xt79w08w9v50 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79w08w9v50/data/mets.xml Woodruff, Hiram Washington, 1817-1867. 1874.  books b92-147-29449959 English John C. Winston, : Philadelphia : This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Horse racing United States. Horses Training.Foster, Charles J. (Charles James), 1820-1883. Trotting horse of America  : how to train and drive him : with reminiscences of the trotting turf / by Hiram Woodruff ; edited by Charles J. Foster. text Trotting horse of America  : how to train and drive him : with reminiscences of the trotting turf / by Hiram Woodruff ; edited by Charles J. Foster. 1874 1874. 2002 true xt79w08w9v50 section xt79w08w9v50 

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            HIRAM WOODRUFF.



              AND A COPIOUS INDE.




  Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1874, by
                   PORTER  COATES,
   in the Office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington.

   Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1868, by
              J. B. FORD AND COMPANY,
in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for
             the Southern District of New York.




           THE AUTHOR,



              THIS WORK




             FIRST SUGGESTED.
This page in the original text is blank.

            EDITOR'S PREFACE.

rj'rHE composition of this work was first suggested
.1 by Mr. ROBERT BONNER, who fully appreciated
the original views and vast experience of HIRAM
WOODRUFF in all matters pertaining to the art of
training and driving the trotting-horse. At the
earnest solicitation of Mr. GEORGE WILKES (the editor
of " The Spirit of the Times "), and of some other of his
friends, HIRAM agreed to undertake it. They believed,
and their arguments induced him to believe, that such
a work from him would be a public benefit to the
owners of horses, and a service to the horse himself.
From the nature of the avocations to which he had
devoted himself with unparalleled success for forty
years, HIRAM WOODRUFF was not a ready penman; and
therefore it was not until the writer of this introduc-
tory preface lad promised to act as his amanuensis,
and to edit the work, that be consented to go on with
it. Its reception, when some chapters had been pub.
lished, was such as to establish its value; and all those
who had been long acquainted with the author clearly


recognized his strong, original turn of thought, and
painstaking anxiety to make it eminently practical and
useful. During its composition, there were some de-
lays caused by the great application necessary on the
part of the author to his business as trainer and
driver of horses. He had sometimes as many as
twenty in his charge; and he felt that at such periods
hle could not, with justice to the work itself and to
them, continue its composition.
  To suggestions that the public was eager for the
book, and wanted it completed early, he commonly
replied that he wanted it completed well. There was,
he said, no more reason for hurrying out this, his only
work, than there would be in his hurrying on the edu.
cation of a horse that he deemed certain to make a
trotter. He was no believer in the "forcing" pro.
cess, and always contended that the book would be
all the better for the extra time he had resolved to
devote to it. Nothing could exceed his anxiety to
avoid any thing that by misapplication might be mis-
chievous. He was eminently a man of clear, strong
views, and of few, terse words. Many of the most
valuable and well-tried conclusions of his genius and
experience will be found set down in his literal
words in a very few lines. I have never met with a
man who was so quick and direct in coming at the
kernel of a question, and who threw away the husk
and shell so promptly as utterly worthless.
  Just before his last illness, the materials for the corn



pletion of the book were all arranged, and I received
Lis directions to that end. During the progress of the
work, I bad some hundreds of interviews with him,
during which be dictated the matter now presented
to the reader in this volume. It was his custom to
read carefully every chapter as it appeared in " The
Spirit of the Times," and he gave a few directions for
emendations. These have been strictly followed. His
memory was marvellous, not only of events, but of
the little details connected with them; and he had such
a graphic way of describing matters and things, that
his hearers and his readers were carried to the scene
and time, and virtually made spectators of the things
themselves. He was utterly intolerant of quackery in
any shape; and his readers may rely upon it that the
only way to develop the gifts and capabilities of the
trotting-horse is to employ those elements which
HIRAM WOODRUFF brought to the composition of this
work, -judgment, conscientious painstaking to be
right, and much perseverance.

