xt79w08wdc95 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79w08wdc95/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1980-09-17 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 17, 1980 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 17, 1980 1980 1980-09-17 2020 true xt79w08wdc95 section xt79w08wdc95 t
I .d d t O L O ’ ‘ ,
I 30 (1 mg ' exmgton S newest encounter
3! ANGELO HENDERSON \Htlt (ireat l spectatrons
w”_,_.-«-'/\\\ "spells" "My club is not at “anchor: ot an) other \ideo daring
- W _ ___2- __ m-._...-_-~t. clrib I started one here because I Inc here iti I esingtorr."
I |" ["”'] K 4 \\\ for months Morton hit the singles bar‘s. libraries. him said.
." 50° ! 6‘ ' churches. and esen grocer) stores looking tor a Meghan said her "m protect .3 ”Pt‘n'nts' “dc0 dating
3‘ \ : , / i. gt, \\ companion. clubs in ('tncttinati and l ouissrlle
. _/ tgo . \0 matter “h”? he went or ht’“ llitl'd its” ”It‘d. ht“ "lhrs program has gradually blossomed and Is gorrig
\—\/ ‘ l ‘ - 0 “WM.“ came UP Cfltpl)‘hflttdt‘d~ trill torcc right now." Meehatt said. “Since we'\e been
l)“: \\K _ ... _ ”C “'43 “er- d'SEUSlCd and Wild) l” 111W UP here. we lime reccned appro\ttt1atel_\ 115 pltotre calls."
. } l\ \ «/ ,- , But then Mum)" decided 1””) “”C"“”'*'llllllts' \C“ "I started tlirs program because most people see the
\_ . l’ncounters. same people e\er_\ da). theretore they hare no way to
g \ \\ l E: 1‘ New lzncounters. a \tdeo dating sersice. opened two meet someone new." she said.
i l \\ ‘ " , “Wk” all“ I” lexmgton. "l \en \\ hen I go logging. I see the satire people." she
: \ _ ;’ 3 If]; i Belt) Meehan. 23. president ol the dating ser\rce. said continued
l‘fik‘ V N ; I l . ,- .‘ . l \rdeo dating clubs ‘2‘"! In "about CW'.‘ It‘ll“ “MC " But the people w ho come to Next l trcortrrtets gnc dil-
_,_3._-_. ——~—.\ k\j& A, ~_~_-- } In I976. Jettre) l Imann. 30. opened (ireat l:\pect;i- terent mum,“ im- ucmg the cum“,
\ . '35 -~ mm 4’ 34 -3__-_ trons. the tlt’st \tdeo dating sersice. rtr l os .-\rige|es. l atet " l hr. kind or dating .\ W new and Il”umm_ I had to
' \ ‘1'?" /‘_‘_ ’/’ T‘Jl-v l‘Imr-t‘t. opened (ireat lixchIutlons Ht othCI' “Us" I” tt:\ it because I oril} lrseorrcc."satda35~\eai»old I e\rttg~
' ”132.,” . . . . (‘alrlornra “5 “C” “5 1" ”WIN"- C"‘“““’“ and Ohm tori bachelor "I will corrtmrie to go to bars and dances
"'05"?an b3 “NA "00”” But Meehan said Vew Fncounters is not associated . ‘ .
( ontrnued on back page
\ 0|. rxxrtt. No. 24 KG] 2] lini‘el‘i" 0' "i“"ud‘l
Wednesday, September I7, 1980 an independent student news a er Lettington. bentucks
w ‘
Bdthw'thdw tt ' V
031' 0 1' US BBS 1 1°21 S [’0 BS S .3
0 0 O 0 93:25}
against mining permits near UK forest wig , -
8‘ J.~\('l\’l Rl DD DUN \lmdccd between [7K and the men; is two-fold. Darsie said. acknowledged a letter from a law {”4 -
in; NH”, heirs ol Hager (‘ombs' estate. lhe “It will avord litigation with school accreditation team recom- ..,
dispmC “a. o\cr90(l acres ol'the land respect to the title to the 900 acres of mending that the Unrverstty attempt ~2 we 42:22:... 244-." 2' ‘5
that l K had originally claimed. property.“ he said,addingthat it will [0 persuade the Counctl 0f Higher .: “33:? -
Ihe Hoard ol lrusrees withdre“ In I979. the l ntsersity learned also “avoid a conflict with respect to Education [0 ”WSW? the UK Law ' é .. 33,245]: 3
protests )esterda) against coal sur~ that the Rt' I)urr Co. had applied the surface mining permits beforethe School as the primary mS'llUllO" for 35’s ' 43 31,3 33 .5: ’i 7 ‘
lace mining permits near I K‘s lot surface muting pt‘rmits in an area (state) Department of Natural legal training "I ”“3 state. “.3? 23 .. .r’ g
Robinson l-orest “Illlln thc Buckhorn watershed. In Resources and Environmental The team “8895“?" funds should i 2 V M313 3
Robinson “me “mm ”Mums“, I981). the company applied tor addi- Protection," be 3““?th according '0 I“ 353‘ 42.3,,avgg ' 1‘ ,
portion ol the Hrrckhorn (‘reek tronal permits. part ot the area lying the department does not settle strengths instead or in I"NW“ ‘0 __ ,3” a '. i: 33
watershed. is composed ol H.000 wrtltln the Iorest itsell land disputes. enrollment numbers and [he 5Ch00l‘5 "w ‘ it???'i.-2;:-:..?"“il'li,-. "”1253 2.4?
