The budget cuts have ., e

Engineering‘s dean since 1979, has tinue to count on all of you as stifledUK’schance.“ .. iV .

issued a memorandum to the col- friends." He called a condemnation of the V , »;.';

lege’s faculty revealing his intention Eichhom echoed those sentiments higher education situation in Ken- ; ._ '» - i V‘.

to resign as dean of the college ef- when contacted last night. “Fifteen tucky last week by Larry Forgy, de- i .V; . - * VV._V‘V._-V

fective July 1. years is a long time to serve here," parting vice chairman of the Council -
Eichhom said last night he plans he said. on Higher Education, “an eloquent , ‘4 I " ,
to resign from the position as soon H. William Prengle, an associate statement of the problems here in . ' l .13.:
as he receives confirmation of his dean at the University of Houston, Kentucky.“ ' W ',
hiring as the new dean of the Uni- last night said he would not com- Forgy said Kentucky's colleges " ,‘q'
versity of Houston’s engineering ment on Eichhorn’s hiring. must get a bigger share of the state ..
school. George Magner, the University of dollar if they are to avoid “uniform > ' ’ *"il
. Eichhom is the fourth major dean Houston provost, was unavailable mediocrity.“ . ‘ ,‘W . - _. ~ VV. 2}
to leave UK this academic year. forcomment. President Otis Singletary, saying u’ ' ' ‘ ” W ' V "

George Denemark, dean of the Col- Eichhom said he had many rea- Eichhorn‘s intended resignation sad- ’. .

iege of Education, announced his sons to leave UK for the position in denedhim, called the dean “a first-

resignation in February. Thomas Houston. “They have a commitment rate man," adding, “we hate to lose ' 1 _

Lewis, the dean of the College of to develop an outstanding engi- first-rate men." :V, f

Law, and Stephen Langston, dean of neering school," Eichhom said. Singletary said he had not seen a f‘

University Extention, also will va- “That‘s an exciting thing for me to copy of Eichhorn‘s memorandum

cate their positions July 1. look forward to." but knew the University of Houston '.

In the memorandum, issued April He also complimented the city of had been recruiting Eichhom for the "

16, Eichhom said “I have decided to Houston, saying it is “a growing post there. ' f '
» join the University of Houston as community where engineering is of Singletary said Eichhorn's inv
‘ professor and dean of engineering at some importance." tended resignation reflected two L .' “

the beginning of the next academic Eichhom had harsh words for concerns he had for the University . i

year. Kentucky’s attitude toward higher See EICHHORN poge3 =

Stalemate grows over Falklands .

_____—_ fleet’s Harrier jet fighters with Side- troops have been stationed around ‘ - ' M ’ '3

By MARK S. SMITH winder air-to~air missiles. the airport, and rifle-toting soldiers . , . A ‘ _ i ., "7 5'.
Associated Press Writer Residents of Ascension Island, man highway checkpoints, Asso- . . .2; “n’ '1‘ {V
some 3,500 miles north of the Falk- ciated Press correspondent Bruce 7: \ ' . Wm M ‘ 4 .. .V

__.__.._____._— lands, reported seeing dozens of Handler reported from Comodoro K “V 7‘ ‘ . W " "a i , . f 'V

. British Hercules transport planes Hivadavia. / "' ' “6““ V ’_ .’
LONDON — Britain’s foreign sec- landing at the British island‘s U.S.‘ Argentina‘s military government ' 4s '41,. .. j ’ V.
retary, labeling the latest Argentine leased airstrip. presented its peace proposals to US. I" ..~ ~ l , .;
peace plan a cloak for aggression. [Slanders also said Victor “flying Secretary of State Alexander M. I . . "

declared yesterday that “other tankers“ had flown in, suggesting Haig this week in Buenos Aires. For ' j 1"". . ' ’ V;;-V,.

methods have to be used” if diplo— that Britain was preparing to use its the past two weeks Haig has shut- / V- ' ».

macy fails to ease the Falkland Is- long-range Vulcan bombers if hosti- tied among the British. Argentine V, we} , " .

lands crisis. lities erupt. and US. capitals in an effort to de- " VJ"? , ' - . " ' ‘7 :,

