xt79w08wbb4n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79w08wbb4n/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1945-10-26  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, October 26, 1945 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 26, 1945 1945 1945-10-26 2013 true xt79w08wbb4n section xt79w08wbb4n The Kentucky Kernel

Long Down
On Wildcats




26, 1943

UK Scientists




Identify Many
Bone Relics


Mastodons Roamed




Before Excavations
miles from Lexington
county, prehistoric
in Robertson
mastodons once roamed, according
to Prof. William S. Haag, curator
of the University museum of






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By Martha Yates

-- s

Those eight cheerleading
aren't kidding, either. Under the
direction of Mrs. Elmer Gilb, they
have been practicing twice a week
perfecting smooth, tricky formations
ballots for distin- to help drum up school spirit.
guished professors have been sent
Chosen from a group of 44 conto the faculty in the second annual testants at tryouts early in October,
selection of an outstanding profes- the girls are Charlotte Knapp, Ann
sor who will be granted a quarter's Keeton, Janet Sulzer, Betty Jo Harleave for research.
ris, Missy Van Meter, Nancy Shear- -'
The committee composed of Drs. er, Jeanne Elliott, and Mary MonJ. R. Meadow, Edward Newberry, J. tague.
Mikes Installed
E. Reeves and Alberta Wilson Server
A microphone system whereby the
will select three names from the
balloting before final eliminations yells can be announced more effiare made. Professor Grant C. ciently was installed this year, acKnight of the English department cording to Cornell Clarke, president
of SuKy Circle, the sponsoring orwon the award last year.
Rules have been changed to read ganization.
"Lecturers shall be selected during He also announced that t was the
the fall quarter and the lectures intention of the organization to
shall be delivered at the end of the send the cheers team, whenever poswinter quarter or at the beginning sible, to every game during the remainder of' the football season and
of the spring quarter."
Second rule change was, "Nomina- the complete basketball term. SuKy
tions and elections shall be by secret is sending some of the boosters to
ballot, by mail to the committee; the Cincy game tomorrow and the
the three names receiving the high- complete squad will be present at
est vote by ballot nomination shall the Alabama game in Louisville
November 3.
be submitted for final elections."
Captain Elected
A captain is elected before every
game to be in charge of yells and
other rules are enforced to keep
efficiency at a maximum.

Faculty To Name
Outstanding Member
In Second Election


Frat Council
Slates Dance
Bv-Law- s,

By Lucy Thomas
We dedicate this week's column
t the ASTP men on the campus
who will be leaving their ole Ken-tachome.
Herbert Rkkert, East Orange, New
Jersey: First, the blue grass; second,
the women.
Alex Sch warts, Bronx: Mountain
scenery and limestone caves.
Howard Johnson, Newington, Congals. That ol'
southern hospitality! Dr. Warbur-ton- 's
electrosatic "whaf'-mete- r.
Evansville, InDon Ridenour,
diana: Leaning out the windows
and watching the women go by.
Joe Lea vine. New York, New York:
The sweaters.
Louis D. Nardo, Tunisia, North
Africa: The queer natives.
Stanley Kwolifc. New Kinsington,
Pennsylvania: The University's
general appreciation for having us





Canterbury Club
Organized For UK
Episcopal Students

Snapshots for the Kentuckian
will be accepted this week and
the following week, Jean
ton, Kentuckian snapshot editor,
has announced.

First meeting of the Canterbury
club, Episcopal church organization
for college students, was held
Thursday on the second floor of the
Colonial Bowling alleys. Bishop
Robert Moody of the Lexington diocese was speaker.
Organized this year at the University, this group is represented
on many college campuses throughout the United States, and is designed to meet the religious and
spiritual needs of college students.
Membership in the club is open
to all Episcopal students on the
campus and to others who are interested in the club's program, according to Rev. James W. Kennedy,
rector of Christ church and leader
of the group.
Membership is limited to 35, the
capacity of the room in which the
organization meets.
Meetings are as follows: dinner
and speaker every second Monday,
5 to 6:45 p.m. at Christ church;
luncheon every fourth Thursday in
the Bowl; and a breakfast forum
on religion every Sunday morning
at 9:45 in Christ church.
Upon completion of the club's or
further announcement
will be given concerning plans and
The organization is assisted by
Miss Rebecca Davis, college work
assistant at Christ church, and Ann
Taylor and Lorraine Turck are present chairmen of the club.
Students interested should contact Ann Taylor, 169 Woodland avenue (5770), or Lorraine
Jewell halL

Snaps can be turned in at the
Kentuckian office in the basement of McVey hall or at the
desk of Jewell hall, provided
they are enclosed in an envelope
and plainly marked for the snapshot editor.
The names of places and of
persons in the pictures are to be.
printed on the back of each'snap.


