xt79w08w9z2w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79w08w9z2w/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1927-07-08  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, July  8, 1927 text The Kentucky Kernel, July  8, 1927 1927 1927-07-08 2012 true xt79w08w9z2w section xt79w08w9z2w THE KENTUCKY KERNEL








KY., JULY 8, 1927


New Dean for College of Law Is Appointed

GILLIS TO SPEAK Miss King Will Attend
Columbia This Summer

To Lead Discussion Each Morning at Institute for College
Administrators and Deliver
Afternoon Address


Miss Taylor, Assistant Librarian, Also Leaves for
New York

Redpath Chautauqua Will Give Four More Performances
Stoll Field. ; Final Number Will Be Saturday Night
When "The Patsy," a Great American
Comedy, Will Be Given

Miss Margaret I. King, librarian of
the university, will leave today for
New York City where she will attend
Columbia University the remainder
of the summer. She will return to
Lexington in time to resume her du

Only four more programs remain
to be given by the Redpath Chautauqua which has been giving performances on Stoll field since last Saturday. A musical program will be featured this afternoon and tonight. The
night program will be augmented by
a lecture "Mussolini and the Black-shirts- ,"
by Tom Skeyhill.
Tomorrow afternoon will be the

LEAVES LEXINGTON TODAY ties at the opening of the regular ses

Miss Artie Lee Taylor, assistant
Convention Begins on Monday,
librarian of the university, felt LexJuly 11, and Closes Next
ington last Sunday night for New
York where she entered the Teachers'
"children's eala program" featuring
of Columbia University.
Ezra L. Gillis, registrar of the uni- While in New York she will spend
J the
great Laurant in "A Trip to
Nash- most of her time studying and workversity, will leave today for
Magic Land." At night "The Patsy,"
will take part ing in the library at the Teachers'
ville, Tenn., where he
a great American comedy, with a New
on the program of the Institute for College. She will return to the uni
York cast, will be presented.
College Administrators being held at versity early in September
play, it is said is one of the best numGeorge Peabody College for Teachers
bers of the chautauqua which has
from July 11 to' 15.
been playing here
Mr. Gillis has a prominent part on
ForLarge crowds, including hundreds
Graduate of University and
the program of lectures and round
mer Instructor Here Pub- - of university students, have attended
table conferences. He will lead disevery program of the chautauqua the
lishes The College News
cussions of the technique of the regispast week. Special provisions were
for Murray Students
trar's office one hour each day and
provided for students, a portion of
will also deliver one lecture each day.
the seats being reserved for them.
The subjects to be discussed by Mr. Secretary of
This was necessary to enable those
tion Accepts Position as
Gillis are, "Program of Work for a
Under the supervision of Charles who had afternoon classes to obtain
Officer of "Admission and
Year in the Registrar's Office," MonKyle Whitehead, member of the class desirable seats.
day; "Registration Procedure," Tuesof 1926 of the university and former
Among the programs which attracday; "Admissions," Wednesday; "Recinstructor in the journalism depart- ted unusually large audiences was the
ords and Transcripts," Thursday; and ASSUMES DUTIES AUGUST 1 ment here, the first issue The College
"Question Box," Friday. These disNews, official publication of Murray
Miss Cella Taylor, secretary of the State Teachers' College, made its apcussions will be held each morning.
During the afternoon on each day College of Education of the university pearance the latter part of June of
for the last four years, has been elec this year. The new publication will
of, the institution Mr. Gillis will delivy.
er a series of lectures on "The Regis- ted officer of admission and statisti- be issued
Officer." cian of the University of Louisville,
trar as an Administrative
While a student at the University of
early this week. Kentucky, Whitehead took an active
These lectures will be, "The Human it was learned here
Touch in Administration," Monday; She will assume her new duties on part in the journalistic enterprises of
"The Registrar's Office, a Laboratory August 1.
the student body, twice serving as Specialist in Rural Education
Miss Taylor received her A. B. de business manager of The Kernel.
for Administrative Officers," TuesDelivers Daily Lectures on
day; "The Registrar's Office, a Lab- gree at the University of Cincinnati Following his graduation he became
"Rural School Problems,
oratory for the Department of Educa- and was awarded her M. A. degree at an instructor in the journalism de
Present and Future"
tion," Wednesday; "The" Registrar's the University of Kentucky. She re- partment. He left the university last
Laboratory Equipment," Thursday; ceived her registrar's training from February to accept a position as di MR. BLACKWELL TO SPEAK
"Our Debt to the National Associa- E. L. Gillis, registrar here.
rector of publicity and instructor of
The statistician is a native of Som journalism at the Murray school.
tion of Collegiate Registrar's," FriProfessor Harry G. Parkinson, of
erset and is-- graduate of the Dayton,
The College News is the first of
Others who will appear on the pro- Ky., high school. She was secretary ficial newspaper at the Murray State Pennslyvania, a specialist on rural
gram during the week will be, H. L. of the extension department of the Teachers' College, and in its publica- education, delivered daily lectures this
Donovan, professor of elementary ed- university for four years and acting tion is said to lie the realization of the past week before the class in modern
ucation, Peabody College; H. 0. Han- director for one year in the absence of dreams of the president and dean of educational problems which meetsRurfifth hour. His theme was "The
the college.
sen, professor of history and educa- Wellington Patrick.
tion, Peabody; S. C. Garrison, pro, The. Murray publication, consists of al School Problem, Its Present and
four pages of six columns of standard Fuure?r A number of 'other students
fessor of educational psychology,
Peabody; W. W. Carpenter, professor
length. The initial number was filled and visitors attended the education
of school administration, Peabody; Junior Club Products Have High with interesting news of college and class meetings in order to hear the
student life, comments on local prob noted speaker.
Alonza Myers, director of teacher-trainin- g,
Professor Parkinson is a graduate
lems, etc.
Ohio University; Shelton
Many old friends of Mr. Whitehead of Wayhesburg College, Waynesburg
Phelps, dean of instruction, Peabody;
Norman Frost, professor of rural ed- - junioran indication of the value of the are interested in the announcement Pa., and of the University of Illinois.
agricultural clubs in Kentucky recently received here which told
He is a candidate for a doctor's deengagement to Miss Ava Cawood, gree at Cornell University. He is
(CONTINUED ON PAGE FOUR) the following figures have been compiled:
head of the department of rural edof Asheville, N. C, who was graduatThe 20,000 junior agricultural club ed from the university in the class of ucation in Pennslyvania and was a
boys and girls in Kentucky produced 1925. The marriage is
to take place member of the commission appointed
$325,384 worth of farm and home in August.
by Governor Pinchot to study rural




