xt79w08wd766 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79w08wd766/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 1911-04-13 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 3, No. 31, April 20, 1911 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 3, No. 31, April 20, 1911 1911 1911-04-13 2015 true xt79w08wd766 section xt79w08wd766 I Best Copy Available
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5 Vol. III Q LEXINGTON, KY., APRIL 2t; 1911 No. 3 `
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Scene {rom "Brown ol Harvard,. to be Presented at the Lexington Opera House Thursday Night.
    érv es:*~<::::.:<;;—-._..—-<:;——- ;;:—.·i.·.~»   ;;;,;;—;;; e     ,_,;;:,. -#.-o   lm __i __:?:;tte;t
1 O
,“      is patronesses. The advent of "Browu who has worked day and night to that your efforts far exceed any or
ll of Harvard" has been looked forward make the play the best amateur pro- theirs. Iwould not have believed that
  T t ht to for weeks as one of the chief so- duction ever seen in Lexinton. Mr. there was so much talent in oue uui-
°`" Q ‘ otety events or the season. Becker also plays the leading roll of versity. You have done your work
·—··- This will be the mst time the "Tom Brown," and besides coaching exceptionally well, and I am confident
Thursday nl8ht. April 20- et eight' ··Stt.oiiet.e·· have made their bow the actors he directed the building of that the production will reflect great
iifteen prompt, the ¢¤I`t¤·l¤ of th° across the toot_itghte_ as the eoetety the scenery and all preparations for credit upon the university."
opera house will rise on tho llrst Mt was organized only this year, and the performance. It was at Becker’s Mr. Datngerneld, well known as n
or "Brown of Harvard —-tho Dl¤·Y P¥`°‘ they are very desirous that their de. request that Henry Woodruff consent- playwright and actor, was so enthus-
•• •
nented by the Strollers Dr¤I¤¤tl¤ but ho mot with o_hhio_use_ So_ with ed to coach the play. iastic that he has been present at
C]ub of Kentucky University, Whl¢l\ this th view, they have ohoeeh •·Bi·owh Hoory wooorows Oototoot every rehearsal since, and has made
Ml'- Ham? Wmdmu and Ml" Foxhau of Hnrvnrd" from a lnrge number of _ int/aluable sugestions. Mr. Daingen
gmnteur performance ever DI'6¤0¤t€¢l most soooot to trio ttoorts ot tmivors_ ro 0 Tom rown for four years, shottid hot ho tho host smstottr pts!
tput on sale lat Monday they l18V6 o oottooo town. Tho oisybrosthos tho the students rehearsing the well- T d E
been selling like hot·cakes. All tho tits ot s moosro otttvorsityt with tts known lines, his face wore a smile or t om an vey.
boxes were sold the nrst day, and osottomost tts toys soo its sorrows happy recollection. mingled with ad- Its worth coming all the way from
Business Manager Bandera announces sho is tttii ot doiiotoosiy ohsrmihé Iniratloll- He entered into the re- Nicholasvllle just to see "'1‘orn" end
thnt if not another neat il tahon otris sho roiitokths ooiioso toiiowl horsal with slilrit, and at the end of "Flvey" fall into each others nrms et
euough ticket, ii", ·|]·•·dy been sold For moto tooo t W o months tho each act he corrected mistakes, made the end of the play. When the com·
to assure a splendid Iuccons. Ono of work ot stssios this ploy hss heeh sllgestlons. sang the songs and acted mlttee chose Becker for the pert of
the boxes will bo occupied by Prosl- sotrts ort todttstriohsiyt sho tt is with the lines himself. At the conclusion "'I`om" they did so on account of his
dent Bgrker and Governor Willson, orioo thst tho astroiiorsi. how stshd of the rehearsal he shook Stage-Man- athletic form and splendid acting
md the test by [hg qmerent grnterni- t t rt to tr ager Becker's hand warmly, and said: abillty—they dtd not know that he
tles and sororitlss, while more than °°id° mr uw cumn ° ·° °° 8 "Slnce I left ‘Brown of I-lsrvard’ I was a professional love-rnslter. Mlss
· on hundred of L•xlngton’s most prom- m*l'h°d °“°"l'· M°“ °’ "‘° °"°‘m have seen several stock companies Eloise Ginn, tn the role or ·•Evey,••
lnent society ladies will be present. as zoos to Stale Manolo? E- L- B¢<>¥•¥‘» produce it. and I can truthfully say '!‘om’s sweetheart (ln the play, you

2 T II I5 I I) IC A {  
Ask Your Grocer for- know!. is lovely, charming, czwtiva- wld \`\'l¤ii<* HW Uul for "hl00d." Un- {g'
.` ll]lQ,'—·~\\‘(‘ mm lim] nn words in the (ll1U¥|l¢‘p¤¤z aud Pri¤ti¤z· Swear that me bottle is emptv—it’s ;f’“’“ gas “"‘d°ll‘“‘° ¥“`°¤’€SS gn that MILLINERY.
