xt79w08wd82d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79w08wd82d/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1987-03 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, March 1987 text GLSO News, March 1987 1987 1987-03 2019 true xt79w08wd82d section xt79w08wd82d Lsfi
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If you l-Ould like to advertise in the Gun Newsletter, @st
p17?” send your camera-ready copy to: (13), P.O. Box
11 1, taxington, KY 40575. The deadline for all
stuniasionn is the 15th of each nonth for publication the MEMBERSHIP APPLlCATION
following month. Anything received after the deadline
will not be guaranteed to be published in the next issue.

Ads may be sent genera—ready or rough. Rough copies _ Please put rte/us on the as: mailing list,
are subject to additional charges as shown in the rates including a free subscription to the nonthly as.)
section below. GU13 will not be responsible for Newsletter (delivered in an "unmarked” envelope).
typesetting errors in the ad after printing,- advertisers Bnclosed is $10.00 [or $5.00 for students) for each
are responsible for proofing the ads they submit for —menoership in aso.
publication. Please let rue/L5 how I/we can be note involved in

The Editor and the (13) Board of Directors reserve the — (1150 or other gay/lesbian organizations by calling
right to censor advertisenenrs and other submissions which '
are cleared in poor taste and to edit due to space (phone)
retrictions and/or granmatical errors. Erotica, fantasy, _ or writing to:
sexually-acolicit materials, or material cleaned in
conflict with the purpose or policies of the Lexington , ,
Gay/Lesbian Services Organization will not be accepted for MS)
publication. __ ______ fi

Address Apt. 0
‘ am:

Eighth Page 5 8.00 Qiarter Page $15.00 . _______ *—

(2' x 3.5") . (2 1/8” x 7" or 4 1/4" x 3 1/2") State ZIP oooe

Half Page $25.00 mil Page $40.00

(4 1/4“ x 7" or‘ (8 1/2“ x 7") Mail to: Q50, 9.0. Box 11471, Dex., KY 40575

8 1/2' x 3 1/2") -

classified 5 1.00 (up to 4 lines, 5.05

each additional word) m
'lypesetting $15.00
Screens $10.00


1/4offfor 6issues _ . The Editor, staff_, and Board of

1/] off for 12 issues Directors of 51.50 would like to thank Kathy

“2 of! for non-profit organizations for her superb artwork on this month's cover

and throughout the newsletter. Keep an eye

Discounted ad space will be contracted for specified Out for her future effort-5-
terns. Artwork may be changed at the advertiser's expense

and subject to the above deadline. Half of the cost of '
the discounted ad shall be due prior to publication and
half shall be due upon conpletion of the term of the The GISO Newsletter is publishad mnthly by the
discount. Failure to conply With the terns of the Lexington Gay Services Organization, Inc. (d.b.a. '
contract may result in future denial of contracts. _ lexington Gay/Lesbian Services Organization) , P.O. Box
ll471, lexmgton, Kentucky 40575. The as: is a
placerent of an ad in the (Ila) Newsletter m MIT registered non—profit organization the purpose of which is
denote a person’s sarual orientation or a business‘s to provide educational, recreational, social, and referral
mstoner preference. services directly iniplving or relating to gay/ lesbian
. people.
Views or opiniors expressed in the articles, stories,
letters, or advertismnts are those of the authors and do
DIRECICRY not necessarily represent those of the 61550 Board of
Directors nor the Newsletter staff. Publication of the
am GaYL'ma-----------------------non-2314335 name or photograph of any person. organization, or other
(150 Billboard...........................293-6734 entity in articles or advertising in the Newsletter is in
(:30 Newsletter, General“-------o-------259'3292 no way indicative of the sexual orientation of such
Aavertising.............278-0048 person, organization, or entity.

_ Submissmns for the Newsletter are welcome. All
Dignity/Lexington........................273-80.>6 subnussiorLs become the property of the the lexmgton Gay
Imerial Court of the Bluegrass apnea-56'0“? Services Organization, Inc. (d.b.a. Lexington Gay/Lesbian

‘ Gay ‘ 1195313" “A"-------“""""""‘2°6'eaa' ServiCEs Organization). All submissions nust indicate the '
cannmity Health Trust..-.-~-------~-----253'2329 full name and address of the author, although no try-line .
laterweave/CNUUDu.......................223-1448 “in be published without the express, written pennission
Lexington-Fayette County Health of the author. Non-original material trust indicate that V

