xt79s46h480d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79s46h480d/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2004-09-13 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 13, 2004 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 13, 2004 2004 2004-09-13 2020 true xt79s46h480d section xt79s46h480d Monday

September 13. 2004

newsroom: 257-1915

First issue tree Subsequent issues 25 cents.


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Celebrating 33 years of independence


(.399! N {13:31 3‘13):

Visitors discover
eerie reminder
at Ground Zero

By Rebecca Neal

IHE xtntucxv KENIEL

NEW YORK ,, They came from around the
world. some clutching American flags. others with
handfuls of photographs and tissues. to lean
against a fence and stare into a seven-story hole.

This is not just any hole. nor is this just any
other day This is Sept. 11. 2004. and the location is
the World Trade Center site Ground Zero.

The tragedy. the depth of human loss and suf-
fering is heart-wrenching to watch on television.
Magnify that by a thousand to have the feelings of
observing the anniversary on the site. standing on
the now-hallowed ground where three years ago
people ran for their lives through sooty air and life
or death decisions were made in seconds.

The tall steel fence surrounding the site has be-
come a memorial for the final resting place for
2.749 people. But don‘t think of those who died as
numbers - remember them as people.

“It is because FF (firefighter) John Hefferman
pulled me out of a burning building I am alive to.
day. Thank You Jennie. "

This survivor left a bouquet of rainbow-colored
carnations wedged in the fence just below a plaque
bearing Hefferman's name. His name is on the
plaque as one of 343 firefighters
killed in the towers.

New York City EMT Terry
Callendrillo came to Ground
Zero at 5 am. to pay tribute to
his fallen comrades. Wrestling a
banner listing the names of all
the victims superimposed over
the words “never forget. " he said
New Yorkers will never escape
the horror that originated on
this hallowed ground.

“These people were our
brothers. fathers. uncles and
neighbors." he said. "For us in
New York City. we live the re-
minder every day."

But words on a card tucked in the corner of the
fence offer mourners like (Jallendrillo a bit of come

"Let us always remember never to forget lore.
hope and peace. "

Mourners could find this at the historic St.
Paul's (Thapel across the street from the site, The
church. which survived the falling steel and glass.
was the center of relief efforts for those working at
the site for about eight months. The Rev. James
(‘ooper stepped out into the church's graveyard.
facing the seven-story hole. and rang a bell at each
historic minute.





He rang the bell to times each of those minutes:
thousands bowed their heads in silence. respect
and shared suffering.

Firefighter Ramiro Zapata of Austin. ’I‘exas.
wiped away tears as he hugged his sevenmonth old
son. Roberto Emiliano Zapata.

“Many men who died here never saw their chil-
dren." he said. “It's so hard to be here. but it makes
us stronger against terror"

Zapata has come to the site every year. he said.
to spend time with New York firefighters and find
comfort in tragedy

Many of the families of those killed in the tow-
ers find comfort in returning to the site. For most.
it is all they have left of their loved ones, The
falling of the towers made a traditional funeral im-
possible. Now they place their flowers and notes on
the fence. not a tombstone.

"There is no greater family than the lore of a
united American family. "

The families have not been completely receptive
to the city‘s plans to develop the site. The earth is
being moved for a new skyscraper the Til-story
Freedom Tower which will be completed in 2009.
A 2(i-ton granite cornerstone now rests at Ground

Green space and a memorial are planned for
the site. but many families are upset to see it used
for commercial development.

For them. this sevenstory hole is a cemetery

See NTC on page 2



KENNEL cowumsr





take at
dip at
Park Pool
Page 8

President Bush talks
Iraq, economy, Kerry
in campaign speech

By Adam Sichito
nit xrntucxv min

HUNTINGTON. W.Va. —~ Presi-
dent Bush emerged from the back-
stage curtains at the Big Sandy Su-
perstore Arena Friday to a standing-
room-only crowd's cheering. clapping
and stomping feet.

When the ovation ended. Bush
referenced the many green and white
pompoms that were more prevalent
than red. white and blue flags.

“By the sound of things. it sounds
like a herd is thundering." Bush
said. drawing another round of
cheers from the 10.000-person crowd
for his allusion to nearby Marshall
University’s mascot. the Thundering


Bush reiterated his “compassion-
ate. conservative philosophy" at the
event and reinforced many of the
themes that provide the base of his
political platform.

Before Bush took the podium.
Sen. Zell Miller. D-Ga.. gave an intro
ductory speech.

