xt79s46h449g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79s46h449g/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1977-04-01 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 01, 1977 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 01, 1977 1977 1977-04-01 2020 true xt79s46h449g section xt79s46h449g Newspoper/Microtexl I

APR 1 1977

University of headway

Vol. LXVIII. Number 136
Friday. April 1, I977

K3?“ 2]

an independent student newspaper

University of Kentucky
Lexington, Kentucky

Kentuckian reestablished
if sufficient staff found

Assistant Managing Editor

The Boa rd of Student Publications
voted yesterday to resume
publication of a hardback U niversity
yearbook for the 1977-78 school year.

The board decided to reinstate the
yearbook because UK President Otis
Singletary offered to double the
University subsidy supporting the

However, publication of the book
will not be resumed unless a staff
can be found. Insufficient staffing
contributed to the downfall of The
Kentuckian Magazine, which had


replaced the traditional yearbook.

The decision to reinstate a
yearbook (a me less than two months
after the board voted Feb. 16 to
cease publication of the magazine,
which had also encountered
numerous financial and operating
difficulties since its 1975 conception.

The experimental magazine was
an attempt at expanding and
replacing the traditional yearbook,
which was then losing student
subscriptions. In order to avoid such
problems with the reinstated
yearbook, the board plans to sell the
book for $5.

The subsidy increase will enable

the board to sell the books at the
reduced price.

Board Chairman Robert Orndorff
said the Singletary also offered to
underwrite possible sales losses.

Nancy Green, student publirations
adviser, said once the staff is formed
there are still other problems to be
solved before the yearbook can
begin operations this fall.

In particular. Green said the
renovation d present Kentuckian
office space and acquisition of ad-
ditional equipment are pressing

“The President has said that we
can submit our plans for renovation
through the normal channels and

that they will be weighed against
other renovation plans,” Green said.
“But there is no guarantee the work
will be completed by this fall."

Green also said that plans are
being made to acquire additional
equipment through University and
state surplus sources.

"As things stand now we assume
all of these problems will be solved
in time forthe staff to get moving in
the fall," she said.

Applications are available star-
ting today for anyone interested in
working on the Kentuckian. The
deadline for applying to work is
April 15.

UK genetic researcher joins nationwide controversy

over government 'interference’ in genetic experiments

Government regulation and
scientific research are strange
bedfellows, but the two .are sharing
close quarters at about 100 US.
universities. including UK, where
genetic experimentation is taking

Dr. Robert C. Dickson, an UK
assistant professor of biochemistry,
has joined the nationwide con-
troversy over whether research like
his, which could possibly create new
life forms, should be regulated by
the govemment.

Dickson, of the University College
of Medicine, is trying to determine

how lactose (milk sugar) controls»

the expression of certain genes in

“Our results should help us to
understand how genes are regulated

in more complex organisms, in-
cluding human beings," he said.

Research like Dickson's is aimed
at making it possible to remove
genetic material from one organism
and place it in another: Recom-
binant DNA, a name given such
techniques, is less than a decade old.

The field is so new scientists,
admittedly, cannot possibly know all
the potential hazards of creating
such life forms, and can only project
possible benefits of recombining

Dickson said “it‘s clear there have
to be controls” on recombinant DNA
research, but feels peer pressure
and self-imposed precautions can
act as effective regulation, without
turning to strict federal controls.

“You have to realize that most

scientists value their lives—they‘re
not going to do something unless
they’re convinced it’s'safe," he said.

Currently, federal control works
in the form of laboratory safety
guidelines, handed down last July by
the National Institute of Health
(NIH t. However, these apply only to
federally funded research.

Dickson, whose research is funded
by NIH. is governed by controls like
physical containment. "In our case,
we use microbiological sterilization
techniques." These include
autoclaving instruments before
disposal, and treating materials
with chemicals to “deactivate”

Dickson also said his lab has
“limited access"— the door is kept
shut, for example—and janitors use

a separate broom to sweep up.

A second category of containment
is biological. Dickson said he uses
“minimal biological containment.”
For example, he said, he uses
bacteria that have been “disar-
med,“ aid won’t grow if, for in-
stance, dumped down a drain.

The UK experiment has been
funded by NIH for a three-year
period, ending March 31, 1979. The
research is also controlled by
regulations drawn up by the
University Biohazards Committee.

