xt79s46h452x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79s46h452x/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1979-02-27 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 27, 1979 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 27, 1979 1979 1979-02-27 2020 true xt79s46h452x section xt79s46h452x Vol. LXXI. No. 114 Ker 2' University of Kentucky
Tuesday. February 27. I979 an independent student newspaper Lexington. Kentucky
Recreation security Increased .. W -
ain't”; , .::v::';.’-Z"IM@7°.- >
I I I k .. ,I ' \
Thieves break into umni ym c ers a
By DEBBIE MCDANIEL Johnson. director of campus person on duty at the gym to enter Mann said more lockers were II .42.. NI
. Copy [aim recreation. said. from 6 pm to midnight Monday- broken into than reported to police. W?“ s ' . .
Johnson said the sturdy lockers Friday. 9-9 pm. on Saturday. and “I'm not too sure how much Morchead ’9 . “’1 . -V
Three thefts totaling about $l09 could not easily be forced open. “That noon-l0 pm. on Sundays. got hit.“ he said. But other students a”
were reported Saturday afternoon by would take a crowbar. or something.“ However. the rest of the time whose lockers were broken into had '
. students participating in a volleyball he said. various teams such as baseball and locked up their money and valuables . j
tournament at the Alumni Gym. UK Mann said the lockers are basketball use the gym for practice. in their cars. he said. ’
Police Chief Paul Harrison said constructed with holes in the front so and no one is at the door. “It's not good for relations with .
yesterday. the contents are visible. and added. According to police reports. the other SChOOlS when they come hereto .. ;
' Five volleyball teams from schools “when it looks like somebody has thieves took a watch. clothing and play and get robbed.“ Mann said. w»
including Eastern Kentucky clothes inthem.it cuts down onalot of money from the gym‘s basement “Some Ol these guys aren‘t VCT)’ " f ' "
. University. Morehead University. and Work for the burglars.“ lockers between I and HS p.m. smart.“ Johnson said. “Some leave
' '. Ashland Community College met in “They were in and out so fast they Saturday. although the theft was not clothes in unlocked lockers. or ' , ‘
. the Alumni Gym to participate in the probably had someone watching.“ reported until 2:15 p.m. hanging up. We‘d rather they don‘t ..
J Recreation Department‘s local Mann said. “They could post Mann said this was because bring valuables. or give them to our , I .
‘ tournament. Some members were somebody atthc stairwellwhilethey‘re outgoing calls cannot be made from person on duty.“ 3 _
‘I victimstothieves who were “in and out smashing the locks. the Alumni Gym telephone. He said he Locks on all outside Alumni Gym 3 '
, 1' in ten minutes" according to retired “It‘s the recreation department‘s had to “send out“ for the police. doors were changed last Wednesdayto , "
7 UK head volleyball coach Bob Mann. place to take care of letting people in John Smith. of Richmond. told prevent vandalism. JOhnSOH said. "We 3' 1
.. . . . the m. and the' do that. But for olice someone forced 0 en a locker had a problem with eo le ettin in r’
’ , It s kind 0f bad 0),,” there With secufiiy for the rest) ofthe building. it‘s End removed his blue golfihirt. valued the building and tcarFingpoffgdoorf“ / ‘j
nobody at the door. Mann. who the athletic department's job. They at $l6. a $5 grey-hooded sweatshirt “Well be doing someinvestigating. i
' helped sponsor the tournament. Sfud (the Athletic Association) have taken and $3 in money. trying to see ifanyone saw someone in . . Z -
. yesmiday‘ addmg. matuthere '5 "0 overthe rest of the building.“ he said. Jim Harris. of Ashland. had a the area acting su5piciOUS." Harrison . '
» security In the building. . . Student recreation department has quartz digital watch. valued at $75. said. That is all the police can do totry I ‘,
lItry (to watch). but I m upflalis control only overthe gym floor. Mann removed from an unlocked locker. to apprehend the thief or thieves. he ' ,
"""fmg the tournament. he said. .J said. according to police reports. Ray said. 3! “MM CLIFTON/Kernel Staff
‘ din; know how you can stop It Although this is the first theft Rolling. of Lexington. told police "The Alumni Gym has always been I - .
