xt79w08wdc47 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79w08wdc47/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1975-06-27 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, June 27, 1975 text The Kentucky Kernel, June 27, 1975 1975 1975-06-27 2020 true xt79w08wdc47 section xt79w08wdc47  


Julius Berry

Kernel Staff Writer

A poster hangs on the wall in one corner
of the office. The people who work there
are probably motivated by a daily glance
at the inspirational message: “Pray for
the dead and FIGHT like hell for the

Julius Berry is one of the people who
work in the office. He is the Citizens’
Advocate for the Urban County Govern-
ment and since he took the job six months
ago he has had to fight like hell for himself
many times.

“I see this job as one of investigating and
disclosing irregularities on the part of the
people who work in the government,"
Berry said. “To do the job right I’m going


Vol. LXVII No.3
Friday, June 27,1975


With a little help

to have to step on the toes of some of those

“There is always abuse of power in
government." Berry said. “Sometimes it’s
just a matter of passing a citizen’s
problem around because nobody knows
who is supposed to handle it. 1 hope to clear
up some of that.“

Despite what Berry says, only one fact is
clear in his relationship with the rest of the
Urban County Government. That is, Berry
is in the midstof a confrontation with other
employes of the local government, in-

cluding several members of the Urban

The dispute involves a disagreement
over Berry‘s powers as (‘itizens’




Katrina Mason holds up Joshua Mason. 3. for a drink of water while

Caleb. waits his turn.


The Masons. from Nashville. enjoyed

Woodland Park while Katrina's husband attended a conference at l'K.

Cifizens' Advocate fights

Berry sees himself as an independent

force working within the bureaucracy to
help alleviate complaints which people

might have about their dealings with local .

In this capacity, Berry says he is entitled
to investigate citizen complaints and take

whatever steps are necessary to see that _~:=- »'

the problem is solved.

Berry says the Citizens’ Advocate is
granted broad powers in the Urban County
charter, under which the merged govern
ment operates.


In the charter the Advocate is em- .,

powered to:
“investigate any complaint by

Continued on page 12


an independent student newspaper m}



..s. \ ‘_ \



6] University of Kentucky

Lexington, K y 40506


UK workers to affiliate
with national union

Assistant Managing Editor

By this fall the UK Workers Organizing
Committee will be totally affiliated with a
national labor union, said organizer
Margaret Roach.

By then Roach, a hospital employe,
expects to have made all UK employes
aware of the organizing effort.

The latest in a leaflet drive to organize
employes announces the affiliation with

A special subcommittee on collective
bargaining, chaired by State Sen.
Michael Moloney (D-Lexington) will meet
in Frankfort July 23 to pursue discussions.
Moloney said the discussions will con-
stitute a “wrap-up session" where “we
will decide what to do” on the issue.

The subcommittee will then prepare a
written report to be presented when the
full legislature convenes in January.

The governor, constitutional officers,
secretaries and department heads of state


the American
Federation of
State, County and
Municipal Em-
ployes ( A F-
SCME), a branch
of the AFL—CIO.

The affiliation

'We’re not going to sit back

and wait for the courts and

the legislature.’



is the culmination
of an organizing drive which began early
last February.

Two major factors complicate
process of UK employes’ unionizing

——A suit filed by the University in 1972
attempting to determine whether" "non-
academic employes at UK have the right
to organize collectively for bargaining

—and discussion of collective bargaining
in the state legislature.

No decision has been reached in the
three-year-old suit, nor have any collective
bargaining decisions been established by
the legislature.


Last April UK Legal Counsel John
Darsie explained that the suit was
originally filed because of an “absence of
state law" as to whether the UK Board of
Trustees can sign a collective bargaining
contract with a union.

Daisie is currently in Seattle, Wash.,
unavailable for comment. However.
another University attorney in the suit,
John P. Sandidge of Louisville, was
available, but he refused to comment.

”My understanding with Darsie is that
he would do all the talking." Sandidge

government have been invited to the
subcommittee hearings, Moloney said.