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EDITOR'S PREFACE.   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .  .   . w
HIRAM WOODRUFF.     .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .  n
BxoCRAs  ICAiL SKETCH OF TE ATHo.       .   .   .   .   .  .    nib


Reason for writing the Book.-Necessiky for Practical Experience In Train-
   ing. -- The Author's Experience. - Improvement in Tracks and Vehicles.
   -Causes of Improvement in Time.-Originality of the American Bys
   tem. - Its great Superiority to the English System. -Rules as to Break-
   ing from the Trot.                                            37


Handling of the Colt. - The Trot a Natural Gait. - Great Speed the Result
   of Long Handling. - Method for the Colt. - Moderation best in Feeding.
   -Early Maturity followed by Early Decay. -The Trotter should last
   Many Years.-Feeding of Weanlings.-No Physic unless the Colt is
   Sick.-Feeding of the Yearling.-The Starving System worse than
   High Feeding.                                                 44

Feeding of the Two-Year-Old.- Mouthing and Bitting. - Lounging, -Tem-
   per.-Leading on the Road.-Much Walking to be avoided.-When
   harnossed, a Wagon better than a Sulky. -Amount of Work to depend
   on Constitution and Condition. - Remnedy for Broken Gait. - Pulling to
   be avoided. - Increase of Feed.. 51


Eftects of Early Development. - Colts often overworked. - Fast Three-Year-
   Olds and Four-Year.Olds. - Risk of hurting Stamina. - Earlier Maturity
   of ltunnlng-]Lorses. - Evils of overtraining Colts -.           6

Actual Training of the Three-Year-Old. -No Physic and no Sweat at sir;
   -Danger of "Overmaiking." -Stroug Peed of Oats and ILay. - Bran-



   Ndashes.-Rubbing the Legs.-Full Supply of Water.-Management
   before and in the Ltace.-Strains likely to stand Early Trainlng.-The
   Abdalbah.   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .  .   .   .   .


Characteristics of the Star.-Of the Bashaws.-The Clays.-The Tru1 -
   tees.-Natural Trotters in England.-Of Trotters that paced.-To
   make Pacers trot.. . . . . . . . . . . .Ti


Horses that pace and trot too.-Not to be trusted on the Course.-Trotters
   that amble off in a Pace when first out of the Stable.-Speed, and its
   Relation to Stoutness. -The Gray Mare Peerless. -Styles of Going. -
   Gait of Flora Temple and Ethan Allen. - Bush Messenger's Get. - Ver.
   mont Hambletonlan's Get. - Influence of Messenger. - Hobbling in
   Jogging..   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .  .   .   .   . 82


Treatment the Winter before Training. -Frozen and Slippery Roads Bad.
   -Fattening up, an Evll.-The Feed in Winter.-Trcatment In com-
   plete Let-up. - Clothing. - The Feet.-" Freezing out," Mischievous. -
   Horses that need Blistering. - Food and Treatment. - Stabling all Win-
   ter.-Treatment and Exercise.-Constitution to be kept in View.-
   Shedding-Time.- Walking Exercise.-Jogging.-No Fast Work at
   First. -No Physic commonly required..   .   .  .   .   .   . g0

Feed while Jogging.-Brushing in the Work.-Length of the Brush.-
   Advance of Condition to be noted .-The Feed .-The First Trial.-Of
   the Sweats.-Feed and Clothing afterwards.-Tight Bandaging bad. . 99


Work after the Sweat. - Trial after the Sweat. - Preparation for the Trial.
   -Amount of Work. -No Arbitrary Rule possible. -The Mile-Trial.-
   Of Condition, Game, and Bottom.-Work after the First Race. -Prep.
   aration for Three-mile Heats.-Much Slow Work reduces Speed.-
   Time of Three-mile Preparation. - Of the Trials. -Work after the
   Final Trial.                                                10


Stout Horses stand a strong Preparation. -State of the Legs to be watched.
   -Idlewild and Lady Palmer.-No Device a Substitute for Work.-
   Tvn-mile Preparation.-A Steady Rating Capacity wanted.-The Prep-
   aration to be Long.-The Feed to be Strong.-Effects of the Work to
   hp watched. -The Trials.-Management of the Race.-The Races of
   Kentucky Prince and Hero the Pacer.                         113



erly Reminiscences. - - My First Race. - My Second.- Lady Kate against
    Time. - Paul Pry against Timae.-The Riders of 'Thirty Years ago.-
    Requisites of a Good Rider.-Drilling Horses.- Lady Sefton  .  . I1

hlessenger's Son, Topgallant. - His Wonderful Endurance. - My Uncle,
    George Woodruff..-Topgallant's Race when Twenty-two Years Old. -
    His Race when Twenty-four Years Old.-Three-mile Heats.-HIs Race
    of Three-mile Heats the next Week..   .   .   .   .   .   .   . 1z