· nly Bill`s marvelous power of imper— Img- ut now Nat We have he Some
Lexmgtoli Photo Supply C0- gnnatmg. sunshine, interest is renewed and the FOR
°*·=* K¤by’= Tw Cm Sm nw   3 whole meh of mn ¤mM‘*S_*¤¤‘ ¤_“‘*¤¤i¤¤ tm is ¤=¤¤¤-
.....;...—...-...................—....... QMS ani] (lass}, fellows in thc may Several time trmls were made Satur-
Awictn   but we are not gains: to tell you about da? and 'nhemh Case g""`at improve'      
4.   - u =·t   V _ my my __ (yn {md $(,0 fm. yomseyf ment was s own. The old men that; _ _ _ l
IVE <.`lll·L\M P;\liI,OR M The p|dy_ iop out   fast Qotngrline mm tgteir Full Lyme Now on I)1sp1ay
.- H- ,, ., Nov are we going: to tell you about ast Y"a"S Om]- · "° Y ’S as goo as
ABU LIJACH SIAAD mg play Them me fom. ¤ctS__a]] evexzlan-d u·ill·do thelsprints. (latin-       O
#0uth Lime and Winslow street; ,·m0d_ The mst sqgng is ··T0nn•S*• K9? IS lmI>¥`0V1¤K ¥`¤D1m» wd IMG wu can act Some        hg; ll/Iain Street East.
dandy ideas about decorating your · - — · '
PLUMBING campus. Here you have college jokes, ably gun ug? h;{¤h hul"d]€S· While
Steam and Walter Heath songs, dances and love, gentle love.
269 W Slort · - I ·‘ut gK The big" Sum-enough but race be- Webb made his mst appemianfe on   &  
' 1 ’ xm g Ou' y` tween America and England is pulled th° Mm M°“d**Y· *0 everyones dc`
  on in {hp   not You See   crew     YVBS ID hlS old form  
A wrt with water and gasping for brent}; Th¢` WPl2‘hlS, Oven the first day, S rin Line in Furnishin
KINKI{j‘D COAL COMPANY You lean forward at the crack of the Them are S°V€*T`8] °th"Y' g00d m`0s‘ Gp dg H d 0 { dg
0*HCE md YAR”· pistol; the English are ahead. You D<’<¤lS T0? Wélght men. among them. 00 S- als an XOY S
No. 157 N, Broadway. groan. Then we creep up. You yen Earl. H¤m¤¤¤· J<>h¤S<>¤. Gale and are now bemg shown at
RAILROAD YARD_C_ S. Freight Dv “vh€n any-one else dogs; and you weep Bush. Johnson will be the mainstay
' ._ V V _ for joy when we win, There ig algo OH tht? ql18.l't€!‘-mile. Myers and Col- J   and ’ ,
pot, b. Broadway und Christy Sh. 8 Vinum. 8 dl,“km,d’ R pretty gm and lings are running the nn1r.m11e_ Flérsivim     S NSF? and .
