xt79s46h461w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79s46h461w/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1987-09-18 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 18, 1987 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 18, 1987 1987 1987-09-18 2020 true xt79s46h461w section xt79s46h461w Vol. XCl, No. 25

After hours

For a preview of Royal Crescent Mob,
coming Sunday to UK, SEE PAGE 3.

Established 1894

Tuition increase topic
of Monday’s hearing

Executive Editor

The Kentucky Council on Higher
Education will hold a public hearing
at UK on Monday to discuss a pro-
posed mid-year tuition increase.

If the tuition-increase proposal
were enacted. students would be re-
quired to pay $10 more in tuition
next semester. UK students current-
ly pay $706 a semester. a 4 percent
increase that resulted from last
year‘s tuition raise by CHE.

The hearing is the first of three
scheduled in the state to gather stu-
dent input on the issue. Other hear-
ings are scheduled for Western Ken-
tucky University on Sept. 24 and
Ashland Community College on
Sept. 28.

The tuition proposal is in response
to a projected $8.8 million shortfall
in the state’s budget for higher edu-
cation. The tuition-increase proposal
would recover $1.1 million of the
projected budget cuts.

Groups from UK. Eastern Ken-
tucky University and Kentucky
State University are expected to at-
tend the hearing. which begins at 2

pm. in the Worsham Theatre, lo-
cated in the Student Center.

Terry McBrayer. vice-chairman of
the CHE finance committee. will
open the hearing with a brief state-
ment. University presidents followed
by student government presidents
will then be allowed to speak.

Any student who wants to voice an
opinion will also be allowed to

UK President David Roselle will
present UK's position on the tuition
proposal at the hearing. Ed Carter,
vice president for administration.
said the administration opposes the
increase proposal because students
can't make the financial adjustment
in the middle of the year.

In addition to the tuition-increase
proposal, the hearing will address a
proposal to change the way tuition is

Tuition is now set in two ways by
the CHE — a comparison with tu-
ition at other benchmark institutions
and by examining the state's per ca-
pita income. Currently. tuition rates
are examined every two years by
the council.

David Holton, CHE student rep-
resentative. said a mid-year tuition

increase would be “unprecedented."
and "potentially very devastating to

Holton. who is a UK law student.
said an increase would send a neg-
ative signal to the legislature in
Frankfort which lawmakers will
perceive as saying that the CHE can
go to students any time funding is

Legislators might think that state
funding for higher education would
no longer be needed, he said.

Student government representa-
tives in this region agree.

UK Student Government Associa-
tion President (bindi Weaver said a
mid-year tuition increase would be
unfair because it would be “chang-
ing the rules in the middle of the

EKU Student Senate President
David Nusz said a tuition increase
would be ”ridiculous.“ mainly be—
cause aid has already been set and
financial aid couldn‘t be adjusted to
compensate for the increase.

KSU Student Government Trea~
surer Matt Miller said needed funds
for higher education should come

Sec HEARING. Page ‘

Couple discusses times in Vietnam

Contributing Writer

"If you ever. ever have the chance
to go to Southeast Asia. take it."
said Lucille Boyd in a question-and-
answer period after a slide show
presented yesterday by the Council
on Aging.

Mrs. Boyd and her husband. Rob-
ert. discussed the trials they experi-
enced while in Singapore, Australia.
India. Egypt and Malaysia.

Boyd, a former director at Lexing-
ton Community College and dean at
Tory State University in Alabama.
was asked to be on a team chosen to
help convert the Vietnamese from
fiench to English.

After World War II. the Vietnam-
ese were interested in learning En-
glish and bringing in more science.
Boyd said there was only one sci—
ence teacher in the entire area.


Associate Editor

Ron Sanders. Republican nominee
for Kentucky secretary of state. is
wondering when Kentuckians are
going to get excited about the situa-
tion the state is in.

