xt79s46h443z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79s46h443z/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1971-04-13 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 13, 1971 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 13, 1971 1971 1971-04-13 2020 true xt79s46h443z section xt79s46h443z . \ r
"" ., . -’ ’ i. , .
l’orecast for Lexington and I , _' ,_ . -' -
\itinity: Increasing cloudiness ',' ‘ ,
and warm today with a chance '.,,'~ '- (
of afternoon showers. Rain I -, 2 ’. i.
ending tonight and turning I ‘ . ,-. 'j- ,V "I.
cooler. The high today will be t . ' I. '. -
around 80. the low tonight in 'i, . 'I .I :Ijr-I/I',
. the mid 40‘s and the high -' '3, .
Tuesday: Apnl 13, 1971 University at Kentucky, IexingIon Vol. LXI], No. 120 t0m“”““’ l" the mid 50‘s; I' 2 ’ "i .
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academic calendar = . . . 2- :. ,2
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By JANE BROWN coincide with Derby Day, the , ¢ 1 W . I \ Q‘ r2 . . r. .. .L'i'awt =" . . 15.;
Assrstant Managing Editor first Saturday in May, and some a 1" - E 2. .. i :3,-
School will start a day later faculty members argued that the /, * it: .7... ' ' 7 gun-WM \ r
than expected this fall. And extra week in Janurary was kg 1 , '. I' ‘32.,"
Commencement will not conflict needed for conferences and x . t I ' _‘ .I.-“ 2 ‘
with Derby Day. And a person preparation for classes. k h . . ' _' 1'
who has not graduated from A section of the rules of the ‘I ‘. I‘k' ' . 3
high school must no longer meet University Senate having to do \ \ ‘ ‘ 2. ff: 5 1
any age requirement to be with admission requirements was . f ‘ 27 “.1; _._:._.r','
considered for admission to the changed to read: “A student is. .. 0‘“ ‘, '.
University. 50 were the who has not graduated from 3‘ 3‘ f 1" "‘3‘- ? «'i 7' I
COhUlUStOhS 0t the April meeting high school may be admitted to i f ‘ Ii ,‘_7 ,2
0t the University Senate the freshman class if he (delete .' i . ~1-.’
" MOTH”)? any age requirement. previously 2 i . .' .~'I I -- ‘
After considering the ll) has had no previous college ' ’ _~”‘~ , . I" I, .~ '.
PI'OPUSCd University calendar. as work, and can dcmongtratc by VI . 2....;.3.. _, I'-I. II l I, ‘I
presented b." DT- Elbert tests and other evidence that he . , “”3, ' ‘ I; ' 'I-I ~ f . .
Ockerman. secretary ”t the is prepared to do the work .g !\ g, $3“ ' - “ . \
senate. the senate madc several required.” j 2 ‘ -:I . 2
change despite warnings that the lhe reasons presented 1‘01 the - j I‘I,‘ g‘I 2.
C'dh‘hdiil' “115 already lit the change were that over the past ' l ' -.‘.,' ‘ T -
printers and would be difficult few yearS. a number of students . , . , . 1‘ .;‘
to amend. beyond the. age at which high 9 ' J". .5.
- With urging from Dr. Michael schools will permit re-cntry, but El‘ll(l([0r 8 (IUII)(ISS(I(IUI' , 1_
2:18:15“;in dn(?f0t:11:rssf::)t;:y’£;: 33:12:55; 112::oidihgglt ttoouffi: Ecuador’s ambassador to the United States Carlos AinbasIsadorI Ortega later was honored at d ;‘ 7);, 2 .I-II»
changed Tuesday, Aug. 31, to Admissions Office. “many of Ortega spokeI yesterday about "Literary and reception with l’resideiitIand \trs singletar} and ', .I
Wednesday Sept. 1. them seem to be reasonably Cultural Contributions of Ecuador to mark the then had dinner with Ll’xIIstudents from Ecuador ' vI
. ’ . . . , ', beginning of Pan American Week at UK. (kernel photo by lerrv billiams) _. 2“ 2 ,~ ' ‘- :'
Adelstein. in recommending good or even excellent prospects ' ' . L 2 - 9--
the change. spoke of the need as college students.” Under the W7 1 ’ ’ I . .. : I~v_I .
for the “dead" Tuesday in order prevrous regulations. they could w’ (lier'u‘uy (”2" n Hi) 2 ~I--I:II..-.I, . . :
that most of the drop-add not even be considered for ‘ "Iv - w I' 3.. I 'I. ,2
business be taken care of before admission. . . i- , ",7 .’. '.