“I wish my party had the same
will to win as this president does."
Miller said.

“George W Bush is a Republican
that we Democrats can proudly sup-
port." he concluded. before giving
way to Bush.

Speaking in a state that he car-
ried in the 2000 election. Bush talked
about the connection between job
creation and higher education.

“People must have the training in
order to take these jobs we're creat-
ing." he said. “By raising perfor-


An energetic President Bush supporter waves a sign at Bush's campaign stop in Huntington, W.Va., Friday.
About 10,000 people came out for the event. He then traveled north to three Ohio cities the same day.

Two military students

back President Bush
for different reasons

By Adam Sichko
nit xrntucxv KENNEL

References to Sept. II and
the war on terror filled the
latter half of President
Bush's campaign speech Fri-
day. piquing the interest of
at least two college military
personnel in the crowd

While Marshall Universi-
ty students (‘harles Ruppert
and Pam l‘arlock both at»
tended Bush‘s speech and
are both Iiush supporters.
the two expressed different
opinions on the war on ter-
ror. a central issue to Bush's

Ruppert. a freshman in
Marshall's Army ROTC pro-
gram. spent about half of
the speech sitting down with
his hands folded in his lap.
occasionally taking off his
camouflage Army hat to rub
his shaved head.

But once Bush shifted the
topic of his speech to Iraq.
Afghanistan and other Mid-
dle East issues. the 17-year-
old Ruppert stood up and in-
tently focused on what Bush
had to say.

“His speeches are a lot
different in person." Ruppert

“On TV. he just scents

like any other guy. but here
you can see that he's excited.
He‘s genuinely happy to be

But just because Ruppert
belongs to ROTC doesn't
mean he agrees with all the
decisions Bush has made
over the course of the war
on terror.

"It just seems like we
should be out of there by
now." Ruppert said, "We've
got Saddam Hussein:
Afghanistan has changed.

"We shouldn't leave our
guys out there to sweat when
we don't need to.

“We got there quick; we
should leave just as quick."
he said,

Ruppert turns 18 in ()cto-
her. and despite those senti»
ments. he said he'll cast his
vote for Bush in November.

“Although he's sent lots
of troops over there. he defi
nitely has good intentions."
Ruppert said.

“He hasn't let us down

Those same intentions
and results are what l’ar~
lock. a member of the Army
National Guard at Marshall.
points to as reasons for her
support for Bush.

"I'd much rather be de-

mance in high schools. and by ex-

See Bush on page 2


President Bush puts his arm around Sen. Zell Miller, D-Ga., at a Huntington.

W.Va., campaign stop Friday.

ployed under liush than to
be deployed or not deployed
under Kerry.” I’arlock said.
referring to Democratic
presidential candidate Sen
John Kerry

“Iraq is necessary. and
it‘s a very noble cause." said
Parlock. who voted for Bush
in 2000.

Parlock described Bush's
speech as “very powerful"
and said Bush's honesty
along with his stance on the
job market particularly
resonate with her

“Kerry makes these
promises. but I don‘t buy any
of it.

“They‘re a bunch of emp-
ty promises. actually." the
political science senior said.

“Bush has lots of positive
outlooks for the future. I'm
about ready to head out into
the real world. and I think
I'll have better jobs and bet—
ter opportunities with Bush
leading the nation."

aszchkou kykernelcom

Graduation contract guarantees diploma in four years

By Cara Blevms
mt KENTUCKY unset

Students will no longer
have to guess what classes
they should take if they
want to graduate on time.

UK is now offering a
contract to freshmen that
guarantees graduation in
four years will not be de
Iayed by the unavailability
of classes. if they follow a
prescribed curriculum,

If a prescribed class is
not available. UK will pay
the tuition and fees associ-
ated with the class. and the
student will take it in a fu-

ture semester

Many freshmen are ex
cited about the three-year
pilot program.

“I think it's very benefi-
cial that you can get out in
four years." said unde-
clared freshman Julie
Stevens. “Students can
have a more focused route"

Mike Robinson. an un-
declared freshman. is in fa
vor of the program.

“It's class insurance."
Robinson said. “It sounds
like it‘s going to be a nice
program for students who
are focused on their ma-

Victor Hazard. vice
president of student af-
fairs. said that the agree-
ment is aimed at retention.