BU-TI-f- ul


Schreibman, Cleve- 1
Room 205
Hall: 2. Slide Rules:


land Heights, Ohio: '
3. Women.

Frank P. Bases. Brooklyn. New
York: The fast women and beauti-ifhorses.
Ralph Bowman, Baton Rouge,
Louisiana: The "green" blue grass.
Howard Pridemore,
Ridge, Michigan: It was a wonderful vacation.
Ed Tobar, Willimanlic, Connecticut: "The looks in their eyes."
Frank Pollock, New York City:
Trying to study electrical measurements while my roommate sang.
Ray Skolnick. Bronx, New York:
The time Patterson's statute stood
up when I ambled by.
Harold Barsh. (M.G.M.) Hollywood, California: Botanical Gardens.
George Rappaport, Hungary,
Europe: Wine, women, and song.
Rog S eager , Colonial, New York:
These Kentucky Belles!!


Kentuckian Accepts
Snaps For Annual

Maybe Elk Convention
Other specimens found on the
initial excavations included a leg
bone or humerus, three neck verte
brae, and a portion of a jawbone.
Along with these specimens the excavators also found bones of the
modern elk.
The mastodon tusk is about five
feet in length and eight inches in
diameter at its thickest end.
Professor Haag continued that
Kentucky has two of the best sites
for specimens of prehistoric animals,
mentioning Blue Licks and an older
site. Big Bone Lick. Specimens
from Big Bone Lick, he said, were

sent to Benjamin Franklin and
Thomas Jefferson in France. The
earlier Lick was discovered In 1729.
On Exhibit
Blue Licks, if the enthusiasm of
local anthropologists goes through.
will be thoroughly excavated and
every specimen will be cataloged.
At present the specimens are on exhibit in the anthropology depart


MacKenzie To Head 2,608 Now Enrolled
Military Department, In University
Replacing Johnston
states and eight forThirty-tw- o

Colonel Gabriel MacKenzie,
States Army Infantry, arrived in
Lexington last Wednesday morning,
to assume his duties as professor of
military science and tactics at the
University. He will relieve Col. W.
J. Johnston, who has been at the
University since last April.

Horlacher Speaks


Home Ec Students
To Talk On WHAS

Two home economics students will
appear on the home economics portion of the College of Agriculture
program over WHAS at 12:45 TueS'
Amy Dean, Loyall, will discuss
"My Experiences As a Freshman in
Home Economics," and Joan Scott,
Hanson, will discuss "What a Junior
in Home Economics Does."