Kentucky has some of the “best
workers in the world," the Madison-
ville businessman said. but the
state‘s economic situation is one of
the worst in the nation.

“When are we going to get excited
about the situation this state is in,"
Sanders told about 45 people in 228
Student Center last night. most of
them members of the UK College

One of the reasons the state is in
such poor economic shape is be-
cause "we have had the same party
(Democratic) in total control for the
last 16 years.“ Sanders said.

“We’re losing ground because of
them.“he said.

Sanders. president of Emerald En—
ergy Corp. said he could be making
more money running his company
instead of running for political of-

“I could be very comfortable run-
ning my business rather than being
out on the road adding premature
gray hairs to my head.“ he said.

What made him decide to run for
secretary of state. Sanders said. was
that the state has had too many self-
serving officials in Frankfort in-
stead of statesmen.

“For too long we‘ve had people
saying. ‘What can politics do for
me?‘ “hesaid.

Although Kentucky‘s secretary of
state does not have the power or ju-
risdiction of some higher state exec-
utive offices. Sanders said there are

The United States contributed by
sending in typewriters to help mod-
ernize the education program as
well as the team that Boyd was on.
That team and Boyd‘s wife jour-
neyed to Southeast Asia.

Mrs. Boyd gained teaching experi-
ence from 21 Georgian military
school and 3 Lexington elementary

The Boyds began their two-year
Southeast Asian teaching experience
in 1969. At first. the couple was sep-
arated from one another. Boyd went
to Vietnam and his wife went to Ku«
lalumpur. Malaysia. where she
taught high school for H months.

She described her experience as
frustrating because she only saw her
husband about once a month.

She taught school in a shack in the
edge of the jungle. Her students
would go on rattlesnake and cobra


several things he can do to improve
the state's condition.

Kentucky‘s political system. he
said. is only open to insiders or the
wealthy. In order to make it “fair
for everyone." Sanders said an open
primary needs to be implemented.

Kentucky‘s poor business climate
also needs to be improved. he said.
including making Frankfort an envi-
ronment of “pro-business . “

“Too many of our skilled workers
are leaving the state and what we're
left with is high school drop outs.“
he said.

There also needs to be more lf‘lBl.
in state government. Sanders said.
and the only way that can be done is
by putting people in office who rep-
resent the same moral standards he
does — honesty and hard work.

“I can promise you three things if
I‘m elected,“ he said. “I won‘t tell
you any lies. I will not steal from
you and I will work hard."

Sanders‘ opponent in the fall elec-
tion is former Jefferson County
Judge/ Executive Brehmer Ehrler,

“If I didn‘t think i had a long shot
I wouldn‘t be in this race." Sanders
said. “I think (Ehrlerl is a nice
fella. but I think he ought to be sit-
ting out in his boat fishing rather
than running for secretary of state."

safaries for the weekend. She said
she had fears they would not return.

Mrs. Boyd said she was harassed
on her way home from school one
night by a Vietnamese because she
was an American woman. She de»
scribed Malaysia as “very hot“ and
said she got sick one evening from

But the situation got better. Mrs.
Boyd said she lived a plush life
which helped ease her frustrations.

“Kuala Lumpur is the fastest
growing city in the world." the tea-
cher said. “The Malades may own
it. but the Chinese run it."

She described the Malades as re-
served and the Chinese as very
friendly and willing to learn.

Boyd didn‘t describe his beginning
experience as a pleasurable one. He
said he heard gunfire every night
but knew he was in no harm.


Indiana should

give UK a

tougher test, SEE PAGE 4.

Lexington firefighters pack up their equipment
yesterday after putting Out a fire on the roof of

independent since 1971

Fraternities gain pledges, patr

Frats have
banner rush

Staff Writer

UK's 23 fraternities have reported
a banner year for rush as many fra-
ternities doubled the number of
pledges over last year.

About 3,000 students participated
in the nish. which was held Aug. 24—
30. said Bob Dunn, president of the
Interfraterni ty Council.