Kiwanians Raise Fund
To Aid Student Loans ALVIN

Program to Close



More than $600 has been raised for
the student loan $und of the univerplay, "The Goose Hangs High." This sity by the Lexington
Kiwanis club in
play, dealing with the college stu- promoting the Redpath
dent and the home, was especially in- this week, according to anchautauqua
announceteresting to students.
There was ment made
"standing room only" when the cur- the club by at the W. S. mejting of
Taylor, who
tain went up for the first act.
was in charge of the promotion of the
Bohumir Kryl and his band attrac- chautauqua for the club.
ted large crowds Thursday afternoon
and night. The concert by this fam-- . with chautauqua is an annual event
the Lexington Kiwanis club and
ous musical organization was declared
by many to be one of the best musical the profits are turned over to the stu
treats of the whole chautauqua pro- dent loan fund each year. The committee hopes to make the total greater
There were several famous lectur- before the end of the week, and mem
ers on the program.
Among them bers of the club were asked to sell
was Ruth Owen Bryan, daughter of more tickets for the week's perform
the late William Jennings Bryan. She ances.
O. J. Neuworth, superintendent of
lectured on Wednesday night on
the local chautauqua, made a short
"Modern Arabian Nights."
The ' Coffer-Millplayers which talk to the club Tuesday at its weekly
gave two performances in the men's luncheon and commended the memgym of the university on last Fri- bers for the fine wprk they were doday afternoon and night appeared be- ing in bringing a chautauqua to Lex
fore large audiences.
Their plays ington and in assisting the student
were greatly enjoyed by university loan fund. He drew a comparison be
students just as they have been on tween the Kiwanis motto, "We Build,"
other appearances which they have and the chautauqua motto, "Build for
made at the university at previous Better Citizenship."

summer sessions.


