xt79w08wdc22 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79w08wdc22/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1974-04-16 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 16, 1974 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 16, 1974 1974 1974-04-16 2020 true xt79w08wdc22 section xt79w08wdc22 The Kentucky Kernel

Vol. LXV No. 149
Tuesday, April 16, 1974

an independent student newspaper

University of Kentucky
Lexington. KY. 40506


Nader calls energy policy

part of 'Exxon-Nixon axis'


Kernel Staff Writer
SPEAKING TO AN overflow crowd in
the Student Center Grand Ballroom
Monday night, Ralph Nader denied the
existence of the energy crisis in the United

Attacking oil companies, Congress and
President Nixon for their failurre to solve
consumer problems in the United States,
Nader urged the responsive crowd to
become involved immediately.

“THE THEORY of collusion between the
‘Big Seven‘ oil companies was the setting
from which the Arab oil embargo provided
exactly the excuse the oil companies
wanted to lurch forward with their Four
Point Plan, doubling the price, driving out
small independent business competitors.
lessening of pollution standards and easier
terms on off-shore drilling sites.“ Nader

Nader explained his impatience over the
present administration‘s lack of a real
energy policy. “There is no federal energy
policy. It is a policy that can be described
as the product of the Exxon-Nixon axis,“
he said.

Much of this problem, Nader contended.
is because of the role of Energy Czar,
William Simon. “He (Simon) has always

been pushing higher prices. Just
decreasing demand will not solve the

"IT IS LIKE trying to do away with
obesity in this country by doubling the
price of food. It is not his business to go
around telling the American people that
the price of gas is going up; it’s his job to
get the price of gasoline down.

“He is a front-runner, the forward guard
for the oil companies to whom he has been
beholden since the. day he could spell
Exxon." he said.

Commenting on President Nixon's role
in the crisis Nader added, “He is not in-
terested in pursuing a course of consumer
protection-in fact. he is so much a tool of
the Big Business interest. that his primary
approach to the energy situation is to send
a message to Congress which said ‘We
have to do something about the con-
sumption of energy. We should allow more
cancer and respiratory ailments in this
country by reducing pollultion stan-

REJECTING THE claim that con—
sumers use most of the energy in the
United States. Nader read statistics to
show how much energy Big Business uses
and wastes.


"The unnumers consume 25 per cent
government five per cent and industry
covers 70 per cent. The world has never
seen so much waste.

”New skyscrapers have been designed
to maximize waste. The factories have
now even admitted it. Gltt. R.C.A..
DuPont all admit they waste 15. 20. even
up to 30 per cent of their energy resour-
ces." Nader said.

NADHR ALSO S.\ll) some good things
have come from the supposed crisis. One.
the American people no longer entirely
believe the President and the oil comv
panics about the energy problems.

Also. for the first time Americans have
begun to look at the effects of their

Nader denied we are running‘out of oil.

('ontinued on page l2



Appeals court

Gay Lib


Associated Press Writer

News .In Brlef


0Court grapples
oHigh turnout due
Dido Cambodia ruling
olnnocence claimed

0Phnom Penh attacked

oToday's weather...

CINCINNATI, ()hio —» A federal appeals
court is considering whether the
University of Kentucky acted un-
constitutionally when it refused to of-
ficially recognize the on-campus Gay
Liberation Front.

Attorneys for both sides submitted oral
arguments Monday before the 6th US.
Circuit Court of Appeals and the case was
taken under advisement.

Attorney Richard Rose, representing the
front and its president, Peter Taylor. a
senior, said the group has been seeking
registration as an official UK organization
since 1971.

In December 1972, UK President Otis
Singletary denied the application.

. WASHINGTON —- The Supreme Court
grappled Monday with applications of its
most recent decision on obscenity, with at
least some indication that local com-
munities will be setting their own stan-

A decision is not expected until late
June. The court heard oral argument on
two obscenity cases Monday in which the
question of applicable standards plays a
key role.