“In my opinion and everyone‘s,
I'lBh went really well. The people
that were coming through were real-
ly high (on the greek systemi,”

IFC vice president Chris Chase
said nah was a learning experience
for freshmen.

“Freshmen learned that they real-
ly can benefit from joining a frater-
nity. They found that they can get
more from their college experience
if they go greek," he said.

Although some houses did not ex-
perience an increase in numbers.
most did. according to the fraternity
system‘s governing board, the IFC.
Many houses averaged around 25-30
pledges attheend of rish.

Dunn attributes the rise in nishees
primarily to a few new procedures
enacted this semester.

A colored nish brochure which the
IFC sent during the summer to all
incoming freshmen was a major
reason for increased numbers in ru-
shees. Dunn said the brochure con-
sisted of a fraternity row map and
stressed scholorship, brotherhood,
community service. athletics and
leadership. made the incoming
freshmen more aware of the greek
system and also helped to dispel the
“animal home" image.

“it‘s the image you are always

Pledges of Alpha Tau Omega fraternity performed the Flou-Flah-
Rega. the chapter's traditional chant. yesterday afternoon.

fighting." Dunn said. “It has be-
come a label somewhat. One of the
main objects of the brochure pointed
out the other aspects. We tried to
stress community service. brother-
hood and athletics. he said. adding.
“ I think we were successful in
doing so."

Dunn said the first annual Casino
night. held Aug. 23. (the night before
rush started). was another major
factor in attracting freshmen.

Each fraternity had their own
gambling table. Blackjack. poker
and craps table were common
sights. The event drew a standing-
room only crowd in the Student Cen~
ter Ballroom.

“When you have something like
that so close to rish it makes an im-

A new orientation program. held
the day rush started. educated
freshmen about greek life.

With films and a speech from As-
sistant Dean of Students and IFC
Adviser Michael Palm. freshmen

learned “that they can develop their
interpersonal skills and sharpen
their academic potential.“ said
Chase. who also coordinated the

This year‘s rush was the first time
freshmen were required to pay a
pre—registration fee. A potential ru-
shee had to pay a $10 registration
fee prior to nah week. If an individ-
ual decided to enter nah late. a $15
fee was required after rush.

This was a catalyst in helping
freshmen deciding for or against the
greek system. Dunn said. “If you
have a fee to send in. then you have
to make a decision.“ Dunn said.
Around 300 freshmen registered to
attend nah during the summer.

Palm said he thinks the question-
naire IFC included with the bro-
chure helped the IFC in planning the
fall nah. Palm also said the ques-
tionnaire will play a vital role in fu-
ture nnhes because it helps the [PC
know what ample are looking for

Today: Sunny
Tomorrow: Chance of rain

Friday. September 18. 1987

Research Lab No. 3 on S Limestone Street
See story on page 7.

IFC sets up new
enforcement rules

Staff Writer

The Interfraternity Councd rcccnt
ly changed its policy on alcohol en-
forcement. calling for a board of six
fraternity members to patrol chap-
ter parties

The six-member committee will
run on a rotational schedule while
checking fraternity parties for prop»
er alcohol procedures. such as the
checking of greek le. denial of un-
deraged drinkers and checking

The new policy comes as a contin-
uation in changes made last spring
along alcohol guidelines. The lFt‘
acts as the governing body for all

This rotational schedule of patrol-
ling parties was previously done by
[PC representatives.

The six-member committee is
made up of representatives from
each of the six selected chapters.
These chapters. Alpha Tau Omega.
Sigma Nu. Sigma Alpha Epsilon.
Kappa Alpha. Farm House and
Alpha Gamma Rho. will check party
registration. an idea passed last
year in the wake of greater concern
by chapters over libel.

The host chapter is required to
provide information about its party.
the invited fraternities and sorori-
ties and the party theme to the com-
mittee by 4 pm. Wednesday prior to
the party.