Dept. Aim information"...............252-237l. ‘ U18 original author has given permission for use of the

Louisville Crisis Hocline.......u.(502l 6374342 material. Wynn: submissions cannot be accepted. The
Ouerisboro Gay “lime".."nnu-(SOZI 685-52“ editorial staff reserves the right to alter amnissions

' cuninnati Gay Sditd'lboard.........(513) 221—7800 (including advertisarents) to m: publishing
national Gay Task Force criSis Line requirements.

and Airs CriSis Line.............(800l 221-7044 '

2 GLSO March V

 Dear fiunt Mary: I am 22 years old and We have a couple of special events
have tinally admitted to myself that I we’d like you to know about and to come
am gay.‘ I have struggled With this {or to. There are nine people on the GLSO
several years, trying to deny my real Board of Directors, and we pretty much
feelings. The problem is, even though decide where GLSO 15 going, and what
I have admitted that I am gay, I +991 we’ll be doing. We keep looking for
even worse than before. At least before input during the monthly forum, but I
I could lie to myself and say eventually realize that’s not eyeryone’s idea 0+ a
I would stop being attracted to other fun evening. So. we’re making a
men and go on and lead a normal liTE' stronger effort this month to find out
NOW I know that Will never happen. your needs and concerns. First, we have
Nothing is like I expected my 11+e to our monthly GLSD potluck at Ra::mata::3
l be. I used to be able to find comfort (Thanks Marijo & Dena!) Most or all of
from some of life’s troubles in church, the board members will be there. and you
but now I feel like a hypocrite whenever can find out who we are and talk to us
I 90 to church. I have my whole lile in a much more casual atmosphere than is
before me and should be looking forward possible at a meeting. So come meet us
to SD much, bUt now I am afraid 0+ the and let us know what you’d like to see
future and don’t know how to overcome done! This is on March 1‘ a Sunday. at
the dread I feel. How am I supposed to “30. Then. on Monday night, the 5,2:ths
adeSt to tthy Hurting _ Georgetown we’ll follow that up with our regular
' - ‘ ' _~ - monthl\ meeting at 8 pm at the
Dear Hurting. My firSt impression is Comprehensive Care Center. Ne need you:
that while you have accepted the fact _ _ 'rh i e dreams and
that you are gay, you have no clear idea idea=,' WI: es, p p H. , G- /
0+ ‘ust what that means. Perha complaints to truly be Lehington s a»
2 ps you , ._ _
' Lesbian Seryice Droani_ation, so come
hold many of the typical stereotypes as _ —T—-—-— Harem
to what a gay person ”is” and ”does”. talk to ”5‘ GLSQ President
No stereotypes apply to you unless you
let them. You are an individual who
happens to be gay, but that is only one
aspect (though admittedly an important perggnality. Check out Joe—Beth
one) of you as a person. Yes, because BooksellerSs Squecial Media and the
you are gay your life will be different public library for books to help VCU
. than YOU EKPECtEd- BUt different does bolster your selfresteem and confidence.
not mean better or worse, it is up to It ig also important to meet other
YOU to make what You Will 0* the life gays who feel good about themselves and
YOU haVe- enioy their lives. Check out the
If you have found comfort in calendar of events on the last page of
religion in the past, there is no reason the newgletter and come to a GLSO
that you cannot turn to God for comfort meeting or event and meet some 0+ the
and inspiration now. You may need to people who have been through, or are
change churches to find acceptance and going through, the same process you
understanding, but you certainly don’t have begun_ At :2 you are too young CD
have to give UP your spiritually. dread life. Learn what it really means
Dignity. and Interweave are two groups to be gay and you w111 have no need to
who minister to the spiritual needs of be §eaful Of the future. write again
gays and their friends in the Lexington and let me kfigw how you are doing. GOOd'
area. Check out this newsletter for luck! Aunt Mary
. details of their actiVites.
It is important for you to find the If you would like to write to Aunt Mary,

' pos1tive aspects of being gay. Reading send your letter to: Aunt Mary, K GLSD,

' books such as Egsitiggly gay is a good Post Office BOX 11471, Lexington, KY
way to begin to understand that the 40575. If you would like a personal
very things that make you different may reply, please include a stamped, self—
be the things that bring you the most addressed envelope. All names are kept
jOY and add color and depth to your strictly confidential.