  B rnountaineen   a pistol, from 'Bggjdgg fhggg Old men, there are     eson
  &   Kentucky in this act_ The last act is (]I1it€ B YluYTIb€T of DEW HIGH   RP8 ccs Hats
° where they kiss and make up and all good D¥‘08D€€iS· BUUGU is imD¥‘¤Vi¤B 140 W, Mau) Street
HOME·MADE CANDY ends happily. rapidly, and by next year, at least,
Now go to See       BhO\]]d be able to excel anything done  
FRESH EVERY DAY amen, one umm (ws worth two). here previously in the pole-vault _
107 East Main St, Take your girl. She’ll think it’s tlne. Smith bids fol? to make SOMG lW0· :3**; 1*;** °P€n· am; these must be `
___ p_ S_—D0n’t fail to nent- Tommy miler. Switzer and Gale are doing 6 W6 U6 to WH the S. I. A. A. A
_ _ Earl speak his une. It's mighty good. well in the qu¤rter—mll¤. Strom: is *****6*- T0 Wm ****8 meet is ¤¤¤‘ only »
  @   also showing form and strength for illtélltiorl. and it can be done if the • if
··——·•·••·—"" the half-mile. Miller and German are {Gam is given tho proper Support.
_ ’ mod mgn gm- {hp nm·gntn_ Hgrdggty This meet will be held on the 7th and
sides those mentioned are several Mid MW mlm from here that has a t
F R | N T I IN G Play at Georgetown. Other, that deserve m·6dtt_ chance to win a point will be taken.
_ ··*‘ Watkins, Threllteld and Shanklkln So 86t busy and go to Birmingham. ‘ ,
140 South Llmcsmne NGXY Saturday- Coach 1¤e1¢¤ will are missed very much. They have al- Thi! is the last call. The coach .
,. take his boys to Georgetown to meet ways bddn ynnd {nt winner; nnd ls on the field from 4 to 6 o’clock.
Fayette Phone o37-X g p° ·
Coach Hlut0n’s nine. A whole lot do- nnve gtrengthened the team more R9D0¥‘t to him. Mid Y0¤ MB! P¥'°V• ,
pends on this game, in the rece for tnnn nny dtndr tnrdd tndn_ More men good for something after all. _
Ldxgngtdn, · - Kentucky Kentucky championship. and the Blue dtd nddddd dn tnd nd1d_ gdvdmt png;. Wm. Collins, captain.
‘ N

 A 1’ II IJ Il) [JA
  _"—"""*"‘M" “Y‘·*   ·   . ll` 1 ·:r:: · §~· .· l *· ;l ; il, .,.—/.   -· ¢··, ·=. ‘ ·= .~ { o  
l j l - l HIGH GRADES MADE BY __ ‘ o o __ l i l - oo   . all ,,.... of
I lf   LS{1`;.(`l/ l .- ., -! ` · ·’ · ·' ' · " ill". ll "   l ·‘ ~ `_|l| (·,·y* hl
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`[5 fl l,UllI}_l' jllzlr/t'   ..--... l · · _ · o,. __ · _ .. ,_, I . , .   win
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  `fhg /17/ UU! /}f/l,fj·   t · ——; .. . , , . ~ - i`i·i'z’; it ,:1 ,LlL*· l’;l2ltl.;: LJ,
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J .\/Oil' at _   ‘_l,,~Y*l" Zl'·'*`l, ,, · .· n ‘   l_l‘,•· I - ` I V
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l . , _ _ 1li~·—· ¢l*lil~·~ UE"!.-'l&*?ll’lillC, Art.: mid ol '· Ll Z:lT.`],.’rl‘,;,;1*··r,; .   lol;. " ` R
H 1)bRI4 KJAVIJL5 l SJ‘l|‘Il’   tolli. P I A N   5 IA E E
' TALCUM l’OIi'1)lzRSi l‘~ *·‘V   l‘=~*=l·‘¤ ll#·’l~¤¤l~¤l l·?¤- -- -- rleml »»
AT COST I L‘lll•"·'“l`iTY§’. · _ __ [ . . , . o
§ <‘l·ln~l.. ir, lvmtl. Manu--; l·]n*;in·`r—r-   FYVUQ ?{T"E   A N V U I2 l` E Cl
i inf:. I l `| I   Thlllg `YIH:1 NU" YIUI \\`||{*]| )()||
,, _ » Nov! wcwlt will he nu>li=1·’~·- ile " " ` l . X-.