acres or rand in Bteathrtt. Knort and Coal lc‘dws “CFC signed between In other action. the Board physrcal arrangement. ' 13%....- .9 "3:...71‘4 ;'
l’ctt) (‘ourities R( Dutr arid the heirs ol Hager approved the recommendattonofthe “lfwe‘re goingto keep thisinstitu~ 1' '1‘.
this land “as grim to r K in 1923 ( omhs. Duri assigned these leases to reestablishrnent otthe department ot “on competitive we have to face the .1333 _ 3
m m. ”wd mr the “purpose of ang— his company the Roer Mining (“o mining engineering. . hard fact that with afuturein profes- 3 My” :
culture. 3 \pertmctrtal “ml: and Mrerlearning oI these mrnrngper- lhe llnrsersity is in the process ol sional education you have to pay for =" * 3
teaching. and tor the practical dem- mils I ls issued protests searching tor a chairman ol the it. ”1ch are no shortcuts to that .. ,3- 33% 4;” >_:
mNmmm n, IL’ltlI'CsldllOIl ~~ "Ihe cotrllrcirng lossners ot the department. President ()tts Single- the easiest thing in the world is a } i.) 2Q ,
In the carts thls. Ii‘t'rlt‘P‘lrlftlL'fl! 'ifltil “ll“ «its 'H'Is HUI“ ”I ”lit-KT tar) said. He added that the Inner: second-or third-rate institution." %
ol ioresrrs he'ngl conducting ugtlct tombs lime .igrecd to quit claim sit) has enoughtrindstorruosacant Smglcwn. “id .. . , :53? 7-.., -
orialtri researrlmnItrrckhornereek. apptosrmateh ”00 acres ot land positions ' : _ 33;; ”hears 3 .2?" "M
I“ “My“ uasdependcttt .m the pro. \thich the l rtl\ctslt) claims it "We ha\c put it as a biglr priority " l he big [“Ck "i how ‘0 “nd those . ' "W
hrbrtrori ot srit lace mining within the already on its. l)atsie said “Brit. the} because ot the importance ol that ””‘” where 3“” base some reasona- ‘1 a, 3;} V43”? '.-.- ,
Robinson lorcst and alrtttg the Iran" agreed to r't.‘.lrtqtlisll airs land business in the state." Singlerars NC “PW“‘WHH’l excellence and put _‘ «43/‘ 5 }
Huckhor'i ( reek statershed claims the) ma} time said. “ll we stop it now. we‘re alraid .‘l‘U' I'L'SOUI'CCS there rn well a way as V 3.3: °Zm .
lot this reasotil K resisted seieral “In addition. R~,('. “UH and the ue‘ll ne\er get it cranked UP again" to get some result." he added. I 2 3
srirtacc mining pernttt applications RIWI ””1101: (.0 Ititw agreed that because of the capital construction "lhe k,“ school 15 \ery important V ‘ IUfiga"
m the earlt 1970s “(ireatdepositsot the) “I“ dela_\ mining in the Hucls- tree/e to this state. I don‘t think its rust 3. ’ 1‘3};
‘ coal are present lhe I rii\ersrt_\ has hm” “lilt‘t‘lts'd I”! W” .‘L‘ilr‘ until 2\ dt'crslon “ll! be I'Cdi‘hs'd 1” it institutional pride to say it's a good " If 4 -'} f}
: e\ettcd art cltott to present srit'tace the l ”'WI‘”) “2”” L““”‘” “”“'“ “Cs'ls rounding the “"”‘“ I" WWII” law .sthool It could be better and l .5} '55}- ;3 3:5
. mining ” said John llarsie. l K‘s an: completed lb) the tor'estt) construction tritids lor the rciiosa~ think “e ha\c people to makcit bet» " " 1’ é“ .. 1' 1;;-
legal counselor dcpar‘tmentl." he added, tron ot the mining laborators ter rt \se rust had the resorirces."Srrt~ . ‘ "
Howewt. iti earls lost). a Iltlcdlsv lhe ad\antagc ol such art agrec~ In trir'thcr action. the Board til’s'ldl.‘ said k‘ 3‘ . .
. , ”33;... 3 m:
, 2.} - gig:
. . :- .33.: . it
. tor mm Iran ..