‘ A British military strike to evict The armada was still thought to fuse the crisis. a ,-,_
the Argentines from the disputed is be several days' sailing from the The plan is believed to call for Ar- ’ ‘
lands “could not at any stage be Falklands, which Argentina seized gentine withdrawal, recall of the '- ;

ruled out,” even during peace talks, from Britain April 2. The Defense British fleet, administration by Brit- , ' ‘ a”. . j .
. Foreign Secretary FrancisPymsaid Ministry remained silent on its ain, Argentina, the United States, ~ 3&5?

as he briefed the House of Commons exact position. but full Argentine sovereignty by ' ,

on U.S.—sponsored efforts to avert Preparations were stepped up on year‘s end. . ~ .

war over the South Atlantic archipe- the Argentine side as well. British Indepependent Television . , , ~ .- V :1 ': ., ".V

’ lago. At the Argentine port city of Com— reported the plan Pym was taking to , ~ . . _‘ ,. -
A5 Pym prepared to fly to Wash- odoro Rivadavia, 400 miles north- Washington proposed mutual with- ‘ ' . ~.'.' '

I ington today with counter-proposals west of the Falklands, 5,000 volun- drawal to be followed by a cooling "NV“ ”00“ V . . i 7'"?
to the Argentine plan, Baitish mili- teer civil defense coordinators were off period under British administra- .'

tary preparations intensifi ~ readying the 120,000 residents for tion and talks later on sovereignty.

The Defense Ministry said it was war. The Argentine government has Pym told the House of Commons Befier Late Than Never . , :3

sending new Stingray computer- made the porta major military cen- that Britain would continue to de- These two students were not the only ones who waited until the last Vminute to register for fell 3.48.1?

guided anti-submarine torpedoes t0 ter. mand the 1,800 Falklanders, most of Classes. Lisa Grubbs, senior iournalism, and Lynna Porter, |Unl0r advertising, found a quiet place in -. ,

its naval t35k force steaming toward Authorities conduct practice them British-descended. be given a McVey Hall to fill our their course request forms. Yesterday was the final day to prerregister for the in?

the islands and was arming the blackouts and classes in first aid, voice in theislands‘future. fall semester.