Do Good Work


products last year, according to a report of the club department of the
College of Agriculture.
Vegetables and fruits canned by
clubs were val
Bernard Shively "Checks In," junior
ued at $24,469, and garments made by
Leaving Fred Majors, Base-- "
In last week's Kernel there was
similar clubs at $25,469. Farm proball and Frosh Football
ducts were valued as follows: Corn, printed the names of students enrolled
Mentor "All Alone"
$10,133; alfalfa hay, $600; potatoes, in the College of Education for the
tobacco, $9,420; baby beef first session of summer
START WORK SEPTEMBER 5 $6,588; $45,025; hogs, $62,345; sheep, tinuing the plan begun school. Concalves,
last week in
poultry, $59,654 and dairy order that summer session students
With the arrival in Lexington Tues- $39,390;
stock owned by club members was may know what former friends are
day night of Bernard Shively,
now in school, The Kernel is printing
guard at Illinois and first valued atjunior club
work is conducted herewith the names and addresses of
coach to Harry Gamage at
primarily for educational purposes, students enrolled in the
the university only one member of the yet it has become of great financial School and the College of Graduate
Arts and
Wildcats' new coaching staff remains values, as the above figures show. Sciences. Following are
the names,
to say hello to local fans.
Hundreds of boys and girls are not home addresses, and Lexington ad
He is Fred Majors, the baseball only receiving through club work val
dresses of students enrolled in
leader and freshman football coach, uable training in the best methods Graduate School and the College the
who will make his appearance in and practices of farming and
Arts and Sciences:
Lexington before gridiron practice
but also are accumulating
Graduate School
commences on Stoll field September 5.
Many of them are Aaron, William George;
Johnny Mauer, basketball boss and bank club work to help pay their
instructor of ends on the varsity way through school.
grid squad, paid the town a visit during the state high school basketball
Birkett Pribble, who will fit into
Gammage s program at one position
or another, needs no introduction.
Shivley's 21G pounds drifted in
otter a lenirthv. dusty automobile ride.
The Illinois big boy and Mrs. Shively
suspect, what are his chances of acBy CHARLES J. TURCK
are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gamage
at the nresent time.
Dean of the Law College of the Uni complishing his purpose. This is of
course not a matter of comparing his
At the university coaching school,
versity and President-elec- t
which will be held the last two weeks
grades with the grades of others but
Centre College
of Aucust. Shively will play a prom
himself with
It is an impossible task to select of comparingdoes he stack up other
selves. How
inent part. Craig Ruby, Illinois' bas- out
of one hundred college students them
ketball coach, and Gamage will be the
as regards leadership and per- the five or ten who should study law.
big guns of this school.
serverance and ability and willingness
In the first place, while a young to see a job through?
Then, with
man in college has within him those
some notion of the
that bring
traits of character that will make or him happiness and things recognition
mar his manhood, he does not have of his
Courses these characteristics so developed that
relative chance for success, the
young man in college can make his
one can predict with certainty the guess
as to the field where he should
Many Enroll in Classes Devoted kind of man he will be. In the second
And his guess is far more
to Study of State's Main
place, the law is so broad a field that
likely to be
it contains within the ranks of those suggestion a may guess than outFeatures
come from
who attain success men of very difHe must find his own star
Bowling Green, Ky., July 8. Last ferent types, men who are hermits in and hitch his wagon to it.
summer there was inaugurated at their zeal for exact and scholarly
Difficulties Obstruct Path
the Western State Teachers' College knowledge as well as men whose
huThe very best thing that a man in
here a series of courses which were hearts are aflame with a love of
In the third place, those a profession can do for those who are
calculated to aid the summer school manity.
teachers in learning more about their great qualities of the soul that enable considering that profession as their
native state. These courses proved men to win like success as engineers life work is to warn them of certain
very popular last summer and have or doctors or business men. "Every difficulties they must meet. It is
been continued this summer with the calling is great when greatly pur easy enough to tell a young man of
sued," and young men who are capa limited powers of reason that he will
same success.
These "Learn Kentucky" courses ble of the great pursuit will win sue never make a lawyer, but it is a much
harder task to tell him what he would
being offered his session of the sum- cess in any field.
The great question that young man make or what he could do happily
mer school are: Kentucky's Native
Plants and Flowers, The Literature of must ask himself in college is, "What and well. It is wiser to point out
Kentucky, Kentucky's Wild Animal do I want to do with my life?" He difficulties than to erect barriers, and
Life, The Geography of Kentucky and knows by the time he graduates what consequently I would not say to any
History of Kentucky. There are a are the things that bring him the larg man that he should not study law,
larce number of students enrolled in est happiness. Is it books or friends, Many a mart of limited natural en
each of these classes at the present is it power or play, it it the hope of dowment has made a career at the
time. They are proving to be the a great achievement or the carrying bar which far able men have envied
most "popular courses offered in the of a great responsibility? He also
knows, or should at least begin to (CONTINUED ON PAGE FOUR)
summer school.