A four day work session will probably be
scheduled at a state park for the
discussions, Moloney said.

Several'sources have indicated that the
suit will be resolved before the legislature
convenes in January. A decision, however,
could be made moot should a legislative
act conflict with it.

Until these issues are resolved, it is not
known what effect the current effort at
unionization on the partof UK workers will
have. However, it is having no effect on the
Organizing Committee‘s efforts.

“We‘re not going to sit back and wait for
the courts and the legislature.“ says
Roach. “It‘s an absolute necessity that we
organize now," she added, citing what the
Organizing Committee considers “in-
credibly low wages" at UK.

One of the first demands of the
Organizing Committee was for an across-
the-board $1 per hour increase for all non-
academic employes. Roach presented the
demand before a special committee of the
Board of Trustees on May 6. The full Board
agreed to consider their request.

Continued on page 12







Julius Berry, metro govern-
ment’s Citizen's Advocate, has
evidently been a severe dis-
appointment to several mem-
bers of the Lexington Urban
County Council. He hastaken his
job too seriously.

The position of Citizens’ Advo-
cate is that of “an independent
agent through whom they(ci-
tizens) can seek redress of their
grievances," according to the
metro government charter
which set up the new merged
government in January 1974.
Berry does just that, feeling the
scope of his inquiries into the
workings of metro government
are unlimited.

Because he is prone towards
telling the truth, even some-
times holding press conferences
and telling the truth, Urban
County Council members have
decided itstime to limit Berry's

lVice mayor Scotty Baesler
recently proposed guidelines
designed to define areas which
Berry may ”properly” investi-
gate and areas which he “pro-
perly" may not. All we can
conclude is that Urban County
Government has something to

it will be somewhat more
difficult for relatively unimpor-
tant metro government to justi—
fy secrecy by hiding behind a
catch—all phrase like “national
security." Although that suits
the Pentagon, the Central Intel-
ligence Agency and the Federal
Bureau of Investigation quite

It Is obviously not unnatural or
unprecedented for government
to take rapid steps to cover



Citizen's Advocate

something up. The question is,
“Why have they waited so long
to harness Berry?”

Although this is the first overt
move to limit the Citizens’
Advocate the Council has taken,
it has been maneuvering behind
the scenes since the last drop of
ink dried on Berry‘s contract.

Ever since Berry was hired in
January 1975 he has found
himself hamIstrung by the
Council’s refusal to enable him
to function. Berrv has two
caseworkers who are paid
through the federally—funded
Manpower Project, and a secre-
tary to investigate all citi2ens’
complaints. That certainly gives
us a distinct idea how seriously
our complaints are taken by
elected officials.

All of the council membersare
fully aware that in order for
Berry to function he must retain
an attorney at least part—time
and have a sufficient number of
case workers. Obviously that’s
why his office lacks all of these
necessities. He was only very
recently granted the luxury of
secretarial services.

If ever a laissez—faire policy
should be practiced now’s the
time. Berrvshould be left alone. .
and adequately funded to do his
job as he sees fit. Any thoughts
of “guideIInes” should be done
away with. ['7-



Editor -in-Chiet
Nancy Daly

Managing Editor
Susan Jones

Associate Editor
Jack K oeneman

Arts Editor
Dona Rains








Making pot laws sane

America’s modern day “prohibi-
tion” appears to be coming to a close
asthe reform of marijuana lawstakes
a gradual turn for the better.

Suprisingly, the thrust of liberaliza—
tion is coming from the statehouses
(hIifornia moved very close this
week towards decriminalizing per-
sonal use of marijuana. Maine and
Alaska recently removed penalities
and jail sentences for possession of
snail amounts of grass. Oregon
actually started the trend by adopting
the concept of a civil find for
marijuana use in 1973.

While legalization of pot is still

pretty much a pipedream, these
legislative actions indicate the public
is growing increasingly tolerant of
marijuana use. The new statutes treat
possession of small amounts of mari-
juana as a\civil rather than criminal
offense with enforcement much like
that of traffic violations.
_ Although all states still feel mari-
juana shouldn’t be legal, a growing
number feel its use does not warrant
severe and unreasonable penalties.