M 'ddl E t t bl I 1‘ 'th tt ks

I e as r 0U 93 8806 a 9 WI 3 ac
‘ J.
- I I I I I I ~ V'"i' .1
Bombings may be prevrew to possible Israeli planes bomb Lebanon in Violation
- I I I I I I ‘,-V\ 5'.)
Israeli mvasron of Lebanon, expert says of cease-fire, 20 persons killed In raid
might nevertheless be forced to He said the attack shows the 15- of bombing_ rocketing and strafing months of PU) truce Violations 47".“
By BILL STEIDEN fight,said Olson. . . . raelis “plan to be a little tougher in By FAROL’K NASSAR along a 50-mile stretch from Beirut‘s capped by the death of the Israeli
Editor-in-Chief “Everything militates against ac- the future,“ espeCially conSidering Associated Press Writer southern edge to the fishing towns of soldier yesterday, and that its aim ._‘
tion," he sitid, ‘V‘butghtgie Syrian re- tsheir upcoming evacuation of the Damour and Saadiyat and the port was ‘Vtobewari: ,.. etdhat we are not
gime's poitica cr ' iity is any inai. ,_._-_,-._,,.. ,___.___,,As WWW of e. going 0 res rain L.‘
more weakened, it might be forced Olson said he doubts a successful Tyr 1,
. In the wake 0f YESlerth'§ bomb- to react." invasion of Lebanon would signifi- 313mm, Lebanon _ Dozens of Is» Throughout the raid the jets The pL()V in a statement issued in '_V
1118 0f Lebanon by Israeli A“ Force Olson said he believes the bomb- cantly strain the relationship be- raeli jets thundered into Lebanon in dropped balloons to decoy heat-seek- Beirut, vowed revenge against 15‘ 1 ifi
jets, a local expert on Mlddle East- ing and the possibility of an invasion tween the United States and Israel waves yesterday, blasting guerrilla ing missiles. Beirut reverberated rael, claiming that densely pop-
em affairs predicted Israel may "1' constitute an attempt by Israel to because of the strength of the Amer- bases and downing two Syrian MiGs with the thuds of exploding bombs ulated cmlian centers were struck Vi
vade [abanon 85 early as Sunday, force Syria's hand in Lebanon, upon ican Jewish community, but he said in a fiery raid that shattered a nine- and the wails of ambulance Sirens under “false enemy pretexts to L: _V
the deadline 8*“ by the CamPVDaVId which its holdistenuous. it would probably put a “significant month-old truce with the Palestine and fire engines racing to put out break the ceasefire The pamhw .‘::
accords for 151‘881'5 evacuation 0f “There is a split in Lebanon be- strain“ on the effort to draw a new Liberation Organization. blazes that sent columns of black ian revolution knows how and when .. V>,‘V
theSinai. ‘ tween the Christian Maronites and border between Israel and the Sinai, First Lebanese government re- smoke billowing into the air to retaliate." ','.? ,
Robert w- Olson, a UK history the Syrians,“ he said, adding the which will be occupied by Egypt, ports said at least 20 people were 7
professor and author of a fortthan‘ Syrians are also experiencing some formerlyaclose ally of Syria. killed and 40 wounded in two hours The jets went in after an Israeli At one point. a half-dozen guerrilla
ing b°°k 0‘.) the recent political his- hostility from the Lebanese Mislim ‘ soldier was killed by an anti-tank vehicles with two and four-barreled V' ‘-
tory 0f Syria, said the b°'.“b'"8 may population, Wthh originally favored Tr“ e o ' c'.\ mine in southern Lebanon and as anti-aircraft guns stopped on the .‘ ‘ .-
be a preludtho 3". Israeli 3‘9“?" theiroccupationofbebanonin1976. ' \ Undersecretary of State Walter J. coastal road and opened fire with 2*
Palestine Ubfih'mlo", Orgamzation He said the Shl'llfi - the largest ‘, Stoessel was in Jerusalem trying to their muzzles pointed almost
:rnncalrzprhnnmtsagnwseil’rlgh-Shfigflfl goupbgz Moslems in hebanton T [I see that the last third of warcon— straight up. . ' ..
i . V9 ome mcreasmg y na iona ‘ ’ uered Sinai is returned to E t on ~
missile installations based 1“ the istic. “It gets more and more diffi- MED. LEBA ON xi (Schedule Sunday. gyp The Tel Aw‘v command said all its .’ I .
Bekaa Valley along the border be- cult for Syria to maintain the situa- SE A .- I, i planes returned safely after downing
tweenthetwocountries. tion. Mutt e i‘ Both the United States and the two S man MiG-23s th at scrambled .' t
“Israel already has mobilized “Israel wants to disrupt." said rt . United Nations. which help mediate to engage them The S vrian govern- ,
some 0i its forces,Vso in?” W‘fmlilhehe Olson. “They want to see the Syri- :* {I the truce last July.ur8ed restraint. ment conceded two of'its jets were
i a . - . - , .
at; ngddt’ilflphelga i312: dinn'g, ”I don"t :fcxhofxbgnleg, :dathglh'iigi in , f 3.3 SYRIA In Washington, State Department hit, [3;in also claimed an Israeli plane
, - - _ . Tyr. s ’ \ spokesman Dean Fischer said the was .
think they reVplanning to invade be force. They also want to consrderab- (\ l ‘3‘. U S governnment “calls upon all
foresum-hy' ly reduce the relations 0‘ some 0f ,’~\ J I \‘i.,.. the parties involved to exercise the PLO chief Yasser Arafat sent a \
He said, however, that he doubts the Palestinians on the West Bank ' i ‘--.-’ t t t - t d t ”d tel ram to U N Secretary General '
any invasion will lead to an all-out with the PLO so they can solidify Seag’ot Galilee goflmwhfi racigViVVdangocVngaig? 52:: Jagger Perez de Cuellar protesting ,‘ .
war between Israel and Syria, al- the“. power there. , . 1""—~ - late the violence." “this barbaric aggression by the Is-
W he would Mt wnte off the “I'm Of the opimon, and so are azareth "V “ raeli air force against the Palestin-
pouibility- . _ . .. some others, that Israel would like ‘ ‘ . ' ‘. He said the United States “stnong- ian and bebanese people ,.
“'I‘hereVVunll be more incidents, toVengageV Syrians more fully,“ Vhe . “‘ ly urges all concerned to respect ' -
he said. but 1 4°“ ".“nl‘ “MN! said. addms that the fact Syrian n -' scrupulorslythespirit as well asthe W m“ m
M“ cm” Wt °l "- 55’?“ ‘3 l" “° W MiG-Es actually ensued Israeli ; terms of the cease-fire, which is of 5,33,53,33? dgeggm Chasm
sition to attack —- its hands are planes in combat is ”significant“ be- .' such importance to the stability and “em to lodge an urgent complaint _
My , cat-e ll is the first military en- '8“ L n' . welfare of the peoples of the entire '
MW SyriV: mt! wobebly b: mental! mm the two couritria :. West i region." with the Security Council and re- ‘
overwhelmed menial ' “ " . , , .
with Israel, said to have the third msgfli. .slgnlficantly weeker than ' .' Bank i JORDAN VBut Israel 3 military intelligence serve Lebanon 3 right to call for In
mostpowafulsirforceintheworld, imei ,‘nnimn, ”new, the. to film . = , chiet. Mal. Gen. Yehoshm Sasuy. emergency 69W}; 0" the: “W”
the politically weak rum ream .voidmchcontm'ntatimJeaid. ’ ' “"d We" "‘° ”“d ‘°“°‘”°d “‘“e ""‘°““W'°“ "‘“y‘m‘e'
l I ‘ ‘