home-makin- g,

Few Students Are Qualified to
Study for the Law Profession

Students a t Western
Like Kentucky

University Fund Is Increased
by 600 as Result of


Its Glory Is Celebrated at Men's Dorm to
Tune of Firecrackers

Day in All

"The Glorious Fourth," with the
trimmings of
old time
fire crackers and the like, was reported by students residing in the
men's dorm on Tuesday after a general survey of the situation had been
ipnde following the festivities on

The celebration, a Kernel reporter
was informed, was somewhat delayed
but managed to get under good headway about 8 o'clock Monday night.
Starting with the pesky "pop" of a
five cent fire cracker on the first floor,
the party assumed giant cracker proportions by midnight on the third

Members of Fayette Bar Association Lay Plans to Procure
Portrait of Judge W. T.





Plans were made last Saturday by
of the Fayette County Bar
Association, who are graduates of the
university Law College, to purchase
an oil portrait of the late Judge W.
T. Lafferty to be hung in the law
building on the 'campus in memory
of the man who was the founder and
for years dean of the College of Law.
A committee composed of "Edward
S. Dabney, chairman, Owen Roynolds
and J. R. Bush was appointed to raise
founds for the project.
It is planned to have the portrait
painted by a
artist from a picture of Judge Lafferty now in possession of a photographer in Georgetown.
The new
painting will be 24 by 30 inches.

minded students investigated the disturbance early but soon
decided that the matter needed more
investigation and retired to their Are Given Every Sunday at
respecive cells for safety.
Woodland Park
An investigation by university officials later in the week yielded no
Free band concerts were inaugurlight on the matter and there the
matter stands. But here was a "Glor- ated at Woodland park last Sunday
ious Fourth" in the dorm for all that. and will continue for the next nine
The concerts are given by
Griffith's Park Concert Band.
University students desiring to atFOODLESS BANQUETS tend these concerts can reach the park
by taking an East Main street car
getting off at the corner of Wood
Summer school students at the
diana State Normal school recently land avenue and East High street.
gave three foodless banquets.
The For those who wish to walk to the
students, who were members of an park, the best route to Woodland is
English class, divided themselves into east on either High or Maxwell
These streets converge at
three groups and proceeded to take street.
Woodland avenue which bounds the
on themselves the task of representing some civic organization. The west side of the park.
whole affair was carried out in fine
The concerts begin at 3 o'clock each
The lectures this week will be fol style with a toast master in fact, Sunday afternoon and last approxilowed by another series next week on everything, except the food.
mately two hours.
rural education which will be delivered by Mr. Blackwell, director of
vocational education in Maryland.
The first lecture will be given Monday, July 11 at the fifth hour and all
students are invited to attend.

