xt79s46h4609 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79s46h4609/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-10-03 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 03, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 03, 1985 1985 1985-10-03 2020 true xt79s46h4609 section xt79s46h4609 I w
Vol. LXXXIX, No. 199 Eat-bushel I." University of Kentucky, loxington. Kentucky 'M‘" “m 1911 Thursday, October 3. I985 '. , .
.WW , i
u son, 9, nos a er 1g Wl (
By RICHARD BENKE LAIDS has prompted strong this morning.“ publicist Dale Olson served reputation for kindness. May “lam not happy that I am sick. I Hudson was too weak to be a good ‘ ‘ ,i'3i .' '. .1; ' '
AssocmtedPross "mm“ms. said. Godresthissoul.” am not happy that I have AIDS. but candidate for its experimental the- ‘ ' y? . . ii
At the White House. PreSident Taylor. who starred with Hutton if that is helping Others. I can. at rapy With an unproven drug , -- ’,' v. .' t J
LOS. ANGELES _ Rock Hudson. star Elizabeth Ta lor said in d Reagan Issued a statement saying: in "Giant" and “The Mirror least. know that my own misfortune He returned to Les Angeles Aug h fl ‘~ 5 ; '1"
the cinema ldo‘ whose gallant Iad~ ‘t t t y “V d I . . (.‘rack'd,“ wasoneofhis clmest sup- hashadsome posnive worth ‘ and spent the next 18 (ia\\ iii the - '.- '.,'. ."g
"“5510“ 0‘ a yearlong battle against 5 a emen ' A ancy an are saddened b) the porters in his final days and was co- th‘l.A Medicalt‘enter ' ' t.‘ F" " :
AIDS won sympathy and attention . . news of Rock Hudsons death. He h t f AIDS benef‘t He had known for more than a ‘ I , of;

. _ . .. i .. , -. as or an 1 Sept 19 .i , i ii...
for Victims of the diam“, mm ye.» IHudson, star of I(I}iant, a A Will always be remembered for his with actri' Burt Reynolds year that he suffered from acquired (”son said Hudson had been see. . 1‘ ,I, “.‘Nl‘syié
terday at his home. Hen” m (.athering of . Eagles and several dynamic impact on the film indus- ' ' immune deficiency syndrome. but it ing friends and seemed unchanged v. .5 i -. .417"?

frothy comedies \. ith Doris Day on try. and fans all over the world will Hudson donated $250,000 to the became publicly known known only recently He 53"} the adm- had mt :" . t 4.“in

II . . I film and “McMillan and Wife' and certainly mourn his loss. He will be benefit. which grossed more than after a gaunt Hudson checked into suffered pain or taken pain mantra. ,i 4- - .' i ,7 J";
IPlIease bod he has not died in “Dynasty"I onI televnsion. “died remembered for his humanity. his $12 million for AIDS research. and the American Hospital in Paris on V '. In I.» 3-3“ ii
vain. his friend and one-time co peacefully in his sleep at 9 o'clock sympathetic spirit and wellde- sent his last public words: July 21. The hospital decided that see fit nun. ruin ‘ (g-I". i 15
J I I' ,-,' II I‘, 5‘ :5 I?" if];

M 1- Proposed language a -
arsa lS ..,

. ' 5.5:"?

lives up to requirement meets :.
. - “ ,“ 7'1“

3 reputation criticism of fac lt "
. Musman gives BchNTHlAa.PALomw zrhi- new: m- ongmng dewi i . ‘
‘ SeniorStaffWriter ripnlt’milf writingskllh ‘ ; . : ,‘

second COHCCI‘I “ A ._l .x'iiie need for placing ii high 5 _,' I'M-I"
t. Reqwrmg 9W") U" student "' \alue on general education within -' ‘