classes start. Under the new The College of Law’s marking I , . {,'_
plan, a centralized drop-add system was also changed by the Ollutlon hearlngs 01’611 '2 f "'1. -I1._I
process will be instituted, senate. Presently operating with 4/ ’
robabl) in the Coliseum on the a numerical system. the college r _ _ , , . 2' “. if
Sead-day. Class work will begin will switch to a letter system, By WENDY 1“ WRIGHT ACt—‘I’rthh‘é t“ t» hh-Vh ”tht' th~"”>’~~‘dl 5t‘lsf‘r~"~‘\ II” ?’ a.‘ ;‘. f ., 2*
on Wednesday, and any left-over but with a difference from the , lEernel StaftIthtet . cmnmissmn shamld. instead of (menu;- l “hp-"51:1 \t H I; '. ..
drop-adds can still be completed. regular University plan. Pluses .. The kentucky Water Pollution hhhl‘tht’ \tdhthhth W Li” “We“ the? "l Mt ht“ '71: ~‘ 1 '.-,I .‘ I .
In other business with the and minuses will be counted. (ontIrol Commission this together. as \H’-4-3 does. sot H) the iuIntivIJ oi H.553: - _..:::'j. ".JLQ. . z 1
calendar, the senate approved thus making the highest grad morning opened public hearings standards for creeks .lc'ci'l'tlll‘itl I" besides :;»-.I .: .xI. . -,.I.=. I '.’- ~ »
the cutting of teaching days by possible an A+ or 4,3, Dr. 0“ proposed h‘gb‘lutltm geared their size.” .is tl.c chills: "-csifzciit ‘».i:?‘.t';‘ cI‘lx'...'II rs hi. I, r
one and the ending of the fall Garrett Flickenger. professor of toward cleaning “P kcntucky 8 proposal. WP-4-l. docs. . to 'cll“r:.'il'c"‘." ~i :‘ic ,5 ,. . i .
semester on Dec. 22 instead of law. explaining the wishes of the waterways. I . State Sen. Scott Miller Jr.. John M. IKWKIN. ; m. ,I 1-,
Dec. 33, law school. said that law It“ the 595310“ held It“ the though not present at the president .2: l; .i:~\:.~.- , ,_ ,. 1’
The senate 11150 tabled 11 students need a finer scale than kentucky Department "1 Health hearing. had a professor from (‘hambcIr oi (Wmirizncrc; and . sf 2 ._ _‘
motion to begin the spring the regular four categories. The Building in Frankfort, aInumbIer the University of Lt.‘lll.\\’lllL‘ read l..ouis\'ilic city .wrtiiiiisuuncr I.
semesters 1972-74 a week law school will switch 10 the Qt professors fromI UhlVIefISltlt‘S astatementtorhim. differed from ili~Ic‘~‘.lIlL‘.i;1ilL‘ or ’. .' -I':, I
earlier. That would have made new SYstem in the fall semester over the state, 8.16.“, cmzcils‘ “I “"11 a hard-nosed lawyer the (Iliaiubcr "‘1 .( ”Finns"? '3'} ' i ‘1:
Commencement exercises 1971, and . a Loursville City who believes legislation of water John Sawyer. who had lllillttiiI} I, '. ’I_I
commissioner testified on quality should be 1“in m1 spurred \k P413 and 2,. d.:_\ x -. r. -. I , 2
PTOPOSHtS Wthh would St‘t reasonable laws. without passion hearing is \\'.’3l as \x'itl‘ tin .k, .‘ a
1; * . standards for such things as or rheton-f‘ Md Miller‘s pron-Wm at, 2 :2, 2432.21? with: 'I’ f. it
water temperature. oxygen Statcmcnp Li‘vus on: that "2x: til". i '5 .' ‘IJ ' ‘I' , ' ,
c.“ CODtCllI. industrial W'dSiC. and “Tho problem of water (titanilu‘l' til ( .I1‘.:‘i‘2t‘iii 'itk: 7.2.1” 'l', r i. -. .‘I' 2 ”I:
ht a" human and animal W'JStt‘ th tht‘ control cannot be ignored. We the coitiriii~~ W overturned his conviction. The consenting adults. Baird revealed that thus far this Louisiana Florida and by Reps. Parren JI Mitchell, I
. . . Massachusetts Attorney General Baird. who now heads the year, 62 percent of his patients Tennessee ,last vear S718 D-Md., Michael JI Harrington. i
‘ appealed the decision, and the Parent Aid Clinic in Hempstead, have been Roman Catholics, . . ' ’ . ' D—M . d B -, . Si
' Su reme Court has taken the million went to tour ass., anI enJamin I
. . ‘ I C33; predominately white schools and Rosenthal, D‘NY'
' . » ‘ ' ' 8497.985 to an equal number of The lawmakers contended that
j g I . ————-—.— black institutions in those states. 0“? ICongIressfean dbeclare “'31
- , I I . Tile white schools have a 6-to-1 all tie rlglt o mem ers to vote
'. V ' ” ' THE KENTUCKY KERNEL r SCB Forum enrollment edge, but they had for or against fighting ‘1 war “has
. 1 The Kentucky xemei, University more than 3 14010-1 edge in been and continues to be
. 3t ' U . , _ . . ~§ .