Any fraternity not registering
sponsible and fined. Fines can range
from St to $10 per member. Any
chapter wishing to protest may ap-
peal before the judicial board.

Although the six-member commit-

Sec IH‘. Page ‘


 2 - KENTUCKY KERNEL. Friday. September 10, 1987


Dan Haasort

Jay Blanton
Executive Editor

Editor in Chief

Thomas J. Sullivan
Editorial Editor



Raising tuition

I am David Holton. a law stu-
dent at the Innixersity of Keri-
tuckx and the student representa
the on the Council on Higher

I would like to take this oppor-
tunity to encourage students, par-
ents and other interested parties
In the future of higher education
in Kentucky to attend a public
hearing on potential increases in
tuition rates. A hearing will be
held at 2 pm. Sept. 21 in the
Worsham Theater in the Student
Center addition on UK‘s campus.

Members of the Council’s fi-
nance committee will be in atten-
dance to hear the comments of
interested parties on two impor-
tant issues: a potential increase
in tuition for the 1988 spring se-
mester; and potentially revising
the Council‘s current tuition-set-
ting policy for the next two years.
Due to state budget cuts in higher
education '5 appropriations ($9.4

million in operating funds in this
year), the Council is considering
increasing tuition substantially to
offset these reductions.

The Council on Higher Educa-
tion is directed by statute to es
tablish tuition rates for Ken-
tucky '5 public community
colleges and universities.

The current tuition setting pro-
vides for the maintenance of tu-
ition levels for Kentucky resi~
dents at a reasonable percentage
of per capita personal income.
This policy has enabled the Coun-
cil to keep tuition relatively low
and affordable for Kentuckians.
There is the potential that this
policy may be abandoned.

Final decisions concerning the
tuition rates and policy will be
made at a future meeting of the
Council‘s finance committee.
These hearings and your partici-
pation will play an important
part in that decision-making
process. Therefore, I encourage
everyone interested in this issue
and the furthering of quality
higher education in Kentucky to
attend this hearing.

David L. Holton II is the stu-

dent representative on the Coun-
cil on Higher Education.

Yes, RFL

The real tragedy of the Sept. 14
editorial calling for Radio Free
Lexington to demonstrate if it
has student support, is that the
Kentucky Kernel appears to have
withdrawn its support from an
idea whose time will eventually

“Methinks the Kernel doth pro-
test too much!" It is rationally
possible that the editors and the
staff of the Kernel View a student
run radio station as competition
they don’t want.

Let’s separate the two issues
here. wanting a radio station and
funding one. In all probability if I
asked the average UK student do
you want or care to have a stu-
dent-run radio station, they prob-
ably could find little enough to
object to. They would either re-
spond yes or “I don't care.“

Funding, however. is a differ-
ent matter, and it’s difficult no
matter how noble the cause. If I
ask the average UK student if
they want to pay an extra dollar
for something, let alone a radio

station. the answer would proba-

But then. is there a demand for
a student newspaper on this cam-
pus? If I gave you the choice of
listening 24 hours a day to some
good tunes or reading an article
about condoms in residence hall
restrooms -— which would you

Hey, bye—bye newspaper.

In the spirit of fairness the Ker-
nel should ask students if they
want to give an extra dollar per
semester to keep their newspaper
in business (scary. huh?).

noon court"

Perhaps then the Kernel would
realize that their position, as well
as unborn RFL’s. are one in the

Vanderbilt University (also an
SEC school) has joined their re-
spective newspaper and radio
station funding under one roof as
Vanderbilt Communications Inc.
tor some such derivative). The
important thing is that it is a sys~
tem that works.