(I et.) reported to the campus recreation someone forced open his locker also. a problem. It‘s open all the time.“ SWIng t'me
“The only lockers in there (the office this semester. II“we‘re really and removed Sit) in cash.I . Harrison said. “It‘s an area where you The dance scene is making it everywhere. including ”(.5 Rasdall Gallery in .
basementlbelong to the wrestlers. but gghtening supervrsroIn: Johnson saId. h It s JustIa pitlfItIrI situation wIiItIh all take )0?” valuaIbles ..b t: sbepIiIirate the Student Center. l'K Professor Art Jones has a display called “Disco .
ldontbelievetheyeverlockthatdoor tudents must show d validated lI>K ‘ I059 teams 0‘9” ere. hehald-IIH'C.‘ “If?“ billo'm ‘I‘ I6? .. d5 6‘ d or Ladies and Other Friends of Art Jones." which caught the attention of .
(to the wrestling room). Bernard Vl.D. card to the campus recreation even took the locks with them, to ey a are paye ). journalism freshman GarrySports.Hiscomment."differentandinteresting.“
. I
Mode/doesnt . ._ Feamster supports na iona grou
l I " I I '
. m/ndposrng ~ ,  _ . , W opposrng HEW sports regulations
~‘ . - fig 1' '- " .
. ' In the b L,” ' “We; ,. ‘ WI UK‘s affiliation with a group of director srnce UK merged its men's women's basketball program as a ,
" ' {Ag/£33”. N_-V I, "5’”? I .I “ schools opposrn g federal athletic and women‘s programs last yea r. said men‘s. “and it never will even if we wrn ‘ ‘
' ,V iii}:- f- "' %&’?Is ”swim” j‘ opportunity guidelines dosen't bother in the A.“ story that a recent four national titles.“ ' .
i for Class "3%,," Wave“ " UK‘s Assrstant Director for Woman‘s newspaper headline that said “le Hagan told the kernel that the
. ’ N ~ .1"; Sports Sue Feamster. joining group against equal funds for reason for U K‘s jorning was in protest ,
‘ ’3 “The school has joined the alliance women‘s sports" was not only to HEW regulation of Title IX. “We
' 4" . . to have a ready access to what is going misleading but untrue. feel that H EW is usurping its power in
. By CHRIS BLAIR 1‘ , gt 5;; ‘ . to come out and so it can have a “It's true we joined the alliance. but the enforcement." he said.
, Staffwr'l” I fl“ V . spokesman in Washington ifthe time first of all. it‘s not ‘equal funds‘ the UK joined the alliance of schools
5 comes for them to have a voice there.“ HEW is proposing." Feamster said. . earlier this year after the Department -'
Once a. week PCP“ Hall‘s basement -. A " Feamster told the Associated Press reading from the federal register: of Health Education and Welfare
5“]le '5 OCCUP'ed by freshmen ' . However when asked to comment “...recipients of federal funds will proposed specific guidelines in
, architecture students who study the 33 Ag, ,. about the story run by the AP today. not be in violation of Title IX if they Decemberto implement Title IX ofthe
“complexrties 0f human form“ by Feamster refused to comment to the provide uneq ual aggregate federal Education Amendments of ‘
it dram"? “We? ”"2 5.335; 3 Kernel . saying that she couldn‘t talk expenditures for members of each sex I972. HEW is expected to issue revised .
\ 17mm? walte‘. 22‘ a Murray State ‘ I: I 3: ’ , about joining the alliance. That was or unequal expenditures for male and guidelines within two months. ‘
Unrversrty painting and photography . g 3.1“ ' the duty of Athletic Association female teams." Hagan said that UK‘s joining the -
graduate. holds herseIIfin one pose for , , . {,5 I?-..'V Director Cliff Hagan. She said in the story it doesn‘t cost group was not unique. “There are ' .
- ‘. 30 ‘9 50 minutes. Slums, standingIor “a Feamster. the assistant athletic the university as much to have a Continued on page 3 - ,
r bending. She does srx hours of posrng r I .. ~
, for the class every Tuesday. tr, , ._ .