H) GARY PIERCE “(9 take two years of a ioreign ianguage I'miversiiy prltll‘tlltk » ' '_
Arts Editor -/ in high school or one year in colicgc x'l‘he need tor ongoing ”wimpy" , ‘; . ' . ._ 5.. 1;:
‘ drew quite a bl! tlf CTlthNll tron. nitric-General HtlUCdiltlill’l‘UETull‘. .' r. " ‘5 '1 .
Sometimes less is more 1‘ faculty members in various (llML‘l- ~Thic it .. clawc debate between - 1. .. ~ ,‘. '.
last night in the (‘oncert Hall I '- plines at a Senate t‘ounctl meeting professional wiuciimn and cone“) . . ’ '.
”f the Cemer for the Arts- jazz ‘ ‘i ‘ .VeSterda.‘ education ' Swift said \Ke It‘ lr‘v .' " I“ i '
trumpeter Wynton Marsalis ~ . ' , ”W" The critiCism came as council mg m [mm sludenb {m- im. um... - ' \I ‘ ‘i‘
brought his act to town for the ’ ' \ ‘ ‘ ~ members heard statements coneern- their wile. fur what the: do ”(pm 1m. ‘ . . _- I ,I ;
second time in less than a year “ '. as i . , ing possible changes in the current iob from 3p m on I 'Q ,' w .
With only one member of his reg- ‘3 . '. » . . . General Education requirements He mm the tundamentai Whom,“ ~‘ . ‘ ; II
ular band on stage. Marsalis va- - , a . ‘ t: . . \ ‘ The foreign language revision is one is ~1~ general edur'gitttin gtllnL' ll' ‘ I i . . . j ‘
riously pleased and beWildered "1‘s “ .=I 4. ‘ of several reviSions proposed by the accomrnodutp “Mint: deg!“ pm j ‘ :' . I r,
the threeouarter full house with i; .. V}. . ‘t’_ 2 . Swift Committee grams or should existing degree pm. . . ' -, .‘
a blendofold and new. .‘ . .1 3; :23 ‘-_i ‘ ’ “ The 22-member committee. grams accommodate genera] fiduczr ‘ ' I'; . ' ’- ,.

Perhaps it was the absence of a“ ‘ ’9. :3 ‘ . ' f ‘- ' .r. " chaired by professor of clasSics imn“" . _. ., 3 "

his usual ensemble. but Marsalis 6 ‘ fl . ‘ ~. -9 Louis Swift. began renewing the The committee made its 'lt'(’l\lt)l‘i . > -' - W . V, .
seemed more self-assured than in _' ' ,t’" - ‘ current L'niversity requtrements to require a foreign iangunge be '1 i .' '1 '
his appearance at L'K‘s Memorial ‘ ’ / 1 \ ’. three years ago with the intention of cause ' a toreign language !\ all me , ,~ . , V ' 7 D
Hall last December. In that show. ‘ » ' . recommending modifications and nue to learn the cultures of petiplv '. ' . .‘- w .
his impulsively improvisational Iq ' \ improvements in the content and de- hesair‘, . . . , V -' ' 1 ~
band threatened at times to ei- «i E y, “-r liveryofgeneral education at ("K The n‘mfl)!‘ concern oi ‘John Rut) ' .
ther steal his thunder or fly apart V f “' l In its final report. the C(lmllllttct‘ vii-burr awquio [mm for 1mm“. ' ’ i 'I .
at the seams while Marsalis was » i - . focused on six areas of lll‘r “on m the (‘ollege (,3 \ur'culturi- t. . " .‘ ‘I .
too often tentative or needlessly _, . ‘ ’ . provement‘ the ll'llpilct gum a ..mlI.I,.Pn.I..ni " , ;. . .' .