. SAGINAW. Mich. —— Stirred by an
unprecedented presidential visit and a
high-voltage political scrap, voters were
expected to turn out in unusually high
numbers for Michigan’s special
congressional election Tuesday.

Voter turnout for such elections is
generally below 25 per cent, but county
officials in the Republican stronghold of
the 8th Congressional District predicted a
turnout of almost 50 per cent of the
district’s 213,600 voters.

The front took its case to US. District
Court in Lexington. Ky . where its
arguments were denied.

Rose said the university has not done
enough in simply allowing the front to use
university facilities and hold public

He said the university's refusal to list the
front in its publications and allow it to be
known as the University of Kentucky Gay
Liberation Front indicate tacit disap-

Judge Wade H. McCree Jr.. noted that
the first amendment to the Constitution
was intended “to make sure unpopular
points of view, even possibly anti-
establishment points of view. could be

0 WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court
Monday declined, as it had during the long
course of the Indochina War, to consider
the scope of the President‘s war-making

In a brief, routine order, the justices
declined without comment to hear a
challenge to the legality of President
Nixon‘s bombing of Cambodia last year
without a declaration of war by

0 WASHINGTON The Nixon ad-
ministration used the signing Monday of a
historic job discrimination settlement with
nine major steel companies to serve notice
that it will take similar action against
other industries.

Undersecretary of Labor Richard F.
Schubert said that in industries where race
and sex discrimination exist “we will be
knocking on their doors and moving for-
ward against them as we did with AT&T
and the steel industry."

He noted. “The federal government
cannot forbid someone having a group that
advocates a monarchy. But does the
government have to charter such a

Attorney John Darsie Jr.. for the
university. then explained to the court why
the university did not give official
recognition to the front.

“The president of the university was
faced with a division of psychiatric opinion
regarding the possible effects of the
registration ofsuch a group.“ he said. “He
could not determine whether official
recognition would tend to encourage
sexually confused students to identify the

0 NEW YORK — Former Atty. Gen.
John N. Mitchell swore before a federal
trial jury Monday that he was innocent of
any influence-peddling on behalf of in-
ternational financier Robert L. Vesco.

O PHNOM PENH. Cambodia — Rebel
gunners rocketed Phnom Penh for the
third straight day Monday. killing one
person and wounding five. officials said.
The attack pushed the casualty toll from
the three-day barrage to seven dead and 30

...chance of rain

Variable cloudiness and warmer
weather is forecast today with a high
temperature in the mid 505. There will be a
slight chance of rain throughout the day.
Tonight will be fair and cool with a low
near 40.



The Kentucky Kernel

Published by the Kernet Press the Begun as the Cedet in 1.94 and published continwuely
as The Kentucky Kernel since Wis. Tie Kernel Press inc. founded "Tl. Third clue
outage peid et Lexinoton. Ky. Business emcee are located in the Journalism Bulidlno on
the University at Kentucky campus. Advertising, room new News Deoertmmt room
lie. Advertising publlmed herein is intended to heip the reeder buy. Any false or
misleading edvertislng should be reported to the Edlbrs.

Steve Swift. Editor-in-(‘hief

McGovern's plan

George McGovern, the only presidential candidate
last year who bothered to present himself for public
scrutiny. faced considerable scorn from Republicans
and the voting public at large.

McGovern. you see, was proposing that taxes be
reduced; that lower income families should no longer
carry the heaviest tax burden; that superfluous
Defense spending be curtailed to save all taxpayers
some money.

Well. McGovern is still pitching, and yesterday
announced he would sponsor a bill which would shift
the tax burden from the low income families, and
would instead spread the tax proportionately
throughout all income ranges.

McGovern would raise the present personal
exemption from $850 to $1,500, and would include a
costof-living clause in the bill that would raise the
exemption as the cost of living dictates.

McGovern would make those earning over $25,000
annually to pay tax on a least half that income. He
noted that government statistics showed 394 families
earning better than $100,000 last year paid no income
tax at all; that 318 with earnings up to $1.4 million
paid only 4.5 per cent, or less: in taxes. A family
earning $8.000, conversely, paid an average tax of
$1,630, or about 20 per cent.