A liberalization trend has been
evident even in Kentucky, where

marijuana use is still viewed as a
criminal offense. Laws affecting per-
sonal use have changed for the better
in each of the last four sessions of the
state legislature—all the way from
felony to minor misdemeanor. The
current penalty for marijuana pos-
session with intent to use is a
maximum jail sentence of 90 days
with frequent probation visits to
treatment centers.

.A shift in attitude has also been
registered at the federal level. During
Senate hearings in May on a bill to
decriminalize personal marijuana
use, the J ustioe Department departed
from its consistent previous opposi-
tion to removal of criminai penalties
by taking no position on the bill. State
laws would not be directly affected by
any change infederal pot laws, under
which relatively few persons are
arrested. But liberalizations of fed-
eral laws would definitely push
states towards taking the same route.

In any case, the trend towards
liberalization of marijuana laws is
heartening, especially in a state
whose laws are such that decrim inal—
ization could be the next step.[]









Barry Forbis

Photo Editor
Chuck Com bes

Assistant Managing
Walter Hixson
Byron West

Production Staff
Linda Carroll
Mary Pat Schumer
Gail Cohee
Judy Demery

The Kmtucky Kernel, "4 Journalism reader buy 80d any false 0" misleading
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Buddy, wanna buy a diploma?
I can't get a job and need a dime


By Jeff C. Goldsmith

Mil/York fimes NewsService


SPRINGFIELD, ill. —The Class of 1975
on the nation’s campuses is marching out
into an indifferent world. its members
face the worst recession since the 1930’s,
and to a greater extent than most people
realize the burdens of recession fall
heavily on the young.




When the national economy contracts,
those entering the labor market for the
first time must stand and wait. Those who
are hired last are usually the first fired.
These two simple facts explain why over 42
per cent of the nation’s unemployed are
under 25 years of age. The unemployment
'rate for young people aged 20 to 24, a
majority of whom are out of school, is over
14 per cent — more than double the rate of
people aged 25 to 59. Unemployment
among black teen-agers (most of whom
will never get to college) is between wand



40 per cent, and may well double during
the summer —an unemployment crisis far
worse than at any time during the violent

For those young people who believed the
“public service" advertising slogans —-
“to get a good job, get a good education" ——
this shortage of opportunities will be an
especially bitter pill to swallow.

In November, 1974, when the recession
had yet to bottom out, the Labor Depart-

ment reported unempioyment rates of 14“

per cent to 15 per cent for college
graduates in the humanities and social

sciencestmm- the. C! asset 49224 who have , ,

been in the labor market for over two
years). These data are undoubtedly worse
now. These young people have gotten a
good education at great cost to them-
selves, their parents and the taxpayers.
Now, we must ask, where are thejobs? Not

good jobs, but any jobs?

This summer hundreds o'i "thousands of
this “best educated generation of young
Americans" will be unable to find even
temporary work. Those that seek perma-
nent work will be caught in a cruel double
bind — “overqualified” for many jobs, yet
unable to find jobs that make even partial
use of their skills and energies.

Not too many years ago, parents,
educators and politicians prayed for a
little peace on the nation's campuses.
Young people who protested or “dropped
out" were excoriated as spoiled ingrates,
as parasites and rotten apples. Now we
have a generation of students that, if we
believe the opinion polls, wants to make
itself useful, and that has worked and
studied hard, that has obeyed the rules.
They have trusted their elders to manage
the economy. And the plain facts are that
their elders have failed them.

, That the tragic waste of resources which
threatensthe Class of 1975 is not a political
issue is an indictment of our political
system. The genius of successful politics is
the discovery and Cultivation of hidden
constituencies — Franklin D. Roosevelt's
“forgotten man."