While an art student at Murray. '3 . T . i
. Waite said she attended similar '5” ' Oda '2
drawing classes. and gained an LINDA CAMPBELL/Kernel staff .
. appreciation for the study of nude Iran had supplied about l0 percent of the world‘s oil 3'
models. First year Architecture student Mark Harvile works on his sketch during a *before the shutdown. producing about 6 miillion barrels a :1: ‘
“It doesn‘t bother me (to model)." Tuesday art class. Iocal day. The government of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeinisays ;
She said. “I modeled for friends at production will now be only about half that level in‘ln ”_I- . . .
Murray. I modeled for a class there runs into trouble when looking for a geometry ofthe body or an expanded A FEDERAL OFFICIAL HAS ADVISED THE attempt m consene the "men‘s 0'] reserves. .7: r i
too. but because I was a student I had model is that modeling isn't a steady idea ofa measure or proportion ofthe LEXWGTON‘FAYETTE COUNTY GOVERNMENT ;. ‘
to wear tights. job. “If they find a steady job they body." that a Plan to spend $200.000in Community Develoriment THE NATION‘S GOVERNORS. UNABLE Iro ;.-:_
"Sure. I get nervous some. You Quit." Although the class is a freshman 3:22;ginspg'AfiNOEUETfi:”c Park does "0‘ Home the AGREE 0” {WW}? “ft epdorse . adbuifign baffling i:
: . ' ‘ ' ' ammen ment 0 C ons l U ion. \v’OlCC C0 CS er a ., ' '
I . Ili’esctmilina 0f by"? 13:11:65” 9“. and The TIuesdItIty drawmg cgass IS erWIngdclass.I0ther “we"; Who are John TuiteI. director of the Office of Block Grant about congressional tIhreatsto slash revenue sharinygasabi: ii. -
n o jec . . e ing is just a awesome y 51 ent. . except or an intereste in earning to raw may Assistance. said federal block gram money may beused for step toward eliminating the federal (MIMI 22'. .
_« matter of your attitude and state of occassional suggestion to a student attend the class wrth Roccanova‘s almost any kind ofneighborhood improvement so long as it Pressure fora balanced federal budget wasme (“)me
t.’ mmd‘ WaiteIsaid. . from Roccanova. consent. is “appropriate ‘0 the needs in a Iow-or-moderate-income issue at the winter meeting of the National Governors : -
“It‘s not like drawrng a certain “Okay. for homework. we'll do one One freshman student said the class arm" Conference underway a re“. blocks from the Capitol 15‘
' 3‘ person. The model is just a figure. more exegise drawing handsand we'll is very intense and CXBCI- “TOHY‘S Joe lawn. a member of the Urhrm County council California Gov. Edmund (J. Brown Jr..chiefexecutive of .'{ V .
. I That‘s how I think of it when I‘m in do it like I‘ve set up the model today.“ driving us to do it the way it should be contended last week that spending money on Red Mile Park the nation‘s most populus state and a leading advocate ofa (if _
1' there. They‘re not looking at me. Roccanova tells his class as they done.“ said Tim Murphy. is improper because it wouldn't benefit aprivate apartment budget balancing amendment. ran into strong opposition l . ' ' '
J15. They‘re looking at lines and shapes.” prepare to take one ofthree l5 minute “It doesn‘t bother me to draw her complex development in addition to a poorer from other governors as well as from members of Congress. I'" _ ‘ ’
she said. breaks. “Study carefully the form and nude,“ he said. “lt‘sjust another thing "c'ghbormo‘j' ‘ GOV- James Thompson 0t “thlSIChlIed the idea 0t a :N I _
"4 “It's just an exercise of the mind. structure of the body. Sketch. look to draw. bUdg‘“ amendmem "somewm‘ S'mpl'sm and 52ml he was 3;:
i". Drawing nudes is a very good way to and draw until it‘s a part of your life." “I was nervous at first. No one even State more concerned “’0‘" ”ma“ ‘0 Cl" "“3"“ Shamg' {N . ,
learn to draw. lt‘sagood way to learn Students in the Colle e of talked when the class first started. I 2' .