McGovern, now not seen as such a lunatic after the
Watergate scandals have branded Nixon’s ad-
ministration, is joined in the proposal by Sen. Walter
F. Mondale lD—Minn.), and by citizen’s groups
organized by Sens. Eugene McCarthy (D-Minn.) and
George Murphy lR-Calif.). That group, The Com-
mittee of Single Taxpayers, calls for 1973 to be the last
year single taxpayers “are subject to national tax

The renewed interest in tax reform is welcome, and
figures to gain considerable ground after revelation
that Richard Nixon had apparently tried to reduce
even his legal share of tax.

After years of falling for government nonsense, the
American people finally may have had enough. It’s
about time they showed some backbone.

Your health



The term paranoia is one of the
oldest medical terms in
existence. The term was first
used some 2,000 years ago. during
the height of Greek civilization,
and meant “thinking beside
oneself". At that time the word
was equivalent to our present day
word insanity.

In many segments of our
society, paranoia is looked upon
not as a disorder or a limiting
factor but as a positive and
congenial characteristic. Both
left wing and right wing groups
are filled with persons who
believe that their world view is
absolutely correct and should be
imposed on the restof us. In some
radical and reactionary frac-
tions. paranoia is essential.

commented that he would like to
establish a trust fund to in-
vestigate the CIA. He wishes to

engage in this endeavor to “see
just how justified we are in being
paranoid". Our military struc—
ture has made its living since its
inception by being vigilant and
guarded. The inescapable truth
for all of us is that aparanoid way
of living is always founded on
some elements of truth, no
matter how minute they may be.

As our urban and suburban
areas become more crowded, I
think that we shall see an in-
crease in this lifestyle as a
protective measure. However,
there are a few individuals who
need to find external threat, who
prepare themselves for attack,
and who see the world as a place
where aggression abounds when
no such conditions really exist.
The remarkable aspects of
paranoid thinking are its rigidity,
its obsession with finding clues,
the avoidance of surprise by
being prepared, and the inability

editorials represent the opinions of the editors. not the university




Letters to the Kernel

A multi-purpose coach for UK

I heartily concur with Gary
Rawlings article concerning the
UK basketball fortunes. A black
coach has been a long and ob-
vious need here at Kentucky.
However. as long as we are
discussing prospective assistants
I would like to nominate a
deserving person whom I feel
would be a definite asset to the
roundball program.

Heis Gil Thorp, a skilled multi-
purpose coach at that factory of
great athletes Milford High
School. I feel Gil’s compassion,
understanding and coaching
skills would be a definite plus for
Kentucky basketball not to
‘mention football and baseball.
With Gil drawing those great
Milford athletes to Kentucky our
problems would be over. We sure
could‘ve used such greats as Ox
Hartley, Billy Bunkin, Joel Frost,
Ray Merlin and the up and
coming Jerry Pulver. We want

D.F. Medwick


to see reality as it really is.

Like a well trained soldier who
is alert to the point of being
fatigued, the paranoid often
shoots at shadows, and more
often than not wounds his friends
and comrades. Life. for this in-
dividual consists of one external
crisis after another, usually
super-imposed in periods of
simple suspicion.

a simple mistake, one that is
easily corrected. When the boss
shows up in his office, the worker
searches his face and words with
the expectation of disapproval
and blame. The search goes on
until a slight frown appears on his
boss‘ face, totally unrelated to
the mistake. Finally the worker
knows where he stands, and with
a sigh of relief says to himself
“he dislikes me“. In this case,
being disliked is better than the
uncertainty of not knowing.

An open letter

An open letter to Dr. Otis

On behalf of the City of Frank-
fort, I would like to express to you
and your organization my sincere
thanks for the assistance you
provided us during the tornado

We cannot begin to express to
you our appreciation for your
invaluable service given to our
citizens during this emergency.

Again, our heartfelt thanks to
you and your personnel for all
you have done during this crisis.