'Little Theatre Backstage

By Hugh Colletl
In preparation of the first day's
Three weeks ago, the Guignol labor, is busy drawing chalk lines
stage was bare; one acquainted on the stage floor establishing the
ij with the theater would believe the wall layout of the set.
m i ' '"tr ih i'
in n Mil Its
stage was set for "Our Town," but,
The time is 2 p.m. and an eager
Joe Covington
in reality, the absence of flats was crew of one score,
male and female,
the result of the annual spring enters with blue
jeans, high hopes,
At a meeting of the Interfrater cleaning by the stagecraft class.
and designs on finishing the set In
'Blythe Spirit'
nity council Wednesday night, two
a day or so. Henry sets them
Today an entirely different scene straight: "We
were passed. Joe
have three weeks in
ton, council president, announced greets the eyes: the stage is set for which to finish this set. We've got
"Blythe Spirit," first presentation to work diligently
to make the deadpassed by the council of the season which opens November line," he added.
have not been approved by Univer 26 for a week's .run.
Sturdy Props
public attends
sity authorities.
Flats with the height of approxproduction after production for vaDr. T. T. Jones, dean of men.
rious reasons. It is granted that the imately fifteen feet dozens of them
must be placed side by side to
Thursday questioned the legality
greater percentage attends for en- form the walls as outlined by the
of the six active fraternities
tentainment and, perhaps,
chalk marks. Spaces must be left
passing laws which would affect
all 18 fraternities, 12 of which
Many attend simply for the sake for doors, windows, and a fireplace.
are now inactive.
of being seen in public, while others Braces must be placed sturdily so
Tean Jones also said that the patronize for the sake of seeing that they will stand up under the
passed by the
their friends perform. It is doubt treatment received during a month's
council was contrary to Univerful if the average playgoer takes into rehearsals and a week's performances. The flats must be papered or
sity policy.
the technical work
A first
rules that any stu- and skill required before the cur- painted as the walls of a home.
a fraternity tain may rise on act one, scene one Moulding and cornices must be
dent who
placed authentically.
by any chap- of a play.
may not be
Lights must be rightly placed and
ter on the campus for a minimum
Back I p The Calendar
of three quarters, and, the second
Let us turn back the calendar properly focused.
Spots, beams,
that all chapters may have three weeks and sit In on the crea- floods, foots, kleigs, and many other
types of lighting fixtures must be
as many actives and pledges as they tion of a theater set.
Henry Foushee, UK student and anchored in their respective places.
(Continued on Page Four)
technical director of the production, This job is supervised by Bob Hume,
Coving-Mechanic- al




by-la- w

by-la- w


eign countries are represented in the
University's final enrollment figures,
according to the Department of
Public Relations.

Of the total 2,608 students registered, 401 are from other states and
14 are from foreign countries.
Only four of Kentucky's 120 counties are unrepresented at the UniHome Six Weeks
Colonel MacKenzie, who returned versity, and Fayette county tops all
from Bad Noichine, Germany, six others with 646 students enrolled,
weeks ago, served as inspector gener- the report stated.
Foreign countries and possessions
al with the Second Corps through
the Africa, Sicily and Italy cam- represented are Argentina, Canada,
paigns until Cassino battle. From Costa Rica, Cuba, Hawaii, Mexico,
there he went to serve as inspector-ge- Panama, and Puerto Rico.
of the 15th Army
Total number of students last year
through eastern France, Belgium, was 1.921.
and into Germany. He wears the
Legion of Merit with one Oak Leaf
Cluster, the Bronze Star, and eight
battle stars. He has been in military service for 29 years.

Johnston To Culver
Colonel MacKenzie has commanded the ROTC at Bordentown Military
Institute, the University of DelaDean L. J. Horlacher, of the Col- ware, Virginia Military Institute,
lege of Agriculture, addressed the and Davison College.
Colonel Johnston will remain in
Maysville Men's club Thursday
Lexington until Nov. 1, when he will
His subject was "Food Production go to Cuiver Military academy,
Culber, Indiana.
in Countries We Have Conquered."

Speaker To Address

Convene Here
Major For Meeting

A huge


Verbal Background To 'Cats

Dr. Francis P. Gaines
Addresses Convocation,
Memorial Hall Tonight

Tusk 50,000 Years Old
tusk, 25,000 to 50,000 years
old, was unearthed at Blue Licks
October 14 by Lexingtonian
Victor K. Dodge and a party which
included Dr. Charles E. Snow of the
University anthropology
and former state geologist Dr. Wil-laRouse Jillson of Frankfort.



a i.imi n nri"' i--a
Cheer leaders chosen by SuKy, campus pep organisation, for 194S are, left to right, Jean Elliott, Mary Montague, Missy Van Meter,
Leader Photo.
Nancy Shearer, Betty Jo Harris, Charlotte Knapp, Janet Sulzer, and Anne K re ton.