The Indian Horse Lylee.-Runjeet Singb's Passion for Horses-The Bat-
   tles fought for Lylee. - Description of him. - Lady Blanche. -Awful.-
   His Race with Screwdriver. - - Blanche, Snowdrop, and Beppo. - Death
   of Blanche.-Ajax and Oneida Chief. -Their Road-Race to Sleighs.-
   Brown Rattler.   .  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .  . 135

The Trotter Dutchman. - Description of him. - Pedigree doubtful. - Dutch-
   man and Locomotive.-Dutchman and Yankee Doodle.-Dutchman,
   Fanny Pullen, and Confidence.-Dutchman and Lady Slipper.-Dutch-
   man, Lady Warrenton, Teamboat, and Norman Leslie. - Dutchman and
   Greenwich Maid.-Dutchman and Washington.-Dutchman, Lady Suf-
   folk, and Rattler. -Description of Lady Suffolk and Rattler.  .  . 142

Dutchman and Lady Suffolk. - Dutchman, Lady Suffolk, fount Holly, and
   Harry Bluff. -Dutchman and Awful. - Dutchman against Time, Three
   Miles.-The Race and Incidents.  .   .   .   .   .   .   .  . 149

Dutchman and Washington.-Dutchman, Washington, and the Ice Pony.-
   Washingtoi.'s best Mark. -Dutchman and Rifle. -Dutchman, Amerd-
   cus, and Lady Suffolk. - A Great Race in a Great Storm. - Dutchman,
   Oneida Chief, and Lady Suffolk. - Dutchman's Last Race. - His Death. 5M

Other Performances of Dutchman. -Application of Facts to Principles.-
   Dutchman's Steady Improvement.-Endurance of Trotters and Run-
   ning-Horses compared..  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .  . 163

The Story of Ripton. - Description of him. - Rip'on and Mount Holly. -
   Ripton and Kate Kearney. - Peter Whblan and George Youngs. - Rip-
   ton and Don Juan. -Necessity of Work and Practice. - Ripton, Dutch-
   man, Confidence, and Spangle. - lLipton, Duchess, and Quaker. - upton
   and Revenge.- ipton and Lady Suffolk. -A Fast. Close Race. .  . '2


 Bipton, Brandywine, and Don Juan.-Ripton an! Quaker.-Ripton and
    Spangle.- HIpton, Lady Suffolk, and Washington. -Ripton and Confi-
    dence.- Ripton and Anmericus. - Ripton's Performances in 1842 recaplt-
    ulated. - Conclusion enforced. - Time wanted for Maturity. - Eipton
    required much Work. .    .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   . 17i


Rlpton's Three Matches with Americus.-Ripton In Mud.-Ripton in Snow.
   - Sleighing on the Harlem Road.- Ripton and Confidence.-Owner's
   Instructions. -An Old Horse to be kept Warm between Heats.a-Match
   with Bay Boston. .   .                                        1. .   .   .   .   .   .   .   . 1N


Rlpton and Lady Sutton.-Lady Sutton and Lady Moscow.-Deatb of
   Lady Moscow..-Her Burial-place.- Her Produce.- Horses she trotted
   against. - Ripton and Lady Suffolk.- Ripton, Sorrel Ned, and Snake.
   -Ripton and Jersey.-Ripton's Last Race.  .   .   .   .   .   . 192

Ability to pull Weight considered.-Form best calculated for it.-Mere
   Bulk useless.-Long Striders seldom Weigjht-pullers.- Kemble Jack-
   son.-Description of him.-Kemble Jackson and Washington.-Kem.
   ble Jackson and the Nelson Colt. - Kemble Jackson and Black Harry.-
   Kemble Jackson, O'Blenls, Lady Brooks, and Pelham. - Kemblo Jack-
   son, Mountain Maid, and Flash. -The Kemble Jackson Check. - Kem-
   ble Jackson, O'Blenis, Pet, Iola, Boston Girl, and Honest John.  .  . 199