 . %
tditm I‘ll [Mt-'1"
. .lll Maiden [on Alvin. Money I. 0.". Mg", m" Al.- vach MCI.“ I. Moe “In
L! ,,,, , “W. pinion. umldwlnnlflll mummy.” Aiumno, QIODhKIEdIIOI Photofdtioi
' I n AM- Chcvlu lini Kati-be Andrew J. Opp-RIM '“ht' "I‘H' tulle Mkhohon My Iced “5 V“...
. Muwoqmq Nd» \ . i. Li' A“"'°”tM°"°g'"9 Ed'tw‘ Assistant spinis t.i.v.i Assistant Am Editor LoyoutEd-tor L'H.’ etiological-er
‘ 3 th t. f I Id '3 S I t-
While the country was in deep trouble due to there is enough oil in this country to solve all 6‘0 AHEAD] SHOOT ALL A t HAT PRIME F055”, FUFL. YA :
._ a shortage of energy, primarily because of present and future energy problems, but he _ WA N T-.-1'HERE '5 MORE WHERE W CAME FROM'"
'5 j' an oil shortage, many of the hopes for the is wrong. | I 31,5? DU 1-.” 0' «9
future of this country's energy problems His reasoning is shortsighted and foolish. r //MP «A? USE—[~53 Ciel/D FOR 12‘ CURE 0
III rested on the development of synthetic fuels. The past has shown that dependency on Oil #14“ WHO WS 11'; RIGHT?! . II I II I I I.

.' . ‘ That dream is quickly coming to an end. can get us into deep trouble, as it did several III II I. .‘III I .

i ._ The Carter administration pledged $30 bil- years ago. Long lines and empty pumps at . . 1 1? w I III. I

. .‘I; lion through the US. Synthetic Fuels Corp. the gas station were a common Sign of what ,I I. II I II III I ' III,

-,I- 2, . to help the nation become less dependent on can happen. I //' / I‘ I I . 'I I II I I ‘ I] J;

._-' oil, especially imported oil. But President Not only has Reagan pratically eliminated . / \ I I I l I ’I III I I I I III

'1 Reagan has all but killed the development of research for synthetic fuels, he has also dis- I" ~.\' .\I\ 0/; . I I I; I‘I II I I" . II I I.II

synthetic fuels. couraged all forms of alternative energy. 8 34‘ .1 II.‘ II IIIII‘III III EItI

.r’: . For example. there were originally four Solar energy in particular has suffered -0 \lM/Illfi” ‘ ' t 1/ I I I I s‘ ‘ I 22 III ' , L ‘ t I' I'

--‘ synfuel projects proposed for Western Ken- under the his administration. ,4 ”1%? ‘ . 5 V 'III I II I II I I I I t IL?!
_ . tucky alone. The estimated cost was $12 bil- Solar energy was becoming a Viable alter- I , ' 3;, 1\, I " " (kg/It . tI III 3 I111; I it i:,-'

lion. However, it is doubtful two of these pro- native energy source. Continued research 1 qI» I t . . “I ,I // .- . .. 1 II . , I. I. I III

