xt79s46h4479 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79s46h4479/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1975-01-15 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 15, 1975 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 15, 1975 1975 1975-01-15 2020 true xt79s46h4479 section xt79s46h4479 Vol- LXVI N°- 89 K

Wednesday, January 15, 1975


an independent student newspaper



University of Kentucky
Lexington, Ky. 40506




Corps may break long-standing tradition

Carroll may not decide on Red River dam

It) RUN .\ll'l‘(‘lll£l.l.
\lanaging l'Tditor
Kentucky (iov
have final decision on
proposed lied River dam Will be built
-\ longstanding {'8 Army ('orps of
Engineers tradition that the governor of
the state where any project is proposed
makes the final decision does not apply in
this case, according to a corps spokesman.

.lulian ("arroll has) not

hie whether the

MARTIN K. PEDIGO. public affairs
officer for the corps' Louisville district
office (which has control over the
proposed dam, said Tuesday that Congress
— not Can-oil — has power to cancel the
project since it funded the proposed dam.

“Where the project has been authorized,
it is the law of the land unless Congress
changes its mind," Pedigo said. “If the
governor is opposed to it he has to report
this back to Congress since it is an
authorized project. Then it is up to
congress. "

The dam was originally approved by
(‘ongress in I962 and 3300.000 has been
allocated tor land purchases and
preliminan' construction in l975.
lil‘RING l' S Sen Wendell Ford's
three-year tenure as governor. the corps
repeatedly maintained that if the governor
opposed the project it would not be built
Ford favored the dam.

Since ('an'oll became govt-"nor ltec :8.
succeeding l’orit uho “as elected senator
last \t veiiihei'. he has t..ken no ‘)()\]l|l)“
on the dun.

“hi the past we llml been talking more in
generalities when we said the governor
made the tiiial l’edigo said
"It's not automatic. but it sort of Works
that way. The corps has never bmlt where
the governor is opposed."

decision, "

JOHN NICHOLS. Carroll's press
secretary, attributed the change of
position by the corps to the fact that the
Lou'sville District chief has changed
recently. Col. Charles J. Fiala, former
chief engineer who has been reassigned to
Germany. was replaced by Col. James N.

“His (Ellis) attitudes toward the
tradition that the governor of the state
haveinputon projects seem to differ from
past attitudes." Nichols said.

Nichols said ('arroll is seeking advice
and studying the issue carefully at this
point. and his decision on the proposed
dam is “many week" .nvay " (the piece of
information ('arroll is \Kt'lllltlfil for is an
audit of the the
tieneral .-\ecountiiig ttlfice. .\icliols said

cost benefit ratio by

“(ll'l’UVI‘INTS \3]) both
have reason to hope their side Will he
heard on this issue," Nichols said. But. he
said it appears to him that the corps may
be “posing themselves for future conflict."


Back to the Salt Mines

All good things must come to an end and so it goes for UK
students moving back into the dorms after a long vacation.
Mrs. Klingenberg (left) rests after helping her favorite
student return to campus while two unidentified women
tabove) move a cache of (‘hristmas gifts.

Tim Murphy. a iiieinher of the lted
l-‘und. an organi'lation

ltiy er ltefeiis’e

.iitively lobbying campaigning
against dam construction. took issue \\ itli
the corps' position
“That‘s bullshit
people to not put pressure on (‘arroll to
oppose the dam." Murphy said. “The
corps is abandoning a 50-year policy."

'l'hey‘re trying to get

”WE THINK it's still legal that the
governor can stop the project _. if the state
doesn‘t buy the water. the water supply
can‘t be attributed to the benefits,"
Murphy said. “And what kind of agency is


this that the governor of a a state can't
stop them "

Although the corps has the ltltltlw ‘0
proceed uith buying land and
structioii. the project has beer. delayed hf
an adiiiiiiistrati.'e hold The hold came as
the result of a suit filed by several en-
vironmentalgroups and landowners in the
area where the dam is to be constructed.
That administrative hold expires at
midgnight Jan. 22.


it is now up to the plaintiffs in the suit to
respond to the corps' initial answer to
points in the suit.

Mucci vetoes senate's
gay dance rescission

Hy st's.»\.\' .ios‘rjs
Assistant Managing Editor
Government iSGt President
has vetoed the Student
decision to rescind 5(1-
sponsorship of .i dance for Lin) students

David Mucci
Senat e's

'l'lie senate originally Ll(‘('l!l(‘tl to sponsor
the dance at its Nov. 21 meeting. The
decision was rescinded Dec 3 in a 21 to it
vote. withdrawing 86 support

.\ll'(‘(‘l SAII) he felt compelled to veto
the action for several reasons.