" -..-;-"-«' .35» :1 ' _.43_,._,;.-,,..; s
"::=‘2.';:::' . “2'“ :: :3: -, 17W . ‘
P It tdl full d b t on hosta es. v ,. . . -
al‘ amen e ayS e a e g , " 3 t 4 ,
o 0 . I» 5-2132.” .lzr'i'x-i‘r‘fiyfiurmfwwwm
tt i t d to deal With th err fate t
comm] ee SB CC e i 3
[h ”“3 \ssos‘llted Press (ll \lllllL' (lL‘pUtll' 'Illtl \'£lll\ ltll’ ll‘lL‘ nl'c pltdgc [hat [hypurlmnycnt “Ullltl ltl (llscllsslllll Plrtt't‘tllll't‘N Ior c'tli'l\|(l~ ‘ ~f'."}-.;‘,$_:,,3W ‘r. n
execution o' 'sp\~hostages " Ihc decrde the late ot the hostages. Ral— “Hill tht‘ “WC ‘3 ..-_ w..- ' 3 :‘A “
} lhe lranrati Parliament delayed a actrori. rrr ellcct. postponed the awa- sanranr assured tit‘PllIltfs that "the ’\bdolmarrd l)ialameh. speaking °”“ ‘ } M13 7'
trill debate )csrcrdm on the Amerr- itcd parlltlmctlldfl debatethat wash) trnal decision “I” m b) [m- MJH” lot I“ deputies \\ ho soright a closed ”1.23 ' .. d .' 3 ' 1.“
cart hostages and rrr a raucous ween," decide how Iran will deal with the rlsclf “ session on thc'hostages. said “this 1% ' ,3 «”333 if“ 33 . ' 3,:c}li}:fl“_g.:‘x{*~.¢
\otcd toselect aspecialcomrtrrtteeto hostages th‘ Parliament sessrorr Llrirckh \L‘s'ls'l nls's’lllltl 1‘ nccessat‘} ll” ”“’ *5"? .4" . f5. '9; ’29? *& ' . } ¢2§fi“‘ '
deal with the late ol the 52 r‘smet'r» ls‘lll'd“ R-Hlt” “I'd Ills“ MHIIIM “1 turned intoashoutmg matchas some tls‘l‘lllls“ I” ts‘d'lt ”Ilotmatrori and see s‘ 3’2" 5 :_ .. .. _ -».,.-'."."°2’ _. " 2 4‘;
cans rtr their .IIXth das ot L'ttplnll) I‘ilrll-“Ils'm- “”“‘ l“ 4‘ ”WNW metttbers demanded a closed session ““2” Ills‘.‘ “““‘ I" ”W” hillld‘ ‘* (““‘ \iyyé,‘3;& ' __3M,4 \. .2 5 vilifwzaw€§
President ( attet. campaigning in IIIHIUI'UNIUH‘H‘I ”“‘ lllt‘ldb’s‘ "WC “I on the issue Hardlrne deput) Sane-d ”“‘”d ”I ELI“ “Nd" fgffié‘tfigéww '2. “393;”‘Q I } a” " "": VIN/millilfiu ‘33; -r
-\tlanta. said “there is no prospect at 2" “P“‘li'l “"”‘”IIHW “I‘d dI‘CU‘W‘l l‘akhrodrn Rahrmr declared."we do “I‘ll-”11'1““ Mahammadr. 4‘ J 5; it” TV}; $1230 3 1!, '9‘ " - “~22"? .,~ M” w
this time tor an earls resolution" ot thL‘ Illlttthk‘t‘. sllr-rlrtls'ritlom and not need any special committee or a member ot lhe ~Struggling \1oslems " " “”' 3” 54,9 «"1”; _ 3-} '2‘ 5’1.
the hostage stalemate (’artet's :Illlhfil'llfi 0' IIM‘ panel members \o secret session " He said “the sp\- \l0\s'”1t~‘m“l“shhi“L‘ltl‘s'lls"“‘lh“ ‘ Aw“ 4 . ' “ f} -» I.” _ ““3 :33 } ’9W’fl’wgy:
rcttiarks appeared arrticd at clarity “‘ls (“UNI “as gneri hostages must be tried and escttitr-d ”I'llldl” students holding the "mt-T" ' '} 1°: -.. . ‘3” 3:}. 2‘" ,Mi/ it: 4 .. 5 ?
trill earlier statements that had been Speaker ”it‘l‘s'ml Ratsanranr. and the HUMP} lltl‘lills's" released “It “““‘: hlllfll.‘ obrectcd “l ‘9’“th ..j'fi f, '7 2°35 , "'. . '} 3 it [fig/1": 1’ I}: I 7 2""
taken as optimisttr and at \ariarrr'e who cut oll deputies who tried to conditions." sliorild be open to the nation." he {zfm’ 3 _ ':' ,gfi‘whfl ? ."3. J ' Q
“1th the cautioris assessments ol “Ch-II" ”W “0‘11!th "Wt"- ‘élltl slINL‘U" Raltrrnr echoed a call b\ the shouted "l 1“” ilh‘l‘ll‘lcl.‘ against By DAVID ('OYIJ'i/Kernel Staff
Sectetau or Stale [mmmd s Mus- srotrs on the nest committee willcon» lslarngg tundamentalrst lchran ans kind ol secret session.” ~
lug" tinrie u hcn Parliament meets newspaper [fur/(rut that the hostages Ratsariratir twice named Mahams Hot dog
lhe Irantair dumon to mm rm lhiirsda\ be tried as spit-s math to stop shouting lhe proposal
hostage rssrre met to .i special com- HUI ”I lrrre “IIII l's‘H‘lUlItmitU Ralsanrani ruled Rahittrr out or II” -t \s's‘tt‘l scsslon was then rcrected Dru ““') splashes \shle). h” '9“ ”""‘ happy PUPPl- recently ”"9
mrttec was taken oscr the ohrectron leader :\:\atollah Ruhollah Khomer— order and said ‘p‘QIRL‘r‘ shortld stick by the \larlrs hot day t" h" home on KPH‘UN‘.‘ (ourt.
J o nal 'st becomes ‘nuclear gypsy”
ur 1 ,
tb o o 3
on e IDSIde tells of Japanese plants poor safety
:I By MINORI INABA tron. says a Japanese rorirnalist who ot l'ukrrr were ordered to use a towel
\ssncmlt'd rum \snm \sor'ked in the plants to wipe radioacttse \sater oll reactor
lteelancc tourrralrst Kunto llorie parts
Entertainment Editor (‘3'! “““‘ takes ‘ "8'" '“d little less "'3" bill" '00" at the Al'l'm‘l Editor’s note: Freelance journalist also claims the ritrlit_\ companies that “It‘s an anaehrottism tor a sup~
newsroom beset by uncooperative machines. See page 2. Kunio Horie worked for seven own the plants igtiore or tolerate posedl) riltra~modern nuclear tacit—
months in threeofJapan‘sll nuclear satets \iolattons and rise day labor- rt_\. isn't it"" ”one asked rtt arr
, power plants as a manual laborer. ers toritoid pa\rrrg benetitsor higher :\ssriciated Press intersiew
Independent presidentialcandidate John Anderson’s son willspeak at l‘K today. See page 4. one of thousands or job-hungry “ages In a plant in luktishrrna state.
