xt79s46h4883 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79s46h4883/data/mets.xml Kentucky Negro Education Association Kentucky Kentucky Negro Education Association 1931 The most complete set of originals are at Kentucky State University Library. Call Number 370.62 K4198k journals  English Kentucky Negro Educational Association: Louisville, Kentucky  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Negro Educational Association Journal African Americans -- Education -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Negro Educational Association (K.N.E.A.) Journal v.1 n.3, February, 1931 text The Kentucky Negro Educational Association (K.N.E.A.) Journal v.1 n.3, February, 1931 1931 1931 2020 true xt79s46h4883 section xt79s46h4883  






W14” *3 $715?







Volume 1

February, 1931

Number 5


The M ago-Underwood School


One of Our New Rosenwald Buildings




‘An Equal Educational Opportunity for Every Kentucky Child”

'I llllllillllll|||Illllllll|||l||l|||l|Ill|lllllllIIll|Illlllll||||IllIIIHIIIIlllllllll|||ll|l||l|ll|ll|ll'|=.


, K-E-N-T-U-C-K-Y C-E-N-T—R—A-L
Life and Accident
Insurance Company




Over One MilIian Three Hundrad Thousand Dnllm Paid To
Pnlicylmlden .nd Beneficiaries in 1929
128,351 Weakly Indunnity Claim: for , $1,016,855.43
2,600 Death Ind Diunemberment Claimt . 307,499.07
128,351 Weekly Indemnity CIiiml fair . .,.$l,016,855.42

Over Ten Million DnIIan Paid tn Paiicyholden 1nd Beneficiaries
Since Organization







Banker’s Trust Building

District Offlca in all principal Cities of Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio,
West Virginia, Pennsylvania and Michigan








luuisville Municipal
College for Negroes

New and Complete Equipment in

Well Trained Faculty Members
Standard College Courses
Regular College Requirements for Admission


Registration Days:
February 9th-10th

Rufus E. Clement, A. M., B. D., Pl]. D.
Seventh .nd Kent-dry 5mm

Louisville, Kentucky



 The K. N. E A. Journal

Official Organ of the Kentucky Negro Educational Association
Volume I February, 1931 Number 3

Published by the Kentucky Negro Educational Association
Editorial office at 2513 Magazine Street
Louisville, Kentucky

Atwood S. Wilson, Executive Secretary, Louisville, Managing Editor
W. H. Humphrey, Maysville, President of K. N. E. A.

Bonn! of Direflm—l
W. S. Blanhuu, Frankfort

J. L. Bean. Versailles
F. A. Taylor, Louisville

S. Li Barker, Owensbm-o

Published Bimonthly during the school year: October, December,

February and April
Membership in the K. N. E. A. (One Dollar) includes subscription to
Rates for Advertising space mailed on request
Present Circulation: 1500 copies . . . 1930 K. N. E. A. Membership 1270




Editorial Comment . .2
Abraham Lincoln 2

Funds Aiding Our
Our Rosenwald Buildings
Transportation Facts (By L. i
How To Get Aid From the J. R. F.
Colored High Schools, Rating of 19
Do You Know These Things‘I...

School Building Day Projects and Pro 11
Webster County and Rosenwald City High Schoo
The Problem of Guidance in Education (By Marguerite Parks)
K. N. E. A. Kullings._
General Announcements .
Kentucky Faces the Problem of Training Colored Teachers

By R. B. Atwood
High Lights From the White House Conference of Child Health
and Protection. (By Mary May Wyman)

Athletics in Kentnck
Charles S. Morris, A 1 . .
The Colored Schools of Lexmgton,
The Dunbar High School of Lexington (cu ).


1- . .