pedantic. _. ‘ .z'I'he need for greater coherence would hate on l'K's agriculture pro» ’ I: ‘ V 2 3 '. i
This time. Marsalis was defi- ' - - in theGeneralEducation l’ros'iuiv' grmns ., . -‘ _'
mtely the man in control. his » Li. , Robertson stronul‘ new! The 1' . '
50105 more assertive and his “rile need for deepening a“ Slu' council not to require foreign lan . ‘ ‘ . -, i '
presence more dominant. And for ‘ r. dents awareness both ”i the” '“l‘ glidg’t’s for .ili t"lll(‘t.’.t‘> He and few . . " ,‘ ‘ .
a man who spent much of the '- culturalheritage "M“ ”“"'“‘*""“'n Ltudenis in the t'oli‘eue oi \iiri .;5 ., ' ' l " . . 7
concert passtvely watching his . it; "admom hire take i‘ureigh languages lit’t‘dliN' ~ . . ,
bazlgaizgtgafi Sstlaiiriw‘iatllligdiiiseean ‘. . . .zTheIneed Ifor Iintegrzitire iiii hex mi. . alumni. (it"iDIt’it .. I .‘
dering and uncompromisingly . “III, 7‘ ingacross disCiplinary lines \c: I \\I.t u.i xi ~ ‘ I, _ , ', .' . . ,
moody version of George Gersh- .: M . . - I . -I ’I
win‘s “But Not for Me.“ Marsalis - ~ " .‘ ,- ' ' ', '- “
devoted the first set to his own i ‘ ' this.” ' Grant prOVIdeS fundlng . ~' ' , '
material “Knozz-Moe-King." ' . ' l .. .. . ‘ . I i. ‘. 'II:
from his Grammy Award-win- .. \ k . , ’- ’.. ;
i... 0.. t for Alzheimer 5 research . . ~ -. ~ --:
casionally frantic "Delfeayo‘s Di~ {5‘ ,I . . 'I i ' , ~ '. -.
lemma." from the just-released Jim . i . 5 if By BETH LAWSUN mm“, iii it“. people m the Sanders- . i . _: f. i. .
Bloch Codi-s (from the Under- . ; - -. "v. - ContributingWriter ”WWWResearchfenter - ,‘ ,I‘Ii II
RV‘llmdl-“Pre thestandouts. 2’ " A?“ it i g . . The grant l> supported by a Si 4 . ,-._.-I 5-, 3. O
"Aural Oasis." also from the 3~ : IrI . CKIwill Jotn such prestigious UHI' million program-project research III ...'.'."‘ , II-I!
new album. was sandwiched be— : l 5 i . verstties as Duke. Harvard and grant. which Sanders-Brown re- . ", -. 2 «I'M‘f I‘
tween, and was given a sleepier .I t .‘ & Johns HOPIkImbI 1“ rehearf'hIlhE f‘l” ceiyed last )‘enr from the \ational .‘ . ' ,-I i ' '.I '.I;.
readmg man in me recorded yer , g, . ' , helmer 5 disease and prqu ms suo Institutes of Health I .- : -- L y . . -.
sion. So sleepy. in fact. that at porttopatientsandtheirfamilies Bahrain 4mm and soooo hen I .i :I . .III
CLAVOWIN K ml i r v . o — ._ t- . . - . .
times the audience was misled ' ' 5‘” PK '5 one 0f ‘1 lhhlliuhom ‘0 ‘1 tuckians over age m have Al/hcim- ~ _. 'I . . ‘ i .‘
into clapping poliwa at the Trumpeter Wynton Marsalis checks his classic Center for the Arts. Marsalis does not allow ”we funding from the National In- or“ “”93“" “”d I” “‘“mm R . . ,-
wmngmoments ' so nd t d b i h‘ t tth hoto r h d ' h‘ i "““te 0" “mg The 3” "““"‘“ \lurkcsberi dircctm of thc Anna -‘ -. ..
. ion u ves er ay e are is cancer a e P 9 0P 5 U""9 '5 per ormances. five-year grant “'1“ be “59d ‘0 “[3” center and principal lnHNlltlLiinr on ' ' . ' i . U ,