Free Band

Superintendent Thomas
Finnegan made him chairman of the
commission to work out the problem
of education for the commonwealth
of Pennsylvania. He was appointed
a member of the research commission
by the American Vocational Associa
tion to work on an effective program
of agricultural education in America.
Professor Parkinson is trying to an
alyze the ability of the rural school
system to pay for its schools and to
determine whether or not it can provide satisfactory education without
outside help from the state or nation
or both.
In addition to the lectures before
the education class, Professor Parkinson twice addressed the conference for
teachers of vocational education which
is being sponsored by the Education

University Radio Station Has

Worked More Than

At Murray

Radio station 9 JL, of the universiwhich is located in the Engineering buildings to the rear of Neville
Registrar's Office
hall, has worked more than 40 of the
Two University of Kentucky girls 48 states in the United States and
are working this summer in the regis- three Canadian districts, according to
trar's office at Murray State Teach- L. R. Penn, of Lexington, who was
ers' College, according to advices re- graduated from the university and
ceived here from the Murray institu- is now doing graduate work.
Mr. Penn and E. T. Bullock, of Lextion.
These girls, Frances Osborne
and Margaret Wilson, are both resi ington, who also was graduated in
June, recently completed their thesis
dents of Lexington.
During the regular session Miss work on the subject "Study of An
Osborne was employed in the office of tenna and Counterpoises with Transthe alumni secretary of the Univer- mitting Sets." This work was carsity of Kentucky and Miss Wilson was ried on in the university station, two
transmitting sets being constructed
employed in the registrar's office.

Two U. K. Students Work in ty,

o- -

Now You Ask One



What was the original name of
the University of Kentucky?
2 When was this named changed?
3 Where will the Southern Conference Convention delegates meet
next year?
4 What is a sabbathical year?
5 Does the university allow a sabbathical year?
6 What is a land grant college ?
7 How much did the university receive from its sale of lands ?
8 Who was the founder and first
dean of the Law College?
9 How many volumes are there in
the law library?
10 What was the original name of
The Kernel?

during the time.
One of these sets is rated at 15
watts while the other is a 100 watt
set. Both of these sets have been
used and good distances have been
covered with them.
Penn and Bullock in their thesis
work discovered than when sending on
a 40 meter band, the greatest efficiency was obtained when operating on
the 32nd harmonic of the antenna system. They were highly complimented
by Dean F. Paul Anderson, of the College of Engineering.
The receiving set employed at the
university station is a type
meGrebe short wave receiver,
ters. A duplicate of this set, which
was constructed by Mr. Penn, has
also done good work on long distance
stations. Amateur stations in Eng
land and France are heard regularly
beginning about 3 o clock in the after
noon, and, stations in Central America


40 States

and Mexico begin to come in between
G and 7 o'clock in the evening.
Experiments in daylight work is
being carried. on by 9 JL on a 20 meter wave. Using the 15 watt set a
station in San Francisco has been
worked a, number of times, Mr. Penn
Mr. Penn, who is an experienced
wireless operator, has been at the
university since 1923, coming here
after working at intervals for a period of six years as an operator for
the R. C. A. on ships sailing to South
and Central America, Mexico and
Europe. He will remain at the university for several more weeks working with I. G. Watkins, an instructor
in the College of Engineering.
E. T. Bullock, with whom Penn
worked on antenna study, left Lexington recently for Atlanta, Ga.,
where a position awaited him.
Station 9 JL is now working regu
larly on
meter band and 18.7
21.4 meter band which are reserved
for amateur C. W. telegraph.




A hockey field for the intra-mur- al
hockey games played by girls will be
sowed in grass early next week by
the department of buildings and
grounds on the completion of grading
work being done in preparing the
The new field is located in the rear
of the music and art buildings near
Boyd and Patterson halls.