Editorial Comment


Each teacher whu wishes to attend the annual K. N. E. A. meeting
in Louisville, April 15 to 18, 1931, should secure from the Secretary a
railroad idenificafion certificate in order that she might get the usual
rates. Tickets are to be sold April 13, 14, 15, inclusive, with final
limit April 19. Tickets will be validated by the regular ticket agents
of the Louisville Terminal Lines oven which such tickets read before
return journey is commenced. Please note that reduced rates cannot
be secured without an identification certificate designed for the 55th

Annual Session of the K. N. E. A.


Because of the fact that teachers who enroll in the K. N. E. A.
are receiving the K. N. E‘ A. Journal without additional cost, at
present, the 1931 K. N. E. A. dollar has a much larger purchasing
power. Under he circumstances, no teacher should fail to enroll at a
very early date.

When you cooperate 'with the K N. E. A. through your annual en-
rollment you make it possible for an organization of Negro teachers to
exist in Kentucky. The problems of Negro children require the com-
bined strength of all the teachers, thereby making a strong organiza-
tion indispensable. Thus, every teacher should feel that the payment
of the annual dollar to the K. N. E. A. treasurer is a proffessiomfl ob-



The valious departments of the K. N. E. A. will have meetings on
Thursday afternoon, April 16 and Friday morning, April 17. By hav-
Ing sectional meetings in the afternoon it is felt that every teacher will
have an opportunity to amend the department of her choice. An ef-
fort Will also be mac‘e to have on each of the sectional programs an
outstanding educator who might be considered as a spenialisrt in the
' rticular field. The department sessions should- prove directly bell!"
ficial to every classroom teacher, one of the chief objectives of them
being that of increased skill in the various phases of classroom pro-

: erdure.


Often the new teacher does not see- clearly sufficient reasons for
mmlling in the K. N, E. A. Again, the oldol- teacher who has been
rousistenuy emailing in the 1:. N. E. A. grows lax in the matter with
1's apparent thought of the results. In order am: both use new and the


 old teacher should feel strongly an obligation to enroll, five reason:
are set forth uhnwing why every teacher should be a member of thn
Kentucky Negro Educational Assauiafion:

1. It is an organization in which teachers join in a unified efiofl:
to grow pmfcssionally.

2 The organization expnesm the ideals of the teacher in a dEEi‘
nits concrete manner.

3‘ The Kentucky Negro Educational Association is pledged to use
its efforts to increase public inmut in summit of the education of tin .
Negro child. '

4. The Association {publishes the K. N. E A. Journal, a Iii-monthly )
magazine devoted tn matters yertaining to the education of Negro)
youth. 1: contains articles mama-ed by some of the best educators in

the country.
5. The Kentucky Negro Educational Association is pledged to,

the interests of teachers and children in rural communities, and‘ seeks
to secure educational opmrtunities for the child who lives in the must
remnte community. If you are interested in these objectives, you are
invited to become u member, and to use your influence in securing
other members.



Elsewhere in this Journal is found a picture of one of our Rosen-
wald schools The building referred to is located at Providence, Ken-
tucky and is typical of the Rusenwald school buildings which are rapid-
1y being builft throughout Kentucky, replacing the dilapidated structures
which fumetly housed our boys and girls. The school at Providence
is a ten—mom building, steam heated, and eletz'ic lighted. The school
is now an accredited high school‘ with seven teachers, including the
grade teachexsi There is also connected with the school ylant, a, beau-
tiful cottage, which serves as the principal’s héme. ' ‘

The principal of this school is W. 0. Nuckolls, who has labored
in this community a number of years. He is a graduate of the Ken-
tucky State Industrial College and afterward studied at Hampton
Institute, Tennessee State College, and the University of Cincinnati,
recently graduating from the latter instituiion with a B. S. degflec in
education Prof. Nuckolls is president uf the Second Congressional
Teachers Association and is one of Kentucky‘s progremve Negra edu-
cators other Rusenwuld school buildings are mentioned: in this pub-
lication and other principals are meeting the requirements for making
their high school accredited, but the Webster County and Rosenwald
city high school at Providence, along with its progressive principal,
deserves special mention.