: GLSO March 3

 WOMEN’S NEWS ..,.__
The following article is taken from lesbianism has been viewed as sexual
the book 99: BiQDE t9 nggL a ngglég activity rather than sexual preference;
BEEQHEEE 3995, produced in cooperation something a woman does in bed rather
with women of the National Gay Task than the way she lives her life-
Force. The editor is Ginny Vida, Media Lesbianism is a very complex behavior
Director for the National Gay Task: pattern which is not readily secessible
Force. This is the first installment is to Simpllstlc analysgsé TEE Important
‘ — distinction in not t a we ave sex with
an ongOing series. h
ther women but that we love them and
by J Lee Lehmgn ER WOMAN it is this love that profoundly affects
our lives and, in this society. sets us
. o . apart.
homo=:§::lls a:;:53:82‘w0::: ::Da :::::f Love is something that none of us
D+he; n home; Sn many levels? understands fully, but most cherish.
‘ . . . ' Lesbians fall in love: lov t f'
psychologically, emotionally, psychical- sight a friendship that d:ve?ops ihig
iv; SO¢EtlmEE politically, and sexually. something more, an intuitive flash that
esbian may form lasting emotional and sa _ "Get to know th' ‘” Th
sexual bonds with another woman or women effect of falling inlslosgmagey hav:
07 she may form satisfying friendships different ramifications. If both women
with other women which are never acted have already ”come out" (acknowledged
out sexually. There are many different their lesbianism) then the process is
”life-styles? 58%9Ct8d by the millions much easier. It can be disconcerting
0+ lesbians ?n this country. NO matter for a woman who has ndt'acknowledged the
what the choice, however, there is an strength 0+ her feelings for other
omnipresent shadow: PFEJUdiCE. women. She may say to herself "What a
.In, different times and Chlturesi wonderful friend!” and then wonder why
lesbianism has been seen in different she gets tongue-tied in that woman’s
ways. It” may d?e totallyt :gceptagle presence, or jealous of anyone the woman
event d)enpec et‘l accsp a e or sees, or just why she is obsessed with
expec et blup un II a Eertain age,- or thinking about her. Few of us have been
”“aCFep_a e. n ‘ ES ern soc1ety raised to be more than vaguely aware
lesbianism has been flaunted by some that lesbianism exists much less that
Q ~ - H .-
(SUCh as oappho and .her dISCIpIES)’ it could be a viable alternative. As a
encouraged for pragmatic reasons (such result, it may never occur to her that
as keeping the illegitimacy rate down), she ié "in love” with the other woman
discouraged as sinful (by the Catholic This realisation can take ears In m.
and some other churches), or even own case " I had a habity 0+ lbecominy
presumed to be nonexistent (what can two evtremely’ attached to whoever was m3
. a x
SEES? :fit‘” ”2:“ “5192:1219; bang/3:”). best friend. In high school I suffered
. "H X p‘ y . ning through jealousy attacks whenever one of
during the Reformation, death in the my friends started datin (Wh is she
Nazi concentration camps, and commitment wasting her time on him”g What dges he
. l . . i e r s
Egat::ntalItlnf:ltgfiisnfnlgheth:evggéf:: see in him?) I freely acknowledged that
that health professionals — DSYcholo— iazze:er;:gn:o:2néha:32 I vgggeiy 223:5:
gists and psychiatrists - are recog— recognive any of these feelin _ as
nizing that there is nothing inherently sexual in nature Finall in gel t
bad or "sick" about lesbianism. t ' 't t 2 y, . my a E
Even today, lesbianism remains an :9”; ht 1+ . DBL the Préfdlng Of a
enigma. No psychologist, no physician, :rra;g hriegd who realised I” had} a
no scientist, has been able to explain ”5 ”10?,ter b0 DUSh me into Ie“p1°rlng
whether there is a "causE-ns genetic or my sexua i y, ut not with her.
environmental. The best statistics on . . ,
its incidence are nearly thirty years SConEigges 1". next month 5 @559
old. Of course, "science" hasn’t —§§§—§——§C'--)
explained the "cause(s)” of
heterosexuality either, but this fact
has been generally overlooked. Part of
the reason, I believe, is that
4GLSO March