Frank Becker, a UK law student,
who has been studying the federally
regulated research controversy,
said the issuance of NIH guidelines
ended a two-year “unprecedented
moratorium on recombinant

t'mrtinucd on page 3



—snwari Down

I don’t do floors

l'l\' Physical Plant llivision cmployc .\nthony firi'in
docs some spring cleaning of Patterson Office Tower
v. indou s.




I'._\ ('ll.\S MAIN

applaudcd in northern

or too old to fulfill the duties of

US. senator from 1936 until 1943,


. Henry Cabot Lodge



his career

-Stewart lumen


Kcrncl Staff \\ ritcr

Former United Nations
Arr-bassador llcnr'y (‘abot Lodge
addressed a standing-room-only
crowd at the law school cour-
troom last night.

Lodgc told the crowd, which
included former Kentucky (lov.
Ali. “Happy" ('handler and
US. Sen. Robert 'l‘aft tit-(mic),
rambling. colorful stories about
his experiences during his 34-
ycar' career in American

He focused on experiences
with then Soviet leader Nikita
lx’lrrushchcv. Lodge told the
crowd Khrushchev. after being

1 alifornia in a whistlestop tour.
told lodge. ~‘llcr-e I am adored
by thc common people."

The statesman also discussed
Arccrica's problems. “We are
adrift in a sea of problems," he
said. “\ct as the government
grow s it loses focus. grows more
and n-orc n-uscle-bound and
bccomcs less effective."

Lodgc called for renewed
public concern and enthusiasm
in govcrnmcnt.

"Vic the people are crucial; it
is up to cach one of us to make
our govcnnrrcnt practice what it
preaches. The most important
office in our republic is that of
citizen. and no one is too young

that office.

“Lct us build a floor below
which no man can sink, but no
cciling above which he cannot

('iting public cynicism toward
government as a major
destructive force in Anrerica,
Lodge said federal funding of
presidential campaigns nright
inspire confidence in govern-

“More than any one thing," he
said, ”this buying of influence
contributes to the growing
cynicism toward government."

During his political career,
Lodge has been a legislator, a
soldier a nd a diplomat. He was a

when he resigned his seat to
cntcr the army and serve in _
lriurope during World War II.
tltt‘ is the only senator in
An'crican history to resign a
Senate seat for that reason.)

Vlhen Lodge retumed from
Europe in 1946, he was again
elected to his Senate seat. which
he held until his ambassador

ln t960, he left the United
Nations to campaign for the vice
presidency as Richard Nixon’s
running mate.

The speech opened the Pet-
tcrson School of Diplomacy's
John Sherman Cooper Lecture






More than 50 persons on both sides of the Ohio
River near Lrnrisvillc have become ill in the past
few days‘aftcr breathing funrcs apparently caused
by hcxachIoracyclopcntadicne. authorities said
yesterday. 'Ichntytivc cnrploycs of a sewage
trcatmcnt plant in Lou'sville were treated at a
hospital after breathing fumes from the highly
toxic chemical which is used in the manufacture of


ltust t'ollcgc. Miss. officials ordered all 842
students to leave the campus by n'ghtfall yester-
day, following the fire which caused WM)



damage to the administration building. About 200
students had gathered shortly after midnight
\tcdnesday to air grievances over the handling of
student aid programs. conditions in the dormitories
and what they felt was a lack of communication
with administrators-particularly President W. A.
McMillan. A student spokesman said many
students were especially upset because trustees
had voted Wednesday to renew McMillan's con-

'I'hc Senate Internal Security subcommittee
quietly fadtd away yesterday with little of the
fanfare it generated its red-hunting heyday. With
its mirrtcrpart llmrse Committee on Un-Anrcrican
Activities. the subconr mittcc conducted sensational
invest igations during the cold war era into charges
that Communists had infiltrated the federal
govcnrmmt and other areas.