. . . . . . . . . , I -.5,v_- ., . , I II‘

I-. jects Will ever go into operation. One pr0ject was just making solar energy affordable for N II . "Q III .. 1 » 1 '. {/é' III I

'. is still possible, butis not probable. the average American. Many houses and in- l‘t‘lIfL-VI tI\ II .. » v, I f; If ‘

j' The plants cannot go into operation with- dustries are using it to heat their home With- I, I71“ II\, 41?, . . " j ' ‘I'rrjl‘ . -‘. 2%"

.. out federal funds and officials of many syn- out having to depend on oil or gas. But, be- ,/ '\ 5 it - KAI v .Ij I l'vI 'i‘ I “l .-..I\ 1:;

fuel plants now in the planning stages are cause of Reagan’s attitude, people who . / ~ .I/ / .. III 1| I III III”! I?) I
_» having second thoughts about whether or not might have been thinking about going to sun / f .I _=._ J ’ . .3- } ,. If: I I!" I I III .I I! II It

tocontinue working on their projects. power, they are being discouraged not to do / "I E ,. ‘2. 7/ “ é I _ 1 II II II; I‘ III I
Synthetic fuels have great potential, espe- so. ~ I / I. = 5- - ’ * III. . ' . " III III II n

‘ . cially in Kentucky. With the state‘s vast re- Reagan’s record has shown he does not / \_ / f"! N E 'IIII III‘Ii‘ . I IIIIIaII } iII I:
sources of coal, liquid and gaseous fuels look too far into the future and his stand on . g7: ,/ . - , 5 ;; 2/ 5 - i I I III II l- I I, “I 1U

- could easily be produced. alternative forms of energy is just another ’ffla‘ __ ’45,,"» .' ’ji “ .-:;i\ sxssxxs _:13‘\\\\‘\;$I)t \‘itgx

There are many positive benefits of syn- example of this attitude. The consequences I13, ‘ III' ' _ I . 5,? . \s i ‘ \

. I. . . . . . t. . th f t . .1“), ._ :7 / . «.2 1',"sz 4.; _4 -.'i>1fl|"|l'"'1”. . I I .

. .» thetic fuel, including the thousands of jobs could be great, if some ime in e u ure, we _ - I, a? ,5:- .. . ,. _ . l J I
-. which would be created. With unemployment become totally dependent on Oil — but by , \I 6 :3 an?! , I “ 9 II 1’,

,I now near 10 percent nationwide, this could then. the oilwill not be there. 3’ ‘ I! I ,E’I‘I- (\(T‘ 3:;

g. bea needed shot in the arm. Oil supplies could run out, or some OPEC If g Z . it . g 5‘9gi

.-'_ I- Reagan thinks the future of American en- country could throw our economy into tur- _ _—,/;"5./;i .5149in “f (0 WV“
_’ g, ergy lies with oil. This reasoning has led to moil if someday they decide to cut off our ,7 ’5r'fihniIF'5F7'W , f,_j'-I';~'I."I_.;11-',";j-_'i;.“,L: ~ — . _. .

I' partial deregulation of oil, with the ultimate supplies. We must be ready for either to hap- . ~ '37. I‘._ .i '5." ‘3"' :I' '; < . .

, 3 goal of lifting all controls. Reagan thinks pen. If we are not, our future is dim. , . ~ "‘5‘ ' i ' - . ‘5 ' -__- 4—2.1
I’m o'n h f h -’D k h h bab 7' ‘
9 I 9 to e a at or. 0 you now ow muc a y costs.

I'm having a baby this summer. school days that I purged myself of My wife did the bulk of the re- bugger will emerge any time he of course, your meals. And I don’t seen itall;Iadmit it’sa bitearly.
3. It‘s something I've always wanted to with great effort during my three search on that point. Her doctor is pleases, irregardless? knowwhat all else.