Robert K. Bennett
Mayor, Frankfort

Ciao Federico

Whatever happened to Zam-
pano, the brute who took to “La
Strada"? A couple of “bidonate”
lswindlesl among the deaf and
the dumb and he made his for-

We've been paranoid for a long time

Most of us at one time or an-
other, use this perfectly normal
reaction. But for the truly
paranoid individual, there is no
other solution to this dilemma of
uncertainty which he creates for
himself. It simply never occurs to
this individual that there is a
possibility that no external threat
exists. The idea of a neutral
environment is never more than
a fleeting fancy.

To make matters worse,
someone who is truly involved in
this way of life doesn’t realize
that be is making this assump-
tion. He may simply know that he
is uncomfortable. So the fight
goes on. An endless string of
difficulties with bosses, needless
hurt to those who care about him,
and wasted energy jousting with
nonexistent windmills.


Dr. Frazier is a psychiatrist at
Student Health Service.

tune. He enjoyed. “La Dolce
Vita" playing ”8' 2" with Cabiria
while Giulietta. the inspiring
muse fit to be a mother, waited

When Zampano realized he had
become a true “Vitellone”, he
turned to “Satyricon” as the
answer to “Quo Vadis." Augusto
Cesare became a very palatable
figure during those spaghettate e
buffonate alla romana. However,
to Zampano the simplicity of the
white sauce was always more
flavorable than the pasta-a-ragu.
Zampano has gotten a bit fat. His
sounds are more like the crows of
a rooster rather than the song of a

Zampano has also changed his
name to Rodolfo and enjoys
playing the “White Sheik" in
front of cameras and spotlights.
He eats spaghetti-al-verde and
blares on his horn, Addio Roma.
all for patriotic reasons. Like
they says in Via Veneto, ciaociao

Victor Rizza
Department of Biochemistry

Payne was best

After reading Gary Rawlings‘
inaccurate portrayal of Tom
Payne it seems only fair that
someone come to Payne's

Mr. Rawlings opens by telling
us that Tom Payne only played
one year of high school basket-
ball. Wrongll As sports editor of
Louisville Thomas Jefferson
High School's student paper, I
witnessed what it was like to be
rooting for a team going against
the likes of Tom Payne. Payne
played three seasons for Shawnee
High School and got better each
year. Although he was clumsy as
a sophomore, Payne was a truly
outstanding All-Stater his junior
and senior years. He was almost
too good for UK!

Although his play here was
erratic he was still superior to
Jim Andrews, who was soon to
become an All-SEC performer.
You shouldn’t really put TP
down, he was the best around.

Ronald D. Hawkins
J ournalism-junlor









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Clarifying the roles of disaster teams

Commenting on the article by Charlie
Phillips, dated April 11, 1974, the members
of the Red Cross Disaster Ready Team
would like to clarify some of the points
made concerning the tornado disaster. To
prevent any further confusion the article
may have created, we will take these
points one at a time.

Charlie stated that “...we could have
organized (hundreds of people willing to
work) and had (them) ready to move in 15
minutes." In a natural disaster such as
what occurred, untrained volunteers are
not what is needed in the beginning stages
of aid. There are families who are
separated, some members buried in the
rubble and still alive, and some dead. The
main concern in the first stage of disaster
rescue operations is to search for the


THIS REQUIRES training which the
National Guard, Red Cross, Civil Defense,
and other such trained agencies have. It is
tedious, dangerous, and very emotional
work, and the last thing needed are people
wandering around because they lack the
qualifications necessary for this important
first step. Untrained volunteers would only
get in the way of authorized personnel.

At the same time the search is in
progress other aspects of emergency aid
have begun. Members from the Ready
Team were dispatched on Tuesday
evening to Campbellsburg to begin
operations More were sent on Wednesday
to Brandenburg By Wednesday evening,
the remainder of the Ready Team was put
on alert in foresight of tornadoes around
the Lexington area.