O'Blenis against the Field.-Immense Attendance at the Race.- Expecta-
   tions that Kemble would break.-His Great Victory.- His Early Death.
   - Weight-pulling Marea. - Lady Palmer. - Peerless. - California Dam-
   sel. -English Theory about Trotting- Weight.. .   .   .   .   . 20


Tbe Gray Mare Lady Suffolk. - Her Pedigree. - Place of Breeding. -Sale
   to David Bryan.-Descriptlon of Lady Suffolk.-Her Performances.-
   More than Fifteen Years on the Course. - Trotted 138 Races and won 88
   Times. -Suffolk and Sam Patch.-Suffolk and Black Hlawk.-Suffolk
   and the Virginia Mare. - Suffolk and Rtattler. - Suffolk, Dutchman, and
   BRattler.-Suffolk and Awful.-Suffolk, Napoleon, Cato, and Ion.-
   Suffolk, Dutchman, and Rattler again.-Suffolk and Dutchmall.  .  . 211


tegardlng Early Maturity.- Lady Suffolk and Apollo. - Lady Suffolk and
   Dutchman. - Suffolk and Onto. - Suffolk, Lady Victory, and Lafayette.
   - Suffolk, Henry Celeste, and Cato. - Suffolk and Don Juan. - Suffolk



   and Ellen Jewett. - Suffolk aLd Independence. - Suffolk and Dutchman.
   -Buffolk, Celeste, and Napoleon. - Suffolk against Time. - Suffolk
   against Bonaparte.-Suffolk and Aaron Burr.                     218


Suffolk, Confidence, and Washington. - Suffolk, Confidence, and Aaron
   Burr.- Suffolk, Awful, and Aaron Burr.-Suffolk and Ripton..-Suf
   folk and Oneida Chief the Pacer. -Suffolk and Americus, Five-mile
   Heats.-Suffolk, Ripton, and Confidence.-Suffolk and Rifle, vs. Hard-
   ware and Apology. -Long Tails and Docking. - Suffolk and Ripton. -
   Suffolk, Beppo, and Independence.-Suffolk, Beppo, and Oneida Chief.
   -Suffolk, Armericus, Ripton, Washington, and Pizarro.-Suffolk J. C.
   Calhoun, and Fairy Queen..   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   . 225


Buffolk, Brown Columbus, and Americus. -More Races with Americus. -
   Suffolk and Duchess.-Suffolk and Moscow.-Suffolk, Moscow, and
   Amcricus.-Suffolk and James K. Polk the Pacer.- Suffolk and H1c-
   tor.- Suflolk at Saratoga.- Suffolk and Rloanoke the Pacer.- Suffolk
   and Lady Sutton.-Suffolk and Itipton, between Christmas Day and
   New Year's.-Suffolk, Lady Sutton, and Lady Moscow.- Moscow's
   son, Privateer.-Suffolk, Sutton, and Americus.-Suffolk and James
   K. Polk. -Suffolk lamed at Saratoga. .   .   .   .   .   .    . 233


Suffolk aud Lady Moscow.-Suffolk, Mac, Gray Eagle, and Gray Trouble.--
   Suffolk and Pelham.- SuffolL, Pelham, and Jack lossiter.-Lady Suf-
   folk, Lady Sutton, and Pelham. - Suffolk, Trustee, and Pelham. - Breed-
   ing of Trustee.-Description of Trustee.-Suffolk and Long-imland
   Black Hawk.-Dcscription of Black Hawk.- Death of Trustee.  .  , 240


Lady Suffolk in 1850,1851,1852, 1853.-Her Retirement and Death.-The
   Story of Flora Temple.-Opening Chapter of her History, by Georve
   Wilkes.    , .       .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .    .   . 247


Capacity of Small Horses to pull Weight. - Flora Temple and Centreville. -
   Flora and Black Douglas.-Flora and Young Dutchnman.-Flora and
   Lady Brooks. - Flora and Highland Maid. - Breeding of Highland
   Maid. - Description of her. - Her itaces with Flora.           268


Flora Temple and Tacony.-Descriptlon of Tacony.-Flora, G "een-oun-
   tain Maid, and Lady Vernon. - Descriptiin of Green-Mountain Maid. -
   Flora and Rhode Islaud. - Flora goes to New Orleans, comes back, aid
   Is purchased by Mr. Pettee.- Flora andMae.-Flora and Jack Waters.