After a iS-minute intermission. —__——————————— “Sh an Alzheimer 5 I ”15935“ “9‘ this award ‘ _‘ , -'.

Marsalis quickened the pace of was unquestionably the show's clam to excel, and perhaps is search Center m the sanders-Brown In addition to providing support ,' ' i ..
his second set with “Black “0‘?“ ”Emmi“. "me?” 0’ even better without them. With 3583"" “New“ “4mg for WW and ”W lamil'éo the .. . ..
(trodes only to lav back again 'I‘Iain," which was written espe- brother Branford currently lend- The grant “35 announced ."951‘" new research facility \\‘lll dissctni- '.l , ‘-’I.
with“l'll Remember April ‘- REV'EW Cially for Watts. whom Marsalis ing his saxophone to sometime- day 31 a press conference m the nate information with other centers .- I' " '.

called “the world's greatest Policeman Sting's jazz/rock tour Sanders-Brmvntentcr and research p()_\\llllt' prm enti '
' ° " Although the cause of the fire at McCoy said he was “not at liberty “my °" "V: m 5“ SPORTS' ‘ - '
InStead Of communlsm ’ Honduran says W the Phi Delta Theta fraternity house to discuss“ his views on the origin of ”'2' ' - i
-, . . ‘. . . , . , ," Tuesday night has not been deter- Tuesday night‘s fire or the
gontr‘itruiiglxgar L5 nng iprn'Sh and he speaks bro- . i: .6 ~'\-. _- mined. arson has not been ruled out. relationship. if any. between the -
en 1'18 15 - '- , . Capt. William Lilly of the Lexmgton garbage can and den fires ‘
- - . He said he listens to the news on ' fire department said yesterday. Beach said he preferred “not to \
Wm letriia‘rgndy Sirtarifrgigflegfige the major US. networks and reads The fire was reported at 10:52 venture a guess" on how the fire Movie premieres till itic cable It‘lc-
said the Rev. Albert Reymann a' some 0‘ the large papeis to keep lh‘ . pm. —- only seven minutes after started. adding that any statement Vino" channels this month For a
. . ' formed about his original home. but Keith Nadig. a history senior. dis- at this point would be "pure specu- creme-mm:DIVERsIUNsmcl
professor at the Univemty of Hon- h d . . h . . .
duras and aCatholic priest. e oes not like much of what he covered the fire as e was passmg lation I I
hears and reads. f‘ by the house. Lt Glen Parks. who filed the fire
“I‘ll bet my life that the us. is on “As I hear what is coming out of u Five hours before the den fire. report. was unavailable for com-
the wrong side." he said. “I see it the US. it makesus (Central Amer- ALBERT REYMANN there had been a fire in a plastic ment yesterday. but Lilly said
and live it. Communism is not the icans) seem like communist. [want garbage can behind the bar in the Park‘s report indicated that the Sum mo 5cm
enemy; misery is the problem on to make it perfectly clear that I am ”Eighty percent 0f the people are middle room. Matt McCoy. a frater- structure suffered heavy damage. “3d M “in" m; should and
bothsidesf‘ anon-violentpriast. without clothes. without food and nity member who lived at house be- while the interior was moderawa {mm to be mad" lobbyists.
Reymann criticized the nommu- ”3"“ a .Pacmsit' not 3. °°"."““' Without “mum"? he said ”The! fore it was Closed yummy. d9 damaged Fordctails mum-6.
nist stereotype and the U S military ms." ' he said. “With this m mindIl is the enemy. They are not on a poIv- clined to comment on whether the f . ed d I
involvement in Central America as reyect that Y“ are communist m erty level but on a dying level. P‘W‘ two fires were related. but Lilly ”Id The in 028mm thémba ‘ltasfcoli‘i
part of his subject “Marxism and Central America, ' . ical ideologies doInotIImean a thing that unless both had beendellberflte tained in a en at I Ic (int c WEATHER .
Rel’ 'on . Centrl Am . .. . Reymann. who has Just returned IOPOOPlerth nothing. . ly set, the two incidents probably bulldlhfli bl“ the em"? ”‘5‘ Ioor
terclgl af‘t: amteflga ye]: from Calfornia. said he thinks there Reymann also emphasrzed that were not connected sustained smoke damage. Lilly said.
at y theumleciture. which fit: are more communists in Berkley the US. military involvement in At about the same time last year. McCoy said the monetary amount
tneiidofedw Latin American St ud‘ than in Central America. Central America is only hurting the a fire caused heavy damage to the of damage has "0‘ been determined TIN-v “I ht ml! any with the
pap am '5 Reymann stressed that the com. cause it is trying to promote. He Phi Delts' garage. mg fire was ‘ M from ‘5 '0 70‘ Tm. Vi" 5'
' munists are "0‘ the enemy in Cen- said the United States learned noth- also “suspicious." Lilly said. The Four members or the fraternity "' 'm' a" low M ‘5 '° 30’ To-
Although a native of the United "'81 America. The 99¢th in his "‘8 from Vietnam. Korea 0" the Bay files were never closed on that case. lived in the house. but none of them narrow a k M M
suites. Reymann has lived in Hon- opinion. are all the "laminated peo “PISS but it was termed “potentially were there at the time of the den m““"”""'"°"7°'-
duras since 1952. His first language ple. Sec Pall-‘31. page!) arson" by Gary Beach. Who is inves- fife-

