xt79w08wd855 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79w08wd855/data/mets.xml  University of Kentucky 1998 1999 2013ua031 booklets  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Fact Books UK Facts '98-99 University of Kentucky, 1998-1999 text UK Facts '98-99 University of Kentucky, 1998-1999 1998 1998 1999 2019 true xt79w08wd855 section xt79w08wd855 History We’re Proud Of...
0 Founded in 1865 as a land-grant institution. - Ranked in America’s 100 Best College
- Located in the heart of the beautiful Ken— Buys. I
tucky Bluegrass region on a 764—acre ' Record fundraising, with more than
campus just south of downtown Lexington. $47 million contributed by 44,000 alumni
° The University also has a large medical = and other friends.
center in Lexington with a 473-bed -' The Cooperative Extension Service makes 0
hospital. more than 5 million contacts each year I 9 98 9 9
- Policy is set by a 20—member Board of through its 120 offices. ~
Trustees which includes alumni, faculty, 0 The Singletary Center for the Arts attracts
staff and student representation. 108,000 people to more than 360 events.
0 Charles T. Wethington Jr. is the tenth - The men’s basketball team won its seventh
president of the University. NCAA Championship in March, 1998.
Tuition & Fees
Tuition and fees on the Lexington Campus . . ‘
for the 1998-99 academic year: Key Telephone LlStlngS
' Undergraduate state residents: $3,016 Lexmgton Campus 257-9000
per year in tuition; $336 in fees. Chandler Medical Center 323—5000
' Undergraduate “on‘reSidems‘ $81376 UndergraduateAdmissions 257-2000
er ear in tuition; $336 in fees. . .
p . . g g _ _ Graduate Admlss1ons 257-4613
’ i , ‘ . ,2. Public Relations 257-3303
. .3“- if . ‘31” .- '
.~ 1 ' f, Reglstrar 257—3161
‘ " K . Visitor Center 257-3595
' i - , . UK INFOLINE --———-————-—— 606—257—5684
Ki , 1'" r 1g! . ,, i provides daily updates on sport, fine arts and other events on the campus
"t i J 5 1:; =3; in Lexington.

 William T. Young Library Research rig
The new William T. Young Library ' Faculty and staff attract more afi’f’! ,
on the Lexington Campus opened this year. than $131 million in research grants, flw‘%fl%4,r - I
This architectural initiative is the finest contracts and gifts—-—$72 million in federal ”if a“???
library resource in the state and includes: funds. are”, 3; _
- Seating for 4,000 patrons were among a handful of students selected
- Space for 1.2 million volumes nationally for an experiment with NASA. StUdentS
° 3,600 computer network ports Controlled falls aboard an airplane flight - Enrollment on the main campus, Chandler
0 600 personal computers available for were used to simulate a zero—gravity envi— Medical Center and Lexington Community
users ronment. College is more than 30,000.
- 362,000 square feet of space ° Researchers at the Head Injury Research - 3,100 students are enrolled in the five
Center have developed the first anabolic colleges in the Chandler Medical Center.
The UK library system now ranks cocktail - a combination of nutritional and - 5,200 students live on campus in 18 resi—
32nd among in m r n growth supplements — to help patients dence halls or apartment complexes.
a“ reseamh it? a recover from traumatic brain injury ° 250 organizations Offer StUdentS a Wide
libraries in . :‘fig, r, ' Royalties from inventions bring in over variety of interests to choose from.
the nation, éffigl $2.4 million a year, ranking the university in - Another excellent freshman class: 75
according to a» ’ the top 40. National Merit Scholars, 127 Kentucky
American Research Libraries. Governor’s Scholars and 103 high school
Academic Programs géfigi Graduate Education
Students have 100 majors from ig‘fggagw - More than 5,000 graduate students are
which to choose in the 16 academic ‘ (”a enrolled in 96 master’s degree and 60
colleges: ‘ s 5 . doctoral programs.
{Ell l 4 ° The first joint degree program in the
Agriculture, Architecture, Arts and Sciences, p ,_ (g state is being offered as UK and the
Communication and Information Studies, H Pk" "51 University Of Louisville begin ajoint
Education, Engineering, Fine Arts, Gatton $_ “ . 3 i .. , doctoral degree program in social work.
College of Business and Economics, Human i % Faculty 7
Environmental Sciences, Law, Social Work, 23:“ - . -
Allied Health Professions, Dentistry, Medi— “~ «fly/x: I . 1,832 full—tIme 1n Lexmgton.
cine, Nursing, and pharmacy. mm“: ' 97% 0f the faculty {n Lex1f1gt0n.ha_ve the
hlghest degree attainable 1n their fields.