Three day holidays are custom—made 0h January 31 the new Lexington
for fun and adventure... exploring the women’s theater QFOUP “Between the Acts”
unknown or relaxing from the grind of presented a bEHETi? event at the
everyday life. If you’d like to kick Unitarian Universalist Church. It
off the summer With a little 0+ both, included a twelve minute excerpt from
plan to attend the Southern women’s the play “Harmony”, WVItten by QFDUP
Music Festival on Memorial Day weekend member JOY Landrum, and the Lesbian
in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains Dating Game in which audience _memoers
in northern Georgia. participated. Approuimately 150 people
Imagine this. Southern women attended the event. .
celebration of music, art, and women so "Between the Acts” is planning to
festive that it’s impossible to not be present the {U11 length VEFSIDH 0‘
taken in by the atmosphere. Music and ”Harmony“ this spring. Please ChECk
comedy all day long, swimming in the your upcoming newsletters for the date
lake (no suit required), basketball, and location.
outdoor raquetball, volleyball and any
other sport you can visualize when 2,000
sisters gather!!!
Michigan may be bigger, but better 415:2: {{‘Egag
would depend on your taste. The stF ____figmth‘ :£%;g§‘~mfifiait_€_ e
o++ers a small, almost intimate @-mifififijfijmé駧g§;::::ggg'uurmmz-::
gathering. Since it is held at a camp '_"_“‘“"'“‘"°‘Y‘5°¥ WWL'EE :1: IE3;@§£‘?: ’
with limited space, numbers are limited —j:EF?HP?-:F§EE;;%EE%§;::S?;T\_::Ef2- ="
to 2,000. The layout of faCilities make ;u¢p Iggf'yx‘lgefifirfiu-g'ey 5 \' ,‘he
it easy to move about without Tfilch {iggalfigh g9. 1&3fi::§;2_17' L? , __ .
hassle. That is, o+ course, unless you _“__‘1@fi“—E§;E;_jiif§?j§=gi’ 5 I
tent to be hassled! _§:€§;EEL§%W;E ill «
Make plans now... fees are on a ”Agigéég:g;;g;g§ézg%;iAh:‘ " a: «.1
sliding scale, $80 — 95 for a campsite Wffiagéz}gas,‘&fj:§ffif\ycf‘ ,raggff: J
for the 23rd, 24th, and 25th. $95 — 105 @\@g M :
for a campsite for 4 days (includes uE=—e===*‘*-$W”f'"17fifi;;$“1ceee _
food). $115 for a cabin +or 4 days. zaufléjflizeffififi \g4eééififiégz
With special arrangements with the ‘\ \ \4é2fiEL7:;L4 £%'
management, work exchange is possible in -‘ “\*.gm$:k;>
place of the fees. For more information ‘\%k—;—w——fl_1
or reservations write to SNMCF .Wme“MWmunMHMMwwukMMum
13514 Hart St. ”mnm”
Van Nuys, California 91405
or phone (814) 904-9495; personal checks
are accepted until April 20.
Setback for Women’s Rights
The Party Animal Women’s Soccer
The Supreme Court’s Hardwick Club in Louisville is sponsoring a
decision upholding Georgia’s sodomy law Safari Dance on March 21 at 8 pm — 1 am
was one of last year’s worst setbacks at the Comm.-Ten Center.
for women’s rights, so far 35 the NOW . As always, there will also be other
Legal Defense and Education Fund is entertainment, wonderful and fun door
concerned. prizes, and a chance to win a super
The AP renorted that the fund. an donation raffle (rumor has it that the
arm D'F the National Organization for super- prize iS a video tape of DEEEEE
Women, included the antigay court ruling Hearts!)
on a list of 10 major setbacks for 1986. ————-Rumor also has it that a Special
Topping the list W55 the confirmation C)‘F invitation has been sent to Tarzan,
William Rehnquist as chief justice 0+ Jane, Cheeta, Boy, and (especially!)
the Supreme Court and of- Antonin Scalia Girl to make a special appearance and
as an associate justice. The give free vine—swinging lessons!
organization also compiled a list of 10 Proceeds go towards helping PAwS
major advances; that list contained no Club with their expenses, which last
gay-related items. year included participating in Gay Games
(Reprinted from [he Aggggate) II.
GLSO March 5