'Yet, among the opinion leaders and
taste-makers of today, interest in ”youth"
is out of fashion. Juvenile delinquency,
rioting, drug abuse, war resistance —
these sensational and romantic manifes-
tations of “youth" are either gone or
forgotten. Politicians who have studied
youths’ voting behavior in 1972 and 1974
have appatently cocci-acted that young

people can be written off as a constituency
— useful as foot soldiers for hopeless
political causes perhaps, but unable to
deliver when it counts.

The current problem raises some nasty
social issues. For example, what fate
awaits the universities, which have com-
manded large-scale social resources on
the strength of promising students (parti-
cularly the underprivileged) access to
middle-class jobs, security and pros-
perity? Wiil the unemployedliberal arts
major support huge public outlays for
higher education in future years as his

>parents~did it'i‘ii‘ie' past? The Utilitarian

myths of higher education will die hard,
and the damage to our universities may be
difficult to repair.

‘lf getting a good education does not
guarantee a good job, then the age-graded
rationing system by which our society
allocates jobs and job security will be
subject to increasing criticism. Wives who
work merely to augment their husands‘
income and anchor their families in the
upper-middle class compete for jobs with
young jobseekers, many of whom have
families of their own to support. Labor
unions, through the principle of seniority,
shelter the less educated and perhaps less
productive, older worker from ferocious
competition from younger workers. The
principle of tenure does the same -for
college faculties. Generational equity in
the labor market is a serious unresolved
social problem.

'One of the common observations about
student politics in the 1%0’s was that
young people complained not about what
the system did tothem as about what it did
to others — to underdogs like the poor, the
blacks, the Vietnamese peasant.

ilf the Harvard sociologist Daniel Bell is
correct and our society is caught up in a
“revolution of rising entitlements," the
disinterestedness of the young may come
to an end. if we neglect the proffered
energy of the Class of 1975, a generation
that, finally, wants to make itself useful,
we do so at our peril. C]


Jeff 0. Goldsmith, who is 26 years
old, is special assistant to the
director of the llllnois Bureau of the


The next


By Mark Manning

Young Socialist Alliance



iHaving finally been driven out of
Vietnam and Cambodia, Washington has
begun to raise the ominous threat of a new

war in Korea- .5 n a recent interview in U-S.. . _

News and World Report, Secretary of
Defense James Schlesinger stressed that
in the event of a conflict in Korea, “the
U .8. would take more vigorous action than
we were inclined to take during much of
the Vietnamese war.“

in fact, there are already 40,0(1) U.S.
troops in Korea, and a stockpile of
“tactical nuclear weapons.” Early in May,
LosAngeles Times reporter Sam Jameson
wrote from Seoul: “The U.S. officer, who
asked not to be named, made it clear in an
interview that he did not expect an
all-out attack upon South Korea at this

“But he also indicated that if such an
attack should occur, a recommendation

urging the use of tactical nuciear weapons
would most likely be made by the U.S.
command here to the White House."

,The....l.LS. commander explained-~40-
Jameson, “I'm an ‘attack nuke' man

it’s just like Vietnam". WaShingto'n is
trying to paint the war danger in Korea as
coming from “aggression from the
North." The real danger to the dictator-
ship of President Park Chung Hee of South
Korea, however, comes from within South
Korea itself. Park has put into effect no‘
less than nine emergency decrees on
“safeguarding of national security and
public order" in less than a year and a

What little popular Support his regime
had has been steadily eroding. This too is
just like Vietnam. Washington, the real
guarantor of capitalism in South Korea. is

obviously worried about the effects of the
Vietnamese people's victory on the politi-
cal situation there, especially since a

, resent feet-i viad'ic-ated that lii‘UST‘fi‘rfiE'r icans

would opose any U.S. intervention in a new
Korean war.

Many in the universitvhgommunitvmwjll, _,

recallmth‘émw'ords of one U.S. officer in
Vietnam who claimed he had to destroy
one village in order to save it. But there
has been a shift in sentiment on the part of
the American people — they won’t stand
by again and let the Pentagon destroy
Korea in order to save it for business
investments by America’s ruling elite.
This shift has been in large part caused by
the determined activities of the anti-
Vietnam-war movement, by the pickets.
sit—ins, and mass demonstrations. Ask
yourself: will we have to do it all over
again? it's time to demand that the U.S.
get out of Korea nowiji

 11.11.1111 1.1.»