Leaves George Washington University Law School at Take
Up Work at Kentucky
in September


Dr. Forrest R. Black, of Washing University, to Succeed
Dr. Ahrin E. Evans, of George
Washington University, Washington,
D. C, has been appointed dean of the
College of Law of the university and
Dr. Forrest R. Black, of Washington
University, St Louis, has been appointed professor of law, Dr. Frank
L. McVey announced Tuesday. Bpth
professors will assume their duties
in September.
Dr. Evans will succeed Dean
Charles J. Turck as dean of the Col- lege of Law. Dean Torek has accepted the presidency of Centre College
and will assume his duties there in
September. Dr. Black will be profes
sor of law. succeeding Prof. TI .T.
Scarborough who tendered his resig
nation to accept a position in the New
Jersey School of Law at Newark.
Has Wide Teaching Experience
Dr. Evans, the new dean, has been
professor of law at George Washington University since 1922, coming
there from the University of Idaho,
where he held a similar position. Pro
cessor Evans has had a wide range
of teaching experience, beginning in
1908 when, he was assistant professer
of Latin in the University of Washington at Seattle. 'During the years
from 1909 to 1915, he was professor
of classics in State College of Washington, and directed the summer sessions of that school from 1911 to 1915.
He practiced law at Falls City,
Neb., during 1916 and 1917 and was
a member of the law firm of Nisbet
and Evans at Moscow, Idaho, during'
1918 to 1920,
Dr. Evans was graduated from
Cotner University, in 1898, the same
school that President A. D. Harman,
of Transylvania College, attended. He
received an M. A. degree from the
University of Nebraska in 1898, his
Ph. D. degree from the University of
Michigan in 1908, the degree of doctor
of jurisprudence from the University
of Michigan in 1918 and attemded
the Harvard Law School 1915-1The new dean was born at Valley,
Neb., September 16, 1878, and is mar
ried. He ha3 one son, Palmer Evans.
He is a member of the bars of Ne
braska, Idaho, Michigan, and District
of Columbia.
He belongs to the
American Bar Association, the Idaho
State Bar Association, the American
Association of Universiy Professors,
Delta Theta Phi, is a member of the
Christian church and the Masonic


Dr. Black Is Ph. D.
Dr. Black, who will replace Profes
sor Scarborough, was graduated from
the University of Wisconsin in 1916
with an A. B. degree, received hi3
M. A. from Columbia in 1919, his LL.
B. from Ohio State University in 1920
and was awarded a Ph. D. degree
from the Robert Brooks Graduate
School of Government in 1925.
He has taught in law schools in the
University of Minnesota, Washingon
University, Heidelberg College and
the University of Iowa. He was ad
mitted to the bar in Ohio and practiced in that state.
Dr. Evans is well known in the legal
world for his many contributions, to
He is the
various law journals.
author of a work entitled "Roman
Law Studies in Livy," published in
1910; was joint author of volume four
of Michigan Studies in Humanistic
Series published in 1910; and compiled
a set of cases on community property.

Ohio State Puts End
To All Frosh Hazing
Change in Policy Noticed
Wisconsin, New Hampshire
and Cincinnati



Any man who is in
any way connected with throwing a
freshman in the lake will sever his
with this university."
With this preeraptory statement,
President George W. Rightmire, of
Ohio State University, announced the
end of freshman hazing at the institution. Hazing may soon be as much
a thing of the past in the colleges as
trousers, reold fashioned as peg-to- p
cent college events seem to indicate.
"Freshman rules and sophomore
traditions are giving way before an
enlightened upper-clas- s
sentiment to
the effect that freshmen have a right
to be treated as human beings," reports The Daily Cardinal, University
The freshman and
of Wisconsin.
sophomore classes at the University
of New Hampshire have modified the
traditional freshman rules.
Hazing has been abolished at Capitol Uuniversity( Columbus, Ohio. At
the University of Cincinnati "frosh
taming gives way to training." The
student council has dislved the vigilance committee and supplanted it
by the men's and women"s guidance
committees, who are to train the beginner in rudiments of University of
Cincinnati traditions and campus rules.