Fortunately, Lexington escaped
destruction. however, neighboring towns
did not. Thursday and Friday, team
members were in Louisville, Frankfort,
Jett, Stamping Ground, Georgetown and
Richmond. The team in Lexington also
began the gigantic operation at the Parker
Seals Warehouse on Polumbo Drive Food,
clothing furniture, etc. came in at an
unbelievable rate And it is at THIS point

where the student volunteers were badly
needed. But where were they?

lntrafraternity Council were contacted
several times to sendout the sororities and
fraternities with only a very meager
response. Several members of the
Disaster Team have been working around
the clock since the ordeal began, however,
we have only the highest praise and sin-
cere thanks for those many UK and Transy
students who worked long hours.

Just as frustrating was the statement
that was made concerning the collection of
food. Not once has the Red Cross officially
stated that food was not needed. In fact,
that is the one item that is still in great
demand! I !!

Well-meaning citizens who collected
items and took them personnally to the
disaster areas and were turned away,
were refused for good reasons. This is a
disorganized way of contributing. At that
point, maybe there was no more room to
store the goods—when a town has none or
very few buildings standing, storage space
is limited. The Red Cross was even told
that “X"city could not handle any more of
a commodity. Some of the cities are also
still searching for bodies, and therefore,
people were turned away because of
reasons stated in the first important step
of disaster operations.

ONE POINT made that we would also
like to comment on was that. “(in-
dividuals)...spent hours helping us
organize, as well as packing and sorting at
Parker Seal..." Who is “us"? Those who
organized the entire, and we repeat,
ENTIRE, Parker Seal Operation were
members of the Disaster Ready Team.

We do not wish to attack the efforts of the
University (Transylvania, UK, and
Georgetown) students. Our purpose is to
clear up some vague and somewhat
twisted information; commend those who
went about helping the tornado victims in
a knowledgeable fashion, and to explain
that the Red Cross could use people who

Feedback: USAC goal

The University Student Advisory
Committee which functions as the
academic branch of Student Government,
has been‘working for some time now to
develop and administer a student
evaluation questionnaire to be used on a
cross-campus basis. It is hoped by the
committee that such a questionnaire
would have several positive benefits to
offer the University community. Among
these are:

Improving the quality of classroom
instruction by providing feedback to a) the
instructor; b) his particular department;
and c) the students themselves who will
take the various courses. (The results of
the questionnaire will be published as a
companion publication to courselector,
and will be distributed to all students...

Making the problem of pre- -registration
much simpler and more efficient by
detailing the way an instructor structures
his course, and presenting that in-
formation to the general University
community in a concise and easy to use
handbook of student teaching evaluations

Greatly reducing the constant hassle
of drop- -add to both the student and the

Hopefully. contributing much-needed
feedback for tenure and promotion.

AS Tt) Till-2 questionnaire itself, it is
brief I lSquestions) and anonymous. It will
be distributed during the week im-

mediately following Easter Break. The
questionnaire and answer sheets will be
brought to the classroom by represen-
tatives of the committee; whereupon the
instructor will administer the question-
naire if he or she so chooses; or the in-
structor can designate another person to
distribute the teaching evaluation sheets.
The forms will then be collected and
processed; the results will be published in
the fall for the following spring semester.
It is hoped that this can be expanded and
continued on a semester basis, from this
time forward.

The questionnaire will apply to all
permanent staff of the University that
teach In the classroom It will not apply to
TA‘s and those on temporary teaching

To date the committee has received very
positive response from students, teachers,
and administrative faculty that we have
consulted; and we hope that this will
become a permanent feature of our
campus. Certainly this questionnaire has
the potential of greatly expanding the
quality of information-sharing on this
campus. If everyone participates as we
expect, students will be able to make
decisions about their course schedules
more intelligently and with a great deal of