“When students tome to 50 With a
problem and I tell them attempting to
solve their problem will cause trouble for
Student Government. I am denying the
very reason 80's existen
cc." Mucci said.

Many senators opposed sponsorship of
the dance because they felt it “mid
deteriorate Sits relationship with the
l‘niversitv administration

.\ll'(‘(‘l S.\Il) he felt the senate had
misread campus opinion on the matter.
“We've received an outpouring of com
plaints from students." he said

(‘ontinued on page 9



 Editor incmet. Linda Came; I ~
Managing editor Ron Mitchel: *
Editorial page editor Dan - "u my

ores utitor Larry Mead
Greg Hotehch

is ed-'ui Jim Mauom

Photography editor Ed Gerald


Eo-tonals represent the opinions of the editors

CIA safe in hands of President's commission

Perhaps the most difficult task that
could be assigned to any body of
people is that of investigating the
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).
For the CIA. as it has evolved. is an
organization which values secrecy
above all else. even above the laws of
the nation it purports to serve.

So when President Gerald Ford. in
response to press reports alleging
violations of the CIA‘s charter.
decided to appoint an investigatory
commision one would hope he would
choose its members from among
noted civil libertarians or critics of
the CIA.

It appears that Ford was more
interested in finding men who could
be trusted to uphold the (‘IA‘s sacred
secrecy Titus he appointed Vice
President Nelson Rockefeller to chair
the commission.

Rockefeller has been a member
since 1969 of the President‘s Foreign
Intelligence Advisory Board which
reviews intelligence operations. It is
possible that Rockefeller and his




colleagues on the advisory board are
responsible for some of the (‘IA
abuses. Rockefeller is also known to
be favorable disposed towards
Secretary of State Henry Kissinger.
who. as head of the Forty Committee
and the National Security Council. is
the man most responsible for (‘IA

Nicholas Von Hoffman

Whaf verse might second hundred years inspire?

activities. To say the least. then.
Rockefeller is not likely to pursue his
investigation into the upper echelons
of the intelligence community

The rest of the eight-man com
mission is comprised mostly of for-
mer government officials. such as
Erwin .\'. Griswold. former solicitor

general, (‘ Douglas l)illion. former
secretary of the treasury; John ’1‘,
Connor. former secretary of com»
iiierce. and Lyman li. Lemnitzer.
former chairman of thejoint chiefs of
staff The other members of Ronald
Reagan. former governor of
California; Edgar F. Shannon Ji'..
former president of the l'niversity of
Virginia. and Joseph I.. Kirkland,
secretary treasurer of the .-\I“I. (‘lti
\one of these men have been vocal
criticsof tliet'l.~\ Asa grouptheyarc
conservative pillars of the establish-
lllt'lll. tried and true bureaucrats

We can e\pcct. if not a whitewash.
at least a limited iiiyestigation of the
t‘l.\ by this commission Rockefeller
the three
To restore confidence in the

stated t'oiiiiiiissioit has
('l.—\. to protect national security. and
individual freedom and
human dignity It is probable. con
sidering the makeup of the com-
mission. that the first two goals will

outweigh the last

to protect




changed Boss Tweed's name to
Richard Nixon, James Russell
Lowell's poem. written on
America‘s 100th birthday. needs
no updating to serve us on the

Columbia puzzled what she
should display

()f true home-made on her
Centennial Day

Asked Brother Jonathon:
scratched his head.

Whittled a while reflectively
and said.

“Your own invention. and own
making too'.’

Why. any child could tell you
what to do;

Show ‘em your Civil Service
and explain

How all men‘s
everybody's gain:

I A w


loss is

Show your new patent to in-
crease your rents

By paying quarters
collecting cents;

Show your shortcut to cure
financial ills

By making paper-collars
current bills;

Show your new bleaching
process. cheap and brief

’I‘o wit: a jury chosen by a
thief; ~ WW.

