xt79w08wd969 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79w08wd969/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 2003 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals 2003 Advertising Excellence in Kentucky Newspapers text 2003 Advertising Excellence in Kentucky Newspapers 2003 2003 2019 true xt79w08wd969 section xt79w08wd969 s i

Alaina Barnes — Alanna Aldridge - Andrea - Kelly Austin - Kendal Butler - Kim Frasure lissa Nipper - Michelle Mcguffin - Mike Elliott Alvey - Sharon Bailey - Sharon Barnard ~ Sha— }

' Dennis - Angie Chinn - Angie Gilbert - Ann - Kim Giffin - Kim Hupman — Kim Lawhom - Missy Hacker - Misty Collins — Misty Holt ron Deadwyler - Sharon Manning — Sherrie ’{ , 7

Green - Ann - Monica Hayes - Myrna Mead- Hawn - Shorty Lassiter - Skip Reinhard — Slone Q 7 5
Roundtree “I , 7: 4 7' . ows — Nancy Busath : . — Hutchinson - Sonja Carrow - Stephanie F'low- 1;

— Anna No— " , , 7 + ”* 5 . '7 ’ " 1/ Nancy Hamil- to n ers - Stephanie Homback - Stephanie Jeffers '

Ian _ Anne Baker -_5 - 4 57 7 — Nan- 7 ,5 c y - Steve Stivers - Stuart Arnold - Sue Caldwell i

- Anthony Riley 3* V _ Q 5;“ '77 ‘, ‘_ A 5' '3 - Susan Anderson - Susan Mccrobie - Suzanna g

- Barry Vincent ? - ' 55%: ' -/ 7 g 5 '1 Martinez — Suzanne Saunders — Suzie Fryman ; .»

- Becky Block 1; ,- , fig) ’f - Tammie Geiermarl - Tammy Spurlock - Te- a: f

- Becky Boggess 5:: i .5 , .: 25.117” {5,17 r~ 7 5 5: ,7 resa Scott-Teresa Vandermolen — Terri Mercer ; ‘7

— Becky Mccorvey 3'7 3.5"? , 5 i '- ’ 7:77 7 é! ' - Thomas Lafferty - Tiffany Clark - Tim Trice i 7.,

_ Bev Linvflle _ . ‘H ;5 * 55>: V5 K .. ‘ “4/ .5 315‘_ - Tisha Mitchell - Tom Bell - Tom Blanton ,2 /

Bill Hanson ' Bill Vile-477777 r; 7. .. ”a 2&7 V_ x . i 5 V .,..»v '7 ,2“ _ .5 - Tonya Head - Toss Chandler - Traci Rod- 2’
Mathers-BillWiist is ii ‘ _‘ ‘ f ' V17 ' 5 gers .- Tracie Vanderbeck - Tracy Syck f 1‘

' Billy N' Guffey i“ ' Wfi‘k 7 , t . _ , ' -Trang Nguyen — Vanessa Feagin — Vickie i

' Brandi Cheatam , ,r W3; 7 . 7 W . . 5 V Nelson -Victoria Schreiner-Wade Daf- l I:

: Brenda B owl- y‘ t * , fron - Wally Jewell - Wanda Blevins :

lng _ Bnan Gray 59,1, 2 . 5 WEE: ‘- i 5., , -Wanda Paul -Wayne Keith -Yvette 3 5r

_ - Brian Mckinley _ g . «H E: ,V, '5 Nelson _ Appalachian News Express 3 5
l Brook Dunn - "h— ’ e 7 * 5 ‘ — Ashland Daily Independent 1; f
:55: K e m f '. 5 . 7 ., 1. _f“ __..,.. . ., ‘ ‘ . . ,fvocate — Benton News Digest 3 _‘
- new PM $7”?ch weer/earner
7-“ i 7 V — Carol Moore - Carol Mudd - Carol Parker - ' KES Johnsonl- Krista Duty ' Krlstl'Harkins Napier ' .Nathan Slmpson :' Neeta Keeling - Carrollton News Democrat - Central Ken- 2: .:
~~ ‘ Carol Warren - Carrie Bennett - Cathy Caton ' Kn“): Kostellnk ' Laura Calvert-srmth ' Lee Hale. ' NICky Shannon :le1“ Clay ' Pam tucky News Journal - Citizen Voice & Times 1' {7
‘l‘ 7 - Cathy Tomlinson — Chip Holtzhaver -g£1«l:l1rs~fi“élm Seltz-Lelghann Wh‘tfiigfggfiéhe D030” TraVIS ' Pat Chwaatrlce Hoffman ' Path ”(1.. City Times — College Heights Herald { j
Woodau - Christopher Law- “ , .. “'7 i‘ a. s - Corbin Times Tribune ’r i.
i;' 7 rence - Christy Schlachterl‘ 5 @‘élgibékfi’ (7‘, '7 _. g 5 r, 431%“; :7 77 , . .5 75 . ‘ 7 ,V - Cumberland County i f
‘ :1 Pearson - Cindi Ashby E "if?” ‘37 :“ei’ 77rr ’7‘? 77 77 Iggvmiicrat ‘ Danville Advocate i i
c937 - Cindy Centers - Cindy Ears: 'rrjri Messenger - Eddyville '1:
: Clyde Pack — Connie Holman . 5y" 155,755 :5, as i ii E‘Elithtown News Enterprise 7
ls? - Craig Richards - Cynthia a; i s“ if 7 ~ ..i a Flemingsburg Gazette
3a Mitcherr - Dar Fischer-Dan: 1mg s Floyd Camry Times _ l s

:71.; iel Lewis ' Danny Coleman ’” '7 — Frankfort State Journal i ’,
\ii‘i - Danny Duncan - Darren Hauss77747DaveEl— ' 7' Liby E5511 _ Linda Bailey ‘ Emda‘Paimfi‘ffi' ..Gaston ‘ Bil-113 Hahn ‘ Peggy Adkins ' Perry - Harrodsburg Herald - Henderson Gleaner 7 3 7
47; dge _ Dawn Hedrick _ Deb Barnett - Debbie Linda Wiley - Lisa Baber - Lisa Rowen—”Lola Stocker ‘- Phil Jaeger - Rachael DOWDS - Randy - Henry County Local - Jackson County Son f i
i j, Hufifimmfé‘Mm my??? Nash — Lora North - Lori Zint - Lou Wilkerson Simmons - Rebecca Boggess - Rebecca Dixon 7. If