One of the most intelligent announcements appearing lately is
the one made by the noted Horace Mann School of New York Ciy to
disregard the so-called “intel‘igence tests." “I. Q," tests—signifying

 “intelligence quotients” are now very new. They reached their full
flower and leaf when the army was being assembled. And so several
hundred thousands of young Americans have met them and have some
opinion of what they are all about.

In the Horace Mann School it has been decided to discontinue
the practice of dividing eluldren into the slow, the normal and the ad-
Vanced typm. Although this school is connected with Teachexs’ COL
legs of Columbia University and the emphasis on the psychological
featurw of education has been in vogue for many years at this institu-
tion, the school had discontinued the intelligenee quotient.

First of all fine instructors declare the test measures only a mall
segment of the brain. And, second, on this unfair classification there
grow up intellectual snobbery, bad competition among anthers, undue
prmre among parents and other undesirable by—producm.

Rather, it is emphasized, that if a boy is not goodl at. one subject
he is likely to be an adept at something else. It is the province of the
school to remedy defects and to supply the needed inst-rucfion.

All of which is a great relief on many of us who have been sun-

pecting these mental yudatlcks
—An editorlzl from the Louisville Herald-Post.


Mr. L. N. Taylor, Kentucky Rural School Agent, is vitally interest-
ed in Negro education. He is a hearty supporter of the program of
the K. N. E. A. He endorses the K. N. E. A. Journal. You will find
evidence of this cooperation when you read the splendid suggestion:
he outlines in this publication.


Erected 1393

H. V. McChesney, Pres, C. Coy Wells, Sec’y
Mrs. J. L. Oliver L. F. Johnson ’1'. P. Roger:
R. S. Howell Mrs. F. D. Clark F. J. Sutterlln


 Abraham Lincoln


1. What was President Lincoln‘s
greatest service to the govern-
ment. Ans. He kept the United
Slates from being divided
into separable countries, as Eu-
rope is.

2. What was Mr. Lincoln’s great
est humanitarian service? Ans.
Ha freed the people fmm the
distress of slavery.

8. To whom did he give ireedom?
Ans. He gave the blessings of
freedom to three million people
then in slavery and to many
millions of their descendants.

Was he trying to befriend In.
ta serve us? Ans. Yes. as truly
as those then living.

Who is greatest in the kingdom
of heaven? Ans. He who serves
Why do we come to school?
Ans We are free from slavery,
but we must learn the lessons
of scholarship and be free from
ignorance, we must learn the
lessons of health and be free
from disease, and we must
learn the lessons of love and
be free from selfishness. Ig-
noranae, disease and selfish-
ness are as bad as" slavery.

 Funds Aiding Our Colored Schools

1 The Julius Ronnwald Fund
1. For construction of school


a. Schoolhouses,

1). Vocational buildings
(shops), $300 to $1,600
c. Teacherages (homes),
$450 to $1,375

For transportation of pupils
a. Purchase of buses, $300
1:. Operation of buses, and
ed three years, 1—2, 1.8,
and 1-4

For school libraries

a. Elementary, one-third
cost and the freight

b. High school, oneathird
cost and the freight


$400 to

For vocational
a Home economics
lJ. Shun.
5. For term extension
[I The John F. Slater Fund

1. For county training schools
a. For salaries
in. For equipment

2. For high schools not county
training schools
a. For salaries


b. For equipment
m In Ann. 1'. Jeane: Found.-

1. For salaries of supervising
teachers in counties {having
ten or more colored schools

2. For salary of a county su.
pervisor who serves all the
schools, both white and col—

IV The General Education Board
This foundation aids state
administration of the other
funds and promotes higher

NOTE: These funds are re‘
ferred to as aiding. They are used
in cooperation with public school
funds, and are paid out by the
public school authorities.