   -Flora and Sontag.-Flora's Match Twenty Miles to Wagon.-Flors
   and Know-Nothing.-DescridLon of Know-Nothing, afterwards Lancet.
   -Flora and Lady Franklin.-Flora and Chicago Jack.-Flora, Frank
   Forrester, Chicago Jack, and Miller's Damsel.. .   .   .   .   . 2U


The Time-Test. - Saddle-H11orses. - Riders of Trotters. - Mace, Murphy,
   and Dole. - Flora and Lancet. - Trusting to Trials. - Flora and Ta-
   cony.-Flora distances him In 2m. 241.s. - The True Explanation of
   that Heat.-Caution to Young Drivers. .   .   .   .  .    .   . 2T4


Flora and Lancet. -The Morgan Horses. -Ethan Allen. -Ills Breeding. -
   His Produce.-Flora and Ethan Allen.-Flora's Winter-Quarters.-
   Flora and Rose of Washington. - Want of Condition sure to beat any
   thing.-,Value of a Race In Public to produce Condition.  .  .   . 281


Introduction of Hippodroming. -Flora, Lancet, Miller's Damsel, and Red-
   bird.-Flora and Brown Dick.-Flora purebased by Mr. McDonald.-
   Hippodroming again.-Flora and Prince.-Flora and Ike Cook.-Flora
   and lkeindeer. -The coming Horses, Princess and George M. Patchen. . 288

Flora Temple and Ethan Allen.-Flora and Princess.-Descrlption of Prin-
   cess.- Her Driver, James Eoff.-His Artful Strategy and Inveterate
   Humbug.-Princess beats Flora Two-mile Heats.-Flora wins, Mile-
   Heats Three In Five. -The Best Previous Time beaten in all the Heats. 203

Flora Tutnple and Princess again. -Flora wins Two-Mile Heats. -They go
   Hippodroming.- Flora trots In 2m. 21'8., with Ike Cook, at Cincinnati.
   - Her Performance at Kalamazoo.-2m. 193s..   .   .   .   .   . 303

Flora Temple and George Mi. Patchen. - Description of Patchen. - ils
   Pedigree. - Patchen's Early Performnances. - Dan Mace as a Driver and
   Itider.-Flora and Ethan Allen--Flora and Patchen again.-The best
   Race ever made by Flora, and the best a Stallion ever made. .  .  . 309

Flora Temple and Patchen, Two-mile Heats. -Flora and Patchen at Phila-
   delphia. -Outside Interference.. .  .    .  .    .   .  .   . 310

Flora Temple and Patchen again.-A dishonored Cbeck.-Appeal to aid
   DecIsion of tho Judges.-Flora and Brown Dick.-Flora and Ethan
   Allen.-Flzna a. dPathbeu again.-Flora against Dutchman's Time. ,3


lIloa . remple and George M. Patchen on a To.ur.-Flora and Widow Ma-
    chree.-Description of WVidow Macbree. -Flora and Princess again.-
    Flora and John Morgan. - Breeding of John Morgan. - Description of
    him..    .   .   .   .   .  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   . 3as


Flora Temple and John Morgan.-The Fastest Two-mile Race that bad
   been trotted.-Remarks upon the Race.-The Three-mile-heat Race.
   -Flora against Ethan Allen and a Ltunning-Mate. -Flora before Gen.
   Grant.-The Widow Macbree..                                   335

The King of the Trotters, Dexter.-Description and breeding of him.-HEis
   Purchase by Mr. George Alley.-llis History prior to his coming to me.
   -His First and Second Trials.-Dexter's First Race. -He beats Stone-
   wall Jackson, Lady Collins, and Gen. Grant. -Dexter and Doty's Mare.
   -Dexter, Shark, and Lady Shannon.-Dexter, Shark, and Ilamrble-
   tonian.-Dexter hits himself, and is drawn.-Evil of much Scoring.-
   Dexter's Trial in November, 2m. 23  .   .   .   .   .   .   . 341

Dexter's Three-mile Heats Match with Stonewall Jackson of Hartford. -
   Description of Stonewall.-Dexter arid Gen. Butler.-Dexter and Lady
   Thorn. - Description of Lady Thorn. - The Three-Mile-Heat Race under
   Saddle. -Dexter and Gen. Butler under Saddle. -Dexter, Butler, and
   George Wilkes.-Dexter against Time, to beat 2m. 19a.  .   .   . 358