 V i
2-KWYKMNEL My, Octoborl, 19“
Sports Editor
\ m‘»x~x “sewsei«\‘s ., _- as V“. ’ “w“‘xl
i syfe‘afitesmsmewsfi . 1f\\z>%§s©:‘c§‘““‘
~ " - From AP
’ _, two from _ ”a
‘ ' - M h II J ' Scrimmages, midnight practice announced
l a is. The dates for Kentucky‘s annual basketball intrasquad
‘ ‘ ‘ \ ByJUIiN PAISTER ' ’ scrimmages and midnight practice. have been set for the
I ' , ContnbutmgViriter A . 1985 season.
. . . . Freshman catcher Pete Young led '. > ‘ The dates for the Blue-White scrimmage games, which
. , g * off the Sixth inning with a solo home " r i ‘\ give fans acrOss the state a chance to see the Wildcats. are
' ' ' run and Terry Shumpert added an ’ “‘ {9‘1 4’ ‘ as follows:
' »_ I - . RBI single later in the frame as '~ "‘5‘ ‘ » b \ Saturday. Nov. 2 at Henry County High School in New
. ' ‘ ‘ . Kentucky rallied for a 5-4 victory ' Castle at 7p m
. 7 , ‘ and a sweep of the double-header ' ‘ ‘__ z .' ' , ‘1 . . 7.
1 . ‘ , .V against Marshall University yester- . . 1 . Tuesday. Noy. _ at Rupp Arena at .30 pm. ‘ .
. '. 1, ' dav Q _ ‘ \ , Saturday. Nov. 9 at Mason County High School in
' '~ .5 : _. , , Scott Belding's bases~loaded walk = . - F\ x {5; Maysville at7:30 p_m,
.‘ y l; '_ .' scored the deciding run in the open- ‘ g 3.“: On Oct. 15 at Memorial Coliseum. Sutton will intro»
' " ' ing game as LK exploded for TX I .1 . duce his first Kentucky team at the annual midnight prac-
,1 ‘ '. ' - runs in its final two at bats for a .-3 g} - - lice
j .1 a: ‘ - ,. ~. dectsion ,. ., .c ». . 3 ' ak’hs .. , ‘ . . . . . .
" I -' The Cats play m yesterday‘s dou- l.‘~‘ - “y“ . a; ‘ ‘3 ' I ‘ This year‘s practice is being called “(ats' Night Out,"
. _' hie-header continued to impress J‘s-"13w £§*‘ 35.11.31} f" . mg; ‘1”. tfl‘? and will be preceded by a country music concert beginning
3; '> i .‘ ’ ~ 003C“ KQIiheéViadllSOH. espeCially the any; f¥$~’il*1.;:.m gig} ' ’ at 10 pm. Food and drinks will be given out at the prac-
' t‘ , - ‘ teamorient sty e. ,3:2. «tawny. .v ‘ "m 4- , . . .‘ .‘ .
" 3 ,t " 1- . . ' ’ “This group of players warks bet< ~ mg...“ 2;.“ It? ‘ s ti“ and an autograph session will follow.
.t . -. _z ‘ . ter together and is as close—knit as _ §‘_ ”wig“... . t. 3.2;: ‘3, {we
" . ,_ ' ' any team I've had." said Madison. — . "‘ “7* i ”r . ' ' -.*. ~
.‘I , .l . I , ' “-1474 record IICI LILKINS KornolStafl 0
~ ‘ ’ . . :33 iié‘lfg‘fl Siason at L'K this Cross country teams travel to Indiana
: >'» spring. “We‘re beginning [0 Piat' UK's Greg Stephens-gets tagged out in 0 run- 5-2-1 at the midway point of their fall exhibition
' ’ .‘ . with more intensity in the second down by Marshall pitcher KeV'n COPenhObe" '" season. face Clemson University 0’ ShiveIY Kentucky men‘s and women‘s crass country teams iraicl
' ‘ . ’ _ games of double-headers. which has the first game of yesterday 5 dOUbIe-hGOder‘ The Sports Center for a pair of weekend double- to Indiana University this weekend for its second meet ot
; ' . ' been a problem torus Wildcats swept the twin bill, 7-3 54. The Cats, headers. th , , '
. ' eseason.
. , . _ 4 , "tine reason for that problem 15 only one hit over the final fivr» in- the big blows for the Cats in the first anlset the stage for the sixth-inning The “0m?“ “I“ compete against 3 field 0f 30 teams.
._ l. . ‘1 that high schools hardly 9"” P13." nings of each game ga But it was a three-run fifth rally with Tennessee being the only other Southeastern Confer—
,, . 1 . ' _ , ' . dpublfheiidei‘s.‘and 2;: ve gol a It): . "Our young pitchers are improyv ini.. on four walks and two hit-bat— ence school. In the l3-team ficid for the men. Mississippi
0 . ~ , .‘ 0 yr on: p ayers e new Ell. - mg daily in that they re showing, bet; tens 'hat turned the tide in favor of The Cats. 5:24 at the midway will be the only SEC competitor.
' g "‘0'” km “ how to get ready all 0‘ er ter control and more confidence. l i~ int of their fall exhibition season . . . .
. . . again alter a big “m m the hm “8de said "Plus the pitchers P0 , _‘ The races will be run in Bloomington at the Indiana
. ‘ ‘ . .. . ~ - - ~- ~ ,. y . . should face their toughest compet1~ . -, . . , , , , . . ., , .
. v. . , , , 28'“? who suffered summer arm ”Hume, ine Vlildcats added three more in tion this weekend at Shivelv Field University golf course. The women s race starts .it
' ' _ , ifreshmen Doug Sutton and Tom ”19 With. 35 Greg Stephens IOOPCd 'h Cl . 1v -. 1,. "ts f 9:30 a.m. andthc mcn'sat 10.1.11}.