;. - DCbbie Mccord - Debbie ‘3: kn: ‘7i‘i,:"' ‘ " ’r‘ if" “v‘"’*" ,1 , " ‘ “s- ‘ “ H“ T i. f 5 :‘jsts- :15 ('5? sync-"w? f”??? :2: j .7 _v i j
:__«i; Stigall - Debby Mabry — f", “ ' , d ‘ ‘sé ' ,-~' r a m ‘ ‘ 7 :1‘ Water - " 7 7 "Pf J
I Denice Hennemann—Donna lei %: ii 9%} 77 7 fig 1. , 7i . ~ :7 7P”. " 7
17"; Cumbee — Donna Kissick - 55"” E g We” % mm g ‘ 7 {i
' Doug Eades - E3111“ Arvin 13%: WE swag ’ ’“sf‘ls‘sz 7;; W ‘ ' ‘ W ‘7 t7
' = _ Emma Burchett - Erica Chalk _ Gina Griffin - — Loyd Ford - Madellne Downs - MaICla Carpo - Reglna Henderson - Renee Hudson - Renee - Jessamine Journal - Kentucky Kernel - 'Ken- I ,f
; . ‘_ i tucky New Era - Kentucky l
:- :25 . 5 Standard — Lake News - Larue ’7 V.
= V LS5 $7 ., 5w “4% Wunty Herald News - Lexing- :'
71:}: . h” 7 5 77 g g 77 7 ' 7' ton Herald Leader - Louisville f4
3:“ V r W’ 5.‘ ‘7 *5; W Courier Journal - Madisonville l i
i »—£»m c any; Maia m i i 5 WW; Lessenger ' Mccreary County :7
r5 Gingerlfiiiineseth - Ginny Tatum — Greg Trav1s7777 — Mfiwe77il - HkolbrooiMalf KWnda 7oughton Richard 7 Woke ' Middlesboro Daily ;'
— Harold Ratliff- Heath Wiley -Heidi Wagner Mahagan — Mark Mckee - Marla-1 ;_ , — Richard Swihart — Robert Cun- News - Morehead News - ML Sterling AdVO- gr
’7 - Holly Davis - Hope Kuegel - Jackie Larkins Carroll - Marlene Keeton - Mary 5, '. lyiningham - Robin Notton - Robyn cate ' Murray Ledger & Times ' Owensboro ;

- Jamie Bryan — Jamie Kelley - Jamie Reiter Ann Orr — Mary Ann Siria - Mary 7 7 i 7 - Rusty Manseau — Ruth Messenger Inquirer ' Owenton News Herald 37
- Jane Cox - Janet Hall - Janet Morgan - Janie Chambers - Mary Crawford — Mary i}- 'V?.V n Risley - Ruth Risley - Ryan ‘ Paducah Sun ' Paintsville Herald ' Richmond ,
Gumm - Janie Moreland — Jason Dobbins - Jeff Dye - Mary Gaines - Mary King— ,7 E 7 i7 agner — Sabra Oller — Savannah Register ' Russell Register ' Russellville News i:
5-7" Keithly - Jennifer Cobb — Jennifer Enoch - Jen- wireman - Matt Roundtree - Mayme‘ 77:77, '1? “77; 77am; 'nds - Scott Jeffers - Scott Moore Democrat & Leader ' Shelbyville Sentinel I

V - niferWallace-Jenny Upton-Jeremy Cox-Jer— Foland - Meghan Blocher - Melanie Heltzley — Scott salchli — Scott Thacker — Selena Ward News ' Somerset Commonwealth Journal 1;

r H; ry Dunn - Jo Ann Halsey - Joan Hardin — Joey — Melinda-reg s {i
:?'_ Samples -John Butwell -John Shelton—Joyce Campbell g ' ' p ’ ' : 5 " 1: x r 1 H 7 :5 f; 5* . V , H 37537731 . 7.7 5 H; 3:

. Cox - Joyce Wilson - Juarlita Turpin — Judy - Melissa 5. * . ' 5_ ~‘ 7% . s g ,_ 1_-W p 4?" “u “5 :1:
James - Judy Smith — Julie Lowe — Julie Roy G j e r g j i ’: 71 '15 if} 13,7 .‘ :j r 1 ,1 = 7 :i;»_}.5 L73}; ‘\ i

- Justin Holbrook - K.a. Ballen - Karen Heath - Melissa " . 5 . s \ .' ' ‘5 . " £55 '5 5 f

; - Karen Luttrell — Karen Ross - Karen Willis N a 1 1 e y'ii‘i-“nq “m ’ ‘ ’ "‘ , W7 " : V"V -f “m 7' it j
- Kathryn Knapp - Kathy Bay — Kellie Delaney - Melissa Netherland - Melissa Newman - Me- ' Shane Morgan ' Shannon Royster ' Sharon ' Somerset News ournal ' Springfield un ' I:

, , ,5 , The Northerner - Tomp— 3r;

:5 ,kinsville News - Trimble l r

a g, ' 5W“ z a: ef‘IE‘J 5 ,, 57M” Wis—T 5mm murfiBanner - Williamson ;

%\ 5 ‘ E: ' I 5 :5 :5 is f; L} 's's [:2 :1: ,5 w" 4% W V5 "#77 g i 5 Daily News-Winchester ii

.V g 5*? Farm g i: \‘r 5;, 7—H w 5 gamer gr ' W - Woodford Sun l
+72% war}? We» ”fig “an; “mfg? :: “TE, 7 we: WE ”er’Frsrng’rEi W7? W 7 “WW; ii
i. _ . I;