QUESTIONS: Is it to be ex-
pected or desired that philan-
thropic funds should continue per-
manently to be used especially for
colored schools, and than. there
should be permanently a state
agent for colored schools, or a spe.
cial supervisor for colored schools?
01' is it to be expected and desired
that theme special services give way
as fast as the colored schools are
taken fully into the general pro~
gram of administration and super-
vision along with the other
schools? Is it not desirable that
county training schools graduate
into fully accrediated high schools,
that Jeanes supervision graduate
into fully accredited high schools,
that Jeanes supervision graduate
into a standard democratic super-
vision service, and that state od-
mlnistration of colored schools
gradually merge into a general
program of administration that oh-
serves no color line? Can these
funds work to a better end than
to remove the need for them?

 Our Rosenwald Buildings

This year's program will break
all cut former records.


Yea: Bldgs. Rooms Aid
1915.20 .., s1 s2 0 16,700
1920-21 1 . . 12 28 9,800
192122 . . . 11 29 9,100
1922-28 . . . 20 26 11,200
192324 . . . 16 30 9,140
1924.25 . . 1 6 0 2,400
1926—26 7 21 5,900
192627 18 5,800
192728 7 1,600
1928-29 40 9,475
1929-30 57 87,000
may to Dec. . 6 32 13,700












Totals . . .152 376 $181,815
T'c'hages . 2 1,800

Counties Reteiving $2,400

or More

‘County Bldgs. Ems. Aid
Adair . 1 , .. . 5 8 $ 2,400
Boyle . . . 1 . 1 7 2,775
Brecidnridge . 3 6 2,600
Galloway . . . 2 7 3,000
Christian . . 6 10 3,400
Fayette . . s .16 4,900
Franklin . S 24 4,340
Fulton 5 10 3,100
Graves 4 12 3,500
Green . 6 6 2,900
Hardin .. . 8 9 2,460
Jeffersan . . . . 7 22 5,900
Jassamine . 1 6 3,900
Knox . . . 1 6 2,600
Logan . . 9 18 5,100
Madison 1 4 12 8,250
Mason . . 3 20 26,600
Montgomery . . . 2 16 4,200
Muhlenberg .. . 8 18 5,150
Scott .. . 7 ’1 2,600
Shelby 1 . 6 6 2,800
Welsgter . . 3 9 2,700


Totals22 Co. .90 250 $100,185

CounIiEI Receiving Le“















Than $2,400
County 131ng. Rms. Aid
Allen...1.....1 11$ 500
Ballard . 4 5 1,350
Bath . 3 7 1,800
Bell . 1 . . . 1 8 500
Bourbon 1 3 5 1,800
Breathitt . . l 2 800
Carroll 1 2 700
Clark . . . . 3 4 1,100
Crittende'n . 1 . 1 I 1 400
Daviess . . 2 2 800
Fleming . 1 5 1,400
Floyd 1 2 700
Gallatin . . . . . . 1 1 400
Garrard 2 3 1,200 _
Grant . 1 1 400
Greenup . 1 1 200
Harlan 1 4 800
Harrison . 1 1 400
Hart 1’ 1 400
Henderson 1 4 500
Henry . 8 6 1,500
Laurel . .1 l 8 1,000
Lawrence 1 1 400
Lincoln . . 1 4 200
McCracken . . .1 4 4 1,2C3
Mercer . 2 8 1,300
Nelson 1 6 1,500
Ohio 1 2 700
Oldham . . 1 8 1,000
Owen . . . 1 1 400
Perry 2 5 1,450
Powell . . 2 2 800
Taylor . . 1 4 200
Union . 1 1 2 750
Warren . . 8 4 1,300
Washington . . . 2 5 1,600
Wayne . . . . . . 2 4 1,200
Woodlord . . 2 2 800


Totals 88 Co. .62 126 $ 33,450
Glob, 60 00.162 276 $133,615


School busm were used in fifty counties They hauled 14,487 chil‘
dren to school at an average cost of $19.50 per child. These fifteen
counties transported more than any others:




County Pupils Cost Cost Per Pupil
Mason .1,821 $32,776 $18.00
Fayette , . . 1,294 25,199 19,47
Warren 1,080 15,410 14,27
Jefferson 913 27,601 30,23
Daviess . . 789 242382 30.90
Henderson 766 16,383 21.39
Woedford V 692 12,915 18.55
Grant 552 14,915 27,08
Harri ') 538 8,403 15,62
Bour‘ on 463 5,025 10‘85
Franklin 406 4,505 11.09
Bnone 355 6,720 13,93
Ballard 1 . 350 5,234 14,95
Muhleizberg A . . . . . 303 8,685 12.00

. 225 5,522 24.54

Boyle ‘
More than thlrteen thousand of these are white children, but some

of them are colored in every county of this list except Henderson and





County Pupils Buses Routes Miles Run
Hauled Daily
Bourbon . . . 80 2 2 48
Boyle 1 l 20
' Breckinrldge . 2 2 58
Clark 1 . . . 2 2 53
T laviess 4 4 153
Fayette . 3 5 110
Harrison 1 2 2 44
Jefferson 3 3 95
Knox . . . . 2 3 54
Lincoln . 1 2 60
Mason . . 1 1 GS
Muhleuberg . 1 2 34
Wayne . . 1 2 80
Waodford . 6 6 156
Totals, 14 Counties . .883 81 37 1,038

A number of nther counties are transporting children without aid,
bringing the total of colored children now being transported to above
one thousand. Knox and Wayne built new schools this year and
bought buses, bringing all the colored children together to consalidated
schools and started high schoals. Other caunties will be doin this.
:Untortunately, some parents object to their children having I: 9 ad-
Vantage of transgirtation to large consolidated schools and thus delay

the progress of air own people. 8

 How to Get Aid From the J. R. F.

Do not build a school house or
buy a library and then ask for aid.
First write to L. N. Taylor, State
Denanment of Education, Frank
fort, Kentucky, and get informa-
tion as to how to proceed. This
applies to aid for all purposes, in-
cluding the purchase or oneration
of 3 school bus. There is a form
of application to be signed by the
city or county superintendent, for
the Fund aids public school eu-
thorities, not private individuals.

With the aid 50f the world's
best architects, the Fund has
worked out a number of school
building plans. These are given
freely for construction of schools
for either white or colored chil.
dren, though aid on construction is
given only for colored schools. If
some other building plan is used,
the plan must be sent with the
application for aid. After the
application is approved the house
my be built with full assurance
that the money will he sent as
soon as the building is finished
according to the plan. The old
will not be promised unless there
Ls a satisfactory school ground of
as much as two acres,

Mr. Rosenwald believes in large
sohools, in consolidation of rural
schools with transportation of
children to school. So after the
first of next July he will not give
aid on any building designed for
less than a three-teacher school.
The Fund will aid on school build-
ings and on the purchase of school
buses and on the operation of
buses. It aids for three years on

a bus route. But it mint be a good
bus and it must haul children to
a good school of at least three

The Fund will aid in the pur~
chase of libraries for colored
schools, large or small. A library
is a necessity in any ldnd of a
school. There are elementary 1i.
braries for elementary schools and
high school libraries for high
schools. The books have been se.
looted by the world’s best library
authorities. The first library aid—
ed when bought in large numbers
costs $120. The Fund gives $40
of this amount and pays the
freight, leaving $80 to be paid
by the school and its friends and
the board of education. Generally
the board pays $40 and the school
$40, but some boards pay $80.
Sometimes two schools join to~
gather to get a library and divide
it. That is all right for (little

One or more libraries have been
aided in the following counties
last year and this, several in some
of the counties: Adair, Allen. Bell,
Breckinridge, Bourbon, Boyle,
Caldwell, Galloway, Clark, Carroll,
Crittenden, Franklin, Hardin, Ha:-
lan, Harrison, Henderson, Henry,
Hopkins, Jessamine, Logan, Mc<
Cracken, Madison, Mason, Mont~
gomery, Muhlenberg', N e l s o n,

' Owen, Perry, Scott, Shelby, Todd,

Tries, Wayne, Webster and
Woodford. If your school has no
library, take my advice and get

L. N. T.

 Colored High Schools, Rating of 1929—30

(A complete list of unedited and approved high schools)

Countq School and Control
Bourbon . .. ...Paris, Cy.