“The agreement allows
the student to focus ahead
of time on what classes will
be available." Hazard said
“It keeps the cost down for
the student. saving them
fmm paying for extra hours
or possibly extra years."

The idea came in 2002.
per the request of a group
of UK students. The con-
tract is based off the Uni-
versity of Iowa's program.
where about 70 percent of
students participate.

The agreement was for-
mally announced Friday

“I'm excited about it."
said Richard Greissman.
assistant provost for pro
gram support. “The plan
established mutual expecta-
tions. which is a good

“We want to expand
this deliberately but cau-

If a student follows the
contract‘s courses. UK
promises to provide a cur-
riculum map to make sure
there are enough open sec-
tions of requined classes

Currently. there are 14

majors participating in the
program. which does come
with some stipulations.

Students assume re
sponsibility for making
sure they are following the
curriculum map. If a sched~
uling conflict arises. stu-
dents must meet with their

Also. the program only
applies to primary majors.
not secondary majors or

The deadline to sign a
graduation contract is May

6. 2005.




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 PMZ | Monday Sept. 13. 2004

Continued from page]

It is sacred.

Sacred as well are the hun-
dreds of thousands of tons of
twisted. molten metal and debris
hauled away from the site. Mitch of
the refuse was dumped at the
Fresh Kills landfill on Staten ls~
land. the world's largest landfill.

A poster on the fence protests
the tampering with the contents of
this sacred ground.

"My daddy isn 't garbage. "

It is a slogan written in child»
like script. asking people to call
the government and demand that
the World Trade (‘enter debris be
properly disposed of The poster is
sponsored by W’l‘t‘ Families for a
Proper Burial

Steps away. a man in a leather
bikerjacket. silver hair in a pony


Continued from page I

panding l’lilil. grants for low and
middle-income families. we will
help more Americans start their
careers with a college diploma "

He kept his focus on domestic
issues while he advocated his en
ergy policy. which he said would
create more jobs and make the
l'S. less dependent on foreign
sources of energy

“That means using coal
clean coal technology to make
sure people can find work." Bush
said. a statement cheered by a
crowd in the nation's leading coai

The preadent then ransi
tioned into the internation i2
phase of his speech by shining :
foreign light oil the tree marke
l’.S economy

”The l“ s' pollH is to leU‘l lliv
playing field lien use .-\Illt‘l li‘.2".s

tail. glanced at the plea. turned to
the hole in the ground and
brushed at the tears streaming
down his checks.

The proportion of the size of

the hole is immense. (‘alled a "su-
perblock." it is about a half-mile
long and a half~niile wide, The hole
is so deep the bottom is barely vis-
ible. it is a vast open space in a sea
of development in the nation‘s fi»
naiicial hub

Surrounding the site are the
shells of three builditigs blown out
in the events three years ago. One
building. 7 World Trade Center.
once an office building. is now a
”story steel skeleton. It was re-
duced to rubble late Sept. ll. 2001.
but is now slowly being recon-
structed. Two other buildings on
the other side of the superblock
were almost destroyed. All the
glass shattered oitt of one build-
ing. while part of a neighboring
stone building was crushed under
the fall of the towers.

can compete with anybody. any»
where. anytime. so long as the
rules are fair,” he said.

The president followed up that
comment with a vow to remain
resolute in the war on terror.

"lf America show's uncertain-
ty and weakness during this
decade. the world will drift to-
ward tragedy.” he said

“i believe millions in the Mid-
the East plead silently for their
freedom.” Bush said "We will
help (the new leaders) head down
the road to democracy

“Freedom is powerful. isn‘t
n” he later concluded. to anoth-
er round of applause

lliscnssion of the war on terr
rt it‘ also gave Bush a chance to at
nick his opponent

When talking about his $87
billion measure to help fund
.\lil6'l'lt‘£lll troops. Bush reminded
lis‘eni-rs of the now famous state-
:ni-n'. made by Sen John Kerry in
Huntington "1 actually did vote
to? ‘lie $87 billion before l voted

.iv'll‘Al ii

The anniversary commemora
tions will soon be winding down.
and the World Trade (‘enter will
become deserted at night once
again. For the past few nights. the
Tower of Lights has mirrored
where the towers once stood in
majestic glory Two pillars of pure
light are beamed upward. soaring
through layers of clouds. rising
front Earth like a ghost reaching
toward heaven.

Down in the hole. a solemn
choir sang the national anthem
The chilling words filled the air
with somber harmonies. the sound
echoing off the remaining sky-

"()h say. does that star-Spangled
banner yet ware.