5. forms, shapes and proportions.“ she Architecture are drawing nude ignodels didn‘t want her to catch me looking at :ULElAtlgfi‘JlflAl? Ugfgsfgffi Ill) EMOCR AT'C W0 rld :1; '
. j . . , . alph Ed Graves . . . .=- .
' .Ir said. . I to develop a concentrated awareness her. but now its comfortable. l like yesterday on remarks he made before a Kentucky Young A CHINESE OHICIAI. . TIOILD AMERICAN __-I-' ._
:1. Waite models for Architecture of the lines. shapes and proportions of her." he said. Democrats forum about getting “the grand jury show on [he IREPOINRTERIS yesterday; that China} 'hVflSthI OlIVtflham 1; . '
‘ I ‘-I Professor Tony Roccanova‘s class and the human body. he said. Another class member. Michael road" in connection with various investigations. IS not that but an Issue- and helhdlcated Pehthsslcadcrs I‘N: .
I is paid $4.50 per hour. “l sort of demand concentration Smith. said he didn‘t know what to do FBI sources confirmed the interview with the candidate. “in“ confcmed 3mm .LS' "'“c'sm 0f their “HTS; A} .. - . '
“I‘m looking for a job right now.” from my students. I don‘t expect when Laurie walked in and took off but declined to give details. w° dim for“ in" we“ on anyone CISCJ the :ific'al it - .' . -
she said. “I‘m obviously doing this for silliness. I don‘t want to deal with that her robe. The FBI asked for a chat with Graves after a story which “"d' add"? "‘3‘ V'c'mmdm” mu“ be dean some ows a; . ' '
‘ 2 . the money.” sort of immaturity.“ he said. “You don‘t want to draw because WOW him?“ “Xi"! Saturday that ”a grand Jury l5 "0‘ beg}: ‘gfiiéflt'lgjfi with [he "porters who are :i l .' “i ’
' ‘. Paul Amatuzzo. professor of “It‘s a concentrated vision on her you feel uneasy looking at her. making ,summ9"°.d '" Lc.x'"3‘°" m diapo" 0f the mu.“ mind by accompanying Trfasury Secretary W. Michael Blumenthal i A
I . 5 architecture, said although the college (Waite).” Roccanova said. “The body eye contact." Smith said. “It doesn‘t '"Vempuonimsed Of sme government. “I m gorng m on his current visit to China , on the condition that his i .I ‘ . I.
'tN has a list of half a dozen models. isa model to study proportion and the bother me now. just sort of a routine. naggcamsN I ted . h .. h l name not be “5ch j .. ‘- ~ '.
’ f finding a reliable model for drawing complexity of naturalform. [think she To draw someone. you'd have to draw Demociiitic “heiasoufrign ”as 3:312: I 2: 0:: :3 euat There were signs yesterday that Chine“ leaders Wm ‘ _.
‘ . t classes is difficult. understandsthatamodelhastositand them nude to understand the basic stopped.” ' q y y g 8 J ry annoyed by Blumenthal‘s banquet toast Sunday describing VI . . . f
. ‘j “Over the past years a lot of models be detached from her personality." form of the human body.“ Chins as the “transgressor” in the Indochina war and ..
' , i have proven fairly unreliable. “We (architects) build around the Michael Cranfillsaid he was glad to a warning that it could Ihinder the growIthINof [IS-Chinese ' ;
. i Modeling isn‘t a Permanent human form. Forinstance.doors have have the opportunity to draw nudes "anon "him“ and "5".” WM" comfigh'; msssagec‘:mf .
_ _, l.‘ :ZNTIfeNEsNioIn.“Amatuzzo saidII“TIheytell a certain proportion. We build spaces because although he I had taken OIL SHORT AGES AND HIGHER PRICES (‘ AUSED ffififime‘w "”d ‘0 m" a "5' ent ' "s I‘
. - . , . y re coming when It ey re nos. that are generally built for human drawrng class before coming to UK. he 'y THE CRISIS IN IRAN continue ,0 pm“, the United . »
~ ThatIrIeally puts 3 crimp "l the day 5 ““185“. he said. had “CV" drawn nudes. ‘ States. with some airlines canceling flights and Venezuela weather , . f
. ._ activrties.” “Drawing. as far as the body is “You have to look at drawing nudes reportedly ready to raise the price of oil. ' ' ‘-
' “The real problem. I think. is that concerned. has some sort of intrinsic as a professional thing. In fact. at the The latest problem surfaced yesterday as Iranian officials SllNN'i AND WARMER TODAY with the high in the _ ._ I ‘
. . there is a small pool of models. Part of meaning to architecture." Roccanova beginning of the semester. Tony said said oil exports would resume soon. although belowthose of upper 30:. Mostly clear and not quite so cold tonight. Low in ‘7 I I .