Show your State legislatures;
show your Rings;

And challenge
produce such things

As high officials sitting half in

To share the plunder and to fix
things right;

If that don‘t fetch her. why you
only need

To show your latest style in
martyrs ~— Tweed:


Europe to

She'll find it hard to hide her
spiteful tears

At such advance in one poor
hundred years.“

What bitterness the New
England poet might have com-
mitted to verse if he had been
around to witness the second poor
hundred years. In his time he
only had L'lysses S. Grant. the
man who last August was
demoted to being the second-
worst President in our history.
When he died the worst fears of
the Founding Fathers were not
yet realized - the transfer of the
power to make war from the
Congress to the Presidency. Nor
could James Russell Lowell have
even imagined a CIA or any other
federally paid for body of snoops.
sneaks. keyhole peepers. possible
murderers and potential black-


THE NEWEST (‘IA scandal
has elicited the oldest ploys from
men in high places; denials.
protestations that the charges
are exaggerated. proposals for
blue ribbon investigatory com
mittees composed of com
promised and coopted frauds of
national distinction What aren't
proposed a re measures to give as
protection in the future

Institutions like (‘ongress and
the Justice Department. which
are supposed to make sure the
(‘lAdoesn‘t turn hydrophobic and
bite the nation it was created to
protect. don‘t do their Jtilis (for
only safety now rests with a few
reporters like Woodward and
Bernstein and Seymour Hersh,
the man who can take credit for
both the My I.ai massacre and
the CIA stories. But what hap
pens to American liberties if



w (Emb?


Fin—Id NrIsI-Im-i Svmtu-i- {"73

I 34“,

these three gentlemen should fall
victim to a flue epidemic and
have to take to their beds"

No single structural reform has
been borne out of the dreary
\UCCQ‘SSIOII of scandals that have
become the norm of our public
life Apparently will. so
maybe the time come to
invoke the never used provisions
of .\iticle \‘ of the f'onstitution
that empowered two thirds of the
states to Constitutional
('oiiu-utioii without the apprmal
of “ashington

ha s

call a

H llli \ [‘3' FR
mentioned it
liberal hearts because. it is
argued. the first thing “the
people" would do in convention
assembled is repeal the Bill of
Rights Since it seems that the

Continued on Page 3

taco THE /

idea is
terror in





Judging from the multitude of entrants
semester, there must be an interest by
some on this campus in the inherent
problems that accompany a homosexual. l
have picked up two basic impressions
from my readings of these varied articles
and letters to the editor. I) The tenure of
their content seems to be much more

on homosexuality in the Kernel

concerned about the homosexual‘s judicial
rights than for the homosexual in his total

personhood. 2) Some of the writers seem to

think that homosexuality is normal. or at

worst a little abnormal. but by no means

wrong In this article I would like to
discuss the (‘hristian position toward

To determine the rightness or wrongness
of homosexuality the Christian does not
appeal strictly to the circumstantial
evidence of medical or sociological fin-
dings. such as case histories of
homosexuals. but he appeals also to an
authority far above human authority. The
(‘hristian's reason for this is to maintain
clear objectivin whenever possible and to
honor a (lod whose wisdom far surpasses

AS Ill-ILI’Fl'l, as psychological or
sociological data is in the field of sexual


Opinions from unite and outside the university community


The Christian position on homosexuality

behaVior. it is no way conclusive or ab-
solute in affirming man's moral attitude
toward the issue of homosexuality. As a
result, the Christian’s position is to con—
sider both his accumulative evidence from
science. sociology. psychology, etc.. and
also to give ultimate consideration to
God‘s thoughts on the matter (God being
the only one capable of giving man outside.
objective direction on what to believe
spiritually and how to act morally.)
First. it is important to realize that any
homosexual activities of an individual are
a result of his own moral choice. The
responsiblity and results of this choice are
also his own. In June. 1963. a number of
specialists in medicine. psychiatry. law,
sociology and theology met in Switzerland
to take part in a conference on
homosexuality. The scientists demolished
the so—called “proof" that homosexuality
is consitutional or determined by one‘s
heredity. ()ne physician at the conference
said that hereditary homosexuality is an
empty label we apply when we cannot find
any other possible explanation for a
person's homosexual tendency in his case
history. A psychotherapist appealed to
conferees to do whatever they could to
dispel the myth that homosexuality comes
from a constitutional predisposition.
Several theologians stressed that the Bible

not only clearly establishes firm ethical
standards against homosexuality, it it
emphasizes renewal through the power of
God's spirit.