I do, but like paying taxes and voting years of college. It has returned. in charging “$625 for the delivery fee. Ultrasound probes. Well, naturally How dolfind what all else? But taking all into account, the
and reading Norman Mailer. it‘s one force, and I find I have regressed This includes all prenatal examina- we have to have one. After all, it’s Oh, gee, Idon’t know. Ask the doc- American academia can take its
5". I. of those ominous experiences in life some 15 years emotionally when it tions. but there are, ha, ha, of the latest thing. I marvel that I sur- tor. existential new sociology and chang-

I , 1' that always seems so far removed comes to getting up in the morning. course. incidental expenses and lab vived infancy without prenatal ultra- But I‘m not paying the doctor for . f .1 t t d enl'
as to not merit serious consider- The dog licked my face at seven fees, starting with your ultrasound sound probes. the hospital. I’m paying you guys at mg amIIy S ructhurehan ightened
ation. earlier this morning. I punched him examination next time you visit.“ Then there's the hospital. $1,200 the hospital . . . Eszscowel grillf'lle utmatzi “:1me
i‘ [:1 __.———___ out. . , . Ultrasound,linquired'? for three days,they say.Inadvance. A high school buddy of mine who pe na 1 men an s ove ‘ '
j 3 Third IS my frequent Impulse t0 Yesthat's only 565, But suppose she isn‘t there three just became a daddy gave me the Give me dirty diapers and spilled
A: _ Guest regurgitate the aforementioned ob- Oh? Only $65? And just what is it days? soundest advice so far: have it on apple juice and first words and first
jects of my gluttony. but I won‘t go for? Almost all women stay the stan- the hospital steps. steps and bedtime stories and walks
7 . . into that. . . dard three days. After all, they need As far as my other symptoms go, in the park and puppies and hospital
1.5? o Inlon At first glance, these symptoms bavlfenv'llltbfgseus the exact time the their rest. I write off my gluttony as sympathy bills.
. 3:1,) imply an inability to cope with daily thwdon't wle'know that from our Why can‘t she rest at home after for my wife’s expanded condition, The soonerthebetter.
‘2! if , existence. this evidenced by my hes- 1‘ tat'ons" she's checked out by the doctor? and I suppose I’m just trying to
.,j'_§_ i . . I itation to get out of bed. I agree with ear ier compu ‘ ' Oh,thatwouldberidiculous. catch up with her. Scott Robinson is a former Kernel
I: ButIin four months, said ominous this analysis wholeheartedly. Do you Yes. but this is more precise. Just what does the $1,200 cover? Not that I don’t want to be a fa- editorial editor. He now serves as a
I '-'I»_' experience shall be reality. and I know how much babies cost'.’ And do I understand that the little The room, the nursery fees, and, ther. i can’t wait. Maybe I haven’t contributing arts writer.
.'- ‘,I-, '2 WI” be a parent A father. My wife
'_ I‘. is actually going to perform the I l -
O muons on SA v
‘ What blows my mind about paren- ry p n lng n e person
. 3:73; thood is it evokes the same brand of
“1.5th ethereal physiological responses
3.5,,21‘315 that It felt the tIh‘St “"19 I went to the As part of a class assignment, UK interpretations of what SA is all When asked if there could be any Commenting further on the im- subject, but said, nThe Student As-
z dent'St‘ And “he" t got my driver 5 StUdehtS were interwewed about the about. improvements made in SA, Taylor provements which could be made sociation is not improving but fan.
“Gen“; ”find ““99 ‘ “ht heard. t“? way the Student Association is being —————— said, “The thing that needs to Antonik said, “There could be better ing."
33 Bleatggsb 39:01:10" Number N'm handled. The questions 35““ were: change is the communication be- conducts at the meetings; there Jimmy Wilhite, a pre-vet major,
f path at Ii" Sr , f h h ‘5 SA. domg a 300d 10th are there Guefl . tween the students on campus and seems to be some dissention in- said, “The Student Association is
" J"? Tat 1”: héom'hg d at er as any lmPFOVemEhtS that could be the Student Association itself. The volved. The rowdiness is overriding gettingworse."
5.3."; -. caused a “me“ Of subconscious bOd‘ made. Wt” the heXt administration I - press needs to cut out some factua- thegood that is being done." . _
'. 71“,“ ll)‘ reactions that are mystifying me. do a good job. and is SA improving p'nlon “5m and add professionalism to the The overall concensus gathered Other students not involved in SA
much like nerves and vomiting and or falling behind? relationship between students and from peOple involved with Student gave Similar comments to the two
_' I75,” dOUhte “S‘Ohv only worse. . Opinions of students not involved A. . .. H , , . their government.“ Association is that there is a desire above, httt each added they only 80
(”Ii-2': Foremost among these r eaCtIOhS With SA differed from the opinions To these students. the paper on Suzi Antonik, a previous SA mem- to relate to the students and to have by what they read 'h the Kernel.
"‘ ‘5 3 “dd?“ onslaught 0t gluttony. of students who are. and have been. campus sends reporters to Student ber and current member of the Stu- a successful student government They say they are simply unedu- .
?.f 2: 'It t‘hhkt‘ ah} t "9 ever exPer'ehCEd‘ aChV'eh'anOIVBdln SA. Association meetings once or twice; dent Center Board, was asked what through the relationship between it cated as to what ‘5 being done by SA
hit-"It'll The minute percentage of you on The student-s not involved with SA then prints what they see in that improvements could be made. She andunInVOIVedStudentS. and Student IgovemlneInt and can
I.'I._-I._'I‘ 68mphs WhU know me personally seem to lack Interest in what is hap- short evaluation as the whole pic- "5130"de “There are many pro- John Cain, current freshman sen- only base their assumptions on what
,' know that I‘m 19"?" "to use the Whte pening In their own student govern- ture of what our student government grams to offer if they would just ator and senator~at~large-elect they hear and read.
2"; -; “.mh‘ thd 5k“? [to be less Whte’ ment; yet they were quick to state is allabout. have the chance. People cannot and stated. “There are plenty of qual- It seems the students deserve to
1'1. -: “IO“- he always been a hearty whattheythoughtshouldbedone. Bill Taylor. B&E senator, says, should not base their ideas of the ified people involved in SA and can know what their government is