Boyle . .Danville, Cy.
Christian . .Hopkinsville, Cy.
Clark . .Winohester, Cy.
Daviess . .Owensboro, Cy,
Fayette l . v . . . . . . .Lexington, Cy.
Fayette .Douglass, Co.
Franklin . .K. S. 1. 0., State
Graves . . .Mayfleld, Cy.
Henderson .Henderson, Cy
Hopkins . .Earlington, Cy.
Jefferson .Louisville, Cy.
Jefferson .Catholic, Church
Jefferson .Simmnns, Church
Kenton .. .Covingbon, Cy.
Madison .Richmoml, Cy.
Mchcken .Padncah, Cy,
McCracke'n lWl K. I. (7., State
Scott . ,Georgebown. Cy.
Shelby ..Lincoln Inst” Private
Warren . .Bowling Green, Cy.
Webster . , . . . . . . . . .Providence, Cy.


Graduates from accredited schools may enter accredited colleges
wlthout examination if their (z'anscripts cover the required credits.

County School and Contra]
Bell Middles’horo, Cy.





Bourbon .. ithle Rock, Co,
Breckinridge . Hardinsburg, Co.
Caldwell . Princeton, Cy.
Fleming Flemingsburg, Co.
Franklin Frankfort, Cy.
Hardin . Elizabethbown, Cy.
Harlan Lynch, Dist.
Hawkins . . .Madisonville, Cy.
Laurel l . . . . . .London, Col
Logan ..... . .Russellville, Cy.
Mercer . . . . . . . . . Harrodsburg. CY-
Montgomery . .. .. .Mont. County, Ca.






Montgomery lMt, Sterling, Cy.
Muhlenberg Central City, Co.
Muhlenherg Grenville, (‘4.
Nelson . .Bardstown, Cy.
Pulaski .. .Somerset, Cy.
’llrigg .Cadiz, Co.
Woodfard . .Vez-sailles, Cy.

Accredibed high schools and colleges may accept transcrlpts from
four-year approved “mam-edited sdhools for not more than three
years, twelve units.

.. .l.Cc-1umbia (2.year), Col
. Scattsville (2-year) , Cy.
.strencehurg (2-year), Cy.


Adair ........


Anderson .

Barren . lGlasgow (2-year), Co.
Boyd l. .Ashland (8-year), Cy.
Galloway . .Mum‘ay (2»year), Cy‘
Fulton . .Ilick'man (2—year), Cyl
Garrard . Lancaster (2~year), Co.
Harlan .. ”Harlan (2»year), Cy.


.Cynthians. (3—year), Cy.
Corydon (2-year), Co.
. . . . . . .Eminence (2-Year), 00.

Henderson .






Henry ..

Jassamine Nicholasville (swear), Cy.
Lincoln Stanford (2-year), Cy.
Logan .. .Adairville (24year), Co.
Marion . . . .Lebanon (2vyeau‘), 0?.
Mason . . .. .Maysville (3Ayear), Cy.
Meade Brandenburg (2-year), Co.
Nicholas Carlisle (2_~year), Co,
Ohio . . . . . . Beaver Dam (2-year), Co.
Oldham . LaGrange (2-year), CD.
Owen New Liberty (2-year), Co.

Shelbyville ( 2—year) , Cy.