"nuclear gypsies" who drift from ”one worked tor sewn months in Home wrote. he told one ol his co|~
plant to plant under sub-contracts. three drtterent plants as a manual leagues that a monitoring (lL'HCt'
Evelyn Berni" reports on a unique opportunity for architecture students. See page 5. Now he is sounding an alarm about laborer. one ot thorisands \\ ho drrtt showed he had higher than allossed
What he witnessed: slipshod safety ttom plant to plant under sub- radioaetrse contamination on his
procedures Ind workers who lie contracts He has “tlllt‘n .i hook boots
This week's Associated Press Top 20 football teams are listed on page 6. about the radiation they‘re "posed about his experiences. “\rrcleat' lhe worker castiall) suggested
to so they'll keep their jobs. (ispsres " Hone tr) a dillerent monitoring
t .d llte title comes ttotii the name deuce.a“generous"onethatshout-d
ca 5' e l()KY() t2\l’l .lapan's ll gr\crr to rohAliitrigH d.r\ laborers a lower Ie\e|
nrrclear power plants are mostly who “ork at one plant one day and :‘\s Hone passed the second moni-
Partly cloudy weather today. with highs in the mid 70s to mid 80s. Tonight's lows will be in 7mm?“ h]. "!“'f",".““ d"-‘,""’”" ""}""l".”,"‘ ”“T‘ H . I, .. , . .‘Q’ "“”‘?"k‘hf‘"‘:':“{"‘.'.°"“"" “""'
the upper 50s to mid 60s. and highs tomorrow are expected in the 80s. trs .“ o \3'” "if ” u} ml“ and Ln" ””1 m "m I" ‘0 ”““‘ M U“ H u m“ m”
underatpott lhtlrt\p()\lll’cInrudlu- one nrrclcar povret plant in the state ( ontinued on back page
:s I . ‘ . y

 Steve Massey I
KENTUCKY tililiir-in-Lhrol JI) Posse" (IN) Willis John (Ill) ”mid Maynard
Mflk. Green . Anne (‘hlrles liIfllt’IIulnnll'NI Iziliiiir Spur/i [all/or “”"U‘" "I Pht'luwulthi
Debbie McDaniel Ron Hall
Kirby Stephens ('indy McGee John Little
Managing hliior iisoriaie Lili/ors Vicki Poole 5"" Lumber
Blfblfll “I'd SJ. Robinson Donnie “In! David ('oyle
Si‘mur Slur! ”men iiiisiunr LIIlIt‘I'lrliIllilt‘Iil [ft/rim ~tiiiiiuni Spur/i [ZItll/il’\ Phoio kill/or
Jacki Rudd Piiul Mann
' ° nu. igriiim Illiioriul rim.”
editorials & comments
. g ’ . 9
_ Can tyou do somethrng. LOOK there'
. Rape is not a pretty thittg ‘
; Btu tor some t is students. mainly iernale. rape isan increasing possibility. lhel'ig- .
ures beat this out ’ . O
. I During a one year period between l‘)7t< and |979. 23 alleged and attempted rapes on t worm; e IS not angerous
I , were reported in thcl K area mainly around a tour-block area bordered by l-Iuclid ,
J and Woodland '\\Ct1Ut‘\ and last Maxwell and Rose Streets Atccording to the [we
A . ' trigton Rape (‘r isis Center. this area has the highest concentration oiI rapes in the city.
I ’ . , I based on calls t'eceiy ed at the (enter.
' . \otiictltiitg has got to be done, B) ('ARY WILLIS _ B) 9 pm. the iapcs “ch accumulating “3 thbt'mu ' “arm’ltmgs‘rut’wt What '
, ’, Despite charts to make the campus area saier. through the institution oi “bceied ‘ if" the ”“1 d3)" PdPCF- What. I thoueht ll I did hm}: 1* Llu” 1" 9-30 1h“ ”C“ d“)?
’ '. up" police patrols and rape seminars to increase awareness. rapes and sex crimes still _ ””135 d'd” ‘ go ‘0 well l““ ““l" 3“ ”1° L“lml-l andqyery clear-headedly. were “‘I And what II I dId haw» IIlI'III IIIIIIPI‘III “I
I I. i~ . \ 1 hi on -h olice haye not released 'iny s eciiic heroes. the lam that women Acme" . gmng m d” . _ _ ”ad and ” paper ‘0 ““1“
. , isslit Its dot L P t . P c _ _ | came into work alter classes Monday lhose In LhargetMr. Editor. Mr. Pro- \0 problem.
, cannot sctittire out at night without a irieiid indicates the sc\er‘it_\' oi the problem in afternoon. l'pon “N glance, I, looked a; Nothing I could do about it now. I ”N i
‘ ’ . tlils atca though I might be able to control the situa- hut/to wind down. I ielt like I was on drugs
I -\ lcw things potential \ ictirtis cart do to present rape include locking all doors and Iron. there were only two pages tor the f lwas >0 tense and psyched Up. so by per~
, II windows. ne\er walk alone. keep blittds shirt and draperies closed and install a wide “DIN-’“lomn 5601mm 80d “0 had plenty ‘0 y; I Gary aciiie and lldtlflk that l “”5 laughing
' I angle \iewet iii the door l‘” 'l “llhv _ “a. Hysterically‘. '
I I And lll l csritetoti. there is a Rape ( risis 1 me which can be called at 353—3.“ l. the “N indication [th ”MIC might be .-. 0 0 l had l0“ “I‘mm’l‘ B‘I‘Ir‘ l mu“ ha\e
1‘ . , . ~ ‘ _ _ . . . ,~ .. problems came about 5 p m. WIIIIS beer?