Lowe Down
On Wildcats





UK student and Guignol electrician.
It is up to Bob to create moonlight
scenes, sunlight scenes, shadows,
and various other effects too lengthy
to mention here.
Costumes must be created and
fitted. Sound effects must be de
vised. Furniture, pictures, and curtains must be obtained. Programs
must be arranged and printed. Arrangements must be made for pub
The Curtain Rises
All of these "incidentals" and
many more must be taken care of
to create the finished production
one sees after the curtain rises.
Upon bringing the calendar up to
date, we feast our eyes upon the
finished set a realistic creation,
realistic enough to be the living
room of any home. The crew's
chests swell with pride upon beholding their finished product the
fruits of their labors.
Credit Due
Surely these stage hands, these
unsung artists, deserve much credit
in the success of the finished production. Without the help of the
back stage workers, the finished production of "Blythe Spirit" and all
other plays would be but once removed from the days of Shake

Opening: Session

Educational Meet
Dr. Francis P. Gaines, president
of Washington and Lee university,
will address the second convocation
of the fail quarter at 7 p.m. today
in Memorial hall
This morning President Gaines
will address the opening session of
the Annual Educational conference
and meeting of the Kentucky Association of Colleges and Secondary

Kentucky Officers
To Be Presented
This Morning;



arrived on the campus Thursday
for the opening of the 22nd annual
Conference and the
UMi annual meeting of the Kentucky
Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools which convened in
joint session in Memorial halL
Preliminary meetings of the commission on colleges and universities and the commission of secondary schools and the executive committee of the Kentucky Association
of Colleges and Secondary Schools
were held last night at the Phoenix



h,ui.. j.



Dr. Francis P. Gaines

Dr. Herman L. Donovan, president of the University, will formally
open the joint session in Memorial
hall this morning. The program
will open with an organ prelude by
Mrs. Lela W. Cullis, followed by
the invocation by Dr. William Clayton Bower, president emeritus. University of Chicago.
Officers of the Kentucky Association will be introduced, and a University vocal ensemble, under the
direction of Robert Kuhlman, will
present a brief program.
Speakers at this morning's general
session will be Dr. Ernest O. Melby,
dean of the School of Education at
New - York - University, and Dr.
Francis P. Gaines, president of
Washington and Lee University.
This afternoon will be devoted to
sectional meetings.
President Gaines will address a
general session at 7 p.m. today in
Memorial hall, which will also be a
general convocation of University
students and faculty members.
Saturday morning a general ses
sion of the Kentucky Association
will be held in Memorial hall. Reports of committees, followed by a
business session and the annual
election of officers will complete the
Saturday morning meeting.
The Kentucky
Registrars held a luncheon meeting
Thursday in the Union building.
with Dr. J. H. Hewlett, dean of
Centre College, presiding. Dr. Amry
Vandenbosch, head of the University's department of political science,
spoke on "The United States as a
Great Power."

Student Bar
Elects Head


Vets To Give
Campus Dance
At the regular
of the Veterans' club Monday night,
plans were discussed for the forthcoming campus dance to be sponsored by the club on November 17,
and an executive committee was
elected to serve the club. Before
the evening's business was taken
up. Dr. crawiora oi ine veterans
Administration spoke on veterans'
A report on preliminary arrangements for next month's dance was
presented to the club by Hal Hack-et- t,
who told members of possibilities for orchestras to play for the
dance. The club voted to leave the
choice of the band for the dance
to the dance committee, which will
make a later report.
An executive committee composed
of the elected officers of the club,
together with three members elected
at large, was named in accordance
with a previous vote of the organization. The members elected at
large to serve on this committee
were Ray Steers, Jim Brock and BUI
In his talk concerning veterans'
benefits. Dr. Crawford discussed
public !ws 346 and 16, better known
as the GI bill and rehabilitation,
comparing the two and discussing
problems which might arise.
Joe Covington, commander of the
club, announced that the Veterans
club will have two pages in the 1946
and that individual
pictures will be used this year.
Bill Price, adjutant, announced
plans for an Armistice day parade
on November 12, and the club voted
to participate as a group in this
celebration. A committee was appointed to assist in plans for the
An announcement was made in
reference to a committee to plan a
memorial for the alumni war dead.
A decoration committee and a
poster committee were named for
the November 17 dance.