Our February Elst program—education Dignity/Lexington is four years old
meeting was about spirituality. As this month. A special evening of
deadline for the newsletter is the 15th celebration is planned for Saturday,
I cannot report on it. I would. March 28th.
however, like to reflect on some of the We’ll be meeting at J. Vincent’s at
thoughts I have about Dignity. 6:30 for dinner. We plan on making
Dignity is an Organization out of reservations on the Elst so please call
the Roman Catholic Church. I am a to increase our numbers. About 8:30
Unitarian Universalist who came from a we’ll gather at Jim and John’s for a
Southern Baptist background. The reception and movie. We hope to have our
obvious question from this is: why am I regional director on hand for the fun.
involved with Dignity, let alone Later, we’ll be heading for The Bar for
president of such as organization? an evening of dancing and socializing.
Quite simply, Dignity/Lexington Plan to attend! If you cannot make all
works to make life better for lesbian three, feel free to join us whenever you
and gay people. It, we, assist in our can make it.
community’s spiritual, emotional, J. Vincent’s was selected because
intellectual and social growth. whether we’ve been there before and had such a
it be through the spirituality of our great time. Remember we need
liturgies, emotional exploration of our reservations by the let (606—273~8056,
rap sessions, the intellectual growth of or 505-299—0352), so call today! We look
our education-program meetings or the forward to seeing you!
fun of all these, Dignity/Lexington
tries to be a positive, helpful,
enriching part of Le:-:ington"s lesbian - I
and gay community.
As a gay person I feel I have the dl nl
responsibility to work towards this
effort. Additionally, I too am nurtured _, _
by our offerings. It is powerful and Eo-fifl?&g§€£flg§lg§4wfl
comforting for me to attend a liturgy
and regardless of the turnout, come away _
feeling uplifted, loved, and respected 223 BOSL
as myself for myself. I love the fun SCHEDULE
and easiness ’and education of our
program meetings. Over the past several Tuesday, March 10th Liturgy at
years I’ve learned a great deal about 7:30 pm Larry’s 254_9312
homophobia, AIDS, the holocaust, gay
parenting, and legal issues to name a
few- The rap sessions _ well, I have Thursday, March 12th Rap session at
yet to miss a rap session. I’ve laughed 7:30 pm Kris & Shirley’s
and had my spirits lifted, I’ve felt 273—7870
pain and sorrow, I’ve contemplated and
discussed, I’ve observed and listened. Friday-Sunday Dignity Region V
I have, in short, grown - a great deal. March 13-15th . at Toledo. Ohio
I keep waiting for us to run out of
topics, but we keep getting stronger- I Saturday, March 28th 4th Anniversary
have fun. 6:30 pm J. Vincent’s
Dignity has done a lot for us. 3‘30 pm Jim & John’s
That’s why I do a lot for Dignity. By Reception/Movie
making life better for others, by 10:30 am — 1:00 pm DanCing at The Bar
providing services for us - the lesbian For more info: 273—8055 (Keith)
and gay community — I make my life 299—0352 (Jim & JDh")
better. And while I’m as strong a MEMBERSHIP
Unitarian Universalist as they come, I’m
committed to the purposes of Dignity Membership in Dignity/Lexington is
very, if you’ll pardon the phrase, $25.00, down from $27_50_ Student rates
religiously. are $20.00 and couples are $45.00. Join
I hope to SEE YOU at a Dignity today! Your membership supports the
meeting soon. Peace: Eork of Dignity/Lexington, Dignity/
, ' h e 10 V, ' ' \
6MarChGLSO Keit 9 n , and Dignity/USA.

 DIGNITY EVICTED FROM CHURCHES A major reason why gay Catholic
by Peter Freiberg groups have wanted to use Catholic
facilities, Nugent noted. "is to stay in

In the wake of the Vatican’s recent the mainstream of the church . . ."
letter strongly condemning homosexual- In the case D‘F Bishop Pilarczyk,
ity, several chapters 04 Dignity have Dignity activist Bernard Stratman said
been evicted from church facilities the chapters in Cincinnati and Dayton
where they were meeting and celebrating were approaching the bishop ”cautiously
mass. and slowly, “trying not to ”push him

So far, the following Dignity into a corner." Stratman indicated that
groups have been affected: Rilarczyk has not made a final decision,

In Buffalo and Pensacola, Florida and there was "Etill dialogue” going 0“-
bishops have ordered Dignity chapters Dignity national pre51dent Bussen
0+4 church property; the gays are maintained that any Dignity chapter
meeting elsewhere. refused use of church buildings should

In Atlanta, the bishop wrote a take a "strong, militant stand. Mostly,
letter that one gay Catholic leader I don’t want (Dignity chapters) to go
viewed as ambiguous. But a chaplain to quietly into the night. I think they
the group said the bishop’s “clear“ should go public with the information, I
intent was to bar Dignity from meeting think they should get it in writing if
and Celebrating mass on church property. DOSSiblE, and I thif‘lli they ShGLlld make a

In the Archdiocese of Cincinnati — firm stand that they are and Will
which includes Dayton - the bishop, continue to be members of the church,
according to one Dignity leader, has and that they will not go away. It’s a
raised questions about whether the group travesty for the bishops to enforce this
can continue to meet on church property. terrible letter from Rome."