. I But besides tape itselt. one ot the main problems locusts on the psychological LllLLI "Hey. eierybody we're “5mg BC“ ., Alter | and seieral other Kernelites
' - on the \. ictitii tonight. so strip all your codes." came the I' . quai’ied a iew lagers. we relaxed a little and '
» . \iam mas teel gut?! and anger Some may leel hatred and remorse. It is these psy— order trom Stete Massey. our beloyed ' I decided to find something interestingto do
' ' I i cltotogical etietts that niai pto\ e most damaging Cdltm- duction Manager and M” Ad‘mrl sug~ “9 certainly WUlani “WP
. . I I lo help cut down r-r: tape. 1 K Police should institute the rise oi loot patrols in these “hi“ SIC‘C “35 “filing m h” htb’ Cd‘ttm gested “C “‘l‘“ 0‘” tapes dim" l" the Kim} juggt‘fls‘d wegoswtmming. Right.
, “ l trouhiui areas. especiall‘. dur trig late hours. (‘ampus lighting should be installed at all “mm W“ that our modern. ”lmpl'lwd‘ HIIaIdII'VCIddCI, IIIIIIdIng (where IIC III Klrh)‘ II 5 58 degrees 0“”.ch and 'Wu want
‘. - j _ almost iun-to-use typesetter was not work» printed) and use the” t)pescttcr. (treat to go swimming. 'Where,’ I inquired.
- , ‘_ ! ptoo'en: areas or: catiiptis _ ing pr()pfrlv\~and[hat wewould ha\eto use idea,’ We‘re sayed? Visions of actually get— Stew interjected. “lhere's this great
. I ' 1 ’\llLl lllL’ l .i‘. .‘llL' ‘. J'lllll} l ll‘di'l (HHCHIIHCHI \llUUld lllCl‘CdsL' lighting at illC our old-iashroned. dllllcull. a pain-indhe‘ [mg sump \lt‘t’p appeared in my panicking ‘pnng Out mI “Ioodiord ('ouniy “c can
‘ , .- iI ttoubtcd ricwe'ibothoods around campus as well as sponsor more awareness clitircs ”Home“ aging typsetter. aliectionately head swim in, it'll be cold as shit. but I thirtk it
.' - g . l through om, Rd” (tov‘ (an1 known 35 Bess. (iiddy and optimistic. we Iipped on would iIeelgood."he said in hisslurred sort I
,' I I .II l li "te .,t: t\ .itidl ls wot is together on this Problem. then perhaps l K students y BC“ '5 ‘l"“ “"‘l awkward. “”d‘l‘“ Pr‘m‘ down I” the Herald-l “(Jul A “Ir-l helpiul ”l ““3
. ' _, “L“ be an m .crxtuie out at night and lccl sale lunny Print loot“ bunched together and 1‘ man in a rather odd—looking surt ran our Hit/led and era/y. we headed ior Wood-
’ . TI l' H \ H mm “M \m “[me may continue to bean increasing. and nasty. rather iatrgurng to read tapes through their thoroughly modern. lord (ounty, We weren‘t sure exactly
‘ ‘ ‘ . . ~ - Steie ujw said something about strrp— simpliiied and almost iun-tosUse machine where in Woodiord ( ounty. but i mean.
_. _ l pf‘ip \ ij, ping codes. I'll try to c\plain buggy Ah. but their ty‘peseiterdoesn't read our hey how big can one county be"
( I, '. ,_ .__._.__..,.___—— .st our nc“5 “orlcgumtwcd onto edrt- tapes properly Hy'phens are changed to (iary. our driyer. was straight. (iood
. , .J . ,I . ® ing machines called \ldmdlcpju) [crmmdjc these cute little squares. paragraph iriden- news. His fuel tank was on “l- “ \ow. to
I.. f. - r DU '2 (basically typewriters with a l \Iscl on top) lions become tractions. and codes ior italic me. this was bad news
1 . , . \iter a “0“ looks the “a, we want H to well. you get the picture (iary corrected the. "Oh. no, nothing to
_. , . look in the paper. a button is pushed and We were oiiiered a choice, we could worry about.“he said lusually get .10 miles
I . t ,I the finished story comes out oi another Nth” W'UPC ”W “WW [\""“'I i” ”W alter 1‘ ‘11.“ IL‘mPl.‘ l l g“ rs'dl good I
- 5‘ . :n j ‘ l ‘ l / machine in the iorm oi a yellow tape with Herald-l eader or we could go back to otir mileage "
I, i . , j 1 \ l: \V ‘\ computer-punched holes. which the type» budding and plead with ol‘ Bess to try Well. we ne\er iound the spring I told
.‘ I . ‘. l , , ' setter reads and prints into newspaper again (iary l5 miles out oi' Lexington that iine
- , , i ll {-— 1 columns -\nne ('harles. senior staii writer and were to turn around right then. we
‘ j “Il'irn using the new. modern iyjiesclicp occasional production assistant. staited would'te arisen It) mileson“l, Heturneu’
, » ,I l (:0 ”mail”. . ‘ one can type a btinch oi number codes at typing on the iabulous new machines at the around: and we went home
~y . . 0 ”MW‘ ‘— the beginning. representing sucli handy H~l lhis might take a while. I thought to lliat s okay I'm sure that sprittg
. ,. ‘ ‘Q things as column width. si/e oi print. ital- myseli. would‘se been at least as cold as death |
-I I . , .' ~ T TO JAIL II rcs. boldtacc. and the letting betwccrt It was determined by those In ('harge could see the papers the next day. Kernel
.' . ‘ [W . . letters that we would try Bess again. editors found floating in stream.