Sponsored by the Student Government association. Dr. Gaines ha.4
not announced the subject of his
address, but it is understood he will
give some attention to student participation
in university management, and to the honor system, according to Dean Leo M. Chamberlain.
Dr. Gaines has been president of
and Lee university
since 1930. He is author of "The
Southern Plantation," "Lee
Final Achievement," and is a contributor to the Library of Southern
Literature and the Dictionary of
American Biography. His home U
in Lexington, Va.
Other speakers scheduled for the
fall quarter are Mrs. Raymond Clapper, widow of Raymond Clapper of
"Behind the Washington Scene."
November 1; Mr. Hurbert Liang.
Chinese journalist who was in
Chungking during the final stages
of the war, December 14.

Dean Jones Asks
Men's New Addresses
All male students whose addresses have changed
registration are asked to report
at once to the office of dean of
men so that correct addresses of
all men students are available.

BSU . . . will meet at 6:45 p.m.
Thursday in the "Y" lounge of the
Union building.
War Effort Committee of the Student I'nion Board . . . will meet at
4 p.m. Wednesday in room 203 of
the Union building. All members
are urged to attend.
Sweater Swing . . . will be hel'I
from 8 to 6:30 p.m. today in the
Bluegrass room of the Union building. The dance will be sponsored
by the House committee and the
general theme of the dance will be
a Halloween celebration.
Pitkin club . . . will hold its first
meeting of this quarter at noon
Wednesday, at Maxwell Street Pres-

byterian church.
WAA . . . will give a hayride and
weiner roast at 5:30 p.m. Thursday.
All those Interested in joining the
WAA will meet in the women's gym
at this time.
. will entertain
Newman club .

State YMCA Meet
At Berea Planned

YMCA conPlans for a state-wid- e
ference were maiTe at a state YMCA
cabinet meeting in the Union building Monday evening, with Edward
A. Bary, president of the State and
University Y"s, presiding.
Tentative plans were made for a
meeting at Berea college on November 31 and December 1. An alternate
plan calls for two conferences, one
to be held on the University carxis,
and another on the campus of Kentucky State college. The alternate
plans were made because the Navy
program may not be completed
at Berea by December 1, and if not.
Berea wui lacx iacmues tor nousing
a state-wid- e
Dr. Robe.TMcMullen. president of
Centre college, wui oe invited to
speak on a subject pertaining to the
general theme of the conference.
"One World" Bart Peak, executive
secretary of the University YMCA
Hal Hackett
will tell "What Constitutes a Good
YMCA," and George Kavanaugli, of
Hal Hackett was elected presi- Berea, will speak on leadership.
dent of the Student Bar association
The University wa3 represented
at a meeting held Friday, October by Bart Peak, Edward A. Bary and
Tommy Gish.
Other officers to be installed at a
luncheon meeting at the Phoenix
hotel today by retiring president
Bob Preston are: Sweed Blackburn,
The Searshore tests in musical
vice president; Jim Brock, secretary, aptitude will be given at 2 and 3
and Peggy Gabbard, treasurer.
p.m. Tuesday and Wednesday. Any
The newly elected president Is a University students who wish may
(Continued on Page Three)
take this test.

from 6 to 8 p.m.
with a
Monday, in the card room of the
Union building. There will be dancing, games, and refreshments. Ail
Catholic students and members of
the ASTP are invited to attend.
will meet at 5
Mortar Board
p.m. Friday. November 2. in room
204 of the Union building.
Dutch Lunch club . . . will meet at
noon Friday, November 2. in the
"Y" lounge.
Pan Hellenic . . . will entertain with
a tea from 4 to 6 Monday. October
, thA
dent Union buildmg Tbe tea wlU
given m honor of
tnrte newly
organized sororities. Kappa Alpha
xneU, Delta Zeta. and Tau Alpha






Student Government Association...


Test Will

will hold its meeting from 5 to 6
Monday in room 204 of the Union,
I'pperclass Y . . . will meet at 7 p.m.
Tuesday in the Union.
will meet at 6.30
Freshman club
p.m. Tuesday in the Union.
Chi Delta Phi . . . will hold its meeting at 7 p.m. Monday, at the home
of Miss Elizabeth MacNeaL
SuKy . . . will meet at 4 p.m. Wednesday in the Union building.
ZeU BeU Tau
rush banquet
Monday, October 29, 6:45 pm. at
the Phoenix hotel.
Art and Poster committee . . . meets
at 4.30 p.m. Friday in the Union.