, III Ingéo: Kemgsgzgiy48§0gregtézisd Eggs . federal land grant funds. impaired and defeated I b)
‘ Dos ge pai at Lexington. Kentucky. r- . - - . ~ ~- - continuiny tie war wit lout
M 1 » « _ . l\lxon administration ofllcuils t ,
I . . . Sngpgdld yfelgf $121861; ‘ggfiglai'sdxldnixgt: Ar, B uchwald SHVS steps are being [dken It) expressed legiSlathC approvdl'
. l V 4 ”;Srslgns' and once during me summer ‘ ‘ channel more federal funds into The congressmen declared that
. . plgif’ééii‘fis,”5x“ifos?'3{lic2'efi:”i‘:8’tf HUMOR/S T, COLUMN/ST predominantoly buck serous-1 ”W W °l Ell“ ?
V l _ 8'38“" as the Cadet in 1894 and While some black educators Constitution 15 “0t S‘mSlled l
.I . . quIELlshgilSIcontlnuously as the Kernel fear that merger Of black SClltK‘llS merely bCCtlllSt‘ CollgI’CSS VOlCS "
. Advertlsmg published herein is in~ .. ,-, ', mm, ,, , . to spend money or renew the
. . I . , d.d h (I, ,I With llILll “hit. countmparts ,.
. lglloeortfnisleggdfrl:ardsgftrisizlgshrfiilryl GRAND BALLROOM would mean scores of black dralt.
' . “was...“ be repgrltgjsé;$giofif“§;hq administrators and teachers What is necessary, the -
. .‘ . Yearly. by mail —~ $9.43 . would lose their jobs. they also complaint argued, is that
., , Pegggglggggggggl Wednesday, April 14—8 pm. believe that black schools will Congress "lust Cllllcr 533' lll 50
. . fdltor. managing Editor . ., 257—1755 never achieve a balanced many words that it is declaring
.. . , :riitoriaI Page Edltor. . . - , . ' ' . “‘ I"'t intentional
, .. , , . . . black-whitt enrollmcnl so long war, or in“ ”pl“
. Ass d E 05,. is, — I c . . . .
. , ‘ [iguana—(Elna; gillSlrnes:p((fltrcuIii-:::I-::::: ADMISSION FREE as competing white schools and ”discrete authorization ol
. . , , remainopen. war.
.' Don’t iUSt remember experiences . . . mm W M
-. Take them with you!
V ' ‘ Y 1971 K t k' n 5*u5z’lt6‘xlzrkaab3
‘ Thu [97] KENTUCKIAN u'ill ln' (’(lll('(l in two volumes for seniors: The paper 0 I
, lmunrl silnior rlrlition u'il/ l)(’ inr'lmlt’rl in tlul .wlnior fer. Tlli” remainder of flu’
‘ senior .s-iqnilrlnn’nts u‘ill lw nuulr' (ll'(lll(1l)l(’ to untlr'rizrmluafr’s for$2.00. The 1971 . S
KENTUCKIAN u'ill l)(’ solrl to ululr’rurmllultvs (HI (1 subscription basis f0r$6.0().
.4— plus tax. L COMMIflEE S HaVE:
. ' ‘ ' 1971 KENTUCKIAN 31“
~ , . Nam. D... o FEM Nos:
, Mailing Address
Street N
(9151‘ MORE INFO a 30
City State Zip Code AP P141 661'?! ON BLaNK 8
Classification I97] Kentuckion E Senior Supplement E] a: RM - 2.08 S. C . !
‘ “‘ *\ .

 —-—————_—-——-———————-———————_—_—_ THE KENTI'CKY KERNEL. Tuesday. April Ifi, “WI—3 ’ V, , I.