- ' I I ' ' mwbm threw a dozen pitchers at Deller and unior colle e t‘ansl'er it" RBI-single. “ en emson “Hem “ ”SI or
. , ‘ Marshall during yesterday's twin T odd Teeter]: are PIE“ ‘much. apairof weekend double-headers.
1- . . g . . bill .. Six in each game And while needed work .. g g in the second game, Scott Weak-
. -. ' the Thundering Herd opened big ley connected for his first hit of the The first i'K—(‘lenison twin bill be 9 . , , , . - , -
‘ . . ' leads in each game (3-1 and 44» Solo home runs off the hats 0 fall season w a two-run homer in the gins at 11 am. Saturday. The second women S SOCCEI’ dub IOSCS ‘0 LOUISVIIIE
-. ’ . Wildcat hurlers blanked Marshall on Shumpert and (‘lint Arnold provirteo t'o'irth that pulled l'K to within 4-3 starts at 1 pm. Sunday.
. ‘ I .- . . . The UK women‘s soccer club lost to the Liniyersity of
. ,, — ' g Prlde makes Holmes want rematch Wlth Splnks Louisville last night 5-2. dropping its record to l-4 on the
, . . season.
I ' '1 . NEW YORK \l' ~ Larry one reason.“ Holmes said yesterday HBO, which televised the first fight. $500,000 for expenses. and Spinks got After leading H) early m the game. .Lk km the lead
. , ’ Holmes is mulling u\\,‘l a rematch by telephone from his home in and with Butch Lewis. themmoter, 3900.000 plus $100,000 in expense for good midway through ”I" second halt when l‘"”""”“
' I . . with Michael Spinks. who upset Easton,l’a who guides Spinks‘ career. about a money scored on a penalty kick.
,' . ' , 1 Holmes 13%;} month and‘lkept'him ~11 “Quid be to prove that l Jm-t rematch. "My pride ,5 m\~0|\ved“‘ Holmes For UK. Linda Knapp and Mary Greer both scored
' y ' , '7 from maéc ing Rocky ‘ arCIano " ~h0t ‘ Lewis thinks a rematch would be said of his thinking about a rematch. goalsin the game.
_‘ ’ . 49'“ recor '_ . . ‘ worth more than the first fight for “If your legs are gone. you can't go
. ~ . ,» ”If I do fight him it WOUJd be for H01m€> said he has talked mm which Holmes got SR million plus tSrounds.”
. , . : WP i? BEI IER FOOD \\
. _ . . 1. IS UK DAY!
~ , -' p ‘ BETTE R—QEEBRY W
‘ - ‘ NowOpon1Doys < _:
. , : Mon.-Thun.until9p.m.
. - I’ ‘ _ l ‘ Opportunities to join our kitchen tonmmgoing fast! Openings exist
I . . 1 for:
I I ' ' " MONEATrgnziabovlg‘Jvaigfiri-i I COOKS (fry, bmfl’ line) 1. 5 9 EACH
I' ,1 . Each time you donate at Plasma Alliance, your vital signs are , PREP, DISHWASHERS, I 2 PC SUITS
x - 2:25.?“ :5: :L°::':.gastritis: '° t PANTRY&E1 , . _-'. 3 offer exceUem company benefits including group insurance and paid .
t. .. ‘- I vacations (to full-time cmpioyeoo).pluo management opportunities I . E A C H
. . - '. ' ' . it [20% of our management out! came from the unit employee rank!) i
; : . - .- 3 Procedure For Recommending 5mm
: ~ 1 .. . . it ON CAMPUS uommocmnnn'nhi LAUNCHED To
- s - _- Rewsrons 0f Student Code
." . > ' i3 “multitude-lanthanum- “ pER‘ECT'ON FOLDED
', _ . , H
V. . . ,‘ i1 DoniopmontContor.plouodropbymdooon-i 1 HOUR CLEANERS 0“ 0“ HANGERS
.2. ' . ' _ Pursuant to the Code of Student Conduct, Article 3; ' Wmcn
'- ‘ - ~' - VII the St dent C d C ‘tt "H t d I G ® 31.232“... :3?ng
. d; , g ,. . . U o e ommi ee WI accep on re- ll Gwmwmn mm C
. _ . ,‘ ' ~ ' : 041'. immune-u mum-M w
. View recommendations from UK 'students, faculty :3. mm“... “mum."t,“ EACH
* and staff regarding proposed rewsions of the Code. 1“ ""‘""°"""""
’ “- Such recommendations must be in writing, should i A? eoualoovo'tum'vemp'ove' "" 5 for 3 39
s ‘ ' . i 4. ‘_ be as explicit as possible, and should be addressed .
y t " 5‘; .‘ to the Committee, c/o Office of Vice Chancellor for _, _
..-"‘,;“t' ‘ - ‘ . Student Affairs, Lexington Campus, 529 Patterson W
'5'; ‘1 Office Tower, 00273. Recommendations should indi- r . . . \ "w.“ 7....
.' , cate the name of the proposing individual or organi- t . -—— ——__- "v'v
. "L ‘g zation, mailing address, and telephone number. TUESDAY . . “\
bra-.4} . " Recommended revisions should be submitted by NO- ' . I i' 6 ”WW This Week
-- vember i, and preferably earlier than that date. Ramat ADS \g — Topwoance
2, 5;". The Code is published as Part I (pages l-29) of the ‘ D ‘ ' D & THE REDHOTS .
document entitled "Student Rights and Responsibili- D it 1
33;. ' '7 ties"dated August 16, 1985. 1 Off , . fi Tonite Ladies .
.‘ '.~ ‘1. ~ '. ’ ‘ ' , / \ / \
- -; , v, , , z / / yao Chippondolo Donors
‘ ' \ x ' . t.
1’ , KENTUCKY - - - ' 1:. _. I
. . Kernel OctoberAdvortIsmg Spocrall / K , -
'_ ,i ' . . . .
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 O r ' f O
. GaryHareo