. . . ‘_- 1" thii using Bess. such intricacies mirst She decrded to cooperate. i stopped But anyway. the killer isthe tact that the I
_I _ _" - . ~. ”0 NOT PASS 60, 00 ”GT COLLECT 3200 be typed directly into the typesettet it gets ioaming at the mouth and nearly smiled machines are going us just as much trouble
; . . .- to be rather aggrayaiitig iiyou iorgei what Besides a iew minor problems with the this week. l’owet surges may betheculprit ~
. . ' ' . -. l the codes were supposed to be and such headliner. copy processor and waser. We don‘t i'L‘ull\ know ,
‘ fl . Hope those three paragraphs weren‘t too things went pretty smoothly irorn there on We do know we can't get am decent scr~
. , a is. // ‘ dull. But we‘re ready to those on now otit We were iinished with the paper at the on our equrprnent. Iso things are oti a
.. \- . , Q ()kay. I said to myseli. so we‘iegotta use around 330 am day-to-day basis. ‘\ll those typos may not .
, _ ‘ . Q¢\ Bess We'ye used her beiore. and most WC ltitd WUFls’Cd on d damned six~page be our ow it. please bear with Us I
, , . ,7 . small town newspaper editors would sell newspaper irntrl 3.30 in the morning? there is hope an cieri morcrnoderriand
.: ‘ I. . m their parents m get such d [ypcscflcp Wednesday was pretty much the same almost iun-to~use systcnt rttay be on order.
s: ‘ V, w ‘ ~ But that was only the beginning oi the W"). escept lhls time. Vic decided to go and should be here beiore the semester is
.3 . _ ‘ problems ahead and swing it with the partially dys- oser Maybe that will help smooth out
_ . ‘ 3 1: f I‘ - ‘./ gym? \ext. the AP wire machine broke down tunctional new. modern. tin—longcr-iun‘tw some oi the kinks
, '1 I W)‘ v’ :3??? Soon. our tape—input machines were trial» iisixtmcwttfl ”hts‘dd 0i thing Bibs l‘ntil then. each day I must pray. And
. .' . ‘ ’ , ' $3.396 M I iunctiontng. lhcn one oi the outptit ltdt ‘M‘ didnt know until our pages remember not to get angry. Do not hurt
, , ‘fiw ". § fl’ g; m [I machines went down were all pastedaipartd nearly ready to print innocent people_ I tell myseli.
_, 3 , . _ ’ \ . (5' - And e\en Bess mm” working normally was that words. parts oi words and entire Hut ii you're wandering around on cam»
.' - 3 ‘/ ’ / . fa Hmm. lines were missing ironi the copy pus, and you see a rather thin gtn with .
. . "‘ ‘ , Do not panic Do not kill Do not put “tints" llks‘ “and it" that team" Is glasses. needing a sham. bug—eyed and
. , ‘ . . ~ .‘UU’ ml through thc “an, (jimmy entirely recommended" were seen at the talking to hiniseli. don‘t call the police.
I . .» L_ terminal. blegainirlig oi paragraphs lhings like It‘s probably iusi been one oi thosedays
. - .L‘ fi'_————" lhink about leasatitihin 's butterilies. " or dII “CH: where “Disney World"
. ‘ "5 ALL Rica”) RbERVED-u © [M puppy dogs. \urnhjnf ()r maIy he w ild lul» should hasc been, I (an Willis is the Entertainment Editor
t" ," @ key and sex. .ltrsi retain control things We corrected and t'e-corrcctcd ewry— ofthe IKerneland former Managing Editor.
J , ‘1. "‘ “I“ “OI-k out ‘ thing manually.and werclinished by .l am. He is a telecommunications senior, ‘
. f - ‘ d ' ' '
A rson ma dra w K ermed vote makm himsel Viable
n e y , ,
'I I
l 4 IiI 14
"12.3' i 3, JO“); ”1le, candidates go up to around $1.70 per gallon
‘I r- ' . .‘ _‘. \rtderson also tecened the sup- scares many people. especially the i ’
II: t‘ .3 “I" ,’ lit the second installment oi my port oi mans [RA supporters alter mtddle»classed. blue-collar worker I l
-, .' series on the presidential candidates] ________—____ Anderson IS also haying problems
.' .I If wf: knew the candidacy oi Rep~ getting the support oi the labor m, P,
' ,t fse'iil.i!t’st' trihn \niieison unions labor leaders think Ander-
‘. ‘3 W "re" xou talk to people about t l son's \tiiitig record on labor issues tn . .
" .' 331‘ \nijyys in \ campaign mans oi them S a co um” (‘ongress is weak Ii Anderson is to
1'.“ I .- .. w.ll sa'. Zlie\ think he is the best can» have a chance oi winningtheelection -
' I1", .iidate but they don‘t think he has a in \member he must win oier the
I - - . chance oi winning because he is run- —'——fi-_—"—_"—““ beans oi some major labor leaders.