“()‘er the [and of the free. and
the home of the brace. "


Rebecca Neal is a journalism and politi-
cal science senior.
E-mail rneal®kykernel.com.

“Sen. Kerry now has more dif-
ferent positions on the war on
terror than all his colleagues in
the Senate combined." Bush said.

On the day before the third
anniversary of the Sept. 11 ter-
rorist attacks. Bush reassured the
crowd that he has not forgotten
that day.

“I wake up every morning
every morning thinking about
how to better protect our coun-
try." he said.

Bush ended his roughly 45-
minute speech with another call
to his supporters to help him win
reelection this November.

“Four years ago. when l trav-
eled this great country asking for
your votes. i made a pledge to my
fellow Americans that. if you
gave me a chance to serve. I
would uphold the honors and dig-
nity of the office to which l had
been elected.” he said.

"With your help. with your
hard work. l will do the same
again for four more years!"

E-mail asichko u l-cykcrnelcom

Visit www.kykernel.com
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:u‘ t\

.1 .







SEPT. 15


McConnell lands $9 million for UK

US. Sen. Mitch Mct‘onnell announced ’l‘hursday he has secured
over $9 million for l'K's‘ (‘ollege of Agriculture.

"Scientists and students at t'K are shaping the future of Kentucky
agriculture and this funding will help them continue their vital re
search." said Mci‘onnell. a Republican.

The $9.24 million for UK includes Sit million for the construction of
an Agriculture Research Service lab. almost another $1 million for
llK's Health Education Extension Leadership program. and 3800.000
for Kentucky farmers to explore new crop opportunities.

The funding for l'K is a part of a bill from the Senate Agriculture
Appropriations subcommittee. of which Mct‘onnell is a member. If
passed by both the Senate Appropriations (‘ommittee and then the full
Senate. the money will come in the 300:3 fiscal year.

Assistant provost named

llK appointed l)on Witt to an assistant provost for enrollment man-
agement position Friday.

Witt has been at [K for two decades. serving in various institution»
al roles. He began his career as a recruiter with the Office of Admis-
sion. before later becoming university registrar. Witt left his post as di-
rector of admission and registrar to take the new assistant provost po-

Provost Mike Nietzel said Witt will serve under l’hilipp Kraemer.
associate provost for undergraduate education. Witt will take addition-
al leadership responsibilities to help the enrollment process better
serve UK students.

Arab TV Reporter Dies Near Battle Site

A US. helicopter attack in Baghdad. lraq. Sunday morning killed
at least 37. including a television journalist whose death was captured
on videotape.

Mazen al-Tumeizi. a 26-year-old reporter for the Arab-language TV
station Al Arabiya. died from injuries sustained when the US. beli-
copter fired on a disabled Bradley Armored Vehicle.

The vehicle exploded behind Tumeizi as he was filming a live re-
port of the battle.

Footage broadcast on Al Arabiya shows ’l‘umeizi standing about 20
feet in front of the burning armored vehicle with a crowd in the back-
ground milling around the wreckage.

As the American vehicle is engulfed in smoke by the explosion.
Tumeizi appears to double over and wince. He is then heard shouting.
“I'm going to die" as the cameraman scrambles for cover

It's unclear from the footage whether the explosion was caused by a
rocket fired by a US. helicopter something Baghdad residents claim
and the US. military denies.

Tumeizi is the third Al Arabiya employee killed in Baghdad this
year. In March. a journalist and a cameraman were shot by [PS troops
at a Baghdad checkpoint.

The US. military said the deaths were accidental and expressed re-
gret for the incident

Compiled from staff and wire reports.

Today isolated thunderstorms, high 82, low 62
Tuesday Sunny, high 81, low 62
Wednesday Mostly sunny, high 82, low 64


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Sept. 13. 2004

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Fear, prejudice of Islam since Sept. ll
still pose problems three years later

By Robin Wright

WASHINGTON ~ Psychologists say
the most intense period of mourning
lasts three years.

Since Sept. 11. 2001. Americans have
indeed passed through several stages of
grief. from disbelief to anger to a de~
gree of acceptance.

Yet. there's still a gnawing fear in
our bellies that prevents full recovery.

It‘s a fear that extends. i believe.
well beyond Osama bin Laden and the
prospects of another attack. and cen-
ters instead on our relationship with Is»
lam itself.