 i Page 2 - 2003 Advertising Excellence In Kentucky Newspapers
Ii ’ ~' 77: ‘ . a V; V iV V ,V , v- , V VN""""'"“‘."R‘ Ward/Kris JOhIlSOH
s . , ’t . x 3154”»? be Mw/ «gamers, 74’ w' r V' ~ "vi-Ween! :-» . ~ mmnwmma/ ~ - mm m"
ee i a, 5,5; 24f f in“; :7 It makes you thlrsty!
‘ “ ' i y yIILi 8 ~ i §:;:;;;;:::e:::é‘i Second Place - EDDWILLE
‘ 35$ 1 Jenezlezeooznl a“ ‘ Ward/Kris Johnson
I ‘ ‘ tsgwéglemmg-Masongnergy Grounds” * “Ira a), sit .. , . Wei} Nice photo, very creative
Schedule of Eventséf L 3 - amen « 100k Could have been sharp-
Category 1 - DEPARTMENT/DIS- WW“ V7 ' r ' Jeanthr ,215.M er.
COUNT/ JEWELRY STORES “worm-31". ', “and .V... “ Third Place - TIE — BRACKEN
NO ENTRIES geese , x A A777 we 7 J“ gdlbicflumglmwflnm COUNTY NEWS, Kathy
Wfl“ “" “ “in Bay/ Wayne Keith
Category 2 ' AUTOMOTIVE IKSXLEI‘W I I% I II I I ”mama”; iterates"... IIIIIIIIAZIIISIIIIII l GOOd use Of SPOt COIOE The
First Place - TRIMBLE BANNER, )fifiefia—Efiegr; 7 7 Wfffflffljw; M“r:tg§~izs:t””"“" “atrial. 3 ad makes the reader inter—act.
Mark McKee / Carla Kidwell :‘ffiiiarrtéktiirrroniaaaaa, “urging. IIIIIIIIIIWXWIT good layout.
Very colorful. Clean layout. Center g9 EWErI/EIgwéIEI .iVVJa It imam: mttmi“'~”_t~ “Egfixfi‘” Third Place — TIE - FLEM—
portion could have looked better etteaa”::'§j£oir? were“ emit? ”ms” ’9 INGSBURG GAZETTE, Tisha
with more creative fonts. “Z? ’Ifigvmgeaa f'wmm ’I, ,7 £7,333; ,: nymgfiagé ; Mitchell
Second Place - FLEMINGSBURG ., 7 7we§§§W ”I” I ”fiWIXfifIIZ‘” imifigaizxwfiaI Nice use of menu with price.
Mark McKee/Carla Kidwell ' .V . “a? iiiaweem HERALD LEDGER, Selena
Good use of white space. Good V ltiISsAINie/j A ”Mi: a»; 3.3%“?3 Ward / Kris Johnson
ra hics Lo ' t d k h 1d '3 I If 12:2 {mitiltyieaigaf “AW?“KW‘AEE - - I
8 P ~ 80 15 0° ar , S 0“ . v aflmae‘fi’gaamfijrerWE‘eii‘E? Interesung COVET- Ads Pertam
be cleaner. Two screened boxes v . = ., V see? to the there Good graphics.
could have been left out. v”tiara/flwwwémi‘n“:éswaI”: Clean ads. Creative idea.
: Debbie McCord and Tisha Mitchell of the Flemingsburg Gazette won first place Why are classified in your
Category 3— HARDWARE / APPLI- in Weekly Class 1 for this Multiple Advertising/”Sig” page. section?
N 0 ENTRIES Second Place - BRACKEN COUNTY Mitchell COUNTY NEWS, Kathy 4
NEWS, Kathy Bay / Wayne Keith Good color, good use of white BEY/ Plbby Est1117/ Wayne Keith 1
‘ Category 4 ' FINANCIAL Nice headline. Interesting back— space, good layout. Good message. NICE 10b on making each ad vary. V ‘I
7 FlrSt Place ' FLEMINGSBURG ground. Good use of art and graph- Second Place - FLEMINGSBURG Nice and clean.
GAZETTE, Debble McCord/ Tisha ics. GAZETTE, Debbie McCord /Tisha Third Place - TRIMBLE BANNER, .
Mitehell Third Place - BRACKEN COUNTY Mitchell Staff ‘4...
Ag? clear aIXIdclfan'I (flood use Of NEWS, Kathy Bay/ Wayne Keith Good color photo. Try to be more Creative idea to get political adS- .-e\
W 1 9 space. as In ormatlon Gra hic is nice. Like the three fea- creative with la out. ‘ I
which is very clean. Ad easy to turepitems. Third Place _ y Continued on Page 3
read! The VISA logo draws the eye ' FLEMINGS— ”3,. 7 77 77 7 gzzrafifia “"f
to the ad. Category 7 - FURNITURE BURG éfl I a ‘If, g3 aa I 1
Second Place - TRIMBLE BANNER, First Place _ FLEMINGSBURG GAZETTE, be?» 3.3"» r; View gmiéfifig ”7“,?!"
Mark MCKee/Carla KIdwell GAZETTE] DEbbie MCCOId/TiSha Debbie Our Loss inlaid? tIIcIquIIIIIIIIlIII;ViIIIltII'IthIIxifIllIIIIIJILt Be Sold!
GOOd use Of two locations. Artwork Mitchell McCord/ Tisha / a, » s
is a little heavy bUt effective. Fall colors are nice. Great layout! Mitchell ~59 V alifiiétgdfimlggmgmgn
Second Place - FLEMINGSBURG Nice color. a... fiéé“?g°dvmg°sa‘f
Category 5 - PROFESSIONAL SER— GAZETTE, Debbie McCord/Tisha Don’t stretch ~ .. A 539-32 “We“??? *
VICES Mitchell the graphics! I u“ I
Flrst Place - FLEMINGSBURG Good use of color. Creative head. e V . “—
GAZETTE, Debble McCord / Tlsha Third Place — FLEMINGSBURG Category 11 - mmgmgozmfl (
Mltellell GAZETTE, Debbie McCord / Tisha CREATIVE USE awxlwatwmgzgm '1
Second Place - BRACKEN COUNTY Mitchell OF THE NEWS— afggfggfifiwds‘wf l
NEWS, Libby EStfll/ Wayne Keith Clean and clear. Great headline. PAPER IIIIIII'WII’IIEIII
Great use of the spot red. The layout Certificate of 77777:?2777oggy777 (
of thf: letters makes 1t easy to dlstln— Category 8 — REAL ESTATE Merit - LAKE gfiflfigfiflfiéifigfifiqfil Mark MCKee I
Suls - Flrst Place - TRIMBLE BANNER, NEWS, Neeta fiwitlf‘ieggge; and Carla I
Thlrd Place ‘ FLEMINGSBURG Mark McKee/ Carla Kidwell Keeling Hale meow Kidwell 0f the (
GAZETTE, Tisha Mitchell Blue print” House plan traps the ‘I‘lli‘lIilIé‘II’In; Trimble 1
EN TERTAIN- I .V ‘ Nimitz}? first place in 1
Category 6 - Category 9 - CLOTHING STORES MENT/DIN- ' " " " ' V (1 " ' ’ the _ t
FOOD/ DRUG/ LIQUOR NO ENTRIES ING ~ " :7 f _ . i; 71 Automotive c
First Place — FLEMINGSBURG First Place _ ' : 1 V 'v V .' category with E
GAZETTE? Debble McCord/ Tisha Category 10 — MULTIPLE ADVER- EDDYVILLE V ‘ ' 3 ' ““5 “1- Very J
Mltellell TISER/"SIG" PAGE HERALD ‘ ' ' V “10”“; Clean 1
Clean and clear. Nice graphiCS- First Place — FLEMINGSBURG LEDGER, I 92'1““ I}:
Doesn’t look llke a grocery ad~ GAZETTE, Debbie McCord /Tisha Selena ' ’“ ges ”1 ‘ I