ANS Edi'Or


Assrsranr Arts Editor

sesame .' ' ' . ' ,

Wrong People, . HBO offers Tommy Lee Hurt . -
wrong beds 1 ~ . . . ,

- .. 1+ as anot er crazed Vietnam vet - _,

enliven ‘Farce’ “ — . ;
By wssu-zt' MILLER . .. .~ .
By ANNEGALLOWAY StaffWriter $3 . \. , , .- - .
Staff Writer \ 1 ,,~‘ -
It‘s still early in the month. and ' \ M ‘~\ . ... .
The beds are used for everything ,I - the pay channels remain deluged l ‘ '_\\ . f, 'f . .,
but sex and the characters never ‘ with motion picture premieres Un- ‘. \‘ . ' . i}. ‘, , ;‘- ‘, f;-
end UP With the right people. in the ,V \ ‘ like last week, however. the cable ,N \ * . ‘ 3' r , l .
rightbed.at theright time. . . . viewer is faced with quantity, not fl f 4 x H . _ "’5," It ."
Farcically enough. it's a lot like \ l quality. ’5’ / "« ‘_- l
real life. ..' The “highlight" of the week is an- if I l ,
“Bedroom Farce." a comedy in ' ' other in the series of HBO Premiere t . “ .. l . 1.} :i'","- '. .‘t'l‘; f},
two acts written by Alan Ayckbourn \ Films. The Park Is Mine. Tommy ’ ‘ , -. l l )J ti)"; '3
in 1975. is billed as “a British romp 1,, -. “ \\ ; Lee Jones (“Coal Miner‘s Daugh- 1A . ~ \ y, ,. {ff-.1 t,‘
about marriage. a wickedly funny " ‘ ter“) attempts to do Sly Stallone l‘l. “..‘: I“ 1 $1,314.: 5w";
play." L'K Theater will perform the ‘s - and Chuck Norris one better in his L l t . f Vii-11"; .'
play at 8 tonight. tomorrow and Sat- -- . role as another Vietnam vet—gone- ‘? l. (J . I.” I, .- '2‘ .‘fi‘: "'-.‘ f “ .
urday. and again “Cl 10-12. With it ‘5 ' crazy. This time around. he takes . s . f .- i .' lg}; .
3p.m.matinee()ct.13 ,‘ . \ over all 840 acres of New York i§ \ . 523in I”.
The play is a takeoff on a genre of ' ‘ City‘s Central Park # single-hand- 4’ &§§9 } ‘. ‘ '11-; I y 3. .‘u
British comedy called bedroom ' m" edly, mind you — and kidnaps pho- 7.x. ’ _f r ,; .’ ‘_' J2
farces. that have people in and out _ , 2' tojournalist Helen Shaver ~" , 1],". / i; “3: _._,‘_
of the wrong beds. and climbing out ’ The final item on his list of things A {5“ ~. I ' .r: .1; “r
of windowsills However. the title to do is to hold off the NYPD. head- 5§§\ / -. . s-I. ‘1" _ . ..': .
“Bedroom Farce" is a misnomer. ed by Yaphet Kotto ="Alien"u For- \ ‘. l l \ '~ ’ . “if - i} " {HI-I:
because Ayckbourn makes fun of the Lovmuoosr KeinalStotl tunately, Jones is armed with l minus a . .- '; ’. Iii...“ if. .5
type by sending the characters into Patience Martin. Kent Siedel and Wren Picasso rehearse a scene enough weapons ‘0 qualify him 35 a \iil"l for the murder or it 'lt‘x’lulllul . 5 .’ ”t
bantering rhetoric. not to bed from “Bedroom Farce," opening yonighy at the Gurgnol Theater. Third World nation. When will H011)” ..omaii Director ltoi. l oheii pos- . I -. i 051%.,"
Set in the present. "Bedroom wood realize that not every \ietnan. sow-m filillt' oi ll’lt' \lioter - '.t,t or Q _‘ .- 35.“;
Farce" takes place in one evening tween the three bedrooms. ("”5 '5 not always 0“ a hlgh plane. Aka‘ vet is a psychotic killer? The film RE-FLICK-TIONS . Iltllt’li- “m, mp “Myrna...” tfuniti ._ ‘1’; ‘. T'. "I it
with three bedrooms and four cou- pared to 20 to +0 in an average bourll admits that couplesIcan be debutsSunday. ..zii: tllrllli\.tiu> lilll‘. pl‘mex .i M, ‘ 1,: ‘.
ples The bedless couple is the cat- 913." ’““rr““l- and mes“! question that Terror In The Aisles is horror cm— Mm, ”Mimi; mm: of. mg“ “m .n :- ._ :'_-..I ‘. ' _-'r i g
alyst for the comic tension and con- ('haney. who graduated with a lht’.‘ “”9 “Whmhehlhe.‘ilUSId0 ema's answer to "That's Entertain» up i- .i.‘ .o .i lixguixt‘ehdpp} .wmio ; ~ ~;
fusion The dialogue delivered in Psychology degree. 5and. "W0 '10“ ”“5 “‘Pl‘WW’“ QWSUOM the "a" ment.“ with scenes from more than —— rim-sis.) - vitwsn' it. :v; .i-r his ? 7 ‘3';
British accent and dialect further just cast theater majors Auditions llllt) ot love In marriage and mar‘ 75 thrillers crammed into 34 mm mm udjug‘xng to human ..ixmmcm “mum“,ymw, ,. .. y F-
complicates the witty interplay of are open to anybody " (if the “Bed l'lflge 1" ll“? Through the idealism utes This 1984 film. which pro Sies while trying to i‘l\'t)ltl .i pilll oi ‘ ";
thelines and offbeat humor room Farce" Cil>l~ 0n]! “W ”l lh‘ l" young romanceblthe PlaFf t0uts mieres on HBO Sunday. is a disgust- pursuers from outer >p‘ut‘t‘ titl‘lwii' 'ni.- “0N1 oi the “Ir-st Dept l‘-.\o ' 5;. "'
.. , , . ., _ _ , , \ eightactorsurctheaterrnalors. ”W ‘d-‘ 3“ ”19’“le 9 Part 0‘ mar~ ing waste of time: plot and storyline funny. brlmnllnlz ‘.\llll \ot-iiii .or. ..i..t.,.:,.; ”Mun an. “imam“, ... M, arts: It; ..’. .-
The play ‘5 “N pdwd "ml .(h‘mg . .. li-tgt‘ all done In EOOd hhghSh is thrown to the four winds as the merit. this l> a flick 'lé’lllll't‘lj. «writ; Thom: or t mm 'f.» AH‘K ’l‘he “ i . '.
so the comic tempo has to go fast. Accurdlng to ( haney. the sexual y . . -. - , , ‘ » ' . ' '. 'z
. . . _ . 4 . .. , _ . ' “MA" Viewer is inundated With climax watching hymn”; . 15+:“~\t.nniit\\r-~i one , i.
said director Mr (hdnei ln tact. mertones focus on marriage and m - . , . . ‘ . *~ ~~ iv»