(Ereg llofelich is a l‘SAC committee

are willing to donate their time and effort those interested individuals who volun-
towards one goal but to reach that goal m teered their services to aid the thousands
a united manner. of tornado victims so that in the event of
If volunteers want to be of some benefit another crisis, a stronger united force will
during a disaster operation, they must be be available 10 help.
trained. This prevents chaos, and un- For those Who would like to join our
necessary confusion, and misun- Disaster Ready Team and undergo
derstanding which apparently occurred, training in First Aid, rescue work, mass
Charlie was right, that “labels are useful care and feeding. please phone the Red
for identification, but worthless for Cross 253-1331. We will furnish the
description," because in an operation of training.
this sort, the output is what counts. But in ——-——-——————
order to get output, there must be input. This article was submitted by Carole
And this input, especially in a disaster Gardner. Robb Gould and D. Frank
situation, must go through prOper chan- Chandler. The three are L'K students and
nels, so the end result is successful. members of the Red Cross Disaster Ready

We would be more than happy to train Team.

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Euqme Mlnacsco








TENNIS RACKETS at discount prices!
Head. Dunlop, ect. Professional racket
stringing Call 27773101 after 6:00. 10A16.

150NORTN ASHLAND. Old frame ho.;se
410 acre of land $25,030. (an Lawrence
Williams, 277 2753 after 7 00 p m y (Women
8. Riley 8A19.

527 WEST THIRD Street 517,5“). 2Astory
brick, completely remodled. Call Lawrence
Williams 277 2753after 7 009 m "‘t‘IVVDSOTI
Riley 8A1?

WOULD YOUIiketo own your "Vu “me?
Call Lawrence Williams, Thompson and
Riley/.25 6677

WEDDING DRESS Slle 12 Call 253 3594
after 5 12A16

AKC AFGHAN Hound puppies B!3cks
Roe: and reds Pet or Show 5150 00 to
S3500) 277 0693 Al?

CAMPING TRAILER. Very good con
dition,sleeps 4.icebox,sink.mattresspads
$30000 Call 255 6930

FORD STATION Wagon 1966 8 passenger,
air conditioned, automatic transmission
good running condition, $300.00. Call 255
6930 15A19

double pick up. also Fender Bassman AMP,
twm cabinets four 15's, both good condition
Call 254 5229 16A22

BLUE AlUKI men’s frame 17" frame
24“ wheels Very small Excellent con-
dition $80 00 Phone 253 2853 before 51%.

.17 Completely furnished and set up. Exv
cellent condition Call 2531910 after 6:30
p m 16A22

THREE SPEED bike. Excellent con,
dilion Phone 255-2808 16AI7.

66’ BUICK. 2 dr ,6 Cyl Good condition
Call 254 6837 from lOto Sp m l6Al7


leasing for summer and fall. See at 422
Aylesford Place, 318 Transylvania or call
253-1063 or 255-5771 after 5 pm. 10A30.

ONE BEDROOM Apt, Large livingroom,
$130.00 plus lights. Near campus, air con-
dilioned. Summeronly. 2590645atternoons.

SICK! SAD! SORRY!!! Over housing???
Apply. SummerrFall Terms. Act now!!!
1-10 Occupancy. Close UK. Nice. 253-1515,
255-6339. 11A17.

FOR SUB-LEASE: Efficiency apartment,
Rose Lane, 3 blocks from campus, available
all Summer Call 255-5454. 15A17.





except Sunday
2012 Regency Rd.

Tuesday. April 16. I974


RESERVE YOUR apartment now Ior
summer and fall A deposit now will hold it
for you. Very large one t‘edroom furnished
apartments wuth central heat and air
condition carpet and disposal Walk to UK
Phone between 12 and 8 266 5032 15A26.

FURNISHED AND Unfurnished houses,
apartments and rooms. Day 2787
6125, night 266 8257. I6A22

FONTAINE NEAR Chevy Chase. Seven
rooms, air conditioning, dishwasher.
Available May 15. Girlsonly 2664676. 16A22.

summer and fall 659 South Limestone. Call
2549420 16A29.

ROOMS - KITCHEN privilidges, reserve
nowfor summer Closeto UK. Linden walk.
2691876. 16A22.


LOST MIXED breed dog Yellow color.
Maxwell Lexington area. Call 2544789 after
4 00 p m 15A16


TYPING: TERM PAPERS 45cents page.
Mrs SALLY CALTON, 254 7865. 11A17.