:ional ' " , £23 V ,- * gm ( ,_ - .‘
0f JUNE G N r .- i": ,

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“001’ MT“ BELLEW Delta Delta De'“ 5’9""? Alpha Epsilon BARBARA WELLS i If ,'
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also 6-9 pm. at Student Center -- ,

The two-week long electlons THE KENTUCKY KERNEL -
Yesterday began the two-week long Senate elections. Ninety-four UNWERSI'” 0‘" KENTUCKY l
students from 13 colleges are running, hopeful of filling the 17 newly W 1894 _m V_T_UE§P:E_AEEELIW_1
alloted University Senate seats. The procedure of voting is almost too WW
easy. All you have to do is pre-rcgister. turn in your computer cards, and Kernel S03 bOX (.
pick up a ballot. Make one check mark and hand it back. You’ve voted. _____P__ h
. But that procedure is much easier than the choosing of where to put Q ' ° C 9 ° :1
‘ that check mark. 111 some colleges, the choice is between two or three, but uesuonlng ates conSLStency n
' in others, such as Arts and Sciences, and Education. a student must make , . , , BY STEVE GALBREATh .
_ - - ‘ . ,, . 1 . . While reading Willie Gates’ second segment (Uncle Wiggily—) of his recent three part tl
. a “home from one Of Sixteen or so candldates. series, I became increasingly aware of his arrogant “above-it-all” attitude and saw fit to kl
. The Kentueky Kernel staff has decided not to endorse any of the write this as a personal rebuke. His haughty “observations” of the entire student body ai
‘ . , candidates. We feel that since most of the staff is Arts and Sciences not only contradict his shrouded message, they serve to insult each individual student w
. . . 1 .4 x x . 3 . ‘ . . by stripping away his/her personality. u
, , College-oriented, and Since the tOtalhumber 0t: candldates 15 SO large, We First of all, Mr. Gates avails himself of the overworked “intellectual right” to D
could not do a responSIble job of fairly evaluatlng all Of the candidates In scientifically categorize the masses. He gives us Student 1 and Student 2 and defines
_ ' 7 the separate college races. them in that order. (He seems to have quite a penchant for numerals ie. Willie Gates id
However we feel that the Senate elections are as crucial and merit the III.) S‘hee hm het dealing With the met segment and can’t tether" it ahywey’ l mu“
, ’ . . rely on my understanding of Mr. Gates’ Student 2.
. - . same 50“ 0f attention and seriousness that surrounded the Student As I see it Student 2 comes offa psuedo-intellectual, quasi~capitalist old rabbit with
. Government Presidential and Vice Presidential elections, an overblown ego, a flair for bellbottoms, Andy Warhol, Peter Max posters and liberal
, t We urge all students to take the time to consider the merits and causes: wh° walks through the ghetto Sthgthg “Light my Fhe” Whhe paSSthg out
» _ , . anti-pollution buttons to the poor people.
demerits of each of the candidates for the Senate seat from their college. I’m reasonably sure that Mr. Gates didn’t intend to paint such a picture, however, (A
_ ‘ Most of the candidates have issued comprehensive statements outlining the effects of his writings certainly nullify his good intentions. He seems to confuse .se;
‘ . ’ their philosophies and stands on academic matters. These should be read gerceptual alflllty With good cycnght, falls to adequately define his use Of the word :
. and thought about assunilation _f°l' 113, and overall apparently isn’t able to differentiate between Vi
. , , . .- . . snobbish cymCism and serious comment in his writing style. I question his consistency
-. . Don t wait until the ballot is handed to you and your only recourse 15 when in one paragraph he ridicules Student 2’s stereotypical nature and in the next he Ml
' . to vote for the name you’ve heard before. The seats these candidates will arealflts them With “thinking in highly abstract theories.” Theiuxtaposition speaks for Et
. . . . 1 Se .
, . fill represent an important step for the student body in determming the Despite all, his point regarding Student 2,8 deep resentment of being placed Ne
kthd 0t education they Wth receive. However, as m the paSt: all StUdehtS arbitrarily in stultifying, depersonalizing categories is well taken. However, writers like d”
' must take the first step and vote responsibly. Willie Gates III are no less guilty of the same offense. 3:
' I
~ ’ -. _._ ‘ ‘ " "c ‘ " :
- -.5I:I:1:2z1.221:1:I:-':1:?:='1:3$;2:1:¢-'-'-s"i£:£.E;1:E'é:their?315:1z:3::;J.;'.'.I:~‘.£:3’~‘F'>.':‘$:?$r=:~‘." 513:3: . "'...,'~'-'~':-I:~123:15‘4953526277‘51:5aI<-'?‘-4-‘ -9‘-:~:r-:i’r"?'ii’4-="'3'-e5-":»"-‘-':-:-‘-‘55"'.