5' , ed“? BUt Ottate I ve beenIgorinng StUdehtS thOtVEd 1“ SA were very “People don’t appreciate what we’re way SA really runs on bad reports make it work; the main thing is they doing for them and be given the
myself on things I dont even like. concerned. They tended to blame doing. People Simply don’t See given by the Kernel." need to work together and with the chance to be proud of the govern-
- ,Ci' ;'- “mkle‘s “'th Doritos. W‘th mus- the médla 0" campus for not really facts." He feels SA is doing, “an ex- It seems as though the Kernel is students." ment that makes decisions concem-
,-', tarId- . . .. searching for facts about SA. and cellent job." and is headed for a printing what they feel will be good Students not involved with SA had ing an important and influencing
"-‘,".-. ', . second '5 h“) tender“) to 0V.“ hot realty Uhdel‘StahdthI What 15 change for the better in the next ad- reading to students rather than what negative things to say about the or- time in their life—college.

5“399» 3‘ hht’t.‘ “the" art 0t my h‘gh being done 5 therefore glVlnS bad ministration. will help students in working with ganization, giving reason to think The media on campus does have
3} ed their government. This is not to say that student government activists an important role to play, as far as
.1. 1. f ”I‘m" COUNTY by Berke Breath the Kernel is at fault in any way, have good reason to say the media the StugenIIImlAssociationu'Isa success
" q 33 '1 but that it should realize the impor- plays a large role in the way the SA goes, an s d realize t respon-
,,-' \mgm_ :3 . WWW? : map I tance of the role it plays in the iSportrayed. . _ sibility.
1' f3 t J with J’f. 'r. v. or mm WTHAT —+ WW 0000 60 YOU M relationship between SA and stu- Junior Stan Eldridge admtted he
ggI‘ __,| 'Wfit LUNG 50w, I $7.65 more $186 .7 HUH" HUZL AWAY/ WHY dents not involved. did not have full knowledge of the Lance Long
. x _,i .- mar/6' JOUV I sen/Aron? (we 0V, 3 W W ,I/ mflup/
I .If IIII W9") HUN C. HI 66mm?” WHW __J RIVERA , W
II :1 SAM acumen. HI newt/rs ——4 M’ , A’Eé'Pé/ Bullets
.. t“. —I‘I —r' ——« — fl 1 F/lMW ‘
[I .t. ‘T‘ %\\ -——ds’-V\\ —T N W l
.7, ' ' r I . i —A \ ix 4‘ ’N&
. T - ‘ t :J': ’1 ——¢ CA I %\§ F/‘M oux
, l1." —i» '~ ’ »"v‘
-. t i I . 3 ,- . . _
. a {ZI/ I :II Ihjn and ‘fi‘ ’7 It?“ J 9 «91;? 5 ““55—5‘5555 ' 5555 55555555 '5 ' 555 5555-5555-555—5555—5—
‘J' i? \_l . (II t a. II; V? IIxinI F51 I I01”, ”—37 E5 I, I: " pen with beer than from what had not happened with
’ , . . , ‘ i ‘i h 4'" . —— ‘ w; -r‘ - liquor. It was a strange fi t, but we won the ri t for
. -’. . . 'l'hou‘grhtughw now can only buy it in six packs or quarts
x'. . . . . . orby a tfrombminessestlutselloverSOpercent
«mm W “415' M '(IINthlr‘~ 1m . . . . . _ . . .
. II i] WI. wt: (I I” M .wr mm. ammo 77/6 to; rmtrnthblhtjtfitége 9‘1““th 0“ hqhor'th ILexmg food. There is no way to buy single cans, or cold beer in
, , pawnm out MitvaHv, mi iwmwr AHOU’ s . y t . ms, ‘3’ appea It" 3’9“” cans. lthastobesoldhot.
. , nPn'Uv [1. vii tum . Fun. Win m. (01,} wawvA Mil/615’ March 22 issue. t We just received those week 5 copies lrelay this story to help your organization in the fight
.' ; mwtwt'i tn. iuwwau neitvt m0 5% not . weir-r ~ - tOdayl- for liquor on Sundays. We may not have such things
- n: w sinm' o0“ MW W Bit/6W H’ . i What interested me about it was the fact that your available butwemedeitwork.
. , . .' I?" .' I 7 . . I . .. city does not serve liquor on Sundays. You ought to try Fight a} your right, as citinns of Kentucky. Take it