Just what kind of proof that
students want a station is the
Kernel calling for? Demonstra-

tions, crowds of football spectator

The turnout last week of over
100 radio enthusiasts was proba-
bly larger than the Kernel’s en-
tire staff. They were students of
all musical tastes with an earnest
desire to make radio a happenin’
thing. It is the responsibility of
the Kernel to help in the birth of
her little unborn sister RFL. To-
gether they can and will do great
things for the University of Ken-

J. Boyd is an arts and sciences

uate student.


by Berke Dreamed,




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Outspoken music professor
Vincent DlMartino helped
kick off the Center Sundays
Series at the Singietary Center
for the Arts this week with a
duet that featured him on
trumpet and faculty member.
Schuyler Robinson. on the

Current Favorite Album:
“The Tonight Show Big Band
Album with Doc Severenson."
produced by Jeff Tyzyk and
Allen Vizutty. “it was pro-
duced by two friends of mine.

VINCENT DIMARTINO Maybe that's why I like it."





Austin City Saloon — 2350 Woodhiii Shopping Center. John Michael Monti
gomery will play tonight and tomorrow night from 9 pm. to 1 am. $2 covei
both nights

The Bearded Seale — 500 Euclid Ave. The ivy Beats will be playing tonight
from 9 pm. to 1 am. Mr. Jones will play tomorrow night from 9 pm. to 1 am.
$2cover both nights.

The Bottom Line — 361 W. Short St Brian and the Nightmares and the Jeeters
will play tonight from 9:30 pm. to 1 am. Quasar will play tomorrow from 9:30
pm. to 1 am. $3 cover both nights.

The Brass A Saloon — 2909 Richmond Road. Tonight and tomorrow night. The
Mighty Water Kings will play from 9 pm to 1 am. $3 cover.

Breedings — 509 W. Main St. The Jimmy Church Band will be playing tonight
and tomorrow night from 9 pm. to 1 am. Tomorrow Paradox will play from 9
pm. to 1 am. $3 cover both nights.

The Brewery — 509 W. Main St. (above Breedings). Larry Redmon will be play-
ing tonight and tomorrow night from 9 pm. to 1 am. No cover.

Cheapside Bar — 131 Cheapside. The Bruce Lewis Duo Will play tonight from
9 pm. to 1 am. Tomorrow David Wunsch will play from 9 pm to 1 am. No
cover either night.

Kings Arms Pub— 102 W. High St. Carburetors will be playing tonight and
tomorrow from 9 p m. to 1 am. $2 cover both nights

Main Streets -—- 269 W. Main St. The Duos will be playing tonight and tomorrow
from 9 pm. to 1 am. $1 cover both nights.

Spirits — Radisson Plaza in Vine Center. Between the Two Will be playing to-
night and tomorrow from 9 pm. to 1 am. $2 cover both nights: '

Tvvo Keys Tavern — 333 S. Limestone St. Tonight and tomorrow night. Quadra
will play from 9 pm. to 1 am. $2 cover for men. No cover for women.




Beverly Hills Cop ll — Rated R. (North Park: 2:15. 4:25. 7:40. 9:55 and to-
night and tomorrow only at midnight.)

The Big Easy — Rated R. (North Park: 2:25. 4:30. 7:55. 10 and tonight and
tomorrow only at midnight. Also showing at Fayette Mail: 2:30. 4:30. 7:45.
9:50 and tonight and tomorrow only at 1 1 :50.)

Can't Buy Me Love — Rated PG—13. (Crossroads: 2:10. 4. 5.50. 7:50. 9:45
md tonight and tomorrow only at 1 1 :35.)

Dirty Dancing — Rated PG-13. (Fayette Mali: 2:15. 4:10. 7:50. 9:45 and to-
night and tomorrow only at 11:35. Also showing at North Park: 1:45. 3:45.
5:50. 8. 9:55. and tonightand tomorrow only at 1 1 :50.)

Disorderliee — Rated PG. (North Park: 2. 3:55. 5:50. 7:50. 9:50 and tonight
and tomorrow only at 1 1 :40.)