H I/1c Best Hot C/me/11/c ml ye, , - »--N-— ml mm
. V ·. lf Juniors. · ·
. . . l ·; ·
{/le Czly   ·~·’r· ·   - ·""""` "‘ll   ""*"‘ lil """"‘l' 0·'?·      
      r-·lv·i·~··l»·=:_ .l~·— ·»==··ll'~¤l i`F‘
gum, bonu- thtn other-,_ slum Building, the Sophomores in Georgetown College is making an UP_‘[0_DATE PHOTOS
front of the Main Building, and the effort to increase her endowment. Spool,] roto. to "_u.1om._
Freshmen at the rear of the Main President Yager is head of a commit-
N . 1 l 341 WEST MAINS .
0 52 wut Mun Stun Building. tee to secure lower freight rates for T  
Lexln ton, . Afte the line has been formed, the Ulf? CNY of G€0l'S€f0W¤· ""*"*'*"'"
8 Ky Senior; led by the band will march .—--•-•-•--;- ovtn °8 YEA".
1 I ’ f t t to · G 1 EXPERIENCE
n co umn 0 wos 0 e ymnas um
building, where they will be joined by    
the Juniors, and from there to the    
    Main building, where the Sophomores -—-—
and Freshmen will loin the march- Representatives of College or Law At-
b The parade will continue around the tend Speaking at Ngoholasvgllo Tnaoz MARK!
      grounds and finally step at the lllavc coovzfgocogsoo
. The only first riots shop in Lexington “'“""° ‘“" """ is “’ b" ”‘““""’· The (lll last 1\l0llKl9.}' €`l.l`l€`l`ll(l()l`, an onto- .,.fl.ll5‘2g".‘i,T-`I23}{lf f?.?.?‘?.'.2ll.?.'.`."l?3Z"§ll§E.’.'IlI.l"3?I
Yale l>0mu,,d,,,,.-L,§,.c.mlty_ —""‘“""—""’—"_‘““""“ lllol»ll» llit· ·—·l·<—;tkil1;x at
O O •
xl,·l—l~l;»~—\—lll ~_ ntl gl-~ *<\'lYll ol` :1 llUll€" “"""‘,',f`Y‘,`T’Y,lH`Y`lT’?l§"?i""HH`l` !l"r`-'°"s°:r"
···THE·· l¤·r·~ll •‘:·l `·.·"*.·ll ori ··¤····l·l ;=l»·¤ul lllreo o   ‘V lillll \r`l>3.$l. évld llyéllll t»l—ll;`.‘l.·.`.lo.—:
teal.-tt wu sid ~   lll- '··—=·.l··€r ‘<‘·<*l.tl·l>‘—   lg C0.36IB'°°d‘”°*‘N€`vv  
o ‘_. .·_, loo,. A _l ml, l. .1,, __ ,,.,,1 ¥"i·- ‘l· li l`.=-ul"*`?`Y..`\‘·'1l*ll1l.1Z·i¤,1•.L`.