I," _ -‘ , rung as an independent the Republican party decided not to Anderson's major strength lies . 1%: J
j: x. lhis tact rs eitdent iii the polls support the ratiticatiori oi the “(A with soters whoaredrsgruntled with {sfifl‘ / "V
K“; . ' 1 f Rik’lii now about 55 percent oi the \ndcrson's stand on the tires“ the choice between Ronald Reagan "‘ .. ,« /I~ .J l"
‘3' people polled say they will \otc ior issue is popular with many young and President (‘arter With ('arter‘s ' _—o \‘ /
', ,.' \nderson ‘\lT\t‘Tl(dn\ He opposes drait regis- record and Reagan‘s unpopular ' Amman
, 1 J. Hut. when asked ii thet would \ oie tration and he sats the solution iothc stands. Anderson is seen as a stable rAlG‘ %“Tlnll 03,
“ ' ' for him it they thought he had a real ttitllttif) problem 1‘ It) InCFC'dW the third choice .‘k' , \. 09°!» 'iv a l
' y .. ' thanL‘t‘. \nderson comes close to PM 0‘ military PNWHM‘I Anderson Anderson should also gain sup- II \"‘I - I”
’ ’. ' boih Rama” and ( dm-i says this will attract more skilled and port irom Kennedy supporters. And- e ‘9 ll‘ «\v“ l / l
, I II Anderson‘s campaign has won better educated men and women erson’s choice oi Democrat Patrick { 7 I.) I 1’ c/I .. "J I I I‘I I
. . ”m... maior ”Home .n rm» Pd‘t iw it‘urrenily military salaries are luccy as his nee-presidential run- - ' I G-“ a M ; I ‘
‘ ,. weeks l irst. the iederal gotpinrnent below what a person could make on ning mate should help mm pick up Q9 ‘% I g s ‘ ,_< ‘5 \“ .,
. said he could receisc iedcral tunds it unemployment l many Kennedy supporters This is I‘ __ 'i 9’ 659 \ \ / v I I ;,' I
' " ‘ he M‘CCHCd oyer ll\C percent or the Anderson is haying problems gct— due to the backing Kennedy received Q I .9“ s, ‘ L l / Il. »
. g sotes on election day ting the blue-collar sote One reason irom l.ucey durtng his campaign ior l I 4/6}, m I. l f/
. ’ \‘ccond. Anderson receiied the |\ hIS 50-5“ plan I nder the plan the the Democratic presidential @G‘s) 1‘GIIRJI , 1 III I
I endorsement oi \ew \ ork‘s l lhcrdl price oi gas would be raised 50ccnts nomination I b _ ‘4 1, I .-
yI Party [his not onlt will help him and the Social \IL‘L‘UHH taxes would For Anderson to be elected in / I/ (' ll. Il ‘
am New Y ork. but it also shows peo- bi: \lll iri hali Voyember he rntist comince the /§ i I
. pic that he is a stable candidate it lhe money iSol billion the first American people heisayiablecandi- ‘ ' .
might also bring the endowment oi war and 8“ billion in each 0t ”‘1’ date Hisonly chanceoi proyingthis . “‘ I I. ..’ .
”my, ”mm. ne\t touryearsLaccordingtoAnder» is by doing well in the debates wrth h ‘
lbird. the league oi Women son. would be used ior a payroll tax Reagan and( anflm (‘arter decides 7‘ - '_ j. I” T» : i
\oters has decided to allow finder tcltel program. an increase in Social to show up: ~ ’I _— ._:-‘ I19
. ' ' son to participate in their tit-hares Security benefits and a It) percent It dllt't the debates Anderson is - % E‘I)
(wiring into the debates was a must “motor iuels tax credit" ior busmc“ not doing well in the polls then be I II
ior -\ndersori because he has to UW 0' "1010! lU€l\ should reconsider his candidacy lor
prose that he is equal to the other lheiactihatthe WWC"llla‘“"UId hl‘ ”V n Political purposes I
,.- , . a i i r

 k llll kl\ll(l\\ kHtNH.“ednesday.5eptember”.1980-3 . .
' N w d ———————-—————-———— ’
1 e s mun up > '
('ompiled from AP dispatches .1.
. . ' _
\Ltld. tncludtttg It lutgc uhttc nmkc .t pmttm- ldL‘IIlIlltdllllll llldtlk‘ ".t tlllk‘-\\.l\ tttp t.) lht‘ 't Amt t: . 'ttrwt-v In Imwl lttlll L-tnttumtt grttulh tam '
I ocal hla/u and uspltt Iclent hoot uI Itc .n my pctmn “hm um) I lIIlL’tl \tatm lt mtd tlu wt World '1.» . :mrx IttI 'ltt’ '.I\l tttttt III JIM tutu-mt llllLlUdlItllh . . -. 1 .