Simpson Franklin (swear), Cy.
Todd . . . . . . . Elkton (3-year), Co.
Washington .. ..Snringfield (aiyear), Co.


Accredited high schools and colleges may accept transcripts from
part-course approved high schools for not more than three yam
(12 units) from those approved for three years and for not more
than two years (8 units) from those approved for two yeam.


 Do You Know

1. 'Ihe proportion of colored
population in the United

States has reduced since 1800
from over 20 per cent to Mr
der 1|] per cent.

2. The number of colored chil-
dren in school age in Ken-
tucky is reducing.

8. We now have only 58,000,
which is only 3.4 {per cent of
the $90,000 White and colored.
Fifty per cent of the colored
children live in cities, while
only 30 per cent of the white
children live in cities.

5. Christian county has a larger
proportion of colored school
census than any other county,
and Lexington 21 larger pro
portion than any other city.


6. The term of school is gener-
ally longer in the cities than
in rural communities.

The school term for colored
children averages eight months
and two weeks, because more
than half of these children are
in cities and counties having
nine or ten months of school.


8‘. We have 1,450 teachers in
our schools.
9. They are paid salaries of more
than $1,200,000.
10. That is nu average of almost
$830 a year, more than $97.50
a month.
11. More of our teachers are be.
coming college graduates.


These Things?

12. New teachers employed in
high schools ought to he sen-
ior college graduates.

New teachers employed in

elementary schools omht to

have two years of college.


14. Last term we had twenty-two
Accredited high schools, nine~
teen ‘cf them being public

15. Five more high schools have
been accredited already this

16. These five are at Frankfort,
Nicholasville, Mt. Sterling,
Lynch, and Greenville.


17. One thousand children are be-

ing transported to colored

schools in Kentucky.

They are carried in forty cars

traveling twelve hundred miles

every day.

As more consolidated schools

are built more children will

be transported- to school.


20. Only two other states have as
many school libraries aided by
the J. R, F. as Kentucky has.

21. There are eighty of these li-
braries in fifty counties.

22. We still have seventy counties
that do not have such libra.

23. J. R. F. means Julius Rosen-
wald Fund.




 Building Day Project.

For the Building Day pmgrum
to nine definite improvement.
This improvement should be some-
thing for which the school. and its
friends will work together. Some
suggested improvement- as listed
below, and one of them or some
other definite need of your school
should be selected. Don’t be afraid
od n his project, for people love
to do big worth—while things. The
first of these projects was sug-
gested by Mr. S. L. Smith, Direc-
tor of the Julius Rosenwald Fund.
Select at the meeting the improve.
ment project to be done, and up-
polnt committee: that will work
for results. If your project re-
quires cooperation of the hoard
of education, appoint a committee
to get that cooperation. Try
some students on that con»
mlttee. They ere interested, and
Ira generally effective The
te 8. ch e r or principal should
thoughtfully consider in advance
the project to be selected, and who
should present it to the meeting.


1. Painting the schoolhouse, in-
side and outside.

2. Needed repair of building or

3. Making needed walks and

4. Beautifying the grounds with
trees, shrubs, lawn, hedges,
walks, parking space. Ind
play we.

6. Purchasing oddifionnl ground
or ground for a new bufldinz,

6. An elementary lihrnry (wlfll
dd from th e Ralenwultl

'7. A high school library (with

8. Pictures for the Ichool, includ-
ing large flamed picture of

Mr. Rosenwaldb (3.00).
9. A blackboard mounted with
chalk trough.
10. A fuel house
the sohool room.
11. Equipping a home economic!
room or a shop room (with old).

12. Building a home economics
room or o shop (with lid).

13. A consolidated school and
transportation (with old).
14. A new school bus (with aid).
15. A new school building (with


Note:—For aid on sided pro-
jects write to me before making
any purchases or contracts. Very
liberal aid is given on libraries,
anhool buses, transportation,
home economics equimnIent, shop
equipment, and on consolidated
school buildings. L. N. T.

convenient to


 Suggested Program School Building Day

Thursday Afternoon. Febm-Py 12, .13.