I I l P P PIClllI°€ rl°ZlIll€S HHH <·=l‘~‘* l ··»· ·¤»·  ‘  ., _
· ,_ l`l__ __ {ox _ , U col" _; o :1 ja., ' iw
Always the Best Show.   .- ,l ~ t q, ,   , y   __,.   ‘ _
Always the Same Price.   "‘T;_ " ‘ Y; ‘ _ " `   §j`;'Q§};r§ `. G ` · G
, lU“‘¢lYS Clwll- Alwvys G¤¤¤l- l_,t‘\lllQTllIl, - » l\.»—llult·l;t   , l,   - t . _-, _ _ t
nfl.<3`!l Olll'--T.lU—[C(l- ` ;,,~,_ . ,     _. . , . , .   B _,_   I _
up o   o ._ __   _  _   slibr. lllAKi2\ll AND Rtif’.llR]N(;
·• NWC? Olltd°ll<’· _" l ‘`‘`` ·‘ l ‘ Al —....ll. ;—‘ll~,l t··.-, ll L    
l P 5 Shows D.lily—-3:00, 7130, 9:00, Willi Hlv Mlluglltl (`o_ \" lm" [ll " " ` ` ` y   l `l"G '_: `"' ulw ..lt· ;ll·:l.l,
, . _ °" *‘r- -‘·‘ l*‘*‘*“   ‘`'‘ ·   ·"='*=* 2ls l-2 usr mm sweet
TRY TO GET IN. EH)5 W_ Mulu liulll Pllllllrs lll toll. u»······ Yll`llll\ *l¤nv· —·l• ¤‘ *· l"l"?"’?“"· ’i·"" ""’ Md mst as “"`u ls,. ,. 1] · ,. { . (· H ,,.(, yl M
vLt;init_—., iu collc;:<· life, and in the """.}‘*’*"` "Y*Y‘Y""l (‘°ll(`?(` ill ¤ll· Our 136 8138 S_ ljntestone · "(lb Hugo Ul U (ts  1 Cn
(._m,u(y_ {Own, but it is also his duty l·f‘li0<*l mls- 0¤*i¤¤<>tl¤¤r1¤¤¤d,¤tis
hunts inevitably tcnch. T0 reap the lm"` “"` are "my warning how to <·» t_¤· __ _Q . _ e _.r. »»
bonpms of a Comme trammg one Smdx how to take up any question l`l1L l t.t<.»,tl1c tjtyle Cotuu, 11011]
must do mm than tiewtp himself to ami <‘¤¤==»i¤» and wh<·¤ State ———
3 mem Stud`. Of bOOkS_ lie must ap. we have left the four walls of the
, · '· · · . t V l building behind us then it is • •
ply l1lS theorles and prmclples to the Whoo · U I E E E  
great problems of the day_ There are that we begin to be real students of  
ever before the public great social m€·
faced fairly and squarely in a straight- ....;....•......-— _
form ard and enlightened manner.   Chu. L. sm¤•, ‘9s - - - Mm"., V
Political unrest gives to us govern-       T U. _
. tt ' - · -
megml sllgzlig tgatuzzildszrgs HEI: ....... Oilers free tuztwn m all depart-  
mt ‘°r I cu ments except Law to graduates of °
student of t0—day will be the student In one of the bgg{ games plgygd this , .
Ixentuckv lllqll Schools who are
out in lite to-morrow, and UDOH him season, State lost Lo their old rival, prepared to Enter the Freshman  
will rest the weight of S0ci€tY'S D¥'0b‘ Transylvania, last Saturday, 3-1. mw;
lems of the future. "Old man inability to hit" pitcher “   Y · ·
Many things are demanding the at- Shaw was the direct cause of the titgglolgoczggg   Sggtillliiigg  
tentlon of our legislators and cuy Blue and White’s downfall, while in- mmrimklaéion ]qbm_“qt'm_ and oth:
statesmen to-day. The upheaval ill directly costly errors by Meadors ' ’ “ ‘ Y ‘ .    
QT f(?€% 0110 OT ITIOTC R])])OlI1tPCS
our sister republic beyond the Rio Burruss and Young let in the win- T " ’ '
Grande is causing no little anxiety, ning runs in the eighth. Up to thu, NCCCSSMY °xP°“$€$ modcmtc-
and it is a question with us just how time both teams played "giltr~dge.1" l‘0I' full Information regarding  
far duly directs US to gO lll UIQ l¤t€l‘· ball. Shaw, Who 0fHci8.L€¢l fo? Tran- HDDUIIUGCS, COUTSGS of study, cost
ests of peace. The vital problem of sylvania, pitched one gr.a.u»1 gnnm of of lionrcl, etc., apply to I
restriction of immigration is growing ball, striking out 12 men, not giving H_ S_ BARKER, Cal] for the Qgnuine
more insistent every day in its de- one base on balls, and letting Coach pRESIDEN»1—_ `
manu for solution. Canadian recipr0c- Ingels’ men down with three hits. Ilcxingtou, Ky_  
ity is calling for a fair-minded twat- Captain Meadors pitched his usual F I
ment at the hands of the American good game, allowing the Crimson and ___       4
people thwugh Congress. W¤¤1¤·¤ White only four hits, three ot which U _
suffrage is slowly but. surely marchlllg were garnered by Shaw, the opposing If You “vant_ nd"' F°y°"° N°"°"°l Bulk
to the battle-Held of contention. The pitcher. The latter was accorded   8  
A I I . ’ ' · . . . .