Once familiar to most Americans
mainly from seventh grade social stud-
ies. Islam has now become synonymous
in the minds of many with the biggest
post-Cold War threat.

Even as we struggle to understand
it. we're afraid of it. And because of
that fear. we‘re drawing a Green (‘ur-
tain around the Muslim world. creat ing
an enduring divide.

Figuring out Islam‘s role in the 21st
century is an existential challenge. but
one many of us are emotionally unpre
pared to face. We pretend that we‘re not
prejudiced. that we understand that
most Muslims don‘t support the horrif-
ic bloodshed of bin Ladenism.

Yet we still view 1.2 billion Muslim
people spread throughout 53 countries
as a threatening monolith. As long as
we make that mistake. America and its
allies won't feel safe. no matter how
many billions of dollars are poured
into security precautions.

Aside from the vital mission of
tracking down bin Ladenists. military
muscle is not always an effective in-
strument for moving forward. Nor are
tepid diplomatic initiatives aimed at
coaxing authoritarian governments
into adopting change at a pace and in a
manner that they control

There's another strategy that's
gaining favor among Mideast experts
Bring Islamic movements and groups
into the political process. (live Islamist
parties new political space wide
open space — to absorb passions and
sap anger.

That means accepting. even eat
bracing. the idea that Islam is not tin
problem. but the way out of a political
predicament that has been building
quietly for decades.

It means not only supporting nav
tionalists. liberals and nascent democ-
rats already on our side in the quest to
transform the Middle East but also enr
couraging Islamists and their parties to

Basically. it means differentiating
between Islamists and Jihadists. and ac
cepting anyone willing to work within
a system to change it rather than work
from outside to destroy it

Mideast scholars say it‘s too late tr
do anything less.

The alternative is alienating even
more Muslims by excluding them And
alienation from closed pt)llllt a1 .sys
tems and corrupt economies is what
originally drove many Muslims to seek
refuge in their mosques

Including Islamists in government
is an uncomfortable idea for those ol
us in secular societies

It summons up haunting images of
Iranian clerics and American hostages.
oppressed women and antiquated laws
That's why for years. US governments
have accepted Algeria‘s military. which
voided free elections won by Islamic
parties. and Hosni Mubarak‘s suppres
sion of Egypt's Muslim groups

That‘s shortsighted because perpet
uating the status quo will be worse

Now that Islamists have moved from
the fringe to the center of political ac-
tivity. a trend that has accelerated since
the I'.S. invasion of Iraq. they can no
longer be excluded.

We have to think outside the prism
of the war on terrorism.

"Evert as it wages a resolute cani~
paign against international terrorism.
America should not believe that it is
engaged in a fight to the finish with
radical Islam." Robert Hutchings.
chairman of the National intelligence
Council. wrote iii a recent issue of For-
eign Policy magazine.

()ne of the hopeful signs on the
third anniversary of 9 II is the way
Americans are emerging from their
grief to discuss a tnore creative course
for the future arid to tiiore effectively
answer the lingering question: What
can America do"

A growing number of voices on
both the right and the left have been
etnboldened to shape proposals in a
broader context.

The I'nited States has tipped its hat
to political change with initiatives to
promote democracy As President Bush
said in a June speech in Istanbul. “De
ntocratic societies should welcome. not
fear. the participation of the faithful."

Yet iii practice. the United States
still veers away from Islamists.

In Iraq. which Washington seeks to
turn into a model for the region. UN.
and I'.S envoys deliberately picked
politicians mainly frotn secular parties
to assume power after the formal end of
the L'Sgled occupation

Despite strong support in opinion
polls. Islaniis‘t parties were tiiarginal-

Analysts now predict they'll make a
comeback in next year's elections and
the United States would be wise not to
try to prevent it

The same applies to the wider Is
lainic world. which constitutes 18 per-
cent of the world‘s people

In the race to capture the imagina
tion of the \ast. alienated middle. hard
line groups need to be operating under
the same legal umbrella as more mod
erate groups or they will try to lure
the faithful through other means

'l‘ransitic-ns away from authoritari
an regimes may be transsier and more
volatile than political transtorniations
elsewhere over the past quarter centu-

The premise behind the new ideas
is that activists inspired or protected
by religion have stood in for Jailed or
exiled secular opposition figures in
llllllly sot‘li'ilt‘s

"Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to
God." Beniainin Franklin once said.
And more recently. liberation theolo~
:ians II Latin America. Jewish re-
fuscniks in the Soviet I'nion. South
Atrica‘s Anglican Ari libishop
Desmond Tutu and (‘atholic priests in
Poland and the Philippines have played
IllHllill roles iti poli'ical Il'.’lll\‘li)l‘lllll

Attempts to control the pace of
change or choose the participants Ill
the political process cotild invite an
even deeper backlash than we face now

America cannot want loss for Mus
iini countries than it wants for the rest
of the world And Muslims must not
tool they are bystanders

Based on conversations with
Mideast experts. it appears that in the
meantime. the l'iiitcd States could do
three things First. hold a genuine two
way dialogue

For all the hand w ringing about
ending hiltt‘i'tis. that essential element
is missing

In a speech at the I'S Institute of

Peace last tiiontli. national security ad
viser (‘ondoleezza Rice said that the
I'nited States must do itiore with the Is
lamic world to dispel “destructno
myths" about America and to support
“voices of moderation."

The most striking thitig about the
speech was that she gave it to an Amer
ican audience '

Asked why no senior I'S official
had given a similar speech in any of
the five largest Muslim countries iii the
three years since Sept. 11. she replied.
“That's a good question. Maybe we

Dialogue must not just engage peo-
ple listed in the local IKS. embassy's
Rolodex. We need to listen to the bad
guys too to understand where the fis-
sures and opportunities might be.

“Even the hard-core jihadis are hav-
itig big debates about who exactly the
enemy is and about their tactics."
said Princeton University Mideast ex—
pert Michael Doran. who gets up early
each morning to research Islamist and
jihadi Web sites.

When I'S. contractor Patti Johnson
was beheaded in Saudi Arabia "some
said it was wrong. ()thers said. 'Our vi-
olence makes us look bad.‘ ()ne of the
most important ideologues. Abu
Baseer. a cleric who was an Afghan ji-
hadist. said ‘Westerners in our society
have protection.‘

"The radicals countered
apostate state Saudi Arabia can't
grant immunity. But Baseer said.
‘That‘s not right. we haven‘t thrown
traditions out.‘ Three years after Sept.
11 the debate among them is totally

A second course of I'.S.
would be to use economic tools.

Several Muslim countries. includ
itig Algeria. Lebanon. Saudi Arabia.
Yemen. Libya. Iran and Iraq. are seek
mg iiiettibership in the World Trade (ir-
ganization. The I'nited States could use
WTl) membership to induce change
and force countries to embrace the rule
of law.

Finally we can etiibrace otir own Is
Iamic identity

Islam. the fastest growing religion
in the l'nited States. is expected to In»
come the \t’t‘tllltl'litl‘gt‘sl faith in six
years. Yet Muslims remain on the
fringe. Just ask women who cover their
heads or men with beards waiting in
the boarding areas of airports.

Immediately after it 11. Bush visit-
ed the Islaitiic (‘eiiter in Washington
and said Islam was not the enemy. This
is a noble sentiment. but Muslims must
also become part of the mainstream
a challenge faced throughout the West

For Europeans. the most important
battle for Muslim hearts atid minds
over the next decade will not be fought
iii the Middle East but iii European
cities where the numbers of Muslims
are growing. as (lilcs Kt‘pt'l. a French
expert on Islam. says ill his new book
"The War for Muslim Minds‘ Islam and
the West ”

“If European societies are able to
integrate these Muslim populations
this new generation of Muslims may
become the Islamic vanguard of the
next decade,“ he wrote

The unspoken undercurrent behind
our i‘t'llllll‘t‘ to (lo more met‘ the past
three years is what former national so
curity adviser Zbigniew Brzezniski
called “a fear that periodically verges
on panic that is in itself blind "

As we look beyond our griet. we
must also get beyond our pl‘t'_lll(l1(‘t‘ and

that an



America cannot want less for Muslim countries than it
wants for the rest of the world."


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Sept. 13, 2004


Emily Hagedorn. Editor in chief
Andrew Martin, Opinions editor
Ben Roberts, Asst. Opinions editor

Rebecca Neal, Asst. managing editor for news

Steve lvey, Managing editor
Josh Sullivan. Staff columnist
Sara Cunningham, Projects editor
Tim Wiseman, Sports editor

President Bush stops in West Virginia

Bush has dishonored the office and should be ousted

III'NTINGTUN. W\'a. Iiitrodttciiig