Scu. Russell It. Long. who will lead the floor fight
for Senate pa ssagc of President Carter‘s tax rebate
plan. so id y istcrday that the rebate will be defeated
unliss t‘artcr ddrunrs up additional support for it.
“If thr- vote were taken today, the rebate would
lose." Long, a Louisiana Democrat, said in an in-


'I'In- (imithaah. Greenland porvincial council says
it is just a myth that (ireenlanders hang their dogs,
but faced with tens of thousands of protest letters
from around the world it has passed a law making
dog hanging illegal anyway. The furor was begun a
yearago by what subsquently proved to be the fake
hanging of a dog. staged by a hunter in western
tir'ccnland for a photographer and reporter from

('apt. Ernesto Abuloc, a 10-year veteran pilot left
the controls of his plane yesterday, picked up an
automatic rifle and sprayed ammunition into the
passenger compartment, killing eight persons,
officials said Nine hours after the shooting, Abuloc
was reported incoherent and in shock, handcuffed
hand and foot and under heavy guard. The char-
tered Dtkl was carrying members of the Philippine
navy and the constabulary from rest and recreation
leaves in 7a mboanga City, The Philippines

April cool

Sunny today with increasing cloudiness this af-
ternoon and warmer with a high near 70. Cloudy
with rain and a few thundershowers are likely late
tonighta nd tomorrow. The low tonight will be in the
low 50's and the high tomorrow 'm the upperm’s.







editorials 8: comments .:.;..

Editorials do not represent the opinions of the University"

Gin m

D- Ion-got
[In onus
I I“
Walter ill-aw
Idol m liter
Nancy Duly




“I! “an
tune Darlen-
' Diet Dorm
It". Bullhur
rut. Strum

Uh w-
?“ Rutledge

CIH Hot-gum"
Stewart Bruman

Advertising In“: I
Joe Kemp

Alex Kola

Infill. hey-nuktndJl-Ur



Assassination probe should continue

Since its creation the House Select Committee
on Assassinations has caused almost as much
controvery as the assassinations it is supposed to

Unfortunately. the panel‘s troubles have been
overshadowing the real issue—the necessity to
clear the air, once and for all, about the tragic
murders of President John F. Kennedy and Rev.
Martin Luther King Jr.

Last Wednesday, the House of Representative
by the narrow margin of 230 to 181 gave the
committee two years to complete its in—
vestigation. First, however. the assassination
committee must put its own house in order.

It got off to a bad start when a personality
conflict developed between committee chairman
Henry Gonzalez (D-Tex.) and chief counsel
Richard Sprauge. The flaboyant chief counsel
came to national attention when he successfully
prosecuted United Mine Workers president Tony
Boyle for the murder of Carl (Jock) Yablonski.

But the former Philadelphia prosecutor got

carried away with his demands which included
complete autonomy, an enormous budget ($6.5
million for one year) and secret surveilance
techniques that alarmed a good may

In February, Gonzalez tried to fire Sprague
without first clearing his action with the rest of
the 12-member committee—a move that cost the
chairman his job. The power play didn’t win
Sprague any friends either and eventually Iedyto
his downfall.

In an attempt to gain congressional approval
for continuation of their work, the 11 remaining
members plus the new chairman, Rep. Louis
Stokes (DOhio), voted to accept Sprague’s

Stokes said an informal survey Tuesday in-
dicated the committee would lose its battle to
stay alive by 20 votes if Sprague had remained.
Another factor that gave the committee some
support was the mysterious death of a key

George De Mohrenschildt, whom Stokes called
a crucial witness, apparently committed suicide
in Florida a few hours after an investigator for
the assassination committee tried to interview

Now that the committee has been left intact,
Congress should approve a sufficient budget for
the canmittee to suocesfully investigate the

Some congressmen have argued that the in-
vestiga (ion is a waste of time and no more than a
witch hunt. But Congress owes it to the American
people to established who really killed Kennedy
and King.

Since Kennedy’s death 14 years ago and King’s
death nine years ago, countless theories have
been advanced about conspiracies involving
everything from foreign powers to the FBI and

If for no other reason, the committee should be
allowed to continue its investigation to clear the

agencies that have been linked with the

Some would argue that you can’t bring back
the dead, which of course is true, but if there
were conspiracies involved, which seems highly
likely, then the country is in serious danger.

The person(s) who orchestrated the murders
could still be active in government. Kennedy’s
assamination in particular raises serious im-
plications because democracy was perverted by
his death. Those who successfully eliminated one
president could easily strike again, particularly
if they had the tacit approval of the CIA or FBI.

Answering whether these enforcement
agencies were involved is crucial because there
have been several substantial charges that both
agencies bungled the investigations and, in some
cases, withheld vital evidence.

The assassination committee may find no
validity in these charges and may discover that
Lee Harvey Oswald and James Earl Ray acted
alone. If that is what they discover then so be it,
but to leave any questions unanswered strikes a
blow at the structure of justice.