Place your personal at
our office, Room 210.
Journalism Bldg.


JENNY, TALK TO me mama.

MARG, l PLEDGE allegience to
Dan Peek, America”

Com-runs under a Greek moon.

GREG, TOO MUCH of anything
isn‘t good. Me.

hat? — Guido.

PATTI, YOU’RE THE life in mv
day, Wes.

make it! — Love, Judy.



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LRC studies litter

Kernel Staff Writer

A controversial 1974 Kentucky
legislative proposal, which would
have had a considerable impact
upon the beverage industry, has
led to an in-depth research study
of Kentucky‘s litter problem.

During the 1974 legislative
session, Sen. John Berry Jr. (D-
New Castle) introduced a bill that
would have required a five-cent
redemption value for all
beverage containers sold within
the state.

Ideally, this proposal, pat-
terned after an Oregon statute,
would have diminished beverage
container litter. But an intense
lobbying campaign by labor and
beverage industry organizations
doomed the proposal.

Rep. Victor Hellard Jr. (D-
Versailles) who sponsored the
House version of the bottle bill,
said that “at notime was I able to
get the support of more than
seven or eight votes” in the

llellard noted that the lack of
support from environmental
groups had contributed to the
demise of the bottle bill.

Lois Florience, president of the
UK Environemtnal Action
Society, said although the
proposal “wasn’t what it should
have been, we were really wrong
not to have supported it.“

A sales representative of the
Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co. of
Lexington, Inc., said a bill
banning non-returnable bottles
would be “the greatest thing in
the world.” Berry‘s bill, he said,
was not a ban, but rather a plan
to create redemption centers.

“It (the 1974 Kentucky bill) had
too many loopholes and pitfalls,"
the sales representative said.

In the face of industry and
labor opposition to the bottle bill
as it was presented, the Senate
passed a resolution in January,
1974, calling for an in-depth study
of the ramificationsof the Oregon
bottle bill, and possible effects
such a bill would have in Ken-

(‘onsequently, the Kentucky
Legislative Research Com-
mission (LRCl began a com-
prehensive analysis last

(‘ontinued on page l2

Appeal upcoming

for last witness

Kernel Staff Writer

A ruling from the Sixth US.
Circuit Court of Appeals on the
second appeal of grand jury
witness Jill Raymond is expected
next week.

Raymond has been in the
Franklin (‘ounly Jail for con-
tempt of court since March 8.
Initially, bail had been set at
$25,001) for Raymond and the five
co-witnesses The six were
charged with contempt for not
testifying to 11 Lexington grand
jury in March.

A new request for bail was
denied by federal District Judge
Bernard ’1‘. Moynahan.
Raymond‘s release now requires
her to give testimony before the
grand jury.

The second appeal challenges
Judge Moynahans decision to
determine the purpose of a grand
jury investigation from a secret
affidavit submitted by US. At-
torney Eugene Siler, Jr.

Moynahan refused to allow
Raymond's counsel, UK Law


Professor Robert Sedler, to see
the affidavit. Sedler argued that
testimony on the grand jury's
intent would show that the FBI
was using it to gether “ap-
prehensive information" it could
not discover on its own.

The grand jury was in»
vestigating the group‘s con—
nection with accused bank robber
Susan Saxe. now on trial in
Boston for a robbery in which a
policeman was fatally shot.

Sedler argued in March that
the six witnesses were being
harassed by the I“ RI. in court
for not cooperating with the
Bureau's search for Saxe and her
partner Kathryn Powers. A
citizen is not required by law to
respond to questions from FBI

Sedler doubted that further
charges would be brought against
the witnesses. “They have no
evidence," he said.