I the reason for that is the small said. “However you look at it. it‘s an that if we were going to act silly we the days before political strife shut down the oil fields last the low to mid I20s. Increasing cloudiness and warmer ,I r. - .
' . population here.“ he said. idea of proportion, whether it‘s the would have to get out of the class.” Decem'm- tomorrow. High In the mid to upper ‘OI. I ‘. J.
. , i Roccanova said themajorreasonhe literal proportion of the body. the Cranfill said. . I_ .
I ’IN v .
... .... . . . ~~,v firm-‘5'? I-.V-- .- ""“w'W¢*-“"‘""‘**WWM-W-.W “N. ~~ I III.

 . ’ 8
. i.
». Steve Iallnder Thoma: (ill’l 5"" 51““) Walter Tunis Jim“ Vlulht Tom Moran 3?
Editor in Chief Editorial IZUIIUI Ruth Mottlngly .1 3h [- Mum spout hlimr him-m, “1 Photography .
Debbie McDaniel _ 3 I ‘
,, Gregg Held: I". Jenny Tate (If) “lllls l ,J
. Rkhtd McDonald Jeanne Wehnes Jock Walnwrlght “mm" 4‘“ I ‘1'”, John ("lay Lind: (‘umphdl V
Managing [ill/o! Astoria” Editors (0!" “lilo“ Brim Rlckerd Phoio Manager 3‘ 3
. d. .als & CW5 4iiiiianl .S/mziy lit/lion 1*
0. item i
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———_—————————————————_— . ‘5’; 3
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. bc %%3 (4, 3 44.,“ 3l.’ 3 3‘. \ \\\ i\§ ‘
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~ * - , -. - - ~ ~ . ' “hm 3% .4’ : l. 4.41 l '4'. . ”Q \1’.‘ " *‘J‘ 3 i‘ 4 I
- [is unfortunate that state law apparently has Part of the problem is in this philosophy. that %f 4. 4, 4 4, p— - ,44, ..- :4’ - ' .4 ‘i‘n‘y‘ t, 'y,. . i
. . . . . . . . 0/ :. '4 z 5‘ . ' 4-, m, 0," t‘. s " ‘
prohibited .1 new academic policy that brings some community college studies be'equwalent to those of 4.4;, :45, 4 '4 3 3/ , " ‘x _ g;‘\'\"~ "t ,;
rationality to the practice of transferring credits four-year schools. lnfact. community colleges have 4534 a“? 44 ’ ‘,,”"'<.1"-'* i i \ 3%. J'i} {r , 3”; . i
. . ,. . . - . . . . .' .4/ ‘ ' '74 ' ‘ ‘ ‘ i a
. from l is s community colleges to the main campus a different range of emphaSis than universmes. and %/Z ' 4/ 3 l 412::1 '4 , 3 ‘ .. ‘ 3‘ .L ‘ NH“ '1. ’ ~,. ,
. . . . . . \g :4,i',3/ f 4 , 3.], I. , 1 . .5 z
in Lesington. offer a different emphaSis Within that range. gig ,//% . 3 « l4. . 3 , ,4 .h‘Eéfi’ai. l 4,3 3
the policy would have giventhe state‘s four-year According to the official mission statements for ‘ ' '3' < , i ii, - '0 .3 ' 3 3 . 3.: 1",3 ' . 'l
universities some control over which courses would state institutions. the UK community system is , j,/ 3 N, m %a "1' a 3 .4; ' 4, i 35‘; 3.“; . 0.