thut um patchcd “Ilh acnltc llllllcd 1hr ctttttc uhts htmt'k plant-x tn It'll-HI ‘ll’ll ~ Imlnl'» "WW ”It \\ k’\1L‘lIl upctts haw L'xl. ,. ‘I
>\n tdcttttltctttmn nttttthcr lcc'x .tttntttct ('lttlc \tttt ltutttt- Ittuc “tltaxttt pctm! lllt'd' . . . . mum hub L'llul Itmtcd m.“ mt- x..ttd..h.ggh-t1 ‘ ,
A ”.‘eflold chfitnm mare. W-97l‘) “ax lttluuctl Ilhldt‘ moth. mwrtcd tn llI\ ttpcntng \Ul't\“d|l\1\l|llld hcnlttultlul “TN?“ ”f "'1" “‘I’r'd ‘ “'l 1).. t.tt.ttt.t .mtI lulwb‘lt ptupmal would push ml Pflt't“ . ' '. ,
~ ' .. . . . ; 'I‘ ; 1W... \ , I. .IMI I . . . 1. ,
Summary procedure. was hcr upper ltp. ~tatumnt thtrt ht \muld prmt. “lltcu‘ttttt h.|\chkl'lllllct1:\ 17:10.“:ndSEILHIHII‘I l‘tw‘t .II ,.. mttt .t I: II 1 Im- I up “My” IR puunl mu rm ,, . I
5101c“ 1mm llurrtcunc Stud lhc .tllcgcd tnctdcnt mu lhc ll has not lndd ltc hut .t pctA lllll\ltlllt'tl Ihllll\.lllti\ Imu- ‘1‘ 1" lb» IMP; ”M; “I"? I (“guru/JIM .., . NIH“ “l"- IIL'\l I- ttttlnlhx . >1 .- I. . .-
IJIm mm lutngton. mm] tlttrd In\0l\lllg tt tttamt thu~ wtt nttmul \‘JHIII Nathan. had hm“ cxpcttt-ttt't'x m rm ‘ :IIII‘I“ ‘\t‘I‘\‘[lIlt'k II‘IIII II.“ I ”WWW ( ”UM!“ "FT”: “ lldll .ttttt Mpg-rm tvm llIIl " r . ',’
. (“HWY SlttttIC) I) PCIICI' .ll’ rottghhrcd III th‘ arc“ \IllL'L' uhtt |I\u‘tl Ill llIC ttIL'd .Ll llIIt‘ \tltlkt'c pttltldlxt’ .tlttl (1..“ ‘I‘I' ‘\ l IL \I h, \ .1 I\,I.._ xtkI1lllklkitI‘\ \ll\LIl\‘lll.L'~-1I‘ P f‘” IltlIII lllL‘ll.hL‘I\ pltlprl‘L‘ddHCIV 1‘)... .I‘ r ; I
\dld )L‘slcldu) IhC mall“ I\ Ill I" 7 lIllIt‘. \Nl‘ttl (Ill \1IN klltu \ “.tlll It) ultllc high to ( llhtt.” “I ““‘l “‘ “' "“ l ' " “ Itr IIIIK «‘It I1Ittt‘\ In \MIIH. tItlI.t IlttlL' [ll-ll“ |.II IIIIIItxlcrx Mild a I: I. ,7 ' )L‘
“ml lldnllClL'UChL'. .t 8500.000 lhttmt .ttttl tttuttlt-tcd thc IJIII tht- (nmttttttmt IIIIIII ”CI“ ,L'I'J' , -'.
‘ lhc murc. h) lmpttrtcd mutc In total to lt'tplc ('ttmn \IlllllIUIIN \tlld thc tlk‘lk‘lhc papcr (IldlllnttxttltlIlI.tlIt1I1l t¥¥é¥¥¥¥¥¥4}*4***444¥44¥¥¥ .:. I.'I . I'frf
. (‘nutt \ltttttttl—Prtnccxx “”1”“ SCUCNHJL “1“ MM” “mm! "“m ”ll” “‘“hc’” - 'htyt‘ .llllL'lL‘ “htch um lk'tlll £E‘I‘ SOU rHWESTERN * " "Zr-Iv :7" I'
l M halt “ 1‘” \ “Md ‘H “(311(‘Inmm‘nc li‘um ttt.|unc “h“ I‘ not m UNUd-L “d‘ h'd' tut-t R.ttlttn Httxttttu .ttttl IIIUIII * '1': :1 n * {fa-‘1 ' ‘~ .
“40.000: but vmttld not hc N . MW was ““llld ‘1‘ ”‘11 1” thc h"‘“"‘”“ “l the total ttt \lttttttt '7 (JOLD & SILVER CO ‘ .l-‘ ,‘I'H V7“ If
worth that much to an Ulll- "W”m‘ WC" ”Cl” lm"PKHNI Km“ “‘“IC‘ I” ”I“ “”1“ ( “ha“ ItLIlhtllIlICx ll.ttl ["lL' * 4' ' I“ . . * 4ft ~3._‘."."_' ' i
sidcr. l’ctlcr \utd Ilc ltttcttdcr. a ~“15.000 \tmttmm tlcxctthcd tltt- IIlL‘I' \muxlx \ ”d I“! “III“ \wtt‘w ht' * YUIQUOISG and Silver Jewelry * '{Is't' JI'IIII-I‘; I"
. , . , _ I . , I . . . ‘ ‘ " ‘ . . . I _ ,c .' ' .
‘h" “0““ "I“ h“ “"d "‘ “ 'I';"“‘I““‘ ““"”I“‘”" mm; "I"”I.‘I“ "I““QI-L “”“1""”“‘ “’ plnxct‘ttlul. but mutant: * Rings - Necklaces - Feather Hatbands - Earrings - Indian Art * ' "I. 25.4; v.1
thoroughbred mthout rcgtv ‘1" 'élml m'l” “WWW” 1” ”C “”I u ' .mwn “N. ttt -m '1“ 'u - I: II \‘l ' ' 17:}?‘51'1
m trattun Papers. l’cttct satd. .md .\U\uttthct I975 and ttcwr lhc chtld‘x hnd). “huh hml :\ tILlllngL' t: :le tlxtt: 1": II * Prints - Bracelets - Belt