STEREO AND Audio repair and service
pick up and delivery OHMS Repair 2557
3181 I6A29.

Kindergarten near campus. Register now
for fall Call 254 37‘4, 278 6308, 258-8313.

accepting students for fall. 135 Walton
Avenue Creative readiness program. 254,

accepting students for tall. 135 Walton
Avenue, Creative readiness program. 254-
9916. 266-7794. 16A22.


Volunteer Oftice. Work with volunteers and
community. Salary and credit. Please call
2582751. 16A18.

WANTEO- SECRETARY- Receptionist,
part-time. Apply Krauss OPTIK,183 North
Upper, Lexington. 254-8083. 12A16.

NIGHT CLERK for Liquor store, 3 nights a
week. Must be over 20 years old. Phone 277-
4489. 15A19,


FOUND TEXT book, Leaming Medical
Terminology, on Columbia Avenue. Friday
morning. Call 255.1060. 15A17.


P.M. ‘5‘







IO 50A M





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:52: 5:4“"Jail-2':53:521.!!!)131.‘ .2 unwrwumi

Ugliest face

Deborah (‘. Newton. social work
junior from (‘hi Omega sorority.
defeated one other candidate to
win the ”(D l'gly Face (‘ontest.
\ mirror was the pri1e. (Kernel
staff photo by ( huck (ombes).


Trustees denied inVOIVement in


Kernel Staff Writer

UK cannot accept bids for
group employe insurance from
companies which have officers or
stockholders who also serve on
the University Board of Trustees.

State Attorney General Ed
Hancock reaffirmed the
definition of KRS 164.130 Monday
in a six-page opinion.

“No member of the Board of
Trustees or their administrative
staff shall be directly or in-
directly involved in any contract
with the University for sale of
property, materials, supplies,
equipment or services, with the
exception of salaries for faculty
Trustees," the law states.

(‘ARL MILLER. assistant
attorney general, said the opinion

was requested by John Darsie,
University legal counsel, but no
specific companies were men-

The only two trustees who
could possibly be affected by the
ruling are Garvice Kincaid,
Lexington, and Stanley Burlew,
Owensboro, Darsie said.

Kincaid is president of Ken-
tucky Central Life Insurance.
Burlew is a stockholder in an
insurance company, Darsie
added, but he could not
remember the name of the firm.
Burlew could not be reached for

ment on whether his company
had intended to bid on the in-
surance plan and would say that

insurance contracts

“we don‘t bid on anything the
attorney general says we

Invitations to bid on the group
insurance were sent out March
25, with the original deadline for
opening bids set for 2 pm. this

However, Darsie said the bid
opening date was rescheduled for
April 26, 2 pm. He noted it is not
unusual for such changes when
dealing with bids.

DARSIE SAID he did not know
if either the Kincaid or Burlew-
connected firms had intended to
bid on the insurance prior to
Hancock’s ruling. The Board‘s
finance committee had requested
Darsie to seek the opinion prior to
letting the bids.

IRS says few days late won't make

much difference in income tax returns

you‘ve rushed to meet the mid-
night deadline for filing income
taxes. spoiling your Easter
weekend, and worrying yourself
to a physical frazzle in the

But what were you risking if
you had taken your time and filed
your tax returns a day or two

NOT MUCH, says the IRS,
which indicates tht returns filed
only a little late will not result in
a big penalty for the taxpayer,
and perhaps no penalty at all.

Nevertheless, midnight on
April 15 was the tax deadline and
the taxpayer who filed late
cannot be absolutely sure he
won‘t be penalized. To be on the
safe side said an IRS


spokesman, he was best off filing
on time.

The IRS said five million
taxpayers filed their returns
after the due date last year, but
noted that this included 900,000
persons who had been granted
extensions for filing plus military
personnel and other persons
overseas who also received ex-

AS OF April 5—the last date
for which figures were available
— the IRS had received 55.7
million returns out of an