Brother Ricfs‘~ Garcia, Midwest

Last October’s Vatican letter coordinator for the Catholic Coalition
called homosexual inclination an for Gay Civil Rights, praised Bussen but
"objective disorder” leading toward an predicted most Dignity chapters would
"intrinsic moral evil." Decrying "the not take a militant stand. "it’s just
pro-homosexual movement," the letter not their style,” Garcia said. "By and
warned Catholic clerics that the use of large, they’re conservative, very
church buildings and school facilities respectful persons who don’t want to
by QfDUDS that seek to “undermine the upset bishops. The greatest desire of
teaching 0* the ChUVCh" was "misleading Dignity folks is to make the bishops
and often scandalous.” heDDY-"

Although most 0* Dignity’s 100 Garcia said strong opposition will
chapters so far have not been evicted, come from Bussen, from mainstream
Jim Bussen, Dignity national president, Catholic groups like the National
commented that it was Still "too early Coalition of American Nuns, and
to tell" how many bishops would attempt "especially from those priests and

. to enforce the Vatican’s strictures. ‘ Catholic gay activists who are not

"I think it’s just beginning," said active or aligned with Dignity.”
the Rev. Robert Nugent, a Catholic
priest who is a consultant to the REGION V MEETING
Catholic Coalition for Gay Civil Rights. . g .

"the Dayton/Cincinnati case is crucial. The Dignity/Region V HOUSE 3*
I suspect whatever happens there is Delegates meeting is set for March 1&—
going to set the tone for a lot of 15th in Toledo, Ohio. Region V includes
bishops." four states and sixteen chapters (hY:

According to Nugent, Dayton/ Lexington, LouisVille; OH: Cinc1nnati,
Cincinnati is especially important Dayton, T01gdo’ ‘CIEVE1ang; IN:
because the archdiocese is headed by Lafayette, Indianapolis, HunCIE’ Fort
Archbishop Daniel Pilarczyk, a middle— Wayne; MI: , Detroit.‘ Ann Arbor, Grand
of-the-road cleric who is the current Rapids, Fllnt’ Saginaw and Travers
vice president of the National City)“ . ,

Conference of Catholic Bishops. Regional _ meat‘”95 are held
Pilarczyk is slated to be the quarterly 1” various locations
conference’s next president, and Nugent throughout the dIStrICt' Regional
believes whatever he does will be meetings are held for such purposes as
followed by others. networking, programming, and as a
support step for Dignity/USA. Anyone

interested in attending call Dignity.
‘ GLSO March?