be eligible for transferred credit hours and grades. charged with three specific functions: to offer %4 3 W , .i , ‘ ’ ' 7. ’3 3’44. , s l”
.. " . .. . affix/gt, {fl/l/giéé 3:1: . "/4 . . " i ‘ ’, 4 ' t ‘, “”143"- _ W"? “'33 II
lhe schools would accept credit only if the courses career-oriented programs to prepare students for 4/, W4? ,, ,4, ll 3 .3 a . n , t, “~s\ "*tr 1 ‘ ”if I -
were approved by the university senates for immediate technical or semi-professional 01/” fl, 13 v ,, 4. 4.,“ . 'fit‘ .. 3.! h
. . . 40x14! ’ . .9’4,’”’:’4’4’<;,///,4 . . ,1 4’ ’ ’ ,, “4,, 3, ’ " . ‘ _ ‘ ’ .
baccalaureate credit. employment, to offer studies for the first two years //’4/// x i ’ . 4W 0 .. . . . n K”
3 ' ' - ‘7” ”64/494,345; ” ~ . ‘ . 3
It would be a needed change. eliminating the of a baccalaureate program. and to provrde general 34/4 "e . " y Il— , ‘ 4
problem ot transfer students getting credit for educational opportunities for citizens in localized //// 3}! 2., ‘V’ \ ' ~
. . . / . 4,” / ’
courses such as motel management. firefighting and areas. /4/4 L /m .
, . . . . , . '4 ,,'-4'4:' 1 r
beauty shop management. It s not a mayor problem, From that description. it seasyto see how conflict 7/” 0‘32...“wa ‘2. _
because students eventually havetotakethe courses might arise. Courses that are designed to fill \ 3 7 ,. -
h. , .d ,. , d b . I d . , f d, ,. , WMT'DOESlTAlLMEANORRUll-EKS MWISISSUEDMTOJLYESSMAL mum .4;
t at at. rcqu1re or a egree. ut it s not practica an vocationa areas 0 stu y simply NEW R ,, 4.
appropriate to reflect some community college cannot always be compatible with more academic- KEN WK“ AND NOW 90% UP 3
courses in things like grade point averages. oriented disciplines (although UK and other major YSA explains f,
’l‘he proposal looks dead for certain now. universities have many fields of study that are 3.3”;
consigned for burial in the Rules Committee. In the responsive to practical needs). I I 53 .
opinion of l'niversity' Counsel John Darsie. it was The University Senate should pursue its attempt O C'a I Ist p '3 n 3 fo r n ew 0 rd er 334,. ‘
illegal because it was in direct violation of state to find a resolution to the problem of transferred :3
statutes, hRS lo4.58_3 and M4583. which require credits andfclourses. And the University should be By BRONSON ROZIER “inciting“. hi,“ in relatioiitothis with the need “work with peoplewho 3,?
lscnwcky s community colleges lower division prepared, i it comes to such a pomt. to mount a goal" lhc “whh hi this nannn I. an. presently ”dimmed around only ii 3
courses to be transferrable. Challenge case against the state law. This presentation of the Young controlled by a small minority of the certain of capitalism’s effects mean ,3
' - -0. .._,_._~fi__k,,fi___—__~___~_____ Socialist Alliance and Socialist population that owns the mines. oil socialists must work with the
Workers' Party‘s strategy for building wells. factories and banks. National organizations people have built to 3
- socialism is being written as a priorities are decided within the fight for their needs. for example the i_-
L etters to t’ ’6 Editor contribution toward discussion of framework of the needs ot the profit unions. lhis. as opposed to the purist i“
’ socialists on how to build our system for example full or sectarian politics of groups that
—~——-~——-—~~——-——~————~~w——~ ~ .0.-..._-.0-_,.__m. insist people must already have a 3 3
.‘_._.___,0.——_———_.—____—___%__ n . socialist consciousness to fight for |
of it. If Senator (Candy) Cummins 0 Inlo n immediate demands. or the idea that i
GO George How anyone. especially a group of (Senator-at-large) wants to compare “‘Cl'dllm must imposetheirpolitics 0"
3‘ students. could aSk for an increase in our school to others. she should drive ————WW -' We _ W— ,M____...._._0.._.. “‘—'W"— coalitions around specific 355"“
Since (ieorge l’otratz seems to be activity fees given the condition and south about three hours and visit our movement. Htpefully. '1 “l“ “1‘” employment th‘llhldCTCd liW percent 0“ Ihe other hand the goal 0f
taking some of the credit for the paucity of recreational. intramural orange friends. There. she might take introduce soctalist ideasto people who [ineniploymcntand it'sti‘uethat under masses of 'pnople controlling the '
upheayals in Iran I suggest he go there and physical education facilities atthis her pick of an indoor or outdoor 50- may not be socialists now btit may iliiv system full employment is economy necegsitates that people start .