In search of the key word

|_\ H Ill \ \\ l'l'l.'|

Have you got an exam coming up
in the near future? If so. take a look
at what a tut reyii day too days
before the exam can or cannot do for

Oh. those test review A haven for
last minute i'rammcrs making their
first appearance to class. and those
prompt on-timers who wouldn't miss
class if they had to drag their death
beds with them. You know the type.
the ones with the brief cases. a 99.9
per cent average.

But let‘s sit down flllt’l thnk back
Just how valuable are those test
review days. Here are a few


classical “helpful hints" teachers
have “pleasently presented" to the
class to help them “properly pre-
pare" for the forthcoming exam.

The teacher is quickly running
tlu‘ougb main topics discussed the
past six weeks. Suddenly. there's a
pause. “I feel this topic was suffi-
ciently covered in lecture and text
This is important. I tend to stress on
exams what I stress in class ”

A Ha! There's the catcher. “tend“
tostress. Students taking this to be a
substantial clue. memorize every
last sentence. line by line. glancing
vaguely over other material. Day of
exam: The "tend" has switched to
stressed "other material. "

Then you have the casual type
tweher. “Just review your notes
and you should do well on the
exam." Day of exam: You do great
on the seven out of so questions
taken from your notes, it's the other
t'ltaken from the captions under the
pictures of your text and the
microscopic footnotes at the bottom

of each page that give you trouble.

And here‘s a classic. Ever get the
syllabus with the fatal “not required
for course. supplementary reading
list" at the bottom of the page? Take
my advise: even if you have to go to
Japan to find those readings. find
them The 50 point essay to be taken
from lecture and text comes usually
via Tokyo press.

Have you ever heard this line on
review day, usually from the Ph.D.
teaching the class. “Now if I were
preparing for the exam...“ In the
first place. hevshe need only date the
grade book to prepare. However,
he-she goes to touching lightly,
subjects they have been doing major
research on leaving us with the
popular and killer phrase, “I‘d
familarize mvself with. .

Students trying to coin every
possible hint as to exam topics. do
jmt that. They usually familurize
themselves by looking at it once and
moving on. Day of exam: Those
touched on lightly and material to be
“tamilurized” become 50 point
essay questions or what's worse,
cvcryoncs favorite. multiple choice
questions. What can you say?

This does, however, bring me to
another interesting point. How bout
those multiple choice questions?
Ever have a teacher tell you that if
you know your material. you should
be able to pick out key words in at
least two or five answers. narrowing
it from there?

Day of exam: The question is
read. “Alright“ you yell to your self.
“I know that one." AnSWer: A—
“Yeap. that's it. There's my key
word. Better read on though to make
sure. Answer B—“Seems like I read
that, too. it also has my key word. Oh
Well. what next. Answer C-~“Well,

no problem with this one. It’s
definitely wrong. Answer D—“Oh
no! Both A and C are correct. Now
what!" Answer E—None of the
above. “Jesus! Did I even take this

How about the ones who swear up
and down that “Nothing, absolutely
nothing will come from old exams,
so, don‘t bother to find them.” You‘ll
always have one, though, who still
has to gobble up every available old
test regardless. Day of exam: Test
comes out carbon copy of old exams,
the class average is a 53 per cent, he
pulls a hundred, shooting the curve
tohell and back.

Then there’s always the optimist

teacher. Two days before the exam, ‘

he informs you, “I feel it only fair to
tell you that nearly 50 per cent of the
students who take my class end up
dropping after my exam."

Oh well, such are test review days.
However, you‘re smart. You‘ve got
them all figured out. You plan on
doing exactly opposite what they
hint and everything will run smooth
as silk. Day of exam: You get there
early just so you can gawk at the
kids cramming. You‘re ready for
this one boy.

Getting out your pencil, on the way
down the stairs to sharpen it, you
stop. dead in your tracks. unbeliev-
ingly glazing at what‘s written on
the board. You turn around in
disbelief to see if anyone else has

Alone, pencil in hand, you realize
you‘ve been had again. What was
written on the board?

Test Cancelled Today.


This comment was submitted by
Teri Van Pelt, Advertising

Consumer focus. . .

FDA proposes putting ban on water

WASIIlN(i'l‘()N,[).C.-The Food
and Drug Administration (FDA)
announced yesterday that it intends
to ban the sewing of water in all
federal restaurants over which it
has jurisdiction.