 2003 Advertising Excellence In Kentucky Newspapers - Page 3
I -
em ”WTeegye/M/ Third Place - marks. Cindy Mitchell / Jennifer Wallace I
:e””3””,e” :fe/ W. FLEMINGS— Second Place - CADIZ RECORD, ,l g ’
I, 3’; % ,WWWWGUNXYUN IT " ’53”? BURG Category 20 - BEST AD SERIES Rebecca Boggess / Jennifer Wallace ' 3
a ”it? " 1 GAZETTE, First Place — EDDYVILLE HERALD Third Place - CUMBERLAND 3
3: ,, 3“ ’i‘ 23 W in; Debbie LEDGER, Selena Ward/Kris COUNTY NEWS, Billy N. Guffey ,3
”ga .1 Wm i h" 17 fie fie {if . McCord / Tisha Johnson Honorable Mention - SPRINGFIELD 3,
rage/2%“ 92531:} W "." Wit WW, 3333 “W” 3 Mitchell Font is very sharp and creative. Ads SUN, Shorty Lassiter/ Kim Hupman f
3%” if? WSW g; ~ 53"” ’3 fW -' , . “‘ f )3” ‘W Good use of are eye catching. 4’
great? ”I ti er 32%: ., ’ ,, color. Second Place - TRIMBLE BANNER, Category 2 - AUTOMOTIVE i ,5
f" ,f’ffi‘Weegng gangs ;W., ;;t; T331; Mark McKee /Carla Kidwell First Place - BENTON TRIBUNE 1‘
«W ,1... e”. . . _' r . ”3”” 3 Category 16 - Good presentation Of info. Try to be COURIER, Vanessa Feagin/ Randy t i
”i ”3 l‘ .27" ‘33 5 , . "“93”“ 57 AGRICUL- consistent with ”series.” Simmons 3 3
Mmefianfi =" 1. 9-2:»..- '” ”’2- . iv “A .' 1: V .32 I ‘
get? l. ,, $33“: 33' " ”23% tee. TURE/LAWN Second Place - CADIZ RECORD, iW
33W ,3 a}, W, 2.? ,3ng M3 t. “W ‘1 AND GARDEN Category 21 - GENERAL MISCEL- Rebecca Boggess/ Jennifer Wallace 1 ,0
~11 ‘ r W" W " ”i; : First Place - LANEOUS Third Place - CLAY CITY TIMES, 3
3% :3 5" jjé’”: "3’3"“.ng ”tr 53.; ," FLEMINGS- First Place - FLEMINGSBURG Alanna Aldridge /Lisa Baber f
%. " ” ,Wgriifffi ' rte ’ Q “'4 g. BURG GAZETTE, Tisha Mitchell Honorable Mention - CADIZ i
”3; $33 W1 é’ ~ E GAZETTE, Cute and colorful. Good use of RECORD, Cindy Mitchell/ Jennifer j '3
3 “If; ,”lIe. ,‘ ” , W . Debbie white and artwork! Wallace {
. ($.53 " {#133 ”mm? McCord / Tisha Second Place — BRACKEN COUNTY i’
W 233;”; , Mitchell NEWS, Libby Estill/Wayne Keith Category 3 — HARDWARE /APPLI—
“egg“ 533%-? 3, $9 Photos grab Good concept. Eye catching! ANCE STORES I L
errWW: 5 gxi’gW " 23:?” FW" ‘ g attention. Very Third Place - TRIMBLE BANNER, First Place - SPRINGFIELD SUN, g
53?; gig”; 2’ ””3, S? ‘ ~35 clean. Mark McKee/ Carla Kidwell Shorty Lassiter/ Kim Hupman f ”a
I 3% “gt,” é‘ ” 33%” Second Place - Very clean. Second Place - TOMPKINSVILLE J
i 5%”; , a? WW” BRACKEN NEWS, Sonja Carrow .'
’ s §, we 5:3 it W- , COUNTY Category 22 - SPORTING Third Place - CADIZ RECORD,
j; ‘ :‘;W;:tr , g lg; NEWS, Kathy GOODS/ATHLETICS Cindy Mitchell /Jennifer Wallace 3 i;
5%?e «333331 3' 3&3? Bay/ Wayne First Place - LAKE NEWS, Neeta Honorable Mention - CADIZ J ji
Leg; ‘. i WW 33,, ”WW ,~‘§eg Keith Keeling Hale RECORD, Rebecca W?
‘ifié’ie WWIWW WWW: ,Wg W ’l at Nice placement Neat font. Good photo. Boggess/Jennifer Wallace }W W
1 ; at he t of artwork, very Second Place - soowirrr HER- t s
1"”. a: 9g?" '- .;W””W,,:§ftif 3,! ”IMI‘ clean. Nice logo. ALD LEDGER, Selena Ward / Kris Continued on Page 4 W 3 ,;
/ its; 13% e: I??? ”32% ”w” Third Place; Johnson I
7 i . "1;; ti 3 ' TRIMBLE BAN— Gobd border helps theme. Pretty . .. .. , . j ,
.' " . . ' :I ., ” NERI Mark boring otherwise at??? 3
\ t ,r e , :2 '1 _, I Kidwell Category 23 - SPECIAL EVENTS 3%” W . . 1 ~ g ,j
3 get; gig, ”“3” 3“ :3, Nice border. First Place - EDDYVILLE HER- g: , In eff
l . f” Wegei” ‘egf rigged” 1.3% Good use Of ALD LEDGER, Selena :gfffl , ' 3 133 3 ‘ ’i i
*We-...f£i Cute, fun, eye catching. , , mgmglflugh‘i‘fs" :; 3
The Eddyville Herald Ledger picked up first place hon- Category 17 ' Interestlng graphic. good use Of ' p I ' *3. ' . ” ' ' ' i V
ors in the Special Sections category for Selena Ward CLASSIFIED fonts. I ' "i 8;, . “”3 C a; , , l.-
and Kris Johnson’s entry. ”Interesting cover. Ads per— PAGE/ SEC" Second Place ' FLEMINGSBURG ' ””3 mg I , 3'33.” 3 ; ‘7 I 4'
tain to the theme,” the judges said. TION GAZETTE, Debble McCord/Tlsha ‘1 1 fit Qt, , .t’ . , 1' .3
NO ENTRIES Mitchell 3::;;»;,, 1 . .fj,
- You could have used more color. 5:33;" i. . 3. . , f' 1 ,f
continuedfmm Pagez Category 18 - SPECIAL PUBLICA- Third Place-BRACKEN COUN— ‘e " "e \ , 3i
TIONS TY NEWS, Libby Estill/ Wayne 3.. :
Category 14 - GROUP PROMO- Certificate of Merit — LAKE NEWS, Keith . . . , -;
TIONS Neeta Keeling Hale / Loyd Ford Cute graphic. Good use of font. W W l. : 3 1 .
NO ENTRIES Clean. _ , ,, g ,
Category 19 —BEST USE OF COLOR
Category 15 - HOLIDAY GREET- First Place — FLEMINGSBURG Category 25 — BEST NEWSPAPER MW. g, i; 5
ING ADS GAZETTE, Daniel Lewis/Tisha PROMOTION ,ptmngvgjtfimggglwmxmt 3
GAZETTE, Debbie McCord/Tisha Theme and color are nice; IWWIWWMWW ,5 ,
Mltehell . second Place - nenrncsscrc Selma
Nice photo, gets attention. Would GAZETTE, Debbie McCord /Tisha we 6 k I §3%%%§:w“§e§
like to have seen the "DO” logo in Mitchell ’ * ' 5 , , E$sztgf%§le if
the ad Nice color combination. , : {”13333311331 13.3%”? 3
Second Place " FLEMINGSBURG Third Place - FLEMINGSBURG C I a SS 2 ’e4t*”ftt l":
WGWéZWIWEIWWFE, Debbie McCord / Tisha GAZETTE, Debbie McCord /Tisha .. s w . , ,zs».../--~m.:..:i W 1
1 C e Mitchell This ent from the S rin field Sun i.’
Nice layout, 800d white space, great Good use of white space. Try to Eggfiézllfivggflggggggg/ DIS” won therCreative UseIIJf tlge ’
PhOIO' Very warm and fUZZY- sharpen Images, and watch color First Place _ C ADIZ RECORD, Newspaper category. 3’
.. ,3
WW __.____.___—__—