Dexter and Butler to Wagons, Mile lleats.-Two-Mile Heats to Wagons.-
   The Best ever made. - Remarks upon the Race. - Dexter at Astoria. -
   Eoff and George M. Patehen, Jun. -Dexter offered for Sale.-Dexter
   and George M. Patcben, Jun.-Eoff's Strategy.                 3S

Dexter sold to George Trussel.-Dexter, Gen. Butler, and Commodore
   Vanderbilt.-Dexter goes to Budd Doble.-Dexter and George Mi.
   Patchen at Pbiladelphia .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   . 372

Dexter, Gen. Butler, and Toronto Chief under Saddle.-Dexter and George
   M. Patehen, Jun.,atAvon Springs.-The Track Short.-ShortTrack no
   Record.-Dexter, Patchen, Jun., and Rolla Golddust at Buffialo.-Dex-
   ter and Butler under Saddles. - Dexter trots in 2m. l8s. - Dexter,
   Patchen, Jun., and Butler, at Cleveland.-Dexter and Patchen, Jun., at
   D)etroilt -Dexter and Patchen, Jun., at Chicago. -Dexter and Butler



   under Saddle.-Dcxtcr and Patchen at Milwaukee.-Same at A Irlan,
   Toledo, Kalamazoo, and Wheeling. -Dexter and Magoogler the Pacer
   at Pittsburg..   .   .   .   .   .   .   .    .   .   .   .   . 373

Dexter, Polly Ann the Pacer, and Pateben, Jun., at Philadelphia.-D'ater,
   Silas Rich, and Patchen, Jun., at Baltimore.-Dexter under Saddle
   against Time. - Dexter and Silas Rich at Washington. - Dexter's Per-
   formances that Year considered. - Integrity and Capacity of Budd
   Doble.-No Reason to believe that Dexter then reached his best.-His
   Fine Points.-Dexter compared to Peerless.-The Auburn Horse. -
   Grand Combination of Qualities in Dexter.  .    .   .     .   . ON


On Driving.- Difficulty of laying down Rules. -Importance of a Sensitive
   Mouth. -The Bit proper for a Colt. -Much Use of " bitting " Apparatus
   mischievous--The Bits in cold Weather to be warmed before Use.-A
   light, fine Hand required. -Pulling to be avoided. -Gentleness and
   Firmness. - The Horse to be harnessed so as to be at ease. - Dead Pull
   an Evil. - Proper Position of the Driver. -The Shift of the Bit. -How
   to hold the Reins.-Severe Bits bad..                           1


Of Breaking In Trotting. - A Gaining Break. - Snatching to be avoided. -
   How to catch the Horne to his Trot. -Nature of the catching-pull.-
   The Horse to to be steadied when he has caught. -A Break sometimes
   Desirable.-How to bring it about. -Confidence of the Horse in his
   Driver.-Sagacity of Horses.-To prevent a Break.-Sign   of one
   coming.  .   .   .   .   .   .   .    .   .   .   .   .   .   . a
       X.  .   .   .    .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   . a



IT has been remarked by philosophers, that the progress of the
   human race is to be traced more distinctly in the individual his-
tory of its great men, than by any other process known to the human
observation. It has even been held by some writers, and among
them by Napoleon the Third, that the most familiar method by
which Providence confers his greatest benefits upon mankind is in
the raising up of favored men at certain periods, who, being imbued
with the new principles which are to advance the fortunes of their
era, are enabled "1 to stamp the age with the seal of their genius,
and to accomplish in a few years the labor of many centuries."
If this agreeable theory is correct, the humble trainer and driver
who departed this life at Jamaica Plains, Long Island, on the
morning of the 15th of March, 1867, may fairly rank among
the great men of his period, and be frankly awarded a full share
of the honors which are due to those who have been benefactors
to their country. We measure genius, not merely by a man's social
status, but by " the empire of his ideas," the results which they
enforce, and the benefits which inure through them to the world.
To bring this principle to its test tbr the purposes of our themne, we
find that there are but two nations of the earth which possess a rawo
of animals known as the trottin-horse. One of these nations is
Russia; the other, the United States. In the first-named country,
we find an animal proceeding from the Arabian fountain, fused, it
is said, upon the Flanders stock, which is called the Orlof trotter;
but this breed, though bending the knee when striding, and though
having in other respects the trotting action, is considered by good
judges as being only half-developed. In this country, on the other
hand, we have " a, paragon of animals," which is already the wonder