Fatal Attraction PREMIERE —— Rated R. (South Park: 2. 4:20. 7:35. 9:55 and
tonight and tomorrow only at midnight.)

The Fourth Protocol — Rated R (South Park: 2:15. 4:30. 7:25. 9:45 and to
night and tomorrow only at midnight.)

Hamburger Hill — Rated R. (Fayette Mali: 2. 4:20. 7:40. 9:55 and tonight and
tomorrow only at midnight.)

Who‘s That Girl — Rated PG~13. (Crossroads: 220. 4:40. 7:35. 9:40 and
tonight and tomorrow only at 11:55. Also showing at North Park: 2:35. 4:50.
7:45. 9:50 and tonight and tomorrow only at 1 1 :55.)

House It -- Rated PG—13. (North Park: 1:55. 3:50. 5:45. 7:45. 9:50 and to-
night and tomorrow only at 1 1 :40.)

Living Daylights —- Rated PG. (South Park: 2:30. 5. 7:30. 9.50 and tonight
and tomorrow only at 12:10.)

The Lost Boys — Rated R. (North Park. 2. 3:55. 5:50. 7.50. 9:50 and tonight
and tomorrow only at 11:55. Also showing at South Park: 2. 3:50. 5:35. 7:40.
9:35 and tonight and tomorrow only at 1 1 :35.)

No Way Out - Rated R. (Lexington Mall: 1. 3:15. 5:30. 7:45. 10 and tonight
and tomorrow only at midnight. Also showing at Turfiand Mali: 2. 4:15. 7:35
Hid 9:55.)

The Piotr-Up Artist PREMIERE — Rated PG-13. (South Park: 2:10. 3:45. 5:20.
a. 9:40 and tonight and tomorrow only at 11:20. Also showing at North Park:
1:50. 3:40. 5:30. 8. 9:45 and tonightand tomorrow only at 1 1 :35.)

The Principal PREMIERE — Rated R. (North Park: 2:30. 4.40. 7:45. 10 and
tonight and tomorrow only at midnight. Also showing at South Park: 2.20. 4:50.
7:50. 10 and tonight and tomorrow only at midnight.)

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs —— Rated G. (Turnand Mat: 2. 3:45. 5:30.

Meout — Rated R. (Lexington Md: 2. 4:15. 7:35. 9:55 and tonight and

The Untouchables - Rated R. (North Park: 2:15. 4:45. 7:40. 10 and tonight

The Kentucky Theater — Full Metal met. Rated R. 7:30 tonight; 1 and
9:30 tomorrow; 5 Sunday. Witches of ham. Rated R. 9:30 tonight. 5.30
tomorrow. The Man Who Fell to Earth. Rated R. Midnight tonight: 3.15 tomor-
row; 9:30 Smday. Raising Arlzone. Rated PG-‘l3. 7:45 tomorrow: 1 and 7 30
Sunday. Wlflrde. Rated PG. “(Might tomorrow: 3 Sunday.

Mes on Meln — La Bembe. Rated P043. 7:50. 9:50 weekdays; 1 30.
3:35. 5:40. 7:45. 9:50 tomorrow and Sunday. My Horror Picture Show.

mmu—m.wn starlight-rumour.







KENTUCKY KERNEL, Friday. September 18, 1997 - 3

Sunday in support of WRFL


Royal Crescent Mob is currently touring the US
and Canada, supported by their LP. “Omerta.”

By TIM room
Contributing Writer

avid Ellison, lead singer and

harmonica player for the

Royal Crescent Mob, who
will appear on campus Sunday. cites
come strange influences. James
Brown and Led Zepplin are counted
among this disparate group.

But a man from Columbus held
more sway than any.

When Ellison grew up. he cut
grass to earn soda pop money.
Luckily. or unluckily. one of his
customers was hard blues funkster.
Sugar Bonner. Bonner. lead
guitarist for the regional funk band
Ohio Players. injected the sharp
edge that controls Ellison and the
Mob. “It was great hanging around
his house. I couldn‘t play anything
at the time. [didn‘t start playing
harmonica until college. but just
being there was great." Ellison said.