 i Page 4 - 2003 Advertising Excellence In Kentucky Newspapers
L." . , . , McKee / Carla Kidwell Kim Hupman 333W .3,» WM , E _.. C
; 2%} ThirdPIaee-LARUECOUNTY krNsvrrrstws, geese C.
a. SEE 7““ Nalley/Monica Hy F i l 777“ a.
. .77 » «2,375 ,_ ' . 5 Copy is strong and so is illustration. Category 9 - CLOTHING E.3; ESE, i, . 3 . 3 W
t" , r777 :3"? 7r STORES ,1 "I. H I
. Newesmm .773 ’ Category 5 - PROFESSIONAL SER- First Place - SPRING- { ; 7 7 7 77 7 7 3 7 7 7 3 , , 7
5 f $795" 3%: 7’ m: a VICES FIELD SUN, Shorty ~ Shell, FQOd Mart *5 "
.5 We Mew-av 777* First Place — SPRINGFIELD SUN, Lassiter/ Kim Hupman ' 70519.11 2:4,:H9W57197’IQW7'5‘ 57‘3“?“ ..
E7 f.eeee5i5a3,9.,3 wees Shorty Lassiter / Kim I-Iupman Good illustration. Lots of 9‘13"»‘3’:§“§2W‘“9"flpf"?’¢‘ 5"???”33m ”"7",” $119391?!” 7
If é ,WEWEWE ”gp- 7 Second Place - SPRINGFIELD SUN, product promotion. You messagggmgwgmgyassess; 32;
3. . $8M j g“??? , Shorty LaSSIter /K1m Hupman could work a series With 3yj~~ y:f3.3_’;:fg;;;73 B 33.5,:3’gg/5 0in 7 . , j
5‘” ThirdPIace-CARROLLTON NEWS authernfs- 8““ ’ Fame“? 7
.: 1i DEMOCRAT, Mark McKee/Carla Second Place - SPRING- e7 “usage 77 ;- 72
- 7mm. :7 v 'Mmaw 7 a 7 - 7 - agriilscuitseszas Buy 11391 1 77
.t 57‘rmfllVii , 1. seems ,7 ' Kldwell FIELD SUN, Shorty , ' “fa er 7 77 .’ ;
7. H I ‘320 , ‘ ' ‘ E 00 . Lassiter / Kim Hupman 3;, ”1‘2 FREEWfl 9
i 9;, ’ "5:277": Category 6 - Good product info, a little ,W“Wflw 3.
:- at: , “25» . e FOOD/DRUG/LIQUOR too much revse copy. mares/eras .
'i W537 1 First Place — CLAY CITY TIMES, Third Place - CADIZ wéoflfiw
3. ,E; :Wmm Alanna Aldridge/ Lisa Baber RECORD, Rebecca 7 egegié‘ééfi'sge; 7. . “if?
59500 Second Place-BENTON TRIBUNE Bossess/IennrrerWauaee " ' 7:277“ g;
: g “as; Iaeaer reverseNottosmueh 7%.»
j. , Cindy Mitchell/ Jennifer Wallace sage.
3 titles: 75 litter; 6.1329312? a at '1' ‘* RECORD, Cindy Mitchell /Jennifer Category 10 - MULTIPLE
The Cadiz Record won first place PAGE €132.19. . I I"? 5-3'ie537e' ' ,' .'
honors in the Agriculture/Lawn 81: Category 7 - FURNITURE First Place - TOMP- i" " " 1,; , ,, 7 J 7 .3 g;
f. Garden category With this entry by First Place - CADIZ RECORD, KINSVILLE NEWS, Sonja "' ' 'V' ' ' E I
Rebecca Boggess and Jennifer Rebecca Boggess / Jennifer Wallace Carrow /Teresa This ad took home first place honors for ,4 E
Wallace. Second Place — CADIZ RECORD, . Scott/ Sharon Barnard Alanna Aldndge and Lisa Baber 0f the the Clay w.- E
3 Rebecca Boggess / Jennifer Wallace Good layout and theme. Clty Tunes m the Food/Drug/Liquor category. ‘ €
7-; Continued from Page 3 Third Place - LARUE COUNTY Second Place - CAR- .
I: Category 4 - FINANCIAL Nalley / Stephanie Hornback Mark McKee / Carla Kidwell Nalley/ Monica Hayes . 7