This ban is based on results of
experiments with laboratory
animals conducted in Mr. McIn-
turff’s cla$ at Southern Junior High
School in Lexington, Ky.

“We found several properties of
the substance which could prove
harmful in human beings,” McIn—
turff said. “The first experiment


bruce w.
r singleton


involved forcing the lab animals,
mostly mice and rabbits, to ingest as
much as 30 gallons of water a day.
As a result, many of these animals
developed a strong desire to go to the
bathroom a lot.

“The second experiment involved
holding these animals under the
water for three to five hours at a
time. Without exception, the
animab seemed to develop severe
respiratory difficulties and died.

“Finally, we observed the
behavior of the fish in our aquarium.
We noted that those fish, par-
ticularly the guppies, tend to do
disgusting things in water."

The National Union of Taboo
Setters (NUTS), long a proponent of
the water ban, was delighted by the
FDA ruling. According to area
director John Durr, “Our group has
known water can cause these effects
for a long time. Of course, it‘s good
that the FDA has recognized that
these effects in laboratory animals

Council pressure

Without wishing to comment on
the main conclusions of your edi-
torial entitled “lnexcusable Ab-
sence" (Kentucky Kernel, March 24,
1977, page 2), I want to take issue
with a statement appearing in said
editorial: "Passage of the new
pocedure was the result of exten-
sive pressure by administrators in
the College of Arts 8: Sciences, who
were seeking to ease the filing load
earned by increasing numbers of
shrdents dropping courses several
weeks into the semester.“ This
statement is incorrect.


is prima facia evidence of similar
effects in human beings.”

Steve Wilhoit, national president
of Brotherhood of Lacustrine
Totipalmate Sciences (BOLTS) took
a different view.

“I don‘t doubt the validity of the
experiments," he said, “but I also
can‘t see how the FDA thinks it can
automatically ban something in this

“Sure," Wilhoit continued, “the
ban is only at a few federal-level

restaurants today, but what about

next week or next year? Sooner or
later, they’re going to be coming into
our homes and look to see if we‘ve
got water on hand for private con-

“Thatwould be going too far. If I
want to have water in my house and
let my kids drink it, it's nobody’s
business but my own.”

President Carter says he will
“reluctantly support“ the water ban
at all formal gatherings in the White
House. He noted that this will mly be
a “temporary inconvenience," once
a new book, Brother Billy on
Cooking With Pabst Blue Ribbon hits
the stands. Publication is scheduled
to begin today, April I.

HAVANA-Commissioners Bowie
Kuhn and Pete Rozelle teamed up
yesterday, signing an agreement
with (liban premier Fidel Castro
which would implement use of the
thirty second clock in college

The move was prompted by the
commissioners’ observations during
recent NCAA post-season tour-
nament play.

“Somebody has to seize the
initiative inthis kind of thing," Kuhn
said. “Somebody has to have the
power to make instant decisions and
make them stick. We‘ve taken this
move to protect the institution of
basketball from those who want to
come in and make it a ‘kecpaway‘


The facts are as follows. A faculty
member of the College of Arts and
Sciences submitted a proposal to the
A818 Council to change the W-grade
policy. The MS Council consists of
nine faculty members and one

After extensive discussion, the
A818 Council agreed on a modified
version of the original proposal
submitted this version to the Senate.
This version was amended on the
floor of the Senate and passed as

During the discussion by the AdrS
Council, there was no pressure
whatsmver from aw: ‘ ’ ' inistrator.

The agreement provides for a
cIOck to be used during all college
basketball games. The clock,
similar to the one used in the pro‘s,
would force the team with the ball to
shoot within 30 seconds of taking
possession or lose the ball. The clock
would be turned off during the last
four minutes of regulation play,
however, providing the prospect
that a ‘four-corners' offense could
still be used.

"This move is not only in
basketball‘s interest." Rozelle said,
“but also in the ‘consumer’ interest.
People pay to go see basketball.
Sponsors spend a lot of money to put
the contests on TV. And when some
clown decides he wants to spend half
the ball game holding the ball and
shooting free throws, its time
something is done.“

Castro. long a fan of American
basketball. said he was happy to do
‘anything I can‘ to promote use of
the thirty-second clock.