The Bible itself teaches that a person
chooses to be homosexual. Homosexuality
does not choose the individual. Nor is it a
sickness; a point avidly put forth by
homosexuals themselves. It is a deviant
form ofsexual behavior. whic, if chosen by
an individual, is a choice of his volitional
disposition, i .e. no one makes him do it. His
reasons for this choice are varied, but his
best opportunity for a normal heterosexual
life can come only by admitting his per-
sonal responsibility for his choice, and not
to major on the evasive external reasons
for his choice. This puts the responsibility
of the problem on the individual where it
can best be dealt with and cured. Blaming
society. background. etc.. for all our social
ills has already seen its day as the con~
venient scapegoat that it is. God’s way. as
shown in the Old and New Testaments, is
not to blame everyone else, but to blame
the individual who has erred. and to show
him how to overcome his sin. This is love in
action. Love always cures. It never stands
by while someone is in need of help. God‘s
desire is for us to escape from our
proneness to sin (a life-long struggle) and







200th birthday party: Constitutional Convention

(‘ontinued from Page 2

t‘lA. the “(8. the l(‘(‘. _ the courts
and the rest of them are doing that de
facto. it's a risk we can afford to take. If
our people really would vote to deprive
themselves of the rights of fair trial.
property. speech. religion and the rest.
well. at least we can console ourselves on
the way to the camps with the thought we
(lid it to ourselves.

A (‘onstitutional (‘onvention might
consider making a number of long
overdue changes. lt could see to it that

never again would we have to put up with
more than two years of an unelected
President and Vice President. it could
strip the Presidency of the pardoning
power; it could strip the Senate of the
power to approve Presidential
nominations. which it does as an
automatic procedure. and resurrent the
ancient idea of an independently elected
Presidential council whose only duty is to
pass on appointments.

A Constitutional Convention might
strengthen our broken system of checks

and balances by creating a new. elected
branch of government. whose sole duty
wouki he to see that the government obeys
its own laws and regulations. Dozens of
other ideas come to mind. and if we don't
act on some of them we will celebrate our
nation‘s 200th anniversary by watching the
leaders of three branches of government
gathered together on the steps of the
('apitol to make a bonfire of the ('on»
stitiition we do have.


Nicholas Von Hoffman is a columnist for
King Features Syndicate.



to progress toward a more healthy life
style. It is one of the main reasons for the
“new birth in Christ” to establish such a

THE FIRST BOOK of Corinthians, (6: 9
11) in the New Testament is one of several
scriptural passages dealing with
homosexuality. It states: “Do you not
know that the unrighteous will not inherit
the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived;
neither the immoral, nor idolaters. nor
adulterers. nor homosexuals . . will inherit
the kingdom of God. And such were some
of you. But you were washed. you were
sanctified. you were justified in the name
of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the Spirit of
our God."

This passage indicates God's attitude
toward homosexuality. adultery, etc.. and
toward the offender — two very distinct
attitudes. The first condemns the act. and
the second reveals love for the one who has
so acted. God‘s desire. then. is to l)
cleanse those who will repent. i.e. make an
about-face: 2) sanctify the offender. i.e.
help him or her live a more pure and
moral life style; and 3) to justify the in-
dividual, which means to treat him as if he
had never sinned at all. i.e. to forget it

This. then. is the full Christian position.
As God is. so the Christian is to be fully
against the act of homosexuality and also
against any overt or covert movement to
publicly or privately push homosexuality
as a normal. sanctioned style of life.
Furthermore. as God is. so the Christian is
to direct the homosexual toward a moral
lifestyle in (‘hrist. which is something we
humans often neglect. God is always
progressive. never regressive. He offers
this same help for fornicators. adulterers.
or those with any other sin.

I.\' RADIATION. the Christian does not
appeal solely to circumstantial data in
case histories to determine the rightness
or wrongness of homosexuality. though
this type of research should usually
discourage anyone from adopting
homosexual behavior. but the (‘hristian
appeals ultimateiy to God's position as
declared in the Bible. And God has made it
explicitly clear that he condemns the act
but reaches out to help the person who has
so acted. Because of this the homosexual
has a way out through the power of Christ.
It is ('hrist who offers forgiveness and
strength to overcome. and the
homosexual. as well as anyone else. iiiiist
personally invite Jesus Christ into his life
to take advantage of this new life.

of course. after doing so. this makes the
individual no better than anyone else.
although it does give him pow er to live for
what is right. All men are sinners ac
cording to the Judeo—(‘hristian faith. but
the Christian is a forgiven sinner. and
through the power of (iod in his life. he can
experience a changed life style for the
better. This means that the (‘hristian is to
put aside any att':ude of superiority or
selflrighteousness If you are a Christian
and know a person who is homosexual. can
you say you honestly love that person" Or
do you feel hate. disgust or ringer toward
hiin'.‘ .-\iiy motive other than love and
compassion and the desire to help him out
of his dilemma leaves us with guilt of our


is director of The


.lim Hastings
Navigators 'an
('hristiaii organization) on the [K cani-




4—1‘lll-I KENTl'CKY KERNEL Wednesday. January 15. 1975


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news briefs



litense secretary calls
CIA charges 'Overblown'

\tASIItht’I‘UN 1A1’) —‘ Published reports of domestic spying by
the Central Intelligence Agency are overblown, Defense Secretary
James 11 Schlesinger said today.