First Place - CADIZ RECORD, Third Place - CADIZ RECORD, Creatlve use Of seChonEEAfiS 5“le '
:; Cindy Mitchell / Jennifer Wallace Category 8 - REAL ESTATE Cindy Mitchell/ Becky around for a full year. 1g quality 7
7; Good use of white space. First Place - CADIZ RECORD, Boggess / Jennifer Wallace paper makes piece 100k better. Very
E: Second Place - CARROLLTON Cindy Mitchell/ Jennifer Wallace Innovative.
THE NEWSPAPER Rebecca Boggess / Cynthia Mitchell ~
—,.—"‘"'—"“"‘ .. ’3 _ . _..._ ‘1)»wm \ First Place _ SPRINGFIELD SUN, CIOI'ISIStent 100k throughout. V6ry .
1 "7 “ J e :2 , W I“ Shorty Lassiter/ Kim Hupman C can. ,
. I ._ . . i7“? .774“ ; a“ . , ”I ”PM 7‘41””: 71‘ i“ , . _ I
; . , p 7. , f7 3‘3 2': . 7‘s". . ‘ , If: f§’:'kf"‘7j,‘iW 3.40“ Headline and artwork compliment Second Place CADIZ RECORD ,
1 . ,7; 77s". a O " ’ - ' j ’7" .-"‘ ‘7. ‘ we 1&4:le ,,,.:tir...;;,.;;-,73,,,. the ad very well. Rebecca Boggess/ Cynthia MltChell
”)7 3%”: E '1'?" I: l2 ./ ‘91!“ a . fie firm 5-,}; "*3a ~. E 9 ”’5‘: “fife. Second Place _ SPRINGFIELD SUN Ads are very clean. Ads Will 1913th
1 E"‘- . »7 e E5“? ’77.},— 71:3 7 .. 7 ..E; J. r; 7. Shorty Lassiter/Kim Hupman to the theme. Good press work. Fi
; . . . 7 3 . ' 7 .‘ ‘9; 7 . 3 ' Third Place — CUMBERLAND GOOd vanety 0f advertlsers7 D
:‘ gee ; - “e 1 , 7? .3.“ are ~73 “"" .57 l 777 .4 COUNTY NEWS Billy N. Guffey Third Place ' HENRY COUNTY K
“ .. ,7 1 s33“; @371, is ’ LOCAL, Tiffany Clark A
' ““ ' 7' -,7 , L 7 - L 77 7 7‘ ' '7 . T l ‘ ' C te 12 — ENTERTAIN- d
7‘ fi 1? i g 5" ' ; ' ,7} ,2 M E ii 3 a E, ’ i .:" fj MaEIETOBDINING Category 14 - GROUP PROMO- 5‘
:77 ‘ a " ~ 7 7 . : " ' A . p '. A. First Place — CITIZEN VOICE & TFONS A
' ’3 é. i“ i: 3 . 3 ,t , 7 fl , array/11%.» TIMES, Karen WilliS/ Earline Arvin FlrSt Place ',SPRINGFIELD SUN’ T
~ 77,5“- Graphic clearly pulls reader into the BMW LaSS‘ter/ K11“ Hupma“ S7
. fififlfigea2§3M§fiageéeub fitiarflfa 7 ad. Excellent use of process color, good C
gar... feMasWWeWef” " r omotion.
14...»"27’;§¥§»3.7 3x” 7,7,4”: ”W 2’ 7“ . , g anfife/ytéww“; ”..:... 77ers: W, '77 second Place ' TOMPKINSVILLE p
711% l 7 1 NEWS Sonja Carrow Second Place 7 LARUE COUNTY A
777%,?“ r,i‘a“7;7‘s‘7raeE. 5'77." ,e Third Place - CARROLLTON NEWS EEEEEAONEEEZVSEEMZEW ES}
‘ “Mm W’rme '7 a" ’7 1'1"“? i , DEMOCRAT, M k M K 1 1 a ay ‘
7WeEWQ’" 3e33%4e7 ..7. - ar C W car a Third Place - OWENTON NEWS R
New... . . ., » I. . : 7 . :x’x’:}?33r:'::‘§§“7e§amfi¢ ”77.59“,“ ”era/Warez 3?. ya» nqugyyn%~mxnin .7, 777. @955 Kldwell
MM.WWL“___£#LM2*__M -ams 9 a... as... . HERALD, Missy Hacker / Carrie V
This was the winning entry in the Holiday Greeting Ad category submit- Category 13 - SPECIAL SECTIONS Bennett i
ted by Carrollton News Democrat’ 5 Mark McKee and Carla Kidwell. First Place — TIE - LARUE COUNTY Continued on Page 5 S7