The Mob developed from a bar
band called Ray Fuller and the
Blues Rockers, which broke up one
night at Phoenix Hill Tavern in
Louisville. forcing Ellison and
bandmate B (yes B) and bassist
Harold Chichester to pacify the
crowd with a 45-minute version of
“Louie Louie."

“B just stands for B. that‘s it."
Ellison said. “Betty Crocker doesn‘t

Dinosaur in
town tonight

Staff reports

Radio Free Lexington's Alterna-
tive Music Week kicks off tonight
with a concert at Babylon Babylon
(previously the Thrash Can) by SST
recording artists Dinosaur. Their
new album. You're Living All Over
Me. has placed as high as #19 on the
college charts.

The band. which consists of J.
Mascis on guitar and vocals. Lou
Barlow on bass and vocals. and

\_ “a

v . :


M ‘-

rock to UK.



EiThe Royal Crescent Mob/
Fancy Pants concert will take
place in Haggin Field at 3
pm. it is free. in the event
that it rains, the concert will
move to the Student Center
Ballroom at 8 pm.




tell anyone what's in the brownies
and we don't tell what B stands for.
No. actually his parents stuttered
and when it was time to fill in the
birth certificate they kept saying.
‘B-b-b.‘ so the people at the hospital
gave up and just typed in B."

After their triumph in Louisville.
they quickly dubbed themselves The
Royal Crescent Mob. After several
changes and alterations i “we went
through a boatload of drummers. we
just couldn’t find anybody to satisfy
us." Ellison said) the band
developed into its present form —
Ellison. B. Chichester and Carlton
Smith on drums. “Things really
jelled after Carlton came in.“

Smith was a child actor and
veteran of ‘605 classics “Julia" and
“Matt Helm." “He really wasn’t


Sunday. they will bring their funk/scui blend of

much of an actor.“ Ellison said.
“When the stars of the show would
have company. Carlton would ix-
their kid — about 10 seconds on

The Mob has been touring nearly
nonstop since June, pushing their
new album Omerta. (“Omerta ' is
the Italian mafia vow of silence
New mobsters kiss the hand of the
godfather and promise to not reveal
the secrets of the underworld. i

“We‘ve only had about 15 days off
since June." said Ellison. ”We've
been all over the country. headlining
probably 75 percent of the time. We
opened for the Replacements on a
few dates. but we feel we can hold
our own. " Omerta feeds heavily on
its influences. particularly James
Brown and Sugar Bonner.

“I wrote ‘Love and ’I‘unafish' ‘il
James Brown sound-alike) on a tour
bus." Ellison said. "I had this 90-
minute Brown tape and it just came
to me. words and music. On this
tour we’ve been doing mostly
original stuff. but I can read the
crowds pretty well and sometimes
I‘ll signal the band to play a cover
or something when it strikes me. "

Louisville's Fancy Pants will open
the concert Sunday. It is being
sponsored by WRFL as a part of its
Alternative Music Week.


Dinosaur will kick off WRFL's Alternative Music Week tonight.

Murph on drums. is from Amherst.
Mass. The band is known for want-
ing to play their music as loud as

Village Voice said. "If your cars
can stand a whole set of Dinosaur.
you will have the good fortune to see
the best new band in America."