of the world; and which, from the familiar, affectionate, and
almost universal use made of him on this continent, and from the
growing demand which is made for himn in other countries, has
already become an American commercial product, of vast impor-
tance and proportions.  It is certain that this animal is an
American production; as much so, in fact, as the thorough-bred
horse, which disdainfully gives weight at Goodwood and Ascot to
the purer descendants of his Arabian ancestry,,is a creation of the
English breeding-stable and the English racecourse. And it is
also certain, that the development of the American trotter to ia
present marvellous pre-eminence over all other breeds of horses
used for harness and road purposes is more due to Hiram Wood-
ruff than to any, if not than to all other men who ever lived.
Those who know the history of trotting in this country, and who
recall to mind the average speed of the fast harness-horse when
Hiram identified himself with its advancement, will not hesitate
to say, that he doubled the value of the original element on which
he worked, and, at the end of a few years, gave a great animal to
the country, in place of what had been only a good animal before.
  It is recognized by those who are versed in the origin and char-
acteristics of the American trotter, that the highest type of that
invaluable breed descends from the English thorough-bred horse
Messenger, which was imported into this country in the latter part
of the last century. Indeed, so widely is this fact acknowledged,
that breeders of experience, in view of the excellence of which he
was the founder, and of the vast extent of the interest which has
proceeded from his loins, have been heard to declare, that, whey
that old gray came charging down the gang-plank of the ship
which brought him over, the value of not less than one hundred
millions of dollars struck our soil. If that be true, the man who
developed Messenger's value through his progeny can hardly be
regarded as less than a genius, as well as a public benefactor. It
cannot be doubted, therefore, that HIRAM WOODRUFF was the
man of his period for the development of the interest with which
he identified himself; and in proportion to the importance of that
interest will his merits be valued by posterity. In all the future
of our particular turf-history, his figure will loom up to the contem-
plation of its followers, as the sole great man who had been nror
Educed, in connection with that interest, down to the day of his ye-


  But HIRAM WOODRUFF brought something more to his vocation
than a mere intuitive perception of the new principles by which
the trotter was to be improved. le brought a generous, cheerful,
kindly nature; and his fa ulties were insensibly buoyed and sus-
tained by that invariable accompaniment of true genius, - a good
heaxt. He had, moreover, one of those happy dispositions of
mixed simplicity and candor, which commands at once the confi-
dence of men, and which, when its influences are applied to the
secondary animals, fascinates and subjects them completely to the
owner's will. There is nothingr which recognizes the subtle in-
stincts of affection so quickly, and which knows them so unmis-
takably, as a horse; and much of HIRAM'S facility of communica-
ting his purpose to the animal he rode or drove or trained pro-
ceeded from his power of making it love him. Like RAREY, his
doctrine was kindness; and, when he walked through his stables,
the undoubted accord which he had established with its glossy in-
mates was at once evinced bv the low whinnies of welcome which
would greet his kindly presence as he went fiom stall to stall.
'They knew him for the friend who mixed among them, almost as
if he were an equal, and who never ceased to talk to them as if
they were his equals when he took them out for their exercise, or
even when he encouraged them during the strife of the arena.
What would they not do for that man' which he could make them
understand and how could they fail to know his wish, when, in-
spiring them with his chirrup, and shaking the bit in their mouths,
he," lifted " them, as it were, and sent them whirling, with an unknown
velocity along the course Perhaps Flora Temple was the most
remarkable instance of the great horseman's conquest over animal
affection during his career. She loved him with an unmistakable
cordiality; and when he and she were engaged in some of their
most notable struggles, the man and horse seemed to be but parts
of the same creature, animated by the fury of a common purpose.
Many drivers have been heard to wonder how it was that HIRAML
obtained such a mysterious mastery over his horses on all occa-
sions; but the secret was, that he gained their confidence through
their affections; and, after that, every thing was easy. The reason
why women so easily fascinate a horse is because of the tenderness
of their approach; and, so far as gentleness went, ILIRAM Woo n-
RUFF had the nature of a woman.
  Commanding the horse, therefore, to the absolute extent he did,



there is no reason for wonder that he made Its steed understand
himself, as well a