1. Meeting called to order by
prjncipal or teacher.
2. A song. .
8. Statement by the teacher of
, . the purposes, of the meeting.
4. Lincoln—u talk by a selected
citizen or superintendent. ,.
5. Lincolanuestions and un-
swexs by a this: (see page 5).
6. Special music by appointed
. students.
7. Funds aiding our schools
. (page 6-)
8. Our Rnsenwald, Buildings
(page '7)
9. Transportation and libraries
(pages 8 and 9).
10. A patriotic song by the
11. Another class recites (page
12. Music.

Schooi improvement projects
proposed (page 13).

'14. A project is seleeted.

16. Committeei are nppbinted.

16. Music.
17. Adjournment.

Suggestion: I: die teacher:

1. Vary from this pmgmm us

, you think desirable.

2. Get a gum! attendance of

' patrons.

3. Begin your program on time,
and lose no time

4. Item 5 may carry on like a
regular class, selected attic
dents answering the qnea.

5. Item 11 is similar, the fin.
sways only being given “on
page 12.

6. Plan your mmgrnm in detail
well in advance, and train the
participating students to per-
form like artists.


No Kentucky Teacher Should Fail to Enroll

To A. S. WILSON, Secretary

2518 Magazine Street, Lauixville, Ky.






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 Webster County Training
Rosenwald City High School



w. o. Numb, Principu


This is one of the typical Rosenwald Schools being erected in val-Ions
places in the State, throng): the caopetatio'n of colored citizens with
the lacs! school boards.

This is the third of a series of school buildings recently constructed for
Colored Youth by Kentucky Boards of Education.


 The Problem of Guidance in Education

By Marguerite Park:
Central High School, Louisville.

One of the newer trends in edu-
cation i s the guidance movement.
We hear a great deal of guidance
programs, school counselors, per-
sonnel records, individual differ-
ences in students, reorganization
of curricula to meet these differ-
ences, etc. It is time we were
weighing and considering the
value of this new trend in educa-
tion and finding out how a pro-
gram of guidance will function
beat for the Colored youth of

It is said that Goethe, a great
German poet and philosopher
laid down three axioms as a test
for the Value of all undertakings.
They are these: What does’ it
propose doing? Is it worth do-
ing“! Has it been done well? I
can think of no better test for any
educational program than these
three questions satisfactorily an-
swered. Inasmuch as a satisfac-
tury anwer to all three of the
questions would take us far be-
yond the limits of this article. we
shall attempt to answer only the
first question—What does Guid-
ance propose doing?

In the first place, the term
Guidance includes Both vocational
and educational ' guidance. Dr.
John M. Brewer. of Harvard, de-
fines guidance as “Helping the
child to help himself.” It is im-
possible to separate vocational
,and educational guidance into two
units for they are so closely relafp
ed that a consideration or either
necesslhtee I study of the other.
The ideal of guidance is wholly.


lost when it is interpreted to mean
the direction or forcing of youth
into certain narrow vocational
channels. There is no sciencetthe
mastery of which will qualify any
person to pass arbitrary judg-
ment upon which youth shall he-
come artisans and which shall
become professional men, etc. The
term guidance then will include
vocational and educational guid-
ance and in addition those aspects
of health and social guidance
which pertain to education.

A study has been made recently
(February, 1930) to determine
what purposes of guidance are re-
garded as most important by High
School principals. Questionnaires
were sent to two hundred and sev-
enty-seven high schools scattered
throughou: tho I nitcd States and
the rank. assigned the various
purposes of guidance were found
to be as follows:

Rank I—Discovery and develop-
ment of the interest, attitudes,
ideals, and aptitudes, of students.

Rank II—Selecfion of suitable
curricular and extra curricular
experiences in high school.

Rank III—Adap