 WHY WE MUST REDEFINE "FAMILY" TD influenced in subtle but debilitating
-__ __ ffiECU6E_63§‘EE65EE_——— __ ways. My ex-lover and I often talked of
‘E;_§E;vgh_0:_fi;;;y his family of my family — meaning our
parents. siblings and other relatives —
Lately it seems that everyone has but never once referred to ourselves as
something to say about "the family”. a family.
Policians. religious leaders, Thus, ‘when we try t? make a case
sociologists, psychologists, mystics, for families that don't fit the
and supermarket tabloid writers are all bourgeois pattern, ”Qt, only are we
getting into the act. And by and large {DFCEd F0 flght the 155995 9h our
they’ve abandoned the old task of opponents‘ turf. KSIHCE theirs 15 the
analyzing the roots and fruits of Sanctioned definition of family), but we
emotional violence within the are _ 3159 crippled by a sneaking
traditionally defined contemporary SUSDICIOH thhtl maybe they Hare right,
family to ask, again and again. ”will maybe our families arenzt quite as good
the family survive?" of "How can the as theirs, maybe what we have are only
family be saved?" secondstring "alternative families”.
Saved from what? Saved from Those people whose families come close
‘ feminism, divorce, the "blended“ family, to the bourgeois pattern aren’t mUCh
extended singlehood, unwed mothers, better htt' Since "family“ is equated
childless marriages — and especially, With SUCCESS! they 90 to all sorts 0+
saved from gay men and lesbians who want procrustean lengths to show how their
to have their long-term relationships particular families fit the mold. Yet
recognized as equivalent to heterosexual they are painfully aware 0‘ how they
marriages. Saved, in short, from the deviate, and constantly feel those
sort of change that history shows the deviations 55 signs 0+ failure.
family has always undergone. , It is time that we _ a we that
The problems we run into when we includes, but is not exclusively, gay
try to argue with ”pro—family" forces is men and lesbians - stop letting the most
insidious. Despite two decades 0+ conservative forces define and use the
feminist activism, it is still widely terms "family" and "*amily VE‘IUES" in
accepted that a teal family is made up ways that suit their personal political
of a breadwinning dad, a mom — who, if purposes, and stop letting them
she works does so part time or determine the turf on which we debate.
temporarily to supplement the family It is time that we empower ourselves,
income - and their biological children. for _ everyone’s sake, t0 reéeiine
This image of the family - only slightly ”*amllY" and "family values" 1h a
changed since its 19th—Century bourgeois healthier way. . _ .
inception — is what conservatives evoke We must daflhe "family” 1” a way
in their retoric. And this is the sort that ignores connections of blood and
0+ family that they imply is not only an law and instead emphasizes those things
important and necessary ”building block" that are trle central to family life
04 a healthy society, but also natural, and make families truly valuable: a
holy and ordained. Variations are best common household, interdependence,
accepted as "alternative" families nurturance and identity. In othef
necessitated by certain economic and words, we must declare - and believe —
historic forces (e.g.: war widows). that a family is any group of people
Often - and nearly always if a gay who:
partnership is involved - conservatives *live (or have once lived for an
refer to such variations as a threat to extended time) in a single household;
“the family”. tare economically, physically and
And because we gays grew up here, psychologically interdependent;
too, went to the same movies, viewed the *nurture one another, With each
same Norman Rockwell paintings - and committed to ,hEIPlhg foster _ the
many of us grew up within families that emotional, phySical, and spiritual
more or less fit the burgeois pattern — well-being 9* the others,
when we hear the word family we too *prov1de one another with a sense of
usually start off with an image of mom, identity, a sense that they belong to a
dad and the kids. The pervasiveness of family when their lives or their daily
this image of the family sometimes seems activities take them elsewhere.
to give weight to conservative’s claim If we hold and promote SUCh a
that the bourgeois family constellation definition 0* the family, conservatives
is somehow ”natural". And we gays are will no longer be able to clobber us
8GLSO March

 with their huge, vague and luminiOUS censorship laws when bringing
references to a "natural" family. We gay/lesbian publications into Canada.
will begin purging our culture and Stopping at one of Toronto’s downtown
ourselves of a sick and absurd system of malls, I discovered what previous
thought in which, on the one hand, travelers to Toronto had told me:
people who have the ’right’ Toronto’s men are undeniably hgt. I
constellation of members in their ended up "enjoying the sights“ for over
household but who are emotionally an hour before continuing to the
violent and psychologically destructive bookstore. _
are still considered a family - while, Saturday was filled with services,
on the other hand, people who live in a workshops and sharing, in groups and
single household, who nurture and individually. I attended two workshops:
support one another, and who provide a gay/lesbian spirituality and UUA support
sense of identity to one another do not for the gay/lesbian community. Saturday
consider themselves a real family if afternoon a friend and I cruised
they lack a marriage certificate, Toronto’s Chinatown, one of North
children or a parent. Finally, and fimerica’s largest. Saturday evening I
perhaps most important, the family so and two other Southerners, along with
defined will not only survive, but will our host from Edmonton, Alberta. visited
be undeniably worth saving. Toronto’s large bar district.
(from the Advocate) Interestingly enough, a gay bar is a gay
' bar. whatever country you are in.

Toronto Hosts UULEC Convocation The conference was not all play.

Valentine Day weekend found me away Several important resolutions were
from my lover and attending, as a dISCUSeEd and approved. Support was
representative of Interweave-Lexington, expressed for the gays and lesbians 0+
the 3rd convocation oi. the UULGC Canada.- currently challenging the
(Unitarian Universalists for Lesbian &~ ‘tensorship laws ih that country.
Gay Concerns) in Toronto, Ontario. For RESDIUtiOhe were approved supporting the
those of you who are unfamili