� The Kernel Editorial Page


Mary Jane Dorset
Betty Tevis




Entortd t the Port Office t Lexington. Kentucky.
wcor.d cUu matter under the Act of March J, 1879.

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DlcK Jjmn
Doba Lex Robertson



Kentucky Intercollegiate PreM Association
Lexington Board of Commerce
Kentucky Presa Association
National Editorial Association


Marilyn Mitchell

Tank Hammersley
Anita Levy, Betty

Naliona AdverbngSenice,inc
cuu pm-- i krntu
420 Madison Ave.
M- -



US aasstss



.50 One Quarter

11.50 One Year

What's wrong with the Wildcats? That is
what i lie loyal fans who have supported UK'i
win or lse through all these long,
loan vt ars of not very glorious gridiron seasons
want to know. Every fall the Big Blue rolled out
on the field the Ixxrsters kept hoping that it

would Ix' different.
T he last home game against Georgia was
the same old story, only much worse. Students
jiaikcd the stands, ready to bark the players,
hut bv the half they were laughing and embar-tasse- d
at the spectacle the Cats were making.
I 'liable to take any more, many left at the half-timYanderbih didn't relieve the situation.
The grandstand coaches say "there is no blocking, no teamwork," or "too niahy players are
hint," or "they don't keep training." Freshmen
sav their high school teams play better ball.
J n Tuesday's Courier-Journal- ,
Sports Editor
Earl Ruby took up the issue and printed letters
from alumni and fans who are clamoring that
something anything be done. "I have followed
the Wildcats hopefully, though always painfully, through one football famine after another,
and despite the constant derision of fellow fans
hereabouts. Tut me down as willing and anxious
10 pajiitipate in any alumni or booster plan, financial or otherwise, that might bring UK a
winning or respectable footlall team," was one
Another said that the massacre of UK by
Georgia made his Kentucky blood boil for the
last time, and he was giving the Wildcats back
to the Indians. "I am so nauseated at the sight
of our
lambs leing led to slaughter
at the hands of Georgia, Alabama, and Tennessee year after year that I've cancelled my reser-aiio- n
for the Alabama game, rather than see
those Red Elephants stomp the daylights out of
us again," he said.
"I would like- to know why the University
cannot have a fool ball team worthy of the State
of Kentucky. As an alumnus of this school I am
thoroughly ashamed of the showing my school
is making in competition in the Southeastern
Conference. Why can't we have a team which
is representative of our state and student body?"
is another outsjxiken opinion.
Now this is no time to "give the Wildcats
back to the Indians," but is high time something
consii uctie was done to bring them out of the
fooi hall doldrums. The failure of a team can't
blamed on the coach. Excellent coaches have
piolahly lost sleep over Kentucky's team and yet
were unable to make it successful. It can't be
blamed on individual players for they are bound
to want to win. Instead of jumping on the Cats
when they are down, steps should be taken to,


help them up.
The administration is busy with the big job
of running a university and it would be understandable if they had little time to give to
but this seems to be a task left for them.
Football ran and should lie an asset and not a
joke. A university's goxl reputation cannot be
upheld by ridiculously helpless performances on
the plaing field.
he alums, students, and Kentucky fans are
rcadx and willing to support any plan to build
a ksjx-- table Wildcat squad, if not a winning
one; a fighting team, if not a great one. They
feel that if it is more money that is needed,
then money should le provided; if it's additions
to the coaching suff, equipment, or more re- ci nils for the line, they should le gotten. Given

By Scotty McCnHoch

Tuttle, Allene

Mim Cohfn.


.Advertising Solicitors

a team not to be ashamed of, students will furnish the spirit.
President Donovan has advocated a good
football team for UK as he did at Eastern. Well,
the time seems to have arrived for him to see
what can be done and certainly, he will be
Many Kentuckians think that if it is impossible to build a commendable team, the Wildcats should withdraw from intercollegiate competition in ftxitball.