Neither Siler nor Assistant US.
Attorney William Kirkland could
be reached to comment on the


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Vietnamese refugees
seek to enroll here

Associate Editor

In late April when Saigon fell to
the Communists, thousands of
Vietnamese packed their bags
and left the country for America.

Included in this wave of
refugees were many young
people who were on college or
about to enter college-level work.

However, in their haste to
leave, many of the students
forgot to pack their academic
credentials and transcripts
needed to enter American
colleges and universities.

At this time UK has ap-
proximately 20 Vietnamese
students either requesting ad-
mission or tentatively admitted
to the University.

Many of these students still
lack the proper credentials, and
the University has formed an ad
hoc committee which will study
the problem a nd devise some sort
of guidelines for incoming
student refugees.

This committee, made up of
Dr. Elbert Ockerman, dean of
admissions and registrar, John
Johnson, director of graduate
admissions, and Richard Stofer,
director of undergraduate ad-
missions, and others, will submit
their proposals for approval at
the July 16 Senate Council

Senate Council Chairman
Joseph Krislov said the student
refugees will be tentatively
admitted and able to enroll in
classes without actually being
registered. The Senate Council is
the administrative arm of the
University Senate. They will be
given credit and officially ad-
mitted when they show they are
capable of handling class work.

What follows is a compilation of
some of the problems and in-
sights different University of-
ficiak have collected in their
work with Vietnamese.

D E] D

The University program to
establish guidelines for the
refugeestudents is oneof the first
nationwide. “We're much better
off than other states in the
respect that they are still
floundering around. Friends in
other states tell me their schools



are still undecided,"

According to Stofer, the State
Department and the Immigration
and Naturalization Service are
working toward a national policy.

“Since we seem to have finally
gotten on the stick, our program
could conceivably be a model for
a nationwide program.” Johnson


El D [3

There are other questions that
have risen out of the matter.

For instance the reason the
refugees decided to come to
Kentucky. Johnson said the
refugees have decided on UK
because of the proximity of
friends or the ease of finding a

“One of the reasons they
decided to come here was that
they heard we were mobilized.
We are working on a program
and it would be easier.

“There were also probably

. rumors that the unemployment

picture here wasn’t as dim, our
unemployment rate isn’t as high
as other places,” Johnson said.

“In addition, many of the
regugees have relatives or
friends in the area or are able to
find sponsors.”

Stofer handled the case of a

pair of refugees who were in--

and it makes it harder. Many of
them are interested in business
and economics,” Stofer said.
“Since we have only four
graduate students admitted, it is
a little hard to form a conclusion
yet. But the four graduates we
have have gone into engineering

and economics,” Johnson said.
D Cl D

There are other problems
besides not having the academic
credentials — the biggest one, not
having a good command of the
English language.

“English proficiency is the
worst problem. If they can’t
speak English they won’t be able
to get along in classes. The In-
ternational Student Programs
office is offering classes for those
who are not proficient. For those
who are, we have special sections
of English 101 and 102,” Stofer


TO take care of the other
problems that a Vietnamese
student might encounter, the
International Student Programs
office has created the Viet-
namese Refugee Information
Center. The center is to be
directed by a Vietnamese
coordinator, Tham Truong, who



’One of the reasons they decided to come
here was that they heard we were mobilized.
We are working on a program and it would

be easier.’


terested in medical technician

“The two students, 18 and 20,
were referred to us by their
Cleveland, Ohio sponsor. He had
heard about our Allied Health
program and mentioned us to the
students. We have been able to
correspond with them,” Stofer

El Cl 13 _

However, not all the refugees
are as sure about their plans for a
ma 'pr.

“Most have no major in mind
because they are not well
acquainted with this country,”
Stofer said. “It is foreign to them


came to this country beer the

has been the only Vietnamese
student on campus.
[3 Cl Cl
Even if there are other
problems, the education refugees
received in Vietnam won’t be one
of them. “Most have had a
reasonably good education
because they have been under the
French system. Most hold the
French Baccalaurette, which
conceivably could be worth
advanced credit if the student
could pass the bypass tests and
have a good English proficien—
cy," Stofer said.


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