 2003 Advertising Excellence In Kentucky Newspapers - Page 5
Continued from Page 4 photo. Logo could have been a bit Category 20 - BEST AD SERIES Category 25 - BEST NEWSPAPER ’i ,

larger and darker. First Place - TOMPKINSVILLE PROMOTION

Third Place - SPRINGFIELD SUN NEWS Son‘a Carrow First Place . SPRINGFIELD SUN 5

C t 15 - HOLIDAY GREET— ’ ’ J ’ ;
1135?:ng Shorty Lassiter/ Kim Hupman Second Place - SPRINGFIELD SUN, Shorty Lassiter 5 )1

Good simple ad, graphics go well Shorty Lassiter/ Kim Hupman Informative and entertaining. Good *3

with ad content. Third Place - CADIZ RECORD, use of color. I,

9 «a, .9 , m, 5, . Honorable Mention Rebecca Boggess/ Jennifer Wallace Second Place — LARUE COUNTY /_

:3 {@gwgwryw - SPRINGFIELD HERALD NEWS. Staff

2; fl’,w,,,éa’wgf% ‘3 52,45 SUN, Shorty Category 21 - GENERAL MISCEL— Good theme. ,_
fik’ 45535... wig}! Lassiter LANEOUS Third Place - OWENTON NEWS 5

fa, may 1, a" a 3' l5 ’9, Good use of color. First Place - CUMBERLAND HERALD, Carrie Bennett a,

f ‘2 ’2 53;)”, Mai (W I bullets ood. Good COUNTY NEWS, Bill N. Guffe Nice look. 5 d’

‘ ; afi‘ifir “I a: I ’ headline. Good 1a out, ra scale works. i

' ‘a",*3‘xa/ 3,” ' econ ace _ , , t 1"

' , .9 k 7"”, . {@2125 grifltgfl, 2~ 3 Category 17 - NEWS DEMOCRAT, Mark we e k I y ,

" 32,ka jgfifg/aéga . d CLASSIFIED McKee/ Carla Kidwell ' ' ’ ’ ;-

H an» al’ 1331‘ a!“ ma“, ‘aaawg PAGE/ SECTION Good communi outreach.
“3;," awflvwray ”was, ,9 ,5 First Place — Third Place — SPRINGFIELD SUN, a9 SS 3 : g.
233% £’% '9 fig} ,5 "3‘5, «2:,»“% SPRINGFIELD Shorty Lassiter/ Kim Hupman ' " ” ~ .,

MW 53,351?”qu _, . .99. ,f/fi‘fi, 5E, ,figflw SUN, Shorty Very eye catching. Great concept. Category 1 _ DEPARTMENT /DIS- . _,
wfrfir‘%%%tfl‘fi v‘ jétafii’fi“ W La551t9r/Klm

,,9. ,. , A”... ,5 9, ,.,,9,, ,1, , COUNT/JEWELRY STORES , ,
”fix”;”,ii 5733,53,,» ,. I 17“,“, a, '3 , Hupman Category 22 - SPORTING First Place _ IESSAMINE JOURNAL , i
5%;45 It,,a,,.a.,m. 4%: ’5 ’5 ' fl Second Place - GOODS / ATHLETICS P e Adkins /Sharon B ail e '
II“ ,‘r’tfi‘a . 9 at: TOMPKINSVILLE First Place - TOMPKINSVILLE ggy y g ;

. fixrijffigagjéfl‘i ..g,’ é‘ 95 ~ Second Place 'JESSAMINE IOUR‘ -' J

‘ ,1 t .3», “‘11,, . ' ,. NEWS, Staff NEWS, Sonja Carrow N AL Pe A dk' /Sh B .1 .5 i

a, 5mm 5 9 .5 .9 9 ,5, . . , ggy Ins aron a1 ey , _9

I 55 55,.» 5, Mfr/I, Th1rd Place - Sharp, eye catchlng and clean. The make a ood team' , .3

1,5 5 W W“ . HENRY COUNTY Second Place - HENRY COUNTY T595113, _ ,gACKSON'COUNTY I i
,. I” Wilma. . . LOCAL Staff LOCAL Tiffan Clark 1r ace 1’ ’

,2»: s,,»:-r--s:\:«'-:--:w:.~t “3555,: {021, ’ '. I??flr*’wl .,._,,.... :3" "A" 5;»1a-x.».:.;-;,,., ... ‘ 2 / ’ y ' I
(1.3 as -Iyia’a '52,.5’ 5 ., Good space SUN, IOhn Butwell/ Tammy -' -
att’t, a, , Category 18 - SPE- Third Place - CLAY CITY TIMES. SPUIIOCk . i

;. ,5, ”a ,“ ., , ' H, f/ . - Honorable Mentlon ' BAR' I i
.. .. 9. . CIAL PUBLICA' Alanna Aldndge/ L153 Bab“ BOURVILLE MOUNTAIN ADVO— 't II

I wia‘éé’tfifigx r .52“ 55:35:05“, _ CADIZ GOOd concePt' CATE, Wanda Blevms /Mehssa ,§
,4 t 9s.’f‘}'; “" RECORD, Cindy Category 23 - SPECIAL EVENTS Newman ‘ ’
F t ' 9 99 ‘ Mitchell /Becky': First Place — BENTON TRIBUNE 9 _ ,7
-» ' ,, : . ' ‘ ' ‘ ,7, , . 5999, _ . Boggess ‘ COURIER, Vanessa Feagin / Melissa gigigPIZez- Sglggzhslggggws . I
A. E535 21 99 V J? attracts. W911 600d use Of C0101 Pleasing to the {EOE/{IEEIAL K'A. BalleW/Llsa ; j
1 ,9 9' 9; a; thought out and eye. 1 _ ER E EW ¢
’ 5 5,, 319g 9 , : good use of color. Second Place — CADIZ RECORD, 55$§§ZEC§ 3531:5111; ii: 5
5 ’. ' I I Q " Ads are not all boil— Rebecca Boggess/ Jennifer Wallace Rowell I l . 5

. t . 9 9‘ :‘9 . g *‘ 5,5,? 5 5i :5 er place. Third Place - HENRY COUNTY Third Place _ SOMERSET NEWS i
g . . . : H ‘ "5 5 3 E ‘5 Second Place — LOCAL, Tiffany Clark IOURN AL K A Ballew /Lisa ,f I

.‘ 5 1 SPRINGFIELD Honorable Mention - SPRINGFIELD Rowell ' ' ' 5; ,

This Special Events ad captured the first place prize SUN, Shorty SUN, Shorty Lassiter / Kim Hupman f If

for the Benton Tribune Courier. ”Good use of color. Lassiter/ Kim Continued on Page 5 )

Pleasmg to the eye,” the )udges said. Hupman '-, 1

Ads compliment ' "If“; m"rm’¥a” ;

F' t Pl - CARROLLTON NEWS Product Nice Player lista ' ' .. ~ ‘ " ’ ‘
SEI/ioéiiAT Mark McKee/Carla Third Place - SPRINGFIELD SUN, r? ’3' L ‘

Art fit well with theme, color repro— 1:15 dfian' Layout nieds tofe I? a; .t,?”;*‘;}(,“35;g“§5*”t 3g :- \ '

duced well. t 0‘18 t 0,1“ more C were - \E ,5,, ' ”mgifaafif’i ‘ £§5 This ad a
Second Place - CLAY CITY TIMES, C BEST USE OF Q ' "" “’ " ’50 :2}. «5.55;: won first 3
Alanna Aldridge/Lisa Baber £ng 19 ' . “I place in the

Third Place - SPRINGFIELD SUN, . . .’ . I. ,M'm’afl" Weekl ’-

Shorty Lassiter/ Kim Hupman FlrSt Place ' SPRINGFIELD SUN' ' 5 "35‘7": 5‘3,553.1’“sI/fiiwng’wf‘fiég"? Class 3y I

Shorty Lassiter / Kim Hupman . , ,irflgfirf‘?,fl7:.:, General ’.