7115.?» Ll“ OURS—

Royal Crescent Mob to play




Encapsulated reviews for

easy digestion:


-» —~i


'I‘III‘I LUVESOHIC .ll Illllil’
John ('ougar Hellcncuinp
Mercury il’olyGruiii Hl‘l'til'il5i

Willi The 1.:irli..vi'm .1143). ('4
.\lcllcncump plulltit'.\ llt'.tillll"l
into ii collection of proti-st songs
and domestic lumi-iitinions than
.\llii\\' him to hc itll}lllilll_‘ but .‘i \‘l-
stonur)‘ lllblt’llil. lll' llin brought
louctllcl‘ Lt collci'tion oi son)!» tli.ii
i-xhilnt nothing but \lliilllltml:
tunncl vision in lllt‘ ('i)lllt‘\l ol
SI ut‘i'i HIV. (Hill (7“ li'u".
dccidi-dl) rcgrcssn‘i-

livcn Brut-c Springsti-i-ii li~.i\«-~
lll\' chain'ictvrs with the-
that comes iron: thc struggli-
When we last sec the narrator iii
"'l'hundcr Rood. llt‘ is liilllillfi
out of u “toxin full of lost-rs

\II»? of 'hi- to songs oi: u ..
slit-ll on stagnant ll\'t‘.\ that Ilt“\t‘l‘
plat thcmsclx'cs out 1“”) .
form of noliilit} \lt‘ll"llltl:lill
l'lli\"\ till all Hi llli' l‘xt‘upl‘ i‘i HUN.
lt*;i\illL lll\ churzii‘ti‘rx

—~ I’l'ik Itm-ci'


liill‘ ('1’ l\

i‘llil.’ r' i

.ill‘t ?

unt‘wu’ '

IN N)“ T“ [N N )R
The ('ars
lilckll u Rt‘t'lll‘ll‘.

Door to Door. lhc lll‘sl
album in :i' » }(‘ill‘.\.
first produccd h) front man l‘ui:

('oittuinin).l 11 song» '7 \ .zi:
cclcctic mix of old .iiid
mutcrizil that soinixilizi? .i’im.
dons tho I} picul i 'urs sound

'l‘hc lll'\l song on tlic .illiunr
"Luit't- or blur" and tho
son); on lllt‘ first rvltlt‘ 'l‘.i 'i:i
\Vuio \\:i_\o \\('l‘i'
\i'llill‘ tho i‘urs \\l‘l't‘ still

.\';I‘ In"
cdgc ‘.tllllt‘
from the

~ Kim 0’ ltriicu


ix ulxii lllt"



V'i‘l'i it‘dwl


( tl‘ll'
'l‘roiihic” :iiiil 'S‘i‘ur
immuli :i Iii-.i‘ ."lr' .-

lil‘t‘ithlfll; _~.oint-.\-'i.i‘ .‘
band‘s synthehased;



THE H II ll'l'll I’Rt‘r'l‘lil '1 il


"‘I‘hc Fourth Protocol" 1‘ .l" --x
piongigi- llll'illt‘t‘ starring H» '1 ("l
(‘umc 11> A British secri-t .iuim’
caught lll .i t‘Jl-illlllilllllbi' .;.i:.i
\i'ith llussiun sp} I’lcrcc lirosiiu:
\\'ll(i.\t' llll>>liin is to (ll‘liiliiilt' .
nuclcur iii-upon in England

(‘uinc is superb as tho t.il:-::'o:
yet \wzir}. supcrsp} \i’lio i.i..‘ .
slay out of trouhlc Brosnziii illl‘l f
his chuructcr urc thc l‘t‘lll ill. .iii
pilillllllt'lli iii course. (i iii-.1.»
character can always tic our
comc by u strong Silil‘}'llllt' :iiid
lightning-(mick ptlt'llltfi l'nloi-tri
natcl}. "'I‘hi- Fourth l’rotwoi
llllSSt‘S thc mzn‘k hero. too i-lxcrj.
plot detail unfolds \i'ith tho lll‘illlt'
diucy of drying paint

Ruli‘d R Now Xl‘iti‘tt'iitl.’ ..'f .\

——\\'cs Millcl‘











rm. Iaah‘. ha Iran- Gm.









 4 - KENTUCKY KENNEL. Friday. September 10. 1087


Who can stop who, that is the question

Assistant Sports Editor