and 3,110“ hi5 lranian “brothers“ to llniversity is mind-boggling. Seaton meter pool. or play racquetball on one become interested in the movement. impossible. now by controlling their own ,i
thank him. Center. completed in l97l. is a of the 12 courts A4 including one all First of all. when developing a lhe military budget that is used to organizations for social change and
compromise, cubback‘ scaled-down glass (enclosed) court with spectator program for the soCialist movement. protect foreign investments of bring these organizations to fight for :5
Stephen D. Quillen version of what started out to beafine seating for 400 Other schools withina two main things should be looked at: corporations and prop-up pro- their needs without compromising ii
Mining Engineering senior facility capable of dealing with the l6- days drive are similarly blessed. ”What is soctalism. and. 3) Where do capitalist governments is the highest in them to any politician or political 554
. . or-so thousand students of the day. It including Illinois. lndiana.0hio State. we stand today in relation to the goal our history. Work speed-up has party..lf people are eventually to run
Seaton first opened too small at the onset with Auburn. etc.; all of which have vastly 0” ”Claim Sheicty‘.’ lnCFCiiNCd and Wm} and environ— oureconomyand government wemust "
sincere promises of "Phase I“ and superior facilities for their students. Very simply. socialism is the mentalstandards have beenlowered to begin by relying on our own strength it f
It was yery gratityingto hearthatthere "Phase II" .. these being a multitude Senator (Terry) Squires (College of democratic control ofthe economy by increase corporate profit. Black's and in our organized movement rather .
;. “idcgprcnd opposition to the of new handball racquetball courts.a Education)hadtherightideaincalling the people who actually produce the- women'. wages are lowering thanthe politicalpartiesthatareapart .
resolution recently passed by the 50-meter p00]. etc. for a referendum concerning the wealth of the society working compared to whites and men. and of the system that iS a cause of our '
student Government approving a Eight years later. after numerousre- Student Centerexpansion proposal.A people and run for the benefit of affirmative action is under attack. We oppression: the Democrats and
‘lUdcnl Mll‘tll.‘ I“ ‘0“le pat I0” Prioritizing the construction schedule. more aPPropriate action by 50 would working people and "the” (‘PPrc‘Wd had ”0 “"9 0“ ““3 “f ”‘9‘“ ‘hmgs Republicans. ‘3'.
SfH million expansion of the Student the. students at this major Southern be to mobilize students to pressure by capitalism for example. working this is the very opposite of socalism. heither narrow sectarian causes nor 3
(enter. 0M Clip 0an SPCCUlalt‘ about University find it impossible to get a Vice President for Business Affairs Women and blacks. Decisions on the Ihe capitalistscontroltheeconomy. diffusing our movement into ’
. (iene lichenors comments reflecting racquetballcourt.We wait hours for‘a Jack Blanton and his office to re- priorities of the country would be havea monopoly on politicstboththe supporting the liberal wing 0f i
doubts about the protect Vtshades of basketball court (or settle for Alumni evaluate construction priorities to be made by elected representatives ot Republican and Democrat parties are capitalism can mobilize the full . :1
\ it”) Brown ., and bcmg "kind ofmad Gym) and swim in a pool built when more mindful ofthe needs ofstudents. workers. small farmers and the financed by the corporations and have strength of those who have a stake in a
at people who were opposed not less than a thousand students What wedon‘tneed isanothersix-foot oppressed. Representation should capitalist programs). and the media sighting this system or its effects. We
\ speaking up sooner. The fact is that inhabited the campus. lf jogging is TV screen to vegetate in from ofwitha start in our jobs. schools. blocks. etc. are owned by corporations. It is not feel socialists should unite in our ,4,
virtualIy min.) in the colleges of your sport. we must brave the flaring cola. barbacue chips and an icefleam and go all the. “way to national suprising with these odds that unions. women’s rights organizations ‘3’
Medicine Allied Health. Dentistry or tempers of frustrated basketball sandwich. representation. Different emphasison socialism is a minority movement. and civil rights groups to bring ,
) . . \ , , , . . . . . .