The returned veteran and

A Peculiar Species
Students are a peculiar secies. No other portion of the human rare is quite like the student.
The average student maintains that he has
come to school to become educated, but every
time an opportunity for intellectual improve- ment comes along, the student the average stu- dent-- is
in the irrill. or in bed. or as far as nos- .. . .
j- s.u.c ..o... me u.snscr o.ri .... iec.RC.
Perhaps it is the title of the event that scares
"Convo- the student to the "nearest Coca-Oila- .
"forum"-the- sc
cation," "lecture,"
are words to
in: suuii.icu uy me coiicgid...
rallies, sports events, plays all attract
a majority of the thinking as well as the tin- .
mnr rstt itn fi tn . clnlnnr
i""""" "
The fact that students of this ramnns do not


j ...... ,,.w..




vw...!, j,..


Wt, ""



in answering


the question bv not
saying yes or no. We like some
dance band with strjrs those
who know how to use them. We also
like orch which use reed sections to

Red Warman
get the effect desired. As lona as
both produce music with "depth-Pe- p
etc., we care little about the method
used all we want is the music with
these qualities.



Taxicabs! Phone 8200



LIBERTY: "I've still got my honor,
but my social life is in a heck of a
statement might be a quote
from most any Boyd hall girl. sysy
plceQ on tne onor
tem, requiring them to swear on
everything but their grandmothers



Britannica, and the


prouamy wm oe, in me
end- ,hrie
university which turns out
a relatively high percentage of re- 8Pnslble. thinking, government- - tnelr
mmaed citizens."
This week seems to have produced
ft ft
Those Chimes Will Be Heard Again: more involved squares than trian- Here's good news about those gles. Take the Carolyn Stevens, Lu
chimes Ball Staters have been miss- - L" Witherepoon, Nancy Kimbrough,
ing! Just as soon as repairs can be 8nd Billv Settlemeyer affair first.
made, the chimes will again be
ing out the quarter-homelodious-houly across the campus,
Phoenix Flower Shop
Wartime restrictions have been
Flowers for all occasions
sponsible for the silence of these
bell3. When repairs were needed,
107 W. Main
Phone 159
the material for replacement simply
Third Door West of Lime
could not be obtained.






218 . Main St.
Between Kentucky and State Theatres



50,000 RADARS


call school New World Atlas is not greatly ex- citing to an eager college girL
Orchids to the Sigma Chis for
"And it seems to us that a univer- sity which, through its policies and the first serenade of the season.
traditions, encourages the students Those boys really can sing, and if


Bring This Ad To

We will be forced to admit
is quiet and over-ho-

that tne library




Kernel Deadlines
Must Be Observed





here is the opportunity to see if you are one
of the "peculiar sixties" who expect to gain an
education by avoiding anything which sounds
like a speech. Washington and Lee university's
president, Dr. Francis P. Gaines, will be guest
r tonight at 7 for a SGA sponsored co
n- - The honor system, which The Kernel
has suggested might be a good plan for UK to
adopt, is given as one of the topics which he will
discuss. Such a widely recognized authority
should have something to say worth hearing on
the system works at W fc L.














And Now



start, can keep that torch burning Rising Sun apparently erased from
with the De Gaulle provisional the books of Facism. there remains
but two black spots on the roll,
the Franco government in Spain
Should Army and Navy Merge?
The merging of the Army and and the Peron gang In Argentina,
The state department has received
Navy is still one of the most talked
of problems in national circles this great criticism about the eontinu-- a
week, with General Marshall speak- - a nee of diplomatic relations with
trig out strongly in favor of the idea. Fascist Spain. As a matter of fact,
it certainly merits a great deal of these relations have not been
attention, find a lot of time, money plete nor harmonious in the past
and energy are being wasted while months.
nothing seems to be done about it.
There are instances when it pays
several arguments against such a to reserve decisions, when time is
move run along the lines that it needed to build up enough power
woujd take so long for the entire to stamp out resistance, and in tha
personnel of the armed forces to ease of Span that statement is
become acclimated to such a de- - certainlw tnle.
cision. That argument is rather
when the fighting ln North Africa
thin wnen yoU lnink that the only broke out betWefn tne British
vUal change will be In the leader- - the Germans lt was evident that ln
will remain
it order t0 sen5 aid to the AUies w9
ship. The
as wU1 tne N