“Some of my favorite athletes
play college basketball. In fact," the
Cuban Premier said. flashing a
bright-white smile. “Jay Shidler
uses the same stuff on his hair that I
use on my teeth."

The thirty second rule will take
effect during the B78 basketball
season. '

LEXING'I‘UN, KY. Viewers of
“Happy‘s llour," an afternoon
children's program on WTVQ-TV
will be interested to note a fraud has
been perpetrated. According to
popular opinion, both Happy the
Ilobo and Froggie the Frog are
living creatures. This is wrong.

Froggic. it tums out, is a ven-


Bruce W. Sirgleton is a second year
law student. Consumer Focus ap-
pears every Friday. lf‘ you have a
suggestion for a future column.
wrie to Consumer Focus, The
Kentucky Kernel.

The reasons for the Council's deci-
sion were based on academic con-
siderations and nét on administra~
tive convenience.

In fact, the version submitted by
the A818 Council to the Senate would
have allowed a student to withdraw
from any course several weeks
(seven. to be exact) into the sem- ‘
ester. 'I‘his, if nothing else. should
disprove the statement made in your
editorial. I believe that all con-
cerned would greatly appreciate it if
you would be a bit more accurate in
thefuture. ‘

Rudolph Schrils
.-\rts and Sciences Council


 ‘1. (U fl








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by thetirst Holy
Eucharist of Easter

Holy Eucharist
10:30am. 5:30pm.

(Episcopall472 Rose St.




. Lutheran
Church A.L.C.

2 8: 308. 11:00am. Worship
9:45am. Sunday School I

‘ Maundy Thursday Worship

with Cantata: “Last Week.“


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2185 Garden Sprlngs Dr.

.INear Harrodsburq Road 8.

Turfland Mail I

Pastor G. Cantrell I

277 6096 277 3789



April 7, 7: 30 pm.

with Holy Communion

SChoral Music
April 8, 7:30 pm.

Good Friday Special Worship


6:30am. Sunrise Worship
8:308. 11:00am.

Festival Worship with Holy
Communion 8. Choral Music
9:45a m. Sunday School



Mayorial Cdndidate Forum

Wednesday, April 6 at 8:00 pm.

Student Center Ballroom

A question and answer session

for the UK community.

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Requests for volunteers double

Peace Corps starts UK office

Ity JIM Mt‘NAllt
Kernel Staff Writer

The Peace Corps has
established a- permanent
office on campus in order to
stimulate recruitment of
recent UK graduates.

The corps is faced with
twice as many volunteer
requests as last year and is
looking l'or graduates with
either specialized skills or a
liberal arts background.

UK's Peace Corps coor-
dinator Ken Wiegand, whose
office is in Bradley Hall, said
that as recently as December
the Peace Corps was turning
away applicants with social
studies and liberal arts
backgrounds because very
few countries requested
volunteers in those fields.
Now, he said. the situation
has reversed itself.

“There are two reasons
why liberal arts majors are
becoming accepted and
trained for our programs
overseas.“ Wiegand said.
“First, the Peace Corps has
been very unsuccessful in
attracting highly technically
trained people.

“Sec ond. many feel that the
US. college graduate
possesses the kind of attitude
and general skills which often
provides the catalyst or
leadership for development
overseas. They‘re willing to
get their hands dirty," he


The Peace Corps, however,
has set a priority on
recruiting graduates in
scarce skill areas like
production agriculture.
medical technology or
computer programming.

Also, graduates with a
masters or bachelors degree
in business administration
are in demand to advise
farmers' marketing co-ops,
small business‘men’s
associations and government
planning agencies.

“Hopefully the applicant
will come in three months in
advance of when he‘s going to
be available," Wiegand said.
“That's how long it takes to
get him into the system.“

Before an applicant
receives his formal invitation
from the main Washington,
DC. office, he or she must be
interviewed and complete the
autobiographical application
forms, which are sent to
regional offices.

Physical examinations and
records checks are of vital
importance. “The Peace
Corps is very paternalistic to
your physical well-being,”
Wiegand said. “Some
countries have short insulin
supplies and some countries
would be intolerable for
chronic asthmatics."

Seventy per cent of the
accepted applicants are sent
to the country of their choice,

Wiegand said. Job skill and
the applicant’s availability
help determine the volun—
teer's destination. There are
approximately 60 developing
countries served by the Peace

“One girl came in recently
with a degree in social
studies,” said Wiegand. “A