honor ot the mer can pccpe as a splendid suipport, two stops by Tins Irmtcd Matter Finest Half Cutting and Shaving
civilized and Christian nation require! ley in the eighth stopping a. batting _ _ _ Parlor in the cit _
the utter blotting out of existence of rally and probably saving the game. “ hwh compels Attomwu y
the dreadful institution of polygamy. Scott and Preston starred in the new · ·
\\ 0 lc ‘ ·l + · ’ t i ,
The mode of electing United States for State, the former handling clean mm “ Km you Hm wt It   i
Senators is 11hfOrt11ll8t.€ly fast becom- gverything in his t9rrit0ry_ The ggmg  
ing anational issue. was lost, but nothing can be said ll*I1l`\       ‘
In short, all the live t0l’>lCB of thé detrimental to either team. It was as '   I
day call for hcarini:. and every Wide- fine an exhibition of baseball as any   t & R• h d C ‘ ·
awake Alll()l`l(’1U`l mllSl’ needs be l!ltGl‘· one could possibly (lesire-fggt gud         0• EVcr}ythi¤g i‘irSt_c]HSS to cat"  
estctl in our national life. ESD(‘€‘l3llY clean, frco of wrangling, being played   I·`;•(m(;]l Dyjp Cgffcc; Oysters any '
should thc stutlrnt now in echool take in 0;,9 llmlp and fm·ly.flv0 mmutcB_ Style at u momcntxs notice. The I
advantage of thc 0l¤D0¥‘t\1¤1U€*S of tht- All State teams are noted for their only firstrclass Lunch Counter in
moment and in himself for answering ability to ··cOm€ ba(;k_·• and the mug H H the South end of tllc city. Open _.
lntclhizcntly thcsc zreat problems that and White Supporter; are eagerly lht (lilly l lull lxllltl day and night ‘_
have to ilo with the_ very heart Of Our awaiting the next two contests which ` n `
nation All our schoolim: EO?8 for will d•·<·itlt» thc collegiate champion- W- S•   ~
Ylmlllm! if ll 'l‘>"* lt"' lll Us to be Shih of l.<·xini:t0n. Folloviimz is the     C0l'D.&r Mill and Bolivar  

  Y  ""““"”’“""‘“""”"°--·-··*~*’***"*""“:°’:"”“””’   (
    & · 1 ix 1 “
4 '    
·   1 11 1 . Hfiil itil ]HP1°HU11£I »~w----~-»- 
  .,   ‘
_ ’T€i*·i;-1 1,._ . Miss Cleo Gillis.  
· yi   -
·r `  U    Z" -_ Beta (Thi Chapter of Kappa Kappa Salt Lick.  
I ‘   Gamma will be at home to thvir I
,   friends Friday aff €l°!1OOIl, ADH] lh6 Miss Jo Y¥O!‘¢’ihg is spvnding ggvgrgl · •
'° ,_   twenty-first, from tour to six days at her home in London
` Little Miss Eleanor Sprague of Mrs. Robert. L. Stout, physical di.  
Louisville is visiting her sister, Miss rector of women at K. S. U., is stav-
Margaret Sprague, at Patterson Hall. ing at Patterson Hall since her return
      from thc South.