lharmacy that we talked to reacted players waiting around the gym at Chuck Penn priorities could be represented by lhis being tlle case it may seem democracy to them so that the rank-
favorably to the measure once hearing Seaton. Second V“, Medical student different tendencies or arties. utopian to be trying to build a mass- and-file can bring their fullsti‘ligth to ‘ i
“I , , 4 / 4/ based socialist movemeiitand it would the struggles and make sure a strong t
./ ’ / . ' _ , , _ . . . . " 4
BOY ITS A m "‘5’ .1: CAUSE": I: f 4/44,? 414%?» I be. except toronething. loincreasc its militant wing develops that Will fight ?
KNOW WW THE. HELL 1M DID} n—ovu Q “’ 44/ 4747,17“ ’ profits, the capitalist system must get for our rights rather than make deals " ‘
muG. o f‘ "a. 5/ more from the workers while giving With those who OppTCSS US. Within i
‘ OH .o. OH on m '//_ 4 them less. lhese profits get an extra these movements. Who Should 3
- ) y, " boost by paving blacks and women continually point out that capitalism 4 -
//{4/’4/’ , , 4 ”74"”7 ‘ .0 .' '. .- .- - . .3 .. ' i
i , ”/4, 4/ 4/. 4 4/4 /\l , even less. lo maintain or increase as the root of oppressmn and the ..
’2, ’7/4/ /7’¢/’,/ ' 4’4 \‘ / / profits during economic trouble the socialist pr0gram to end Oppression. "
° / '4/4 7, , ’/// //(//”,// //// 3 \3 {4/ capitalist mustcxploit even more.'l'his 'l he jOh 0f socialists on campus. like j.
/ 2’7/7 “7/4; 474/ 1/ a gives all of those people an interest in the YSA. is to help bring the millions '
f‘ I 'f' " '2 7/sz//// ' " ’ . LP ' ////, opposing the capitalist system and all Of students into this process that Win ' .
' I y 7/ 4' a 9/4 \ 1 /' I A of them to one degree or another are and defend our rights right now and
‘v I 0 f - 7 47/ / ‘ N (0]: fighting against aspects of oppression help build the movement that will '
~ 0 I ‘ // 4 ” ’ J 'rr in this system. ultimately remove the root cause of f .
i . . . . . :
0m \Q 4 4/ ’4 \ _ . I J C We must start front here and laborexplonation.racism.seitismand .‘
I a) i C ‘ v, '4" looking to our goal build a movement war. We hope all socialists will work .
I Q? n h that can eventually replaccthis system together for this goal of militant '
. h g with one where we run this society broad-based movements and that
/‘ 2 ,’ instead ofthe small minoritythatdoes interested pe0ple will join us in the :
‘JDD ; VIZ,"7///// now. The fact that the goal of YSA to fight for It. ,3
, I 1 democratic control of the economy by
f I DD 4 - I 4 . . . 4 . 4
v I ’ ‘c/‘fli the workers is not posstble Withoutthe Bronson Rozrer is I member of the 3
3 a ‘7 'fi C1 M] mass partiCipation of thc people.along YSA Ind I member of the UK staff. .
DE MUM! ’7 ‘—
. ~i - 4 . :
Wit-Ml- - - ...... mm Newman Center " " " El '
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. t” . during and after all Masses. I Outside M. 3m: oniyuu mmnmmtiu I
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, . . , . . .. uesday. February 27. "79—3
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g .4 . 12.00 1.00 pm tudent enter Rm. 245 Shakespeane
t; ! not unlq ue fo r U K Tues. Feb. 27 TOUCH" 1 a Mr" on human development and communications d
I ——1 a course an to
I? . Weds. FED. 28 Cl her I