� tAGE




men's dormitory.
Waller ave.
Hendrick, Harry Eugene; Smiths Snapp, Carlos V.; Borterville; 264 Summerville, Mildred; Marion; Boyd
Lexington ave.
Grove; men s dormitory.
o- o Henry, Nellye Pennebaker; Versailles; Sporing, Taylor B.; Louisville; 658 Thorn, E. Main Templeton; Lexington,
S. Limestone.
Boyd hall.
Hasson, Hugo Thurston; Lexington, Stellar, Mary Louise; Louisville; 119 Threlkeld Hilda; Lexington, Hamilton
official newspaper of the students and alumni
Washington ave.
The Kentucky Kernel is the
316 Clifton ave.
Tiller, Berthol Lewis; Eminence;
Jess J.;
Published every Friday throughout
of the University of Kentucky.
Higgins, Herbert Talmage; Pulaski; Stewart, dormitory. Bowling Green;
men's dormitory.
Springs, Ky.
155 Virginia ave.
the college year by the student body of the university.
Tilton, Jessie; Lexington, 927 Idle- Strother, J. Park; Lexington, 229
Alton, Helen F.; Lexington, 213, Uni Hitcman, Sallie;
Lexington, 356
Entered at Lexington Postoffice as second class mail matter.
Rand ave.
versity avn
"The First Night," a Tiffany pro
Woodland ave.
Sturgill, Virgil Leon; Owensboro; (CONTINUED ON PAGE THREE)
Hollowell Carney Agnew; Princeton;
duction which will be shown for the Allison, A. A.; Erlanger;
men s dormitory.
Atkins, Mary Elizabeth; Louisville;
last time at the Strand Theater today,
Boyd hall.
Hood, Frank Wagner;
Niel Plummer
John R. Bullock
is said to be one of he best laugh- J. A. VonderHaar
Coleman; Paint
men s dormitory.
W. C. Stags
provoking pictures that has been seen Arnold, Eston Jackson; Lick, Ky.
L.; Paducah; 655 Max
Lexington; Hooks, Floyd
shere in- some time.
239 Kentucky ave.
welton court.
Ashbrook, William Alfred; Lexington, Hopkins, Porter H.; Frankfort.
Elizabeth Carter
Theresa Newhoff
Irene Brummett
631 Bellaire ave.
Hawton, Euel B.; Dawson Springs.
Patterson hall.
Boothe; Covington;
Kate Price plays Mrs. Lapidowitz in Ball, Conia; Columbus; Peyton, Ticon- - Hubbard, Dillard ave.
342 Lexington
Bartholomew, Donald
new comedy
deroga, N. Y.; 230 S Lime
Huddle, Orlando E.; Georgetown.
Don Grote
James Shropshire
romance "Frisco Sally Levy," coming Belt, Rupert A.; Toln; 108 Rosemont Huddleston, Beth; Fulton; Patterson
Sunday for three days at the Strand
Sally O'Neil in the
ly up to the student body.
If stu- Theater with overworked mother title Bhoms,Walton ave. Jenkins; Lexington, Hull, Floyd Edgar; Lexington, 139
of a
role. As the
State st.
Dealer: L. C. Smith & Corona Typewriters Inc.
dents and faculty cooperate, the prob- big family, Miss Price had her hands Bowen, James- William; Kenova, W. Hunt, Henry Wilson; Hopkinsville;
temporarily at full with real housework and it had
Va.; men's dormitory.
184 Ashland ave.
In general, campus problems, as lem can be solved
Brewer, Elizabeth Carlton; Danville; Hyden, Blanche; Irvine; Boyd hall.
such, either don't exist or are of least. It seems absurd for a normal, to be actually done for the camera.
Irwin, Frank; Paducah; men's dormiThe new picture is a lilting comedy Brooks,Ashland ave.
much smaller proportions during the healthy man or woman to drive two
David; Parksville.
life in San Francisco Bronston, Tonice Clarke; Lexington; Johnson, Henry Morrison; LaGrange;
summer session than in the regular or three blocks and park his car on of Jewish-Iris- h
But if those students with Miss O'Neil in the title role and
145 Lincoln ave.
term. But there is one very weighty the campus.
430 E. Maxwell.
campus problem which summer school who are accustomed to do this would a cast ;that includes Roy D'Arcy, Bryant, N. D.; Scottfpville; 325 S. Johnson, Lena Oliver; Lexington, 367
Delaney, Kate Price, Tenen
Transylvania park.
Limestone st.
students must face the parking cease to drive to school, the problem Charles
Holtz, Helen Levine, Leon Holmes, Bullard, John F.; Lexington, 203 Jones, Mary Joe;" Lexington, 112 Irwould be greatly clarified.