Schlesinger. who headed the spy agency for six months in 1973, ?
said he had learned of CIA domestic activities “that are indeed in
I retrospect to be regreted and that were inappropriate.

However. he added. that "there were not acts in such number or
so surprising as to he a source of national turmoil."

I Schlesinger commented at a Pentagon press conference in

22‘s ,

“1., ‘5 .2“

n 7

response to questions about a statement he made Monday that the
(‘I.-\had committed a small nuinbei'ot misdemeanors over the past
20 y‘eais. The secretary said he had not meant to use the term
misdemeanors, which he said carried a legal connotation he had
not intended.

He said the Itockeleller ('oiniiiission. which is looking into (‘IA
activities, would have to determine whether any of the activities
were in tact illegal

10.000 American citizens gathered by surveillance within the
l'nited States However. he said the agency does maintain files on
the overseas activities of t' S citizens

FBI says two murder suspects
lived in Lexington last year

Bt)STtl\ ~.-\I’ ~ Two young women sought in connection with
the killing of a Boston police officer more than tour years ago ap
parently lived in Lexmgton. Ky . last year. the special agent in
charge of the FBI office here said

James (1 Newpher said Monday that information developed by
agents working 111 Lexington "leads us to beliey e the two suspects
Katherine Power and Susan Saxe were there during the time
mentioned iJu11e»t)ctoberi but are not living there now '

The two former Brandeis I‘niy'ersity‘ students are wanted in
connection with the slaying of Patrolman Walter Schroeder during
a 326.000 robbery of the State Street Bank's office in the Brighton
section on Sept 23. 1970

New‘pher said the H11 does not know specifically where the
women are now, but "there are indications as to what general area
they went to "

The Boston Globe reported on Sunday that the two women were
believed to have ll\'t‘(l iii Lexmgton under the names of Lena and
May Friends thert said the two lett after Lena quit her Job at a
local health tood restaurant and has not been seen since

Newpher said last Saturday that 11t‘1tl1t'r his office nor the office
in I.(1UIS\'1IIt‘. Ky . had inyestigated the Lexington reports




Three men were arrested tor the robbery and slaying Utticials
said it was llt‘llt‘\‘t‘(l to time been committed to linancc an tin
derground reyolutionary movement

Emergency public service jobs
available to state unemployed

I’It.\\l\'l"tllt’l' a\l’ lim .lulian (”arroll announced today
approxunately $0 billion is heing allocated to counties in Kentucky
to pl‘t)\’l(lt‘ 1.200 emergency public service Jubs lor unemployed

The emergency yobs are allocated on the basis of need as
reflected by the number ol unemployed in the counties

All counties will share 111 approxunately 01 per cent ot the total
money according to their unemployment (‘ounties with uncm
ploy ment in excess iii 4 3per cent of their work forces will share 111
17 per cent and counties with previously designated areas of
critical unemployment will get the remaining 22 per cent

'I‘oqualify' tor the Jobs. an applicant must have been unemployed
or undercmploy'ed for :10 days or more. with priority given to those
who hayi- exhausted their unemployment insurance. have been
judged ineligible for unemployment insurance or who have been
unemployed tor 1:3 weeks or more.



In addition to the lands distributed to area development districts

which will hreak it down by counties later some counties
getting larger sums now are' Jefferson. $11 million. Kenton.
_811;‘1.000. and chmgton Fayette l‘otinty‘. 3250.000

Work projects may include such activities as developing com
niunity' parks. renovating public buildings. beautification
programs, environmental cleanup and reduction of drainage

l’mhlt‘mS. said state manpower services commission Norman
Willard .lr




The Kentucky Kernel,
Lenngton, Kentucky, 405
except during holidays 3
sesswn third class po