, , _ , . »_ , , , after climax until thinking is no The only othei tiuiiiity tiiii. pl“ .,3 idly... gm.“ ”dig" . “my“: ; .
there are about till light tues. he» relationships, exploring the “il\\ l‘lll ticket information. call , , , ., g _ . . » . w . ~ _~
cause of the spotlight Quichea be- [hi 1 . n 10v, each other 'H ..r‘m .13... longer necessary. miere kicks off its pay I\ iiii. Ht‘\i “him star-ts ll> (fulllf' l'lll: siiiiiidi ..n . g _ _ , _ ..‘“

‘ ‘ ’ ‘ d ““98“ ca ‘ ' ‘ ’ And like too much of a good thing. Thursday on Him will \ l‘hi- .lig- . mm“ The 'illllillllni; ioi ploy '. . ' ,
. . the “good parts" become boring $8“ “an offers Michael taint- am .i lliint"lt‘t‘l1tlt‘ll‘mt’l‘t‘l'\ 19.1 Jim; in. a '; » ,_
Ori inal formula outsells new Coke ...... .. mmmm ,_ . . _
mactic sequences from Such films ()livier as head of Britisl. See's" (tin>l\lt'llll\ llUllllllllllr ',.'lt' tiim ,‘ 1.‘ 1 I I
as “Jaws." "Psycho“ and “The Service Sparks fly uheii the hit. “an mind“ a .~..,n(m-m_ ...“ shoe . f y .
NEW YORK tAPI (‘ocamt'ola original formula Coke. is outselling the tmttlers surveyed account for EXOYCISl are belittled ”1 brutal cross paths. beginning .i ('ill and i..iit.i.. .iiii stiflif’ ill“? in»