. ’7" ‘3‘ I I\I “1/ , .. . . ‘\I I I.-\I a I livmg in a state where almost nothing is sold on Sun- fromaMississippien, it jut could work.

. It; _. II \t t: 1 I3» .. I» m try». days . , . . . . FromyourfriaicbntMississippiState,wesendy0ti

. I I I ‘ if: .y ~ V . {I - I t~-—.w\ Here in the City of Starlmlle, Miss, it was not until greetingo,endwiehesofluck.

j ,, “\‘d Is} I: I (I ' "t 4.. IA 7;! a -‘ last year that we could even buy been And though li- Withbeotregerth.
' “Monk‘s“, I N If it \ ’ §L~\1t\/I~'\V “£3; . quor was allowed and sold, bee- wes the strongestly di-
‘ r I w“), I . .3} ._.- ‘dutwe-I ,m “' t “I - ss- ‘ \ ‘\\‘ videdissuelnrecentStar-kvlllehlotory. KeithClimn
W 5' ’ «we. t‘.’ xv. ”L," , . . «it w Believe it or not, W liquor was already sold here, Edi
- ’ ~ 0 ' " the ts of beer said that thi' would he ”mmt‘m‘m
. 1 opponen worse nos 9' MimiShte University
- . l .

 THE KENTUCKY KERML III-thy, And 22, 1'2 - 3
John Byrne. told us Sen. Wendell Ford. D into alleged bid n'gging on Kentucky construc- *1 -
state Ky. yesta'day that the agency would not recon- tion projects, ., t. .
. . alder its decision to eliminate funding for the Baxter said the invwfigation is continuing in ,x, . . fl

FRANKFORT — FBI and state offic1als National Weather Service's agricultural fore~ Kentucky. «3. ‘ . ’,
completed their search yesteday 0‘ 3 van they cast. The first count of the indictment charges ' ' t 3 ,
believe may have been Int/01ml 1" the murders The elimination of the agricultural forecast- that in 1973 Smith and his firm conspired with " f. '
of three CBS emphyeee In New Y0“ and the ins service would produce a $1 million budget unnamed others to rig the bids for a highway '
abduction of a federal witness who was later reduction for 193- Ford said the trojected 53““ construction project let by Kentucky on Aug. .,
murdered. ings would be offset by crop losses in Kentucky 25' 1973,

Although officials would only say the search aloneina very short time. The second count charges the defendant with
was “very SueeeSSfllli" sources confirmed that Ford said that he now intends to introduce an mail fraud in connection with the alleged bid -
at least oneernpty bullet cartndaewas found- amendment to require continued funding for rigging conspiracy for using the u_s_ mail to .

It could not be deter