114 Journalism Building, University at Kentucky.
06, is mailed live times weekly during the school year
no exam periods, and Mice weekly during the summer
Staqe paid at Lexington, Kentucky, 40511
ruslishe'd by the Kernel Press, Inc lounded in 1971 Begun as the Cadet in 1094
n pub ushed continuously as the Kentucky Kernel Since 1915 l
Advertismq published herein 15 1
misleading advertismq should I)



ntendod to help the reader buy Any talse or I
0 reported to the editors

Kernel Telephones



Editor, Editorial editor 751 1755
Managing editor, News desk 257 1140



Advertising, busmess, circulation 25! «46
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Ol ll


9. 10

the st



.. NC» ,






Dorm staffs will not
see student records

Assistant Managing Editor

Residence hall staffs will not
have access to academic records
of students who live in dorm~
homes this semester.

A memorandum by Dr. Robert
Zuniwinkle. vice president for
student affairs. stated that stu-
dents' records will not be, avail-
able to residence hall staffs
because of “uncertainties in the
interpretation of the Buckley

THE Buckley Amendment be-
came effective Nov. 19. I974. The
law is basically designed to give
students privacy concerning re—
cords kept on them by educa—
tional institutions. according to
Dr. Ted Gilbert. a UK office of
the president staff member who
deals specifically with the Buck—
ley Amendment.

filllK‘f‘I said the law “precludes
the indiscriminate distribution of
student records.”the law is am-
biguous because it was quickly
passed and institutions of higher
education were brought in as an
afterthought. Gilbert said.

An amendment to the Buckley
Amendment became effective
Jan]. 1975. Gilbert said this
amendment cleared up some of
the ambiguous sections of the
original Buckley Amendment.

ment of Health. Education and
Welfare (HEW) guidelines are
“on the way" concerning the
Buckley Amendment. He added
these regulations will provide
more clarity and be an embel-
lishment of the federal regula-
tions concerning the amendment.

Residence hall staffs will not be
allowed to see student‘s records
this semester because there are
questions concerning what pro-
cedure must be followed under
the Buckley Amendment in order
to do so. Zumwinkle said.

“The question (with the Buck-
ley Amendment) is if every time
residence hall staffs have access
to a dorm student's records,
whether that access would have
to be recorded, Zumwinkle

IT‘S .\ procedural question."
Zumwinkle said. “If the
procedure is too cumbersome. we
may discontinue the practice (of
allowing residence hall staffs
access to students' records to-
tally "

Although the present interpre-
tation of the Buckley Amendment
is that residence hall staffs may
have access to students records.
Zumwmkle said he is waiting for
the HEW guidelines to discover
how the L'niversity must imple-
ment the law.

Zumwinkle‘s memorandum al-
so stated that he continues “to
believe that residence halls
should play a role in assisting
those students who are in serious
academic difficulty and that. in
order to do so effectively. such
staff require certain minimal
academic information."

A POLICY proposed by Zum-
winkle concerning how residence
hall staffs should handle stu-
dents' academic records called
for ending the practice of posting
students' grade point averages
with their names in residence

U Senators' fall meetings
attendance under 75%

Kernel Staff Writer

Attendance at the University
Senate meetings last year regis-
tered under three-fourths of the
total number of senators in each
of the four Senate meetings held,
according to figures released by
the dean of admissmns and
registrar's office.

The dean of admission and
registrar is the official secretary
of the t'niversity Senate and
Senate (‘ouncil

ACCORDING Tl) Kathryne
Shelburne. the offical recording
secretary of the Senate in the
registrar's office. out of 242
senators; 140 attended the Sept.
9. 1974 meeting. 155 attended the
Oct. 14. 1974 meeting. 134 at-
tended the Nov. 11, 1974 meeting
and 146 attended the Dec. 9, 1974

Dr. Joseph Krislov. the new
University Senate (‘ouncil chair-
man as of Jan]. said he found it
interesting that at the last senate
meeting about forty per cent of
the senate was not present to vote
and only about 120 votes were

The last meeting was the only
meeting with a rollcall vote to be

held this year. The subject of the
meeting was the rescission of
Standard Nine of the Krislov
Report. a policy statement of
tenure and promotion standards
at 17K.

ALMOST “'l'l‘lltll'Texceptlon.
the students weren't there and
some of the issues raised in the
meeting will be coming up in the
next Senate meeting." Krislov

According to Shelburne. the
rules of the Senate provide that
any senator with three unex-
plained absences is to be purged
from membership in the Senate
“They (the senators) could
never be purged if they call and
explain their absence. though
they might not come to one of the