Judge Faulkner was the guest of
.·’ his daughter, Miss Alma F8\1lkT10¥'» Miss 'I`@r0r¤0 Rvrvtanus spnnt the {
    Saturday and Sunday. w¢·¤k end with Miss Jcssic Hiblcr in (Q
Paris. » H °""{€%')Y`q
Miss Martha Simrall of Mt. Sterling 1 m I· l’· l)"“'h‘*!`$t-) I
T is visiting hcr sister, Miss Armc Sim- Miss Lillian Dr~.Tarn0te¤ ppnnr from I ~.-. 4
  ml]. Friday to I‘»T0udu_j: at !=·:1· lmnm in [ HLADQUARTERS ‘
i ‘ Paris. · FC)?. AI;  
      Mies T·Z!imhr~1h Hvrvkvr of Louisville   U E
I • is vomina t0·dny to be the guest 0f Miss Norma (`q·¤=;m;-   mn (;_··uCg(·_ ‘ ·
Mics fwrnnlia Server and t0 sec the of Mi¤s Holm May, Friday nicht. `     I
play "Ur0wn of Harvard? E
New S“•img· (i·t`[€•(:t’ MMS ¥€¤t UW week the pink rose. A delicious menu was BASKET BALL · ·
| end at ber homo iu Mt. Sterling. Served and many bright and Witty
.. ,, I masts were given during the evening. l SUPPLIES,
Always make gow} hm-°·I Mrs. MMU of K0k0¤10. hid-, 08mB Those present were: Lillian De.Tru·- ‘
because they’rc fitted t0 your 135*2 'l`¤€¤d¤Y *0 be the guest ¤f he? nette, Addie Dean, Mary Brown, Cm-. BASE BALL GOODS,
feet   daughter. Miss Clam. U- P8·t€€¤`80¤ nelia Server, Annie Lmiso Dean, Lil-
° I Hall. Han F‘erguson, Nell \Vallis=, Lida Jomw, and
, Hattie Noland. Iva Hvlle Rowing, GOLLEGE
You H Say Young mam msses mam Stivers and Juliette Anne mmmu_ Anna wamg_ Maw Km. PENNANTS
when you seg them, Gaines spent Saturday with Miss kead Venablo, Helen Dickey, \Valt0n, °
St' ·’ t°tl t,.   '   - IA {
r that ¤¤¤y’r¤ the "S¤¤¤-     ‘“ "’ °°““ " Iii‘$?$L"1?.2,?eI?,',?L‘;2Z`3L";}‘$§Y‘{TSS, F °S· »
piest" models y0U|° €y€$ Miss Lily Park was the guest of her Jones and Mrs. Robert Stout.
ever rested on- parents m Frankfort from Friday uu-
'l M . . W ,. . ·
u cmday Y ,· (‘ A had a wry pretty and POSTERS, ETC. I
appropriate Easter service at their
Miss Lorena Marking spent Easter regular meeting Sunday night. The
  up- at her home in Louisville. leaders were Misses Annabel Acker,
Pauline Hand and Luvile Gastineau, Y- __ M
Miss Mary K_ Venable had hg? who presented their subject, "Purity yogm al“`l'}b bt glad to no
futher as a guest Sunday. of \\'m·ds, 'l`h0ue2;hts and Heart" very '
"'1*" tnrciblv. Misses Addie Dean and I
Bliss Ruby Fleuling visited Miss Ruth M0("h€SflP\’ Sah}: 3 h98.llHfllI
y Marion Johnson at Patterson Hail, d“"t· ‘“"`°m¥‘““""i by MRS JO B0"'
+   Sunday and hionday. in:. The room was dc~c0rat cd with . .
Easter lilies.
• r M
’ Mrs. Phelps was the guest of M:-r _ . _ i & C0 PANY
‘ sister, Miss Mary B. Smith, Inst Tucs· e g ,.   `. ..
' (!{[y_       i to V|\(  
I   & c0· Misses Kaye Alvis and lilizniwth ...-- [ WEST NIAIN STREET
Iloduxzm arc coming: Thursday to bu Enjoyable Occasi°n_
*"*`*"¥’*"*"*‘*’ the guests of Miss Marion Taylor for ..._ -.  
#¢‘\'¢‘¤‘i\\ d!\YS· Lust \\'v¢i110s¢iz1v e·n·uin: vhv Tau  
, , ,. . ` , ` . 1  ,`,`,`,..,
(     S   p h [mm I n fraternity •·lli·‘l'I1l\U¤`<' \‘~’¤¥h im ' """""“""""""""""""""`·"‘
l 0 i\Ii»; •1·»l·ln· Hullvt has returned iv·t`m·mn| 1·e·4·optim1 uml eluuw in their I
—·—- ¥ -» ---. ..__________ __, ,  · — -— """'* U “¢‘*‘k`S WSU