, g . . , amouzJ Kernel F or" m. the readers wrlte am $42:
4 , Supports Graham undermining the authority of the Senate. answered and to acquaint you with the attempts to have one. If some other form g“
. ' Further reflection on the powerlessness people and their situation. of action would be more effective, then a.
. . To the Editor Of the Kernel: of the senators, on the obviously token Surely you must have something to say that would be the route we would take.
. With the eteCthh for Sthdeht Senate nature of their proposed participation, on about the novel idea of taxing the Coal The boycott is not definite. The
. . ” coming up, students now have an the basic non-validity of the Industry? decision will be made at a meeting to be
. l . opportunity to implement the Spirit Of non-representative representative, has led Again, we would like you to speak at 2 held in Room 206 of the Student Center
' I the Tripartite. Ah encouraging number 0t me to conclude that no such forthrightly p.m., Fayette County Courthouse, on Tuesday, April 13, I971. The meeting
., 7, . - Sthdehts have filed as candidates. It is a subversive activity as I proposed could Lexington, Kentucky. is open to the public and students,
time Of increased Sthdeht awareness and have the basis in the reality of the Senate Oh yes, if you could possibly get here faculty and administrators are invited to
» . I participation, hOt one Of political dealing process to produce the chaos that I think by noon, the Campus Friends of PCCA come and air any comments they may '1
I , ' and bickering. I believe Dthd Graham, the situation demands. The same have entered a turtle in the annual U of K have on this very difficult situation. :3
' a , candidate for Student Senator from Arts powerlessness that demands nullification Little Kentucky Derby Race. We’ve Mark Neil Pastor
” - 'W‘ hhtt Sciences, exemplifies thts new Spmt of the Senate process makes attempts at named him Stewart Cort. Sophomore, A. & S. .
_’ h t 0t student concern. th his association such nullification futile. The University of Kentucky Re
V I . With Free University, Davrd Graham has So I withdraw my name from the Campus Friends of the Supports Sharp 2;
' demonstrated a desire for academic ballot; and instead of for your vote, I ask Pike County Citizen’s 1
alternatives “hh reforms above tthtt—‘h or for you that you consider the following Association TO the Editor 0f the Kernel: CH
' ' ambition. Some Of the programs he Wlh things. There is little chance that a l WOUld like to take advantage 0f the in
' . , work torinclude: . student senator will be successful in a Graham support forum you offer l0 advise your readers I:
. ' ' 1’ Reassessment 0t General Studies and functional sense (this University will not _ and eSpeCNilly graduate students Of my Ch
5 ' ‘ a voluntary alternative for those Who become student oriented). The best that To the Ed't‘" Of the Kernel: withdrawal from the race for the Senate 2d
- ~ 1 . desire it _ can be hoped for is a senator who will Over the last couple 0f weeks I have seat representing graduate students. My Q:
~ . " ‘ 3) Mandatory teacher evaluation pose alternatives so foreign to the present talked W‘th several Of the candidates for efforts to remove my name from the 06'
' ' 3) Reorganization 0f the advisory institution that even the most complacent Unrversrty Senator from A' and S" and ballot may not be SUCCCSSfUla however, ‘
' system. . _ faculty member will feel challanged ( or read most 9f the” platforms. The one because of the late date. I would g2
. U 4)Alternative to the foreign language at least, threatened) by the new Who mmt. impresses, and thoone to appreciate if those who would have voted fur.
' . * ‘ requtrcment- possibilities. A candidate who indicateda Whom t We my h‘h SUPPO” ‘5 hahd for me,would support A1 Sharp. 3,;
-. ’ . 5) Reduction 0t hours heeded to penchant for “hard work” and “getting Gram?"- . My purposes in entering llllS election Btu
'V *~ ’ ' graduate from 128 to 120' things done” is likely to also have that During the lastyear l)av1d G‘f’ha’" has were to responsibly represent graduate 3‘
‘ » p i . 6) Support Of the original Tripartite odd virtue dn which careers are built, shown .gteat ability in wqume Wlth students and to contribute to the $5]
» , proposal providing for representatives of behind-the scenes compromise. people in h15_ 10b 35 a C- A- 1n K1rw1n 1, development of graduate student c
college according l0 population. Such compromise will give student and by working hard and well "1 the Free organizations. Both of these can be better ME
> I 7) Greater emphasis placed on summer participation ( or what the Trustees so U' Next year he “”11 be a co-ordinator'of served by Mr. Sharp in his position 35 the :3"
. . , orientation program. benignly call student participation) a the Free U' Also he Wth again be workin