AGRICULTURE/LAWN AND Second Place ‘ CLAY CITY TIMES » . 5:... ans catego- 52

Alanna Aldridge/ Lisa Baber .9.... .. ,. ., , . 'r'.¥m255"-‘”"”“W~ 5' @559"ij for the 3‘

First Place _ C ADIZ RECORD, Sepalllfatipns or reds and yellows Is I” ,I'aaig‘“;§, ,5 9 5W 91‘ 19553111111113 5,

Rebecca Boggess/Jennifer Wallace 8X99 en. . ' W 5 ‘t. v,- ‘ ’ “3&3;me , ; ~ Journa S ,

Very clean ad, easy to read. Th1rd Place - CARROLLTON '1 ,~‘ ' ' “a. 9,» 5 Peggy ;.

Second Place - CLAY CITY TIMES, NEWS DEMOCRAT/ Mark . , ._ . ' £55m“

Lisa Baber/ Alanna Aldridge ‘ McKee/ Carla Kidwell 5 Bag?“ 1

Super eye-appeal, catchy oval _ 5 l _y 5’

H, 77 , Li, ..., _ MI ‘

 Page 6 - 2003 Advertising Excellence In Kentucky Newspapers
. HERALD, Cathy Caton Caldwell /Tammy W WM, ,,fl ,. ,.
Continued from Page 5 Honorable Mention - BAR- Spurlock 3,2,
5i Eggfilfiesgfi‘gggglg ‘ CYN' CATE, Wanda Blevins / Melissa BOURVILLE MOUN- ssssisi‘fig isi
' ab” " isi s 7 stair riser,
Oller/ Joyce Wilson Newman TAIN ADVOCATE’ ' %®7 ' 24“ ii _ PM ‘ agggi rigs a i .
Honorable Mention - TIE - BAR- Wanda . ’ ii I 7 I A. I SWIM” “r 2063
,9: CATE, Wanda Blevins/ Melissa YICES Newman i i - ;- ,7 ”y I I
Newman Flrst Place ~ SOMERSET NEWS 7 , , 7
JOURNAL, Jame Gumm/ Llsa Category 10 - MUL- r , , , l * , I ’
f: Rowell TIPLE ADVERTIS- ' , ’ : . = ’ ' ' , , ,
giggggirgggéimw‘im/ APPLI' Second Place - BARBOURVILLE ER/"SIG" PAGE : , g . *
if First Place _ CYNTHI AN A DEMOC- MOUNTAIN ADVOCATE, First Place — BAR— . E " . .»
a: RAT Sabra 011 e r /Suzi e F ryman Staff / Melissa Newman BOURVILLE MOUN— , 7: , , ,_ _ ff, 3 s
Secolnd Place _ JACKSON COUNTY Third Place - SOMERSET NEWS TAIN ADVOCATE, MI) 5; is . . 7 ' '
L SON Renee Hudson /Tammy JOURNAL, Janie Gumm/ Llsa Wanda . sag/M?" -,_ 7 J 7 , .
Spurlock Rowen Blevms/ M6115” ”is 35-: ' ram:
.3: Third Place — CYNTHIANA DEMO— Newman 37% " .; .7 gmg%%
' FOOD/ DRUG/ LIQUOR STERLING ADVO- : , i i z. 7 ' '
E First Place - HARRODSBURG HER- CATE, Ann ' a :tv ss
IC'ategory 4 - FINANCIAL ALD, Cathy Caton/ Margaret Cecil Rountree / Sharon ’7 It}; gg‘itfiéf‘w‘i'ifg
‘ ”St Place ' SOMERSET NEWS S (21 Pl _ SOMERSET NEWS Ma nin ”0 Ann T ,’ IE gigs <3. s3? J‘. ‘% W419?
a JOURNAL, Stuart Arnold/Lisa ECO“ - . n g ' ’ ’ 1" fisr’ ,@ ..
:1 Rowell JOURNAL lame Gumm/ Llsa Halsey , if - is”? is “ta =
‘3 _ - Rowell Thlrd Place ‘ MT- K ails; / $135,; i “I '
iffin‘lggjffH g fiffififigg 3,1515}, Third Place — BARBOURVILLE STERLING ADVO- # is? ' , ' s j
Third Place — TIE - CYNTHIANA MOUNTAIN. ADVOCATE wanda CATE' Ann hr '1 E a,
7:7; DEMOCRAT, Bev Linville /Deb Blevms/ Melissa Newman Rountree/ Sharon ' h 7 7M ”jar ” first”;
Thlrd Place — TIE - HARRODSBURG g Eirst Place - JESSAMINE Honorable Mention — 7 -- x ‘ "f a ‘

\ flax j Second Place - JESSAIVIINE‘ Adkins/ngan ' 2 " 7 if» , t’ W s " a
“Syria“ 2 i- JOURNAL, Peggy Hedrick/Sharon , . “ii ii iii ‘ ‘
if “5%; iir 5 ‘ t Adkins/ Sharon Bailey Bailey/ Linda Bailey .r , s :sféiéfi fig: flag as.
;.; r; 7 , s The top photo really compli- M _ ' . MI ' . W m

\ Wesson/s Haws a /?253,§%>;%”2~”“’51st,AI";I’c’SmP/gié“. mented the ad' category 11 - CRE— The Barbourvflle Monntam Ad‘tocate p.1Cked up I
f} %ngcxmmueg < W Third Place _ B AR- ATIVE USE OF THE the first place award in the Spec1al Sections catego-

I~=j Twigs - “i":fifiig